Before the Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 DA 97-1270 In the Matter of ) CC Docket No. 94-97 US West Communications ) Transmittal No. 846 Revisions to Tariff F.C.C. No. 5 ) ORDER Adopted: June 18, 1997 Released: June 18, 1997 By the Chief, Competitive Pricing Division, Common Carrier Bureau: 1. On June 9, 1997, US West Communications filed Transmittal No. 846 to revise its Tariff F.C.C. No. 5. Transmittal No. 846, which is currently scheduled to become effective on June 24, 1997, proposes to define the equipment for virtual collocation service to include: (1) bay-to-bay and shelf-to-shelf cables; (2) cables from the interconnector-designated equipment (IDE) to the central office single point of termination; and (3) necessary connectors associated with fiber interconnection cables. Furthermore. Transmittal No. 846 introduces two new virtual collocation rate elements: central office single point of termination and cable racking. No petitions have been filed against these transmittals. 2. Transmittal No. 846 raises identical issues regarding rate levels, rate structures, and terms and conditions of service as those identified by the Virtual Collocation Tariff Suspension Order? Therefore, Transmittal No. 846 is suspended for one day and will be subject to the investigation initiated by the Virtual Collocation Tariff Suspension Order. This transmittal is subject to an accounting order to facilitate any refunds that may later prove necessary. 3. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 204(a) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 204(a), and Section 0.291 of the Commission's Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 0.291, the revisions to US West Communications Tariff F.C.C. No. 5, Transmittal No. 846. ARE SUSPENDED for one day from the effective date and an investigation of the referenced tariff transmittal IS INSTITUTED. 4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that US West Communications SHALL FILE tariff revisions within five business days of the release date of this Order to reflect this suspension. ' Ameritech Operating Companies, et al., CC Docket No. 94-97, Order, 10 FCC Red 1960 (1994) (Virtual Collocation Tariff Suspension Order). 8242 5. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, for the above purposes, we waive Sections 61.56, 61.58. and 61.59 of the Commission's Rules. 47 C.F.R. $$ 61.56. 61.58. and 61.59. US West Communications should cite the "DA" number of the instant Order as the authority for this filing. 6. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 204(a) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. 47 U.S.C. § 204(a). US West Communications shall keep accurate account of all amounts received by reason of the rates that are the subject of this investigation. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION • lames D. Schiichting Chief. Competitive Pricing Division Common Carrier Bureau 8243