*Pages 1--1 from Microsoft Word - 34765* Federal Communications Commission Before the Federal Communications Commission Washington, D. C. 20554 In the Matter of ) ) Fax. com, Inc. ) File No. EB- 02- TC- 120 ) NAL/ Acct. No. 200232170004 Apparent Liability for Forfeiture ) FRN 0007- 2970- 47 ) ERRATUM Released: January 9, 2004 By the Office of the Secretary: 1. The Order of Forfeiture in the above- captioned proceeding, released on January 5, 2004, (FCC 04- 2) is corrected to change the FCC Number from “FCC 04- 2” to “FCC 03- 336” in each instance it appears in the document. 2. The corrected Order of Forfeiture will be published in the Federal Communications Commission Record and posted on the Commission’s web site. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Marlene H. Dortch Secretary 1