Connect America Fund Phase II Attachment B Auction ID: 903 Bids in Default Date of Report: 04/03/2019 # of # of Winning Bid Census Eligible Amount Applicant Winning Bid Block Census # of (total over Name FRN Name State Groups Blocks Locations 10 years) Fidelity Communications 0024948192 AR-119-0043032 Arkansas 1 3 7 $ 25,177.80 Company Fidelity Communications 0024948192 AR-125-0101032 Arkansas 1 1 3 $ 23,282.10 Company Fidelity Communications 0024948192 MO-059-4802002 Missouri 1 1 3 $ 7,252.00 Company Fidelity Communications 0024948192 MO-091-0905004 Missouri 1 1 4 $ 11,356.10 Company Fidelity Communications 0024948192 MO-091-0907002 Missouri 1 1 2 $ 5,759.00 Company 1 5 24 $ 133,743.50 Hanson Communications, Inc. 0015551302 SD-103-0110051 South Dakota Hanson Communications, Inc. 0015551302 SD-103-0110052 South Dakota 1 4 11 $ 72,074.20 Johnson Telephone Company 0004311304 MN-001-7702003 Minnesota 1 1 47 $ 81,272.50 MGW Networks, LLC 0019225366 VA-015-0708005 Virginia 1 19 109 $ 243,899.20 MGW Networks, LLC 0019225366 VA-015-0709001 Virginia 1 16 129 $ 173,907.40 NE Colorado Cellular, Inc. 0001607225 KS-063-9552001 Kansas 1 1 2 $ 8,765.00 NE Colorado Cellular, Inc. 0001607225 KS-109-9546003 Kansas 1 14 18 $ 78,895.00 Pine Cellular Phones, Inc. 0012882643 OK-077-0871001 Oklahoma 1 7 60 $ 25,956.00 Pine Cellular Phones, Inc. 0012882643 OK-077-0871002 Oklahoma 1 9 29 $ 10,849.80 Pine Cellular Phones, Inc. 0012882643 OK-077-0872001 Oklahoma 1 84 579 $ 236,190.00 Pine Cellular Phones, Inc. 0012882643 OK-077-0872002 Oklahoma 1 12 54 $ 17,246.90 Pine Cellular Phones, Inc. 0012882643 OK-077-0872003 Oklahoma 1 7 49 $ 16,746.20 Pine Cellular Phones, Inc. 0012882643 OK-077-0872004 Oklahoma 1 2 22 $ 1,925.10 Pine Cellular Phones, Inc. 0012882643 OK-079-0405004 Oklahoma 1 12 69 $ 17,236.80 Pine Cellular Phones, Inc. 0012882643 OK-079-0407003 Oklahoma 1 6 59 $ 8,850.60 1 of 2 Connect America Fund Phase II Attachment B Auction ID: 903 Bids in Default Date of Report: 04/03/2019 # of # of Winning Bid Census Eligible Amount Applicant Winning Bid Block Census # of (total over Name FRN Name State Groups Blocks Locations 10 years) SyncWave, LLC 0019974385 MI-101-0004002 Michigan 1 1 5 $ 3,851.90 SyncWave, LLC 0019974385 MI-101-0007001 Michigan 1 2 9 $ 8,270.60 SyncWave, LLC 0019974385 MI-101-0007004 Michigan 1 1 3 $ 2,103.40 SyncWave, LLC 0019974385 MI-105-9508003 Michigan 1 1 4 $ 10,618.40 Total Highspeed LLC 0017633405 tract4647 Missouri 10 121 386 $ 640,560.00 Townes Wireless, Inc. 0027368786 KS-055-9601001 Kansas 1 5 9 $ 82,101.60 Townes Wireless, Inc. 0027368786 KS-101-9566002 Kansas 1 1 1 $ 9,816.80 Townes Wireless, Inc. 0027368786 MS Kansas 2 6 10 $ 98,179.20 WPS 0011653508 OK-049-6811001 Oklahoma 1 38 176 $ 57,761.10 WPS 0011653508 OK-049-6811002 Oklahoma 1 4 25 $ 4,790.60 WPS 0011653508 OK-049-6812001 Oklahoma 1 14 57 $ 40,067.40 WPS 0011653508 OK-123-0886001 Oklahoma 1 30 274 $ 73,100.20 WPS 0011653508 OK-123-0886004 Oklahoma 1 4 48 $ 5,423.00 WPS 0011653508 OK-123-0887001 Oklahoma 1 6 18 $ 7,412.60 WPS 0011653508 OK-123-0895982 Oklahoma 1 10 42 $ 9,783.30 WPS 0011653508 OK-125-5013001 Oklahoma 1 22 152 $ 45,004.20 WPS 0011653508 OK-125-5013002 Oklahoma 1 3 15 $ 5,421.30 WPS 0011653508 OK-125-5013003 Oklahoma 1 34 147 $ 75,245.40 2 of 2