A-1 DA 08-84 APPENDIX: DESCRIPTION OF XML FILE FORMATS FOR AUCTIONS 73 AND 76 LIMITED INFORMATION MODE All Bids Column Data Type Field Size Description auction_id Number Integer Auction number auction_description Text 50 Auction description round Number Integer The round number. In this report, it is also the round number in which the bid was placed. item_name Text 20 A unique identifier for the item item_description Text 50 Description of the item market Text 40 Identifies the geographic region that an item covers. For Auctions 73 and 76, this value is blank for packages. block Text 30 Identifies the frequency block of the item. submarket Text 30 Indicates a partitioned or disaggregated market. increments_of_bid Number Integer Number of bid increments selected by the bidder to produce the bid amount. This is a whole number between 1 (the minimum acceptable bid) and 9. bid_amount Currency The dollar amount of the bid, before any bidding credit is applied. date Date/Time Date when the bid was placed (MM/DD/YYYY). selection_number Number Double A pseudo random number assigned to the bid, used when resolving ties. Considered Bids Column Data Type Field Size Description auction_id Number Integer Auction number auction_description Text 50 Auction description round Number Integer The round number item_name Text 20 A unique identifier for the item item_description Text 50 Description of the item A-2 Column Data Type Field Size Description bid_round Number Integer The round number in which the bid was placed bid_amount Currency The dollar amount of the bid, before any bidding credit is applied. selection_number Number Double A pseudo random number assigned to the bid used when resolving ties. pwb Text 5 Indicates whether the bid is provisionally winning (Y or N). Increment Statistics Column Data Type Field Size Description auction_id Number Integer Auction number auction_description Text 50 Auction description round Number Integer The round number increment_1 Number Long Integer Count of this round’s bids placed using the 1st bid amount, the minimum acceptable bid. increment_2 Number Long Integer Count of this round’s bids placed using the 2nd bid amount. increment_3 Number Long Integer Count of this round’s bids placed using the 3rd bid amount. increment_4 Number Long Integer Count of this round’s bids placed using the 4th bid amount. increment_5 Number Long Integer Count of this round’s bids placed using the 5th bid amount. increment_6 Number Long Integer Count of this round’s bids placed using the 6th bid amount. increment_7 Number Long Integer Count of this round’s bids placed using the 7th bid amount. increment_8 Number Long Integer Count of this round’s bids placed using the 8th bid amount. increment_9 Number Long Integer Count of this round’s bids placed using the 9th bid amount. Items Column Data Type Field Size Description auction_id Number Integer Auction number auction_description Text 50 Auction description A-3 Column Data Type Field Size Description round Number Integer The round number item_name Text 20 A unique identifier for the item item_description Text 50 Description of the item market Text 40 Identifies the geographic region that an item covers. For Auctions 73 and 76, this value is blank for packages. block Text 30 Identifies the frequency block of the item. submarket Text 30 Indicates a partitioned or disaggregated market. size_mhz Text 30 The amount of spectrum included in the item, in megahertz. bidding_units Number Double Bidding units associated with an item; used to determine activity. population Number Double Number of people covered by the item. This number is based on census figures for the geographic area. number_of_bids Number Long Integer Number of bids placed on the item during the round. pwb_amount Currency The dollar amount of the provisionally winning bid, before any bidding credit is applied. This value is $0.00 for items not covered by provisionally winning bids. For items that are covered by PWBs on other items — e.g., licenses that are part of a package that has a PWB — this value is blank in the XML database files and $0.00 in the XML spreadsheet files. round_of_pwb Number Integer Round in which the provisionally winning bid was placed. This value is 0 if there is not a provisionally winning bid on the item. For items that are covered by PWBs on other items — e.g., licenses that are part of a package that has a PWB — this value is blank in the XML database files and 0 in the XML spreadsheet files. A-4 Column Data Type Field Size Description increments_of_pwb Number Integer Number of bid increments selected by the bidder to produce the bid amount. This is a whole number between 1 (the minimum acceptable bid) and 9. This value is 0 if there is not a provisionally winning bid on the item. For licenses, this value is blank in the XML database files and 0 in the XML spreadsheet files if there is a provisionally winning bid on a package containing the license. For packages, this value is blank in the XML database files and 0 in the XML spreadsheet files if there are provisionally winning bids on licenses comprising the package. date Date/Time Date when the provisionally winning bid was placed (MM/DD/YYYY). This value is blank if there is not a provisionally winning bid on the item. number_bidders Number Long Integer Number of bidders that have placed a bid on the license, taking into account bids placed on the license itself and on packages containing the license. This value is blank for packages. mab Currency The minimum acceptable bid for the next round. mab_increment Currency The amount in dollars of the first bid increment. This is the dollar difference between the provisionally winning bid amount or CPE and the MAB for the item for the next round. mab_increment_percentage Number Single The percentage by which the provisionally winning bid or CPE is increased to calculate the new minimum acceptable bid. This value is blank for packages. mab_floor Number Single The minimum percentage increment or percentage increment floor used in the MAB calculation for the license. This value is blank for packages. mab_ceiling Number Single The maximum percentage increment or percentage increment ceiling used in the MAB calculation for the license. This value is blank for packages. activity_weight Number Single The factor used in the MAB calculation for weighting the current round’s activity. This value is blank for packages. number_additional_increments Number Long Integer In addition to the MAB amount, the number of amounts in the bid amount drop-down list. A-5 Column Data Type Field Size Description bid_increment_percentage Number Single The percentage of the MAB used to calculate additional bid amounts. round_of_previous_pwb Number Integer The round in which the last provisionally winning bid different from the current provisionally winning bid was placed. previous_pwb_amount Currency Dollar amount of the previous provisionally winning bid, before any bidding credit is applied. uda_7 Text 50 Identifies the package, if any, that contains the license. uda_8 Text 50 User-defined column (not used). uda_9 Text 50 User-defined column (not used). uda_10 Text 50 User-defined column (not used). Round Statistics Column Data Type Field Size Description auction_id Number Integer Auction number auction_description Text 50 Auction description round Number Integer The round number round_start_date_time Date/Time Date and time the round opened (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM). stage Number Integer Identifies the activity rule stage of the auction. new_bids Number Long Integer Number of new bids placed in this round. number_pwbs Number Long Integer Number of bids on items (licenses and packages) that are provisionally winning. number_pw_license_bids Number Long Integer Number of bids on licenses that are provisionally winning. number_licenses_covered_pwbs Number Long Integer The number of licenses covered by provisionally winning bids, considering bids on licenses and packages. fcc_held_licenses Number Long Integer Number of individual licenses that are not covered by a provisionally winning bid. stage_transition_percentage Number Double Sum of the bidding units for items with new bids divided by the sum of the bidding units for all items. A-6 Column Data Type Field Size Description stage_transition_percentage_less_fcc_held Number Double Sum of the bidding units for items with new bids divided by the sum of the bidding units for all items where the FCC is not the provisionally winning bidder. total_pwb_amount Currency Total dollar amount of provisionally winning bids as of this round. dollar_change_in_pwb_amount Currency The dollar change in the total provisionally winning bid amount from the previous round. percentage_change_in_pwb_amount Number Double The percentage change in the provisionally winning bid amount from the previous round. percentage_of_covered_bidding_units Number Double Percentage of the bidding units of items that are covered by provisionally winning bids. proactive_waivers_used Text 5 Indicates whether any proactive waivers were used in the round (Y or N). withdrawn_bids Number Long Integer Number of bids withdrawn in the round. dropped_bids Number Long Integer Number of bids dropped in the round. Withdrawn PWBs Column Data Type Field Size Description auction_id Number Integer Auction number auction_description Text 50 Auction description item_name Text 20 A unique identifier for the item item_description Text 50 Description of the item market Text 40 Identifies the geographic region that an item covers. For Auctions 73 and 76, this value is blank for packages. block Text 30 Identifies the frequency block of the item. submarket Text 30 Indicates a partitioned or disaggregated market. round_of_withdrawal Number Integer Round number in which the bid was withdrawn. round_withdrawn_pwb_placed Number Integer The round in which the withdrawn bid was originally placed (bid round, not the round of withdrawal). A-7 Column Data Type Field Size Description withdrawn_pwb_amount Currency The dollar amount of the withdrawn bid, before any bidding credit is applied. date Date/Time Date when the bid was withdrawn (MM/DD/YYYY). mab Currency The minimum acceptable bid for the next round. Dropped Bids Column Data Type Field Size Description auction_id Number Integer Auction number auction_description Text 50 Auction description item_name Text 20 A unique identifier for the item item_description Text 50 Description of the item market Text 40 Identifies the geographic region that an item covers. For Auctions 73 and 76, this value is blank for packages. block Text 30 Identifies the frequency block of the item. submarket Text 30 Indicates a partitioned or disaggregated market. round_of_drop Number Integer Round number in which the bid was dropped. round_dropped_bid_placed Number Integer The round in which the dropped bid was placed (bid round, not the drop round). dropped_bid_amount Currency The dollar amount of the bid, before any bidding credit is applied. date Date/Time Date when the bid was dropped (MM/DD/YYYY). Auction Admin Column Data Type Field Size Description auction_id Number Integer Auction number auction_description Text 50 Auction description round Number Integer The round number mab_floor Number Double The minimum percentage increment or percentage increment floor used in the minimum acceptable bid (MAB) calculations for the next round. A-8 Column Data Type Field Size Description mab_ceiling Number Double The maximum percentage increment or percentage increment ceiling used in the MAB calculations for the next round. increment_dollar_cap Currency The maximum value of the bid increment amount used to calculate MABs and additional bid amounts for the next round. activity_weight Number Double The factor used in the MAB calculations for the next round for weighting the current round’s activity. required_activity_percentage Number Double The percentage of activity required in the next round. solver_optimum_percentage Number Double The minimum relative gap percentage used by the solver when greater than zero. This value is 1 when the solver is configured for 100% optimization. solver_options Text 50 Indicates whether tied bids are identified by the system. price_weight Number Double A factor used in calculating item prices using the smoothed anchoring method. (Unused in Auctions 73 and 76; reported as 0.)