DA 12-121 Attachment B: Road Categories, Descriptions, and Total Miles in Preliminary List of Potentially Eligible Census Blocks MTFCC Feature Class Feature Class Description Total Miles S1100 Primary Road Primary roads are generally divided, limited-access highways within the interstate highway system or under state management, and are distinguished by the presence of interchanges. These highways are accessible by ramps and may include some toll highways. 474 S1200 Secondary Road Secondary roads are main arteries, usually in the U.S. Highway, State Highway or County Highway system. These roads have one or more lanes of traffic in each direction, may or may not be divided, and usually have at-grade intersections with many other roads and driveways. They often have both a local name and a route number. 37,164 S1400 Local Neighborhood Road, Rural Road, City Street Generally a paved non-arterial street, road, or byway that usually has a single lane of traffic in each direction. Roads in this feature class may be privately or publicly maintained. Scenic park roads would be included in this feature class, as would (depending on the region of the country) some unpaved roads. 665,314 S1500 Vehicular Trail (4WD) An unpaved dirt trail where a four-wheel drive vehicle is required. These vehicular trails are found almost exclusively in very rural areas. Minor, unpaved roads usable by ordinary cars and trucks belong in the S1400 category. 81,640 S1630 Ramp A road that allows controlled access from adjacent roads onto a limited access highway, often in the form of a cloverleaf interchange. These roads are unaddressable. 115 S1640 Service Drive usually along a limited access highway A road, usually paralleling a limited access highway, that provides access to structures along the highway. These roads can be named and may intersect with other roads. 12,609 S1730 Alley A service road that does not generally have associated addressed structures and is usually unnamed. It is located at the rear of buildings and properties and is used for deliveries. 211 S1740 Private Road for service vehicles (logging, oil fields, ranches, etc.) A road within private property that is privately maintained for service, extractive, or other purposes. These roads are often unnamed. 38,255 S1750 Internal U.S. Census Bureau use. Internal U.S. Census Bureau use. 1,497 837,278 Source: Appendix F – MAF/TIGER Feature Class Code (MTFCC) Definitions, pages F-186 and F-187, at http://www.census.gov/geo/www/tiger/tgrshp2010/documentation.html (last visited Feb. 2, 2012), and FCC analysis.