*Pages 1--1 from file://\K4vol2SharedC3SharedMDS_ITFSNEW_MDSPUBNOTMDAC0* PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 445 12TH STREET, S. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. 20554 MASS MEDIA BUREAU MULTIPOINT DISTRIBUTION SERVICE The Commission took the following actions on Mass Media Bureau Multipoint Distribution Service applications: Report No. 203 Released: 01/ 04/ 01 File Number BALMD- 20000721AAB Applicant LAUREN F. GRIFFITH Application appearing on public notice 8/ 10/ 00 for authority to assign all authorizations for station WNTA436 (301818) serving ANDERSON, IN FROM: LAUREN F. GRIFFITH TO: BROADCAST CABLE, INC. has been found to be in the public interest. GRANTED: 12/ 29/ 00 Channel( s) H2 File Number BALMD- 20000721AAD Applicant ROBERT D. HOSTETLER Application appearing on public notice 8/ 8/ 00 for authority to assign all authorizations for station WNTA439 (301820) serving FRESNO, CA FROM: ROBERT D. HOSTETLER TO: FRESNO MDS ASOCIATES has been found to be in the public interest. GRANTED: 12/ 29/ 00 Channel( s) H2 Page 1 of 1 Public Notice 1/ 4/ 01 file://\\ K4\ vol2\ Shared\ C3Shared\ MDS_ ITFS\ NEW_ MDS\ PUBNOT\ MDAC0104. HTM 1