DA 92-90 Federal Communications Commission Record Before the Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 PUBLIC NOTICE Released: January 30, 1992 NOTICE OF COMMENT FILING DATES ON NECA'S PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO THE AVERAGE SCHEDULE FORMULAS On December 31, 1991, the National Exchange Carrier Association. Inc. ("NECA") filed modifications to the in­ terstate average schedules that NECA proposes would be­ come effective on July 1. 1992. NECA states that its proposed modifications would. on average, increase exchange carrier settlements by 11.25%. Carriers with 500 or fewer access lines would receive the largest projected increase (30.1 % ), while carriers with 50.000 or more access lines would receive the smallest projected increase (3.9%). Copies of NECA's proposed modifications to the aver­ age schedules, supporting documentation, and errata (dated January 15, 1992) may be obtained from the Com­ mission ·s public records duplication contractor. The Downtown Copy Center. 1114 21st St.. N.W .. Washington, D.C. 20037. Telephone: (202) 452-1422. The record in this proceeding is also available for public inspection and duplication at Room 544. 1919 M Street. N.W .. Washing­ ton. D.C. Comments on NECA ·s proposed revisions to the aver­ age schedules may be filed on or before February 14. 1992. Reply comments may be filed on or before Feb­ ruary 24, 1991. Commenting parties should file five (5) copies of their comments and reply comments with the Secretary. Federal Communications Commission, 1919 M St., N.W., Washington. D.C. 20554; one ( 1) copy of their comments and reply comments with The Downtown Copy Center; and two (2) copies of their comments and reply comments at Room 544. 1919 M Street. N.W .. Washington. D.C. 20554. For consideration in this proceeding, all filings should be captioned "In the Matter of National Exchange Carrier Association December 31. 1991 Proposed Revisions to the Average Schedule Formulas." For further information. contact Kent R. Nilsson at (202) 632-6363. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1022 7 FCC Red No. 3