*Pages 1--3 from Microsoft Word - 54210.doc* 1 Attachment C SEARCH INSTRUCTIONS FOR GRANTED LICENCES FOR BROADBAND PCS AUCTION NO. 58 This attachment provides instructions for electronically searching the FCC Network for a specific license or licenses on file with the Commission. The following instructions relate specifically to searching for granted licenses associated with Auction 58. Conventions The instructions in this attachment use the following typographic conventions: bold Represents objects on the screen that you click with the mouse pointer, including buttons, Internet links, icon, tabs, menu items (e. g., Cancel button, Auctions link, Save option in the File menu). italic Represents field names or areas of a screen (e. g., Licensee Name field, Applicant Information area of a page). bold italic Represents characters that you must type exactly as they appear in the instructions. For example, if you are instructed to type http:// wireless. fcc. gov/ uls, you should type all of the characters shown in bold italic exactly as they are printed. SMALL CAPS Represents keys on the keyboard (e. g., ENTER, CTRL, ESC). Performing a License Search Follow the procedures set forth below to search for a license. You may click the Help button at any time for additional information on using License Search. 1. Access the Commission’s Universal Licensing System (ULS) through the Internet at http:// wireless. fcc. gov/ uls. You may also connect to ULS by establishing a direct dial- up connection. To establish a direct dial up connection, configure your dial- up network to dial 800- 844- 2784. Then point your Web browser to http:// wireless. fcc. gov/ uls. Note: Connecting to the FCC Network requires at a minimum the following hardware: Pentium 133 CPU; 32 MB RAM; VGA monitor; 28.8 Kbps, Hayes- compatible modem; and a mouse or other pointing device. For both Internet and direct dial- up connections, you may use standard browser software to perform a license search in ULS. 2. On the Universal Licensing System main page, click the Search Licenses button, located in the center of the page. 1