Federal Communications Commission DA 22-1306 DA 22-1306 Released: December 15, 2022 BROADBAND DATA TASK FORCE ANNOUNCES RELEASE OF TRAINING VIDEO FOR FIXED INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS RESPONDING TO BROADBAND DATA COLLECTION CHALLENGES WC Docket Nos. 19-195, 11-10 By this Public Notice, the Broadband Data Task Force (Task Force) announces the release of two training videos to assist internet service providers in responding to individual and bulk fixed availability challenges as part of the Broadband Data Collection (BDC). The first video demonstrates how to access challenge data, concede a challenge, dispute a challenge, track the status of challenges, submit evidence, and report on the status of disputed challenges within the BDC system. It is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMfm659Wclk. The second video provides an overview of each step in responding to a challenge and includes information on illustrative questions that may arise as they navigate the challenge process, including, for example, timelines for broadband service providers to respond to fixed challenges and types of evidence that may be used to rebut a challenge. The second video is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLZme97EHvU. Under the Commission’s rules, a provider will be notified when a fixed availability challenge with all required elements is submitted against it 47 CFR § 1.7006(d)(2). and must respond to the challenge in the BDC system within 60 days of being notified by either: (1) accepting the assertions raised by the challenger, thereby conceding the challenge; 47 CFR § 1.7006(d)(3)(i). or (2) denying the assertions raised by the challenger and thereby disputing the challenge. 47 CFR § 1.7006(d)(3)(ii). If a provider denies the assertions in a challenge regarding its reported availability, it must submit evidence that its service at the challenged location is consistent with its BDC data. 47 CFR § 1.7006(d)(3)(ii). If the provider disputes the challenge, the provider and the challenger then have an additional 60 days from the date the provider submits its reply, to attempt to resolve the challenge. 47 CFR § 1.7006(d)(3)(ii). We note that such engagement can begin at any time after you receive the challenge and need not wait until after the provider submits its responses. The provider must report the status of efforts to resolve the challenge in the BDC system not later than 60 days after the provider responds to the challenge. Where a challenge remains disputed at this stage, the Commission will review the evidence and make a determination either: (i) in favor of the challenger; or (ii) in favor of the provider. 47 CFR § 1.7006(6)(i)-(ii). A provider that either concedes a challenge, fails to respond to a challenge, or loses a challenge must submit, within 30 days, corrected availability data for the relevant as-of date that accounts for the issue raised in the challenge. 47 CFR § 1.7006(d)(3)(i), (d)(4), (d)(6)(i). Additional technical assistance resources related to the availability challenge process, including links to a comprehensive webinar, video tutorials, help articles, data specifications, and a BDC system user guide are also available at www.fcc.gov/BroadbandData/Help. Requests for technical support may also be submitted using the “Get Help” link available on that page. For further information regarding this Public Notice, please contact Will Holloway, William.Holloway@fcc.gov, or Kimia Nikseresht, Kimia.Nikseresht@fcc.gov. For media inquiries please contact Anne Veigle, Anne.Veigle@fcc.gov. -FCC- 2