*Pages 1--2 from Microsoft Word - 44643.doc* Institute of Technology, Midas Communication Technologies Pvt. Nortel Networks Corp., Qualcomm Inc., TE Data, Texas Instruments and Vivato. The regulators closed their meeting by endorsing the “Best Practices Guidelines for the Promotion of Low Cost Broadband and Internet Connectivity,” which outlines a common understanding of what is necessary to create an information society that is more effective and equitable. The regulators agreed to forward this document to the 2005 meeting of the World Summit on the Information Society. A copy of the Best Practices can be viewed at: http:// www. itu. int/ ITU- D/ treg/ Events/ Seminars/ 2004/ GSR04/ consultation. html. The GSR also welcomed the release of the 2004 edition of the annual ITU publication, “Trends in Telecommunication Reform. A copy of this publication can be viewed at: http:// www. itu. int/ ITU- D/ treg/ For further information on the GSR, visit the Symposium webpage at the following: http:// www. itu. int/ ITU- D/ treg/ Events/ Seminars/ 2004/ GSR04/ index. html. - FCC - 2