Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 July 29, 2016 DA 16-867 ET Docket No. 13-49 Mary L. Brown Sr. Director, Government Affairs Cisco Systems, Inc. 601 Pennsylvania Ave NW 9th floor North Washington DC 20005 Dear Ms. Brown: The Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) is granting the request of Cisco Systems, Inc. (Cisco) for a short extension of the deadline to submit prototype devices operating in the 5.850-5.925 GHz band that demonstrate sharing techniques. In your letter filed July 27, 2016, you state that Cisco continues to “develop and evolve its proposal to attempt to find the optimum way in which IEEE 802.11ac radios could share with [Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC)] radios without causing harmful interference to DSRC....”1 Further, you state that due to prototype production timelines and previously-scheduled business travel of Cisco staff overseeing the prototype testing, you request a short extension of the submission deadline, from July 30, 2016 to August 18, 2016, to complete the necessary work on the devices.2 In the Public Notice seeking to update and refresh the record in the Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) devices in the 5 GHz proceeding, the Commission set a July 30, 2016 deadline by which parties are to submit prototype, unlicensed, interference-avoiding devices to the Commission for testing of potential sharing solutions between proposed U-NII devices and DSRC operations in the 5.850- 5.925 GHz band.3 The Commission also delegated authority to OET to grant extensions of the deadline for good cause shown. Specifically, the Public Notice states, “[g]iven the importance of this item, parties should explain in detail in any waiver or extension request why such request should be granted.”4 We find that the information you provide in your letter, along with the request for a short extension of the relevant deadline, satisfies the requirement the Commission outlined in the Public Notice for OET to act on your extension request, and we conclude that granting your request is in the public interest. Accordingly, pursuant to the delegated authority in Sections 0.31 and 0.241 of the Commission rules, 47 1 Letter from Mary L. Brown, Cisco Systems, Inc., to Julius Knapp, Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology at 1 (July 27, 2016) (on file in ET Docket No. 13-49). 2 Id. at 1-2. 3 The Commission Seeks to Update and Refresh the Record in the “Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) Devices in the 5 GHz Band” Proceeding, ET Docket No. 13-49, Public Notice, 31 FCC Rcd 6130, 6138 (2016) (Public Notice). 4 Id. Mary L. Brown July 29, 2016 Page 2 CFR §§ 0.31, 0.241, we extend the deadline until August 18, 2016 for Cisco Systems Inc. to submit to the Commission prototype devices demonstrating sharing techniques operating in the 5.850-5.925 GHz band. Sincerely, Julius P. Knapp Chief Office of Engineering and Technology