12/05/01 WED 10:50 FAX j 002 s/s 200127993 ORIG LTR TO ADDRESSEE -COPIES TO United States Department of State S D Under Secretary ofState P!SL for Economic, Business, and 7001 UEC-3 Agricultural Affairs Washington, D.C. 20520—7512 S/ES December 3, 2001 sp Dear Mr. Chairman: PA/RB of the Federal Communication Commission’s S — S In light (Commission) rulemaking proceeding In the Matter of Review of Commission Consideration of Applications under the Cable ‘PS Landing License Act, lB Docket No. 00-106, the Department of HEW) State has reviewed the procedures it applies to submarine cable landing license applications with a view to expediting the process. Mindful of the Secretary of State’s obligations under the Cable Landing License Act (47 U.S.C. § 34 —39) as delegated in Executive Order No. 10530, the Department of State will streamline its review process to help U.S. companies stay competitive and assist the Commission in efficiently carrying out its responsibilities under the Cable Landing License Act as delegated in Executive Order No. 10530. In order to facilitate the Commission’s adoption of streamlined submarine cable landing license procedures, the Department of State hereby approves the Cornmissions grant or revocation of all submarine cable license applications, provided that the Commission has notified in writing the United States Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy fEB/Cl?), and other interested Executive Branch agencies, of each such license application and that no objections are raised by the Department within 30 days after such notification. In addition, this blanket approval applies to prospective pro forma assignments or transfers of control of interests in the cable landing license. The Department will make its best effort to notify the Commission of any objections it might have to the grant or revocation of a license as soon as possible. Neither the Commission nor the applicant for a lIcense may consider the grant of a license approved if any such objections are pending. The Honorable Michael Powell, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20554. 1Z/U/U1 flbV iU:U FAA IjOO3 2 These new approval procedures are intended to better facilitate the conduct of interstate and foreign corrunerce without jeopardizing national security. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Alan Larson