2 Federal Communications Commission DA 23-131 DA 23-131 Released: February 15, 2023 FCC TASK FORCE TO PREVENT DIGITAL DISCRIMINATION LAUNCHES REGIONAL LISTENING SESSIONS IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA  GN Docket No. 22-69  On February 21, 2023, the FCC’s Task Force to Prevent Digital Discrimination will host the first of a series of listening sessions to gain additional information and understanding from affected communities, state, local, and Tribal governments, public interest advocates, and providers about challenges, barriers and experiences in ensuring all people of the United States benefit from equal access to broadband. The purpose of these listening sessions is to continue the Commission’s outreach in support of its ongoing efforts to promote equal access to broadband for everyone. On December 21, 2022, the Commission adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking looking to implement provisions of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act pertaining to the prevention and elimination of digital discrimination. The Act establishes various requirements for the prevention and elimination of digital discrimination and tasks the FCC to adopt rules to facilitate equal access to broadband internet access service. The first listening session will take place, from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. PT, at The Beehive by SOLA Impact, 1000 East 60th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90001. The program agenda will include presentations from the Task Force, local leaders, and stakeholders, and will include an opportunity for members of the public to share their broadband access experiences in furtherance of the Commission’s goals to create a framework for addressing digital discrimination. The listening session will be recorded and archived on the FCC’s website. Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. Requests for accommodations should be submitted via e-mail to fcc504@fcc.gov or by calling the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202) 418-0530 (voice). Such requests should include a detailed description of the accommodation needed. In addition, please include a way for the FCC to contact the requester if more information is needed to fill the request. Last minute requests will be accepted but may not be possible to accommodate. Additional information about the listening sessions and the Task Force’s work can be found at: https://www.fcc.gov/task-force-prevent-digital-discrimination. To contact or request a meeting with the Task Force to Prevent Digital Discrimination, email PreventDigitalDiscrimination@fcc.gov.  -FCC- 2