Connect America Fund Phase II Attachment B Auction ID: 903 Bids in Default Date of Report: 06/14/2022 # of # of Winning Bid Census Eligible Amount Applicant Winning Bid Block Census # of (total over Name FRN Name State Groups Blocks Locations 10 years) Viasat Carrier Services, Inc.0027846104OR-019-2100001 Oregon 1 30 76 $ 108,646.90 Viasat Carrier Services, Inc.0027846104OR-019-2100004 Oregon 1 16 33 $ 34,746.00 Viasat Carrier Services, Inc.0027846104OR-031-9400001 Oregon 1 9 29 $ 26,294.20 Viasat Carrier Services, Inc.0027846104OR-035-9702003 Oregon 1 2 7 $ 2,313.80 Viasat Carrier Services, Inc.0027846104OR-065-9708004 Oregon 1 7 8 $ 11,711.70 1 of 1