*Pages 1--162 from C:\Pdf2Text\Ready4Text_in\pdf\52924.pdf* Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Federal Communications Commissio n Washington, DC 20554 2004/ 2005 Edition 2 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers iii Introduction and Overview The Statistics of Communications Common Carriers (SOCC) , which has been published annually since 1939, is one of the most widely used reference works in the field of telecommunications. It is the only permanent record of common carrier activity published by the Government Printing Office and sent to repository libraries. The most recent edition may be purchased by mail from the Superintendent of Documents, P. O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250- 7954, or by calling GPO's Order and Inquiry Desk at (866) 512- 1800. Sources of Information Much of the material contained in this volume is available well before the SOCC is published by the Government Printing Office. Internet The Wireline Competition Bureau has a home page on the World Wide Web. This home page can be accessed directly at www. fcc. gov/ wcb/ through a link from the main FCC home page at www. fcc. gov. The materials available include orders, notices of proposed rulemaking, statistical reports, public notices, news releases, fact sheets, and answers to frequently asked questions (F AQs). The Wireline Competition Bureau Statistical Reports web pages include all of the files contained in the SOCC and a variety of other reports that are used in the preparation of the SOCC. It can be reached directly at www. fcc. gov/ wcb/ stats/. The annual carrier submissions that are used in developing many of the tables in this publication can also be found at www. fcc. gov/ wcb/ armis/. D u p l i c a t i n g Co n t r a c t ors and Reference Info rmation Cen ter Several private firms specialize in locating, duplicating, and distributing FCC documents. The Commission's current duplicating contractor is Best Copy and Printing, Inc. Documents may be purchased by calling Best Copy and Printing, Inc., 1- 800- 378- 3160, or via e- mail at FCC@ bcpiweb. com. Reports and the summaries used in the preparation of the SOCC are also available in the FCC's Reference Information Center, located on the Courtyard Level, 445 12th Street S. W., Washington, D. C. Coverage Loc al Teleph one Companies There are approximately 1,300 companies that have historically provided local telephone service in the United States. These companies, often referred to as incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs), range in size from rural cooperatives serving fewer than 100 customers to large holding companies serving millions of telephone lines. In most cases, only larger companies (those with more than $125 million in annual revenues in 2004) are required to file information with the FCC, and only te lephone companies affiliated with the four largest holding companies are required to file the most extensive info rmation. New telephone service providers, referred to as competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs), and providers of wireless telephone service are not required to file detailed statistical data with the Commission. In 2004, as shown in the detailed statistics in Table 2.8, there were 28 reporting large ILECs required to file the ARMIS USOA Report 43- 02. In addition to these large carriers, 28 mid- sized ILECs repor t less detailed data in 3 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers iv the ARMIS Annual Summary Report 43- 01, and statistical tabulations based on this report are shown in Tables 2.9 through 2.17. While these 56 companies account for more than 90% of the local te lephone lines served by ILECs, they do not reflect a complete census of the industry. Long Distance Companies Over 900 firms buy access from local telephone companies in order to provide long distance service, and a limited amount of information on the larger long distance companies is contained in various tables throughout the SOCC. Among long distance carriers, only AT& T and Al ascom, which once were regarded as dominant carriers possessing market power, were ever required to file detailed reports. These data are contained in earlier editions of this publication. The reporting requirement s, however, were eliminated when the FCC determined that AT& T was no longer a dominant carrier. Accounting Standards A new Uniform System of Accounts (USOA) for the telephone industry became effective at the beginning of 1988. The detailed tables in this report are based on that system. Full Class A reporting requirements are imposed only where the aggregate revenues of an ILEC and its affiliates exceed $7.403 billion. In 2004, only BellSouth, Qwest, SBC, and Verizon remain ed subject to full Class A repor ting requirements. The results for the 28 carriers affiliated with these firms appear in Table 2.8. The amount of state- by- state information varies from company to company. Ameritech, now a subsidiary of SBC, has historically maintained a separate operating company in each state served and consequently files information for each one. In contrast, Qwest, formerly U S WEST, has consolidated its operations into a single company servicing 14 states, for which it files aggregated information. Where a company’s revenues from all its affiliated ILECs total less than $7.403 bill ion, each of the affiliated ILECs earning revenues over the reporting threshold is eligible for Class B (streamlined) reporting treatment. Summary tabulations for these mid- sized comp anies are included in Tables 2.9 through 2.17. The USOA applies to telephone operating companies. It is not designed to capture the activities of parent holding companies or subsidiaries. Where activities have been transferred from telephone companies to holding companies or subsidiaries, the revenues from those activities cease to be reported by the operating companies. For this reason, along with several other differences between financial and regulatory accounting systems, the results contained in reports to the FCC may differ markedly from reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Timing of the SOCC Most companies report information for the prior calendar year to stockholders and to the SEC by April 1. At the same time, they provide annual reports on their domestic operations to the FCC. The basic raw data are made available to the public as soon as received. This statistical summary is produced after the data have been checked, inquiries on suspect items sent to the carriers, corrected submissions received, and the industry tables compiled. Unlike data for domestic operations, corrected data for international services are typically not received until at least ten months after the end of the year being reported. Summaries of the international data are usually prepared and released by the end of the year. We have shortened the production cycle in order to reduce the delay in publication and we now complete the production within a six- month timeframe. This has been done by lagging the publication of international data 4 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers v by one year. Thus, this edition of the SOCC contains the international statistics only through 2003 . International data for 2004 will be available via the Internet, from duplicating contractors, and in the FCC’s public reference center, but it will not be published in the SOCC until next year. Other Info rmation Sources The United States Telecom Association represents most local telephone companies. Like many trade associations, it collects information from each of its members. Annually, it prepares, publishes and sells statistical publications such as Phone Facts. The Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Associat ion (CTIA) represents the wireless industry. Since January 1985, it has conducted a semi- a nnual wireless survey, which consists of data on the wireless industry including the number of subscribers, revenues, employees, and average local monthly bill. The Telecommunications Industry Association’s (TIA) members consist of manufacturers and suppliers of the products and services used in telecommunications. TIA publishes annually the Telecommunications Market Review and Forecast, which provides an overview of the telecommunications industry. * * * * * * * * * * * * The 2004/ 2005 volume of the Statistics of Communications Common Carriers, was prepared by John Adesalu and Katie Rangos under the supervision and direction of Alan Feldman. All have worked long and hard to expand and improve the publication. We invite comments and suggestions for further improvements. For your convenience, the survey form on the following page may be used for your response. Rodger A. Woock, Chief Industry Analysis and Technology Division (202) 418- 0940 November 2005 5 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers vii Customer Response Publication: Statistics of Communications Common Carriers, 2004/ 2005 Edition You can help us provide the best possible information to the public by completing this form and returning it to the Industry Analysis and Technology Division of the FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau. 1. Please check the category that best describes you: ____ press ____ current telecommunications carrier ____ potential telecommunications carrier ____ business customer evaluating vendors/ service options ____ consultant, law firm, lobbyist ____ other business customer ____ academic/ student ____ residential customer ____ FCC employee ____ other federal government employee ____ state or local government employee ____ Other (please specify) 2. Please rate the report: Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor No opinion Data accuracy (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Data presentation (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Timeliness of data (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Completeness of data (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Text clarity (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Completeness of text (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) 3. Overall, how do you Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor No opinion rate this report? (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) 4. How can this report be improved? 5. May we contact you to discuss possible improvements? Name: Telephone #: To discuss the information in this report, contact: 202- 418- 0940 or for users of TTY equipment, call 202- 418- 0484 Fax this response to or Mail this response to 202- 418- 0520 FCC/ IATD Mail Stop 1600 F Washington, DC 20554 6 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table of Contents Page Introduction and Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Part 1. General Tables Table 1.1 - Selected Data of Holding Companies of Reporting Carriers as of December 31, 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Table 1.2 - Intercorporate Relations of Communications Carriers and Controlling Companies December 31, 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Table 1.3 - Changes Affecting Coverage of Table 1.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Table 1.4 - Total Toll Service Revenues by Provider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Part 2. Tele phone Carriers Table 2.1 - List of Telephone Carriers Reporting to the Commission for the Year Ende December 31, 2004, Whose Reports Were Used in the Statistical Tabulations in Parts 1 and 2. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Table 2.2 - Outside Plant Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004. . . . . . . . 13 Table 2.3 - Switched Access Lines in Service for Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier as of December 31, 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table 2.4 - Access Lines in Service by Customer for Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier as of December 31, 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table 2.5 - Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes for Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier as of December 31, 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004. . . . . . . . . . . 24 Table 2.7 - Communications Plant of the Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Table 2.9 - Statistics of All Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Table 2.10 - Jurisdictional Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Table 2.11 - Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers for the Year Ended December 31, 2004. . . . . . . 87 Table 2.12 - Total Operating Expenses of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers for the Year Ende December 31, 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Table 2.13 - Taxes of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers for the Year Ended December 31, 2004. . . . . . . . . . 93 Table 2.14 - Total Plant in Service of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004. . . . . . . . . 94 Table 2.15 - Total Other Investments of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004. . . . . . . 95 Table 2.16 - Total Reserves of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers Reporting as of December 31, 2004. . . . . . 96 Table 2.17 - Billable Access Lines and Switched Traffic- Sensitive Minutes of Reporting Incumbent Loca Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Part 3. International Telecommunications Table 3.1 - International Message Telephone Service of All U. S. Points for the Year Ending December 31, 2003. . . . 105 Table 3.2 - International Private Line Services of All U. S. Points for the Year Ending December 31, 2003. . . . . . . . . . 109 Table 3.3 - 2003 U. S. Billed Revenues for Facilities- Based and Facilities- Resale Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Part 4. Historical Financial and O perating Statistics Tables Table 4.1 - Local Service Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960 - 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Table 4.2 - Access Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1984 - 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Table 4.3 - Toll Service Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960 - 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Table 4.4 - Miscellaneous Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960 - 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Table 4.5 - Total Operating Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960 - 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Table 4.6 - Total Operating Expenses of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960 - 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 ix 7 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table of Contents -- Continued Page Part 4. Historical Financial and O perating Statistics Tables -Continued Table 4.7 - Earnings Summary of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960 - 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Table 4.8 - Assets and Liabilities of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960 - 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Table 4.9 - Communications Plant of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960 - 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Table 4.10 - Selected Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1985 - 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Part 5. Trends and Monitorin g Tables Table 5.1 - Total U. S. Wireline Telephone Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Table 5.2 - End- User Switched Access Lines Reported. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Table 5.3 - End- User Switched Access Lines by Customer Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Table 5.4 - High- Speed Lines (Over 200 kbps in at Least One Direction). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Table 5.5 - Advanced Services Lines (Over 200 kbps in Both Directions). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Table 5.6 - Measures of Mobile Wireless Telephone Subscribers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Table 5.7 - Total USF Loops for All Local Exchange Carriers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Table 5.8 - Household Telephone Subscribership in the United States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Table 5.9 - Telephone Penetration by State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Table 5.10 - Annual Rate of Change in Major Price Indices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Table 5.11 - Average Residential Rates for Local Service in Urban Areas, 1993- 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Table 5.12 - Average Local Rates for Businesses with a Single Line in Urban Areas, 1993- 2004. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Table 5.13 - Interstate Switched Access Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Table 5.14 - Telephone Numbers Assigned for Toll- Free Service (800, 888, 877, 866). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Table 5.15 - Telephone Numbers Assigned for 800 Toll- Free Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Table 5.16 - Telephone Numbers Assigned for 888 Toll- Free Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Table 5.17 - Telephone Numbers Assigned for 877 Toll- Free Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Table 5.18 - Telephone Numbers Assigned for 866 Toll- Free Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Table 5.19 - Telecommunications Revenues Reported by Type of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Table 5.20 - Gross Revenues Reported by Type of Carrier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 General Index 1. By Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 2. By Subject. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 x 8 Part 1 General Tables 9 Selected Financial Data Revenues $8,246 $30,537 $20,300 $2,407 $1,207 Costs and Expenses 6,325 40,625 15,011 1,653 908 Interest Expense 353 803 916 211 203 Other Income and Adjustments 1 43 (138) 2,177 4 4 Income Taxes 565 (4,560) 1,792 210 36 Net Income (Loss) 1,046 (6,469) 4,758 337 64 Earnings per Share 3.40 (8.14) 2.60 2.45 0.22 Dividends per Share 1.49 0.95 1.06 0.23 0 Average Shares Outstanding (millions) 307 795 1,832 137 245 Property, Plant and Equipment - Net 7,548 11,509 22,039 3,341 851 Total Assets 16,604 32,804 59,496 7,797 1,959 Long- Term Debt 5,352 8,779 15,108 2,762 2,111 Shareholders' Equity 7,129 7,019 23,066 3,410 (625) Operating Data Customer Lines (thousands) 2 3,009 - 21,356 2,314 970 Number of Employees 18,598 47,600 62,564 6,800 3,000 Selected Financial Data Revenues $2,193 $20,690 $716 $13,809 $40,787 Costs and Expenses 1,709 23,881 1,282 14,097 34,886 Interest Expense 379 402 48 1,531 1,023 Other Income and Adjustments 1 (20) 111 (11) (63) (506) Income Taxes 13 520 0 (88) 2,186 Net Income (Loss) 72 (4,002) (625) (1,794) 5,887 Earnings per Share 0.24 (12.48) (2.12) (1.00) 1.78 Dividends per Share 2.50 0.80 0 0 1.26 Average Shares Outstanding (millions) 304 321 296 1,801 3,310 Property, Plant and Equipment - Net 3,338 6,259 729 16,853 50,046 Total Assets 6,668 17,060 1,026 24,324 108,844 Long- Term Debt 4,267 5,909 728 16,690 21,231 Shareholders' Equity 1,362 4,230 (47) (2,612) 40,504 Operating Data Customer Lines (thousands) 2 2,321 - - 15,522 52,356 Number of Employees 6,373 40,400 2,400 41,000 162,700 Selected Financial Data Revenues $27,428 $71,283 Costs and Expenses 27,731 58,166 Interest Expense 1,248 2,561 Other Income and Adjustments 1 1,130 (328) Income Taxes 591 2,397 Net Income (Loss) (1,012) 7,831 Earnings per Share (0.71) 2.83 Dividends per Share 2.00 1.54 Average Shares Outstanding (millions) 904 2,831 Property, Plant and Equipment - Net 22,628 74,124 Total Assets 41,321 165,958 Long- Term Debt 15,916 35,674 Shareholders' Equity 13,521 37,560 Operating Data Customer Lines (thousands) 2 7,700 52,967 4 Number of Employees 59,900 210,000 1 Includes extraordinary items and cumulative net effect of changes in accounting principles. 2 Network (switched) access lines. 3 The per- share and avg. shares data are for Sprint's FON Group. The PCS Group had a $1.00 dividend per- share and 1,035 million avg. shares outstandi 4 Network (switched) access lines from Verizon susidiaries filing FCC ARMIS Report 43- 08. Source: Company annual reports to shareholders and annual reports Form 10- K. Statistics o f Communications Common Carriers Table 1.1 - Selected Data of Holdin g Com panies of Re porting Carriers as of December 31, 2004 (Dollars in Millions, Except Per- Share Amounts) Corporation Corporation Inc. Inc. Verizon McLeodUSA Incorporated Communications Corporation 3 Inc. Communications ALLTEL AT& T Corp. CenturyTel, Cincinnati Bell BellSouth Communications Inc. Sprint Citizens Company MCI, Inc. Qwest Communications Int'l Inc. SBC 3 10 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 1.2 - Intercor porate Relations of Communications Carriers and Controllin g Com panies, (Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Type Carrier's Name of Compan yofOperating Compan yRevenues 1 ALLTEL Corporation Holdin g - 2 ALLTEL Carolina, Inc. Telephone $154,549 3 ALLTEL Communications, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 187,905 4 ALLTEL Georgia Communications Corp. Telephone 280,508 5 ALLTEL Kentucky, Inc. Telephone 412,098 6 ALLTEL Nebraska, Inc. Telephone 211,795 7 ALLTEL Pennsylvania, Inc. Telephone 163,594 8 Western Reserve Telephone Co., The Telephone 143,731 9 Americatel Corporation Interexchange Carrier 138,787 10 AT& T Corp. Holdin g - 11 AT& T Communications, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 22,242,782 12 Teleport Communications Group Inc. Interexchange Carrier 1,376,308 13 BellSouth Corporation Holdin g - 14 BellSouth Long Distance, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 1,483,052 15 BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. Telephone 16,717,860 16 Broadwing Corporation Holdin g - 17 Broadwing Communications, LLC Interexchange Carrier 658,376 18 CenturyTel, Inc. Holdin g - 19 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC Telephone 243,954 20 CenturyTel of Washington, Inc. Telephone 136,604 21 Cincinnati Bell Inc. Holdin g - 22 Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co. Telephone 752,994 23 Citizens Communications Compan y Holdin g - 23 Citizens Telecommunications Co. of New York, Inc . Telephone 250,551 24 Electric Lightwave, LLC Interexchange Carrier 168,680 25 Frontier Communications of America, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 192,551 26 Frontier Telephone of Rochester, Inc. Telephone 342,187 27 Commonwealth Telephone Enterprises, Inc. Holdin g - 28 Commonwealth Telephone Company Telephone 227,732 29 General Communication, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 283,060 30 Global Crossing Limited Holdin g - 31 Global Crossing Bandwidth, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 1,316,626 32 Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 624,950 33 IDT Corporation Interexchange Carrier 2,216,905 34 Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc. Telephone 183,335 35 ITC^ DeltaCom, Inc. Holdin g - 36 BTI Telecom Corp. Holdin g - 37 Business Telecom, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 176,894 38 ITC^ DeltaCom Communications, Inc . Interexchange Carrier 324,283 39 Leucadia National Corporation Holdin g - 40 WilTel Communications, LLC 1 Interexchange Carrier 1,302,396 41 Level 3 Communications, Inc. Holdin g - 42 Level 3 Communications, LLC Interexchange Carrier 189,818 43 MCI, Inc. Holdin g - 44 MCI, Inc. - Long Distance Operations Interexchange Carrier 11,601,704 45 McLeodUSA Incorporated Holdin g - 46 McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 225,483 47 Norlight Telecommunications, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 135,830 48 Primus Telecommmunications Group Incorporated Holdin g - 49 Primus Telecommmunications, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 183,459 50 Qwest Communications International Inc . Holdin g - 51 Qwest Communications Corp . Interexchange Carrier 3,307,351 52 Qwest Corporatio n Telephone 10,248,422 53 Qwest Interprise America, Inc . Interexchange Carrier 339,290 54 Qwest LD Corp. Interexchange Carrie r 366,458 55 SBC Communications Inc. Holdin g - 56 Illinois Bell Telephone Company Telephone 3,728,323 57 Indiana Bell Telephone Company Telephone 1,288,012 58 Michigan Bell Telephone Company Telephone 2,850,266 59 Nevada Bell Telephone Company Telephone 217,582 60 Ohio Bell Telephone Company, The Telephone 2,253,481 61 Pacific Bell Telephone Company Telephone 9,863,887 No. December 31, 2004 4 11 Table 1.2 - Intercor porate Relations of Communications Carriers and Controllin g Com panies, December 31, 2004 -- Continued (Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Type Carrier's Name of Compan yofOperating Compan yRevenues 62 SBC Communications Inc. - Cont'd 63 Southwestern Bell Telephone L. P. Telephone 11,542,303 64 Wisconsin Bell, Inc. Telephone 1,184,272 65 SBC Long Distance, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 2,892,080 66 Southern New England Telecommunications Corp. Holdin g - 67 SNET America, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 142,819 68 Southern New England Telephone Co., The Telephone 1,508,792 69 Securus Technologies, Inc. Holdin g - 70 Evercom Systems, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 206,208 71 Sprint Corporation Holdin g - 72 Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Co. Telephone 854,199 73 Centel Corporation Holdin g - 74 Central Telephone Company Telephone 715,426 75 Central Telephone Co. of Virgini a Telephone 226,380 76 Sprint- Florida, Inc. Telephone 1,452,113 77 Central Telephone Co. of Texas Telephone 183,008 78 Sprint Corporation - Long Distance Division Interexchange Carrier 5,900,070 79 Sprint Missouri, Inc. Telephone 211,499 80 United Telephone - Southeast, Inc. Telephone 245,728 81 United Telephone Co. of Indiana, Inc. Telephone 177,445 82 United Telephone Co. of New Jersey, Inc . Telephone 151,208 83 United Telephone Co. of the Northwest Telephone 118,715 84 United Telephone Co. of Ohio Telephone 450,534 85 United Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania, The Telephone 294,736 86 United Telephone Co. of Texas, Inc. Telephone 164,815 87 SureWest Communications Holdin g - 88 SureWest Telephone Telephone 147,992 89 Talk America Inc. Interexchange Carrier 175,582 90 Teleglobe International Holdings Lt d Holdin g - 91 Teleglobe America Inc. Interexchange Carrier 508,117 92 Valor Communications Group, Inc . Holdin g - 93 Valor Telecommunications of Texas, L P Telephone 444,873 94 VarTec Telecom, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 2 95 Excel Telecommunications, Inc. Interexchange Carrier 2 96 Verizon Communications Inc . Holdin g - 97 Verizon California Inc. Telephon e 3,149,575 98 Verizon Delaware Inc. Telephon e 340,717 99 NYNEX Long Distance Co. d/ b/ a Verizon Enterprise Solution s Interexchange Carrier 316,234 100 Verizon Florida Inc. Telephon e 1,586,307 101 Verizon Hawaii Inc. Telephon e 490,069 102 Bell Atlantic Comm. Inc. d/ b/ a Verizon Long Distanc e Interexchange Carrier 2,041,196 103 Verizon Maryland Inc. Telephon e 2,264,844 104 Verizon New England Inc. Telephon e 3,840,904 105 Verizon New Jersey Inc . Telephone 3,468,099 106 Verizon New York Inc. Telephon e 6,874,880 107 Verizon North Inc. Telephon e 3,337,275 108 Verizon Northwest Inc. Telephon e 1,095,425 109 Verizon Pennsylvania Inc . Telephone 3,344,493 110 Verizon Select Services, Inc . Interexchange Carrier 441,240 111 Verizon South Inc. Telephon e 917,250 112 GTE Southwest Incorporated d/ b/ a Verizon Southwes t Telephone 1,264,987 113 Verizon Virginia Inc. Telephon e 2,149,041 114 Verizon Washington, DC Inc. Telephon e 646,218 115 Verizon West Virginia Inc. Telephon e 618,200 116 Telecomunicaciones de Puerto Rico, Inc. (TELPRI) Holdin g - 117 Puerto Rico Telephone Co. Telephone 1,124,506 Note: Carriers controlled by other companies are indicated by indentations from the margin. In some cases, an intermediat level of control has been omitted. The information shown is primarily from annual reports filed with the Commission 1 WilTel Communications has been engaged primarily in non- common carrier activities, but it is required to report to the FCC because of its long distance operations. 2 Company requested confidential treatment. No. Statistics of Communications Common Carriers 5 12 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 1.3 - Chan ges Affectin g Covera ge of Table 1.2 Type No. Name of Com panyofRemarks Com pany Additions: 1 ALLTEL of Kentucky, Inc. Telephone Company classified as a carrier subject to the Communica- tions Act of 1934, as amended. 2 CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC "Company classified as a carrier subject to the Communica- tions Act of 1934, as amended. 3 Frontier Communications of America, Inc. Interexchange Carrier became subject to the Commission's reporting require- ments at 47 C. F. R. § 43.21( c). 4 Qwest Interprise America, Inc. "Carrier became subject to the Commission's reporting require- ments at 47 C. F. R. § 43.21( c). 5 Qwest LD Corp. "Carrier became subject to the Commission's reporting require- ments at 47 C. F. R. § 43.21( c). Deletions: 1 BCSI Inc. Interexchange Carrier's revenues fell below the indexed threshold established for reporting purposes. 2 Cincinnati Bell Any Distance, Inc. "Carrier's revenues fell below the indexed threshold established for reporting purposes. 3 Equant Operations, Inc. "Carrier's revenues fell below the indexed threshold established for reporting purposes. Mer gers and Other Chan ges: 1 Broadwing Corporation Holding Name change from Corvis Corporation. 2 ITC^ DeltaCom, Inc. Holding In Oct. 2004, ITC^ DeltaCom completed its acquisition (begun in July 2003) of BTI Telecom Corp. outstanding common stock. 3 MCI, Inc. Holding Successor company to WorldCom, Inc. d/ b/ a MCI. 4 Qwest Corporation Telephone In the ARMIS 43- 01 and 43- 08, Qwest Corporation no longer includes El Paso County Telephone Company data for Colorado and Malheur Home Telephone Company data for Idaho and two other study areas (MSID and PNID). 5 SBC Long Distance, Inc. Interexchange Name change from Southwestern Bell Communications Svcs., Inc. 6 13 Company 1994199519961997199819992000200120022003 AT& T Companies 1 AT& T Communications, Inc. $37,166 $38,069 $39,264 $39,470 $40,551 $39,680 $37,646 $33,310 $27,094 $22,418 $22,243 Alascom, Inc. 329 325 Teleport Communications Group, Inc. 284 464 632 437 396 1,376 ACC Long Distance Corp. 118 122 123 MCI Companies 2 MCI - L. D. Operations 22,192 23,431 22,554 21,259 17,659 16,062 11,602 MCI Telecomunications Corp. 11,715 14,617 16,372 17,150 WorldCom, Inc. 2,221 3,640 4,485 5,897 Wiltel, Inc. 917 MFS Intelenet, Inc. 118 122 Intermedia Communications, Inc. 380 516 444 Sprint Corporation - Long Distance Division 6,805 7,277 7,944 8,595 7,994 9,708 9,038 8,424 7,077 6,326 5,900 SBC Companies SBC Communications, Inc. [ILEC] 3 2,748 2,420 2,182 2,083 1,692 SBC Long Distance, Inc.* 449 729 1,572 2,892 SNET America, Inc.* 142 162 186 189 177 158 154 143 Verizon Companies Bell Atlantic Comm, Inc. d/ b/ a Verizon Long Dist.* 130 864 1,433 1,802 2,041 Verizon Communications, Inc. [ILEC] 3 2,278 1,988 1,668 1,629 1,555 Verizon Select Services, Inc. 340 607 834 1,004 509 223 441 NYNEX LD Co. d/ b/ a Verizon Enter. Solutions * 316 316 Qwest Companies 4 Qwest Communications Corp.* 320 517 1,773 2,309 3,202 2,824 3,307 Qwest Communications, Inc. [ILEC] 3 374 264 175 124 78 Qwest LD Corp. 366 Qwest Interprise America, Inc. 339 LCI Int'l Telecom Corp. d/ b/ a Qwest Comm. Svcs. * 453 671 1,103 1,001 1,664 1,394 1,271 871 USLD Communications, Inc.* 136 155 188 241 279 216 IDT Corporation 376 850 945 1,303 1,532 1,835 2,217 Global Crossing Companies Global Crossing Bandwidth, Inc. 144 127 324 539 692 1,555 1,225 1,312 1,565 1,317 Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc. 568 827 1,119 775 874 874 801 817 786 615 625 Global Crossing North American Networks, Inc. 306 309 323 223 196 International Exchange Ntwks, Ltd. (IXnet, Inc.) 131 BellSouth Companies BellSouth Long Distance, Inc. * 294 486 928 1,483 BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. [ILEC] 3 466 412 341 341 268 WilTel Communications, LLC 5 227 126 184 413 593 737 1,112 1,302 VarTec Companies VarTec Telecom, Inc. 107 125 470 820 836 819 923 947 793 404 c Excel Telecommunications, Inc. 156 363 1,091 1,179 1,219 942 703 611 427 665 c eMeritus Communications, Inc. 215 429 379 264 260 169 Long Distance Wholesale Club 176 121 131 Broadwing Communications, LLC 310 658 Teleglobe America Inc. 275 557 282 208 269 409 508 ITC^ DeltaCom Cos. 6 ITC^ DeltaCom Communications, Inc 122 172 270 259 311 308 324 Business Telecom, Inc. 115 149 195 212 260 271 286 251 228 177 Citizens Communications Cos. 7 Frontier Communications of America, Inc. 133 121 193 Electric Lightwave, Inc. 145 227 180 176 169 General Communication, Inc. 8 106 120 143 158 175 184 211 238 227 263 283 McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. 232 448 463 358 274 225 Evercom Systems, Inc. 205 206 245 239 184 206 Level 3 Communications, LLC 160 131 134 190 ALLTEL Communications, Inc. (ACI) 120 175 174 160 175 188 Primus Telecommunications, Inc. 219 183 Talk America Inc. 180 232 305 426 398 428 249 160 158 176 Americatel Corporation 129 188 269 246 193 139 Norlight Telecommunications, Inc. 119 142 140 141 136 Sum of Above Companies # 65,258 Toll Service Revenues of Above Companies 58,537 Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers 8 13,375 11,332 11,248 10,215 9,429 8,046 Other Toll Service Providers 9 9,626 10,709 14,765 13,029 15,783 16,647 20,827 16,702 12,797 12,034 11,561 Total Toll Service Revenues 10 $84,478 $89,629 $99,691 $100,793 $105,055 $108,246 $109,616 $99,300 $83,697 $78,600 $70,098 P Note: Total toll service revenues include intrastate, interstate and international toll revenues. Also, some numbers for previous years have been revised for consistency with other reports. # Some of the companies included non toll- related revenues in their annual submissions filed pursuant to section 43.21( c) of the Commission's rules. * Regional Bell Operating Company's long distance subsidiaries. c - Confidential p - preliminary Statistics o f Communications Common Carriers Table 1.4 -- Total Toll Service Revenues by Provider # (Dollar Amounts Shown in M illions) 2004 7 14 The revenue information for the larger long distance telephone companies, shown in Table 1.4, is reported annually to the FCC pursuant to 47 CFR 43.21( c) filings. The revenue information for large local exchange telephone companies is based on the annual filings of ARMIS (Automated Reporting Management Information System) Reports 43- 02. The Commission also collects revenue information on FCC Form 499- A (Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet) and, in previous years, on FCC Forms 431 (Telecommunications Relay Service Worksheet) and 457 (Universal Service Worksheet). Revenues for carriers that are not subject to the filing requirements under § 43.21( c), or ARMIS Reports, are estimated by the FCC staff based on carriers' filings of the FCC Forms 431, 457, and 499- A. Company Notes 1 ACC Long Distance Corp. and Teleport Communications Group merged in April of 1998, and the combined company, Teleport Communications Group, merged with AT& T Communications, Inc., in July of that year. AT& T Communications acquired Alascom, Inc., August 7, 1995 and began filing a consolidated revenue statement in 1996. 2 On July 21, 2002, WorldCom and substantially all of its U. S. subsidiaries filed voluntary petitions for relief in the U. S. Ban kruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the U. S. Bankruptcy Code. On April 20, 2004, WorldCom emerged from bankruptcy and merged with and into MCI whereby the separate existence of WorldCom ceased and MCI became the surviving company. 3 For the years 1994 - 1999, the RBOC ILEC toll service revenues are included in total ILEC toll revenues. 4 Qwest Interprise America, Inc. is a subsidiary for out- of- region DSL (digital subscriber line); and Qwest LD Corp. is a subsidi ary for in- region long distance. 5 In November 2003, WilTel Communications, LLC became a wholly- owned, indirect subsidiary of Leucadia National Corporation. Thus, it no longer files with the SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission) on a stand- alone basis. 6 In October 2004, ITC^ DeltaCom completed its acquisition (begun in July 2003) of BTI Telecom Corp. outstanding common stock. 7 Frontier was acquired by Citizens Communications Company in June of 2001 and Electric Lightwave on June 20, 2002. 8 ILECs' totals are shown separately through 1999 because they primarily carried intraLATA calls due, in part, to the restrictions imposed on the RBOCs by the 1984 Divestiture agreement. By 2000 most local exchange customers could presubscribe to any carrier for intraLATA toll service and some RBOCs began to receive section 271 approval to provide interLATA toll services. 9 Includes wireless toll service revenues reported by wireless carriers, toll service revenues reported by CLECs, and toll service revenues reported by non- RBOC ILECs. 10 Estimated by the FCC staff. Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Notes for Table 1.4. 8 15 Part 2 Telephone Carriers 16 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.1 - List of Tele phone Carriers Re porting to the Commission for the Year Ended December 31, 2004, Whose Re ports Were Used in the Statistical Tabulations in Parts 1 and 2 (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers Total Total State/ Area Name of Company Headquarters * Operating Access of Carrier's Revenues Lines # Operation BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. Atlanta, GA $16,717,860 43,882,396 9 Southeastern states 1 Southwestern Bell Telephone L. P. San Antonio, TX 11,542,303 27,847,506 AR, KS, MO, OK, TX Qwest Corporation Denver, CO 10,248,422 21,648,823 14 W. & Midw. States 2 Pacific Bell Telephone Company San Francisco, CA 9,863,887 33,241,342 CA Verizon New York Inc. New York, NY 6,874,880 20,095,669 CT, NY Verizon New England Inc. Boston, MA 3,840,904 9,665,854 ME, MA, NH, RI, VT Illinois Bell Telephone Company Chicago, IL 3,728,323 10,241,628 IL Verizon New Jersey Inc. Newark, NJ 3,468,099 10,073,646 NJ Verizon Pennsylvania Inc. Philadelphia, PA 3,344,493 8,786,730 PA Verizon North Inc. Irving, TX 3,337,275 5,973,059 IL, IN, MI, OH, PA, WI Verizon California Inc. Irving, TX 3,149,575 7,434,824 AZ, CA, NV Michigan Bell Telephone Company Chicago, IL 2,850,266 6,691,039 MI Verizon Maryland Inc. Baltimore, MD 2,264,844 6,031,541 MD Ohio Bell Telephone Company, The Chicago, IL 2,253,481 5,881,979 OH Verizon Virginia Inc. Richmond, VA 2,149,041 5,975,658 VA Verizon Florida Inc. Irving, TX 1,586,307 3,552,325 FL Southern New England Telephone Co., The New Haven, CT 1,508,792 3,585,459 CT Sprint- Florida, Inc. Kansas City, Mo. 1,452,113 7,850,412 FL Indiana Bell Telephone Company Chicago, Ill. 1,288,012 3,203,123 IN GTE Southwest Incorporated d/ b/ a Verizon Southwest Irving, TX 1,264,987 2,498,752 TX Wisconsin Bell, Inc. Chicago, IL 1,184,272 3,059,495 WI Puerto Rico Telephone Co. San Juan, P. R. 1,124,506 1,557,789 PR Verizon Northwest Inc. Irving, TX 1,095,425 2,611,255 CA, ID, OR, WA Verizon South Inc. Irving, TX 917,250 2,061,699 IL, NC, SC, VA Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Co. Kansas City, MO 854,199 5,177,231 NC Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co. Cincinnati, OH 752,994 1,149,616 IN, KY, OH Central Telephone Co. Chicago, IL 715,426 6,605,704 NV, NC Verizon Washington, DC Inc. Washington, D. C. 646,218 3,087,267 DC Verizon West Virginia Inc. Charleston, WV 618,200 1,100,498 WV Verizon Hawaii Inc. Irving, TX 490,069 951,805 HI United Telephone Co. of Ohio Kansas City, MO 450,534 2,035,187 OH Valor Telecommunications of Texas, LP Irving, TX 444,873 701,335 NM, OK, TX ALLTEL Kentucky, Inc. Little Rock, AR 412,098 626,860 KY Frontier Telephone of Rochester, Inc. Rochester, NY 342,187 709,808 NY Verizon Delaware Inc. Wilmington, DE 340,717 887,220 DE United Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania, The Kansas City, MO 294,736 1,038,610 PA ALLTEL Georgia Communications Corp. Little Rock, AR 280,508 321,082 GA Citizens Telecommunications Co. of New York, Inc. Stamford, CT 250,551 312,816 NY United Telephone - Southeast, Inc. Kansas City, MO 245,728 1,237,516 TN, VA, WV CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC Monroe, LA 243,954 424,308 AL Commonwealth Telephone Company Dallas, PA 227,732 330,357 PA Central Telephone Co. of Virginia Chicago, IL 226,380 775,704 VA Nevada Bell Telephone Company San Francisco, CA 217,582 674,766 NV ALLTEL Nebraska, Inc. Little Rock, AR 211,795 277,507 IA, KS, NE Sprint Missouri, Inc. Kansas City, MO 211,499 757,010 IA, KS, MO Iowa Telecommunications Services, Inc. Newton, IA 183,335 306,726 IA Central Telephone Co. of Texas Chicago, IL 183,008 424,260 TX United Telephone Co. of Indiana, Inc. Kansas City, MO 177,445 424,733 IN United Telephone Co. of Texas, Inc. Kansas City, MO 164,815 240,410 TX ALLTEL Pennsylvania, Inc. Little Rock, AR 163,594 250,742 PA ALLTEL Carolina, Inc. Little Rock, AR 154,549 278,182 NC United Telephone Co. of New Jersey, Inc. Kansas City, MO 151,208 578,889 NJ SureWest Telephone Roseville, CA 147,992 388,200 CA Western Reserve Telephone Co., The Little Rock, AR 143,731 217,646 OH CenturyTel of Washington, Inc. Monroe, LA 136,604 308,771 WA United Telephone Co. of the Northwest Kansas City, MO 118,715 294,929 OR, WA * In many cases, the headquarters listed is for the parent company. See Table 1.2 for the intercorporate relations of communi cations carriers and controlling companies. # Access line data are from Table 2.6 and include special (non- switched) lines. The number of access lines for the regional Bell operating companies that do not report as single entities is as follows: SBC Communications, 94,426,337; Verizon, 92,345,5 91. 1 AL, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN 2 AZ, CO, ID, IA, MN, MT, NE, NM, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, W Y 11 17 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.1 - List of Tele phone Carriers Re porting to the Commission for the Year Ended December 31, 2004, Whose Re ports Were Used in the Statistical Tabulations in Parts 1 and 2 -- Continued (Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Interexchange Carriers Carrier's Total Name of Company Headquarters * Toll Service Communications Revenues @ Plant # AT& T Communications, Inc. Bedminster, NJ $22,242,782 $42,383,408 MCI, Inc. - Long Distance Operations Ashburn, VA 11,600,704 6,259,000 Sprint Corporation - Long Distance Division Kansas City, MO 5,900,070 2,355,887 Qwest Communications Corp. Denver, CO 3,307,351 1,179,746 SBC Long Distance, Inc. 1 San Antonio, TX 2,892,080 0 IDT Corporation Newark, NJ 2,216,905 261,760 Bell Atlantic Comm. Inc. d/ b/ a Verizon Long Distance Arlington, VA 2,041,196 0 BellSouth Long Distance, Inc. 1 Atlanta, GA 1,483,052 0 Teleport Communications Group Inc. New York, NY 1,376,308 7,710,602 Global Crossing Bandwidth, Inc. 1 Pittsford, NY 1,316,626 0 WilTel Communications, LLC Tulsa, OK 1,302,396 1,115,542 Broadwing Communications, LLC Chicago, IL 658,376 282,470 Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc. Pittsford, NY 624,950 205,032 Teleglobe America Inc. Reston, VA 508,117 58,839 Verizon Select Services, Inc. 1 Irving, TX441,240 0 VarTec Telecom, Inc. Dallas, TX 2 2 Qwest LD Corp. Denver, CO 366,458 0 Qwest Interprise America, Inc. Denver, CO 339,290 625 ITC^ DeltaCom Communications, Inc. Huntsville, AL 324,283 88,816 NYNEX LD Co. d/ b/ a Verizon Enterprise Solutions 1 Arlington, VA 316,234 0 General Communication, Inc. 3 Anchorage, AK 283,060 287,663 Excel Telecommunications, Inc. Dallas, TX 2 2 McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. Cedar Rapids, IA 225,483 233,071 Evercom Systems, Inc. Irving, TX 206,208 16,318 Frontier Communications of America, Inc. Rochester, NY 192,551 15,506 Level 3 Communications, LLC Broomfield, CO 189,818 3,271,000 ALLTEL Communications, Inc. 1 Little Rock, AR 187,905 1,700 Primus Telecommunications, Inc. McLean, VA 183,459 110,997 Business Telecom, Inc. Raleigh, NC 176,894 46,091 Talk America Inc. New Hope, PA 175,582 0 Electric Lightwave, LLC Rochester, NY 168,680 153,105 SNET America, Inc. 1 New Haven, C T 142,819 0 Americatel Corporation Miami, FL 138,787 42,661 Norlight Telecommunications, Inc. Brookfield, WI 135,830 87,845 * In some cases, the headquarters listed is for the parent company. See Table 1.2 for the intercorporate relations of communi cation carriers and controlling companies. @ Some of the companies included non toll- related revenues in their annual submissions filed pursuant to section 43.21( c) of the Commission's rules. # Includes plant under construction. Figures may also include plant used by some carriers (e. g., Teleport Communications Group, WilTel Communications, and Level 3 Communications) to provide communications services other than long distance toll. See also footnotes to Table 1.2. 1 Company is basically a reseller; therefore, it reported little or no communications plant. 2 Company requested confidential treatment. 3 Revenues exclude $40.3 million from non- communications operations; plant excludes $45.8 million. 12 18 Statistics o f Communications Common Carriers Table 2.2 - Outside Plant Statistics of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers as of December 31, 2004 Aerial Cable Under ground Cable Buried Cable Intrabuildin g Km o fNetwork Cable Aerial Sheath Sheath Sheath Sheath Sheath Sheath Sheath Sheath WireKm o fKm o fKm o fKm o fKm o fKm o fKm of Km o f State Metalli cFibe rMetalli cFibe rMetalli cFibe rMetalli cFibe r Cable Cable Cable Cable Alabama 0 50,004 5,189 5,432 3,052 80,704 7,229 535 0 AL Arizona 15,858 14,722 774 11,086 9,436 57,743 1,167 1,939 61 AZ Arkansas 10 6,292 56 2,367 1,183 51,922 6,009 241 0 AR California 104,524 178,857 7,607 139,803 45,056 150,237 5,038 0 98 CA Colorado 18,290 13,003 550 12,862 7,649 77,620 6,588 2,860 132 CO Connecticut 0 48,600 5,670 9,028 5,487 8,937 14 1,012 31 CT Delaware 0 4,125 2,013 1,384 922 11,099 375 177 24 DE District of Columbia 0 1,199 40 2,322 1,267 121 0 1,582 179 DC Florida 1,248 54,770 6,294 26,264 24,915 227,465 32,135 1,526 75 FL Georgia 0 67,565 12,116 11,089 9,217 122,423 16,131 945 74 GA Hawaii 9,888 12,190 1,746 5,764 846 441 4 286 2 HI Idaho 5,299 4,023 258 2,519 1,150 38,285 3,008 388 14 ID Illinois 3 41,002 1,591 28,354 15,802 151,194 10,445 2,865 169 IL Indiana 1,958 42,794 3,385 10,942 6,596 109,322 11,141 1,744 56 IN Iowa 371 5,636 26 4,330 2,003 100,059 9,046 372 32 IA Kansas 1,503 6,635 126 3,851 2,305 60,503 9,278 198 2 KS Kentucky 6,519 67,964 10,542 5,200 2,620 44,017 2,326 439 8 KY Louisiana 0 23,879 5,927 6,957 3,381 70,664 4,482 1,304 18 LA Maine 0 45,799 5,765 1,342 653 1,806 8 3 0 ME Maryland 0 37,548 7,826 7,248 5,063 39,117 834 1,613 134 MD Massachusetts 0 64,871 7,639 20,121 8,700 8,851 6 327 48 MA Michigan 4,858 52,970 2,307 24,615 12,913 180,513 14,347 5,548 162 MI Minnesota 2,834 7,488 89 9,068 4,232 75,661 5,177 811 89 MN Mississippi 0 34,421 3,750 2,090 1,118 66,120 8,281 504 2 MS Missouri 3,503 24,999 466 9,058 6,452 97,503 8,450 1,125 3 MO Montana 4,952 3,326 19 1,089 336 27,659 2,317 494 5 MT Nebraska 53 3,004 245 2,550 1,915 45,293 6,982 414 34 NE Nevada 60,311 7,277 930 11,540 3,321 13,750 2,076 251 11 NV New Hampshire 0 32,392 4,400 2,303 1,085 3,051 3 13 5 NH New Jersey 1,407 64,225 18,583 20,956 11,444 21,316 401 3,420 472 NJ New Mexico 4,688 11,134 474 3,046 1,859 34,455 3,689 716 37 NM New York 4,717 118,955 17,097 36,466 17,504 68,452 4,246 23,933 2,164 NY North Carolina 2,605 61,038 7,084 8,749 5,816 182,668 17,869 841 15 NC North Dakota 39 526 0 563 396 14,509 1,901 232 8 ND Ohio 26,203 119,520 12,920 22,772 10,540 119,929 9,144 5,519 209 OH Oklahoma 8,113 11,532 348 5,643 2,725 90,756 7,134 1,009 3 OK Oregon 34,208 20,860 1,249 11,035 4,353 40,296 2,683 903 56 OR Pennsylvania 48,960 174,229 33,929 20,120 12,138 53,054 636 3,240 334 PA Rhode Island 0 12,174 1,294 2,576 953 1,078 0 3 0 RI South Carolina 0 13,905 746 4,518 3,589 69,663 8,839 916 14 SC South Dakota 668 958 11 925 449 19,315 2,699 325 5 SD Tennessee 870 67,266 10,333 6,928 3,763 64,813 3,857 769 7 TN Texas 14,588 114,966 7,466 43,188 29,535 374,439 37,515 4,267 70 TX Utah 850 4,883 45 3,846 4,118 23,847 360 1,007 47 UT Vermont 0 27,871 2,037 975 605 2,163 14 2 0 VT Virginia 2,195 56,361 10,190 8,651 7,724 115,420 10,406 1,543 179 VA Washington 27,266 35,488 2,436 18,461 7,041 88,457 4,477 2,655 114 WA West Virginia 0 29,210 6,434 1,233 779 14,994 27 652 13 W V Wisconsin 13,651 17,774 778 7,611 4,525 76,488 7,708 1,371 52 WI Wyoming 1,588 1,312 26 858 359 21,956 2,855 362 6 WY United States 434,598 1,921,542 230,826 609,698 318,890 3,420,148 299,357 83,201 5,273 US Puerto Rico 0 22,822 1,635 4,964 1,521 7,753 1,552 0 0 PR Total 434,598 1,944,364 232,461 614,662 320,411 3,427,901 300,909 83,201 5,273 TO 13 19 Statistics o f Communications Common Carriers Table 2.2 - Outside Plant Statistics of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued Km o fEquipped Equivalen t Metalli cKm of Tube Number of Sheath Km Sheath Km Fiber K mTotal Fibe rWirein Coaxial Poles of Total of Total Equipped Km Deplo yedin Cable Cable State Metalli cFibe r( Lit) (Lit & Dark) Cable Alabama 136,675 15,470 170,555 630,903 43,443,476 129 471,454 AL Arizona 85,490 11,438 161,668 896,279 52,137,378 42 148,981 AZ Arkansas 60,822 7,248 128,086 389,719 19,783,083 396 102,063 AR California 468,897 57,799 1,164,213 4,861,688 344,067,736 1,503 1,681,713 CA Colorado 106,345 14,919 223,728 1,108,730 49,061,175 222 152,118 CO Connecticut 67,577 11,202 105,661 933,267 42,260,515 76 413,473 CT Delaware 16,785 3,334 82,326 233,218 9,199,674 0 43,608 DE District of Columbia 5,224 1,486 74,905 170,238 9,445,323 0 17,104 DC Florida 310,025 63,419 1,133,588 4,147,523 159,528,488 830 612,900 FL Georgia 202,022 37,538 795,575 1,945,038 75,069,300 1,415 416,495 GA Hawaii 18,681 2,598 68,807 110,249 8,554,059 0 87,831 HI Idaho 45,215 4,430 49,430 191,297 11,802,827 68 41,149 ID Illinois 223,414 28,008 387,312 1,743,659 113,474,498 624 633,504 IL Indiana 164,801 21,177 296,738 963,095 55,585,361 40 523,731 IN Iowa 110,397 11,107 110,105 326,099 25,411,542 1,751 100,963 IA Kansas 71,187 11,711 145,622 571,855 23,383,471 2 120,625 KS Kentucky 117,620 15,496 173,567 566,735 32,448,828 10 529,293 KY Louisiana 102,804 13,808 107,992 570,774 45,842,774 151 295,148 LA Maine 48,950 6,426 107,174 228,030 12,408,302 0 249,928 ME Maryland 85,526 13,857 339,963 918,819 57,241,620 0 336,234 MD Massachusetts 94,170 16,393 570,988 1,562,212 63,545,375 31 675,640 MA Michigan 263,646 29,729 424,448 2,002,734 115,156,805 35 587,095 MI Minnesota 93,028 9,587 155,535 502,538 43,057,222 525 132,425 MN Mississippi 103,135 13,151 107,603 495,655 27,724,369 2 269,976 MS Missouri 132,685 15,371 293,579 906,142 49,497,604 2 352,199 MO Montana 32,568 2,677 25,626 91,107 6,638,243 55 38,747 MT Nebraska 51,261 9,176 77,105 280,463 14,672,858 1,324 37,650 NE Nevada 32,818 6,338 98,756 318,520 17,354,491 0 62,223 NV New Hampshire 37,759 5,493 149,917 325,907 14,221,460 0 233,063 NH New Jersey 109,917 30,900 1,374,206 2,957,427 102,619,312 0 668,444 NJ New Mexico 49,351 6,059 78,400 218,703 16,071,887 69 91,303 NM New York 247,806 41,011 1,657,673 2,638,038 152,551,064 315 1,443,998 NY North Carolina 253,296 30,784 586,726 1,320,954 77,277,316 526 466,890 NC North Dakota 15,830 2,305 19,856 47,616 4,862,215 5 8,618 ND Ohio 267,741 32,813 443,551 1,844,267 91,978,334 40 1,193,065 OH Oklahoma 108,940 10,210 155,134 536,701 34,919,027 962 225,297 OK Oregon 73,094 8,341 104,515 407,257 31,627,363 801 153,147 OR Pennsylvania 250,643 47,037 888,883 2,397,897 110,587,968 0 1,587,099 PA Rhode Island 15,831 2,247 54,736 213,311 10,623,913 0 145,250 RI South Carolina 89,002 13,188 164,715 478,822 32,727,022 122 152,165 SC South Dakota 21,523 3,164 30,762 65,244 5,970,289 79 15,692 SD Tennessee 139,776 17,960 330,448 909,063 53,515,625 277 511,011 TN Texas 536,860 74,586 1,142,886 4,856,153 239,268,701 631 1,243,865 TX Utah 33,583 4,570 86,091 357,570 18,850,091 23 56,650 UT Vermont 31,011 2,656 47,089 114,851 6,690,303 0 151,920 VT Virginia 181,975 28,499 761,491 1,788,968 75,449,580 0 480,265 VA Washington 145,061 14,068 228,377 741,066 60,290,783 607 319,447 WA West Virginia 46,089 7,253 140,099 412,050 15,057,827 0 342,804 WV Wisconsin 103,243 13,061 239,316 761,609 42,302,229 101 164,776 WI Wyoming 24,488 3,246 31,876 113,509 5,533,229 0 26,784 WY United States 6,034,587 854,344 16,297,402 51,173,569 2,730,791,935 13,791 18,815,823 US Puerto Rico 35,539 4,708 158,778 158,778 22,851,004 0 333,877 PR Total 6,070,126 859,052 16,456,180 51,332,347 2,753,642,939 13,791 19,149,700 TO Total Cable Km of Fiber in Cable 14 20 Statistics o f Communications Common Carriers Table 2.2 - Outside Plant Statistics of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued Conduit S ystemKm o fKm of Telephone Channel Terrestria lon Radio System Trench Km Duct Km Analo gDi gital State (4Khz or Equiv) Alabama 2,467 15,678 21 1,608 0 19,301 AL Arizona 6,596 28,589 4,778 12,352 15,179 15,607,204 AZ Arkansas 792 5,541 123 492 0 496,385 AR California 63,201 258,624 6,787 64,103 0 46,775,536 CA Colorado 6,262 28,024 3,775 13,379 0 19,604,449 CO Connecticut 3,291 23,470 0 0 0 0 CT Delaware 824 5,816 0 0 0 0 DE District of Columbia 972 6,537 0 0 0 0 DC Florida 16,356 89,536 266 532 0 347,028 FL Georgia 5,858 39,834 30 189 0 31,152 GA Hawaii 3,484 6,668 4,463 15,901 34,495 1,592,297 HI Idaho 1,085 4,785 1,987 5,282 946,809 2,518,370 ID Illinois 13,561 79,064 1,215 3,205 46,134 1,165,713 IL Indiana 6,961 33,380 102 204 0 205,367 IN Iowa 1,853 9,714 563 819 0 88,366 IA Kansas 1,461 10,196 0 0 0 0 KS Kentucky 2,914 14,994 0 0 0 0 KY Louisiana 3,346 22,366 68 136 794 986 LA Maine 808 4,451 67 172 0 27,783 ME Maryland 3,635 26,318 76 152 0 20,032 MD Massachusetts 12,366 61,998 115 982 0 548,558 MA Michigan 11,160 61,114 1,065 2,451 0 69,088 MI Minnesota 3,838 22,014 647 1,601 0 2,689,305 MN Mississippi 790 6,307 0 0 0 0 MS Missouri 4,700 31,453 153 307 0 207,910 MO Montana 407 1,878 1,606 3,667 0 6,374,674 MT Nebraska 1,454 7,396 0 0 0 0 NE Nevada 10,128 21,650 2,601 5,899 0 856,285 NV New Hampshire 1,086 6,893 37 75 0 3,600 NH New Jersey 9,627 70,603 22 71 0 16,032 NJ New Mexico 1,852 6,956 3,239 8,679 0 10,664,862 NM New York 24,021 89,325 221 1,017 0 337,474 NY North Carolina 4,074 25,993 287 743 0 2,681,437 NC North Dakota 336 1,524 257 770 0 1,024,341 ND Ohio 10,784 61,118 150 290 0 2,582 OH Oklahoma 2,127 14,362 99 276 0 159,384 OK Oregon 4,377 15,921 2,563 6,830 0 4,354,893 OR Pennsylvania 10,936 71,412 137 352 0 57,332 PA Rhode Island 1,052 7,441 37 223 0 42,854 RI South Carolina 2,451 15,563 34 86 0 121,995 SC South Dakota 650 2,935 507 1,066 0 1,450,440 SD Tennessee 3,881 22,142 115 728 0 1,467,288 TN Texas 22,074 138,642 919 2,224 138 771,722 TX Utah 2,988 11,037 1,893 5,352 0 7,310,764 UT Vermont 698 2,749 0 0 0 0 VT Virginia 5,527 27,906 344 743 0 667,753 VA Washington 7,594 27,027 4,718 98,056 0 20,630,812 WA West Virginia 708 4,039 0 0 0 0 WV Wisconsin 4,361 21,983 500 2,246 0 1,686,870 WI Wyoming 470 2,420 4,362 13,711 0 17,490,448 WY United States 312,244 1,575,386 50,949 276,971 1,043,549 170,188,672 US Puerto Rico 5,923 17,768 4,235 12,196 0 7,208,280 PR Total 318,167 1,593,154 55,184 289,167 1,043,549 177,396,952 TO Km of One-Way Terrestrial Radio Channel (64Kbps or Equiv) 15 21 Statistics o f Communications Common Carriers Table 2.2 - Outside Plant Statistics of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km (Cable and Microwave S ystems) Analo gDi gitalAnalo gDi gital State Alabama 8,359,892 8,832,547 0 56,483,814 AL Arizona 35,025 11,336,703 15,601 67,776,789 AZ Arkansas 8,369,585 1,290,078 0 47,391,565 AR California 104,938,544 28,900,391 44,428 288,295,283 CA Colorado 32,018 12,104,067 0 84,913,122 CO Connecticut 10,930,828 5,419,459 0 36,722,545 CT Delaware 3,413,177 8,848,230 0 7,299,681 DE District of Columbia 8,260,805 10,203,820 144 15,918,036 DC Florida 25,766,672 51,159,872 0 270,664,122 FL Georgia 15,221,391 25,288,144 0 133,914,624 GA Hawaii 901,558 1,423,592 5,331,245 19,195,456 HI Idaho 360,527 2,570,351 958,415 34,494,206 ID Illinois 39,888,370 11,340,300 417,937 360,157,613 IL Indiana 15,433,317 8,401,419 14,463 174,199,460 IN Iowa 32,371 1,588,108 0 26,243,475 IA Kansas 6,660,401 3,339,148 1,015 68,900,913 KS Kentucky 11,788,523 4,461,589 0 66,687,670 KY Louisiana 8,815,832 6,626,952 794 51,018,567 LA Maine 4,609,511 1,630,652 0 8,429,887 ME Maryland 23,287,473 29,625,627 0 68,200,240 MD Massachusetts 26,207,395 8,360,923 0 20,982,747 MA Michigan 39,467,333 10,594,178 515,469 319,552,416 MI Minnesota 115 4,249,869 1,024 45,553,582 MN Mississippi 6,701,021 6,126,192 0 66,211,180 MS Missouri 15,106,660 5,027,748 0 175,429,189 MO Montana 74,208 1,380,833 0 17,736,600 MT Nebraska 23,596 1,286,558 0 59,936,352 NE Nevada 2,845,684 681,958 826,300 8,409,556 NV New Hampshire 4,616,402 2,406,436 0 6,737,448 NH New Jersey 43,512,931 56,222,690 0 239,434,528 NJ New Mexico 526,951 3,982,235 0 45,498,419 NM New York 70,576,079 17,787,059 0 1,514,485,041 NY North Carolina 10,557,448 16,277,161 0 91,919,789 NC North Dakota 2,016 619,735 0 6,185,076 ND Ohio 27,358,348 15,559,067 958,411 367,814,044 OH Oklahoma 12,047,359 2,228,601 0 87,660,499 OK Oregon 1,476,152 6,072,593 172,698 54,183,472 OR Pennsylvania 57,517,502 59,384,553 368,773 271,029,158 PA Rhode Island 4,311,147 1,245,909 0 1,334,550 RI South Carolina 5,803,597 7,504,984 0 35,639,264 SC South Dakota 19,458 562,375 0 20,925,789 SD Tennessee 10,184,135 13,488,432 0 55,822,360 TN Texas 64,951,159 33,566,587 2,022,729 539,430,504 TX Utah 3,169 2,955,219 483 32,700,882 UT Vermont 2,078,205 1,141,977 0 6,987,274 VT Virginia 28,636,232 57,867,730 395,297 123,663,389 VA Washington 2,749,224 11,106,522 128,637 84,820,948 WA West Virginia 5,556,506 15,246,578 0 27,488,683 WV Wisconsin 13,441,837 4,651,815 0 96,758,715 WI Wyoming 98,973 2,459,607 0 31,162,160 WY United States 753,556,662 604,437,173 12,173,863 6,342,400,682 US Puerto Rico 0 480,240 0 56,788,380 PR Total 753,556,662 604,917,413 12,173,863 6,399,189,062 TO (Cable and Microwave S ystems) (4Khz or Equiv) (64Kbps or Equiv) (4Khz or Equiv) (64Kbps or Equiv) 16 22 Statistics o f Communications Common Carriers Table 2.3 - Switched Access Lines in Service for Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers as of December 31, 2004 Main PBX andCentrex Other Total Access Centrex Extensions Switched Switched Lines Trunks Access Access State Lines Lines Alabama 1,664,324 46,878 97,745 17,777 1,826,724 AL Arizona 1,968,663 70,616 154,733 6,612 2,200,624 AZ Arkansas 726,005 21,029 45,558 4,633 797,225 AR California 16,160,005 668,892 2,123,886 405,154 19,357,937 CA Colorado 2,089,222 72,692 118,477 11,583 2,291,974 CO Connecticut 1,832,092 21,709 167,401 47,156 2,068,358 CT Delaware 365,777 35,837 83,664 58,866 544,144 DE District of Columbia 330,102 120,640 442,118 39,225 932,085 DC Florida 8,567,962 325,337 500,424 121,672 9,515,395 FL Georgia 3,036,640 108,201 327,721 34,576 3,507,138 GA Hawaii 559,718 38,018 74,810 1,532 674,078 HI Idaho 564,247 17,629 47,230 1,893 630,999 ID Illinois 5,216,770 174,310 531,343 71,352 5,993,775 IL Indiana 2,435,374 109,672 418,354 50,239 3,013,639 IN Iowa 1,005,350 52,150 51,509 8,158 1,117,167 IA Kansas 832,102 26,239 50,246 18,010 926,597 KS Kentucky 1,496,322 42,586 88,816 18,842 1,646,566 KY Louisiana 1,667,054 48,341 115,491 19,076 1,849,962 LA Maine 465,303 41,927 44,498 112,381 664,109 ME Maryland 2,337,815 222,352 611,833 445,961 3,617,961 MD Massachusetts 2,717,681 217,631 385,817 400,894 3,722,023 MA Michigan 3,555,154 118,083 492,647 37,632 4,203,516 MI Minnesota 1,390,949 55,759 134,776 41,345 1,622,829 MN Mississippi 967,897 28,546 62,101 21,841 1,080,385 MS Missouri 2,131,021 72,972 98,307 20,099 2,322,399 MO Montana 300,073 10,857 10,936 9,711 331,577 MT Nebraska 446,299 21,541 75,763 6,432 550,035 NE Nevada 1,032,399 61,722 144,006 20,803 1,258,930 NV New Hampshire 539,514 22,849 37,099 68,083 667,545 NH New Jersey 4,025,825 310,518 627,937 1,090,417 6,054,697 NJ New Mexico 803,533 25,377 33,749 2,897 865,556 NM New York 6,570,160 516,751 1,055,540 2,574,866 10,717,317 NY North Carolina 3,475,674 189,734 262,263 54,914 3,982,585 NC North Dakota 122,570 5,099 6,319 3,039 137,027 ND Ohio 4,694,976 226,962 442,250 63,703 5,427,891 OH Oklahoma 1,255,294 29,292 65,740 23,553 1,373,879 OK Oregon 1,436,397 62,916 59,818 31,124 1,590,255 OR Pennsylvania 5,155,423 344,250 714,992 682,301 6,896,966 PA Rhode Island 350,343 17,985 51,949 43,226 463,503 RI South Carolina 1,286,097 45,429 79,786 20,262 1,431,574 SC South Dakota 131,398 6,820 24,225 5,079 167,522 SD Tennessee 2,205,164 62,864 81,442 16,981 2,366,451 TN Texas 8,704,803 261,512 411,387 119,349 9,497,051 TX Utah 771,899 20,042 54,758 3,631 850,330 UT Vermont 253,930 12,484 43,134 31,872 341,420 VT Virginia 2,920,944 319,725 673,614 378,064 4,292,347 VA Washington 2,794,013 107,995 208,562 25,067 3,135,637 WA West Virginia 622,468 44,407 74,533 39,806 781,214 WV Wisconsin 1,673,705 60,440 203,661 16,279 1,954,085 WI Wyoming 192,289 11,671 8,985 3,077 216,022 WY United States 115,848,739 5,557,288 12,721,953 7,351,045 141,479,025 US Puerto Rico 1,146,149 104,686 556 0 1,251,391 PR Total 116,994,888 5,661,974 12,722,509 7,351,045 142,730,416 TO 17 23 Statistics o f Communications Common Carriers Table 2.3 - Switched Access Lines in Service for Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued Central Total Basic Rate Primary Rate Office Remote Central ISDN ISDN Switches Switches Office Control Control Excludin gSwitches Channels Channels State Remotes Alabama 115 200 315 8,910 5,395 AL Arizona 93 64 157 10,100 4,517 AZ Arkansas 43 115 158 2,250 1,051 AR California 638 648 1,286 106,257 28,442 CA Colorado 107 76 183 14,094 5,290 CO Connecticut 87 82 169 19,627 2,210 CT Delaware 20 17 37 3,915 1,218 DE District of Columbia 24 6 30 102,922 3,639 DC Florida 309 323 632 28,325 19,816 FL Georgia 136 126 262 25,258 11,637 GA Hawaii 41 104 145 2,150 731 HI Idaho 53 88 141 1,477 1,080 ID Illinois 311 580 891 44,085 13,631 IL Indiana 179 495 674 15,359 5,123 IN Iowa 130 306 436 2,957 2,109 IA Kansas 67 147 214 3,986 1,453 KS Kentucky 126 192 318 4,105 4,493 KY Louisiana 108 124 232 7,933 4,864 LA Maine 15 128 143 2,640 1,464 ME Maryland 105 133 238 69,690 7,152 MD Massachusetts 168 164 332 42,473 4,718 MA Michigan 274 399 673 24,296 7,498 MI Minnesota 79 104 183 15,516 3,707 MN Mississippi 37 169 206 2,456 3,452 MS Missouri 122 265 387 9,583 3,013 MO Montana 17 57 74 773 758 MT Nebraska 32 182 214 3,597 1,316 NE Nevada 30 55 85 5,092 2,081 NV New Hampshire 26 97 123 3,540 602 NH New Jersey 214 33 247 63,185 9,124 NJ New Mexico 46 63 109 2,665 1,486 NM New York 337 452 789 77,454 13,715 NY North Carolina 192 340 532 12,505 7,592 NC North Dakota 12 17 29 547 436 ND Ohio 309 528 837 23,969 11,797 OH Oklahoma 91 221 312 2,954 1,635 OK Oregon 113 121 234 5,837 3,075 OR Pennsylvania 323 1,023 1,346 34,745 9,318 PA Rhode Island 21 21 42 1,896 370 RI South Carolina 88 139 227 4,517 4,003 SC South Dakota 15 32 47 1,138 402 SD Tennessee 119 107 226 16,085 6,255 TN Texas 665 883 1,548 70,263 21,382 TX Utah 40 26 66 4,006 2,017 UT Vermont 8 78 86 2,221 292 VT Virginia 180 756 936 108,749 11,489 VA Washington 186 440 626 12,611 5,127 WA West Virginia 32 117 149 5,395 1,587 WV Wisconsin 116 133 249 13,591 5,505 WI Wyoming 14 15 29 535 411 WY United States 6,613 10,991 17,604 1,048,234 269,478 US Puerto Rico 31 297 328 2,182 407 PR Total 6,644 11,288 17,932 1,050,416 269,885 TO 18 24 Statistics o f Communications Common Carriers Table 2.4 - Access Lines in Service b y Customer for Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers as of December 31, 2004 Sin gleMultilin ePayphoneLifeline Line Lines PrimaryNon- Primar y State Alabama 46,171 471,501 4,958 21,018 1,194,046 89,030 AL Arizona 42,000 661,623 14,953 17,812 1,276,845 187,391 AZ Arkansas 21,025 257,065 7,609 13,438 453,793 44,295 AR California 315,260 6,905,617 115,584 2,851,142 6,704,862 2,465,472 CA Colorado 52,696 647,026 14,202 28,564 1,308,826 240,660 CO Connecticut 30,270 621,776 15,696 54,540 1,091,864 254,212 CT Delaware 7,583 176,382 3,603 2,662 314,005 39,909 DE District of Columbia 4,339 670,391 6,521 10,832 204,018 35,984 DC Florida 210,970 2,575,585 15,950 149,266 5,787,704 775,920 FL Georgia 93,190 1,155,896 6,354 60,788 1,934,238 256,672 GA Hawaii 17,338 215,605 6,182 7,873 372,559 54,521 HI Idaho 18,568 176,895 3,780 26,375 365,111 40,270 ID Illinois 143,850 2,295,609 47,384 80,436 2,947,981 478,515 IL Indiana 71,813 955,076 24,562 51,228 1,749,960 161,000 IN Iowa 29,761 286,449 6,673 39,469 692,571 62,244 IA Kansas 22,144 300,427 7,235 17,770 529,942 49,079 KS Kentucky 45,371 435,138 6,711 49,534 1,052,246 57,566 KY Louisiana 39,124 531,423 3,898 19,514 1,126,362 129,641 LA Maine 17,379 175,594 4,342 59,002 379,489 28,303 ME Maryland 37,822 1,284,022 30,842 4,478 1,980,069 280,728 MD Massachusetts 86,483 1,272,490 29,936 126,077 1,971,101 235,936 MA Michigan 104,339 1,556,883 39,972 93,081 2,193,172 216,069 MI Minnesota 28,469 444,443 10,439 35,503 981,424 122,551 MN Mississippi 29,475 303,324 3,428 23,215 673,784 47,159 MS Missouri 53,024 644,644 14,998 33,225 1,414,265 162,243 MO Montana 10,861 87,709 3,046 8,337 203,370 18,254 MT Nebraska 15,491 196,790 5,759 12,491 296,846 22,658 NE Nevada 26,195 383,518 3,795 45,145 704,753 95,524 NV New Hampshire 19,402 172,412 4,719 6,255 418,819 45,938 NH New Jersey 69,305 2,040,416 53,598 121,827 3,017,995 751,556 NJ New Mexico 23,219 224,689 6,333 43,559 507,339 60,417 NM New York 199,301 3,283,527 123,642 400,885 6,005,064 704,898 NY North Carolina 150,860 1,042,014 9,278 110,129 2,425,900 244,404 NC North Dakota 3,788 39,038 907 6,456 81,553 5,285 ND Ohio 134,067 1,568,770 41,738 284,378 3,118,127 280,811 OH Oklahoma 37,066 382,701 11,892 74,795 776,690 90,735 OK Oregon 46,712 376,276 10,531 41,229 1,008,032 107,475 OR Pennsylvania 144,025 1,879,665 49,239 154,548 4,127,236 542,253 PA Rhode Island 10,471 137,700 4,179 39,380 248,300 23,473 RI South Carolina 32,072 391,542 5,107 17,646 911,925 73,282 SC South Dakota 4,699 63,128 2,227 5,731 84,693 7,044 SD Tennessee 49,897 584,314 6,571 40,875 1,536,273 148,521 TN Texas 212,631 2,986,069 59,349 612,008 4,823,292 803,702 TX Utah 17,692 243,339 6,462 18,272 494,670 69,895 UT Vermont 9,295 93,575 2,162 19,200 199,340 17,848 VT Virginia 62,560 1,561,880 31,398 20,603 2,341,353 274,553 VA Washington 82,834 798,235 18,699 108,815 1,873,141 253,913 WA West Virginia 13,558 175,947 6,983 4,209 554,123 26,394 WV Wisconsin 43,051 663,685 15,395 54,840 1,060,105 117,009 WI Wyoming 7,485 75,218 2,505 3,729 118,043 9,042 WY United States 2,995,001 44,473,041 931,326 6,132,184 75,637,219 11,310,254 US Puerto Rico 162,250 79,147 17,088 106,187 886,719 0 PR Total 3,157,251 44,552,188 948,414 6,238,371 76,523,938 11,310,254 TO Business Switched Access Lines Non- Lifeline Residential Switched Access Lines 19 25 Statistics o f Communications Common Carriers Table 2.4 - Access Lines in Service b y Customer for Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued Total Special Access Lines Total Switched (Non- Switched) Access Lines Local Access Analo gDi gital( Switched and Private Lines (4Khz or Equiv) Special) Lines State Alabama 1,826,724 9,245 2,311,299 4,147,268 225,162 AL Arizona 2,200,624 2,426 1,406,773 3,609,823 35,606 AZ Arkansas 797,225 18,829 853,587 1,669,641 68,366 AR California 19,357,937 38,081 21,610,464 41,006,482 925,726 CA Colorado 2,291,974 3,666 1,610,404 3,906,044 28,623 CO Connecticut 2,068,358 6,338 1,604,417 3,679,113 188,373 CT Delaware 544,144 3,362 339,714 887,220 60,150 DE District of Columbia 932,085 6,219 2,148,963 3,087,267 206,488 DC Florida 9,515,395 67,977 13,113,877 22,697,249 833,134 FL Georgia 3,507,138 27,208 6,377,236 9,911,582 469,215 GA Hawaii 674,078 1,096 276,631 951,805 77,115 HI Idaho 630,999 884 279,598 911,481 9,207 ID Illinois 5,993,775 47,222 5,366,124 11,407,121 997,320 IL Indiana 3,013,639 13,162 2,006,822 5,033,623 367,598 IN Iowa 1,117,167 4,639 602,792 1,724,598 11,231 IA Kansas 926,597 11,593 1,055,248 1,993,438 86,731 KS Kentucky 1,646,566 16,360 1,028,828 2,691,754 179,195 KY Louisiana 1,849,962 19,828 2,181,673 4,051,463 235,870 LA Maine 664,109 1,079 349,000 1,014,188 65,633 ME Maryland 3,617,961 13,771 2,399,809 6,031,541 354,479 MD Massachusetts 3,722,023 11,308 2,685,992 6,419,323 428,708 MA Michigan 4,203,516 18,568 3,296,547 7,518,631 615,456 MI Minnesota 1,622,829 2,857 1,092,864 2,718,550 24,236 MN Mississippi 1,080,385 3,897 761,372 1,845,654 142,811 MS Missouri 2,322,399 36,249 3,005,183 5,363,831 213,381 MO Montana 331,577 921 135,987 468,485 3,509 MT Nebraska 550,035 2,070 351,271 903,376 9,686 NE Nevada 1,258,930 3,078 5,483,461 6,745,469 38,041 NV New Hampshire 667,545 992 340,496 1,009,033 49,236 NH New Jersey 6,054,697 14,707 4,583,131 10,652,535 624,244 NJ New Mexico 865,556 1,028 396,448 1,263,032 8,944 NM New York 10,717,317 33,121 10,274,201 21,024,639 558,012 NY North Carolina 3,982,585 42,929 7,331,867 11,357,381 455,585 NC North Dakota 137,027 603 112,356 249,986 3,298 ND Ohio 5,427,891 18,923 4,812,665 10,259,479 548,789 OH Oklahoma 1,373,879 9,095 1,290,869 2,673,843 97,910 OK Oregon 1,590,255 2,283 876,934 2,469,472 60,592 OR Pennsylvania 6,896,966 21,786 4,390,263 11,309,015 584,935 PA Rhode Island 463,503 993 290,162 754,658 43,278 RI South Carolina 1,431,574 9,243 1,235,348 2,676,165 175,440 SC South Dakota 167,522 768 112,862 281,152 5,035 SD Tennessee 2,366,451 33,897 3,042,145 5,442,493 270,036 TN Texas 9,497,051 131,322 11,006,333 20,634,706 1,106,226 TX Utah 850,330 1,975 644,048 1,496,353 10,791 UT Vermont 341,420 707 126,525 468,652 27,283 VT Virginia 4,292,347 10,920 3,830,094 8,133,361 464,449 VA Washington 3,135,637 11,589 2,091,010 5,238,236 449,277 WA West Virginia 781,214 2,722 316,562 1,100,498 74,452 WV Wisconsin 1,954,085 22,603 1,587,193 3,563,881 457,402 WI Wyoming 216,022 960 118,337 335,319 6,196 WY United States 141,479,025 765,099 142,545,785 284,789,909 12,982,460 US Puerto Rico 1,251,391 799 305,599 1,557,789 17,221 PR Total 142,730,416 765,898 142,851,384 286,347,698 12,999,681 TO (64Kbps or Equiv) 20 26 Statistics o f Communications Common Carriers Table 2.5 - Tele phone Calls and Billed Access Minutes for Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers as of December 31, 2004 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed InterLATA Billed Access Minutes Local IntraLATA Ori ginatingOri ginating and Terminatin g Calls Toll Calls (Thousands) (Thousands) Complete d State Ori ginatingInterstate Intrastate Total Interstate Intrastate Total (Thousands) Alabama 6,927,104 116,095 661,615 171,052 832,667 5,555,427 2,615,126 8,170,553 AL Arizona 5,534,986 37,243 820,203 152,798 973,001 7,984,108 1,379,977 9,364,085 AZ Arkansas 2,633,398 17,033 337,159 99,608 436,767 2,790,454 1,027,179 3,817,633 AR California 43,550,021 3,798,721 5,734,717 5,023,441 10,758,158 41,306,915 36,032,896 77,339,811 CA Colorado 4,956,988 32,775 748,716 176,051 924,767 8,299,207 1,936,610 10,235,817 CO Connecticut 4,504,845 386,712 1,307,456 16,643 1,324,099 7,858,539 43,554 7,902,093 CT Delaware 1,287,041 53,710 238,240 10,223 248,463 2,024,281 320,209 2,344,490 DE District of Columbia 1,568,971 4,151 210,776 0 210,776 2,810,903 0 2,810,903 DC Florida 26,251,701 157,683 3,396,707 1,217,377 4,614,084 30,571,654 11,830,335 42,401,989 FL Georgia 12,283,675 136,539 1,377,755 279,813 1,657,568 11,715,609 3,891,602 15,607,211 GA Hawaii 2,507,856 10,883 249,848 95,917 345,765 1,677,058 338,679 2,015,737 HI Idaho 1,521,675 5,445 220,228 45,837 266,065 2,298,428 434,886 2,733,314 ID Illinois 17,015,136 107,099 2,079,616 647,557 2,727,173 15,626,754 5,065,953 20,692,707 IL Indiana 10,289,405 90,238 1,131,448 409,542 1,540,990 7,756,265 3,536,863 11,293,128 IN Iowa 2,637,190 100,638 300,028 119,912 419,939 4,057,578 1,461,531 5,519,109 IA Kansas 2,881,758 11,692 327,474 116,232 443,705 3,231,031 1,132,378 4,363,409 KS Kentucky 5,306,041 244,694 692,326 141,784 834,110 4,988,222 2,126,070 7,114,292 KY Louisiana 7,718,756 41,693 590,073 158,212 748,285 5,082,167 3,145,206 8,227,373 LA Maine 949,335 101,968 149,476 308,977 458,453 1,834,283 1,304,385 3,138,668 ME Maryland 8,181,363 164,489 1,177,603 856,051 2,033,654 11,934,377 4,674,730 16,609,107 MD Massachusetts 5,179,012 532,173 980,212 1,749,663 2,729,875 10,961,563 7,927,876 18,889,439 MA Michigan 13,234,605 477,889 1,519,908 585,747 2,105,655 9,661,684 4,653,655 14,315,339 MI Minnesota 4,052,792 7,337 419,390 109,304 528,694 4,829,055 1,558,987 6,388,042 MN Mississippi 4,593,730 86,407 389,639 54,557 444,196 3,876,493 2,248,146 6,124,639 MS Missouri 7,495,088 31,116 764,740 183,090 947,830 6,953,540 3,224,514 10,178,054 MO Montana 667,534 3,507 105,598 31,827 137,425 1,189,039 345,316 1,534,355 MT Nebraska 1,409,696 38,740 238,051 73,904 311,957 2,036,785 647,039 2,683,824 NE Nevada 2,728,047 2,448 747,413 74,049 821,462 5,588,237 542,396 6,130,633 NV New Hampshire 711,665 107,451 215,906 313,533 529,439 2,599,979 1,334,745 3,934,724 NH New Jersey 11,733,085 782,871 2,008,756 882,077 2,890,833 17,457,376 8,297,600 25,754,976 NJ New Mexico 2,225,214 8,562 365,229 67,746 432,975 3,185,128 631,313 3,816,441 NM New York 22,526,165 251,313 2,691,191 4,165,546 6,856,737 26,403,761 19,268,765 45,672,526 NY North Carolina 11,700,816 79,189 1,420,185 508,028 1,928,213 12,201,088 4,716,103 16,917,191 NC North Dakota 369,131 2,242 53,681 16,053 69,734 563,670 186,584 750,254 ND Ohio 16,070,879 125,538 1,944,675 898,184 2,842,859 14,236,875 7,293,131 21,530,006 OH Oklahoma 4,134,261 17,599 567,904 145,248 713,152 4,446,286 1,421,296 5,867,582 OK Oregon 3,891,175 32,551 529,240 167,097 696,337 5,369,606 1,700,327 7,069,933 OR Pennsylvania 16,060,690 719,870 2,060,981 810,410 2,871,391 18,343,856 11,050,752 29,394,608 PA Rhode Island 751,839 75,845 141,911 252,542 394,453 1,564,038 930,088 2,494,126 RI South Carolina 4,894,529 58,873 532,488 126,379 658,867 4,507,380 1,800,855 6,308,235 SC South Dakota 378,943 3,494 59,775 16,783 76,558 606,221 176,028 782,249 SD Tennessee 7,930,169 104,559 764,945 150,975 915,920 6,882,255 2,683,628 9,565,883 TN Texas 35,335,825 122,067 2,990,188 1,540,062 4,530,250 24,492,953 13,966,511 38,459,464 TX Utah 2,153,672 27,069 294,347 82,639 376,986 3,035,141 853,875 3,889,016 UT Vermont 599,036 25,486 109,599 102,745 212,344 1,282,878 496,397 1,779,275 VT Virginia 11,345,287 113,666 1,448,586 538,971 1,987,557 14,161,083 7,299,680 21,460,763 VA Washington 7,557,616 136,982 984,242 435,573 1,419,815 9,417,411 4,032,172 13,449,583 WA West Virginia 2,024,058 34,223 285,591 164,985 450,576 2,842,287 1,062,133 3,904,420 WV Wisconsin 4,616,236 113,915 854,953 253,653 1,108,606 4,807,356 1,903,375 6,710,731 WI Wyoming 447,716 3,139 84,145 21,279 105,424 872,714 242,483 1,115,197 WY United States 375,325,756 9,745,622 47,324,933 24,569,676 71,894,609 403,778,998 194,793,939 598,572,937 US Puerto Rico 5,743,960 453,551 302,301 0 302,301 3,225,713 0 3,225,713 PR Total 381,069,716 10,199,173 47,627,234 24,569,676 72,196,910 407,004,711 194,793,939 601,798,650 TO 21 27 Data for Tables 2.2 through 2.5 were obtained from annual ARMIS (Automated Reporting Management Information System) operating data reports (FCC Report 43- 08) of reporting incumbent local exchange carriers. ARMIS Report 43- 08 definitions and carrier data can be accessed at www. fcc. gov/ wcb/ armis/. See Table 2.6 for data of individual carriers. Certain data pertaining to the carriers are unavailable. Totals by state for some items may be understated because of incomplete data. Detailed values may not match totals because of necessary rounding. Changes to Companies during Year 2004 Qwest no longer includes El Paso County Telephone company data for Colorado and it no longer includes Malheur Home Telephone Company for Idaho and two other Idaho study areas (MSID and PNID Outside Plant Statistics Unless otherwise stated, data include local loop and interoffice facilities. A cable containing only copper, coaxial, or other metallic conductors is classified as metallic, but a cable containing both fiber and copper, coaxial or other metallic conductors is classified as fiber. Kilometers equal total miles multiplied by 1.6093 and then rounded to the nearest whole number. Non- zero entries the ARMIS reports of less than 1 kilometer are reported as 1 kilometer. Equivalent number of poles is the number of solely- owned poles plus the sum of the products of the numbers of jointly- owned poles times their ownership percentages. Kilometers of telephone channel are the number of equivalent analog or digital telephone circuit kilometers that a equipped and on radio systems above 890 MH z Total equipped local loop circuit kilometers are the number of total equivalent voice- grade circuit kilometers in local plant. Access Lines Switched access lines connect end- user customers with their end office for switched services. They are classified as analog or digital depending on the type of service. Switched access lines include 800 and 800- like access lines, resold telephone exchange service lines, employee concession lines, but not official/ company circuits. They do not include the closed end of WATS, FX, and special access lines. Main access lines include analog switched access lines provided over 4kHz or equivalent facilities, that connect to residential, single and multiline business telephones excluding PBX Trunks, Centrex- CO lines, Centrex- CU Trunks, and Hotel/ Motel LD Trunks. Digital switched lines are provided over 64 kbps, 56 kbps, or ISDN B channels or other equivalent communications channels that are circuit- switched and can carry either, voice or data excluding digital access lines connecting to a customer location or PBX. A fully- equipped DS- 1 lin e, for example, corresponds to 24 - 64 kbps equivalents. Other switched access lines and total switched access lines includ e resold telephone exchange service lines. Special access lines connect an end user's premises to an interexchange carrier or other access customer point of presence. Local private lines originate and terminate within the same LATA. Central office switches are assemblies of equipment and software designed to establish connections among lines and between lines and trunks, including access tandems, local, class 5 switching machines and associated remote switching machines. Statistics of Communications Common Carriers 22 Notes for Tables 2.2 through 2.5 28 Notes for Tables 2.2 through 2.5 -- Continued Access Lines - Continued Figures for switched access lines reported in the ARMIS Report 43- 08 for some companies are slightly different from figures for billable access lines reported in the annual summary report (ARMIS Report 43- 01) for a variety of reasons, including different reporting requirements, the interpretation of those requirements by the various companies, and the methods different companies use to calculate the number of lines. The majority of the differences come from the fact tha t derived ISDN channels are included in the count of switched access lines in the ARMIS Report 43- 08, but are not treated as billable access lines in the ARMIS Report 43- 01. Telephone Calls and Minutes Local calls are the number of originating calls completed or unanswered between points both of which are within the local service area of the calling telephone, or total originating calls minus total originating toll calls. The number of completed toll calls include calls directed to a point outside the local service area of the calling telephone. The number of toll calls is based on originating message volumes and includes outward calls, 800 and 800- like service, directory service, dial- it services (e. g., 900 service), and optional calling plans. IntraLATA toll calls are carried by the reporting local operating company within a given Local Access and Transport Area (LATA). InterLATA toll calls are directed to and carried by interexchange carriers. Billed access minutes are based on bills sent to interexchange carriers and include total originating and terminating minutes- of- use, including call set- up time, holding time, and conversation time. 23 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers 29 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 1 2 3 All Regional Mid- Sized Reporting BellReporting Items Incumbent Operating Incumbent Local Companies Local Exchange Exchange Companies Companies Km of Aerial Wire 434,598 359,920 74,678 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 1,944,365 1,661,480 282,885 Sheath Km of Fiber 232,461 200,860 31,601 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 614,662 585,532 29,130 Sheath Km of Fiber 320,411 307,693 12,718 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 3,427,901 2,860,595 567,306 Sheath Km of Fiber 300,909 253,185 47,724 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 83,201 81,385 1,816 Sheath Km of Fiber 5,273 5,027 246 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 6,070,125 5,188,989 881,136 Sheath Km of Fiber 859,053 766,763 92,290 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 16,456,179 15,307,435 1,148,744 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 51,332,347 48,222,654 3,109,693 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 2,753,642,939 2,590,632,201 163,010,738 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 13,791 13,791 0 Equivalent Number of Poles 19,149,700 16,769,094 2,380,606 Conduit System: Trench Km 318,167 295,395 22,772 Duct Km 1,593,154 1,524,929 68,225 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 55,184 52,522 2,662 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 289,167 200,099 89,068 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 1,043,549 1,043,549 0 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 177,396,952 172,336,092 5,060,860 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 753,556,662 731,597,486 21,959,176 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 604,917,413 571,273,409 33,644,004 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 12,173,863 11,347,563 826,300 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 6,399,189,062 5,752,246,251 646,942,811 Main Access Lines 116,994,888 106,204,884 10,790,004 PBX & Centrex Trunks 5,661,974 5,031,344 630,630 Centrex Extensions 12,722,509 12,042,050 680,459 Other Switched Access Lines 7,351,045 7,213,623 137,422 Total Switched Access Lines 142,730,416 130,491,901 12,238,515 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 6,644 5,805 839 Remote Switches 11,288 8,885 2,403 Total Central Office Switches 17,932 14,690 3,242 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 1,050,416 1,022,922 27,494 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 269,885 254,284 15,601 Business Access Lines: Single Line 3,157,251 2,616,331 540,920 Multiline 44,552,188 41,764,266 2,787,922 Payphone Lines 948,414 908,717 39,697 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 6,238,371 5,900,504 337,867 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 76,523,938 68,771,885 7,752,053 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 11,310,254 10,530,198 780,056 Total Switched Access Lines 142,730,416 130,491,901 12,238,515 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 765,898 729,502 36,396 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 142,851,384 121,081,744 21,769,640 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 286,347,698 252,303,147 34,044,551 Local Private Lines 12,999,681 12,525,992 473,689 Local Calls 381,069,716 354,767,872 26,301,844 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 10,199,173 9,470,480 728,693 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 47,627,234 42,353,294 5,273,940 (Originating) Intrastate 24,569,676 22,468,827 2,100,849 Total 72,196,910 64,822,121 7,374,789 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 407,004,711 367,760,481 39,244,230 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 194,793,939 180,569,251 14,224,688 Total 601,798,650 548,329,732 53,468,918 24 Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): Outside Plant Statistics: Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: 30 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued 4 BS 5 Q 6 SBC 7 SBC BellSouth QwestIllinois Bell Indiana Bell Telecom- Corporation Telephone Telephone Items munications, Company Company Inc. Km of Aerial Wire 0 115,689 0 0 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 316,934 84,380 29,534 23,689 Sheath Km of Fiber 50,282 3,216 1,099 1,986 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 61,939 70,960 27,017 7,878 Sheath Km of Fiber 43,503 41,280 15,216 5,332 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 614,012 526,465 73,695 39,615 Sheath Km of Fiber 72,458 40,805 3,767 3,742 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 7,267 13,384 2,865 1,680 Sheath Km of Fiber 173 631 169 56 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 1,000,152 695,189 133,110 72,861 Sheath Km of Fiber 166,416 85,932 20,252 11,115 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 2,684,968 1,172,897 291,739 148,095 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 8,308,452 4,706,170 1,600,484 677,165 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 420,797,488 310,075,914 102,212,092 36,936,081 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 3,462 5,571 624 40 Equivalent Number of Poles 2,931,118 1,052,375 469,923 257,691 Conduit System: Trench Km 31,353 37,349 12,702 5,066 Duct Km 208,764 164,735 74,018 25,868 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 358 27,750 236 0 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 881 78,435 633 0 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 794 961,988 0 0 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 2,222,778 107,959,647 1,116,824 0 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 81,703,686 287,221 37,112,607 13,391,976 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 109,156,512 55,726,515 7,805,528 3,341,696 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 794 972,219 1,413 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 673,967,207 528,261,921 340,088,270 83,869,808 Main Access Lines 17,507,862 12,019,157 4,516,403 1,438,742 PBX & Centrex Trunks 525,889 431,085 127,800 21,545 Centrex Extensions 1,125,305 837,103 507,703 363,821 Other Switched Access Lines 178,383 120,396 65,353 9,758 Total Switched Access Lines 19,337,439 13,407,741 5,217,259 1,833,866 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 808 706 221 95 Remote Switches 845 626 177 143 Total Central Office Switches 1,653 1,332 398 238 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 93,476 70,463 43,697 8,654 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 58,412 29,432 13,368 3,399 Business Access Lines: Single Line 384,602 305,846 110,395 34,146 Multiline 5,678,538 3,768,768 2,102,491 671,299 Payphone Lines 35,723 95,691 43,742 17,790 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 340,514 330,073 66,516 38,396 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 11,549,251 7,844,345 2,447,588 966,528 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 1,348,811 1,063,018 446,527 105,707 Total Switched Access Lines 19,337,439 13,407,741 5,217,259 1,833,866 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 207,560 25,534 41,836 9,213 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 24,337,397 8,215,548 4,982,533 1,360,044 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 43,882,396 21,648,823 10,241,628 3,203,123 Local Private Lines 2,436,699 225,552 923,077 176,050 Local Calls 67,393,286 31,682,011 14,790,859 6,104,469 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 672,340 219,797 63,541 56,921 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 6,775,328 4,398,532 1,892,448 788,373 (Originating) Intrastate 1,553,279 1,158,617 463,658 206,804 Total 8,328,607 5,557,149 2,356,106 995,177 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 59,947,505 46,670,710 13,707,852 4,490,364 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 26,118,113 13,003,523 2,788,098 1,213,880 Total 86,065,618 59,674,233 16,495,950 5,704,244 25 Outside Plant Statistics: Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): 31 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued 8 SBC 9 SBC 10 SBC 11 SBC Michigan The WisconsinNevada BellOhio Bell Bell, Bell Items Telephone Telephone Inc. Telephone Company Company Company Km of Aerial Wire 0 0 0 60,305 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 37,753 50,489 13,169 3,394 Sheath Km of Fiber 1,429 4,287 451 558 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 22,902 15,940 6,980 3,318 Sheath Km of Fiber 12,400 8,468 4,310 787 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 123,573 42,360 39,320 6,971 Sheath Km of Fiber 10,156 4,020 4,484 2,016 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 5,512 4,818 1,310 190 Sheath Km of Fiber 161 127 52 0 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 189,740 113,607 60,778 13,873 Sheath Km of Fiber 24,146 16,902 9,295 3,361 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 311,302 220,470 172,734 25,835 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 1,844,258 1,323,699 687,707 137,790 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 103,928,850 67,025,554 35,606,467 6,469,009 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 35 40 101 0 Equivalent Number of Poles 419,005 473,854 129,943 41,223 Conduit System: Trench Km 10,514 6,838 3,890 2,026 Duct Km 57,193 47,584 19,804 5,716 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 78 0 166 2,251 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 156 0 1,244 5,226 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 0 0 0 0 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 56,795 0 1,671,269 661,847 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 35,633,699 21,641,678 11,816,939 2,726,606 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 5,617,961 4,296,555 2,597,201 0 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 0 570 0 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 298,991,999 166,372,467 83,888,256 5,867,645 Main Access Lines 2,947,816 2,647,209 1,348,166 279,317 PBX & Centrex Trunks 90,454 58,011 34,819 7,592 Centrex Extensions 458,927 310,979 180,443 61,458 Other Switched Access Lines 23,667 12,924 11,621 9,153 Total Switched Access Lines 3,520,864 3,029,123 1,575,049 357,520 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 194 152 82 11 Remote Switches 274 138 47 37 Total Central Office Switches 468 290 129 48 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 23,216 18,762 13,441 1,474 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 7,197 8,063 5,369 402 Business Access Lines: Single Line 81,241 60,297 29,543 3,718 Multiline 1,414,796 997,573 574,404 123,498 Payphone Lines 36,212 30,516 13,376 3,547 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 80,314 171,096 48,323 17,027 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 1,725,273 1,599,989 810,105 174,651 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 183,028 169,652 99,298 35,079 Total Switched Access Lines 3,520,864 3,029,123 1,575,049 357,520 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 16,914 10,031 22,221 2,192 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 3,153,261 2,842,825 1,462,225 315,054 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 6,691,039 5,881,979 3,059,495 674,766 Local Private Lines 577,548 443,505 417,687 9,775 Local Calls 11,643,025 10,323,513 3,839,799 738,430 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 430,965 74,589 97,880 2,191 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 1,335,675 1,111,263 741,877 151,479 (Originating) Intrastate 432,685 431,027 184,374 27,531 Total 1,768,360 1,542,290 926,251 179,010 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 8,050,178 7,271,441 3,869,396 1,294,231 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 2,634,966 2,764,298 990,586 255,511 Total 10,685,144 10,035,739 4,859,982 1,549,742 26 Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): Outside Plant Statistics: Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: 32 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued 12 SBC 13 SBC 14 SBC 15 VZ PacificThe Southwestern Verizon BellSouthern BellCalifornia Items Telephone New England Telephone Inc. Company Telephone L. P. Company Km of Aerial Wire 95,963 0 10,790 8,040 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 135,294 48,028 110,948 42,869 Sheath Km of Fiber 4,670 5,592 6,432 2,951 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 108,478 8,909 56,737 30,895 Sheath Km of Fiber 32,324 5,444 37,362 12,417 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 108,055 8,853 509,714 42,754 Sheath Km of Fiber 2,889 14 48,693 2,136 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 0 927 6,631 0 Sheath Km of Fiber 98 26 62 0 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 351,827 66,717 684,030 116,518 Sheath Km of Fiber 39,981 11,076 92,549 17,504 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 738,804 100,364 1,369,486 425,684 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 3,460,970 922,673 6,062,213 1,356,040 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 271,575,278 41,528,015 321,142,683 71,258,613 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 1,503 76 1,993 0 Equivalent Number of Poles 1,229,123 403,200 1,605,960 447,158 Conduit System: Trench Km 44,180 3,225 25,472 19,127 Duct Km 194,152 23,076 178,218 62,794 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 4,969 0 406 1,906 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 58,596 0 1,118 6,191 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 0 00 0 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 46,128,958 0 737,679 706,782 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 97,598,828 10,688,384 100,844,720 7,030,446 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 9,724,519 5,286,699 36,874,801 17,756,476 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 0 0 4,286 41,450 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 231,290,911 33,963,335 812,092,031 60,450,812 Main Access Lines 12,828,037 1,797,455 11,502,332 3,249,083 PBX & Centrex Trunks 468,471 18,402 275,823 188,796 Centrex Extensions 1,506,399 162,391 479,994 620,231 Other Switched Access Lines 48,701 44,043 113,813 356,478 Total Switched Access Lines 14,851,608 2,022,291 12,371,962 4,414,588 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 445 86 629 193 Remote Switches 320 82 1,093 343 Total Central Office Switches 765 168 1,722 536 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 87,425 18,795 75,827 17,261 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 25,754 2,112 25,733 2,555 Business Access Lines: Single Line 225,621 29,043 263,910 88,130 Multiline 5,603,320 603,932 3,886,936 1,280,591 Payphone Lines 83,975 15,447 89,780 31,208 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 2,263,728 54,327 679,135 575,195 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 4,566,006 1,074,904 6,510,816 2,088,590 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 2,108,958 244,638 941,385 350,874 Total Switched Access Lines 14,851,608 2,022,291 12,371,962 4,414,588 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 32,796 5,217 201,779 5,185 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 18,356,938 1,557,951 15,273,765 3,015,051 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 33,241,342 3,585,459 27,847,506 7,434,824 Local Private Lines 437,158 184,516 1,258,785 489,114 Local Calls 33,592,430 4,469,483 44,517,064 9,929,645 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 3,426,898 370,550 111,723 359,270 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 4,411,254 1,278,188 4,044,806 1,275,308 (Originating) Intrastate 2,819,728 0 1,595,583 2,167,611 Total 7,230,982 1,278,188 5,640,389 3,442,919 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 32,312,070 7,722,129 35,524,167 8,844,402 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 24,568,945 0 16,871,560 11,260,926 Total 56,881,015 7,722,129 52,395,727 20,105,328 27 Outside Plant Statistics: Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): 33 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued 16 VZ 17 VZ 18 VZ 19 VZ Verizon Verizon Verizon Verizon Delaware Florida Hawaii Maryland Items Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Km of Aerial Wire 0 1,029 9,888 0 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 4,125 12,126 12,190 37,548 Sheath Km of Fiber 2,013 116 1,746 7,826 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 1,384 6,413 5,764 7,248 Sheath Km of Fiber 922 9,043 846 5,063 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 11,099 46,224 441 39,117 Sheath Km of Fiber 375 5,992 4 834 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 177 52 286 1,613 Sheath Km of Fiber 24 0 2 134 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 16,785 64,815 18,681 85,526 Sheath Km of Fiber 3,334 15,151 2,598 13,857 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 82,326 316,185 68,807 339,963 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 233,218 1,427,584 110,249 918,819 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 9,199,674 36,728,814 8,554,059 57,241,620 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 0 0 0 0 Equivalent Number of Poles 43,608 107,062 87,831 336,234 Conduit System: Trench Km 824 4,668 3,484 3,635 Duct Km 5,816 20,819 6,668 26,318 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 0 0 4,463 76 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 0 0 15,901 152 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 0 0 34,495 0 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 0 0 1,592,297 20,032 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 3,413,177 8,704,342 901,558 23,287,473 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 8,848,230 11,272,904 1,423,592 29,625,627 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 0 0 5,331,245 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 7,299,681 49,921,456 19,195,456 68,200,240 Main Access Lines 365,777 1,793,730 559,718 2,337,815 PBX & Centrex Trunks 35,837 116,872 38,018 222,352 Centrex Extensions 83,664 175,246 74,810 611,833 Other Switched Access Lines 58,866 51,825 1,532 445,961 Total Switched Access Lines 544,144 2,137,673 674,078 3,617,961 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 20 91 41 105 Remote Switches 17 186 104 133 Total Central Office Switches 37 277 145 238 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 3,915 5,843 2,150 69,690 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 1,218 2,096 731 7,152 Business Access Lines: Single Line 7,583 43,806 17,338 37,822 Multiline 176,382 516,900 215,605 1,284,022 Payphone Lines 3,603 11,457 6,182 30,842 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 2,662 24,804 7,873 4,478 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 314,005 1,396,949 372,559 1,980,069 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 39,909 143,757 54,521 280,728 Total Switched Access Lines 544,144 2,137,673 674,078 3,617,961 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 3,362 3,624 1,096 13,771 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 339,714 1,411,028 276,631 2,399,809 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 887,220 3,552,325 951,805 6,031,541 Local Private Lines 60,150 215,749 77,115 354,479 Local Calls 1,287,041 5,451,964 2,507,856 8,181,363 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 53,710 47,464 10,883 164,489 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 238,240 861,386 249,848 1,177,603 (Originating) Intrastate 10,223 327,488 95,917 856,051 Total 248,463 1,188,874 345,765 2,033,654 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 2,024,281 7,156,802 1,677,058 11,934,377 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 320,209 2,240,374 338,679 4,674,730 Total 2,344,490 9,397,176 2,015,737 16,609,107 28 Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): Outside Plant Statistics: Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: 34 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued 20 VZ 21 VZ 22 VZ 23 VZ Verizon Verizon Verizon Verizon New England New Jersey New York North Items Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Km of Aerial Wire 0 0 0 56,853 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 183,107 56,684 95,963 105,985 Sheath Km of Fiber 21,135 17,247 14,089 10,069 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 27,317 20,725 33,300 10,095 Sheath Km of Fiber 11,996 11,280 16,242 3,252 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 16,949 19,258 48,930 272,387 Sheath Km of Fiber 31 344 3,392 21,288 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 348 3,420 23,548 346 Sheath Km of Fiber 53 472 2,083 1 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 227,721 100,087 201,741 388,813 Sheath Km of Fiber 33,215 29,343 35,806 34,610 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 929,904 1,366,238 1,617,915 562,059 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 2,444,311 2,906,890 2,491,545 812,243 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 107,489,353 99,674,134 153,236,440 67,309,713 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 31 0 315 0 Equivalent Number of Poles 1,455,801 610,843 1,147,208 1,111,927 Conduit System: Trench Km 16,010 9,522 22,230 4,925 Duct Km 83,532 70,008 84,864 23,899 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 256 22 153 2,587 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 1,452 71 949 6,511 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 0 0 0 46,134 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 622,795 16,032 333,442 136,697 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 41,822,660 43,512,931 70,461,754 16,193,470 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 14,785,897 55,189,366 17,919,751 25,988,641 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 0 0 0 2,256,713 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 44,471,906 171,046,117 1,517,235,735 69,778,951 Main Access Lines 4,326,771 3,832,517 5,883,572 3,696,814 PBX & Centrex Trunks 312,876 290,980 484,780 261,476 Centrex Extensions 562,497 624,490 1,009,744 209,267 Other Switched Access Lines 656,456 1,089,706 2,571,050 124,559 Total Switched Access Lines 5,858,600 5,837,693 9,949,146 4,292,116 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 238 206 301 377 Remote Switches 488 16 295 1,218 Total Central Office Switches 726 222 596 1,595 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 52,770 62,381 78,006 9,621 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 7,446 8,895 13,787 2,776 Business Access Lines: Single Line 143,030 60,540 153,699 142,164 Multiline 1,851,771 1,984,655 3,112,137 1,001,791 Payphone Lines 45,338 52,891 116,962 23,302 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 249,914 120,867 363,522 98,093 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 3,217,049 2,910,052 5,532,170 2,817,881 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 351,498 708,688 670,656 208,885 Total Switched Access Lines 5,858,600 5,837,693 9,949,146 4,292,116 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 15,079 14,560 34,056 13,938 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 3,792,175 4,221,393 10,112,467 1,667,005 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 9,665,854 10,073,646 20,095,669 5,973,059 Local Private Lines 614,138 613,878 561,869 412,157 Local Calls 8,190,887 11,543,683 21,682,216 12,551,144 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 842,923 776,527 205,058 168,448 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 1,597,104 1,928,943 2,282,141 1,194,788 (Originating) Intrastate 2,727,460 845,956 4,018,694 797,492 Total 4,324,564 2,774,899 6,300,835 1,992,280 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 18,242,741 16,775,294 24,065,469 10,555,265 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 11,993,491 8,002,600 18,196,053 10,621,066 Total 30,236,232 24,777,894 42,261,522 21,176,331 29 Outside Plant Statistics: Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): 35 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued 24 VZ 25 VZ 26 VZ 27 VZ Verizon Verizon Verizon GTE Northwest Pennsylvania South Southwest, Items Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. d/ b/ a Verizon Southwest Km of Aerial Wire 189 0 200 974 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 25,697 91,085 29,823 28,727 Sheath Km of Fiber 1,850 22,503 2,781 1,165 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 9,988 17,392 1,505 6,267 Sheath Km of Fiber 3,255 11,206 861 3,995 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 40,386 24,780 54,569 68,487 Sheath Km of Fiber 2,386 201 6,653 10,341 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 24 3,072 0 151 Sheath Km of Fiber 9 328 0 0 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 76,095 136,329 85,897 103,632 Sheath Km of Fiber 7,500 34,238 10,295 15,501 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 112,300 761,313 191,941 332,871 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 371,753 2,003,455 255,477 907,005 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 22,011,600 87,409,826 20,197,114 28,111,867 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 0 0 0 0 Equivalent Number of Poles 139,903 929,550 138,269 224,145 Conduit System: Trench Km 968 9,941 350 4,337 Duct Km 1,707 66,446 1,229 16,754 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 2,041 0 16 411 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 8,810 0 68 1,226 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 0 0 0138 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 785,497 0 78 341,616 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 4,634,940 50,673,889 2,124,027 3,368,361 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 5,637,482 53,551,194 2,836,262 4,381,034 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 307,617 16,357 392,458 2,019,458 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 29,342,389 169,774,833 14,418,468 57,128,459 Main Access Lines 1,201,996 3,759,278 1,033,983 1,226,514 PBX & Centrex Trunks 74,445 260,747 83,802 86,215 Centrex Extensions 86,503 617,810 80,270 155,262 Other Switched Access Lines 35,163 661,491 34,217 54,180 Total Switched Access Lines 1,398,107 5,299,326 1,232,272 1,522,171 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 108 217 79 185 Remote Switches 425 248 814 269 Total Central Office Switches 533 465 893 454 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 4,366 31,029 4,246 10,876 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 1,508 7,897 1,841 1,787 Business Access Lines: Single Line 41,970 71,550 32,756 36,985 Multiline 337,437 1,555,242 341,894 470,487 Payphone Lines 6,854 40,634 8,165 8,147 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 37,751 138,918 14,999 43,263 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 874,709 3,084,493 758,700 840,445 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 99,386 408,489 75,758 122,844 Total Switched Access Lines 1,398,107 5,299,326 1,232,272 1,522,171 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 7,423 18,842 1,416 2,545 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 1,205,725 3,468,562 828,011 974,036 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 2,611,255 8,786,730 2,061,699 2,498,752 Local Private Lines 426,850 527,162 105,116 257,551 Local Calls 3,990,732 12,694,379 5,785,771 5,167,458 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 56,546 564,974 17,007 80,298 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 451,875 1,446,201 450,401 461,457 (Originating) Intrastate 251,916 552,250 143,876 270,327 Total 703,791 1,998,451 594,277 731,784 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 3,930,241 14,362,991 4,183,921 3,705,061 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 1,824,777 8,874,369 1,893,166 2,428,390 Total 5,755,018 23,237,360 6,077,087 6,133,451 30 Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): Outside Plant Statistics: Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: 36 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued 28 VZ 29 VZ 30 VZ 31 VZ Verizon Verizon Verizon Puerto Rico VirginiaWashington, West Virginia Telephone Items Inc. DC, Inc. Inc. Company Km of Aerial Wire 0 00 0 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 28,708 1,199 29,210 22,822 Sheath Km of Fiber 7,260 40 6,432 1,635 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 7,662 2,322 1,233 4,964 Sheath Km of Fiber 7,322 1,267 779 1,521 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 59,713 121 14,994 7,753 Sheath Km of Fiber 4,585 0 27 1,552 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 1,530 1,582 652 0 Sheath Km of Fiber 174 179 13 0 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 97,613 5,224 46,089 35,539 Sheath Km of Fiber 19,341 1,486 7,251 4,708 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 589,470 74,905 140,082 158,778 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 1,511,463 170,238 412,005 158,778 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 57,557,789 9,445,323 15,057,827 22,851,004 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 0 00 0 Equivalent Number of Poles 282,355 17,104 342,804 333,877 Conduit System: Trench Km 5,156 972 708 5,923 Duct Km 26,603 6,537 4,039 17,768 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 142 0 0 4,235 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 283 0 0 12,196 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 0 00 0 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 16,747 0 0 7,208,280 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 28,204,803 8,260,805 5,556,506 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 55,698,328 10,203,820 15,246,578 480,240 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 2,839 144 0 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 115,149,181 15,918,036 27,472,301 56,788,380 Main Access Lines 2,006,101 330,102 622,468 1,146,149 PBX & Centrex Trunks 244,524 120,640 44,407 104,686 Centrex Extensions 618,693 442,118 74,533 556 Other Switched Access Lines 355,296 39,225 39,806 0 Total Switched Access Lines 3,224,614 932,085 781,214 1,251,391 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 128 24 32 31 Remote Switches 127 6 117 297 Total Central Office Switches 255 30 149 328 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 105,039 102,922 5,395 2,182 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 9,721 3,639 1,587 407 Business Access Lines: Single Line 30,449 4,339 13,558 162,250 Multiline 1,284,312 670,391 175,947 79,147 Payphone Lines 26,741 6,521 6,983 17,088 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 7,488 10,832 4,209 106,187 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 1,669,898 204,018 554,123 886,719 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 205,726 35,984 26,394 0 Total Switched Access Lines 3,224,614 932,085 781,214 1,251,391 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 9,572 6,219 2,722 799 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 2,741,472 2,148,963 316,562 305,599 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 5,975,658 3,087,267 1,100,498 1,557,789 Local Private Lines 422,151 206,488 74,452 17,221 Local Calls 7,372,375 1,568,971 2,024,058 5,743,960 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 103,563 4,151 34,223 453,551 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 1,010,108 210,776 285,591 302,301 (Originating) Intrastate 365,295 0 164,985 0 Total 1,375,403 210,776 450,576 302,301 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 10,563,632 2,810,903 2,842,287 3,225,713 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 5,628,808 0 1,062,133 0 Total 16,192,440 2,810,903 3,904,420 3,225,713 31 Outside Plant Statistics: Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): 37 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued 32 AL 33 AL 34 AL 35 AL ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL Carolina, GeorgiaKentucky, Nebraska, Items Inc. Comms. Inc. Inc. Corp. Km of Aerial Wire 0 0 3,276 0 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 4,075 10,662 32,039 2,173 Sheath Km of Fiber 242 1,248 4,206 245 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 159 365 866 567 Sheath Km of Fiber 62 186 477 409 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 12,298 19,502 9,364 15,996 Sheath Km of Fiber 380 1,781 335 2,117 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 0 0 0 0 Sheath Km of Fiber 0 0 0 0 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 16,532 30,529 42,269 18,736 Sheath Km of Fiber 684 3,215 5,018 2,771 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 8,568 31,170 68,180 17,996 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 21,595 74,320 123,963 70,052 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 2,998,324 5,286,207 8,576,696 3,887,416 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 0 0 0 0 Equivalent Number of Poles 31,782 45,984 163,082 30,525 Conduit System: Trench Km 52 134 546 492 Duct Km 270 532 1,932 1,574 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 0 0 0 0 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 0 0 0 0 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 0 0 0 0 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 0 0 0 0 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 1,655,690 2,741,200 6,861,691 246 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 5,397 14,200 767 270,168 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 0 0 0 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 582,471 882,743 24,062,175 40,757,088 Main Access Lines 213,735 266,747 458,352 204,667 PBX & Centrex Trunks 1,734 2,959 5,191 5,712 Centrex Extensions 9,766 39,436 30,126 36,776 Other Switched Access Lines 1,013 8,190 6,030 3,486 Total Switched Access Lines 226,248 317,332 499,699 250,641 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 14 27 52 5 Remote Switches 17 44 49 137 Total Central Office Switches 31 71 101 142 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 316 903 500 564 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 71 207 1,117 505 Business Access Lines: Single Line 29,806 35,618 21,082 7,574 Multiline 21,344 58,277 107,626 82,054 Payphone Lines 995 2,783 3,230 2,808 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 5,239 7,105 20,638 6,528 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 154,399 201,524 332,498 145,303 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 14,465 12,025 14,625 6,374 Total Switched Access Lines 226,248 317,332 499,699 250,641 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 342 675 12,803 894 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 51,592 3,075 114,358 25,972 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 278,182 321,082 626,860 277,507 Local Private Lines 989 5,267 45,219 2,988 Local Calls 462,418 789,886 1,429,808 646,779 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 33,780 46,365 146,861 34,931 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 111,773 148,161 275,261 114,964 (Originating) Intrastate 31,274 48,163 56,040 37,918 Total 143,047 196,324 331,301 152,882 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 714,167 907,048 1,541,226 732,476 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 199,392 361,461 353,429 221,909 Total 913,559 1,268,509 1,894,655 954,385 32 Access Lines in Service by Customer: Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): Outside Plant Statistics: Switched Access Lines in Service: 38 Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued 36 AL 37 AL 3839 ALLTEL The CenturyTel CenturyTel Pennsylvania, Westernofof Items Inc. Reserve Alabama, Washington, Telephone LLC Inc. Co. Km of Aerial Wire 0 0 0519 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 17,035 6,888 9,139 4,362 Sheath Km of Fiber 1,314 733 910 473 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 198 322 477 281 Sheath Km of Fiber 46 93 179 189 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 3,534 2,908 24,457 16,976 Sheath Km of Fiber 21 80 1,555 1,428 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 0 0 10 42 Sheath Km of Fiber 0 0 0 0 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 20,767 10,118 34,083 21,661 Sheath Km of Fiber 1,381 906 2,644 2,090 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 2,138 3,770 20,840 11,690 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 34,011 26,781 31,067 47,936 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 2,952,991 2,399,897 4,690,508 2,481,517 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 0 0 0 0 Equivalent Number of Poles 162,301 63,860 57,918 16,441 Conduit System: Trench Km 56 142 183 456 Duct Km 298 554 230 855 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 0 0 21 204 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 0 0 1,608 81,983 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 0 0 0 0 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 0 0 19,301 139,849 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 2,362,508 1,920,012 0 826 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 1,579 1,713 43,891 294,509 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 0 0 0 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 3,436,991 9,617,471 1,852,742 524,347 Main Access Lines 205,657 148,672 257,734 149,298 PBX & Centrex Trunks 2,358 2,262 3,768 2,203 Centrex Extensions 16,224 25,880 13,591 14,769 Other Switched Access Lines 14 43 0 0 Total Switched Access Lines 224,253 176,857 275,093 166,270 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 30 18 39 21 Remote Switches 53 26 127 101 Total Central Office Switches 83 44 166 122 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 1,034 881 192 99 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 156 205 174 55 Business Access Lines: Single Line 27,964 11,553 14,599 7,366 Multiline 21,625 35,843 44,889 29,565 Payphone Lines 1,131 896 1,048 215 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 3,675 3,367 3,690 5,140 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 162,178 117,376 202,533 111,004 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 7,680 7,822 8,334 12,980 Total Switched Access Lines 224,253 176,857 275,093 166,270 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 634 557 176 21 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 25,855 40,232 149,039 142,480 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 250,742 217,646 424,308 308,771 Local Private Lines 2,744 4,283 3,220 3,339 Local Calls 301,253 262,901 506,318 285,697 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 57,024 21,507 54,746 35,331 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 86,190 90,421 146,193 64,621 (Originating) Intrastate 33,418 40,495 35,188 15,081 Total 119,608 130,916 181,381 79,702 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 540,663 583,551 909,069 444,862 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 219,356 239,807 206,375 102,583 Total 760,019 823,358 1,115,444 547,445 33 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Outside Plant Statistics: Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): 39 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued 4041 C 42 C 4 3 Cincinnati Citizens Frontier Commonwealth BellTelecommuni- Telephone Telephone Items Telephone cations Co. ofCompany Co. of New York, Rochester, Inc. Inc. Km of Aerial Wire 5,263 2,610 2,107 27,587 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 14,496 14,290 9,274 18,836 Sheath Km of Fiber 1,804 1,568 1,518 2,729 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 4,812 327 2,958 88 Sheath Km of Fiber 1,556 80 1,225 39 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 6,373 14,597 5,009 4,901 Sheath Km of Fiber 51 736 118 33 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 789 0 470 1 Sheath Km of Fiber 88 0 86 6 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 26,469 29,214 17,711 23,826 Sheath Km of Fiber 3,500 2,384 2,947 2,807 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 65,582 2,384 42,671 28,851 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 137,044 2,384 154,703 57,702 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 26,470 29,413 17,711 4,475,014 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 0 000 Equivalent Number of Poles 149,051 183,303 123,760 121,316 Conduit System: Trench Km 3,570 0 1,857 47 Duct Km 11,103 0 4,855 205 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 0 0 68 0 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 0 0 68 0 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 0 000 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 0 0 4,032 0 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 0 356,769 0 2,195,815 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 1,562,632 0 68 811 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 0 000 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 6,864,644 4,484 4,032 791,310 Main Access Lines 821,259 294,614 426,611 285,581 PBX & Centrex Trunks 74,517 16,102 19,176 2,026 Centrex Extensions 53,952 0 50,806 39,885 Other Switched Access Lines 2,904 2,100 4,829 0 Total Switched Access Lines 952,632 312,816 501,422 327,492 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 73 30 7 11 Remote Switches 13 98 59 486 Total Central Office Switches 86 128 66 497 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 3,294 280 0 443 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 2,395 26 0 38 Business Access Lines: Single Line 15,769 37,246 9,583 9,315 Multiline 266,089 29,984 159,250 73,599 Payphone Lines 5,717 2,100 4,829 3,299 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 51,939 8,811 28,765 1,775 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 572,417 220,013 269,841 177,659 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 40,701 14,662 29,154 61,845 Total Switched Access Lines 952,632 312,816 501,422 327,492 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 4,459 0 186 483 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 192,525 0 208,200 2,382 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 1,149,616 312,816 709,808 330,357 Local Private Lines 4,057 0 0 450 Local Calls 2,514,540 267,511 611,800 847,046 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 404 56,996 5,421 80,254 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 486,161 66,692 371,626 143,786 (Originating) Intrastate 156,709 38,172 125,323 52,759 Total 642,870 104,864 496,949 196,545 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 3,399,206 870,618 1,604,084 825,203 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 859,503 522,491 593,775 295,471 Total 4,258,709 1,393,109 2,197,859 1,120,674 34 Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): Outside Plant Statistics: 40 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued 4445 S 46 S 47 S Iowa Carolina Central Central Telecom- Telephone Telephone Telephone Items municationsandCompany Company Services, Telegraph of Inc. Co. Texas Km of Aerial Wire 66 23 2,508 1,856 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 2,477 10,569 8,766 5,267 Sheath Km of Fiber 10 1,440 851 365 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 181 1,513 8,138 145 Sheath Km of Fiber 48 994 2,614 58 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 50,714 80,057 21,093 9,620 Sheath Km of Fiber 4,681 6,582 1,143 1,155 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 0 54762 Sheath Km of Fiber 0 9 15 14 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 53,372 92,193 38,073 15,034 Sheath Km of Fiber 4,739 9,025 4,623 1,592 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 37,323 185,686 84,464 21,615 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 74,646 324,735 242,638 50,790 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 3,915,136 19,171,040 14,952,724 3,544,877 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 0 0 0 0 Equivalent Number of Poles 29,322 104,588 68,559 24,972 Conduit System: Trench Km 79 1,207 7,698 183 Duct Km 326 5,871 15,719 516 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 0 96 183 178 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 0 343 366 356 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 0 0 0 0 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 0 616,152 76,159 176,674 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 25,371 920 2,715 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 264,730 4,017,627 1,201,141 1,460,817 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 0 0 826,300 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 6,047,466 18,508,412 4,736,343 1,602,792 Main Access Lines 229,353 984,766 945,437 188,289 PBX & Centrex Trunks 14,461 97,534 69,409 14,096 Centrex Extensions 2,395 33,445 91,253 2,991 Other Switched Access Lines 201 22,452 15,982 5,116 Total Switched Access Lines 246,410 1,138,197 1,122,081 210,492 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 80 44 30 20 Remote Switches 214 114 38 28 Total Central Office Switches 294 158 68 48 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 34 1,879 3,946 552 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 12 1,487 1,923 245 Business Access Lines: Single Line 10,554 56,961 33,734 7,336 Multiline 44,461 238,562 306,277 41,816 Payphone Lines 493 1,285 53 302 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 10,813 41,088 35,839 5,256 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 169,868 728,490 678,038 137,799 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 10,221 71,811 68,140 17,983 Total Switched Access Lines 246,410 1,138,197 1,122,081 210,492 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 1,793 833 1,289 639 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 58,523 4,038,201 5,482,334 213,129 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 306,726 5,177,231 6,605,704 424,260 Local Private Lines 940 121,299 52,320 12,700 Local Calls 736,156 2,809,797 2,482,590 672,351 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 90,749 1,923 990 1,062 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 51,985 379,259 705,958 88,218 (Originating) Intrastate 17,178 195,856 103,164 45,746 Total 69,163 575,115 809,122 133,964 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 1,190,891 3,694,126 4,819,399 671,002 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 239,329 1,489,360 534,637 350,305 Total 1,430,220 5,183,486 5,354,036 1,021,307 35 Outside Plant Statistics: Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): 41 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued 48 S 49 S 50 S 51 S Central Sprint- Florida Sprint United Telephone Inc. Missouri, Telephone Items Company Inc. Company of ofIndiana VirginiaInc. Km of Aerial Wire 1,368 219 1,714 1,456 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 8,484 6,132 5,677 3,485 Sheath Km of Fiber 1,024 219 33 169 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 382 2,691 228 262 Sheath Km of Fiber 122 1,742 134 203 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 22,275 83,703 19,071 21,317 Sheath Km of Fiber 1,342 8,862 1,931 1,943 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 2 235 7 1 Sheath Km of Fiber 0 1910 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 31,143 92,761 24,983 25,065 Sheath Km of Fiber 2,488 10,842 2,099 2,315 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 35,911 144,619 23,336 30,536 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 87,024 519,408 74,411 100,992 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 5,799,392 30,744,278 3,698,427 3,886,623 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 00 0 0 Equivalent Number of Poles 58,914 49,531 55,776 51,182 Conduit System: Trench Km 157 2,536 335 170 Duct Km 571 9,047 858 642 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 0 231 134 102 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 0 462 269 204 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 00 0 0 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 0 343,668 200,680 205,367 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 2,428 0 11,471 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 1,035,318 12,000,000 1,359,795 1,056,613 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 00 0 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 3,644,719 43,800,000 1,227,840 79,224,007 Main Access Lines 264,888 1,839,910 190,510 214,801 PBX & Centrex Trunks 19,440 72,484 21,145 21,136 Centrex Extensions 5,799 114,134 26,140 7,011 Other Switched Access Lines 4,390 33,581 1,686 1,164 Total Switched Access Lines 294,517 2,060,109 239,481 244,112 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 18 68 11 16 Remote Switches 44 69 74 77 Total Central Office Switches 62 137 85 93 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 949 3,572 528 398 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 383 2,515 380 979 Business Access Lines: Single Line 13,447 68,710 9,980 9,721 Multiline 61,230 521,919 77,248 49,558 Payphone Lines 41 10 547 797 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 4,817 19,895 1,593 2,534 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 194,128 1,299,740 137,787 167,142 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 20,854 149,835 12,326 14,360 Total Switched Access Lines 294,517 2,060,109 239,481 244,112 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 502 2,512 697 1,351 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 480,685 5,787,791 516,832 179,270 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 775,704 7,850,412 757,010 424,733 Local Private Lines 18,908 33,357 21,830 12,476 Local Calls 666,557 4,554,112 413,158 379,072 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 1,308 3,700 3,415 2,997 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 141,455 634,897 71,822 69,300 (Originating) Intrastate 89,398 375,872 40,897 61,955 Total 230,853 1,010,769 112,719 131,255 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 937,123 6,772,765 708,156 736,642 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 482,131 2,647,837 348,080 451,368 Total 1,419,254 9,420,602 1,056,236 1,188,010 36 Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): Outside Plant Statistics: 42 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued 52 S 53 S 54 S 55 S United United United The United Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone Items Company of Company Company of Company of New Jersey, of the Ohio Pennsylvania Inc. Northwest Km of Aerial Wire 1,407 399 3,669 4,048 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 7,541 4,556 17,938 22,556 Sheath Km of Fiber 1,336 355 2,144 4,817 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 231 215 1,111 247 Sheath Km of Fiber 164 71 370 290 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 2,058 9,073 25,185 6,475 Sheath Km of Fiber 57 846 3,044 153 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 0 2870 Sheath Km of Fiber 0 0 0 0 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 9,830 13,872 44,241 29,278 Sheath Km of Fiber 1,557 1,272 5,558 5,260 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 7,968 7,387 62,754 27,384 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 50,537 52,308 230,247 195,151 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 2,945,178 2,147,315 9,105,293 5,203,327 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 0 0 0 0 Equivalent Number of Poles 57,601 26,396 209,959 185,445 Conduit System: Trench Km 105 202 530 151 Duct Km 595 408 1,859 729 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 0 321 0 0 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 0 643 0 0 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 0 0 0 0 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 0 16,298 0 0 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 0 0 0 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 1,033,324 38,669 2,630,439 1,774,924 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 0 0 0 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 68,388,411 635,172 181,881,879 91,695,609 Main Access Lines 193,308 127,441 497,037 346,853 PBX & Centrex Trunks 19,538 12,834 51,385 34,739 Centrex Extensions 3,447 10,376 20,468 4,528 Other Switched Access Lines 711 394 7,001 2,003 Total Switched Access Lines 217,004 151,045 575,891 388,123 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 8 5 24 16 Remote Switches 17 56 151 76 Total Central Office Switches 25 61 175 92 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 804 351 1,116 1,054 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 229 196 779 586 Business Access Lines: Single Line 8,765 6,295 21,648 17,722 Multiline 55,761 41,822 122,250 77,834 Payphone Lines 707 32 1,842 730 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 960 4,064 16,875 2,193 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 107,943 88,815 387,823 267,769 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 42,868 10,017 25,453 21,875 Total Switched Access Lines 217,004 151,045 575,891 388,123 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 147 946 1,860 448 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 361,738 142,938 1,457,436 650,039 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 578,889 294,929 2,035,187 1,038,610 Local Private Lines 10,366 6,026 36,080 32,078 Local Calls 189,402 238,790 1,002,213 523,143 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 6,344 1,655 2,527 8,806 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 79,813 55,773 153,875 125,785 (Originating) Intrastate 36,121 27,507 143,616 57,493 Total 115,934 83,280 297,491 183,278 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 682,082 460,355 1,521,459 1,046,559 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 295,000 196,700 1,022,720 548,746 Total 977,082 657,055 2,544,179 1,595,305 37 Outside Plant Statistics: Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): 43 56 S 57 S 5859 United United SureWest Valor Telephone - Telephone Telephone Telecom-Items Southeast, Company of munications Inc. Texas, of Texas, Inc. LP Km of Aerial Wire 1,571 1,228 509 11,275 Aerial Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 18,589 3,028 616 13,935 Sheath Km of Fiber 1,295 75 26 452 Underground Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 708 77 798 783 Sheath Km of Fiber 252 91 412 612 Buried Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 5,762 16,814 1,624 56,550 Sheath Km of Fiber 342 1,548 43 5,417 Intrabuilding Network Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 43 4 0 45 Sheath Km of Fiber 7 00 1 Total Cable: Sheath Km of Metallic Cable 25,102 19,923 3,038 71,313 Sheath Km of Fiber 1,896 1,714 481 6,482 Km of Fiber in Cable: Fiber Km Equipped (Lit) 28,022 21,486 5,953 120,460 Total Fiber Km Deployed (Lit & Dark) 79,244 50,488 54,201 141,315 Km of Metallic Wire in Cable 6,277,461 2,762,614 1,955,334 9,079,555 Equipped Km of Tube in Coaxial Cable 0 00 0 Equivalent Number of Poles 138,318 23,175 6,537 141,008 Conduit System: Trench Km 402 104 476 902 Duct Km 1,683 286 2,622 4,085 Km of Terrestrial Radio Relay System 301 0 0 823 Km of One- Way Terrestrial Radio Channel 1,120 0 0 1,646 Km of Telephone Channel on Radio: Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 0 00 0 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 2,118,216 0 0 1,144,464 Total Equipped Local Loop Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 0 0391,151 3,430,363 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 661,384 1,115,825 1,481,322 316,341 Total Equipped Interoffice Circuit Km: Analog (4kHz or Equiv) 0 00 0 (Cable and Microwave) Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 5,808,607 1,012,542 214,127 49,134,387 Main Access Lines 288,896 142,786 113,774 489,028 PBX & Centrex Trunks 16,076 10,606 13,288 4,451 Centrex Extensions 18,216 239 0 8,806 Other Switched Access Lines 3,276 5,687 0 5,169 Total Switched Access Lines 326,464 159,318 127,062 507,454 Central Office Switches Excluding Remotes 15 5 2 150 Remote Switches 39 54 0 142 Total Central Office Switches 54 59 2 292 Basic Rate ISDN Control Channels 865 317 1,684 939 Primary Rate ISDN Control Channels 387 164 138 249 Business Access Lines: Single Line 13,479 6,403 2,605 26,085 Multiline 74,834 28,676 31,046 84,483 Payphone Lines 459 141 514 2,693 Residential Switched Access Lines: Lifeline 8,815 7,764 10,927 17,762 Non- Lifeline/ Primary 217,429 100,130 70,885 331,522 Non- Lifeline - Non- Primary 11,448 16,204 11,085 44,909 Total Switched Access Lines 326,464 159,318 127,062 507,454 Special Access Lines (Non- Switched): Analog (4kHz or E quiv) 463 444 200 1,042 Digital (64kbps or Equiv) 910,589 80,648 260,938 192,839 Total Access Lines (Switched and Special) 1,237,516 240,410 388,200 701,335 Local Private Lines 19,339 18,632 41 4,741 Local Calls 589,242 250,313 150,075 1,718,916 IntraLATA Toll Calls Completed (Originating) 13,307 990 12,476 2,824 InterLATA Toll Calls Completed Interstate 149,369 44,032 57,988 358,562 (Originating) Intrastate 56,671 31,430 40,379 107,026 Total 206,040 75,462 98,367 465,588 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate 996,937 334,917 311,044 1,288,600 (Originating and Terminating) Intrastate 417,878 240,676 238,301 546,068 Total 1,414,815 575,593 549,345 1,834,668 38 Outside Plant Statistics: Switched Access Lines in Service: Access Lines in Service by Customer: Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.6 - Operating Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 -- Continued Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes (in Thousands): 44 Notes for Table 2.6. Name of Company Code BellSouth Corporation BS Qwest Corporation Q SBC Communications Inc. SBC Verizon Communications Inc. VZ ALLTEL Corporation AL Citizens Communications Company C Sprint Corporation S Source: Annual ARMIS (Automated Reporting Management Information System) operating data reports (ARMIS Report 43- 08) of reporting incumbent local exchange carriers. ARMIS Report 43- 08 definitions and carrier data can be accessed at www. fcc. gov/ wcb/ armis/. Note -- Certain data pertaining to the carriers included in this table are unavailable. -- Detail may not match totals because of necessary rounding. -- Unless otherwise stated, outside plant statistics include local loop and interoffice facilities. A cable containing only copper, coaxial or other metallic conductors is classified as metallic, but a cable containing both fiber and copper, coaxical or other metallic conductors is classified as fiber. -- Kilometers equal total miles multiplied by 1.6093 and then rounded to the nearest whole number. Non- zero entries i n the ARMIS reports of less than 1 kilometer are reported as 1 kilometer. -- Equivalent number of poles is the number of solely- owned poles plus the sum of the products of the numbers of joint ly- owned poles times their ownership percentages. -- Access lines include 800 and 800- like access lines, resold telephone exchange service lines, and employee concession lines, but not do not include official/ company circuits. Analog access lines are shown in 4kHz equivalents and include access lines from digita l switches if the lines themselves are not terminated at the customer's premises as digital lines. ISDN and other digital access lines are shown in 64 kbps equivalents. To be classi- fied as digital, the access lines must be terminated at the customer end as digital lines or be available for use by the customer as digital lines. -- Other switched access lines and total switched access lines include resold telephone exchange service lines. -- Figures for switched access lines reported in the ARMIS Report 43- 08 report differ slightly from figures reported for billable access in the ARMIS Report 43- 01. There are several reasons including different reporting requirements, the interpretation of these r equirements by the various com- panies, and the methods different companies use to calculate the lines. The majority of the differences come from the fact that 800 and 800- like and derived ISDN channels are included in the count of switched access lines in the ARMIS 43- 08, but are not treated as billable access lines in the ARMIS Report 43- 01. -- The number of toll calls is based on completed originating message volumes and includes outward calls, 800 and 800- like service, directory service, dial- it services (e. g., 900 service), and optional calling plans. Completed intraLATA toll calls are carried by the reporting local operating company within a given Local Access and Transport Area (LATA). Completed interLATA toll calls are directed to and carried by interexchange carriers. Billed access minutes are based on bills sent to interexchange carriers and include total originating and terminating access minutes of use including call set- up time, holding time, and conversation time. Statistics of Communications Common Carriers 39 45 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.7 - Communications Plant of Reporting Large Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier s Year Ended December 31, 2004 (Amounts Shown in Thousands Reporting Large Incumbent Local Exchange Companies Balance a tPlantPlantTransfers Balance a t Acc tItems Beginning o fAdde dRetire dandEnd o f No. Year 1 Adjustments Year Plant: 2001 Telecommunications Plant in Service (TPIS $366,154,811 $13,173,676 $10,613,884 $1,548,781 $370,263,384 2002 Property Held for Future Telecom Us e 24,297 0 1 (4,504) 19,792 2003 Telecom Plant Under Construction (TPUC 1,806,040 2,564,300 927,206 (1,531,879) 1,911,255 2005 Telecommunications Plant Adjustme n 21,040 0 225 (1,008) 19,807 2006 Nonoperating Plant 208,983 941 40,603 (35,487) 133,834 2007 Goodwill 35,431 0 1,142 (1) 34,288 210 Total Plant 368,250,602 15,738,917 11,583,061 (24,098) 372,382,360 TPIS - General Support: 2111 Land 1,424,656 10,169 10,851 (596) 1,423,378 2112 Motor Vehicle s 3,485,648 169,941 394,950 92,722 3,353,361 2113 Aircraft 25,697 0 9,530 0 16,167 2114 Tools and Other Work Equipmen t 2,843,164 180,742 451,120 3,741 2,576,527 2121 Buildings 27,827,715 730,215 261,403 213,242 28,509,769 2122 Furniture 140,897 299 5,603 (318) 135,275 2123 Office Equipmen t 958,671 30,014 67,028 (3,250) 918,407 2124 General Purpose Computers 6,949,327 331,208 749,558 (14,479) 6,516,498 2110 Land and Support 43,655,775 1,452,588 1,950,043 291,063 43,449,383 TPIS - Central Office: 2211 Non- digital Switching 1,035,644 3,343 168,853 (1,827) 868,307 2212.1 Circuit Switching 62,204,206 753,208 1,860,191 552,577 61,649,800 2212.2 Packet Switching 1,440,639 131,515 82,021 124,975 1,615,108 2212 Digital Electronic Switching 63,644,845 884,723 1,942,212 677,552 63,264,908 2210 Central Office Switching 64,680,489 888,066 2,111,065 675,725 64,133,215 2220 Operator Systems 646,100 19,001 74,139 18,474 609,436 2231 Radio Systems 894,950 15,165 55,188 9,665 864,592 2232.1 Electronic Circuit 90,182,372 4,246,616 3,282,779 524,833 91,671,045 2232.2 Optical Circuit 306,987 3,556 14,748 3,577 299,372 2232 Circuit Equipmen t 90,489,362 4,250,172 3,297,527 528,410 91,970,417 2230 Central Office- Transmission 91,384,312 4,265,337 3,352,715 538,075 92,835,009 TPIS - Information Orig/ Term : 2311 Station Apparatus 109,038 601 28,367 (1,034) 80,238 2321 Customer Premises Wiring 0 00 0 0 2341 Large Private Branch Exchanges 205,609 9,495 123,438 21,637 113,303 2351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipme n 856,758 12,853 195,187 (126,091) 548,333 2362 Other Terminal Equipmen t 3,939,871 285,973 542,891 206,960 3,889,913 2310 Information Origination/ Termination 5,111,276 308,922 889,883 101,473 4,631,788 TPIS - Cable & Wire: 2411 Poles 6,326,951 217,442 59,914 11,243 6,495,722 2421 Aerial Cable 35,831,843 1,080,977 313,976 134,091 36,732,935 2422 Underground Cable 31,694,257 744,551 179,977 171,169 32,430,000 2423 Buried Cable 57,876,555 2,177,231 315,558 128,922 59,867,150 2424 Submarine and Deep Sea Cable 99,773 111 694 48 99,238 2426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 2,321,162 35,172 13,133 306 2,343,507 2431 Aerial Wire 141,122 2,642 1,891 (5) 141,868 2441 Conduit Systems 20,512,969 339,617 32,604 92,274 20,912,254 2410 Cable and Wire 154,804,630 4,597,743 917,747 538,050 159,022,674 240 Total TPIS (Before Amortizable Assets ) 360,282,578 11,531,657 9,295,592 2,162,859 364,681,504 TPIS - Amortizable Assets : 2681 Capital Leases 383,731 3,233 72,977 23,256 337,243 2682 Leasehold Improvements 409,909 33,517 35,894 (21,481) 386,051 2680 Amortizable Tangible s 793,640 36,750 108,871 1,774 723,293 2690.1 Network Software 2,659,279 711,466 954,945 (435,367) 1,980,433 2690.2 General Purpose Computer Software 2,419,313 893,803 254,476 (180,487) 2,878,154 2690 Intangibles 5,078,592 1,605,269 1,209,421 (615,853) 4,858,587 260 Total Telecommunications Plant in Service $366,154,811 $13,173,676 $10,613,884 $1,548,780 $370,263,384 1 Discrepancies between 2003's ending and 2004's beginning balances are due to revised filings and additions, deletions, and mergers of reporting carriers. 40 46 12 BS 3 Q 4 SBC 5 SBC Line Accoun tItems Total BellSouth Illinois Bell Indiana Bell No. Row Regional Tele- Telephone Telephone Number BellCommunications, Company Company Operating Inc. Companies Balance Sheet Accounts - Assets Current Assets: 1 1120 Cash and Equivalents $2,339,924 $12,931 $574,773 $1,337 ($ 1,604) 2 1170 Receivables 15,694,675 560,525 1,290,659 610,522 189,389 3 1171 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 1,925,491 160,928 70,857 75,200 28,875 4 1220 Inventories 830,839 256,698 77,193 1,867 1,523 5 120 Total Noncash Current Assets 14,600,023 656,295 1,296,995 537,189 162,037 6 1280 Prepayments 536,344 30,406 19,138 15,756 6,197 7 1350 Other Current Assets 919,013 0 35,909 0 0 8 130 Total Current Assets 18,395,304 699,632 1,926,815 554,282 166,630 Noncurrent Assets: 9 1406 Nonregulated Investments (366) 0 0 0 0 10 1410 Other Noncurrent Assets 24,760,792 7,346,987 1,250,732 1,082,266 326,043 11 1438 Def. Maint., Retirements and Other Def. Charges 3,985,381 1,617,703 402,113 17,851 9,381 12 1500 Other Jurisdictional Assets - Net (9,436,361) (299,556) 142,850 (713,822) (768,550) 13 150 Total Noncurrent Assets 19,309,446 8,665,134 1,795,695 386,295 (433,126) Plant: 14 2001 Telecommunications Plant in Service (TPIS) 370,263,384 62,977,843 43,066,456 13,169,786 4,364,655 15 2002 Property Held for Future Telecom Use (PHFTU ) 19,792 17,799 0 0 0 16 2003 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction 1,911,255 142,721 107,034 44,670 29,639 17 2005 Telecommunications Plant Adjustment 19,807 0 0 0 0 18 2006 Nonoperating Plant 133,834 28,229 5,944 1,534 242 19 2007 Goodwill 34,288 0 0 34,288 0 20 210 Total Plant 372,382,360 63,166,592 43,179,434 13,250,278 4,394,536 TPIS - General Support: 21 2111 Land 1,423,378 248,241 100,674 42,340 11,806 22 2112 Motor Vehicles 3,353,361 688,909 371,554 136,868 41,685 23 2113 Aircraft 16,167 0 1,875 0 0 24 2114 Tools and Other Work Equipment 2,576,527 421,203 294,521 163,378 45,487 25 2121 Buildings 28,509,769 4,167,154 2,784,408 1,152,005 349,309 26 2122 Furniture 135,275 764 4,294 4,146 644 27 2123 Office Equipment 918,407 185,505 65,660 11,008 1,777 28 2124 General Purpose Computers 6,516,498 1,606,894 1,424,541 50,537 4,289 29 2110 Total Land and Support Assets 43,449,383 7,318,670 5,047,528 1,560,282 454,997 TPIS - Central Office: 30 2211 Non- Digital Switching 868,307 457,134 0 35,528 1,102 31 2212.1 Circuit Switching 61,649,800 8,644,653 7,241,474 2,599,374 802,511 32 2212.2 Packet Switching 1,615,108 506,844 227,496 38,986 9,765 33 2212 Digital Electronic Switching 63,264,908 9,151,497 7,468,970 2,638,360 812,276 34 2210 Total Central Office Switching 64,133,215 9,608,631 7,468,970 2,673,888 813,378 35 2220 Operator Systems 609,436 108,246 18,790 34,226 9,233 36 2231 Radio Systems 864,592 28,794 233,668 12,075 382 37 2232.1 Electronic Circuit 91,671,045 16,785,616 10,583,363 3,271,913 992,237 38 2232.2 Optical Circuit 299,372 4 0 80,041 51,086 39 2232 Circuit Equipment 91,970,417 16,785,620 10,583,363 3,351,954 1,043,323 40 2230 Total Central Office Transmission 92,835,009 16,814,414 10,817,031 3,364,029 1,043,705 TPIS - Information Origination/ Termination: 41 2311 Station Apparatus 80,238 0 35,985 5,130 2,904 42 2321 Customer Premises Wiring 0 0 0 0 0 43 2341 Large Private Branch Exchanges 113,303 93,701 25 451 112 44 2351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 548,333 0 0 33,324 11,031 45 2362 Other Terminal Equipment 3,889,913 450,554 408,520 41,791 23,833 46 2310 Total Information Origination/ Termination 4,631,788 544,255 444,531 80,696 37,880 41 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) Qwest Corporation 47 12 BS 3 Q 4 SBC 5 SBC Line Accoun tItems Total BellSouth Illinois Bell Indiana Bell No. Row Regional Tele- Telephone Telephone Number BellCommunications, Company Company Operating Inc. Companies TPIS - Cable and Wire Facilities: 47 2411 Poles 6,495,722 1,101,923 261,604 128,263 65,964 48 2421 Aerial Cable 36,732,935 6,170,894 1,344,880 784,563 391,033 49 2422 Underground Cable 32,430,000 3,469,444 3,461,019 1,376,021 399,877 50 2423 Buried Cable 59,867,150 13,844,211 10,574,847 1,908,415 796,294 51 2424 Submarine and Deep Sea Cable 99,238 21,203 11,691 667 271 52 2426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 2,343,507 202,808 389,176 269,760 50,552 53 2431 Aerial Wire 141,868 0 43,544 0 0 54 2441 Conduit Systems 20,912,254 2,517,653 2,281,996 971,209 297,191 55 2410 Total Cable and Wire Facilities 159,022,674 27,328,136 18,368,757 5,438,898 2,001,182 56 240 Total TPIS (Before Amortizable Assets) 364,681,504 61,722,352 42,165,606 13,152,019 4,360,375 TPIS - Amortizable Assets: 57 2681 Capital Leases 337,243 109,562 34,815 3,483 0 58 2682 Leasehold Improvements 386,051 73,669 57,488 5,692 668 59 2680 Total Amortizable Tangible Assets 723,293 183,231 92,302 9,175 668 60 2690.1 Network Software 1,980,433 912,923 163,388 8,490 3,612 61 2690.2 General Purpose Computer Software 2,878,154 159,337 645,160 102 0 62 2690 Intangibles 4,858,587 1,072,260 808,548 8,592 3,612 63 260 Total Telecommunications Plant in Service 370,263,384 62,977,843 43,066,456 13,169,786 4,364,655 Depreciation And Amortization: 64 3100 Accumulated Depreciation 237,351,129 41,177,060 27,115,733 8,509,832 2,760,300 65 3200 Accumulated Depreciation - PHFTU 679 0 0 0 0 66 3300 Accumulated Depreciation - Nonoperating 41,823 21,968 161 101 8 67 3410 Accumulated Amortization - Capitalized Leases 233,383 99,032 14,313 577 0 68 340 Total Depreciation and Amortization 237,627,014 41,298,060 27,130,207 8,510,510 2,760,308 69 350 Net Plant 134,755,346 21,868,532 16,049,227 4,739,768 1,634,228 70 360 Total Assets 172,460,096 31,233,298 19,771,737 5,680,345 1,367,732 Balance Sheet Accounts - Liabilities Current Liabilities: 71 4000 Current Accounts and Notes Payable 27,399,761 5,138,514 895,777 1,100,648 310,719 72 4040 Customers' Deposits 160,797 39,068 10,176 13,565 4,798 73 4070 Income Taxes - Accrued 2,009,751 (335,536) 299,230 381,480 8,134 74 4080 Other Taxes - Accrued 1,226,505 126,416 198,652 42,930 35,435 75 4100 Net Current Deferred Operating Income Taxes (357,200) 2 (29,219) 45,949 (17,986) 76 4110 Net Current Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes 119,302 46,419 2,673 (6,802) 22,856 77 4130 Other Current Liabilities 12,992,144 2,382,284 1,625,481 443,694 138,700 78 410 Total Current Liabilities 43,551,060 7,397,167 3,002,770 2,021,464 502,656 79 4200 Long- Term Debt and Funded Debt 33,894,649 3,709,209 7,253,558 101,401 148,869 Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits: 80 4300 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 25,972,984 2,973,978 3,035,639 746,803 221,379 81 4320 Unamortized Operating Invest. Tax Credits - Net 691,570 59,346 125,767 28,250 7,387 82 4330 Unamortized Nonop. Invest. Tax Credits - Net 3 0 0 0 0 83 4340 Net Noncurrent Deferred Operating Income Taxes 26,962,011 4,654,153 2,486,396 1,154,970 481,596 84 4341 Net Deferred Tax Liability Adjustments 803,606 1,124,665 (121,377) (21,243) (6,180) 85 4350 Net Noncurrent Deferred Nonoperating Inc. Taxes (39,069) (81,180) 13,759 68,655 (30,599) 86 4361 Deferred Tax Regulatory Liability (753,649) (1,074,707) 121,377 21,243 6,180 87 4370 Other Juris. Liabilities/ Deferred Credits - Net (1,116,202) (51,842) (33,717) (281,418) (260,178) 88 430 Total Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits 52,521,254 7,604,413 5,627,844 1,717,260 419,585 Stockholders' Equity: 89 4510 Capital Stock 33,560,016 7,345,106 10,442,826 1,638,763 539,635 90 4520 Additional Paid- in Capital 9,433,496 0 64,328 82,568 26,165 91 4530 Treasury Stock 00 0 0 0 42 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) Qwest Corporation Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies 48 12 BS 3 Q 4 SBC 5 SBC Line Accoun tItems Total BellSouth Illinois Bell Indiana Bell No. Row Regional Tele- Telephone Telephone Number BellCommunications, Company Company Operating Inc. Companies Stockholders' Equity Cont'd: 92 4540 Other Capital 6,783,126 3,932,160 0 0 4,265 93 4550 Retained Earnings (7,283,503) 1,245,243 (6,619,587) 118,889 (273,443) 94 440 Total Stockholders' Equit y 42,493,135 12,522,509 3,887,567 1,840,220 296,622 95 450 Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity 172,460,098 31,233,298 19,771,739 5,680,345 1,367,732 96 460 Retained Earnings (Beginning of Year) (3,383,179) 1,656,891 (5,419,964) 287,001 (192,692) 97 465 Net Income 7,022,812 1,611,592 699,997 260,769 89,944 98 470 Dividends Declared 10,960,204 2,023,240 2,725,401 428,881 170,695 99 475 Miscellaneous Debits 5,064,975 0 0 0 0 100 480 Miscellaneous Credits 5,102,043 0 825,781 0 0 101 490 Retained Earnings (End of Year) (7,283,503) 1,245,243 (6,619,587) 118,889 (273,443) Income Statement Accounts Revenue Accounts Local Network Service Revenues: 102 5001 Basic Area Revenues 29,259,969 5,121,857 3,391,492 1,080,944 425,866 103 5040 Local Private Line Revenues 1,763,459 553,633 4 85,608 21,337 104 5060 Other Basic Area Revenues 12,227,652 3,076,031 1,243,384 349,660 139,041 105 520 Local Network Service Revenues 43,251,080 8,751,521 4,634,880 1,516,212 586,244 Network Access Service Revenues: 106 5081 End- User Revenues 10,046,836 1,788,738 1,162,165 295,268 109,659 107 5082 Switched Access Revenues 6,920,420 977,951 826,636 158,319 51,979 108 5083 Special Access Revenues 15,042,995 2,413,701 1,888,744 585,508 182,316 109 522 Total Network Access Service Revenues 32,010,251 5,180,390 3,877,545 1,039,095 343,954 110 5100 Long Distance Message Revenues 3,593,552 268,482 77,705 283,040 69,275 Miscellaneous Revenues: 111 5230 Directory Revenues 813,122 78,927 73,955 20,051 10,966 112 526 Miscellaneous Revenues 12,555,225 1,781,518 1,138,814 620,777 214,184 113 527 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 13,368,347 1,860,445 1,212,769 640,828 225,150 114 5280 Nonregulated Revenues 6,653,620 927,079 477,243 264,586 90,362 115 5300 Uncollectible Revenues 960,860 270,057 31,720 15,438 26,973 116 530 Total Operating Revenues 97,915,990 16,717,860 10,248,422 3,728,323 1,288,012 Expense Accounts Plant Specific Operations: Network Support Expenses: 117 615 Account 6112 - Motor Vehicle 88,442 4,302 14,582 2,024 7 118 625 Account 6113 - Aircraft 9,423 1,749 0 0 0 119 635 Account 6114 - Tools and Other Work Equipment 33,306 5,802 1,562 888 184 120 6110 Total Network Support Expenses 131,171 11,853 16,144 2,912 191 General Support Expenses: 121 6121 Land and Building 2,204,980 292,445 200,892 85,481 19,845 122 6122 Furniture and Artworks 36,329 5,488 4,459 339 60 123 6123 Office Equipment 466,938 14,224 14,558 38,869 11,768 124 6124 General Purpose Computers 1,987,368 191,241 187,309 137,767 44,910 125 6120 Total General Support Expenses 4,695,615 503,398 407,218 262,456 76,583 Central Office Switching Expenses: 126 6211 Non- Digital Electronic Switching 64,327 13,616 0 4,530 2,958 127 6212.1 Circuit 1,912,498 300,968 181,753 112,483 39,388 128 6212.2 Packet 7,787 2,087 24 69 20 129 6212 Digital Electronic Switching 1,920,285 303,055 181,777 112,552 39,408 130 6210 Total Central Office Switching Expenses 1,984,612 316,671 181,777 117,082 42,366 131 6220 Operator Systems Expenses 33,277 9,295 77 342 13 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) Qwest Corporation 43 49 12 BS 3 Q 4 SBC 5 SBC Line Accoun tItems Total BellSouth Illinois Bell Indiana Bell No. Row Regional Tele- Telephone Telephone Number BellCommunications, Company Company Operating Inc. Companies Central Office Transmission Expenses: 132 6231 Radio Systems 18,281 178 3,224 15 1 133 6232.1 Electronic Circuit 1,411,508 335,755 148,069 54,001 15,279 134 6232.2 Optical Circuit 70 12 0 0 0 135 6232 Circuit Equipment 1,411,578 335,767 148,069 54,001 15,279 136 6230 Total Central Office Transmission Expenses 1,429,859 335,945 151,293 54,016 15,280 Information Origination/ Termination Exps: 137 6311 Station Apparatus 214,012 0 10,540 10,478 4,420 138 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange 215,949 26,868 19,601 175 30 139 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 131,411 0 11,765 4,397 1,513 140 6362 Other Terminal Equipment 2,628,752 454,075 116,628 67,307 23,536 141 6310 Total Information Origination/ Termination Exps. 3,190,124 480,943 158,534 82,357 29,499 Cable And Wire Facilities Expenses: 142 6411 Pole 294,628 114,305 12,716 851 2,812 143 6421 Aerial Cable 2,983,714 390,380 128,949 94,315 30,653 144 6422 Underground Cable 785,399 64,507 46,750 61,819 11,815 145 6423 Buried Cable 3,187,051 754,946 620,904 127,817 44,559 146 6424 Submarine and Deep Sea Cable 273 57 7 0 0 147 6426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 44,046 2,160 18,061 536 339 148 6431 Aerial Wire 5,948 0 4,140 0 0 149 6441 Conduit Systems 216,013 7,837 9,581 18,786 1,601 150 6410 Total Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses 7,517,072 1,334,192 841,108 304,124 91,779 151 650 Total Plant Specific Operations Expenses 18,981,730 2,992,297 1,756,151 823,289 255,711 Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses: 152 6511 Property Held for Future Telecom. Us e 00 0 0 0 153 665 Account 6512 - Provisioning 129,205 7,953 40,056 5,483 1,530 154 6510 Other Property and Equipment Expenses 129,205 7,953 40,056 5,483 1,530 155 6531 Power 563,558 78,273 65,120 14,946 4,352 156 6532 Network Administration 646,401 39,226 15,466 13,179 3,191 157 6533 Testing 1,878,509 272,997 178,221 103,472 22,286 158 675 Account 6534 - Plant Operations Admin. Expenses 2,392,623 383,316 274,826 104,184 35,630 159 685 Account 6535 - Engineering 1,065,308 182,802 78,088 53,107 19,320 160 6530 Total Network Operations Expenses 6,546,399 956,614 611,721 288,888 84,779 161 6540 Access Expenses 2,228,159 390,194 193,265 60,962 29,478 Depreciation And Amortization Expenses: 162 6561 Depreciation - Telecom Plant in Service (TPIS) 24,227,520 4,112,904 2,813,578 869,987 263,947 163 6562 Dep. - Property Held for Future Telecom Us e 00 0 0 0 164 6563 Amortization - Tangibles 132,292 38,527 19,836 (1,607) 287 165 6564 Amortization - Intangibles 1,984,278 461,041 362,820 25,457 8,529 166 6565 Amortization - Other 1,751 1,751 0 0 0 167 6560 Total Depreciation and Amortization Expenses 26,345,841 4,614,223 3,196,234 893,837 272,763 168 690 Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses 35,249,604 5,968,984 4,041,276 1,249,170 388,550 Customer Operations Expenses: Marketing Expenses: 169 6611 Product Management and Sales 4,104,469 707,569 450,526 155,804 52,322 170 6613 Product Advertising 534,668 179,744 95,905 11,132 3,215 171 6610 Total Marketing Expenses 4,639,137 887,313 546,431 166,936 55,537 Services Expenses: 172 6621 Call Completion 336,470 29,478 14,826 31,180 2,835 173 6622 Number Services 970,398 102,425 54,002 49,481 11,449 174 6623 Customer Services 7,924,328 1,550,558 763,329 386,311 146,077 175 6620 Total Services Expenses 9,231,196 1,682,461 832,157 466,972 160,361 176 700 Total Customer Operations Expenses 13,870,333 2,569,774 1,378,588 633,908 215,898 Qwest Corporation 44 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 50 12 BS 3 Q 4 SBC 5 SBC Line Accoun tItems Total BellSouth Illinois Bell Indiana Bell No. Row Regional Tele- Telephone Telephone Number BellCommunications, Company Company Operating Inc. Companies 177 6720 General and Administrative 12,487,712 1,635,543 1,081,728 342,189 124,936 178 6790 Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable 0 0 0 0 0 179 710 Total Corporate Operations Expenses 12,487,712 1,635,543 1,081,728 342,189 124,936 180 720 Total Operating Expenses 80,589,379 13,166,598 8,257,743 3,048,556 985,095 181 730 Inc. Before Other Operating Items & Taxes 17,326,611 3,551,262 1,990,679 679,767 302,917 182 7100 Other Operating Income and Expenses 67,527 (67) 4,574 453 174 Operating Taxes: 183 7210 Operating Investment Tax Credits - Net 122,097 29,673 30,560 2,334 1,089 184 7220 Operating Federal Income Taxes 4,194,276 631,272 1,035,901 312,937 90,841 185 7230 Operating State and Local Income Taxes 1,130,186 155,851 182,439 70,346 31,609 186 7240 Operating Other Taxes 3,411,899 449,134 311,906 47,384 32,370 187 7250 Provision for Deferred Operating Inc. Tax - Net (1,164,191) 210,488 (738,791) (146,033) (15,917) 188 7200 Operating Taxes 7,450,073 1,417,072 760,895 282,300 137,814 189 7300 Nonoperating Income and Expenses (1,496,754) (1,460,382) (87,401) (90,261) (30,240) 190 7400 Nonoperating Taxes (1,083,012) (1,005,968) (1,599) (40,120) (13,655) 191 7500 Interest and Related Items 2,913,441 420,002 605,904 23,188 15,782 192 7600 Extraordinary Items 42,614 0 0 0 0 193 7910 Inc. Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Dif - Net 363,317 351,885 157,346 (63,822) (42,966) 194 7990 Nonregulated Net Income 0 0 0 0 0 195 790 Net Income $7,022,813 $1,611,592 $699,998 $260,769 $89,944 196 830 Total Number of Employees 295,051 48,104 28,941 12,287 3,508 197 840 Full Time 292,601 47,678 28,548 12,254 3,503 198 850 Part Time 2,450 426 393 33 5 199 860 Total Compensation for the Year $23,955,360 $3,133,081 $1,743,873 $1,128,163 $319,543 45 as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) Qwest Corporation Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies 51 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 6 SBC 7 SBC 8 SBC 9 SBC 10 SBC Line Accoun tItems Michigan Bell The Ohio Bell WisconsinNevada Bell Pacific Bell No. Row Telephone Telephone Bell, Inc. Telephone Telephone Number Company Company Company Company Balance Sheet Accounts - Assets Current Assets: 1 1120 Cash and Equivalents ($ 5,212) $334 ($ 1,647) ($ 1,162) $7,015 2 1170 Receivables 406,835 335,974 162,668 55,274 1,650,390 3 1171 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 69,566 55,502 20,722 4,196 162,312 4 1220 Inventories 19,837 5,644 127 460 17,002 5 120 Total Noncash Current Assets 357,106 286,116 142,073 51,538 1,505,080 6 1280 Prepayments 11,064 7,051 11,550 7,368 42,339 7 1350 Other Current Assets 0 0 0 0 0 8 130 Total Current Assets 362,958 293,501 151,976 57,744 1,554,434 Noncurrent Assets: 9 1406 Nonregulated Investments 0 0 0 0 0 10 1410 Other Noncurrent Assets 897,537 685,829 312,976 43,995 2,593,065 11 1438 Def. Maint., Retirements and Other Def. Charges 15,714 19,933 5,848 684 66,273 12 1500 Other Jurisdictional Assets - Net (1,396,854) 0 (739,033) 8,076 (1,901,210) 13 150 Total Noncurrent Assets (483,603) 705,762 (420,209) 52,755 758,128 Plant: 14 2001 Telecommunications Plant in Service (TPIS) 11,200,265 8,268,167 4,030,712 808,082 34,736,432 15 2002 Property Held for Future Telecom Use (PHFTU ) 0 0 0880 16 2003 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction 53,452 20,062 11,047 4,722 212,652 17 2005 Telecommunications Plant Adjustment 0 0 0 0 0 18 2006 Nonoperating Plant 862 1,438 347 553 20,015 19 2007 Goodwill 0 0 0 0 0 20 210 Total Plant 11,254,579 8,289,667 4,042,106 813,445 34,969,099 TPIS - General Support: 21 2111 Land 29,403 17,685 17,760 4,108 237,422 22 2112 Motor Vehicles 74,405 76,865 21,699 13,033 365,402 23 2113 Aircraft 0 0 0 0 0 24 2114 Tools and Other Work Equipment 84,439 68,637 35,346 5,673 188,411 25 2121 Buildings 831,090 657,198 400,436 60,964 3,264,587 26 2122 Furniture 4,125 2,574 1,235 176 8,874 27 2123 Office Equipment 6,723 6,414 6,963 387 100,919 28 2124 General Purpose Computers 20,670 46,916 23,894 479 512,293 29 2110 Total Land and Support Assets 1,050,855 876,289 507,333 84,820 4,677,908 TPIS - Central Office: 30 2211 Non- Digital Switching 70,848 21 44 0 148 31 2212.1 Circuit Switching 1,908,520 1,545,782 678,027 125,535 5,458,758 32 2212.2 Packet Switching 18,361 29,811 6,453 3,157 222,618 33 2212 Digital Electronic Switching 1,926,881 1,575,593 684,480 128,692 5,681,376 34 2210 Total Central Office Switching 1,997,729 1,575,614 684,524 128,692 5,681,524 35 2220 Operator Systems 26,610 18,130 5,003 656 30,391 36 2231 Radio Systems 7,302 3,606 6,724 7,916 144,264 37 2232.1 Electronic Circuit 2,810,639 2,070,684 942,100 145,488 8,338,573 38 2232.2 Optical Circuit 75,817 67,474 24,948 0 1 39 2232 Circuit Equipment 2,886,456 2,138,158 967,048 145,488 8,338,574 40 2230 Total Central Office Transmission 2,893,758 2,141,764 973,772 153,404 8,482,838 TPIS - Information Origination/ Termination: 41 2311 Station Apparatus 9,780 2,565 3,411 0 0 42 2321 Customer Premises Wiring 0 0 0 0 0 43 2341 Large Private Branch Exchanges 101 213 216 0 6,849 44 2351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 24,393 22,335 7,482 2,979 62,131 45 2362 Other Terminal Equipment 22,349 11,702 5,844 8,445 899,306 46 2310 Total Information Origination/ Termination 56,623 36,815 16,953 11,424 968,286 46 52 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 6 SBC 7 SBC 8 SBC 9 SBC 10 SBC Line Accoun tItems Michigan Bell The Ohio Bell WisconsinNevada Bell Pacific Bell No. Row Telephone Telephone Bell, Inc. Telephone Telephone Number Company Company Company Company TPIS - Cable and Wire Facilities: 47 2411 Poles 84,543 144,152 39,296 16,649 737,912 48 2421 Aerial Cable 871,969 909,122 240,701 57,167 2,881,609 49 2422 Underground Cable 1,160,710 747,061 368,290 120,383 5,588,159 50 2423 Buried Cable 2,224,956 1,038,975 882,375 142,663 2,507,063 51 2424 Submarine and Deep Sea Cable 2,229 414 1,314 0 7,725 52 2426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 149,582 99,620 52,833 3,617 4,220 53 2431 Aerial Wire 0 0 0 1,685 48,055 54 2441 Conduit Systems 664,680 672,734 255,894 85,935 3,035,674 55 2410 Total Cable and Wire Facilities 5,158,669 3,612,078 1,840,703 428,099 14,810,417 56 240 Total TPIS (Before Amortizable Assets) 11,184,244 8,260,690 4,028,288 807,095 34,651,364 TPIS - Amortizable Assets: 57 2681 Capital Leases 3,437 1,964 0 0 24,013 58 2682 Leasehold Improvements 2,064 918 438 605 19,696 59 2680 Total Amortizable Tangible Assets 5,501 2,882 438 605 43,709 60 2690.1 Network Software 10,520 4,595 1,986 368 41,359 61 2690.2 General Purpose Computer Software 0 0 0 14 0 62 2690 Intangibles 10,520 4,595 1,986 382 41,359 63 260 Total Telecommunications Plant in Service 11,200,265 8,268,167 4,030,712 808,082 34,736,432 Depreciation And Amortization: 64 3100 Accumulated Depreciation 7,862,773 5,591,409 2,445,377 455,319 21,561,280 65 3200 Accumulated Depreciation - PHFTU 0 0 0 0 0 66 3300 Accumulated Depreciation - Nonoperating 106 38 10 249 3,233 67 3410 Accumulated Amortization - Capitalized Leases 2,999 1,789 0 0 19,269 68 340 Total Depreciation and Amortization 7,865,878 5,593,236 2,445,387 455,568 21,583,782 69 350 Net Plant 3,388,701 2,696,431 1,596,719 357,877 13,385,317 70 360 Total Assets 3,268,056 3,695,694 1,328,486 468,376 15,697,879 Balance Sheet Accounts - Liabilities Current Liabilities: 71 4000 Current Accounts and Notes Payable 569,825 271,493 190,977 124,187 2,146,097 72 4040 Customers' Deposits 5,857 6,492 1,526 1,010 26,025 73 4070 Income Taxes - Accrued 12,942 4,714 (21,805) 5,153 740,374 74 4080 Other Taxes - Accrued 12,737 91,190 1,718 1 (10,976) 75 4100 Net Current Deferred Operating Income Taxes (35,706) (28,114) (48,127) (3,079) (80,619) 76 4110 Net Current Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes (1,912) (3,865) 29,204 (3) 30,732 77 4130 Other Current Liabilities 326,699 249,648 147,545 25,058 1,229,300 78 410 Total Current Liabilities 890,442 591,558 301,038 152,327 4,080,933 79 4200 Long- Term Debt and Funded Debt 198,968 254 272,712 29,275 2,404,303 Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits: 80 4300 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 507,729 334,136 188,501 63,784 3,247,665 81 4320 Unamortized Operating Invest. Tax Credits - Net 16,537 19,850 7,995 4,506 173,942 82 4330 Unamortized Nonop. Invest. Tax Credits - Net 0 0 0 0 0 83 4340 Net Noncurrent Deferred Operating Income Taxes 820,600 719,081 483,843 80,716 3,517,692 84 4341 Net Deferred Tax Liability Adjustments (14,357) (23,402) (11,247) (4,153) (50,778) 85 4350 Net Noncurrent Deferred Nonoperating Inc. Taxes 41,764 31,642 (17,524) 141 17,837 86 4361 Deferred Tax Regulatory Liability 14,357 23,402 11,247 4,153 50,778 87 4370 Other Juris. Liabilities/ Deferred Credits - Net (491,657) 0 (300,759) 7,112 (550,148) 88 430 Total Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits 894,973 1,104,709 362,056 156,259 6,406,988 Stockholders' Equity: 89 4510 Capital Stock 1,721,806 995,377 639,207 15,000 224,505 90 4520 Additional Paid- in Capital 13,069 10,585 13,196 123,405 3,098,405 91 4530 Treasury Stock 0 0 0 0 0 47 53 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 6 SBC 7 SBC 8 SBC 9 SBC 10 SBC Line Accoun tItems Michigan Bell The Ohio Bell WisconsinNevada Bell Pacific Bell No. Row Telephone Telephone Bell, Inc. Telephone Telephone Number Company Company Company Company Stockholders' Equity Cont'd: 92 4540 Other Capital 18,505 14,739 4,266 0 0 93 4550 Retained Earnings (469,707) 978,472 (263,989) (7,890) (517,255) 94 440 Total Stockholders' Equit y 1,283,673 1,999,173 392,680 130,515 2,805,655 95 450 Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity 3,268,056 3,695,694 1,328,486 468,376 15,697,879 96 460 Retained Earnings (Beginning of Year) (370,235) 1,069,784 (163,222) (11,855) (140,528) 97 465 Net Income 213,951 191,798 78,521 3,965 744,551 98 470 Dividends Declared 313,423 283,110 179,288 0 1,121,278 99 475 Miscellaneous Debits 0 0 0 0 0 100 480 Miscellaneous Credits 0 0 0 0 0 101 490 Retained Earnings (End of Year) (469,707) 978,472 (263,989) (7,890) (517,255) Income Statement Accounts Revenue Accounts Local Network Service Revenues: 102 5001 Basic Area Revenues 687,135 645,784 356,635 59,155 2,583,477 103 5040 Local Private Line Revenues 83,231 105,954 21,336 1,524 30,367 104 5060 Other Basic Area Revenues 278,792 269,006 97,538 28,650 1,160,830 105 520 Local Network Service Revenues 1,049,158 1,020,744 475,509 89,329 3,774,674 Network Access Service Revenues: 106 5081 End- User Revenues 318,141 214,240 94,239 27,353 889,467 107 5082 Switched Access Revenues 115,381 87,988 54,755 13,442 610,682 108 5083 Special Access Revenues 427,735 347,240 186,759 36,034 1,608,095 109 522 Total Network Access Service Revenues 861,257 649,468 335,753 76,829 3,108,244 110 5100 Long Distance Message Revenues 242,457 90,357 78,542 2,062 418,793 Miscellaneous Revenues: 111 5230 Directory Revenues 26,450 11,123 10,056 2,292 20,864 112 526 Miscellaneous Revenues 553,743 391,852 221,820 30,657 1,363,018 113 527 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 580,193 402,975 231,876 32,949 1,383,882 114 5280 Nonregulated Revenues 144,274 138,476 66,198 18,480 1,266,355 115 5300 Uncollectible Revenues 27,073 48,539 3,606 2,067 88,061 116 530 Total Operating Revenues 2,850,266 2,253,481 1,184,272 217,582 9,863,887 Expense Accounts Plant Specific Operations: Network Support Expenses: 117 615 Account 6112 - Motor Vehicle 898 1,102 655 388 22,891 118 625 Account 6113 - Aircraft 0 0 0 0 0 119 635 Account 6114 - Tools and Other Work Equipment 355 209 96 76 1,376 120 6110 Total Network Support Expenses 1,253 1,311 751 464 24,267 General Support Expenses: 121 6121 Land and Building 54,540 39,051 21,935 4,020 197,548 122 6122 Furniture and Artworks 280 145 90 11 2,185 123 6123 Office Equipment 29,079 22,883 10,664 2,295 119,903 124 6124 General Purpose Computers 108,155 82,137 40,775 8,213 162,006 125 6120 Total General Support Expenses 192,054 144,216 73,464 14,539 481,642 Central Office Switching Expenses: 126 6211 Non- Digital Electronic Switching 6,945 536 262 1,181 1,104 127 6212.1 Circuit 58,308 45,609 29,353 2,616 188,542 128 6212.2 Packet 425 29 15 0 1,883 129 6212 Digital Electronic Switching 58,733 45,638 29,368 2,616 190,425 130 6210 Total Central Office Switching Expenses 65,678 46,174 29,630 3,797 191,529 131 6220 Operator Systems Expenses 265 412 0 25 5,674 48 54 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 6 SBC 7 SBC 8 SBC 9 SBC 10 SBC Line Accoun tItems Michigan Bell The Ohio Bell WisconsinNevada Bell Pacific Bell No. Row Telephone. Telephone Bell, Inc. Telephone Telephone Number Company Company Company Company Central Office Transmission Expenses: 132 6231 Radio Systems 6 18 69 206 7,221 133 6232.1 Electronic Circuit 48,241 31,012 12,501 3,643 126,241 134 6232.2 Optical Circuit 1 0 0 010 135 6232 Circuit Equipment 48,242 31,012 12,501 3,643 126,251 136 6230 Total Central Office Transmission Expenses 48,248 31,030 12,570 3,849 133,472 Information Origination/ Termination Exps: 137 6311 Station Apparatus 6,368 5,901 1,659 590 313 138 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange 105 100 61 19 235 139 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 4,766 2,378 1,470 461 10,366 140 6362 Other Terminal Equipment 37,864 30,590 11,047 3,005 512,590 141 6310 Total Information Origination/ Termination Exps. 49,103 38,969 14,237 4,075 523,504 Cable And Wire Facilities Expenses: 142 6411 Pole 9,179 4,364 3,153 72 2,292 143 6421 Aerial Cable 77,820 81,155 19,622 1,722 209,901 144 6422 Underground Cable 41,852 29,514 11,436 2,774 132,244 145 6423 Buried Cable 97,587 65,261 32,814 6,171 222,975 146 6424 Submarine and Deep Sea Cable (1) 0 0 0 3 147 6426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 1,632 1,423 456 0 8 148 6431 Aerial Wire 0 0 0 24 142 149 6441 Conduit Systems 2,765 1,225 1,657 223 11,228 150 6410 Total Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses 230,834 182,942 69,138 10,986 578,793 151 650 Total Plant Specific Operations Expenses 587,435 445,054 199,790 37,735 1,938,881 Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses: 152 6511 Property Held for Future Telecom. Us e 0 0 0 0 0 153 665 Account 6512 - Provisioning 3,169 3,229 1,171 294 11,884 154 6510 Other Property and Equipment Expenses 3,169 3,229 1,171 294 11,884 155 6531 Power 17,717 12,064 3,928 145 72,274 156 6532 Network Administration 21,763 14,146 4,598 2,183 72,825 157 6533 Testing 81,950 45,914 7,301 4,693 199,786 158 675 Account 6534 - Plant Operations Admin. Expenses 88,857 65,153 37,223 7,397 296,431 159 685 Account 6535 - Engineering 41,140 36,263 18,638 5,576 158,546 160 6530 Total Network Operations Expenses 251,427 173,540 71,688 19,994 799,862 161 6540 Access Expenses 54,254 31,989 45,605 8,805 228,609 Depreciation And Amortization Expenses: 162 6561 Depreciation - Telecom Plant in Service (TPIS) 713,620 527,419 247,931 48,229 2,055,181 163 6562 Dep. - Property Held for Future Telecom Us e 0 0 0 0 0 164 6563 Amortization - Tangibles (742) 229 101 (234) 10,646 165 6564 Amortization - Intangibles 18,435 13,439 6,786 1,101 65,834 166 6565 Amortization - Other 0 0 0 0 0 167 6560 Total Depreciation and Amortization Expenses 731,313 541,087 254,818 49,096 2,131,661 168 690 Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses 1,040,163 749,845 373,282 78,189 3,172,016 Customer Operations Expenses: Marketing Expenses: 169 6611 Product Management and Sales 138,524 94,423 51,230 14,536 603,129 170 6613 Product Advertising 8,449 7,240 2,804 343 29,351 171 6610 Total Marketing Expenses 146,973 101,663 54,034 14,879 632,480 Services Expenses: 172 6621 Call Completion 12,286 4,169 4,183 635 37,574 173 6622 Number Services 37,045 30,370 12,618 3,683 95,927 174 6623 Customer Services 285,498 212,372 121,600 23,500 1,045,713 175 6620 Total Services Expenses 334,829 246,911 138,401 27,818 1,179,214 176 700 Total Customer Operations Expenses 481,802 348,574 192,435 42,697 1,811,694 49 55 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 6 SBC 7 SBC 8 SBC 9 SBC 10 SBC Line Accoun tItems Michigan Bell The Ohio Bell WisconsinNevada Bell Pacific Bell No. Row Telephone Telephone Bell, Inc. Telephone Telephone Number Company Company Company Company 177 6720 General and Administrative 255,589 242,610 117,143 32,555 1,054,928 178 6790 Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable 0 0 0 0 0 179 710 Total Corporate Operations Expenses 255,589 242,610 117,143 32,555 1,054,928 180 720 Total Operating Expenses 2,364,989 1,786,083 882,650 191,176 7,977,519 181 730 Inc. Before Other Operating Items & Taxes 485,277 467,398 301,622 26,406 1,886,368 182 7100 Other Operating Income and Expenses 310 418 349 30 6,226 Operating Taxes: 183 7210 Operating Investment Tax Credits - Net 2,575 1,705 1,123 343 10,337 184 7220 Operating Federal Income Taxes 181,532 171,589 112,667 (17,960) 628,869 185 7230 Operating State and Local Income Taxes 25,483 35,106 27,876 0 211,694 186 7240 Operating Other Taxes 71,313 90,437 25,734 8,265 135,285 187 7250 Provision for Deferred Operating Inc. Tax - Net (59,849) (56,441) (41,395) 21,735 (233,216) 188 7200 Operating Taxes 215,904 238,986 123,759 11,697 732,295 189 7300 Nonoperating Income and Expenses (70,158) (54,010) (29,123) (7,905) (359,915) 190 7400 Nonoperating Taxes (27,809) (22,721) (13,015) (3,115) (157,015) 191 7500 Interest and Related Items 26,029 5,743 20,300 5,831 221,174 192 7600 Extraordinary Items 0 0 0 0 0 193 7910 Inc. Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Dif - Net 12,646 0 (63,283) (153) 8,326 194 7990 Nonregulated Net Income 0 0 0 0 0 195 790 Net Income $213,951 $191,798 $78,521 $3,965 $744,551 196 830 Total Number of Employees 9,523 6,795 2,951 707 34,128 197 840 Full Time 9,273 6,785 2,949 704 33,982 198 850 Part Time 250 10 2 3 146 199 860 Total Compensation for the Year $842,846 $604,249 $264,862 $47,219 $2,366,874 50 56 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 11 SBC 12 SBC 13 VZ 14 VZ 15 VZ Line Account/ Items The Southern Southwestern VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row New England BellCalifornia Inc. Delaware Inc. Florida Inc. Number Telephone Co. Balance Sheet Accounts - Assets Current Assets: 1 1120 Cash and Equivalents ($ 2,120) ($ 21,118) $122,578 $11,702 $83,368 2 1170 Receivables 276,243 1,777,801 658,468 58,387 291,133 3 1171 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 17,579 228,376 51,791 6,554 22,072 4 1220 Inventories 7,573 127,574 38,874 2,319 27,946 5 120 Total Noncash Current Assets 266,237 1,676,999 645,551 54,152 297,007 6 1280 Prepayments 7,302 94,308 169 7,867 39 7 1350 Other Current Assets 0 0 107,813 9,105 53,605 8 130 Total Current Assets 271,419 1,750,189 876,111 82,826 434,019 Noncurrent Assets: 9 1406 Nonregulated Investments 0 0 0 0 0 10 1410 Other Noncurrent Assets 199,748 382,799 2,242,789 45,177 363,883 11 1438 Def. Maint., Retirements and Other Def. Charges 27,899 57,839 141,781 20,748 65,679 12 1500 Other Jurisdictional Assets - Net 15,349 (1,248,497) 503,642 29,035 5,740 13 150 Total Noncurrent Assets 242,996 (807,859) 2,888,212 94,960 435,302 Plant: 14 2001 Telecommunications Plant in Service (TPIS) 5,112,302 39,903,558 11,575,134 1,207,207 5,555,280 15 2002 Property Held for Future Telecom Use (PHFTU ) 0 0 0 0 0 16 2003 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction 15,917 73,500 86,948 7,499 48,513 17 2005 Telecommunications Plant Adjustment 0 0 0 0 0 18 2006 Nonoperating Plant 44 13,065 4,203 854 738 19 2007 Goodwill 0 0 0 0 0 20 210 Total Plant 5,128,263 39,990,123 11,666,285 1,215,560 5,604,531 TPIS - General Support: 21 2111 Land 15,930 228,454 49,652 2,646 20,251 22 2112 Motor Vehicles 91,102 268,036 87,000 11,686 32,327 23 2113 Aircraft 0 0 0 0 0 24 2114 Tools and Other Work Equipment 41,961 235,353 78,952 8,425 45,421 25 2121 Buildings 440,042 3,549,279 826,286 85,037 284,986 26 2122 Furniture 47 5,683 10,159 62 2,454 27 2123 Office Equipment 86 99,812 73,967 218 53,031 28 2124 General Purpose Computers 1,935 226,809 95,982 9,915 66,008 29 2110 Total Land and Support Assets 591,103 4,613,426 1,221,998 117,989 504,478 TPIS - Central Office: 30 2211 Non- Digital Switching 864 287,421 0 0 0 31 2212.1 Circuit Switching 981,229 6,089,730 2,101,857 201,668 1,022,390 32 2212.2 Packet Switching 18,557 122,660 66,482 3,896 27,655 33 2212 Digital Electronic Switching 999,786 6,212,390 2,168,339 205,564 1,050,045 34 2210 Total Central Office Switching 1,000,650 6,499,811 2,168,339 205,564 1,050,045 35 2220 Operator Systems 3,590 79,882 27,647 250 16,730 36 2231 Radio Systems 434 13,475 46,329 10 830 37 2232.1 Electronic Circuit 1,359,051 10,468,227 2,372,811 345,455 1,100,237 38 2232.2 Optical Circuit 0 1 0 0 0 39 2232 Circuit Equipment 1,359,051 10,468,228 2,372,811 345,455 1,100,237 40 2230 Total Central Office Transmission 1,359,485 10,481,703 2,419,140 345,465 1,101,067 TPIS - Information Origination/ Termination: 41 2311 Station Apparatus 0 426 18 0 0 42 2321 Customer Premises Wiring 0 0 0 0 0 43 2341 Large Private Branch Exchanges 0 3,821 0 0 0 44 2351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 0 111,069 2,494 2,232 2,127 45 2362 Other Terminal Equipment 6,923 248,662 85,962 32,291 47,376 46 2310 Total Information Origination/ Termination 6,923 363,978 88,474 34,523 49,503 51 Telephone L. P. 57 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 11 SBC 12 SBC 13 VZ 14 VZ 15 VZ Line Account/ Items The Southern Southwestern VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row New England BellCalifornia Inc. Delaware Inc. Florida Inc. Number Telephone Co. TPIS - Cable and Wire Facilities: 47 2411 Poles 182,976 380,449 215,930 11,537 30,870 48 2421 Aerial Cable 909,096 2,014,825 1,242,407 104,385 231,266 49 2422 Underground Cable 494,221 3,208,048 1,968,347 79,461 553,367 50 2423 Buried Cable 212,281 10,080,152 1,184,235 226,353 1,655,518 51 2424 Submarine and Deep Sea Cable 2,053 2,565 977 130 2,582 52 2426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 47,265 152,048 0 9,025 987 53 2431 Aerial Wire 0 1,875 12,698 0 1,837 54 2441 Conduit Systems 289,273 1,980,643 971,786 64,254 341,567 55 2410 Total Cable and Wire Facilities 2,137,165 17,820,605 5,596,380 495,145 2,817,994 56 240 Total TPIS (Before Amortizable Assets) 5,098,916 39,859,405 11,521,978 1,198,936 5,539,817 TPIS - Amortizable Assets: 57 2681 Capital Leases 0 1,623 8,137 321 0 58 2682 Leasehold Improvements 5,990 15,003 10,432 153 746 59 2680 Total Amortizable Tangible Assets 5,990 16,626 18,569 474 746 60 2690.1 Network Software 7,213 26,883 34,587 3,053 14,717 61 2690.2 General Purpose Computer Software 183 644 0 4,744 0 62 2690 Intangibles 7,396 27,527 34,587 7,797 14,717 63 260 Total Telecommunications Plant in Service 5,112,302 39,903,558 11,575,134 1,207,207 5,555,280 Depreciation And Amortization: 64 3100 Accumulated Depreciation 3,247,069 25,119,539 8,024,695 795,182 3,533,318 65 3200 Accumulated Depreciation - PHFTU 0 0 0 0 0 66 3300 Accumulated Depreciation - Nonoperating 1 3,452 328 2 222 67 3410 Accumulated Amortization - Capitalized Leases 0 980 4,621 150 0 68 340 Total Depreciation and Amortization 3,247,070 25,123,971 8,029,644 795,334 3,533,540 69 350 Net Plant 1,881,193 14,866,152 3,636,641 420,226 2,070,991 70 360 Total Assets 2,395,608 15,808,482 7,400,964 598,012 2,940,312 Balance Sheet Accounts - Liabilities Current Liabilities: 71 4000 Current Accounts and Notes Payable 488,402 4,101,288 1,850,632 84,563 358,226 72 4040 Customers' Deposits 1,834 3,037 248 120 313 73 4070 Income Taxes - Accrued 49,261 771,246 (12,952) 482 1,612 74 4080 Other Taxes - Accrued 7,284 244,918 27,100 593 9,352 75 4100 Net Current Deferred Operating Income Taxes (4,040) 176,107 (67,312) (3,999) 6,257 76 4110 Net Current Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes 0 0 0 0 0 77 4130 Other Current Liabilities 93,651 1,162,052 435,741 33,701 294,555 78 410 Total Current Liabilities 636,392 6,458,648 2,233,457 115,460 670,315 79 4200 Long- Term Debt and Funded Debt 353,631 1,707,276 1,157,070 138,297 739,904 Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits: 80 4300 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 198,774 1,599,055 581,828 68,174 425,386 81 4320 Unamortized Operating Invest. Tax Credits - Net 8,480 79,042 0 1,533 0 82 4330 Unamortized Nonop. Invest. Tax Credits - Net 0 0 0 0 0 83 4340 Net Noncurrent Deferred Operating Income Taxes 481,964 3,064,980 1,247,968 79,442 364,885 84 4341 Net Deferred Tax Liability Adjustments (12,336) (94,420) 380 (915) (3,405) 85 4350 Net Noncurrent Deferred Nonoperating Inc. Taxes 0 0 0 (254) 0 86 4361 Deferred Tax Regulatory Liability 12,336 94,420 (380) 915 3,405 87 4370 Other Juris. Liabilities/ Deferred Credits - Net 18,121 3,974 1,094,762 12,158 39,309 88 430 Total Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits 707,339 4,747,051 2,924,558 161,053 829,580 Stockholders' Equity: 89 4510 Capital Stock 1 0 1,400,000 118,442 585,000 90 4520 Additional Paid- in Capital 352,682 0 163,357 18,170 126,038 91 4530 Treasury Stock 0 0 0 0 0 52 Telephone L. P. 58 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 11 SBC 12 SBC 13 VZ 14 VZ 15 VZ Line Account/ Items The Southern Southwestern VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row New England BellCalifornia Inc. Delaware Inc. Florida Inc. Number Telephone Co. Stockholders' Equity Cont'd: 92 4540 Other Capital 0 2,895,507 12,091 1 8,244 93 4550 Retained Earnings 345,563 0 (489,569) 46,589 (18,769) 94 440 Total Stockholders' Equit y 698,246 2,895,507 1,085,879 183,202 700,513 95 450 Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity 2,395,608 15,808,482 7,400,964 598,012 2,940,312 96 460 Retained Earnings (Beginning of Year) 427,242 0 (968,198) 94,350 (86,524) 97 465 Net Income 133,438 785,839 592,572 55,239 203,787 98 470 Dividends Declared 215,117 0 305,000 103,000 150,000 99 475 Miscellaneous Debits 0 785,839 328,405 0 27,562 100 480 Miscellaneous Credits 0 0 519,462 0 41,530 101 490 Retained Earnings (End of Year) 345,563 0 (489,569) 46,589 (18,769) Income Statement Accounts Revenue Accounts Local Network Service Revenues: 102 5001 Basic Area Revenues 460,030 3,284,268 1,073,462 87,434 473,172 103 5040 Local Private Line Revenues 40,728 114,956 10,445 17,732 11,365 104 5060 Other Basic Area Revenues 192,608 1,377,405 263,997 47,208 189,993 105 520 Local Network Service Revenues 693,366 4,776,629 1,347,904 152,374 674,530 Network Access Service Revenues: 106 5081 End- User Revenues 155,977 877,608 398,686 42,209 198,019 107 5082 Switched Access Revenues 90,183 885,524 352,194 18,073 209,679 108 5083 Special Access Revenues 243,398 1,478,671 531,326 62,927 248,612 109 522 Total Network Access Service Revenues 489,558 3,241,803 1,282,206 123,209 656,310 110 5100 Long Distance Message Revenues 158,285 349,123 99,506 17,124 48,612 Miscellaneous Revenues: 111 5230 Directory Revenues 11,466 112,070 22,466 1,911 12,434 112 526 Miscellaneous Revenues 155,333 1,966,394 226,422 32,807 95,572 113 527 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 166,799 2,078,464 248,888 34,718 108,006 114 5280 Nonregulated Revenues 0 1,260,541 207,639 18,161 112,473 115 5300 Uncollectible Revenues (784) 164,257 36,568 4,869 13,624 116 530 Total Operating Revenues 1,508,792 11,542,303 3,149,575 340,717 1,586,307 Expense Accounts Plant Specific Operations: Network Support Expenses: 117 615 Account 6112 - Motor Vehicle 1,535 14,864 4,235 86 1,291 118 625 Account 6113 - Aircraft 0 0 714 52 398 119 635 Account 6114 - Tools and Other Work Equipment 596 911 919 118 478 120 6110 Total Network Support Expenses 2,131 15,775 5,868 256 2,167 General Support Expenses: 121 6121 Land and Building 33,418 222,589 87,619 8,356 45,592 122 6122 Furniture and Artworks 64 3,310 980 99 1,221 123 6123 Office Equipment 13,310 132,240 4,299 1,182 2,559 124 6124 General Purpose Computers 46,643 235,656 76,360 6,051 38,435 125 6120 Total General Support Expenses 93,435 593,795 169,258 15,688 87,807 Central Office Switching Expenses: 126 6211 Non- Digital Electronic Switching 2,406 11,993 0 58 0 127 6212.1 Circuit 35,370 183,302 45,045 4,632 26,471 128 6212.2 Packet 0 3,094 37 0 12 129 6212 Digital Electronic Switching 35,370 186,396 45,082 4,632 26,483 130 6210 Total Central Office Switching Expenses 37,776 198,389 45,082 4,690 26,483 131 6220 Operator Systems Expenses 33 10,388 478 79 146 53 Telephone L. P. 59 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 11 SBC 12 SBC 13 VZ 14 VZ 15 VZ Line Account/ Items The Southern Southwestern VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row New England BellCalifornia Inc. Delaware Inc. Florida Inc. Number Telephone Co. Central Office Transmission Expenses: 132 6231 Radio Systems 1 49 378 0 23 133 6232.1 Electronic Circuit 26,240 179,725 28,603 2,501 13,765 134 6232.2 Optical Circuit 33 0 0 1 0 135 6232 Circuit Equipment 26,273 179,725 28,603 2,502 13,765 136 6230 Total Central Office Transmission Expenses 26,274 179,774 28,981 2,502 13,788 Information Origination/ Termination Exps: 137 6311 Station Apparatus 0 19,543 16,094 0 16,215 138 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange 0 110,293 8,029 0 5,568 139 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 0 11,789 6,074 752 1,819 140 6362 Other Terminal Equipment 20,764 477,119 81,573 6,652 40,969 141 6310 Total Information Origination/ Termination Exps. 20,764 618,744 111,770 7,404 64,571 Cable And Wire Facilities Expenses: 142 6411 Pole 1,972 9,756 3,245 1,203 11,399 143 6421 Aerial Cable 79,512 156,324 49,310 11,654 34,201 144 6422 Underground Cable 18,238 56,687 20,910 2,089 2,201 145 6423 Buried Cable 18,892 529,906 51,079 14,675 73,965 146 6424 Submarine and Deep Sea Cable 1 5 10 0 12 147 6426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 40 198 706 7 465 148 6431 Aerial Wire 0 20 346 0 288 149 6441 Conduit Systems 1,300 3,700 1,212 141 310 150 6410 Total Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses 119,955 756,596 126,818 29,769 122,841 151 650 Total Plant Specific Operations Expenses 300,368 2,373,461 488,255 60,388 317,803 Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses: 152 6511 Property Held for Future Telecom. Us e 0 0 0 0 0 153 665 Account 6512 - Provisioning 449 18,105 1,028 324 516 154 6510 Other Property and Equipment Expenses 449 18,105 1,028 324 516 155 6531 Power 10,630 45,785 154 2,087 54 156 6532 Network Administration 11,768 101,199 29,445 1,150 20,387 157 6533 Testing 26,002 217,054 40,570 8,157 32,568 158 675 Account 6534 - Plant Operations Admin. Expenses 46,543 197,502 53,149 8,150 25,869 159 685 Account 6535 - Engineering 25,394 170,053 22,918 3,156 16,320 160 6530 Total Network Operations Expenses 120,337 731,593 146,236 22,700 95,198 161 6540 Access Expenses 28,669 297,103 53,955 9,278 6,878 Depreciation And Amortization Expenses: 162 6561 Depreciation - Telecom Plant in Service (TPIS) 345,901 2,632,638 597,671 81,889 428,467 163 6562 Dep. - Property Held for Future Telecom Us e 0 0 0 0 0 164 6563 Amortization - Tangibles (3,878) 1,624 7,189 153 372 165 6564 Amortization - Intangibles 8,232 53,977 23,888 4,759 9,523 166 6565 Amortization - Other 0 0 0 0( 1) 167 6560 Total Depreciation and Amortization Expenses 350,255 2,688,239 628,748 86,801 438,361 168 690 Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses 499,710 3,735,040 829,967 119,103 540,953 Customer Operations Expenses: Marketing Expenses: 169 6611 Product Management and Sales 80,958 574,562 84,325 11,335 50,958 170 6613 Product Advertising 11,224 24,772 9,713 1,035 4,117 171 6610 Total Marketing Expenses 92,182 599,334 94,038 12,370 55,075 Services Expenses: 172 6621 Call Completion 14,290 53,137 24,026 639 10,218 173 6622 Number Services 14,371 155,208 51,068 3,061 17,156 174 6623 Customer Services 74,223 937,885 182,226 20,016 108,579 175 6620 Total Services Expenses 102,884 1,146,230 257,320 23,716 135,953 176 700 Total Customer Operations Expenses 195,066 1,745,564 351,358 36,086 191,028 54 Telephone L. P. 60 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 11 SBC 12 SBC 13 VZ 14 VZ 15 VZ Line Account Items The Southern Southwestern VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Number New England BellCalifornia Inc. Delaware Inc. Florida Inc. Telephone Co. 177 6720 General and Administrative 199,083 1,035,550 533,463 52,492 267,249 178 6790 Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable 0 0 0 0 0 179 710 Total Corporate Operations Expenses 199,083 1,035,550 533,463 52,492 267,249 180 720 Total Operating Expenses 1,194,227 8,889,615 2,203,043 268,069 1,317,033 181 730 Inc. Before Other Operating Items & Taxes 314,565 2,652,688 946,532 72,648 269,274 182 7100 Other Operating Income and Expenses 1,325 8,749 9,734 38 789 Operating Taxes: 183 7210 Operating Investment Tax Credits - Net 1,212 17,289 0 (35) 0 184 7220 Operating Federal Income Taxes 22,369 756,142 153,652 24,358 54,827 185 7230 Operating State and Local Income Taxes 11,346 84,793 51,792 6,707 9,653 186 7240 Operating Other Taxes 41,016 572,080 56,736 6,409 44,443 187 7250 Provision for Deferred Operating Inc. Tax - Net 56,762 (144,940) 28,633 (7,525) (6,448) 188 7200 Operating Taxes 130,281 1,250,786 290,813 29,984 102,475 189 7300 Nonoperating Income and Expenses (37,133) (337,053) 81,839 9,694 31,781 190 7400 Nonoperating Taxes (15,207) (119,203) 32,770 3,853 11,910 191 7500 Interest and Related Items 30,265 179,453 116,504 6,279 63,192 192 7600 Extraordinary Items 0 1 0 0 0 193 7910 Inc. Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Dif - Net 20 (227,510) (5,446) 12,975 79,520 194 7990 Nonregulated Net Income 0 0 0 0 0 195 790 Net Income $133,438 $785,839 $592,572 $55,239 $203,787 196 830 Total Number of Employees 4,028 34,132 8,215 664 5,251 197 840 Full Time 4,023 34,036 8,144 659 5,245 198 850 Part Time 5 96 71 5 6 199 860 Total Compensation for the Year $284,867 $2,185,155 $542,570 $82,613 $316,781 55 Telephone L. P. 61 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 16 VZ 17 VZ 18 VZ 19 VZ 20 VZ Line Account/ Items VerizonVerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row Hawaii Inc. Maryland Inc. New England New Jersey New York Inc. Number Inc. Inc. Balance Sheet Accounts - Assets Current Assets: 1 1120 Cash and Equivalents $15 $129,895 $187,170 $210,351 $446,999 2 1170 Receivables 97,137 450,232 1,073,388 564,945 1,261,783 3 1171 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 5,692 54,602 148,694 80,191 245,703 4 1220 Inventories 4,519 17,489 26,077 11,191 47,767 5 120 Total Noncash Current Assets 95,964 413,119 950,771 495,945 1,063,847 6 1280 Prepayments 91 24,320 10,784 8,878 38,894 7 1350 Other Current Assets 11,712 55,723 88,844 81,435 141,675 8 130 Total Current Assets 107,782 623,057 1,237,569 796,609 1,691,415 Noncurrent Assets: 9 1406 Nonregulated Investments (366) 0 0 0 0 10 1410 Other Noncurrent Assets 593,969 258,847 389,891 416,488 986,344 11 1438 Def. Maint., Retirements and Other Def. Charges 19,816 126,889 218,464 175,383 301,442 12 1500 Other Jurisdictional Assets - Net (2,385) (692,840) (570,971) (2,130,909) 1,175,215 13 150 Total Noncurrent Assets 611,034 (307,104) 37,384 (1,539,038) 2,463,001 Plant: 14 2001 Telecommunications Plant in Service (TPIS) 1,950,216 8,134,355 17,258,681 12,801,116 28,882,635 15 2002 Property Held for Future Telecom Use (PHFTU ) 0 0 146 0 1,758 16 2003 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction 3,463 128,443 204,046 38,311 324,259 17 2005 Telecommunications Plant Adjustment 0 0 0 0 0 18 2006 Nonoperating Plant 1,171 (10,830) 7,856 9,540 32,656 19 2007 Goodwill 0 0 0 0 0 20 210 Total Plant 1,954,850 8,251,968 17,470,729 12,848,967 29,241,308 TPIS - General Support: 21 2111 Land 9,435 23,608 36,986 41,067 113,087 22 2112 Motor Vehicles 19,593 88,672 134,003 169,970 207,692 23 2113 Aircraft 0 0 0 0 0 24 2114 Tools and Other Work Equipment 18,812 74,228 96,295 92,926 140,646 25 2121 Buildings 212,031 574,530 1,102,874 1,001,971 3,006,780 26 2122 Furniture 1,314 135 10,169 2,211 1,912 27 2123 Office Equipment 11,357 11,464 26,729 14,486 42,911 28 2124 General Purpose Computers 15,105 207,430 157,429 493,850 319,633 29 2110 Total Land and Support Assets 287,647 980,067 1,564,485 1,816,481 3,832,661 TPIS - Central Office: 30 2211 Non- Digital Switching 0 2,238 0 1,068 1,985 31 2212.1 Circuit Switching 349,604 1,593,524 3,326,776 2,170,474 5,102,652 32 2212.2 Packet Switching 6,264 22,165 24,230 49,964 29,064 33 2212 Digital Electronic Switching 355,868 1,615,689 3,351,006 2,220,438 5,131,716 34 2210 Total Central Office Switching 355,868 1,617,927 3,351,006 2,221,506 5,133,701 35 2220 Operator Systems 5,064 13,825 20,546 31,156 41,188 36 2231 Radio Systems 29,872 670 6,972 3,330 12,109 37 2232.1 Electronic Circuit 367,338 2,351,692 4,431,947 3,591,954 7,244,966 38 2232.2 Optical Circuit 0 0 0 0 0 39 2232 Circuit Equipment 367,338 2,351,692 4,431,947 3,591,954 7,244,966 40 2230 Total Central Office Transmission 397,210 2,352,362 4,438,919 3,595,284 7,257,075 TPIS - Information Origination/ Termination: 41 2311 Station Apparatus 0 0 0 0 0 42 2321 Customer Premises Wiring 0 0 0 0 0 43 2341 Large Private Branch Exchanges 0 0 0 0 0 44 2351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 0 15,291 49,797 27,411 111,755 45 2362 Other Terminal Equipment 15,014 74,741 272,845 56,432 474,942 46 2310 Total Information Origination/ Termination 15,014 90,032 322,642 83,843 586,697 56 Verizon 62 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 16 VZ 17 VZ 18 VZ 19 VZ 20 VZ Line Account/ Items VerizonVerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row Hawaii Inc. Maryland Inc. New England New Jersey New York Inc. Number Inc. Inc. TPIS - Cable and Wire Facilities: 47 2411 Poles 127,311 103,453 867,212 178,907 617,759 48 2421 Aerial Cable 323,801 856,782 3,661,522 1,892,424 5,283,331 49 2422 Underground Cable 248,157 446,112 1,450,527 1,177,207 2,582,590 50 2423 Buried Cable 24,857 1,076,467 339,085 606,651 1,129,772 51 2424 Submarine and Deep Sea Cable 17,652 1,911 7,848 4,997 6,791 52 2426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 8,794 51,929 38,323 174,252 389,883 53 2431 Aerial Wire 3,938 0 0 0 0 54 2441 Conduit Systems 124,964 403,621 1,030,554 860,274 1,692,700 55 2410 Total Cable and Wire Facilities 879,474 2,940,275 7,395,071 4,894,712 11,702,826 56 240 Total TPIS (Before Amortizable Assets) 1,940,277 7,994,488 17,092,669 12,642,982 28,554,148 TPIS - Amortizable Assets: 57 2681 Capital Leases 0 38,079 1,137 23,780 25,458 58 2682 Leasehold Improvements 2,354 6,861 22,636 14,825 81,324 59 2680 Total Amortizable Tangible Assets 2,354 44,940 23,773 38,605 106,782 60 2690.1 Network Software 7,585 60,185 80,651 62,995 167,427 61 2690.2 General Purpose Computer Software 0 34,742 61,588 56,533 54,279 62 2690 Intangibles 7,585 94,927 142,239 119,529 221,705 63 260 Total Telecommunications Plant in Service 1,950,216 8,134,355 17,258,681 12,801,116 28,882,635 Depreciation And Amortization: 64 3100 Accumulated Depreciation 1,187,963 5,392,716 11,422,839 8,272,982 18,512,355 65 3200 Accumulated Depreciation - PHFTU 0 0 2 0677 66 3300 Accumulated Depreciation - Nonoperating 229 829 385 3,525 3,963 67 3410 Accumulated Amortization - Capitalized Leases 0 28,772 117 15,036 11,656 68 340 Total Depreciation and Amortization 1,188,192 5,422,317 11,423,343 8,291,543 18,528,651 69 350 Net Plant 766,658 2,829,651 6,047,386 4,557,424 10,712,657 70 360 Total Assets 1,485,474 3,145,604 7,322,339 3,814,995 14,867,073 Balance Sheet Accounts - Liabilities Current Liabilities: 71 4000 Current Accounts and Notes Payable 190,659 268,942 861,956 694,742 3,922,356 72 4040 Customers' Deposits 212 456 134 8,578 8,869 73 4070 Income Taxes - Accrued 23,127 10,801 35,624 (51,910) 55,633 74 4080 Other Taxes - Accrued 2,719 7,057 38,738 2,202 107,636 75 4100 Net Current Deferred Operating Income Taxes (10,324) (13,030) 6,426 (38,188) (80,620) 76 4110 Net Current Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes 0 0 0 0 0 77 4130 Other Current Liabilities 189,056 273,884 419,776 424,035 1,007,144 78 410 Total Current Liabilities 395,449 548,110 1,362,654 1,039,459 5,021,018 79 4200 Long- Term Debt and Funded Debt 301,632 1,243,331 2,965,827 1,426,755 2,896,512 Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits: 80 4300 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 53,353 582,846 1,934,615 930,437 4,417,507 81 4320 Unamortized Operating Invest. Tax Credits - Net 20,782 7,585 26,688 18,207 49,949 82 4330 Unamortized Nonop. Invest. Tax Credits - Net 3 0 0 0 0 83 4340 Net Noncurrent Deferred Operating Income Taxes 323,838 460,166 522,863 745,495 467,829 84 4341 Net Deferred Tax Liability Adjustments 2,613 5,096 13,831 35,517 2,099 85 4350 Net Noncurrent Deferred Nonoperating Inc. Taxes 0 (3,302) (28,480) (16,729) (23,713) 86 4361 Deferred Tax Regulatory Liability (2,614) (5,096) (13,831) (35,517) (2,099) 87 4370 Other Juris. Liabilities/ Deferred Credits - Net (13,965) (337,208) (217,451) (766,781) 912,878 88 430 Total Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits 384,010 710,087 2,238,235 910,629 5,824,450 Stockholders' Equity: 89 4510 Capital Stock 250,000 735,420 1,000 1,381,195 1,000 90 4520 Additional Paid- in Capital 88,405 143,002 1,434,941 0 1,572,168 91 4530 Treasury Stock 0 0 0 0 0 57 Verizon 63 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 16 VZ 17 VZ 18 VZ 19 VZ 20 VZ Line Account/ Items VerizonVerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row Hawaii Inc. Maryland Inc. New England New Jersey New York Inc. Number Inc. Inc. Stockholders' Equity Cont'd: 92 4540 Other Capital 43,265 0 0 1 0 93 4550 Retained Earnings 22,713 (234,346) (680,318) (943,044) (448,075) 94 440 Total Stockholders' Equit y 404,383 644,076 755,623 438,152 1,125,093 95 450 Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity 1,485,474 3,145,604 7,322,339 3,814,995 14,867,073 96 460 Retained Earnings (Beginning of Year) 48,109 19,515 (433,189) (625,866) 268,830 97 465 Net Income 23,718 111,139 (35,499) 214,750 (543,733) 98 470 Dividends Declared 47,000 365,000 137,000 532,000 0 99 475 Miscellaneous Debits 99,938 0 74,630 0 173,172 100 480 Miscellaneous Credits 97,824 0 0 72 0 101 490 Retained Earnings (End of Year) 22,713 (234,346) (680,318) (943,044) (448,075) Income Statement Accounts Revenue Accounts Local Network Service Revenues: 102 5001 Basic Area Revenues 155,088 756,626 1,342,339 654,708 2,293,810 103 5040 Local Private Line Revenues 4,340 74,477 108,855 122,482 110,946 104 5060 Other Basic Area Revenues 82,525 257,116 378,446 467,689 719,543 105 520 Local Network Service Revenues 241,953 1,088,219 1,829,640 1,244,879 3,124,299 Network Access Service Revenues: 106 5081 End- User Revenues 62,156 236,902 453,170 409,656 669,978 107 5082 Switched Access Revenues 26,053 165,668 224,688 266,032 448,547 108 5083 Special Access Revenues 89,568 362,792 609,543 623,103 975,215 109 522 Total Network Access Service Revenues 177,777 765,362 1,287,401 1,298,791 2,093,740 110 5100 Long Distance Message Revenues 5,714 84,788 320,238 310,334 175,931 Miscellaneous Revenues: 111 5230 Directory Revenues 2,813 11,167 30,993 21,092 265,578 112 526 Miscellaneous Revenues 14,851 216,669 338,596 404,701 1,043,565 113 527 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 17,664 227,836 369,589 425,793 1,309,143 114 5280 Nonregulated Revenues 50,050 117,855 153,336 159,043 216,056 115 5300 Uncollectible Revenues 3,089 19,216 119,300 (29,259) 44,289 116 530 Total Operating Revenues 490,069 2,264,844 3,840,904 3,468,099 6,874,880 Expense Accounts Plant Specific Operations: Network Support Expenses: 117 615 Account 6112 - Motor Vehicle 687 387 1,658 1,192 3,418 118 625 Account 6113 - Aircraft 141 418 903 629 1,771 119 635 Account 6114 - Tools and Other Work Equipment 265 1,081 4,301 291 8,393 120 6110 Total Network Support Expenses 1,093 1,886 6,862 2,112 13,582 General Support Expenses: 121 6121 Land and Building 23,952 34,359 131,378 72,236 287,648 122 6122 Furniture and Artworks 277 1,741 4,181 (676) 8,693 123 6123 Office Equipment 785 2,334 7,846 3,058 15,472 124 6124 General Purpose Computers 13,407 47,484 79,402 62,588 132,655 125 6120 Total General Support Expenses 38,421 85,918 222,807 137,206 444,468 Central Office Switching Expenses: 126 6211 Non- Digital Electronic Switching 0 512 6,717 1,280 8,211 127 6212.1 Circuit 7,724 31,695 108,417 50,649 226,413 128 6212.2 Packet 3 1 3 143 129 6212 Digital Electronic Switching 7,727 31,696 108,420 50,650 226,456 130 6210 Total Central Office Switching Expenses 7,727 32,208 115,137 51,930 234,667 131 6220 Operator Systems Expenses 161 1,720 87 203 362 58 Verizon 64 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 16 VZ 17 VZ 18 VZ 19 VZ 20 VZ Line Account/ Items VerizonVerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row Hawaii Inc. Maryland Inc. New England New Jersey New York Inc. Number Inc. Inc. Central Office Transmission Expenses: 132 6231 Radio Systems 177 78 148 99 1,689 133 6232.1 Electronic Circuit 3,475 25,778 66,440 34,363 115,644 134 6232.2 Optical Circuit 0 6 0 3 0 135 6232 Circuit Equipment 3,475 25,784 66,440 34,366 115,644 136 6230 Total Central Office Transmission Expenses 3,652 25,862 66,588 34,465 117,333 Information Origination/ Termination Exps: 137 6311 Station Apparatus 8,832 0 0 0 0 138 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange 4,682 0 0 0 0 139 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 1,055 4,469 10,390 0 28,251 140 6362 Other Terminal Equipment 13,505 53,587 82,570 0 256,225 141 6310 Total Information Origination/ Termination Exps. 28,074 58,056 92,960 91,834 284,476 Cable And Wire Facilities Expenses: 142 6411 Pole 904 6,423 12,085 14,059 5,584 143 6421 Aerial Cable 8,007 61,234 297,415 207,409 670,047 144 6422 Underground Cable 5,282 8,926 44,107 44,626 117,739 145 6423 Buried Cable 1,247 79,798 19,373 38,397 51,405 146 6424 Submarine and Deep Sea Cable 50 4 5 13 41 147 6426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 445 224 3,344 37 11,229 148 6431 Aerial Wire 235 0 0 0 0 149 6441 Conduit Systems 585 656 11,618 12,952 123,691 150 6410 Total Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses 16,755 157,265 387,947 317,493 979,736 151 650 Total Plant Specific Operations Expenses 95,883 362,915 892,388 635,243 2,074,624 Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses: 152 6511 Property Held for Future Telecom. Us e 0 0 0 0 0 153 665 Account 6512 - Provisioning 120 2,064 16,656 1,741 8,236 154 6510 Other Property and Equipment Expenses 120 2,064 16,656 1,741 8,236 155 6531 Power 21 16,690 45,004 34,962 88,343 156 6532 Network Administration 4,410 23,327 69,058 23,227 80,975 157 6533 Testing 5,857 45,361 62,708 64,935 239,696 158 675 Account 6534 - Plant Operations Admin. Expenses 8,364 32,734 117,647 62,808 278,657 159 685 Account 6535 - Engineering 3,365 16,953 28,971 27,300 54,496 160 6530 Total Network Operations Expenses 22,017 135,065 323,388 213,232 742,167 161 6540 Access Expenses 8,236 47,047 107,389 48,826 152,289 Depreciation And Amortization Expenses: 162 6561 Depreciation - Telecom Plant in Service (TPIS) 134,422 598,715 1,180,911 909,212 1,933,074 163 6562 Dep. - Property Held for Future Telecom Us e 0 0 0 0 0 164 6563 Amortization - Tangibles 558 5,708 4,502 7,102 17,926 165 6564 Amortization - Intangibles 5,086 44,976 88,965 72,274 122,999 166 6565 Amortization - Other 0 0 0 (1) 0 167 6560 Total Depreciation and Amortization Expenses 140,066 649,399 1,274,378 988,587 2,073,999 168 690 Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses 170,439 833,575 1,721,811 1,252,386 2,976,691 Customer Operations Expenses: Marketing Expenses: 169 6611 Product Management and Sales 20,854 76,349 126,620 116,033 253,335 170 6613 Product Advertising 1,280 8,140 22,363 12,171 33,944 171 6610 Total Marketing Expenses 22,134 84,489 148,983 128,204 287,279 Services Expenses: 172 6621 Call Completion 3,575 4,236 8,808 5,429 22,263 173 6622 Number Services 4,721 24,281 66,119 35,564 57,245 174 6623 Customer Services 33,920 139,023 281,857 211,808 567,804 175 6620 Total Services Expenses 42,216 167,540 356,784 252,801 647,312 176 700 Total Customer Operations Expenses 64,350 252,029 505,767 381,005 934,591 59 Verizon 65 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 16 VZ 17 VZ 18 VZ 19 VZ 20 VZ Line Account/ Items VerizonVerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row Hawaii Inc. Maryland Inc. New England New Jersey New York Inc. Number Inc. Inc. 177 6720 General and Administrative 103,270 363,397 682,791 618,015 1,305,599 178 6790 Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable 0 0 0 0 0 179 710 Total Corporate Operations Expenses 103,270 363,397 682,791 618,015 1,305,599 180 720 Total Operating Expenses 433,942 1,811,916 3,802,757 2,886,649 7,291,505 181 730 Inc. Before Other Operating Items & Taxes 56,127 452,928 38,147 581,450 (416,625) 182 7100 Other Operating Income and Expenses 3,109 561 12,793 10,404 (510) Operating Taxes: 183 7210 Operating Investment Tax Credits - Net 3,215 563 2,823 1,648 12,459 184 7220 Operating Federal Income Taxes 722 139,533 (99,331) 180,439 (536,766) 185 7230 Operating State and Local Income Taxes 22,911 24,849 3,505 49,246 20 186 7240 Operating Other Taxes 29,003 160,009 115,985 77,517 571,226 187 7250 Provision for Deferred Operating Inc. Tax - Net (36,702) (90,103) 5,353 (73,475) 81,678 188 7200 Operating Taxes 12,719 233,725 22,689 232,079 103,699 189 7300 Nonoperating Income and Expenses 19,319 25,225 197,481 22,515 324,068 190 7400 Nonoperating Taxes 6,846 9,375 53,125 10,386 72,746 191 7500 Interest and Related Items 33,242 83,210 170,648 106,746 280,589 192 7600 Extraordinary Items 0 0 0 0 0 193 7910 Inc. Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Dif - Net (2,030) (41,265) (37,458) (50,408) 6,368 194 7990 Nonregulated Net Income 0 0 0 0 0 195 790 Net Income $23,718 $111,139 ($ 35,499) $214,750 ($ 543,733) 196 830 Total Number of Employees 1,479 5,806 13,599 8,265 26,682 197 840 Full Time 1,467 5,789 13,548 8,240 26,612 198 850 Part Time 12 17 51 25 70 199 860 Total Compensation for the Year $104,724 $632,963 $1,711,578 $1,005,542 $3,359,854 60 Verizon 66 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 21 VZ 22 VZ 23 VZ 24 VZ 25 VZ Lin eAccount /Items VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row North Inc. Northwest Inc. PennsylvaniaSouthwest Inc. Number Inc. dba Verizon Balance Sheet Accounts - Assets Current Assets: 1 1120 Cash and Equivalents $133,110 $42,306 $110,077 $34,905 $67,426 2 1170 Receivables 1,111,834 202,689 613,550 331,091 220,941 3 1171 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 36,941 18,068 93,765 27,690 16,501 4 1220 Inventories 32,156 4,960 25,005 1,034 27,440 5 120 Total Noncash Current Assets 1,107,049 189,581 544,790 304,435 231,880 6 1280 Prepayments 12,766 4,958 8,941 (930) 727 7 1350 Other Current Assets 68,231 28,455 91,251 25,281 34,608 8 130 Total Current Assets 1,321,156 265,300 755,059 363,691 334,641 Noncurrent Assets: 9 1406 Nonregulated Investments 0 0 0 0 0 10 1410 Other Noncurrent Assets 2,005,406 278,608 672,080 227,097 504,946 11 1438 Def. Maint., Retirements and Other Def. Charges 102,662 38,375 231,535 (55,679) 54,900 12 1500 Other Jurisdictional Assets - Net (3,463) 2,305 (308,121) 642 4,147 13 150 Total Noncurrent Assets 2,104,605 319,288 595,494 172,060 563,993 Plant: 14 2001 Telecommunications Plant in Service (TPIS) 12,601,884 4,252,382 12,978,852 3,302,360 5,119,516 15 2002 Property Held for Future Telecom Use (PHFTU ) 0 0 0 0 0 16 2003 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction 15,886 11,997 160,082 3,736 13,332 17 2005 Telecommunications Plant Adjustment 0 0 0 19,750 57 18 2006 Nonoperating Plant 707 633 9,141 1,563 929 19 2007 Goodwill 0 0 0 0 0 20 210 Total Plant 12,618,477 4,265,012 13,148,075 3,327,409 5,133,834 TPIS - General Support: 21 2111 Land 28,918 12,518 35,502 15,376 11,941 22 2112 Motor Vehicles 92,744 23,929 135,798 18,064 29,649 23 2113 Aircraft 0 0 0 014,292 24 2114 Tools and Other Work Equipment 84,889 41,555 110,051 24,822 36,893 25 2121 Buildings 646,549 301,973 1,058,942 184,347 334,914 26 2122 Furniture 30,834 7,062 999 7,395 3,881 27 2123 Office Equipment 78,828 14,248 16,089 19,910 43,028 28 2124 General Purpose Computers 221,494 29,765 232,127 29,169 56,223 29 2110 Total Land and Support Assets 1,184,256 431,050 1,589,508 299,083 530,821 TPIS - Central Office: 30 2211 Non- Digital Switching 0 0 1,377 0 0 31 2212.1 Circuit Switching 2,032,752 810,995 2,276,427 632,254 983,229 32 2212.2 Packet Switching 39,457 18,657 44,031 19,390 22,429 33 2212 Digital Electronic Switching 2,072,209 829,652 2,320,458 651,644 1,005,658 34 2210 Total Central Office Switching 2,072,209 829,652 2,321,835 651,644 1,005,658 35 2220 Operator Systems 23,636 549 15,879 2,231 3,349 36 2231 Radio Systems 6,801 25,730 2,862 1,052 6,905 37 2232.1 Electronic Circuit 1,901,712 879,627 3,660,062 572,212 914,257 38 2232.2 Optical Circuit 0 0 0 0 0 39 2232 Circuit Equipment 1,901,712 879,627 3,660,062 572,212 914,257 40 2230 Total Central Office Transmission 1,908,513 905,357 3,662,924 573,264 921,162 TPIS - Information Origination/ Termination: 41 2311 Station Apparatus 15 0 0 36 0 42 2321 Customer Premises Wiring 0 0 0 0 0 43 2341 Large Private Branch Exchanges 0 0 0 0 0 44 2351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 2,558 273 17,521 102 572 45 2362 Other Terminal Equipment 157,936 34,560 239,972 23,988 79,437 46 2310 Total Information Origination/ Termination 160,509 34,833 257,493 24,126 80,009 61 GTE Southwest Verizon South Inc. 67 Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued 21 VZ 22 VZ 23 VZ 24 VZ 25 VZ Lin eAccount /Items VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row North Inc. Northwest Inc. PennsylvaniaSouthwest Inc. Number Inc. dba Verizon TPIS - Cable and Wire Facilities: 47 2411 Poles 279,128 73,868 330,389 64,426 73,314 48 2421 Aerial Cable 1,263,348 367,716 2,089,026 391,797 435,501 49 2422 Underground Cable 462,050 532,058 999,956 97,582 388,742 50 2423 Buried Cable 3,096,564 785,361 541,848 1,131,588 1,447,760 51 2424 Submarine and Deep Sea Cable 914 2,600 246 25 758 52 2426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 4,725 210 128,714 1 3,209 53 2431 Aerial Wire 25,070 494 0 503 179 54 2441 Conduit Systems 238,556 269,525 893,750 45,017 196,324 55 2410 Total Cable and Wire Facilities 5,370,355 2,031,832 4,983,929 1,730,939 2,545,787 56 240 Total TPIS (Before Amortizable Assets) 10,719,478 4,233,273 12,831,568 3,281,287 5,086,786 TPIS - Amortizable Assets: 57 2681 Capital Leases 11,904 2,047 17,223 0 5,520 58 2682 Leasehold Improvements 9,838 1,260 14,061 3,243 6,310 59 2680 Total Amortizable Tangible Assets 21,742 3,307 31,284 3,243 11,830 60 2690.1 Network Software 110,109 15,802 101,734 17,830 20,900 61 2690.2 General Purpose Computer Software 1,750,555 0 14,266 0 0 62 2690 Intangibles 1,860,664 15,802 116,000 17,830 20,900 63 260 Total Telecommunications Plant in Service 12,601,884 4,252,382 12,978,852 3,302,360 5,119,516 Depreciation And Amortization: 64 3100 Accumulated Depreciation 6,806,656 2,444,003 8,599,645 2,084,231 3,140,930 65 3200 Accumulated Depreciation - PHFTU 0 0 0 0 0 66 3300 Accumulated Depreciation - Nonoperating 155 2 1,134 926 193 67 3410 Accumulated Amortization - Capitalized Leases 7,240 341 10,255 0 1,437 68 340 Total Depreciation and Amortization 6,814,051 2,444,346 8,611,034 2,085,157 3,142,560 69 350 Net Plant 5,804,426 1,820,666 4,537,041 1,242,252 1,991,274 70 360 Total Assets 9,230,187 2,405,254 5,887,594 1,778,003 2,889,908 Balance Sheet Accounts - Liabilities Current Liabilities: 71 4000 Current Accounts and Notes Payable 1,182,671 296,244 965,613 (186,406) 461,659 72 4040 Customers' Deposits 92 143 799 78 71 73 4070 Income Taxes - Accrued (6,801) 9,621 21,510 9,388 8,582 74 4080 Other Taxes - Accrued 118,022 15,820 30,122 26,077 40,863 75 4100 Net Current Deferred Operating Income Taxes (7,223) (3,232) (88,047) 10,229 7,525 76 4110 Net Current Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes 0 0 0 0 0 77 4130 Other Current Liabilities 452,601 119,675 380,319 (147,418) 405,167 78 410 Total Current Liabilities 1,739,362 438,271 1,310,316 (288,052) 923,867 79 4200 Long- Term Debt and Funded Debt 1,107,534 562,133 1,606,657 898,341 402,907 Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits: 80 4300 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 761,995 142,259 908,499 196,212 392,514 81 4320 Unamortized Operating Invest. Tax Credits - Net 0 0 21,187 0 0 82 4330 Unamortized Nonop. Invest. Tax Credits - Net 0 0 0 0 0 83 4340 Net Noncurrent Deferred Operating Income Taxes 1,987,729 422,657 901,127 256,919 378,817 84 4341 Net Deferred Tax Liability Adjustments 12,256 606 (21,117) 252 (909) 85 4350 Net Noncurrent Deferred Nonoperating Inc. Taxes 0 0 (11,032) 0 0 86 4361 Deferred Tax Regulatory Liability (12,256) (606) 21,117 (252) 909 87 4370 Other Juris. Liabilities/ Deferred Credits - Net 450,865 (134,519) (167,893) 60,947 90,434 88 430 Total Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits 3,200,589 430,397 1,651,888 514,078 861,765 Stockholders' Equity: 89 4510 Capital Stock 978,351 448,000 1,594,654 525,000 650,000 90 4520 Additional Paid- in Capital 1,009,817 103,252 464 68,468 414,682 91 4530 Treasury Stock 0 0 0 0 0 Southwest 62 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) GTE Verizon South Inc. 68 Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued 21 VZ 22 VZ 23 VZ 24 VZ 25 VZ Lin eAccount /Items VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row North Inc. Northwest Inc. PennsylvaniaSouthwest Inc. Number Inc. dba Verizon Stockholders' Equity Cont'd: 92 4540 Other Capital 25,449 3,201 0 5,535 5,703 93 4550 Retained Earnings 1,169,085 420,000 (276,385) 54,633 (369,016) 94 440 Total Stockholders' Equit y 3,182,702 974,453 1,318,733 653,636 701,369 95 450 Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity 9,230,187 2,405,254 5,887,594 1,778,003 2,889,908 96 460 Retained Earnings (Beginning of Year) 877,262 433,667 (138,654) 106,584 (398,334) 97 465 Net Income 441,342 121,821 374,269 151,328 95,156 98 470 Dividends Declared 176,000 145,000 512,000 207,000 67,000 99 475 Miscellaneous Debits 1,710,242 413,693 0 386,797 1,065,766 100 480 Miscellaneous Credits 1,736,723 423,205 0 390,518 1,066,928 101 490 Retained Earnings (End of Year) 1,169,085 420,000 (276,385) 54,633 (369,016) Income Statement Accounts Revenue Accounts Local Network Service Revenues: 102 5001 Basic Area Revenues 997,704 316,926 892,479 307,187 363,876 103 5040 Local Private Line Revenues 8,973 6,491 84,767 3,696 2,626 104 5060 Other Basic Area Revenues 297,540 140,274 357,870 96,592 296,207 105 520 Local Network Service Revenues 1,304,217 463,691 1,335,116 407,475 662,709 Network Access Service Revenues: 106 5081 End- User Revenues 429,371 134,880 383,382 112,569 148,392 107 5082 Switched Access Revenues 290,674 135,313 233,166 164,366 99,639 108 5083 Special Access Revenues 362,258 212,531 613,327 118,615 174,989 109 522 Total Network Access Service Revenues 1,082,303 482,724 1,229,875 395,550 423,020 110 5100 Long Distance Message Revenues 65,624 26,101 205,915 20,504 39,384 Miscellaneous Revenues: 111 5230 Directory Revenues 4,819 3,220 26,195 4,599 5,414 112 526 Miscellaneous Revenues 731,080 43,661 390,128 39,851 87,660 113 527 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 735,899 46,881 416,323 44,450 93,074 114 5280 Nonregulated Revenues 172,708 78,590 150,847 66,025 62,207 115 5300 Uncollectible Revenues 23,476 2,562 (6,417) 16,754 15,407 116 530 Total Operating Revenues 3,337,275 1,095,425 3,344,493 917,250 1,264,987 Expense Accounts Plant Specific Operations: Network Support Expenses: 117 615 Account 6112 - Motor Vehicle 4,252 1,895 1,200 1,329 1,877 118 625 Account 6113 - Aircraft 614 275 586 227 338 119 635 Account 6114 - Tools and Other Work Equipment 800 423 2,280 279 636 120 6110 Total Network Support Expenses 5,666 2,593 4,066 1,835 2,851 General Support Expenses: 121 6121 Land and Building 63,869 27,763 73,940 25,405 42,647 122 6122 Furniture and Artworks 691 657 61 289 663 123 6123 Office Equipment 5,085 1,905 2,711 1,719 2,240 124 6124 General Purpose Computers 67,830 26,842 57,246 23,154 32,340 125 6120 Total General Support Expenses 137,475 57,167 133,958 50,567 77,890 Central Office Switching Expenses: 126 6211 Non- Digital Electronic Switching 0 0 537 0 0 127 6212.1 Circuit 52,555 18,207 53,777 18,517 25,778 128 6212.2 Packet 12 5 0 6 4 129 6212 Digital Electronic Switching 52,567 18,212 53,777 18,523 25,782 130 6210 Total Central Office Switching Expenses 52,567 18,212 54,314 18,523 25,782 131 6220 Operator Systems Expenses 39 68 227 130 102 GTE Southwest 63 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) Verizon South Inc. 69 Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued 21 VZ 22 VZ 23 VZ 24 VZ 25 VZ Lin eAccount /Items VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row North Inc. Northwest Inc. PennsylvaniaSouthwest Inc. Number Inc. dba Verizon Southwest Central Office Transmission Expenses: 132 6231 Radio Systems 47 256 336 5 44 133 6232.1 Electronic Circuit 24,885 13,333 30,474 7,204 12,021 134 6232.2 Optical Circuit 0 0 3 0 0 135 6232 Circuit Equipment 24,885 13,333 30,477 7,204 12,021 136 6230 Total Central Office Transmission Expenses 24,932 13,589 30,813 7,209 12,065 Information Origination/ Termination Exps: 137 6311 Station Apparatus 16,532 10,225 0 6,432 10,079 138 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange 14,351 9,219 0 3,890 7,263 139 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 3,035 1,747 6,622 1,051 1,119 140 6362 Other Terminal Equipment 32,832 30,839 64,309 17,853 26,658 141 6310 Total Information Origination/ Termination Exps. 66,750 52,030 70,931 29,226 45,119 Cable And Wire Facilities Expenses: 142 6411 Pole 9,815 4,510 29,513 3,299 5,510 143 6421 Aerial Cable 55,104 11,899 134,311 16,446 26,371 144 6422 Underground Cable 4,793 2,962 23,602 918 5,821 145 6423 Buried Cable 69,705 23,329 46,837 31,389 36,993 146 6424 Submarine and Deep Sea Cable 19 26 2 6 12 147 6426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 534 387 182 49 1,019 148 6431 Aerial Wire 559 103 0 52 39 149 6441 Conduit Systems 762 293 2,833 19 21 150 6410 Total Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses 141,291 43,509 237,280 52,178 75,786 151 650 Total Plant Specific Operations Expenses 428,720 187,168 531,589 159,668 239,595 Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses: 152 6511 Property Held for Future Telecom. Us e 0 0 0 0 0 153 665 Account 6512 - Provisioning 2,400 (675) 2,570 (1,961) (1,833) 154 6510 Other Property and Equipment Expenses 2,400 (675) 2,570 (1,961) (1,833) 155 6531 Power 142 29 26,149 32 32 156 6532 Network Administration 20,247 10,121 13,102 6,225 13,514 157 6533 Testing 32,854 12,694 75,159 12,149 27,528 158 675 Account 6534 - Plant Operations Admin. Expenses 39,889 19,945 68,592 13,671 24,652 159 685 Account 6535 - Engineering 15,073 6,515 27,352 4,813 8,573 160 6530 Total Network Operations Expenses 108,205 49,304 210,354 36,890 74,299 161 6540 Access Expenses 68,622 29,212 0 20,685 50,694 Depreciation And Amortization Expenses: 162 6561 Depreciation - Telecom Plant in Service (TPIS) 683,995 285,605 906,396 244,250 342,011 163 6562 Dep. - Property Held for Future Telecom Us e 0 0 0 0 0 164 6563 Amortization - Tangibles 9,462 676 2,302 743 2,649 165 6564 Amortization - Intangibles 388,137 10,711 77,573 10,698 18,815 166 6565 Amortization - Other 0 0 (1) 0 0 167 6560 Total Depreciation and Amortization Expenses 1,081,594 296,992 986,270 255,691 363,475 168 690 Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses 1,260,821 374,833 1,357,625 311,305 486,635 Customer Operations Expenses: Marketing Expenses: 169 6611 Product Management and Sales 74,515 32,320 103,897 23,334 35,418 170 6613 Product Advertising 6,589 2,662 13,192 1,769 3,554 171 6610 Total Marketing Expenses 81,104 34,982 117,089 25,103 38,972 Services Expenses: 172 6621 Call Completion 16,391 6,527 7,244 5,917 7,510 173 6622 Number Services 27,211 15,328 33,159 8,083 16,269 174 6623 Customer Services 140,624 62,212 208,955 60,684 78,039 175 6620 Total Services Expenses 184,226 84,067 249,358 74,684 101,818 176 700 Total Customer Operations Expenses 265,330 119,049 366,447 99,787 140,790 GTE 64 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) Verizon South Inc. 70 Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued 21 VZ 22 VZ 23 VZ 24 VZ 25 VZ Lin eAccount /Items VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row North Inc. Northwest Inc. PennsylvaniaSouthwest Inc. Number Inc. dba Verizon 177 6720 General and Administrative 526,435 193,986 535,333 170,994 239,189 178 6790 Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable 0 0 0 0 0 179 710 Total Corporate Operations Expenses 526,435 193,986 535,333 170,994 239,189 180 720 Total Operating Expenses 2,481,306 875,036 2,790,994 741,754 1,106,209 181 730 Inc. Before Other Operating Items & Taxes 855,969 220,389 553,499 175,496 158,778 182 7100 Other Operating Income and Expenses 765 169 253 151 118 Operating Taxes: 183 7210 Operating Investment Tax Credits - Net 0 0 1,388 0 0 184 7220 Operating Federal Income Taxes (52,152) 53,875 167,207 26,965 (9,658) 185 7230 Operating State and Local Income Taxes 1,215 1,997 68,180 (6,623) 2,260 186 7240 Operating Other Taxes 114,542 45,141 120,570 25,134 54,577 187 7250 Provision for Deferred Operating Inc. Tax - Net 301,611 (32,403) (111,203) (34,429) 20,823 188 7200 Operating Taxes 365,216 68,610 243,366 11,047 68,002 189 7300 Nonoperating Income and Expenses 84,253 31,980 68,195 28,308 26,743 190 7400 Nonoperating Taxes 32,457 11,406 26,300 11,449 9,984 191 7500 Interest and Related Items 98,173 41,950 100,359 62,859 53,019 192 7600 Extraordinary Items 0 0 0 0 0 193 7910 Inc. Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Dif - Net (3,799) (8,751) 122,347 32,728 40,522 194 7990 Nonregulated Net Income 0 0 0 0 0 195 790 Net Income $441,342 $121,821 $374,269 $151,328 $95,156 196 830 Total Number of Employees 9,896 2,696 7,744 2,533 4,132 197 840 Full Time 9,821 2,661 7,720 2,525 4,127 198 850 Part Time 75 35 24 8 5 199 860 Total Compensation for the Year $641,703 $168,015 $898,310 $153,430 $248,147 Southwest GTE 65 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) Verizon South Inc. 71 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 26 VZ 27 VZ 28 VZ 29 VZ Line Account /Items VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row Virginia Inc. Washington, DC West Virginia Telephone Co. Number Inc. Inc. Balance Sheet Accounts - Assets Current Assets: 1 1120 Cash and Equivalents $117,457 $19,409 $20,331 $39,298 2 1170 Receivables 530,508 180,897 128,671 602,741 3 1171 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 65,227 37,509 14,371 106,007 4 1220 Inventories 15,385 2,753 2,269 28,157 5 120 Total Noncash Current Assets 480,666 146,141 116,569 524,891 6 1280 Prepayments 369 790 1,336 163,866 7 1350 Other Current Assets 55,598 11,322 18,445 1 8 130 Total Current Assets 654,090 177,662 156,681 728,056 Noncurrent Assets: 9 1406 Nonregulated Investments 0 0 0 0 10 1410 Other Noncurrent Assets 260,948 81,218 85,994 225,130 11 1438 Def. Maint., Retirements and Other Def. Charges 119,445 28,228 37,908 116,567 12 1500 Other Jurisdictional Assets - Net (300,276) (106,680) (140,195) 0 13 150 Total Noncurrent Assets 80,117 2,766 (16,293) 341,697 Plant: 14 2001 Telecommunications Plant in Service (TPIS) 8,241,610 2,217,087 2,285,115 4,261,696 15 2002 Property Held for Future Telecom Use (PHFTU ) 1 0 0 0 16 2003 Telecommunications Plant Under Construction 61,376 6,913 13,265 67,770 17 2005 Telecommunications Plant Adjustment 0 0 0 0 18 2006 Nonoperating Plant 1,035 337 989 39 19 2007 Goodwill 0 0 0 0 20 210 Total Plant 8,304,022 2,224,337 2,299,369 4,329,505 TPIS - General Support: 21 2111 Land 22,474 13,471 6,417 26,206 22 2112 Motor Vehicles 82,794 12,269 22,395 35,218 23 2113 Aircraft 0 0 0 0 24 2114 Tools and Other Work Equipment 78,749 19,475 20,244 19,735 25 2121 Buildings 533,547 244,394 172,342 281,794 26 2122 Furniture 489 82 148 23,407 27 2123 Office Equipment 4,428 2,139 672 19,648 28 2124 General Purpose Computers 121,514 380,682 27,848 133,067 29 2110 Total Land and Support Assets 843,995 672,512 250,066 539,075 TPIS - Central Office: 30 2211 Non- Digital Switching 8,416 113 0 0 31 2212.1 Circuit Switching 1,529,084 402,887 427,925 609,709 32 2212.2 Packet Switching 18,682 10,084 5,430 2,520 33 2212 Digital Electronic Switching 1,547,766 412,971 433,355 612,229 34 2210 Total Central Office Switching 1,556,182 413,084 433,355 612,229 35 2220 Operator Systems 20,798 10,612 5,916 35,303 36 2231 Radio Systems 2,493 530 1,020 258,437 37 2232.1 Electronic Circuit 2,439,221 660,352 566,714 502,597 38 2232.2 Optical Circuit 0 0 0 0 39 2232 Circuit Equipment 2,439,221 660,352 566,714 502,597 40 2230 Total Central Office Transmission 2,441,714 660,882 567,734 761,034 TPIS - Information Origination/ Termination: 41 2311 Station Apparatus 0 0 0 19,968 42 2321 Customer Premises Wiring 0 0 0 0 43 2341 Large Private Branch Exchanges 0 0 0 7,814 44 2351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 16,435 4,038 5,182 15,801 45 2362 Other Terminal Equipment 102,561 37,997 18,736 7,194 46 2310 Total Information Origination/ Termination 118,996 42,035 23,918 50,777 66 Puerto Rico 72 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 26 VZ 27 VZ 28 VZ 29 VZ Line Account /Items VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row Virginia Inc. Washington, DC West Virginia Telephone Co. Number Inc. Inc. TPIS - Cable and Wire Facilities: 47 2411 Poles 91,006 4,901 132,367 149,613 48 2421 Aerial Cable 615,149 62,187 541,050 795,384 49 2422 Underground Cable 492,066 187,528 64,723 306,294 50 2423 Buried Cable 1,549,322 8,741 184,107 666,689 51 2424 Submarine and Deep Sea Cable 646 669 360 0 52 2426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 28,812 57,141 10,894 15,127 53 2431 Aerial Wire 0 0 0 1,990 54 2441 Conduit Systems 382,587 77,534 53,212 213,147 55 2410 Total Cable and Wire Facilities 3,159,588 398,701 986,713 2,148,244 56 240 Total TPIS (Before Amortizable Assets) 8,141,273 2,197,826 2,267,702 4,146,662 TPIS - Amortizable Assets: 57 2681 Capital Leases 22,836 0 471 1,433 58 2682 Leasehold Improvements 3,434 90 604 25,649 59 2680 Total Amortizable Tangible Assets 26,270 90 1,075 27,082 60 2690.1 Network Software 38,670 10,221 7,801 44,829 61 2690.2 General Purpose Computer Software 35,397 8,950 8,537 43,123 62 2690 Intangibles 74,067 19,171 16,338 87,952 63 260 Total Telecommunications Plant in Service 8,241,610 2,217,087 2,285,115 4,261,696 Depreciation And Amortization: 64 3100 Accumulated Depreciation 5,039,661 1,388,198 1,647,137 3,212,927 65 3200 Accumulated Depreciation - PHFTU 0 0 0 0 66 3300 Accumulated Depreciation - Nonoperating 340 0 130 133 67 3410 Accumulated Amortization - Capitalized Leases 13,336 0 218 1,245 68 340 Total Depreciation and Amortization 5,053,337 1,388,198 1,647,485 3,214,305 69 350 Net Plant 3,250,685 836,139 651,884 1,115,200 70 360 Total Assets 3,984,892 1,016,567 792,272 2,184,953 Balance Sheet Accounts - Liabilities Current Liabilities: 71 4000 Current Accounts and Notes Payable 194,652 394,878 298,685 221,762 72 4040 Customers' Deposits 387 71 317 26,521 73 4070 Income Taxes - Accrued (8,326) (3,351) 1,518 0 74 4080 Other Taxes - Accrued 25,823 6,982 15,422 1,672 75 4100 Net Current Deferred Operating Income Taxes (30,237) (18,664) (1,929) 0 76 4110 Net Current Deferred Nonoperating Income Taxes 0 0 0 0 77 4130 Other Current Liabilities 361,344 50,211 66,008 402,233 78 410 Total Current Liabilities 543,643 430,127 380,021 652,188 79 4200 Long- Term Debt and Funded Debt 1,306,620 (3,377) 50,155 914,895 Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits: 80 4300 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 511,423 125,774 169,614 653,105 81 4320 Unamortized Operating Invest. Tax Credits - Net 10,204 2,473 1,860 0 82 4330 Unamortized Nonop. Invest. Tax Credits - Net 0 0 0 0 83 4340 Net Noncurrent Deferred Operating Income Taxes 594,905 188,097 91,738 (18,455) 84 4341 Net Deferred Tax Liability Adjustments (3,644) (4,668) 442 0 85 4350 Net Noncurrent Deferred Nonoperating Inc. Taxes (694) 1,614 (974) 0 86 4361 Deferred Tax Regulatory Liability 3,644 4,668 (442) 0 87 4370 Other Juris. Liabilities/ Deferred Credits - Net (95,878) (52,347) (51,001) 0 88 430 Total Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits 1,019,960 265,611 211,237 634,650 Stockholders' Equity: 89 4510 Capital Stock 873,685 191,968 264,066 9 90 4520 Additional Paid- in Capital 105,186 67,030 4,036 330,077 91 4530 Treasury Stock 0 0 0 0 67 Puerto Rico 73 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 26 VZ 27 VZ 28 VZ 29 VZ Line Account /Items VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row Virginia Inc. Washington, DC West Virginia Telephone Co. Number Inc. Inc. Stockholders' Equity Cont'd: 92 4540 Other Capital 0 0 0 (189,806) 93 4550 Retained Earnings 135,798 65,208 (117,243) (157,060) 94 440 Total Stockholders' Equit y 1,114,669 324,206 150,859 (16,780) 95 450 Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity 3,984,892 1,016,567 792,272 2,184,953 96 460 Retained Earnings (Beginning of Year) 319,986 148,374 (74,606) (116,907) 97 465 Net Income 251,336 70,834 55,363 25,025 98 470 Dividends Declared 436,000 154,000 98,000 65,771 99 475 Miscellaneous Debits (476) 0 0 (593) 100 480 Miscellaneous Credits 0 0 0 0 101 490 Retained Earnings (End of Year) 135,798 65,208 (117,243) (157,060) Income Statement Accounts Revenue Accounts Local Network Service Revenues: 102 5001 Basic Area Revenues 646,002 182,950 255,527 364,036 103 5040 Local Private Line Revenues 53,155 19,662 8,736 56,033 104 5060 Other Basic Area Revenues 233,427 70,537 59,980 55,763 105 520 Local Network Service Revenues 932,584 273,149 324,243 475,832 Network Access Service Revenues: 106 5081 End- User Revenues 228,688 42,968 68,146 94,809 107 5082 Switched Access Revenues 193,791 26,560 51,506 141,631 108 5083 Special Access Revenues 418,828 118,609 78,648 43,903 109 522 Total Network Access Service Revenues 841,307 188,137 198,300 280,343 110 5100 Long Distance Message Revenues 63,434 4,077 18,027 50,118 Miscellaneous Revenues: 111 5230 Directory Revenues 9,930 1,829 2,294 8,148 112 526 Miscellaneous Revenues 206,054 144,029 51,824 49,645 113 527 Total Miscellaneous Revenues 215,984 145,858 54,118 57,793 114 5280 Nonregulated Revenues 92,822 29,019 27,001 286,194 115 5300 Uncollectible Revenues (2,910) (5,978) 3,489 25,774 116 530 Total Operating Revenues 2,149,041 646,218 618,200 1,124,506 Expense Accounts Plant Specific Operations: Network Support Expenses: 117 615 Account 6112 - Motor Vehicle 291 4 197 1,195 118 625 Account 6113 - Aircraft 396 109 103 0 119 635 Account 6114 - Tools and Other Work Equipment 447 (176) 805 (89) 120 6110 Total Network Support Expenses 1,134 (63) 1,105 1,106 General Support Expenses: 121 6121 Land and Building 45,004 19,686 13,088 30,674 122 6122 Furniture and Artworks 704 409 (203) 111 123 6123 Office Equipment 2,732 1,983 964 271 124 6124 General Purpose Computers 49,562 15,067 11,397 2,736 125 6120 Total General Support Expenses 98,002 37,145 25,246 33,792 Central Office Switching Expenses: 126 6211 Non- Digital Electronic Switching 1,201 145 135 0 127 6212.1 Circuit 34,844 7,755 6,096 16,231 128 6212.2 Packet 13 0 1 0 129 6212 Digital Electronic Switching 34,857 7,755 6,097 16,231 130 6210 Total Central Office Switching Expenses 36,058 7,900 6,232 16,231 131 6220 Operator Systems Expenses 997 2,079 (143) 18 68 Puerto Rico 74 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 26 VZ 27 VZ 28 VZ 29 VZ Line Account /Items VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row Virginia Inc. Washington, DC West Virginia Telephone Co. Number Inc. Inc. Central Office Transmission Expenses: 132 6231 Radio Systems 144 130 114 3,625 133 6232.1 Electronic Circuit 24,222 5,092 5,449 17,552 134 6232.2 Optical Circuit 1 0 0 0 135 6232 Circuit Equipment 24,223 5,092 5,449 17,552 136 6230 Total Central Office Transmission Expenses 24,367 5,222 5,563 21,177 Information Origination/ Termination Exps: 137 6311 Station Apparatus 0 0 0 69,791 138 6341 Large Private Branch Exchange 0 0 0 5,460 139 6351 Public Telephone Terminal Equipment 3,518 402 741 4,587 140 6362 Other Terminal Equipment 44,342 18,274 7,766 11,313 141 6310 Total Information Origination/ Termination Exps. 47,860 18,676 8,507 91,151 Cable And Wire Facilities Expenses: 142 6411 Pole 13,822 129 11,224 432 143 6421 Aerial Cable 39,369 13,981 34,897 41,706 144 6422 Underground Cable 10,179 5,060 1,768 6,780 145 6423 Buried Cable 99,601 5,066 11,584 10,776 146 6424 Submarine and Deep Sea Cable 0 0 1 0 147 6426 Intrabuilding Network Cable 64 107 24 370 148 6431 Aerial Wire 0 0 0 0 149 6441 Conduit Systems 646 212 123 36 150 6410 Total Cable and Wire Facilities Expenses 163,681 24,555 59,621 60,100 151 650 Total Plant Specific Operations Expenses 372,099 95,514 106,131 223,575 Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses: 152 6511 Property Held for Future Telecom. Us e 0 0 0 0 153 665 Account 6512 - Provisioning 1,507 440 474 2,275 154 6510 Other Property and Equipment Expenses 1,507 440 474 2,275 155 6531 Power 13,006 4,536 3,033 4,050 156 6532 Network Administration 17,832 7,450 3,485 2,902 157 6533 Testing 25,920 12,491 10,785 9,401 158 675 Account 6534 - Plant Operations Admin. Expenses 37,517 9,127 14,087 40,703 159 685 Account 6535 - Engineering 17,818 6,300 5,359 11,099 160 6530 Total Network Operations Expenses 112,093 39,904 36,749 68,155 161 6540 Access Expenses 53,892 11,814 11,331 20,647 Depreciation And Amortization Expenses: 162 6561 Depreciation - Telecom Plant in Service (TPIS) 574,435 184,665 154,462 356,005 163 6562 Dep. - Property Held for Future Telecom Us e 0 0 0 0 164 6563 Amortization - Tangibles 3,517 41 552 4,051 165 6564 Amortization - Intangibles 44,633 10,550 9,718 15,322 166 6565 Amortization - Other 0 1 1 1 167 6560 Total Depreciation and Amortization Expenses 622,585 195,257 164,733 375,379 168 690 Total Plant Nonspecific Operations Expenses 790,077 247,415 213,287 466,456 Customer Operations Expenses: Marketing Expenses: 169 6611 Product Management and Sales 78,639 27,597 17,533 47,824 170 6613 Product Advertising 7,432 4,934 2,507 25,087 171 6610 Total Marketing Expenses 86,071 32,531 20,040 72,911 Services Expenses: 172 6621 Call Completion 3,428 2,026 655 2,985 173 6622 Number Services 19,437 15,599 3,677 5,841 174 6623 Customer Services 160,486 35,218 38,871 46,940 175 6620 Total Services Expenses 183,351 52,843 43,203 55,766 176 700 Total Customer Operations Expenses 269,422 85,374 63,243 128,677 69 Puerto Rico 75 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 2.8 - Statistics of Regional Bell Operating Companies as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 26 VZ 27 VZ 28 VZ 29 VZ Line Account /Items VerizonVerizonVerizon No. Row Virginia Inc. Washington, DC West Virginia Telephone Co. Number Inc. Inc. 177 6720 General and Administrative 356,215 98,936 105,458 213,036 178 6790 Provision for Uncollectible Notes Receivable 0 0 0 0 179 710 Total Corporate Operations Expenses 356,215 98,936 105,458 213,036 180 720 Total Operating Expenses 1,787,813 527,239 488,119 1,031,744 181 730 Inc. Before Other Operating Items & Taxes 361,228 118,979 130,081 92,762 182 7100 Other Operating Income and Expenses 156 2,147 19 4,290 Operating Taxes: 183 7210 Operating Investment Tax Credits - Net 1,519 116 161 0 184 7220 Operating Federal Income Taxes 106,245 18,935 39,266 0 185 7230 Operating State and Local Income Taxes 25,855 6,743 12,740 12,593 186 7240 Operating Other Taxes 69,299 48,365 32,944 55,075 187 7250 Provision for Deferred Operating Inc. Tax - Net (49,624) 1,237 (16,933) 2,916 188 7200 Operating Taxes 150,256 75,164 67,856 70,584 189 7300 Nonoperating Income and Expenses 74,268 15,286 22,973 2,899 190 7400 Nonoperating Taxes 28,106 6,325 9,377 0 191 7500 Interest and Related Items 81,485 4,550 10,010 46,955 192 7600 Extraordinary Items 0 0 0 42,613 193 7910 Inc. Effect of Jurisdictional Ratemaking Dif - Net 75,531 20,461 (10,467) 0 194 7990 Nonregulated Net Income 0 0 0 0 195 790 Net Income $251,336 $70,834 $55,363 $25,025 196 830 Total Number of Employees 5,417 907 1,386 5,275 197 840 Full Time 5,404 905 1,386 4,613 198 850 Part Time 13 2 0 662 199 860 Total Compensation for the Year $606,985 $111,800 $166,225 $283,388 70 Puerto Rico 76 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Notes for Table 2.8 Source: Annual ARMIS (Automated Reporting Management Information System) USOA Reports (FCC Report 43- 02) of reporting local exchange carriers. Note: Detail may not match totals because of necessary roundings. -- In the account number column, four- digit numbers are used when there is a corresponding account number in the Uniform System of Accounts (USOA). Three- digit numbers correspond to items defined in the ARMIS USOA report (FCC Report 43- 02). Information on the accounts can be found in 47 C. F. R. part 32 which can be accessed on the Internet at www. fcc. gov/ wcb/ iatd/ 47cfr. html. -- Individual carrier ARMIS 43- 02 filing instructions, forms, data as well as footnotes can be found on the Internet at www. fcc. gov/ wcb/ armis. Code letters are shown above the name of each company owned or controlled by a holding company as of December 31, 2004. Name of Company Code BellSouth Corporation BS Qwest Communications International, Inc. Q SBC Communications Inc. SBC Verizon Communications Inc. VZ Company Notes Notes and footnotes submitted by individual carrier with the ARMIS 43- 02 filing explaining any differences in the current data compared with the past can be found in the "Preset Reports" on the Internet at www. fcc. gov/ wcb/ armis. 71 77 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.9 - Statistics of All Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 1234 AL 5 AL Line Row No. No. Mid- Sized Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services $47,444,177 $43,251,077 $4,193,100 $72,927 $135,634 21020 Network Access Services 35,799,170 32,010,256 3,788,914 60,130 113,893 31030 Toll Network Services 3,699,651 3,593,554 106,097 3,894 754 41040 Miscellaneous 13,253,540 12,769,822 483,718 4,274 11,168 51045 Nonregulated 7,529,197 6,653,618 875,579 14,566 22,680 61060 Uncollectibles 1,065,962 960,862 105,100 1,242 3,620 71090 Total Operating Revenues 106,659,761 97,317,458 9,342,303 154,549 280,508 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 20,709,273 18,981,729 1,727,544 26,077 45,431 91130 Plant Non- Specific 7,152,122 6,675,624 476,498 5,689 8,433 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 5,062,812 4,639,136 423,676 5,087 7,590 111150 Customer Operations - Services 9,846,505 9,231,192 615,313 8,330 12,623 121160 General & Administrative 13,503,074 12,487,711 1,015,363 9,809 19,568 131170 Access 2,427,776 2,228,142 199,634 8,232 4,930 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 28,081,224 25,970,196 2,111,028 31,743 66,416 151190 Total Operating Expenses 86,782,796 80,213,736 6,569,060 94,968 164,992 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses 68,361 67,529 832 0 0 Non- Operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences (Rev) 368,499 363,318 5,181 0 0 181330 Extraordinary Items (Rev) 42,611 42,611 0 0 0 191365 Non- Operating Income and Expenses (1,672,649) (1,496,761) NA NA NA 201390 Total Non- Operating Items 1,261,538 1,090,830 170,708 15,866 33,324 Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] 804,355 804,355 NA NA NA 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] 3,411,903 3,411,903 NA NA NA 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] 4,216,260 4,216,260 NA NA NA 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] 3,160,222 3,160,222 NA NA NA 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] 1,153,378 NA 1,153,378 23,882 45,711 Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 45,850,448 43,252,868 2,597,580 24,121 53,843 271630 Operator Systems Equipment 639,746 609,386 30,360 0 0 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 71,121,992 64,133,216 6,988,776 95,337 194,923 291650 Transmission 99,685,988 92,835,006 6,850,982 127,850 244,067 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 174,272,431 159,022,667 15,249,764 277,845 504,980 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipment 4,958,233 4,631,786 326,447 1,130 1,117 321680 Amortizable Assets 3,927,334 3,754,383 172,951 0 209 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 400,456,181 368,239,317 32,216,864 526,284 999,139 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net (9,473,643) (9,436,360) (37,283) 0 0 351710 Property Held for Future Use 20,317 19,792 525 0 0 361720 Plant Under Construction 2,322,155 1,910,944 411,211 9,882 9,076 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 186,441 19,807 166,634 0 127,314 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 46,835 22,492 24,343 3,980 0 391750 Other Deferred Charges 4,136,288 3,978,438 157,850 0 (12) 401760 Inventories 860,464 830,842 29,622 995 2,993 411790 Total Other Investments (1,901,148) (2,654,051) 752,903 14,857 139,371 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 258,323,679 237,187,459 21,136,220 280,609 627,378 431830 Accumulated Amortization 323,485 226,145 97,340 0 14,422 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 27,521,780 25,934,344 1,587,436 55,947 100,336 451850 Customer Deposits 174,359 160,795 13,564 330 1,142 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 26,751,866 25,831,662 920,204 (1,148) (5,350) 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities 100,965 49,962 51,003 53 1,909 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits (1,170,665) (1,116,200) (54,465) 0 0 491890 Total Reserves $312,025,463 $288,274,167 $23,751,296 $335,791 $739,837 72 (RBOCs) Carriers Sized ILECs) Exchange Carriers (Mid- Local Companies Local Exchange Corp. Comms. Incumbent Operating Incumbent Inc. Reporting Regional Bell Carolina, Georgia Total Total Total ALLTEL ALLTEL 78 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.9 - Statistics of All Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 6 AL 7 AL 8 AL 9 AL 10 Line Row No. No. Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 1 1010 Basic Local Services $186,476 $91,071 $70,029 $60,388 $126,308 2 1020 Network Access Services 176,271 74,518 69,433 66,452 97,991 3 1030 Toll Network Services 9,379 3,222 6,204 1,834 5,038 4 1040 Miscellaneous 7,693 6,408 3,468 2,807 8,283 5 1045 Nonregulated 39,243 37,821 15,372 13,019 11,880 6 1060 Uncollectibles 6,963 1,245 911 768 5,546 7 1090 Total Operating Revenues 412,098 211,795 163,594 143,731 243,954 Expenses: 8 1120 Plant Specific 84,454 46,233 26,301 22,008 51,616 9 1130 Plant Non- Specific 17,888 12,856 7,590 6,482 10,541 10 1140 Customer Operations - Marketing 8,587 9,446 3,513 4,006 5,410 11 1150 Customer Operations - Services 19,779 13,684 6,813 5,976 17,451 12 1160 General & Administrative 27,662 13,737 10,859 8,851 19,608 13 1170 Access 7,781 4,926 8,646 2,549 5,040 14 1180 Depreciation / Amortization 119,021 46,330 32,505 32,636 70,110 15 1190 Total Operating Expenses 285,172 147,211 96,228 82,508 179,776 16 1290 Other Operating Income / Losses 0 819 0 0 (195) Non- Operating Items: 17 1320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences (Rev) 0 0 0 00 18 1330 Extraordinary Items (Rev) 0 0 0 00 19 1365 Non- Operating Income and Expenses NA NA NA NA NA 20 1390 Total Non- Operating Items 56,363 21,139 18,728 16,845 (204) Other Taxes: 21 1410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 22 1420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 23 1490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 24 1590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 25 1595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] 60,101 28,063 30,670 27,026 39,106 Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 26 1620 Support Plant 118,263 56,416 40,982 31,120 65,278 27 1630 Operator Systems Equipment 0 0 0 00 Central Office Equipment - -28 1640 Switching 363,127 172,057 114,340 125,006 160,597 29 1650 Transmission 309,637 100,960 114,416 97,671 135,571 30 1660 Cable & Wire Facilities 848,588 305,879 275,437 214,828 483,697 31 1670 Information Origination and Termination Equipment 9,565 1,660 1,055 856 5,115 32 1680 Amortizable Assets 4,472 1,152 12 0 95 33 1690 Total Plant- in- Service 1,653,652 638,124 546,242 469,482 850,353 Other Investments: 34 1705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net 0 0 0 00 35 1710 Property Held for Future Use 0 0 0 00 36 1720 Plant Under Construction 17,807 5,059 8,727 7,496 5,367 37 1730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 0 0 2,924 7 0 38 1740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 0 0 2,185 0 0 39 1750 Other Deferred Charges 9,624 7,247 13,184 0 83,805 40 1760 Inventories 1,105 3,286 639 1,099 832 41 1790 Total Other Investments 28,536 15,591 27,659 8,602 90,004 Reserves: 42 1820 Accumulated Depreciation 1,092,338 493,164 355,174 322,955 587,236 43 1830 Accumulated Amortization 3,472 1,075 460 0 0 44 1840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 148,003 32,208 42,277 24,916 26,649 45 1850 Customer Deposits 816 344 61 90 634 46 1865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits (430) 37,539 (2,260) (1,964) 165 47 1882 Deferred Tax Liabilities 8,357 3,456 13,184 0 0 48 1883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits 0 0 0 00 49 1890 Total Reserves $1,252,556 $567,786 $408,896 $345,997 $614,684 73 Kentucky, Inc. Telephone Co. Inc. Inc. Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Reserve ALLTEL ALLTEL The Western ALLTEL CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC 79 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.9 - Statistics of All Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 11 12 13 C 14 C 15 Line Row No. No. Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services $43,913 $464,014 $82,570 $166,019 $60,572 21020 Network Access Services 81,082 196,519 140,353 104,793 134,831 31030 Toll Network Services 8 6,243 151 2,465 6,754 41040 Miscellaneous 6,485 33,987 20,789 55,215 10,913 51045 Nonregulated 6,110 60,966 8,481 16,797 15,390 61060 Uncollectibles 994 8,735 1,793 3,102 729 71090 Total Operating Revenues 136,604 752,994 250,551 342,187 227,732 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 23,483 104,861 41,782 81,432 21,491 91130 Plant Non- Specific 4,700 20,854 14,237 22,335 10,985 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 2,821 43,846 3,737 9,285 2,705 111150 Customer Operations - Services 10,230 52,042 11,486 39,745 6,288 121160 General & Administrative 11,605 88,323 30,350 41,693 24,853 131170 Access 2,685 12,110 4,282 11,158 4,001 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 28,123 170,897 52,109 71,698 46,039 151190 Total Operating Expenses 83,647 492,933 157,983 277,346 116,363 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses (33) 154 0 0 0 Non- Operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences (Rev) (205) 3,882 0 0 0 181330 Extraordinary Items (Rev) 0 0 0 0 0 191365 Non- Operating Income and Expenses NA NA NA NA NA 201390 Total Non- Operating Items (680) (1,128) 0 (1,024) 0 Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] 21,534 113,654 39,263 40,405 43,112 Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 31,257 253,451 63,281 138,850 70,663 271630 Operator Systems Equipment 0 2,965 0 11,873 0 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 90,321 439,734 199,110 282,276 160,728 291650 Transmission 125,011 482,085 160,119 263,349 81,805 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 311,449 857,461 430,737 639,342 310,603 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipment 2,349 26,460 14,323 15,808 9,275 321680 Amortizable Assets 46 76,511 3,899 12,637 2,547 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 560,433 2,138,667 871,469 1,364,135 635,621 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net 7,069 (11,913) 0 0 0 351710 Property Held for Future Use 0 30 0 0 495 361720 Plant Under Construction 361 12,279 12,396 32,802 3,063 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 20,589 0 0 0 70 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 0 0 0 0 6,411 391750 Other Deferred Charges 1,538 9,065 0 0 6,189 401760 Inventories 14 6,297 429 2,072 2,869 411790 Total Other Investments 29,571 15,758 12,825 34,874 19,097 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 290,531 1,569,868 523,965 787,141 393,519 431830 Accumulated Amortization 46 23,420 3,885 8,657 880 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 55,785 (16,307) 69,685 38,005 44,264 451850 Customer Deposits 129 (527) 45 100 258 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 2,108 (8,042) 0 18,053 7,802 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities 0 0 0 0 0 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits 0 2,060 0 0 0 491890 Total Reserves $348,599 $1,570,472 $597,580 $851,956 $446,723 74 Company of Rochester, Inc. Inc. Telephone Telephone Co. Company of New York, CenturyTel of Washington, Inc. Cincinnati Bell Telecomms. Telephone Citizens Commonwealth Frontier 80 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.9 - Statistics of All Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 16 17 S 18 S 19 S 20 S Line Row Carolina No. No. Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services $83,916 $397,964 $359,107 $74,448 $103,416 21020 Network Access Services 91,753 298,888 219,458 90,415 85,440 31030 Toll Network Services 1,379 6,146 3,905 954 2,158 41040 Miscellaneous 4,407 46,637 63,861 8,433 9,465 51045 Nonregulated 3,879 117,162 81,446 12,232 28,551 61060 Uncollectibles 1,998 12,598 12,350 3,474 2,651 71090 Total Operating Revenues 183,335 854,199 715,426 183,008 226,380 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 14,862 188,004 153,476 23,454 52,609 91130 Plant Non- Specific 9,008 42,587 41,303 8,579 10,732 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 2,726 47,404 49,423 7,833 11,817 111150 Customer Operations - Services 9,698 55,788 56,728 10,774 14,416 121160 General & Administrative 16,890 110,509 91,900 16,781 27,437 131170 Access 6,329 15,277 9,721 7,414 3,667 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 51,493 110,084 218,816 47,215 44,806 151190 Total Operating Expenses 111,005 569,653 621,368 122,050 165,485 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses 0 127 (9) 2 (1) Non- Operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences (Rev) 0 0 593 (275) 167 181330 Extraordinary Items (Rev) 0 0 0 0 0 191365 Non- Operating Income and Expenses NA NA NA NA NA 201390 Total Non- Operating Items 60,161 (19,073) (1,018) (408) (2,067) Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] 7,244 113,514 24,033 24,008 22,599 Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 127,967 239,361 142,019 25,926 46,962 271630 Operator Systems Equipment 376 3,845 3,099 0 95 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 174,636 649,485 576,465 141,397 153,620 291650 Transmission 119,045 680,626 598,276 150,566 164,551 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 366,919 1,192,494 964,473 311,351 421,434 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipment 4,788 21,692 38,319 11,526 3,408 321680 Amortizable Assets 19,404 4,522 4,051 1,142 553 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 813,136 2,792,025 2,326,701 641,908 790,622 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net 0 0 0 0 0 351710 Property Held for Future Use 0 0 0 0 0 361720 Plant Under Construction 8,894 35,942 43,706 21,609 7,019 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 15,730 0 0 0 0 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 7,780 0 0 0 672 391750 Other Deferred Charges 0 (858) 807 1,711 2,027 401760 Inventories 2,167 722 200 0 72 411790 Total Other Investments 34,571 35,806 44,713 23,320 9,790 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 523,055 1,977,278 1,417,415 399,784 434,558 431830 Accumulated Amortization 8,856 4,075 3,660 1,143 546 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 0 63,494 134,304 40,663 66,310 451850 Customer Deposits 918 1,386 1,541 540 189 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 7,905 183,690 131,914 419 63,089 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities 0 (1,081) 473 1,630 1,982 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits 0 (3,696) 3,126 (43,011) 52 491890 Total Reserves $540,733 $2,225,146 $1,692,433 $401,166 $566,725 75 Telephone Central Inc. Texas Company of Company Telegraph Co. Telephone Telephone & Central Iowa Telecommuni-cations Services, Central Telephone Company of Virginia 81 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.9 - Statistics of All Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 21 S 22 S 23 S 24 S 25 S Line Row No. No. Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services $620,483 $82,749 $82,872 $51,188 $47,863 21020 Network Access Services 612,712 101,927 67,401 75,512 57,946 31030 Toll Network Services 12,585 1,790 2,139 3,421 1,131 41040 Miscellaneous 74,135 8,137 7,868 4,507 2,378 51045 Nonregulated 147,036 18,270 19,270 17,192 11,716 61060 Uncollectibles 14,838 1,375 2,104 612 2,320 71090 Total Operating Revenues 1,452,113 211,499 177,445 151,208 118,715 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 319,084 37,325 30,963 29,604 22,938 91130 Plant Non- Specific 74,706 9,806 8,998 8,466 6,967 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 89,886 11,899 9,138 10,271 6,960 111150 Customer Operations - Services 101,885 9,782 9,540 10,145 6,189 121160 General & Administrative 174,816 22,960 19,997 18,381 16,380 131170 Access 26,677 3,792 3,618 6,256 3,710 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 322,668 45,541 20,439 34,172 29,656 151190 Total Operating Expenses 1,109,722 141,105 102,693 117,294 92,801 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses 8 (6) (7) (5) (6) Non- Operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences (Rev) 336 1,268 (63) 0 (2) 181330 Extraordinary Items (Rev) 0 0 0 0 0 191365 Non- Operating Income and Expenses NA NA NA NA NA 201390 Total Non- Operating Items (1,305) (2,608) (146) (2,059) (1,067) Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] 142,628 34,258 30,673 15,387 10,097 Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 343,882 49,625 53,562 32,096 44,474 271630 Operator Systems Equipment 3,043 0 0 14 0 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 1,104,256 130,619 160,916 118,459 91,621 291650 Transmission 1,233,081 147,751 119,411 111,342 97,517 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 2,446,953 341,185 301,294 214,257 230,332 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipment 76,719 13,131 4,441 3,599 1,906 321680 Amortizable Assets 6,091 487 27 889 165 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 5,214,025 682,798 639,652 480,656 466,014 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net (1) (41,177) 432 0 0 351710 Property Held for Future Use 0 0 0 0 0 361720 Plant Under Construction 92,425 6,222 2,995 14,458 5,276 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 0 0 0 0 0 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 1,042 0 0 1,534 0 391750 Other Deferred Charges 1,158 2,137 2,800 (20) 410 401760 Inventories 604 53 68 61 82 411790 Total Other Investments 95,227 (32,765) 6,295 16,034 5,769 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 3,267,226 421,101 497,181 295,354 277,830 431830 Accumulated Amortization 5,096 407 17 836 92 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 291,952 56,337 18,377 38,979 35,347 451850 Customer Deposits 1,790 269 337 113 97 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 211,194 23,934 28,247 11,856 13,234 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities 685 1,155 2,782 0 66 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits 1,054 (18,545) 944 59 2 491890 Total Reserves $3,778,997 $484,657 $547,885 $347,196 $326,668 76 New Jersey, Sprint Missouri, Inc. Sprint- Florida, Inc. Company of Telephone Inc. United Telephone Company of Indiana, Inc. United Telephone Company of the Northwest United 82 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.9 - Statistics of All Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 26 S 27 S 28 S 29 S 30 Line Row No. No. Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services $212,900 $125,749 $115,551 $48,020 $68,613 21020 Network Access Services 166,016 125,821 82,513 92,094 52,425 31030 Toll Network Services 4,682 6,745 5,933 2,054 1,578 41040 Miscellaneous 20,160 9,838 17,208 6,303 16,086 51045 Nonregulated 51,314 28,201 27,246 18,123 10,046 61060 Uncollectibles 4,538 1,617 2,723 1,778 756 71090 Total Operating Revenues 450,534 294,736 245,728 164,815 147,992 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 84,096 48,813 51,756 33,367 17,208 91130 Plant Non- Specific 20,940 13,732 11,381 6,532 13,057 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 22,864 16,477 14,723 5,579 3,552 111150 Customer Operations - Services 24,093 22,222 18,324 7,406 13,334 121160 General & Administrative 57,729 33,304 30,866 15,706 24,234 131170 Access 7,636 6,099 5,632 5,648 3,951 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 116,849 55,745 56,276 36,018 31,344 151190 Total Operating Expenses 334,207 196,392 188,958 110,256 106,680 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses (1) (1) 18 (6) (27) Non- Operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences (Rev) (85) (414) (21) 0 0 181330 Extraordinary Items (Rev) 0 0 0 0 0 191365 Non- Operating Income and Expenses NA NA NA NA NA 201390 Total Non- Operating Items (10,593) (2,712) (3,763) (1,643) (304) Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] 54,754 44,802 20,369 23,090 20,976 Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 131,715 84,917 74,289 38,257 110,475 271630 Operator Systems Equipment 460 96 0 0 3,866 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 395,589 196,480 200,045 72,602 56,912 291650 Transmission 312,477 199,349 188,439 115,774 80,225 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 729,823 442,137 382,798 292,317 177,851 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipment 16,411 3,600 6,656 8,293 4,548 321680 Amortizable Assets 2,376 247 402 194 23,765 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 1,588,851 926,828 852,630 527,437 457,642 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net 7,411 0 0 0 896 351710 Property Held for Future Use 0 0 0 0 0 361720 Plant Under Construction 14,253 4,496 17,590 5,192 3,428 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 0 0 0 0 0 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 0 161 102 476 0 391750 Other Deferred Charges 96 4,919 7,178 1,045 636 401760 Inventories 449 318 446 111 1,027 411790 Total Other Investments 22,209 9,894 25,316 6,825 5,987 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 1,235,720 677,718 567,581 329,302 246,354 431830 Accumulated Amortization 2,249 232 501 27 13,120 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 26,467 31,432 53,005 31,856 21,329 451850 Customer Deposits 664 145 321 146 408 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 95,580 47,564 34,618 10,138 10,349 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities 0 4,863 7,128 1,006 3,355 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits 6,753 3,497 (6,761) 1 0 491890 Total Reserves $1,367,432 $765,452 $656,392 $372,477 $294,915 77 Texas, Inc. Telephone Southeast, Inc. Company of The United Company of Pennsylvania United Telephone Company of Ohio Telephone- United SureWest Telephone United Telephone 83 31 Line Row No. No. LP Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services $158,340 21020 Network Access Services 252,327 31030 Toll Network Services 3,551 41040 Miscellaneous 12,805 51045 Nonregulated 21,570 61060 Uncollectibles 3,720 71090 Total Operating Revenues 444,873 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 44,816 91130 Plant Non- Specific 47,114 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 7,091 111150 Customer Operations - Services 40,542 121160 General & Administrative 30,555 131170 Access 7,867 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 122,279 151190 Total Operating Expenses 300,264 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses 1 Non- Operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences (Rev) 0 181330 Extraordinary Items (Rev) 0 191365 Non- Operating Income and Expenses NA 201390 Total Non- Operating Items 84 Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] NA 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] NA 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] NA 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] NA 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] 52,419 Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 104,528 271630 Operator Systems Equipment 628 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 368,118 291650 Transmission 290,011 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 973,300 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipment 18,697 321680 Amortizable Assets 7,056 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 1,762,338 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net 0 351710 Property Held for Future Use 0 361720 Plant Under Construction 3,391 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 0 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 0 391750 Other Deferred Charges 3,164 401760 Inventories 612 411790 Total Other Investments 7,167 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 1,244,885 431830 Accumulated Amortization 166 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 55,816 451850 Customer Deposits 1,278 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 0 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities 0 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits 0 491890 Total Reserves $1,302,145 See Company Notes following Table 2.17. cations of Texas, Telecommuni- Valor Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.9 - Statistics of All Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 78 84 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.10 - Jurisdictional Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended All Reporting Companies (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) Line Row Non- Subject State No. No. Regulated to andSeparations Adjustments Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services $47,444,177 $18,824 $47,425,354 $47,421,059 $4,295 21020 Network Access Services 35,799,170 267,281 35,531,890 6,392,240 29,139,653 31030 Toll Network Services 3,699,651 5,774 3,693,877 3,603,635 90,237 41040 Miscellaneous 13,253,540 1,472,798 11,780,745 8,521,716 3,259,024 51045 Nonregulated 7,529,197 7,529,197 0 0 0 61060 Uncollectibles 1,065,962 138,013 927,953 888,780 39,168 71090 Total Operating Revenues 106,659,761 9,155,867 97,503,895 65,049,858 32,454,041 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 20,709,273 3,778,470 16,930,815 12,210,447 4,720,359 91130 Plant Non- Specific 7,152,122 960,602 6,191,524 4,406,550 1,784,964 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 5,062,812 1,232,459 3,830,348 2,785,371 1,044,982 111150 Customer Operations - Services 9,846,505 2,244,745 7,601,756 6,072,552 1,529,209 121160 General & Administrative 13,503,074 1,569,909 11,933,176 8,802,075 3,131,099 131170 Access 2,427,776 6,802 2,420,978 1,214,031 1,206,940 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 28,081,224 762,558 27,318,668 19,322,910 7,995,753 151190 Total Operating Expenses 86,782,796 10,555,544 76,227,255 54,813,948 21,478,896 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses 68,361 6,675 61,683 43,053 18,632 Non- operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences 368,499 (4,780) 373,278 373,278 0 181330 Extraordinary Items 42,611 42,611 0 1 1 191365 Non- operating Income and Expenses (1,672,649) (1,712,648) 39,999 27,467 12,537 201390 Total Non- operating Items 1,261,538 1,674,817 (413,279) (400,740) (12,546) Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] 804,355 (202,824) 1,007,179 269,308 737,880 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] 3,411,903 99,341 3,312,559 2,435,472 877,088 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] 4,216,260 (103,485) 4,319,744 2,704,780 1,614,959 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] 3,160,222 (1,036,512) 4,076,115 1,474,468 2,587,299 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] 1,153,378 193,260 960,119 530,527 383,065 Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 45,850,448 3,965,193 41,885,256 30,824,608 11,060,652 271630 Operator Systems Equipment 639,746 20,787 618,961 551,550 67,410 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 71,121,992 1,478,357 69,643,632 59,818,586 9,825,037 291650 Transmission 99,685,988 942,334 98,743,660 59,515,519 39,228,143 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 174,272,431 2,563,395 171,709,045 123,759,884 47,949,157 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipment 4,958,233 1,178,308 3,779,925 2,845,403 934,527 321680 Amortizable Assets 3,927,334 400,073 3,527,258 2,511,367 1,015,889 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 400,456,181 10,548,444 389,907,730 279,826,923 110,080,820 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net (9,473,643) 1,317,175 (10,790,820) (10,790,820) NA 351710 Property Held for Future Use 20,317 846 19,470 13,963 5,510 361720 Plant Under Construction 2,322,155 429,585 1,892,579 1,358,475 534,102 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 186,441 149,807 36,632 27,604 9,030 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 46,835 38,575 8,260 7,794 464 391750 Other Deferred Charges 4,136,288 4,126,821 9,466 7,088 2,378 401760 Inventories 860,464 59,866 800,605 577,585 223,024 411790 Total Other Investments (1,901,148) 6,122,657 (8,023,803) (8,798,310) 4,609,114 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 258,323,679 11,773,030 246,550,653 176,014,267 70,536,375 431830 Accumulated Amortization 323,485 97,797 225,685 168,590 57,098 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 27,521,780 (892,277) 28,414,058 20,993,998 7,420,056 451850 Customer Deposits 174,359 7,585 166,771 123,098 43,665 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 26,751,866 6,837,650 19,914,212 14,380,218 5,533,994 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities 100,965 100,965 0 NA NA 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits (1,170,665) 928,752 (2,099,422) (2,099,422) NA 491890 Total Reserves $312,025,463 $18,853,497 $293,171,955 $209,580,766 $83,591,191 79 Interstate Total 85 Line Row Common Traffic Sensitive No. No. Line Switching Transport Total Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services NA NA NA NA 21020 Network Access Services 10,886,832 1,744,618 1,341,936 3,175,325 31030 Toll Network Services 013 10 23 41040 Miscellaneous 1,153,097 158,659 229,993 390,026 51045 Nonregulated NA NA NA NA 61060 Uncollectibles 43,704 1,253 5,489 6,395 71090 Total Operating Revenues 11,996,223 1,902,031 1,566,450 3,558,982 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 2,666,277 361,303 379,545 744,278 91130 Plant Non- Specific 876,567 116,170 188,650 305,534 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 532,894 69,138 116,302 185,851 111150 Customer Operations - Services 334,669 29,364 43,445 163,646 121160 General & Administrative 1,343,566 177,238 212,199 417,567 131170 Access 31,695 0 0 0 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 3,638,869 526,329 941,379 1,470,302 151190 Total Operating Expenses 9,476,097 1,280,270 1,881,891 3,288,662 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses 8,219 1,088 2,013 3,110 Non- operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences NA NA NA NA 181330 Extraordinary Items 0 0 0 0 191365 Non- operating Income and Expenses 5,660 853 1,153 2,016 201390 Total Non- operating Items (5,666) (855) (1,154) (2,019) Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] 108,914 34,873 (24,945) 5,329 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] 416,888 51,763 79,614 131,743 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] 525,795 86,636 54,673 137,070 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] 390,258 141,021 (138,350) (6,591) 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] 166,756 26,786 (12,202) 12,860 Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 5,136,555 649,051 1,070,153 1,723,432 271630 Operator Systems Equipment 0 2,134 736 41,711 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 1,896,787 6,328,015 1,367,823 7,695,844 291650 Transmission 10,898,536 52,320 6,953,007 7,005,323 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 36,439,741 10,298 1,974,492 1,984,794 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipment 915,568 0 0 0 321680 Amortizable Assets 510,642 56,437 95,095 151,923 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 55,797,826 7,098,253 11,461,301 18,603,035 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net NA NA NA NA 351710 Property Held for Future Use 3,015 224 472 696 361720 Plant Under Construction 262,701 37,587 59,610 97,426 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 5,839 1,378 953 2,330 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 317 27 46 72 391750 Other Deferred Charges 0 2,378 0 2,378 401760 Inventories 118,882 12,243 19,226 31,540 411790 Total Other Investments 2,486,858 286,935 475,850 764,447 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 36,152,931 4,132,280 7,404,649 11,565,676 431830 Accumulated Amortization 27,469 4,206 6,640 10,869 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 3,485,053 742,886 910,661 1,656,722 451850 Customer Deposits 23,070 2,918 5,515 8,461 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 2,615,981 352,423 584,361 939,145 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities NA NA NA NA 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits NA NA NA NA 491890 Total Reserves $42,317,172 $5,233,201 $8,898,875 $14,166,421 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.10 - Jurisdictional Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2003 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued All Reporting Companies 80 (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 86 Line Row Special Total Billing & No. No. Access Access Collection Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services $4,294 $4,294 NA NA 21020 Network Access Services 14,401,905 28,464,062 NA 600,677 31030 Toll Network Services 4 27 NA 90,194 41040 Miscellaneous 741,414 2,284,537 955,402 19,028 51045 Nonregulated NA NA NA NA 61060 Uncollectibles (9,100) 40,999 (1,021) (799) 71090 Total Operating Revenues 15,156,729 30,711,934 956,417 710,704 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 1,210,298 4,620,853 75,651 23,846 91130 Plant Non- Specific 596,402 1,778,503 0 6,453 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 323,554 1,042,299 97 2,580 111150 Customer Operations - Services 350,180 848,495 617,212 63,509 121160 General & Administrative 761,818 2,522,951 205,666 402,477 131170 Access 0 31,695 NA 1,175,245 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 2,825,744 7,934,915 37,749 23,082 151190 Total Operating Expenses 6,075,751 18,840,510 938,225 1,700,126 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses 7,114 18,443 111 71 Non- operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences NA NA NA N A 181330 Extraordinary Items 0 0 0 0 191365 Non- operating Income and Expenses 4,726 7,676 38 91 201390 Total Non- operating Items (4,725) (7,685) (38) (91) Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] 700,873 815,116 (345) (76,897) 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] 318,014 866,645 6,241 4,205 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] 1,018,888 1,681,753 5,896 (72,689) 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] 2,468,654 2,852,321 16,489 (281,508) 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] 248,130 427,746 (11,479) (33,071) Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 3,407,356 10,267,343 763,363 29,944 271630 Operator Systems Equipment NA 41,711 NA 25,696 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 0 9,592,631 NA 232,414 291650 Transmission 21,306,626 39,210,485 NA 17,661 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 9,521,407 47,945,942 NA 3,217 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipmen t 18,953 934,521 NA NA 321680 Amortizable Assets 338,940 1,001,505 11,178 3,206 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 34,593,289 108,994,150 774,539 312,139 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net NA NA NA NA 351710 Property Held for Future Use 1,699 5,410 86 13 361720 Plant Under Construction 168,416 528,543 3,220 2,330 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 813 8,982 49 0 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 71 460 3 0 391750 Other Deferred Charges 0 2,378 0 0 401760 Inventories 70,206 220,628 1,978 414 411790 Total Other Investments 1,316,032 4,567,337 35,156 6,604 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 22,313,803 70,032,410 314,543 189,422 431830 Accumulated Amortization 16,206 54,544 2,439 110 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 2,177,646 7,319,421 72,447 28,189 451850 Customer Deposits 11,759 43,290 319 56 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 1,919,460 5,474,586 36,124 23,282 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities NA NA NA NA 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits NA NA NA NA 491890 Total Reserves $26,440,656 $82,924,249 $425,877 $241,070 (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) 81 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.10 - Jurisdictional Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued All Reporting Companies Interexchange 87 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s (Dollar Amounts Shown In Thousands) Line Row Non- Subject State No. No. Regulated to andSeparations Adjustments Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services $43,251,077 $18,824 $43,232,254 $43,228,334 $3,920 21020 Network Access Services 32,010,256 217,158 31,793,098 5,106,127 26,686,973 31030 Toll Network Services 3,593,554 402 3,593,152 3,503,454 89,693 41040 Miscellaneous 12,769,822 1,472,125 11,297,701 8,111,943 3,185,753 51045 Nonregulated 6,653,618 6,653,618 NA NA NA 61060 Uncollectibles 960,862 117,803 843,061 813,733 29,328 71090 Total Operating Revenues 97,317,458 8,244,324 89,073,130 59,136,120 29,937,013 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 18,981,729 3,400,317 15,581,418 11,194,415 4,386,998 91130 Plant Non- Specific 6,675,624 933,509 5,742,118 4,067,199 1,674,911 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 4,639,136 1,119,011 3,520,119 2,553,143 966,979 111150 Customer Operations - Services 9,231,192 2,202,709 7,028,477 5,593,677 1,434,805 121160 General & Administrative 12,487,711 1,445,905 11,041,814 8,109,719 2,932,097 131170 Access 2,228,142 4,987 2,223,159 1,117,606 1,105,546 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 25,970,196 719,743 25,250,456 17,755,846 7,494,607 151190 Total Operating Expenses 80,213,736 9,826,180 70,387,556 50,391,612 20,038,090 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses 67,529 5,608 61,916 43,229 18,688 Non- operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences 363,318 (134) 363,451 363,451 NA 181330 Extraordinary Items 42,611 42,611 0 1 1 191365 Non- operating Income and Expenses (1,496,761) (1,528,184) 31,422 20,911 10,516 201390 Total Non- operating Items 1,090,830 1,485,707 (394,875) (384,356) (10,517) Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] 804,355 (202,824) 1,007,179 269,308 737,880 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] 3,411,903 99,341 3,312,559 2,435,472 877,088 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] 4,216,260 (103,485) 4,319,744 2,704,780 1,614,959 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] 3,160,222 (1,036,512) 4,076,115 1,474,468 2,587,299 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] NA NA NA NA NA Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 43,252,868 3,694,814 39,558,053 29,027,744 10,530,312 271630 Operator Systems Equipment 609,386 59,919 549,469 495,733 53,736 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 64,133,216 2,174,283 61,958,930 53,239,974 8,718,948 291650 Transmission 92,835,006 29,801 92,805,210 55,529,554 37,275,657 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 159,022,667 2,323,449 156,699,224 112,600,506 44,098,716 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipment 4,631,786 1,061,456 3,570,331 2,685,835 884,497 321680 Amortizable Assets 3,754,383 397,216 3,357,165 2,380,564 976,599 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 368,239,317 9,740,935 358,498,376 255,959,917 102,538,470 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net (9,436,360) 1,194,406 (10,630,768) (10,630,768) NA 351710 Property Held for Future Use 19,792 851 18,940 13,440 5,502 361720 Plant Under Construction 1,910,944 381,909 1,529,037 1,083,485 445,553 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 19,807 (569) 20,376 15,132 5,244 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 22,492 20,645 1,847 1,382 464 391750 Other Deferred Charges 3,978,438 3,978,437 0 0 0 401760 Inventories 830,842 54,377 776,470 559,189 217,284 411790 Total Other Investments (2,654,051) 5,630,043 (8,284,097) (8,958,141) 4,435,663 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 237,187,459 10,906,059 226,281,403 160,692,945 65,588,450 431830 Accumulated Amortization 226,145 100,158 125,988 91,849 34,139 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 25,934,344 (1,085,734) 27,020,082 19,937,591 7,082,482 451850 Customer Deposits 160,795 8,220 152,576 110,413 42,156 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 25,831,662 6,627,666 19,203,994 13,847,596 5,356,396 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities 49,962 49,962 NA NA NA 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits (1,116,200) 924,257 (2,040,462) (2,040,462) NA 491890 Total Reserves $288,274,167 $17,530,581 $270,743,575 $192,639,946 $78,103,630 82 as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued Table 2.10 - Jurisdictional Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers Total Regional Bell Operating Companies [RBOCs] Interstate 88 Line Row Common Traffic Sensitive No. No. Line Switching Transport Total Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services NA NA NA NA 21020 Network Access Services 9,734,846 1,525,902 1,216,677 2,828,498 31030 Toll Network Services 0 0 0 0 41040 Miscellaneous 1,130,052 154,468 224,893 380,640 51045 Nonregulated NA NA NA NA 61060 Uncollectibles 37,569 728 4,800 5,185 71090 Total Operating Revenues 10,827,326 1,679,634 1,436,772 3,203,958 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 2,459,778 318,911 341,870 664,132 91130 Plant Non- Specific 811,988 104,095 173,000 277,779 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 486,618 59,668 103,964 164,007 111150 Customer Operations - Services 314,384 26,318 40,233 151,267 121160 General & Administrative 1,242,165 158,891 192,773 377,942 131170 Access 0 0 0 0 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 3,367,626 468,672 853,850 1,325,059 151190 Total Operating Expenses 8,707,826 1,138,183 1,708,306 2,964,815 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses 8,253 1,094 2,024 3,127 Non- operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences NA NA NA NA 181330 Extraordinary Items 0 0 0 0 191365 Non- operating Income and Expenses 4,438 624 849 1,481 201390 Total Non- operating Items (4,438) (624) (849) (1,481) Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] 108,914 34,873 (24,945) 5,329 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] 416,888 51,763 79,614 131,743 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] 525,795 86,636 54,673 137,070 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] 390,258 141,021 (138,350) (6,591) 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] NA NA NA NA Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 4,835,516 591,915 996,560 1,592,386 271630 Operator Systems Equipment NA 2,088 735 39,904 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 1,716,310 5,553,690 1,217,477 6,771,174 291650 Transmission 10,227,273 51,272 6,294,459 6,345,731 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 33,163,432 5,528 1,762,035 1,767,565 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipment 867,852 0 0 0 321680 Amortizable Assets 489,709 52,617 89,555 142,552 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 51,300,092 6,257,108 10,360,819 16,659,316 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net NA NA NA NA 351710 Property Held for Future Use 3,010 223 471 694 361720 Plant Under Construction 209,688 27,196 46,259 73,657 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 3,495 807 374 1,180 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 317 27 46 72 391750 Other Deferred Charges 0 0 0 0 401760 Inventories 115,919 11,611 18,427 30,106 411790 Total Other Investments 2,366,244 268,026 467,954 737,597 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 33,222,634 3,566,333 6,667,945 10,261,621 431830 Accumulated Amortization 15,041 1,842 3,359 5,214 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 3,282,627 700,789 865,694 1,569,591 451850 Customer Deposits 22,202 2,773 5,356 8,157 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 2,508,404 331,368 553,483 887,143 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities NA NA NA NA 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits NA NA NA NA 491890 Total Reserves $39,050,911 $4,603,101 $8,095,828 $12,731,720 as of December 31, 2003 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.10 - Jurisdictional Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers 83 Regional Bell Operating Companies [RBOCs] (Dollar Amounts Shown In Thousands) 89 Line Row Special Total Billing & No. No. Access Access Collection Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services $3,920 $3,920 NA NA 21020 Network Access Services 13,525,310 26,088,654 NA 598,317 31030 Toll Network Services 0 0 NA 89,693 41040 Miscellaneous 735,600 2,246,292 921,614 17,846 51045 Nonregulated NA NA NA NA 61060 Uncollectibles (9,513) 33,241 (3,085) (816) 71090 Total Operating Revenues 14,274,355 28,305,639 924,693 706,679 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 1,168,474 4,292,384 71,791 22,819 91130 Plant Non- Specific 579,134 1,668,901 0 6,008 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 314,171 964,796 0 2,183 111150 Customer Operations - Services 345,389 811,040 569,005 54,764 121160 General & Administrative 742,538 2,362,645 191,008 378,440 131170 Access 0 0 NA 1,105,546 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 2,744,586 7,437,271 36,126 21,205 151190 Total Operating Expenses 5,901,730 17,574,371 869,794 1,593,903 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses 7,119 18,499 111 71 Non- operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences NA NA NA NA 181330 Extraordinary Items 0 0 0 0 191365 Non- operating Income and Expenses 4,478 10,397 39 79 201390 Total Non- operating Items (4,478) (10,397) (39) (79) Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] 700,873 815,116 (345) (76,897) 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] 318,014 866,645 6,241 4,205 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] 1,018,888 1,681,753 5,896 (72,689) 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] 2,468,654 2,852,321 16,489 (281,508) 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] NA NA NA NA Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 3,333,283 9,761,185 741,619 27,504 271630 Operator Systems Equipment NA 39,904 NA 13,833 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 0 8,487,484 NA 231,470 291650 Transmission 20,699,204 37,272,208 NA 3,450 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 9,166,549 44,097,546 NA 1,171 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipmen t 16,639 884,491 NA NA 321680 Amortizable Assets 330,930 963,191 10,290 3,117 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 33,546,607 101,506,015 751,907 280,549 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net NA NA NA NA 351710 Property Held for Future Use 1,698 5,402 86 13 361720 Plant Under Construction 157,378 440,723 2,965 1,856 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 520 5,195 49 0 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 71 460 3 0 391750 Other Deferred Charges 0 0 0 0 401760 Inventories 68,895 214,920 1,957 405 411790 Total Other Investments 1,291,579 4,395,420 34,532 5,706 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 21,633,810 65,118,065 301,936 168,454 431830 Accumulated Amortization 11,919 32,174 1,913 49 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 2,131,542 6,983,760 71,869 26,851 451850 Customer Deposits 11,421 41,780 320 56 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 1,903,298 5,298,845 35,472 22,078 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities NA NA NA NA 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits NA NA NA NA 491890 Total Reserves $25,691,995 $77,474,626 $411,514 $217,499 Table 2.10 - Jurisdictional Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued Regional Bell Operating Companies [RBOCs] 84 (Dollar Amounts Shown In Thousands) Interexchange 90 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.10 - Jurisdictional Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers Other Reporting Companies [Mid- Sized ILECs] (Dollar Amounts Shown In Thousands) Line Row Non- Subject State No. No. Regulated to andSeparations Adjustments Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services $4,193,100 $0 $4,193,100 $4,192,725 $375 21020 Network Access Services 3,788,914 50,123 3,738,792 1,286,113 2,452,680 31030 Toll Network Services 106,097 5,372 100,725 100,181 544 41040 Miscellaneous 483,718 673 483,044 409,773 73,271 51045 Nonregulated 875,579 875,579 0 0 0 61060 Uncollectibles 105,100 20,210 84,892 75,047 9,840 71090 Total Operating Revenues 9,342,303 911,543 8,430,765 5,913,738 2,517,028 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 1,727,544 378,153 1,349,397 1,016,032 333,361 91130 Plant Non- Specific 476,498 27,093 449,406 339,351 110,053 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 423,676 113,448 310,229 232,228 78,003 111150 Customer Operations - Services 615,313 42,036 573,279 478,875 94,404 121160 General & Administrative 1,015,363 124,004 891,362 692,356 199,002 131170 Access 199,634 1,815 197,819 96,425 101,394 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 2,111,028 42,815 2,068,212 1,567,064 501,146 151190 Total Operating Expenses 6,569,060 729,364 5,839,699 4,422,336 1,440,806 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses 832 1,067 (233) (176) (56) Non- operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences 5,181 (4,646) 9,827 9,827 NA 181330 Extraordinary Items 0 0 0 0 0 191365 Non- operating Income and Expenses (175,888) (184,464) 8,577 6,556 2,021 201390 Total Non- operating Items 170,708 189,110 (18,404) (16,384) (2,029) Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA N A 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA NA 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] 1,153,378 193,260 960,119 530,527 383,065 Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 2,597,580 270,379 2,327,203 1,796,864 530,340 271630 Operator Systems Equipment 30,360 (39,132) 69,492 55,817 13,674 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 6,988,776 (695,926) 7,684,702 6,578,612 1,106,089 291650 Transmission 6,850,982 912,533 5,938,450 3,985,965 1,952,486 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 15,249,764 239,946 15,009,821 11,159,378 3,850,441 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipment 326,447 116,852 209,594 159,568 50,030 321680 Amortizable Assets 172,951 2,857 170,093 130,803 39,290 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 32,216,864 807,509 31,409,354 23,867,006 7,542,350 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net (37,283) 122,769 (160,052) (160,052) NA 351710 Property Held for Future Use 525 (5) 530 523 8 361720 Plant Under Construction 411,211 47,676 363,542 274,990 88,549 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 166,634 150,376 16,256 12,472 3,786 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 24,343 17,930 6,413 6,412 0 391750 Other Deferred Charges 157,850 148,384 9,466 7,088 2,378 401760 Inventories 29,622 5,489 24,135 18,396 5,740 411790 Total Other Investments 752,903 492,614 260,294 159,831 173,451 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 21,136,220 866,971 20,269,250 15,321,322 4,947,925 431830 Accumulated Amortization 97,340 (2,361) 99,697 76,741 22,959 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 1,587,436 193,457 1,393,976 1,056,407 337,574 451850 Customer Deposits 13,564 (635) 14,195 12,685 1,509 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 920,204 209,984 710,218 532,622 177,598 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities 51,003 51,003 0 0 0 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits (54,465) 4,495 (58,960) (58,960) 0 491890 Total Reserves $23,751,296 $1,322,916 $22,428,380 $16,940,820 $5,487,561 85 Total Interstate as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued 91 Line Row Common Traffic Sensitive No. No. Line Switching Transport Total Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services NA NA NA NA 21020 Network Access Services 1,151,986 218,716 125,259 346,827 31030 Toll Network Services 013 10 23 41040 Miscellaneous 23,045 4,191 5,100 9,386 51045 Nonregulated NA NA NA NA 61060 Uncollectibles 6,135 525 689 1,210 71090 Total Operating Revenues 1,168,897 222,397 129,678 355,024 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 206,499 42,392 37,675 80,146 91130 Plant Non- Specific 64,579 12,075 15,650 27,755 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 46,276 9,470 12,338 21,844 111150 Customer Operations - Services 20,285 3,046 3,212 12,379 121160 General & Administrative 101,401 18,347 19,426 39,625 131170 Access 31,695 0 0 0 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 271,243 57,657 87,529 145,243 151190 Total Operating Expenses 768,271 142,087 173,585 323,847 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses (34) (6) (11) (17) Non- operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences 0 0 0 0 181330 Extraordinary Items 0 0 0 0 191365 Non- operating Income and Expenses 1,222 229 304 535 201390 Total Non- operating Items (1,228) (231) (305) (538) Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized ILECs] 166,756 26,786 (12,202) 12,860 Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 301,039 57,136 73,593 131,046 271630 Operator Systems Equipment NA 46 1 1,807 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 180,477 774,325 150,346 924,670 291650 Transmission 671,263 1,048 658,548 659,592 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 3,276,309 4,770 212,457 217,229 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipment 47,716 0 0 0 321680 Amortizable Assets 20,933 3,820 5,540 9,371 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 4,497,734 841,145 1,100,482 1,943,719 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net NA NA NA NA 351710 Property Held for Future Use 5 1 1 2 361720 Plant Under Construction 53,013 10,391 13,351 23,769 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 2,344 571 579 1,150 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 0 0 0 0 391750 Other Deferred Charges 0 2,378 0 2,378 401760 Inventories 2,963 632 799 1,434 411790 Total Other Investments 120,614 18,909 7,896 26,850 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 2,930,297 565,947 736,704 1,304,055 431830 Accumulated Amortization 12,428 2,364 3,281 5,655 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 202,426 42,097 44,967 87,131 451850 Customer Deposits 868 145 159 304 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 107,577 21,055 30,878 52,002 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities NA NA NA NA 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits NA NA NA NA 491890 Total Reserves $3,266,261 $630,100 $803,047 $1,434,701 as of December 31, 2003 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued Other Reporting Companies [Mid- Sized ILECs] 86 (Dollar Amounts Shown In Thousands) Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.10 - Jurisdictional Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers 92 Line Row Special Total Billing & No. No. Access Access Collection Selected Income Statement Accounts Revenues: 11010 Basic Local Services $374 $374 NA NA 21020 Network Access Services 876,595 2,375,408 NA 2,360 31030 Toll Network Services 4 27 NA 501 41040 Miscellaneous 5,814 38,245 33,788 1,182 51045 Nonregulated NA NA NA NA 61060 Uncollectibles 413 7,758 2,064 17 71090 Total Operating Revenues 882,374 2,406,295 31,724 4,025 Expenses: 81120 Plant Specific 41,824 328,469 3,860 1,027 91130 Plant Non- Specific 17,268 109,602 0 445 101140 Customer Operations - Marketing 9,383 77,503 97 397 111150 Customer Operations - Services 4,791 37,455 48,207 8,745 121160 General & Administrative 19,280 160,306 14,658 24,037 131170 Access 0 31,695 0 69,699 141180 Depreciation / Amortization 81,158 497,644 1,623 1,877 151190 Total Operating Expenses 174,021 1,266,139 68,431 106,223 161290 Other Operating Income / Losses (5) (56) 0 0 Non- operating Items: 171320 Inc Effect / Jurisdictional Differences 0 0 0 0 181330 Extraordinary Items 0 0 0 0 191365 Non- operating Income and Expenses 248 2,005 (1) 12 201390 Total Non- operating Items (247) (2,013) 1 (12) Other Taxes: 211410 State and Local Income [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA 221420 Other State and Local [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA 231490 Total Other Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA 241590 Federal Income Taxes [RBOCs] NA NA NA NA 251595 Taxes, Federal, State and Other [Mid- Sized LECs] 248,130 427,746 (11,479) (33,071) Selected Balance Sheet Accounts Plant- in- Service: 261620 Support Plant 74,073 506,158 21,744 2,440 271630 Operator Systems Equipment NA 1,807 NA 11,863 Central Office Equipment - -281640 Switching 0 1,105,147 NA 944 291650 Transmission 607,422 1,938,277 NA 14,211 301660 Cable & Wire Facilities 354,858 3,848,396 NA 2,046 311670 Information Origination and Termination Equipmen t 2,314 50,030 NA 0 321680 Amortizable Assets 8,010 38,314 255 89 331690 Total Plant- in- Service 1,046,682 7,488,135 22,632 31,590 Other Investments: 341705 Other Jurisdictional Assets- Net NA NA NA NA 351710 Property Held for Future Use 1 8 0 0 361720 Plant Under Construction 11,038 87,820 255 474 371730 Plant Acquisition Adjustments 293 3,787 0 0 381740 Investment in Non- Affiliated Companies 0 0 0 0 391750 Other Deferred Charges 0 2,378 0 0 401760 Inventories 1,311 5,708 21 9 411790 Total Other Investments 24,453 171,917 624 898 Reserves: 421820 Accumulated Depreciation 679,993 4,914,345 12,607 20,968 431830 Accumulated Amortization 4,287 22,370 526 61 441840 Deferred Operating Income Taxes 46,104 335,661 578 1,338 451850 Customer Deposits 338 1,510 (1) 0 461865 Other Long- Term Liabilities and Deferred Credits 16,162 175,741 652 1,204 471882 Deferred Tax Liabilities NA NA NA NA 481883 Other Jurisdictional Liabilities and Deferred Credits NA NA NA NA 491890 Total Reserves $748,661 $5,449,623 $14,363 $23,571 See Notes following Table 2.17. 87 (Dollar Amounts Shown In Thousands) Interexchange Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.10 - Jurisdictional Statistics of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 and for the Year Then Ended -- Continued Other Reporting Companies [Mid- Sized ILECs] 93 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.11 - Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers for the Year Ended December 31, 2004 Total Operating Revenues Total Non- Subject to State Interstate Access Billing and Regulated Separations Collection andCommon Traffic Special Total and Adjustments Line Sensitive Interexchange All Reporting Cos. $106,659.8 $9,155.9 $97,503.9 $65,049.9 $32,454.0 $11,996.2 $3,559.0 $15,156.7 $30,711.9 $1,667.1 Bell Operating Cos. 97,317.5 8,244.3 89,073.1 59,136.1 29,937.0 10,827.3 3,204.0 14,274.4 28,305.7 1,631.4 All Other Cos. 9,342.3 911.5 8,430.8 5,913.7 2,517.0 1,168.9 355.0 882.4 2,406.3 35.7 Alabama 1,636.2 102.0 1,534.2 1,094.8 439.4 174.2 55.6 183.4 413.2 26.2 AL Arizona 1,577.3 87.6 1,489.8 905.3 584.4 213.1 68.6 252.2 533.9 50.5 AZ Arkansas 781.3 91.8 689.5 485.8 203.7 62.5 23.8 105.2 191.5 12.3 AR California 13,133.2 1,965.2 11,168.0 7,591.0 3,577.0 1,357.3 333.9 1,717.6 3,408.8 168.2 CA Colorado 1,937.1 82.6 1,854.5 1,152.0 702.5 248.3 70.4 314.1 632.8 69.6 CO Connecticut 1,508.8 44.2 1,464.6 981.6 483.0 152.2 64.7 246.5 463.4 19.6 CT Delaware 340.7 18.4 322.3 187.1 135.2 45.7 14.5 65.4 125.6 9.5 DE District of Columbia 646.2 30.3 615.9 359.1 256.8 56.6 39.4 152.8 248.8 8.0 DC Florida 7,445.3 540.7 6,904.5 4,505.1 2,399.4 933.8 218.4 1,118.1 2,270.3 129.1 FL Georgia 3,411.8 225.7 3,186.1 2,092.0 1,094.0 328.6 116.0 591.1 1,035.7 58.4 GA Hawaii 490.1 49.7 440.3 282.8 157.5 65.1 12.1 73.7 150.9 6.6 HI Idaho 460.9 29.1 431.9 256.4 175.5 69.7 21.8 68.3 159.8 15.7 ID Illinois 4,222.3 455.7 3,766.6 2,645.8 1,120.8 393.5 151.3 517.6 1,062.4 58.4 IL Indiana 2,120.2 223.5 1,896.7 1,312.4 584.3 250.3 60.3 243.8 554.4 29.9 IN Iowa 777.5 25.8 751.7 481.7 270.0 81.6 44.6 119.2 245.4 24.5 IA Kansas 826.8 109.6 717.3 465.9 251.3 71.0 35.5 130.4 236.9 14.4 KS Kentucky 1,381.9 76.5 1,305.4 923.1 382.2 168.4 42.4 158.0 368.8 13.4 KY Louisiana 1,569.3 75.7 1,493.6 1,072.9 420.7 170.0 45.1 175.2 390.3 30.4 LA Maine 461.7 13.9 447.8 299.9 147.9 54.8 18.9 69.5 143.2 4.7 ME Maryland 2,264.8 120.2 2,144.7 1,389.7 755.0 257.9 84.1 377.9 719.9 35.0 MD Massachusetts 2,426.0 105.2 2,320.8 1,458.9 861.9 313.3 81.7 432.1 827.1 34.7 MA Michigan 3,269.7 304.8 2,964.9 2,128.0 836.9 323.6 94.7 388.0 806.3 30.6 MI Minnesota 1,183.1 56.5 1,126.6 704.3 422.3 111.1 50.2 224.1 385.4 36.9 MN Mississippi 1,097.5 39.8 1,057.7 794.3 263.4 109.0 40.7 95.6 245.3 18.0 MS Missouri 2,055.3 352.2 1,703.0 1,151.7 551.4 188.0 56.3 273.8 518.1 33.4 MO Montana 268.7 23.8 244.9 155.8 89.1 34.4 13.7 32.6 80.7 8.5 MT Nebraska 579.2 52.4 526.8 345.2 181.6 53.0 29.2 88.0 170.2 11.3 NE Nevada 779.3 84.0 695.3 437.8 257.5 100.2 44.8 102.6 247.6 9.9 NV New Hampshire 438.9 14.0 424.8 263.9 160.9 61.0 20.9 73.7 155.6 5.3 NH New Jersey 3,619.3 183.7 3,435.6 2,082.7 1,352.9 481.5 145.2 684.7 1,311.4 41.5 NJ New Mexico 631.2 27.2 604.0 373.4 230.6 90.9 28.8 87.6 207.3 23.3 NM New York 7,467.6 251.2 7,216.4 4,844.0 2,372.4 858.3 229.3 1,200.4 2,288.0 84.4 NY North Carolina 3,046.5 255.1 2,791.4 1,870.0 921.4 387.1 96.5 398.8 882.4 39.0 NC North Dakota 135.2 4.1 131.2 79.0 52.2 15.9 9.1 22.8 47.8 4.5 ND Ohio 4,007.4 351.4 3,655.9 2,606.8 1,049.2 436.8 125.7 451.7 1,014.2 34.9 OH Oklahoma 1,130.6 150.2 980.4 666.6 313.8 108.2 39.2 146.7 294.1 19.7 OK Oregon 1,221.7 74.5 1,147.2 699.0 448.2 170.5 50.2 186.9 407.6 40.5 OR Pennsylvania 4,446.9 258.6 4,188.3 2,638.3 1,550.0 556.7 153.3 721.2 1,431.2 43.9 PA Rhode Island 289.6 13.1 276.5 178.9 97.5 42.2 9.5 41.4 93.1 4.4 RI South Carolina 1,192.3 72.2 1,120.1 780.2 339.9 138.9 38.5 140.8 318.2 21.7 SC South Dakota 151.2 4.5 146.7 91.9 54.8 14.5 9.8 25.4 49.7 5.1 SD Tennessee 1,858.3 118.1 1,740.3 1,194.9 545.4 206.9 60.0 240.4 507.3 38.1 TN Texas 8,947.4 1,150.3 7,797.1 5,548.0 2,249.0 818.5 223.7 1,087.0 2,129.2 119.8 TX Utah 660.8 34.9 625.9 365.9 260.0 80.6 28.5 124.3 233.4 26.6 UT Vermont 224.8 8.1 216.7 139.3 77.4 31.8 11.0 31.2 74.0 3.5 VT Virginia 2,905.8 161.4 2,744.4 1,684.8 1,059.6 390.7 125.3 502.7 1,018.7 41.0 VA Washington 2,277.0 158.2 2,118.8 1,293.3 825.5 316.5 79.7 357.7 753.9 71.5 WA West Virginia 618.2 27.5 590.7 402.7 188.0 74.2 33.9 73.0 181.1 6.9 W V Wisconsin 1,408.8 155.9 1,252.9 866.9 386.1 135.2 49.4 185.5 370.1 15.9 WI Wyoming 203.5 14.6 188.9 109.7 79.2 27.0 12.9 31.7 71.6 7.6 WY Puerto Rico 1,124.5 280.0 844.5 609.1 235.4 164.7 46.1 24.6 235.4 0.0 PR 88 (Dollar Amounts Shown in Millions) 94 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.11 - Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers for the Year Ended December 31, 2004 -- Continued Total Non- Subject to State Interstate Access Billing and Regulated Separations Collection andCommo nTraffic Special Total and Adjustments Line Sensitive Interexchange All Reporting Cos. $47,444.2 $18.8 $47,425.4 $47,421.1 $4.3 N A NA $4.3 $4.3 N A Bell Operating Cos. 43,251.1 18.8 43,232.3 43,228.3 3.9 NA NA 3.9 3.9 NA All Other Cos. 4,193.1 4,193.1 4,192.7 0.4 NA NA 0.4 0.4 NA Alabama 881.0 881.0 881.0 AL Arizona 725.8 725.8 725.8 AZ Arkansas 316.3 316.3 316.3 AR California 5,183.4 14.2 5,169.2 5,169.1 CA Colorado 881.5 881.5 881.5 CO Connecticut 693.4 693.4 693.4 CT Delaware 152.4 152.4 152.4 DE District of Columbia 273.1 273.1 272.4 0.7 NA NA 0.7 0.7 DC Florida 3,421.9 3,421.9 3,421.9 FL Georgia 1,765.5 1,765.5 1,765.5 GA Hawaii 242.0 (0.4) 242.4 242.4 HI Idaho 213.8 213.8 213.8 ID Illinois 1,767.5 1,767.5 1,767.5 IL Indiana 963.9 963.9 963.9 IN Iowa 353.2 353.2 353.2 IA Kansas 339.0 339.0 339.0 KS Kentucky 754.4 754.4 754.3 0.1 NA NA 0.1 0.1 KY Louisiana 892.7 892.7 892.7 LA Maine 227.7 227.7 227.7 ME Maryland 1,088.2 1,088.2 1,087.8 0.5 NA NA 0.5 0.5 MD Massachusetts 1,143.8 1,143.8 1,143.8 MA Michigan 1,255.2 1,255.2 1,255.2 MI Minnesota 555.9 555.9 555.9 MN Mississippi 579.2 579.2 579.2 MS Missouri 831.1 831.1 831.1 MO Montana 125.0 125.0 125.0 MT Nebraska 245.5 245.5 245.5 NE Nevada 363.7 363.7 363.7 NV New Hampshire 194.2 194.2 194.2 NH New Jersey 1,296.1 1,296.1 1,296.1 NJ New Mexico 295.1 295.1 295.1 NM New York 3,372.9 3,372.9 3,372.9 NY North Carolina 1,536.0 1,536.0 1,536.0 NC North Dakota 58.1 58.1 58.1 ND Ohio 1,939.2 1,939.2 1,938.9 0.3 NA NA 0.3 0.3 OH Oklahoma 495.0 495.0 495.0 OK Oregon 559.4 4.5 554.9 554.8 OR Pennsylvania 1,743.6 1,743.6 1,743.3 0.2 NA NA 0.2 0.2 PA Rhode Island 144.9 144.9 144.9 RI South Carolina 607.1 607.1 607.1 SC South Dakota 62.7 62.7 62.7 SD Tennessee 1,007.7 1,007.7 1,007.7 TN Texas 3,795.5 0.3 3,795.1 3,795.1 TX Utah 275.6 275.6 275.6 UT Vermont 119.1 119.1 119.1 VT Virginia 1,268.3 1,268.3 1,265.9 2.4 N A NA 2.4 2.4 VA Washington 949.9 0.2 949.6 949.6 WA West Virginia 324.2 324.2 324.2 0.1 N A NA 0.1 0.1 WV Wisconsin 599.6 599.6 599.6 WI Wyoming 88.7 88.7 88.7 WY Puerto Rico 475.8 475.8 475.8 PR 89 (Dollar Amounts Shown in Millions) Basic Local Service Revenues 95 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.11 - Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers for the Year Ended December 31, 2004 -- Continued Network Access Service Revenues (Dollar Amounts Shown in Millions) Total Non- Subject to State Interstate Access Billing and Regulated Separations Collection andCommo nTraffic Special Total and Adjustments Line Sensitive Interexchange All Reporting Cos. $35,799.2 $267.3 $35,531.9 $6,392.2 $29,139.7 $10,886.8 $3,175.3 $14,401.9 $28,464.0 $600.7 Bell Operating Cos. 32,010.3 217.2 31,793.1 5,106.1 26,687.0 9,734.8 2,828.5 13,525.3 26,088.6 598.3 All Other Cos. 3,788.9 50.1 3,738.8 1,286.1 2,452.7 1,152.0 346.8 876.6 2,375.4 2.4 Alabama 485.0 19.7 465.3 65.9 399.4 158.2 50.6 176.4 385.2 14.2 AL Arizona 597.4 1.4 596.1 75.6 520.5 185.3 64.1 248.6 498.0 22.6 AZ Arkansas 235.0 0.7 234.2 48.3 186.0 55.8 22.2 102.6 180.6 5.4 AR California 4,424.6 29.4 4,395.1 1,126.2 3,268.9 1,251.1 282.7 1,656.1 3,189.9 78.9 CA Colorado 698.5 1.4 697.2 90.7 606.5 209.0 63.7 305.9 578.6 27.9 CO Connecticut 489.6 2.1 487.5 36.1 451.4 142.0 56.6 240.1 438.7 12.6 CT Delaware 123.2 0.5 122.7 5.3 117.4 41.4 13.1 62.8 117.3 DE District of Columbia 188.1 0.7 187.4 2.7 184.7 42.2 23.8 118.6 184.6 DC Florida 2,774.4 19.6 2,754.8 534.9 2,219.9 870.8 202.7 1,086.7 2,160.2 59.8 FL Georgia 1,135.8 18.3 1,117.5 100.6 1,017.0 297.4 107.1 573.8 978.3 38.7 GA Hawaii 177.8 0.5 177.2 28.2 149.0 64.6 11.6 72.3 148.5 0.6 HI Idaho 187.9 0.5 187.3 26.7 160.7 67.0 20.8 67.7 155.5 5.1 ID Illinois 1,235.2 6.1 1,229.1 217.4 1,011.7 357.1 126.4 503.6 987.1 24.6 IL Indiana 673.3 4.1 669.2 139.9 529.3 231.4 53.6 234.0 519.0 10.2 IN Iowa 319.6 0.5 319.1 79.4 239.7 71.9 42.2 118.2 232.3 7.5 IA Kansas 247.5 0.9 246.7 24.8 221.9 60.1 31.9 123.7 215.7 6.2 KS Kentucky 445.3 3.5 441.7 79.8 361.9 158.8 40.4 153.9 353.1 8.7 KY Louisiana 443.5 6.7 436.8 53.5 383.3 155.0 41.4 169.7 366.1 17.2 LA Maine 143.1 1.0 142.1 10.2 131.9 49.2 17.1 65.6 131.9 ME Maryland 765.4 3.2 762.1 101.7 660.5 233.6 73.0 353.8 660.4 MD Massachusetts 811.7 3.6 808.2 30.2 778.0 298.1 73.8 406.1 778.0 MA Michigan 1,021.5 2.8 1,018.7 262.6 756.1 284.6 78.1 374.2 736.9 19.2 MI Minnesota 439.1 1.1 438.0 62.5 375.6 91.7 46.6 221.4 359.7 15.9 MN Mississippi 264.2 3.7 260.5 23.4 237.1 97.6 38.0 92.1 227.7 9.3 MS Missouri 663.3 2.9 660.4 168.1 492.3 168.2 50.1 259.7 478.0 14.2 MO Montana 116.6 16.3 100.3 22.7 77.7 28.9 13.1 32.4 74.4 3.2 MT Nebraska 202.5 1.7 200.8 45.6 155.3 42.8 25.3 83.6 151.7 3.6 NE Nevada 255.9 255.9 17.9 238.0 94.0 40.8 100.9 235.7 2.2 NV New Hampshire 163.1 0.6 162.5 19.1 143.4 55.7 18.6 69.0 143.3 NH New Jersey 1,374.3 5.6 1,368.7 185.6 1,183.1 422.9 122.1 638.1 1,183.1 NJ New Mexico 257.0 0.4 256.5 48.9 207.6 83.4 27.7 87.0 198.1 9.5 NM New York 2,338.9 11.7 2,327.2 342.8 1,984.5 753.5 199.4 1,031.6 1,984.5 NY North Carolina 1,046.6 9.2 1,037.4 170.4 867.0 367.2 91.8 388.3 847.3 19.7 NC North Dakota 56.1 0.1 56.0 10.4 45.6 13.1 8.4 22.6 44.1 1.5 ND Ohio 1,250.1 2.3 1,247.7 274.2 973.5 410.2 110.4 437.2 957.8 15.7 OH Oklahoma 324.1 1.2 322.9 38.6 284.3 98.1 36.1 141.7 275.9 8.3 OK Oregon 476.2 1.1 475.1 76.4 398.7 155.7 46.8 184.1 386.6 12.2 OR Pennsylvania 1,760.6 5.0 1,755.6 361.5 1,394.0 502.6 138.5 677.9 1,319.0 0.2 PA Rhode Island 92.1 0.4 91.7 5.7 86.0 38.6 8.6 38.8 86.0 RI South Carolina 377.1 4.4 372.7 61.0 311.7 128.1 35.8 136.1 300.0 11.7 SC South Dakota 65.2 0.7 64.5 16.7 47.8 11.8 9.1 25.2 46.1 1.7 SD Tennessee 549.0 7.2 541.9 44.0 497.9 189.2 56.2 232.2 477.6 20.3 TN Texas 2,695.2 30.9 2,664.3 696.5 1,967.8 716.9 198.3 1,002.3 1,917.5 50.4 TX Utah 257.5 0.5 257.0 31.7 225.2 66.8 25.9 122.5 215.2 10.0 UT Vermont 77.4 0.3 77.1 7.2 69.9 29.7 10.2 30.0 69.9 VT Virginia 1,154.6 4.5 1,150.2 194.3 955.9 362.3 113.7 479.2 955.2 0.6 VA Washington 940.7 15.5 925.2 184.2 741.0 295.3 75.1 350.3 720.7 20.3 WA West Virginia 198.3 0.7 197.6 29.1 168.5 67.5 31.1 69.9 168.5 W V Wisconsin 410.2 1.9 408.2 60.9 347.4 120.1 42.4 177.0 339.5 7.9 WI Wyoming 89.6 10.2 79.4 8.8 70.6 24.3 12.1 31.6 68.0 2.6 WY Puerto Rico 280.3 280.3 43.6 236.8 166.1 46.1 24.6 236.8 PR 90 96 Toll Network Service Revenues (Dollar Amounts Shown in Millions) Total Non- Subject to State Interstate Access Billing and Regulated Separations Collection andCommon Traffic Special Total and Adjustments Line Sensitive Interexchange All Reporting Cos. $3,699.7 $5.8 $3,693.9 $3,603.6 $90.2 $90.2 Bell Operating Cos. 3,593.6 0.4 3,593.2 3,503.5 89.7 89.7 All Other Cos. 106.1 5.4 100.7 100.2 0.5 0.5 Alabama 30.0 30.0 30.0 AL Arizona 7.0 7.0 7.0 (0.1) (0.1) AZ Arkansas 64.9 64.9 64.7 0.2 0.2 AR California 519.9 (0.6) 520.5 521.4 (0.9) (0.9) CA Colorado 10.4 10.5 10.5 (0.1) (0.1) CO Connecticut 158.3 158.3 156.2 2.0 2.0 CT Delaware 17.1 17.1 10.5 6.6 6.6 DE District of Columbia 4.1 4.1 0.1 4.0 4.0 DC Florida 148.4 148.4 148.1 0.3 0.3 FL Georgia 26.4 26.4 25.9 0.5 0.5 GA Hawaii 5.7 5.7 5.7 HI Idaho 3.8 3.8 3.5 0.3 0.3 ID Illinois 293.1 293.1 282.6 10.5 10.5 IL Indiana 85.2 85.2 79.6 5.6 5.6 IN Iowa 6.1 6.0 5.8 0.2 0.2 IA Kansas 19.4 19.4 18.1 1.3 1.3 KS Kentucky 16.5 0.2 16.2 16.1 0.1 0.1 KY Louisiana 22.0 22.0 21.9 0.1 0.1 LA Maine 39.9 39.9 39.9 ME Maryland 84.8 84.8 71.9 12.9 12.9 MD Massachusetts 219.7 219.7 219.7 MA Michigan 261.7 261.7 260.9 0.8 0.8 MI Minnesota 6.5 6.5 6.4 0.1 0.1 MN Mississippi 27.0 27.0 27.0 MS Missouri 28.5 0.4 28.1 25.9 2.2 2.2 MO Montana 1.9 1.9 1.9 MT Nebraska 5.1 5.1 4.9 0.2 0.2 NE Nevada 2.9 2.9 2.9 NV New Hampshire 31.9 31.9 31.9 NH New Jersey 313.8 313.8 306.3 7.4 7.4 NJ New Mexico 4.5 4.5 4.5 NM New York 178.5 178.5 176.1 2.5 2.5 NY North Carolina 38.1 (0.4) 38.5 38.3 0.2 0.2 NC North Dakota 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.2 0.2 ND Ohio 113.7 4.9 108.8 108.6 0.2 0.2 OH Oklahoma 64.4 64.4 64.3 0.1 0.1 OK Oregon 13.0 0.2 12.8 10.3 2.5 2.5 OR Pennsylvania 230.9 230.9 219.2 11.6 11.6 PA Rhode Island 15.2 15.2 15.2 RI South Carolina 27.1 27.1 26.7 0.4 0.4 SC South Dakota 1.9 1.9 1.9 SD Tennessee 31.5 31.5 30.7 0.8 0.8 TN Texas 218.8 0.7 218.1 217.5 0.6 0.6 TX Utah 7.1 7.1 7.1 UT Vermont 13.5 13.5 13.5 VT Virginia 82.6 82.6 68.5 14.1 14.1 VA Washington 40.7 0.3 40.5 38.8 1.7 1.7 WA West Virginia 18.0 18.0 17.4 0.6 0.6 WV Wisconsin 85.7 85.7 85.4 0.3 0.3 WI Wyoming 1.4 1.4 1.4 WY Puerto Rico 50.1 50.1 50.1 PR 91 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.11 - Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers for the Year Ended December 31, 2004 -- Continued 97 Miscellaneous Revenues Minus Uncollectibles Plus Nonregulated (Dollar Amounts Shown in Millions) Total Non- Subject to State Interstate Access Billing and Regulated Separations Collection andCommon Traffic Special Total and Adjustments Line Sensitive Interexchange All Reporting Cos. $13,253.5 $1,472.8 $11,780.7 $8,521.7 $3,259.0 $1,153.1 $390.0 $741.4 $2,284.5 $974.4 Bell Operating Cos. 12,769.8 1,472.1 11,297.7 8,111.9 3,185.8 1,130.1 380.6 735.6 2,246.3 939.5 All Other Cos. 483.7 0.7 483.0 409.8 73.3 23.0 9.4 5.8 38.2 35.0 Alabama 178.4 0.9 177.5 138.7 38.7 17.2 3.4 6.1 26.7 12.0 AL Arizona 163.6 163.6 108.6 55.0 19.9 3.9 3.4 27.2 27.9 AZ Arkansas 99.9 16.6 83.3 61.7 21.6 9.1 2.2 3.5 14.8 6.7 AR California 1,648.0 456.0 1,192.0 871.8 320.2 114.9 52.5 63.1 230.5 89.6 CA Colorado 271.2 271.2 181.8 89.4 32.7 6.7 8.2 47.6 41.8 CO Connecticut 166.8 42.1 124.7 94.2 30.5 10.5 8.4 6.6 25.5 4.9 CT Delaware 34.7 34.7 23.0 11.7 4.5 1.5 2.8 8.8 3.0 DE District of Columbia 145.9 145.9 86.0 59.9 12.7 14.4 28.9 56.0 3.9 DC Florida 663.7 2.2 661.6 482.0 179.5 70.8 12.7 27.5 111.0 68.5 FL Georgia 326.2 2.6 323.6 245.0 78.5 34.4 7.8 17.1 59.3 19.3 GA Hawaii 17.7 (0.2) 17.8 9.9 7.9 1.1 0.3 0.6 2.0 5.9 HI Idaho 29.8 29.8 15.0 14.8 3.3 1.0 0.3 4.6 10.3 ID Illinois 655.1 160.2 494.9 380.8 114.1 45.3 30.2 15.6 91.1 23.1 IL Indiana 278.5 65.9 212.6 159.1 53.6 22.8 7.1 9.7 39.6 13.9 IN Iowa 79.1 79.1 49.4 29.7 9.4 2.5 1.0 12.9 16.9 IA Kansas 140.5 18.2 122.3 90.3 32.0 13.0 4.2 7.9 25.1 7.0 KS Kentucky 110.7 0.6 110.1 88.9 21.2 10.3 2.2 4.0 16.5 4.7 KY Louisiana 164.2 0.8 163.4 125.3 38.0 16.7 3.1 5.1 24.9 13.2 LA Maine 54.6 54.6 38.0 16.5 5.8 1.8 4.2 11.8 4.7 ME Maryland 227.8 0.2 227.7 150.1 77.6 23.1 10.7 21.7 55.5 22.1 MD Massachusetts 223.2 223.2 129.9 93.3 18.8 8.8 31.0 58.6 34.7 MA Michigan 598.8 140.8 458.0 366.1 92.0 46.9 19.3 15.3 81.5 10.5 MI Minnesota 127.4 127.4 84.4 43.0 16.0 3.4 2.6 22.0 20.9 MN Mississippi 204.0 0.6 203.4 176.9 26.5 12.3 2.2 3.3 17.8 8.7 MS Missouri 340.4 133.6 206.8 144.9 61.9 22.3 6.9 15.7 44.9 17.0 MO Montana 14.2 14.2 7.4 6.8 1.3 0.4 0.1 1.8 5.0 MT Nebraska 77.5 77.5 53.6 23.9 8.5 3.8 4.2 16.5 7.4 NE Nevada 88.5 6.4 82.1 62.2 19.9 6.5 4.0 1.7 12.2 7.6 NV New Hampshire 46.8 46.8 29.0 17.8 5.5 2.3 4.8 12.6 5.3 NH New Jersey 430.3 0.9 429.4 273.4 155.9 56.5 22.4 43.0 121.9 34.1 NJ New Mexico 49.2 49.2 29.5 19.7 4.4 1.1 0.6 6.1 13.6 NM New York 1,385.1 1,385.1 993.7 391.4 106.8 30.3 171.4 308.5 82.9 NY North Carolina 215.3 0.7 214.6 158.8 55.8 22.3 4.8 9.6 36.7 19.1 NC North Dakota 16.4 16.4 10.5 5.9 2.4 0.7 0.1 3.2 2.7 ND Ohio 486.6 69.5 417.1 321.8 95.2 36.5 20.3 18.3 75.1 20.1 OH Oklahoma 142.5 29.0 113.5 80.7 32.9 12.0 3.6 5.9 21.5 11.3 OK Oregon 113.3 (0.4) 113.6 68.8 44.9 14.7 3.1 1.4 19.2 25.6 OR Pennsylvania 461.3 1.3 460.1 320.5 139.6 53.1 14.2 40.3 107.6 31.9 PA Rhode Island 33.8 33.8 22.0 11.8 3.7 1.0 2.7 7.4 4.4 RI South Carolina 130.7 2.4 128.3 100.4 27.9 11.9 2.0 4.3 18.2 9.6 SC South Dakota 18.0 18.0 11.5 6.6 2.4 0.8 0.2 3.4 3.3 SD Tennessee 178.0 1.0 177.0 129.3 47.7 18.9 3.6 8.2 30.7 17.0 TN Texas 1,482.0 245.4 1,236.6 948.6 288.1 108.9 25.8 84.9 219.6 68.4 TX Utah 86.4 86.4 56.3 30.1 9.5 2.4 1.6 13.5 16.6 UT Vermont 11.2 11.2 3.5 7.7 2.2 0.8 1.3 4.3 3.5 VT Virginia 249.1 0.1 249.0 170.6 78.4 26.3 10.4 15.8 52.5 25.8 VA Washington 214.7 (1.9) 216.6 139.4 77.1 19.9 4.1 4.1 28.1 49.0 WA West Virginia 54.1 54.1 36.9 17.2 6.1 2.4 2.4 10.9 6.3 W V Wisconsin 240.1 77.3 162.8 121.8 41.0 16.6 7.6 9.0 33.2 7.7 WI Wyoming 20.6 20.6 11.9 8.7 2.8 0.8 0.1 3.7 5.0 WY Puerto Rico 57.8 57.8 57.8 PR 92 See notes following Table 2.17. Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.11 - Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers for the Year Ended December 31, 2004 -- Continued 98 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.12 - Total O perating Ex penses of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carrier s for the Year Ended December 31, 200 4 (Dollar Amounts Shown in Millions) Total Non- Subject to State Interstate Access Billing and Regulated Separations Collection andCommon Traffic Special Total and Adjustments Line Sensitive Interexchange All Reporting Cos. $86,782.8 $10,555.5 $76,227.3 $54,813.9 $21,478.9 $9,476.1 $3,288.7 $6,075.8 $18,840.6 $2,638.4 Bell Operating Cos. 80,213.7 9,826.2 70,387.6 50,391.6 20,038.1 8,707.8 2,964.8 5,901.7 17,574.3 2,463.7 All Other Cos. 6,569.1 729.4 5,839.7 4,422.3 1,440.8 768.3 323.8 174.0 1,266.1 174.7 Alabama 1,177.2 141.9 1,035.3 751.6 284.4 151.3 34.4 54.5 240.2 44.2 AL Arizona 1,408.5 117.6 1,290.9 937.6 354.1 197.0 44.4 74.3 315.7 38.4 AZ Arkansas 537.2 96.4 440.8 319.8 121.5 66.6 15.9 28.1 110.6 11.0 AR California 10,267.8 1,909.2 8,358.6 6,255.3 2,109.2 878.0 417.6 557.9 1,853.5 255.6 CA Colorado 1,502.5 119.7 1,382.8 995.3 387.6 202.5 55.9 90.2 348.6 39.0 CO Connecticut 1,194.2 44.3 1,150.0 832.9 317.4 119.3 94.6 81.6 295.5 22.0 CT Delaware 268.1 16.7 251.4 171.3 80.0 37.9 9.6 22.9 70.4 9.7 DE District of Columbia 527.2 44.8 482.4 298.9 183.5 36.8 36.8 89.7 163.3 20.1 DC Florida 5,886.4 710.0 5,176.4 3,741.8 1,437.6 742.8 171.5 286.8 1,201.1 236.5 FL Georgia 2,901.3 576.8 2,324.5 1,619.6 710.7 340.9 88.5 169.1 598.5 112.3 GA Hawaii 433.9 54.8 379.1 282.9 96.2 41.6 12.2 25.8 79.6 16.7 HI Idaho 322.2 32.5 289.7 198.1 94.4 42.8 18.2 23.1 84.1 10.3 ID Illinois 3,429.3 488.1 2,941.2 2,241.4 703.3 309.5 194.2 116.9 620.6 82.7 IL Indiana 1,592.7 207.7 1,385.1 1,031.9 354.4 174.9 58.0 77.3 310.2 44.2 IN Iowa 592.1 49.1 543.0 382.4 160.6 70.7 33.8 43.1 147.6 13.0 IA Kansas 616.3 99.4 516.9 362.8 154.9 71.2 23.8 45.8 140.8 14.1 KS Kentucky 1,011.3 105.6 905.7 661.2 261.0 143.5 36.3 48.5 228.3 32.7 KY Louisiana 1,194.3 150.7 1,043.6 775.8 268.5 139.7 30.2 45.9 215.8 52.7 LA Maine 392.8 21.2 371.6 268.4 103.2 39.3 14.7 30.0 84.0 19.2 ME Maryland 1,811.9 145.3 1,666.6 1,148.8 517.9 197.5 77.2 188.5 463.2 54.7 MD Massachusetts 2,534.5 143.4 2,391.1 1,573.0 818.0 227.0 112.8 373.2 713.0 105.0 MA Michigan 2,671.5 332.8 2,338.7 1,807.1 533.8 278.4 105.8 94.4 478.6 55.2 MI Minnesota 997.7 104.0 893.7 637.4 256.3 112.0 38.6 82.5 233.1 23.2 MN Mississippi 771.4 86.0 685.4 496.8 189.1 104.6 21.9 30.5 157.0 32.1 MS Missouri 1,495.2 360.1 1,135.1 789.0 347.7 155.6 52.5 105.9 314.0 33.7 MO Montana 176.6 13.2 163.4 110.6 52.8 22.6 11.0 13.8 47.4 5.4 MT Nebraska 438.0 41.9 396.1 270.0 130.1 53.8 30.5 38.8 123.1 7.0 NE Nevada 689.5 84.5 605.0 446.3 159.3 64.1 51.2 20.5 135.8 23.5 NV New Hampshire 399.1 20.7 378.4 250.7 127.7 44.1 21.1 40.6 105.8 21.9 NH New Jersey 3,003.9 218.2 2,785.7 1,903.5 882.4 370.8 124.9 288.5 784.2 98.2 NJ New Mexico 495.3 40.7 454.6 322.3 132.3 70.3 22.0 26.8 119.1 13.2 NM New York 7,726.8 469.0 7,257.8 4,923.2 2,334.3 755.0 218.2 1,084.9 2,058.1 276.1 NY North Carolina 2,303.5 296.7 2,006.8 1,454.8 555.8 278.1 75.3 112.8 466.2 89.7 NC North Dakota 98.4 7.3 91.1 61.2 29.9 11.2 6.9 9.0 27.1 2.8 ND Ohio 3,026.7 319.4 2,707.3 2,024.9 682.8 311.5 155.9 135.9 603.3 79.5 OH Oklahoma 818.2 144.5 673.7 482.5 192.0 94.6 27.9 52.0 174.5 17.4 OK Oregon 964.6 86.8 877.8 626.9 250.9 119.0 44.1 55.1 218.2 32.8 OR Pennsylvania 3,525.1 237.0 3,288.1 2,393.2 895.1 415.5 104.0 271.7 791.2 103.9 PA Rhode Island 295.3 19.4 275.9 193.4 82.4 34.6 9.0 25.6 69.2 13.3 RI South Carolina 917.9 101.6 816.2 599.5 217.1 112.9 24.6 43.3 180.8 36.4 SC South Dakota 119.4 9.5 109.9 75.1 34.8 15.7 6.6 9.7 32.0 2.9 SD Tennessee 1,468.6 191.5 1,277.0 921.9 356.0 173.5 41.6 75.5 290.6 65.3 TN Texas 7,151.7 1,171.0 5,980.8 4,317.9 1,669.9 768.2 187.7 563.2 1,519.1 150.9 TX Utah 533.5 40.2 493.3 342.8 150.6 68.3 26.0 41.3 135.6 14.9 UT Vermont 181.0 9.3 171.7 114.6 57.1 23.2 9.3 14.7 47.2 9.9 VT Virginia 2,356.2 170.8 2,185.4 1,570.7 614.6 278.9 96.5 160.2 535.6 79.1 VA Washington 1,823.5 180.1 1,643.4 1,204.9 438.8 211.6 66.6 103.6 381.8 57.0 WA West Virginia 488.1 26.6 461.6 334.7 126.8 63.5 22.4 26.3 112.2 14.5 WV Wisconsin 1,067.4 133.8 933.6 702.2 231.9 103.4 45.8 57.4 206.6 25.4 WI Wyoming 144.9 10.1 134.8 93.2 41.6 22.9 7.9 7.2 38.0 3.7 WY Puerto Rico 1,031.7 353.6 678.1 492.0 186.1 107.8 52.2 10.4 170.4 15.8 PR 93 See notes following Table 2.17. 99 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2. 13 - Taxes o f Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers for the Year Ended December 31, 2004 (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) Re gional Bell O perating Com paniesMid- Sized Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Com panies Federal Income Taxes Total Other Taxes Federal, State, and Other Taxes Total Sub jectState Interstate Total Sub jectState Interstate Total Sub jectState Interstate tototo Se parationsSe parationsSe parations All Reporting Cos. $3,160,200 $4,076,100 $1,474,500 $2,587,300 $4,216,300 $4,319,700 $2,704,800 $1,615,000 $1,153,400 $960,100 $530,500 $383,100 Bell Operating Cos. 3,160,200 4,076,100 1,474,500 2,587,300 4,216,300 4,319,700 2,704,800 1,615,000 NA NA NA NA All Other Cos. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1,153,400 960,100 530,500 383,100 Alabama 102,100 136,400 97,300 38,900 50,700 54,400 39,000 15,400 39,100 25,100 14,000 8,700 AL Arizona 16,400 (2,100) (45,100) 42,700 56,200 66,200 (15,800) 82,000 AZ Arkansas 71,800 62,400 36,900 25,400 26,700 26,100 19,600 6,500 AR California 666,800 722,000 294,900 425,300 354,900 350,400 203,900 146,500 21,000 13,800 8,900 4,800 CA Colorado 86,700 124,300 34,300 90,000 65,300 61,700 40,500 21,200 CO Connecticut 73,400 79,500 32,200 47,100 56,900 56,900 35,300 21,600 CT Delaware 18,500 23,300 6,800 16,500 11,500 11,300 5,100 6,200 DE District of Columbia 20,400 33,900 17,100 16,800 54,700 53,600 29,600 24,000 DC Florida 278,700 414,700 194,100 219,700 188,800 196,400 119,200 77,200 142,600 135,600 54,300 81,300 FL Georgia 47,600 187,200 98,600 88,000 108,400 260,700 148,900 111,800 45,700 39,200 32,100 5,600 GA Hawaii (24,300) 5,900 (3,100) 9,000 37,000 13,600 (14,600) 28,200 HI Idaho 41,200 38,800 13,600 24,200 11,800 11,500 6,200 5,300 ID Illinois 221,700 209,300 80,000 128,000 101,100 102,300 62,900 39,400 IL Indiana 101,500 83,700 32,500 50,800 107,300 108,000 61,200 46,800 30,700 26,900 16,800 10,100 IN Iowa 17,000 19,900 (1,100) 21,000 36,200 38,600 18,500 20,000 7,200 26,100 18,800 7,300 IA Kansas 45,000 43,200 16,900 26,100 61,600 59,700 41,500 18,200 KS Kentucky 46,000 68,400 44,300 23,900 34,800 37,700 27,800 9,900 86,700 92,100 63,800 22,700 KY Louisiana 89,400 124,000 80,700 43,000 69,800 74,700 55,100 19,500 LA Maine 7,600 15,900 7,000 9,000 26,400 25,600 12,400 13,200 ME Maryland 65,500 64,100 11,600 52,500 168,200 165,200 106,300 58,900 MD Massachusetts (91,400) (87,800) (86,500) (1,200) 40,100 40,400 28,600 11,800 MA Michigan 145,900 171,900 81,800 89,300 119,600 121,000 86,700 34,300 MI Minnesota 42,200 55,900 12,200 43,700 28,400 36,600 8,900 27,700 MN Mississippi 85,700 115,600 96,100 19,400 47,200 46,400 34,800 11,600 MS Missouri 121,100 113,900 61,000 52,300 119,500 117,300 89,800 27,500 34,300 31,400 20,200 11,200 MO Montana 19,700 21,900 12,500 9,300 16,900 16,700 11,000 5,700 MT Nebraska 8,400 20,800 9,100 11,700 20,900 13,400 8,400 5,000 28,100 18,300 14,100 2,800 NE Nevada 3,400 5,700 (5,000) 10,500 8,800 8,400 7,000 1,400 11,400 12,200 (9,000) 21,200 NV New Hampshire 4,600 7,200 (1,500) 8,700 4,100 4,100 3,000 1,000 NH New Jersey 125,000 123,700 500 123,100 107,100 109,200 53,300 55,900 15,400 15,600 2,200 13,400 NJ New Mexico 23,600 36,800 10,900 25,900 20,700 20,900 14,300 6,600 6,700 (18,500) (21,600) 3,100 NM New York (467,900) (375,600) (261,900) (113,500) 571,600 559,100 373,800 185,300 79,700 81,900 36,200 7,800 NY North Carolina 72,500 114,000 57,100 55,700 46,900 50,500 10,600 39,800 150,000 142,200 83,900 58,400 NC North Dakota 11,100 12,700 5,900 6,900 (1,100) (1,000) (1,500) 400 ND Ohio 138,300 130,800 61,600 68,600 162,600 161,000 114,200 46,800 168,800 179,400 128,200 51,000 OH Oklahoma 77,300 73,100 40,600 32,300 61,700 60,900 43,500 17,400 6,300 6,600 4,000 2,600 OK Oregon 36,000 46,800 (7,200) 54,100 56,100 56,500 37,400 19,100 4,500 5,000 2,200 2,800 OR Pennsylvania 112,000 171,200 28,800 142,300 171,800 166,100 78,200 87,900 118,600 115,100 93,200 21,900 PA Rhode Island (18,000) (16,300) (16,700) 400 30,700 29,800 19,900 10,000 RI South Carolina 51,000 82,400 47,900 34,300 60,200 56,800 44,300 12,500 SC South Dakota 5,900 6,400 1,200 5,200 5,600 5,400 3,400 2,000 SD Tennessee 84,500 121,900 74,300 47,200 53,100 56,600 38,400 18,200 13,100 12,600 4,300 8,300 TN Texas 306,700 317,000 180,000 134,500 427,400 423,500 337,700 85,800 86,600 (34,700) (54,300) 19,600 TX Utah 18,900 30,500 1,400 29,100 29,400 29,200 17,900 11,200 UT Vermont 8,100 6,600 1,700 4,900 10,600 10,400 7,000 3,400 VT Virginia 59,600 125,800 12,800 113,000 104,300 103,900 49,200 54,800 29,900 27,400 14,200 13,200 VA Washington 53,900 89,200 (22,000) 111,000 95,500 93,300 77,800 15,500 27,200 18,200 9,600 8,600 WA West Virginia 27,100 23,800 8,400 15,500 40,700 39,900 25,900 14,000 WV Wisconsin 86,800 60,600 16,900 43,600 55,500 54,300 35,200 19,200 WI Wyoming 15,300 14,800 3,000 11,700 4,600 4,500 3,700 800 WY Puerto Rico 67,700 50,100 39,900 10,300 PR See notes following Table 2.17. 94 100 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.14 - Total Plant in Service of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carrier s as of December 31, 2004 (Dollar Amounts Shown in Millions) Total Non- Subject to State Interstate Access Billing and Regulated Separations Collection andCommon Traffic Special Total and Adjustments Line Sensitive Interexchange All Reporting Cos. $400,456.2 $10,548.4 $389,907.7 $279,826.9 $110,080.8 $55,797.8 $18,603.0 $34,593.3 $108,994.1 $1,086.7 Bell Operating Cos. 368,239.3 9,740.9 358,498.4 255,959.9 102,538.5 51,300.1 16,659.3 33,546.6 101,506.0 1,032.5 All Other Cos. 32,216.9 807.5 31,409.4 23,867.0 7,542.4 4,497.7 1,943.7 1,046.7 7,488.1 54.2 Alabama 6,432.7 297.4 6,135.3 4,553.1 1,582.2 1,003.2 202.4 346.6 1,552.2 30.0 AL Arizona 6,819.7 141.6 6,678.1 4,840.0 1,838.0 1,134.6 245.5 454.2 1,834.3 3.8 AZ Arkansas 2,530.9 31.4 2,499.4 1,802.9 696.6 427.9 101.1 164.8 693.8 2.8 AR California 46,667.2 1,811.8 44,855.5 33,260.3 11,595.2 5,706.4 2,528.7 3,267.6 11,502.7 92.5 CA Colorado 8,193.8 215.8 7,978.0 5,763.1 2,214.9 1,291.4 337.8 572.9 2,202.1 12.8 CO Connecticut 5,112.3 8.3 5,104.0 3,570.7 1,533.3 630.8 502.4 398.4 1,531.6 1.6 CT Delaware 1,207.2 19.1 1,188.1 808.8 379.3 191.0 49.8 137.1 377.9 1.4 DE District of Columbia 2,217.1 99.9 2,117.2 1,262.0 855.2 173.2 185.8 483.2 842.2 13.0 DC Florida 25,611.5 949.6 24,661.9 18,039.0 6,622.9 4,128.7 904.6 1,524.0 6,557.3 65.5 FL Georgia 14,000.8 839.8 13,161.0 9,374.0 3,787.0 2,156.4 511.3 1,050.4 3,718.1 69.0 GA Hawaii 1,950.2 36.6 1,913.6 1,436.4 477.2 255.6 63.0 152.4 471.0 6.1 HI Idaho 1,720.6 37.6 1,683.0 1,149.6 533.4 279.8 108.6 144.1 532.5 1.0 ID Illinois 15,135.0 292.1 14,842.9 11,342.8 3,500.2 1,778.3 1,094.4 601.4 3,474.1 26.1 IL Indiana 7,415.8 119.7 7,296.1 5,448.7 1,847.5 1,067.6 325.8 437.9 1,831.3 16.2 IN Iowa 3,220.3 69.4 3,150.9 2,218.3 932.6 442.3 204.4 282.8 929.5 3.1 IA Kansas 3,004.7 44.1 2,960.6 2,058.8 901.8 464.1 148.8 283.0 895.9 5.8 KS Kentucky 5,288.1 141.7 5,146.4 3,808.6 1,337.7 830.6 202.4 294.6 1,327.6 10.2 KY Louisiana 5,644.5 192.5 5,451.9 4,095.0 1,356.9 899.9 165.4 276.8 1,342.1 14.8 LA Maine 1,861.7 22.6 1,839.1 1,304.5 534.6 249.8 87.9 178.7 516.4 18.2 ME Maryland 8,134.4 222.1 7,912.2 5,349.0 2,563.2 1,038.1 411.0 1,103.3 2,552.4 10.8 MD Massachusetts 10,958.0 122.8 10,835.1 6,990.7 3,844.4 1,184.2 588.6 1,990.1 3,762.9 81.5 MA Michigan 12,892.3 201.0 12,691.3 9,790.0 2,901.3 1,719.8 637.4 525.6 2,882.8 18.5 MI Minnesota 5,073.4 99.7 4,973.7 3,523.1 1,450.6 692.4 225.8 526.5 1,444.7 5.9 MN Mississippi 3,847.0 145.4 3,701.6 2,745.4 956.2 652.3 118.7 173.1 944.1 12.1 MS Missouri 6,968.2 146.8 6,821.4 4,767.8 2,053.6 1,029.9 327.7 678.2 2,035.8 17.8 MO Montana 935.8 11.2 924.6 620.7 303.9 145.0 67.3 91.0 303.3 0.6 MT Nebraska 2,272.7 33.8 2,238.9 1,520.5 718.4 297.1 176.5 240.3 713.9 4.5 NE Nevada 2,652.8 15.0 2,637.8 1,967.8 670.0 338.1 234.7 92.6 665.4 4.5 NV New Hampshire 2,119.6 5.7 2,113.8 1,392.7 721.1 299.6 135.3 263.6 698.5 22.6 NH New Jersey 13,281.8 155.0 13,126.8 8,886.0 4,240.7 1,893.4 671.3 1,653.8 4,218.5 22.2 NJ New Mexico 2,582.2 65.0 2,517.3 1,765.7 751.6 426.6 139.4 183.6 749.6 2.0 NM New York 31,118.2 661.7 30,456.5 20,529.8 9,926.8 3,486.9 1,062.8 5,156.1 9,705.8 220.9 NY North Carolina 11,696.9 398.5 11,298.4 8,265.0 3,033.4 1,806.9 463.0 728.7 2,998.6 34.8 NC North Dakota 550.5 8.5 542.1 358.3 183.7 76.8 43.5 62.9 183.2 0.5 ND Ohio 14,152.7 281.2 13,871.5 10,393.2 3,478.3 1,782.9 905.8 757.4 3,446.1 32.3 OH Oklahoma 4,025.6 58.3 3,967.3 2,837.9 1,129.4 619.6 179.3 323.8 1,122.7 6.8 OK Oregon 4,726.1 86.2 4,639.8 3,301.2 1,338.7 742.1 246.5 344.8 1,333.4 5.3 OR Pennsylvania 16,574.1 245.0 16,329.0 11,755.6 4,573.4 2,321.8 515.7 1,715.4 4,552.9 20.5 PA Rhode Island 1,258.5 14.8 1,243.7 872.5 371.2 179.8 51.2 130.8 361.8 9.4 RI South Carolina 4,481.7 142.2 4,339.5 3,181.6 1,157.9 739.5 135.4 274.2 1,149.1 8.9 SC South Dakota 744.1 16.3 727.8 487.5 240.4 117.5 45.7 76.4 239.6 0.8 SD Tennessee 6,854.5 239.7 6,614.8 4,855.5 1,759.3 1,061.5 219.0 454.1 1,734.6 24.5 TN Texas 31,814.6 554.3 31,260.2 22,021.9 9,238.3 4,682.7 1,108.8 3,388.3 9,179.8 58.4 TX Utah 2,934.2 63.3 2,871.0 1,990.7 880.3 440.2 162.9 272.4 875.5 4.8 UT Vermont 1,061.0 (0.9) 1,061.9 734.0 327.9 153.2 66.7 89.5 309.4 18.6 VT Virginia 10,824.2 244.2 10,580.0 7,509.1 3,070.9 1,582.6 522.5 949.0 3,054.1 16.8 VA Washington 9,475.2 184.7 9,290.5 6,803.8 2,486.7 1,367.0 416.0 692.7 2,475.7 10.9 WA West Virginia 2,285.1 35.0 2,250.1 1,612.6 637.5 342.5 127.3 163.9 633.7 3.8 WV Wisconsin 5,039.6 85.5 4,954.0 3,667.9 1,286.1 682.2 270.7 322.3 1,275.2 11.0 WI Wyoming 825.5 5.0 820.4 564.1 256.3 156.1 49.7 50.0 255.8 0.5 WY Puerto Rico 4,261.7 630.4 3,631.2 2,628.3 1,002.9 627.9 306.7 68.1 1,002.7 0.1 PR 95 See notes following Table 2.17. 101 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.15 - Total Other Investments of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 (Dollar Amounts Shown in Millions) Total Non- Subject to State Interstate Access Billing and Regulated Separations Collection andCommon Traffic Special Total and Adjustments Line Sensitive Interexchange All Reporting Cos. ($ 1,901.1) $6,122.7 ($ 8,023.8) ($ 8,798.3) $4,609.1 $2,486.9 $764.4 $1,316.0 $4,567.3 $41.8 Bell Operating Cos. (2,654.1) 5,630.0 (8,284.1) (8,958.1) 4,435.7 2,366.2 737.6 1,291.6 4,395.4 40.2 All Other Cos. 752.9 492.6 260.3 159.8 173.5 120.6 26.9 24.5 172.0 1.5 Alabama 215.6 273.0 (57.4) (90.8) 95.1 59.2 11.7 22.0 92.9 2.1 AL Arizona (2,732.2) (2,274.1) (458.1) (468.1) 17.0 10.5 2.4 4.1 17.0 AZ Arkansas (65.2) 8.7 (73.9) (75.6) (1.9) (1.2) (0.3) (0.5) (2.0) AR California (791.2) 365.2 (1,156.4) (1,245.1) 713.3 367.8 136.4 203.9 708.1 5.2 CA Colorado 1,636.9 1,291.5 345.4 316.5 50.0 29.3 7.7 12.8 49.8 0.3 CO Connecticut 66.7 42.4 24.3 19.7 95.0 39.1 31.1 24.7 94.9 0.1 CT Delaware 59.6 34.3 25.3 23.1 13.5 6.8 1.8 4.9 13.5 DE District of Columbia (68.7) 46.1 (114.8) (118.1) 26.4 5.3 5.7 14.9 25.9 0.4 DC Florida 894.7 639.0 255.7 208.2 325.9 204.0 37.1 81.7 322.8 3.1 FL Georgia 271.3 504.9 (233.6) (255.8) 177.3 100.9 23.3 49.8 174.0 3.3 GA Hawaii 25.4 19.1 6.3 4.4 108.9 58.3 14.4 34.8 107.5 1.4 HI Idaho 539.7 577.8 (38.1) (40.5) 16.7 9.5 3.4 3.9 16.8 ID Illinois (484.9) 52.5 (537.4) (556.7) 303.2 162.8 84.9 53.2 300.9 2.3 IL Indiana (1,537.8) (885.2) (652.6) (664.7) 147.6 87.7 23.4 35.1 146.2 1.4 IN Iowa 14.8 14.2 0.6 (10.2) 10.0 5.0 2.4 2.6 10.0 IA Kansas 43.9 10.9 32.9 30.2 (3.4) (1.7) (0.6) (1.1) (3.4) KS Kentucky 76.9 106.4 (29.5) (37.4) 46.8 28.9 6.5 11.0 46.4 0.5 KY Louisiana 349.1 169.2 179.9 175.2 74.7 49.5 9.1 15.2 73.8 0.8 LA Maine 144.7 144.7 (2.2) (0.1) ME Maryland (420.0) 144.5 (564.6) (589.5) 110.0 44.5 17.6 47.4 109.5 0.5 MD Massachusetts (380.5) (233.6) (146.9) (185.0) 92.3 28.4 14.1 47.8 90.3 2.0 MA Michigan (1,048.1) 303.3 (1,351.4) (1,366.7) 252.9 158.7 49.1 43.6 251.4 1.5 MI Minnesota (138.0) 109.7 (247.8) (253.8) 27.7 13.3 4.3 10.0 27.6 0.1 MN Mississippi 165.6 130.1 35.5 31.4 53.5 36.5 6.6 9.7 52.8 0.7 MS Missouri (307.4) (28.9) (278.5) (286.5) 6.9 4.8 2.0 0.2 7.0 MO Montana 422.6 374.4 48.2 47.1 3.5 1.7 0.8 1.1 3.6 MT Nebraska 445.0 455.5 (10.5) (13.8) 11.8 4.9 2.9 3.9 11.7 0.1 NE Nevada 26.5 (15.9) 42.4 34.2 22.4 11.3 7.4 3.5 22.2 0.2 NV New Hampshire 156.5 165.9 (9.3) (12.8) 1.3 0.5 0.2 0.5 1.2 NH New Jersey (1,890.0) 73.6 (1,963.6) (1,985.7) 199.1 89.4 31.8 76.9 198.1 1.1 NJ New Mexico 690.1 604.0 86.1 81.4 12.6 6.9 2.7 2.9 12.5 NM New York 1,901.3 1,433.7 467.7 379.3 204.7 71.0 21.3 107.8 200.1 4.6 NY North Carolina 224.6 158.9 65.7 47.4 119.6 70.5 15.6 32.0 118.1 1.5 NC North Dakota 211.0 236.1 (25.1) (25.7) 4.2 1.8 1.0 1.4 4.2 ND Ohio 298.1 230.0 68.1 49.9 253.3 139.8 59.5 51.9 251.2 2.1 OH Oklahoma 15.9 (2.5) 18.4 12.8 (0.5) (0.7) 0.4 (0.2) (0.5) OK Oregon (798.3) (887.1) 88.8 83.0 44.6 24.9 8.3 11.2 44.4 0.2 OR Pennsylvania 506.3 749.7 (243.4) (287.0) 275.2 147.0 30.2 96.7 273.9 1.3 PA Rhode Island (16.9) 100.6 (117.5) (119.6) 2.7 1.3 0.4 1.0 2.7 0.1 RI South Carolina 47.7 83.1 (35.4) (38.0) 50.8 32.4 6.0 12.0 50.4 0.4 SC South Dakota 21.2 77.4 (56.2) (57.0) 3.0 1.5 0.6 1.0 3.1 SD Tennessee 13.6 207.4 (193.8) (201.2) 81.9 49.3 10.0 21.5 80.8 1.1 TN Texas (573.7) 81.5 (655.2) (733.9) 197.1 109.8 25.4 60.6 195.8 1.3 TX Utah 449.6 399.8 49.8 46.2 13.9 7.0 2.6 4.2 13.8 0.1 UT Vermont (26.1) 70.2 (96.3) (99.4) 2.4 1.1 0.5 0.6 2.2 0.1 VT Virginia (53.9) 225.0 (278.9) (296.8) 111.8 57.0 18.8 35.5 111.3 0.6 VA Washington 71.4 (412.8) 484.2 473.1 78.0 61.3 (8.3) 24.5 77.5 0.4 WA West Virginia (86.7) 23.7 (110.4) (114.7) 25.0 13.4 5.0 6.4 24.8 0.1 WV Wisconsin (737.7) (112.3) (625.4) (629.7) 109.4 62.2 21.1 25.2 108.5 0.9 WI Wyoming 37.4 68.0 (30.6) (31.3) 5.0 3.1 1.0 1.0 5.1 WY Puerto Rico 212.5 168.8 43.7 31.8 17.0 10.7 5.1 1.1 16.9 PR 96 See notes following Table 2.17. 102 (Dollar Amounts Shown in Millions) Total Subject to State Interstate Access Billing and Separations Collection Common Traffic Special Total and Line Sensitive Interexchange All Reporting Cos. $312,025.5 $18,853.5 $293,172.0 $209,580.8 $83,591.2 $42,317.2 $14,166.4 $26,440.7 $82,924.3 $666.9 Bell Operating Cos. 288,274.2 17,530.6 270,743.6 192,639.9 78,103.6 39,050.9 12,731.7 25,692.0 77,474.6 629.0 All Other Cos. 23,751.3 1,322.9 22,428.4 16,940.8 5,487.6 3,266.3 1,434.7 748.7 5,449.7 37.9 Alabama 4,882.4 446.2 4,436.2 3,260.1 1,176.1 733.4 152.4 273.9 1,159.7 16.4 AL Arizona 4,675.3 260.9 4,414.4 3,136.5 1,277.9 771.6 168.7 335.4 1,275.7 2.2 AZ Arkansas 1,965.8 53.2 1,912.6 1,366.5 546.1 344.3 68.8 131.7 544.8 1.3 AR California 38,853.8 1,384.2 37,469.6 27,907.2 9,562.4 4,795.5 2,033.4 2,663.3 9,492.2 70.2 CA Colorado 6,167.9 373.7 5,794.2 4,202.3 1,591.9 923.4 231.2 427.6 1,582.2 9.7 CO Connecticut 3,943.7 52.0 3,891.7 2,712.0 1,179.7 488.9 377.0 313.0 1,178.9 0.8 CT Delaware 951.2 54.8 896.4 612.7 283.7 141.2 38.5 103.3 283.0 0.7 DE District of Columbia 1,631.1 170.7 1,460.4 855.1 605.3 126.8 132.3 338.1 597.2 8.2 DC Florida 20,066.3 1,532.7 18,533.7 13,531.9 5,001.7 3,086.6 691.4 1,187.4 4,965.4 36.3 FL Georgia 9,944.9 1,203.0 8,741.8 6,200.5 2,541.3 1,443.1 356.3 712.1 2,511.5 29.8 GA Hawaii 1,541.1 62.9 1,478.2 1,111.2 367.0 195.9 51.5 116.1 363.5 3.5 HI Idaho 1,343.1 97.4 1,245.7 843.4 402.3 208.6 79.4 113.8 401.8 0.5 ID Illinois 11,843.2 390.8 11,452.4 8,693.2 2,759.2 1,388.1 867.0 490.0 2,745.1 14.0 IL Indiana 5,798.2 55.6 5,742.6 4,250.3 1,492.3 864.5 257.8 358.9 1,481.2 11.1 IN Iowa 2,417.3 104.2 2,313.1 1,599.0 714.1 330.9 154.3 227.4 712.6 1.5 IA Kansas 2,351.9 50.7 2,301.2 1,588.3 712.9 369.8 112.3 228.1 710.2 2.6 KS Kentucky 4,095.1 314.2 3,780.9 2,779.1 1,001.7 614.8 150.3 231.0 996.1 5.7 KY Louisiana 4,855.2 390.5 4,464.7 3,373.1 1,091.6 723.0 131.8 228.7 1,083.5 8.2 LA Maine 1,404.4 12.7 1,391.7 995.5 396.2 183.7 67.5 131.7 382.9 13.4 ME Maryland 6,114.7 396.6 5,718.1 3,779.9 1,938.2 774.5 320.2 836.9 1,931.6 6.5 MD Massachusetts 9,106.6 956.7 8,149.9 5,269.5 2,880.4 902.4 445.3 1,473.2 2,820.9 59.5 MA Michigan 10,125.6 388.8 9,736.8 7,387.8 2,349.0 1,381.1 516.7 441.5 2,339.3 9.6 MI Minnesota 3,779.1 159.0 3,620.1 2,523.7 1,096.3 510.0 171.0 412.3 1,093.3 3.1 MN Mississippi 3,148.8 288.4 2,860.5 2,104.7 755.8 506.1 92.4 149.9 748.4 7.5 MS Missouri 5,168.0 192.3 4,975.7 3,435.6 1,540.1 789.4 230.7 512.0 1,532.1 8.0 MO Montana 765.5 12.3 753.2 507.3 245.9 116.2 53.7 75.7 245.6 0.3 MT Nebraska 1,964.8 136.2 1,828.6 1,230.5 598.1 243.6 143.2 208.0 594.8 3.3 NE Nevada 1,941.9 62.8 1,879.1 1,386.5 492.6 227.5 191.5 71.5 490.5 2.1 NV New Hampshire 1,494.0 6.4 1,487.6 970.8 516.8 214.1 99.3 187.7 501.1 15.6 NH New Jersey 9,514.8 387.0 9,127.8 5,913.3 3,214.5 1,405.2 503.5 1,292.1 3,200.8 13.7 NJ New Mexico 2,016.9 54.3 1,962.5 1,383.7 578.9 333.2 102.3 142.0 577.5 1.4 NM New York 25,700.7 3,344.1 22,356.5 15,096.8 7,259.7 2,508.5 800.2 3,804.8 7,113.5 146.3 NY North Carolina 9,042.0 662.5 8,379.5 6,116.5 2,263.1 1,335.4 359.2 547.4 2,242.0 21.1 NC North Dakota 451.0 13.8 437.2 284.7 152.5 63.7 35.3 53.2 152.2 0.3 ND Ohio 11,351.6 485.2 10,866.3 8,120.1 2,746.3 1,414.7 710.5 602.0 2,727.2 19.1 OH Oklahoma 3,202.5 92.8 3,109.7 2,205.7 904.0 521.8 122.6 256.3 900.7 3.3 OK Oregon 3,497.0 169.8 3,327.1 2,373.4 953.8 523.6 174.1 253.2 950.9 2.9 OR Pennsylvania 13,152.5 728.4 12,424.1 8,918.7 3,505.4 1,778.5 405.4 1,310.6 3,494.5 11.0 PA Rhode Island 915.8 25.2 890.7 614.8 275.8 135.3 38.6 95.5 269.4 6.4 RI South Carolina 3,583.6 309.3 3,274.3 2,404.0 870.3 553.9 103.7 208.0 865.6 4.7 SC South Dakota 557.0 22.3 534.7 351.2 183.5 89.4 33.5 60.1 183.0 0.4 SD Tennessee 5,218.2 479.6 4,738.5 3,440.3 1,298.2 761.9 167.1 354.4 1,283.4 14.8 TN Texas 23,642.0 640.6 23,001.4 16,150.2 6,851.3 3,525.7 786.9 2,510.2 6,822.8 28.4 TX Utah 2,195.3 134.8 2,060.5 1,433.4 627.1 311.2 116.2 196.3 623.7 3.4 UT Vermont 748.7 (9.3) 758.1 514.6 243.5 113.8 50.2 65.6 229.6 13.9 VT Virginia 7,957.5 430.5 7,527.0 5,318.8 2,208.2 1,105.1 386.5 707.2 2,198.8 9.4 VA Washington 6,942.5 309.0 6,633.5 4,848.6 1,784.9 992.2 278.4 508.0 1,778.6 6.3 WA West Virginia 1,856.1 85.8 1,770.3 1,259.2 511.1 275.3 102.3 131.1 508.7 2.3 WV Wisconsin 3,581.7 26.3 3,555.3 2,560.8 994.5 515.8 210.3 262.7 988.8 5.8 WI Wyoming 681.9 19.4 662.4 451.7 210.8 129.6 38.1 42.7 210.4 0.3 WY Puerto Rico 3,875.3 832.0 3,043.4 2,206.2 837.2 524.3 255.6 57.2 837.1 0.1 PR 97 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.16 - Total Reserves of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 See notes following Table 2.17. Non-Regulated and Adjustments 103 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 2.17 - Billable Access Lines and Switched Traffic- Sensitive Minutes of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers as of December 31, 2004 Billable Access Lines Switched Traffic-Residence BusinessSensitive Minutes (Thousands) Lifeline Non- Lifeline Single Line Multiline Non-PremiumPremium All Reporting Cos. 6,242,312 83,311,267 3,116,912 38,805,636 99,301 131,575,428 393,753,197 148 Bell Operating Cos. 5,903,532 74,777,818 2,606,392 36,187,615 95,487 119,570,844 352,479,770 146 All Other Cos. 338,780 8,533,449 510,520 2,618,021 3,814 12,004,584 41,273,427 2 Alabama 21,018 1,281,893 46,138 407,491 609 1,757,149 5,555,774 AL Arizona 17,812 1,464,236 42,000 674,746 1,854 2,200,648 7,283,296 AZ Arkansas 13,438 498,088 21,116 239,739 724 773,105 2,790,455 AR California 2,851,142 8,898,510 329,208 6,310,932 3,084 18,392,876 41,545,183 CA Colorado 28,564 1,549,486 52,696 659,227 2,001 2,291,974 7,677,390 CO Connecticut 54,327 1,319,347 30,820 562,360 120 1,966,974 7,722,130 CT Delaware 2,662 313,988 7,583 139,548 885 464,666 1,723,388 DE District of Columbia 10,832 219,825 4,339 495,923 572 731,491 2,282,194 DC Florida 149,131 6,559,930 204,385 2,237,033 3,037 9,153,516 30,501,802 FL Georgia 60,788 2,191,847 93,266 993,907 69 3,339,877 11,728,807 GA Hawaii 7,873 427,037 17,338 194,350 447 647,045 1,627,103 HI Idaho 26,237 403,786 18,568 176,285 337 625,213 2,169,636 ID Illinois 80,436 3,424,003 143,875 2,028,563 2,648 5,679,525 15,626,734 IL Indiana 51,135 1,878,810 71,512 847,699 1,275 2,850,431 7,753,202 IN Iowa 39,469 754,765 30,252 292,290 340 1,117,116 3,812,211 IA Kansas 17,627 574,766 22,516 273,907 377 889,193 3,208,955 KS Kentucky 49,534 1,109,757 45,373 402,381 398 1,607,443 4,965,301 KY Louisiana 19,509 1,255,600 39,269 468,541 36 1,782,955 5,082,167 LA Maine 59,002 338,146 17,379 131,919 917 547,363 1,722,772 ME Maryland 4,478 1,960,371 37,822 1,016,313 1,482 3,020,466 10,124,632 29 MD Massachusetts 126,077 2,028,879 86,483 1,032,228 6,152 3,279,819 10,083,441 MA Michigan 93,081 2,407,153 104,342 1,417,084 1,576 4,023,236 9,661,672 MI Minnesota 35,503 1,103,975 28,469 453,805 1,077 1,622,829 4,483,678 5 MN Mississippi 23,215 720,892 29,481 265,615 96 1,039,299 3,876,493 MS Missouri 33,368 1,580,741 53,603 579,775 1,164 2,248,651 6,999,242 41 MO Montana 8,337 221,624 10,861 90,534 221 331,577 1,187,387 MT Nebraska 12,491 319,577 15,504 201,763 223 549,558 1,834,588 NE Nevada 45,145 800,252 23,943 343,668 1,284 1,214,292 5,607,688 NV New Hampshire 6,255 430,335 19,402 145,332 244 601,568 2,351,070 NH New Jersey 121,827 3,040,355 68,606 1,564,191 8,211 4,803,190 15,611,385 NJ New Mexico 43,559 567,756 23,747 229,942 604 865,608 3,112,523 4 NM New York 401,098 4,793,602 200,528 2,600,515 22,761 8,018,504 24,238,096 NY North Carolina 110,129 2,670,209 138,168 905,806 1,185 3,825,497 12,197,110 NC North Dakota 6,456 86,838 3,788 39,890 55 137,027 475,348 8 ND Ohio 284,471 3,370,391 130,791 1,378,102 1,077 5,164,832 13,771,970 OH Oklahoma 74,795 867,425 38,216 352,045 899 1,333,380 4,618,327 7 OK Oregon 41,229 1,106,729 46,449 362,403 4,630 1,561,440 4,950,915 OR Pennsylvania 154,548 4,260,480 141,573 1,500,320 5,813 6,062,734 18,107,000 1 PA Rhode Island 39,380 252,330 10,471 115,805 470 418,456 1,343,278 RI South Carolina 17,646 983,487 32,086 332,362 295 1,365,876 4,507,356 SC South Dakota 5,731 91,737 4,699 65,138 217 167,522 604,061 SD Tennessee 40,467 1,659,619 48,471 492,482 63 2,241,102 6,883,122 2 TN Texas 612,921 5,626,877 215,548 2,592,482 10,323 9,058,151 25,161,501 39 TX Utah 18,272 564,565 17,692 249,274 527 850,330 2,753,341 UT Vermont 19,200 201,396 9,295 81,868 728 312,487 1,164,743 VT Virginia 20,603 2,370,505 60,764 1,170,614 2,063 3,624,549 12,679,244 VA Washington 108,953 2,123,805 82,602 791,212 4,170 3,110,742 8,942,548 2 WA West Virginia 4,209 553,195 13,558 142,458 71 713,491 2,743,353 9 WV Wisconsin 54,840 1,176,355 43,057 554,364 464 1,829,080 4,807,352 WI Wyoming 3,729 127,085 7,485 77,531 192 216,022 866,521 1 WY Puerto Rico 109,763 778,907 131,775 123,874 1,234 1,145,553 3,225,712 PR 98 Total Billable Access Lines See notes following this table. Subject to Special Access Surcharge 104 Notes for Tables 2.9 through 2.17 NA - Not Applicable. or which it is under common control, are less than $7.403 billion. Individual carrier ARMIS Report 43- 01 filing instructions, forms, data as well as footnotes can be found on the Internet at www. fcc. gov/ wcb/ armis/. lines and minutes of use. Information presented in these tables was received from 13 companies for 124 study areas representing 49 states (excluding Alaska) plus the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Data for all tables are derived from the 2004 calendar- year submissions by the companies. Detail may not match totals because of necessary rounding. element names for these reasons: 1. Some companies may interpret the Commission's instructions differently. 3. Some companies may discover discrepancies in their data and refile data for one ARMIS report but not for others. reporting requirements. The thirteen companies or groups of companies that filed ARMIS 43- 01 data from which these tables were derived are: Regional Bell Operating Companies and Codes for Table 2.8 Mid- Sized Incumbent LECs and Codes for Table 2.9 1. BellSouth Corporation (BS) 5. ALLTEL Subsidiaries (AL) 2. Qwest Corporation (Q) 6. CenturyTel 3. SBC Communications Inc. (SBC) 7. Cincinnati Bell Telephone Co. 4. Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) 8. Citizens Communications Company Subsidiaries (C) 9. Commonwealth Telephone Company 10. Iowa Telecommunications 11. Sprint Subsidiaries (S) 12. SureWest Telephone 13. Valor Telecommunications 99 ments for mid- sized incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) beginning in the 1999 reporting year. A mid- sized carrier is a carrier whose annual operating revenues either individually or when aggregated with those of any ILEC it controls, is controlled by, Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Data for these tables were obtained from the ARMIS (Automated Reporting Management Information System) reports (ARMIS Report 43- 01) filed by incumbent local exchange companies with operating revenues for the year 2004 equal to or in excess of $125 million. The FCC's Phase 1 Accounting Review Order, 14 Rcd 11396 (1999), established streamlined reporting require-Both the Commission and company personnel are working to detect and correct discrepancies in the data and to clarify the Detail and totals shown may not match detail or totals shown elsewhere in this publication or from sources which have similar data 2. Some companies may use different internal databases to compile data for different ARMIS reports. The reports are filed on a study- area basis and include financial and operational data on revenues, expenses, investment, access 105 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Notes for Tables 2.9 through 2.17 - Continued Financial Data The total column reflects the operating results for each of the rows itemized in these tables, and it includes all regulated and nonregulated company operations for each row. These amounts are presented prior to separation between state and interstate jurisdictions. Subtracting all non- regulated and adjustments from the total column gives the subject- to- separations column, whic h reflects that portion of each row that must be allocated between state and interstate jurisdictions pursuant to part 3 6 of the Commission's rules. The state and interstate columns reflect the allocation of the amount in the subject- to- separations column into its stat e and interstate components pursuant to those rules. In some instances, the interstate column also reflects Commission-prescribed adjustments made after the separations process. These adjustments are made only at the interstate level; consequently, the state and interstate columns may not necessarily add up to the subject- to- separations column . All the remaining columns concern the further sub- division of the interstate column amount into various elements pursuant to part 69 of the Commission's rules. The common line access element columns reflect costs that are recovered through subscriber line charges and a carrier common line charge assessed upon all interexchange carriers that use local exchange common line facilities for the provision of interstate or foreign telecommunications services. The traffic- sensitive access element columns reflect costs associated with traffic- sensitive plant engineered to handle the anticipated volume of calls. The switching column reflects that portion of each row associated with the connection of toll lines to toll lines, or toll lines to local central offices, exclusive of equal access costs if the exchange carrier ha s a separate equal access element. The transport column reflects that portion of each line item applicable to charges assessed upon all interexchange carriers who use switching or transport facilities that are apportioned to the transport element or elements for purposes of apportioning net investment. The total traffic sensitive column reflects those amounts that are assigned to the traffic sensitive element and sub- elements pursuant to part 69 of the Commission's rules (The total traffic senstive column equals the total of the switching column plus the transport column plus the traffic -sensitive information: charges assessed upon all interexchange carriers who are connected to assistance boards through interexchange directory assistance trunks.) The special access column reflects that portion of each row applicable to the total of all sub- elements that have been established for the use of equipment or facilities assigned to the special access element for purposes of apportioning ne t investment pursuant to part 69 of the Commission's rules. The total access column reflects the sum of the common line total column, the traffic- sensitive total column, and the special access column. The billing and collection column reflects that portion of each row applicable to billing and collection services. The interexchange column reflects that portion of each row applicable to interexchange services. The mid- sized ILECs do not file rows 1410, 1420, 1490, and 1590 for taxes, but do file row 1595, federal, state, an d other. This is reflected in Tables 2.9, 2.10, and 2.13. 100 106 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Notes for Tables 2.9 through 2.17 - Continued Billable Access Lines Billable access lines are access lines that are billed either the end- user common line charge (EUCL) or the special access surcharge. Billable access lines as reported in the ARMIS Report 43- 01 will differ slightly from switched access lines as reported in the ARMIS Report 43- 08. There are several reasons for this, including different reporting requirements, the interpretation of those requirements by various companies, and the methods different companies use to calculate the number of lines. The majority of the differences come from the fact that 800 and "800 like" access lines and derived ISDN channels are not treated as billable access lines in the ARMIS Report 43- 01, but are included in the count of access lines in the ARMIS Report 43- 08. For terms and definitions of the billable access lines' columns in the table, see 47 CFR § 54.401( a), and § 69.114, respectively, which can be found on the Internet at www. fcc. gov/ wcb/ iatd/ 47cfr. htm l. Company Notes Notes and footnotes submitted by individual carrier with the ARMIS 43- 01 filing explaining any difference in the current data compared with the past can be found in the "Preset Reports" on the Internet at www. fcc. gov/ wcb/ eafs. Traffic- Sensitive Minutes of Use Total premium traffic- sensitive Minutes- of- Use (MOU) are calculated using premium local switching reven and the appropriate rates. MOU are calculated pursuant to § 69.205. All reseller minutes are included. Total non- premium traffic- sensitive MOU are calculated using non- premium local switching revenues and the appropriate rates. MOU are calculated pursuant to § 69.113. 101 107 Part 3 International Telecommunications 108 Table 3.1 - International Message Telephone Service for All U. S. Points for the Year Ending December 31, 2003 <<< 2004 Data Not Available at Time of Publication >>> International Point Number Number U. S. PayoutNumbe rNumbe rNumbe rReceipts Payout ofofCarriers toofoffromoffromto Messages Minutes Revenues Foreign Messages Minute sMinute sForeig nForeig n Carriers Carriers Carriers Andorra 406 1,232 $135 $104 $31 * 1 $*$ 31 Austria 30,182 102,951 24,332 5,943 18,389 6,695 23,831 861 $236 $1 $235 19,486 Belgium 31,448 150,320 47,236 13,095 34,141 17,953 87,701 3,007 3,965 5 3,960 41,108 Cyprus 3,983 15,991 5,878 1,237 4,641 2,777 12,354 288 58 16 42 4,972 Denmark 18,538 76,456 16,573 5,410 11,163 7,320 39,752 1,441 1,633 * 1,633 14,237 Finland 10,999 63,628 10,940 4,682 6,258 5,508 31,092 687 338 1 337 7,282 France 135,654 681,448 170,742 48,271 122,471 59,220 358,680 9,304 17,048 748 16,300 148,075 Germany 420,213 1,501,887 465,211 125,159 340,052 152,013 864,516 16,283 23,855 3,871 19,984 376,319 Gibraltar 526 1,517 536 141 395 82 245 25 * * * 421 Greece 40,995 203,558 46,078 15,008 31,070 9,536 52,321 1,796 42 * 42 32,909 Greenland 225 601 192 247 -55 -55 Iceland 3,178 17,296 5,869 1,151 4,719 1,306 10,866 574 24 * 24 5,317 Ireland 54,183 299,132 59,791 21,487 38,303 14,430 94,382 3,157 1,061 * 1,060 42,521 Italy 168,407 748,584 196,009 82,420 113,590 46,654 217,200 6,350 11,131 322 10,809 130,749 Liechtenstein 1,844 7,271 472 1,061 -589 -589 Luxembourg 8,029 23,617 5,118 844 4,274 2,314 9,819 226 75 * 74 4,574 Malta 5,426 21,857 3,099 2,651 448 231 752 94 * * 542 Netherlands 110,343 495,128 111,368 41,306 70,062 60,655 302,896 9,251 15,889 24 15,865 95,178 Norway 33,067 146,057 28,786 16,679 12,107 9,861 60,008 2,235 861 861 15,204 Portugal 25,125 149,413 31,813 22,586 9,226 5,216 31,347 1,613 9 9 10,848 Spain 117,404 498,401 114,773 44,101 70,672 28,663 139,039 3,613 12,438 38 12,400 86,685 Sweden 37,264 196,641 32,755 9,769 22,986 19,061 127,541 3,415 3,565 3 3,562 29,962 Switzerland 105,547 412,939 74,011 34,615 39,396 28,171 156,413 2,659 320 4 316 42,370 Turkey 67,586 276,635 85,030 24,579 60,450 9,104 34,339 605 70 5 65 61,120 United Kingdom 680,677 2,630,908 463,891 127,857 336,034 353,855 1,597,293 62,276 78,632 5 78,627 476,937 Western Europe 2,111,247 8,723,468 2,000,638 650,404 1,350,234 840,626 4,252,387 129,761 1,234,542 171,251 5,043 166,207 1,646,202 Algeria 8,245 59,899 6,754 5,313 1,442 415 2,771 16 1 * 1 1,458 Angola 11,224 41,893 6,631 5,645 986 638 2,189 284 1 1 1 1,271 Benin 2,938 10,626 1,839 1,112 727 183 413 61 350 1 348 1,137 Botswana 1,805 9,905 1,407 748 659 337 1,586 45 2 * 2 706 Burkina 3,277 13,345 1,859 1,420 438 131 569 55 33 27 6 500 Burundi 364 1,957 249 170 79 * * * 79 Cameroon 12,200 59,380 12,353 9,021 3,332 282 918 188 * * * 3,5 19 Canary Island * * * * * * Cape Verde 6,157 33,676 5,039 6,256 -1,217 204 601 101 17 1 16 -1,100 Central African Republic 133 552 159 48 111 16 48 7 118 Chad 558 1,867 516 365 151 17 54 19 170 Comoros 4,955 19,500 7,181 2,588 4,593 0 0 0 4,593 Congo 820 3,304 671 315 356 24 61 8 4 2 2 366 Cote d'Ivoire 9,610 45,077 5,807 6,312 -505 181 810 93 1 1 * -412 Djibouti 1,208 5,293 772 915 -143 53 121 12 5 2 2 -129 Egypt 41,825 260,423 53,653 36,736 16,917 6,085 30,579 359 2,345 2,175 170 17,446 Equatorial Guinea 1,026 3,047 980 477 504 14 41 5 1 * * 509 Ethiopia 16,734 100,241 27,926 25,299 2,627 838 3,314 767 1,177 532 645 4,039 Gabon 3,378 14,126 3,126 1,613 1,513 239 888 45 100 48 52 1,610 Gambia, The 4,264 21,283 3,703 3,287 416 464 1,301 34 * * * 450 Ghana 40,707 307,765 51,435 23,003 28,432 6,591 24,537 386 79 * 79 28,897 Guinea 8,011 51,855 7,109 4,462 2,647 1,721 7,942 87 277 82 196 2,930 Guinea- Bissau 855 4,412 2,976 1,370 1,606 1,606 Kenya 16,199 83,449 17,348 16,372 976 1,389 6,093 915 38 * 38 1,929 Lesotho 374 1,792 332 156 176 21 90 15 * * * 191 Liberia 155 595 95 92 3 177 496 61 34 34 97 Libya 1,657 8,409 838 765 73 56 90 9 * * * 82 Madagascar 382 1,864 408 306 103 103 Malawi 1,557 9,501 2,661 470 2,191 78 389 39 146 * 146 2,376 Mali 5,971 24,641 4,408 3,572 836 229 620 130 241 21 220 1,186 Mauritania 2,151 8,281 1,858 1,362 496 101 685 92 25 12 12 600 Mauritius 2,656 13,168 4,562 1,845 2,717 402 1,964 112 2,829 Morocco 13,172 71,649 20,329 12,296 8,032 728 4,296 190 2 * 2 8,225 Mozambique 974 4,005 935 375 561 25 356 45 2 1 1 606 Namibia 2,466 8,678 1,916 958 958 207 825 67 * * * 1,026 Niger 1,126 7,214 1,021 925 96 * * * 96 Nigeria 24,142 118,763 31,843 18,024 13,819 3,120 10,415 2,042 572 13 559 16,419 Traffic Billed in the United States Traffic Billed in Foreign Countries Originating or Terminating in the United States Transiting the United States (by Country of Origin) Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Total U. S. Carriers Retained Retained Revenues Receipts Foreign Carriers Retained Revenues Revenues (Amounts Shown in Thousands) 105 109 Table 3.1 - International Message Telephone Service for All U. S. Points for the Year Ending December 31, 2003 <<< 2004 Data Not Available at Time of Publication >>> International Point Numbe rNumbe rU. S. PayoutNumbe rNumbe rNumbe rReceipts Payout ofofCarriers toofoffromoffromto Messages Minute sRevenue sForeig nMessages Minute sMinute sForeig nForeig n Carriers Carriers Carriers Reunion 4,321 14,862 $2,763 $89 $2,674 * * $ *2,674 Rwanda 538 3,182 583 376 207 15 91 14 2 2 223 Saint Helena 275 612 682 308 374 374 Sao Tome and Principe 2,077 4,490 4,102 1,803 2,299 2,299 Senegal 14,150 76,601 14,312 11,069 3,243 4,593 11,834 380 515 515 4,138 Seychelles 263 1,198 415 168 246 * * * 247 Sierra Leone 4,349 18,954 5,942 3,790 2,152 722 1,290 248 3 * 3 2,402 Somalia 7,391 20,583 13,360 11,605 1,755 * * * 1,755 South Africa 43,589 234,092 56,567 22,983 33,584 19,837 77,940 1,050 645 11 635 35,269 Sudan 3,216 18,950 4,361 3,323 1,038 257 1,399 190 9 * 9 1,237 Swaziland 989 4,346 735 350 385 98 432 22 * * * 407 Tanzania 3,708 17,175 5,182 3,021 2,161 133 523 117 3 1 1 2,280 Togo 4,056 20,096 3,076 2,898 178 1 2 1 179 Tunisia 10,530 50,178 8,322 8,139 183 952 2,123 269 71 14 57 510 Uganda 3,129 19,974 3,382 1,936 1,446 606 1,987 16 16 * 16 1,477 Zaire 12,382 60,795 17,884 11,175 6,708 2,633 9,286 172 * * * 6,880 Zambia 2,535 17,824 2,568 749 1,819 406 1,915 168 12 4 9 1,996 Zimbabwe 10,512 61,588 5,774 5,087 688 969 4,827 299 106 106 1,093 Africa 381,285 2,076,936 440,713 282,865 157,847 56,184 218,710 9,234 24,918 6,837 2,951 3,886 170,967 Bahrain 7,335 28,838 28,282 4,093 24,189 1,559 6,162 141 182 174 8 24,339 Iran 13,131 57,773 15,269 6,610 8,660 3,362 12,594 675 4 1 3 9,337 Iraq 2,246 7,989 3,292 2,772 520 23 99 34 * * 554 Israel 81,567 536,517 86,260 19,045 67,215 51,942 302,652 5,178 938 45 893 73,285 Jordan 13,483 99,543 21,661 12,275 9,387 4,008 20,605 314 3 3 9,703 Kuwait 15,119 53,363 45,849 2,600 43,249 951 3,703 583 142 * 142 43,974 Lebanon 22,922 143,692 24,504 18,140 6,364 1,571 7,999 848 1 * 1 7,213 Oman 5,217 17,582 3,140 2,857 283 1,145 3,961 85 5 1 4 371 Qatar 8,539 29,049 5,324 6,701 -1,377 1,317 5,882 280 362 362 -735 Saudi Arabia 108,693 332,476 85,966 37,483 48,484 8,693 27,832 878 456 31 425 49,787 Syria 4,788 25,580 8,006 6,370 1,637 728 2,862 1,526 1 * 1 3,165 United Arab Emirates 49,915 177,528 54,842 25,724 29,118 8,293 33,004 2,096 513 119 394 31,608 Yemen 8,440 53,813 10,961 8,251 2,710 1,039 4,181 31 7 7 2,748 Middle East 341,395 1,563,742 393,358 152,920 240,437 84,630 431,536 12,668 33,760 2,613 371 2,243 255,348 Anguilla 1,332 6,230 1,933 873 1,060 463 1,882 233 3 1 2 1,295 Antigua and Barbuda 5,544 28,566 9,427 3,718 5,708 2,400 8,623 814 107 * 106 6,629 Aruba 7,439 32,960 8,574 4,202 4,372 2,538 8,890 1,334 334 69 265 5,971 Bahamas, The 27,068 108,547 31,976 9,491 22,484 16,347 55,093 4,518 779 322 458 27,460 Barbados 10,341 57,704 17,767 7,348 10,420 3,246 13,683 1,248 23 5 18 11,686 Bermuda 11,898 50,709 14,254 4,177 10,076 5,310 23,975 1,760 62 2 60 11,896 Cayman Islands 10,332 40,943 11,286 4,129 7,158 4,105 14,011 1,145 23 1 22 8,325 Cuba 10,911 55,345 30,660 36,178 -5,518 9 16 11 -5,507 Dominica 2,448 14,941 5,186 2,167 3,020 873 3,360 253 1 1 3,274 Dominican Republic 133,205 780,344 124,328 51,226 73,103 56,086 214,623 5,165 523 1 522 78,790 French Overseas Departments 1,541 5,528 1,199 2,910 -1,711 119 351 91 8 3 5 -1,615 Grenada 4,492 43,377 11,815 6,121 5,694 1,948 8,691 966 8 1 7 6,668 Guadeloupe 3,165 8,972 2,493 1,169 1,324 87 270 8 4 2 2 1,334 Haiti 31,431 231,766 50,698 31,640 19,058 3,164 18,423 3,099 111 1 110 22,266 Jamaica 70,887 438,879 119,509 54,588 64,922 25,617 89,175 7,282 66 1 65 72,269 Montserrat 1,060 9,815 4,183 1,237 2,947 63 259 26 * * * 2,973 Netherlands Antilles 29,622 100,598 19,377 5,419 13,957 5,450 19,746 562 1 1 1 14,520 Saint Kitts and Nevis 3,434 19,520 8,194 2,694 5,500 1,362 5,998 419 1 * 1 5,921 Saint Lucia 5,652 34,005 8,576 4,375 4,201 1,748 6,649 503 15 * 15 4,720 St. Vincent & the Grenadines 3,167 23,271 6,882 3,232 3,650 545 2,489 263 1 * 1 3,914 Trinidad and Tobago 22,339 163,425 50,602 15,569 35,033 3,622 19,443 2,120 13 * 13 37,167 Turks and Caicos Islands 2,925 11,866 3,748 1,572 2,176 806 3,273 423 3 1 2 2,600 Virgin Islands, British 4,852 17,862 6,427 2,487 3,940 3,242 12,311 1,203 1 1 5,143 Puerto Rico 1,438 6,876 1,168 543 625 188 906 * 625 U. S. Virgin Islands 7,252 36,551 1,098 161 937 404 1,939 * 937 Caribbean 413,777 2,328,604 551,360 257,224 294,137 139,742 534,077 33,446 26,903 2,089 411 1,679 329,261 Belize 4,959 36,276 12,936 5,016 7,920 973 5,084 822 198 94 104 8,846 in the United States (by Country of Origin) Carriers Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Traffic Billed in the United States Traffic Billed in Foreign Countries Originating or Terminating Transiting the United States Total Revenues Revenues U. S. Carriers Retained Receipts Retained Retained Foreign Revenues (Amounts Shown in Thousands) 106 110 Table 3.1 - International Message Telephone Service for All U. S. Points for the Year Ending December 31, 2003 <<< 2004 Data Not Available at Time of Publication >>> International Poin t Numbe rNumbe rU. S. PayoutNumbe rNumbe rNumbe rReceipts Payout ofofCarriers toofoffromoffromto Messages Minute sRevenue sForeig nMessages Minute sMinute sForeig nForeig n Carriers Carriers Carriers Canada 1,160,834 5,493,697 $877,019 $125,394 $751,625 1,559,978 4,822,537 $134,172 $17,930 $8,774 $9,156 $894 ,953 Costa Rica 19,202 129,206 47,393 12,098 35,296 9,748 42,614 5,106 391 207 184 40,586 El Salvador 70,920 1,016,670 129,727 90,267 39,460 11,005 92,754 11,258 24 3 21 50,739 Guatemala 139,960 1,455,877 299,989 103,677 196,312 9,802 59,279 3,103 121 1 120 199,536 Honduras 42,202 411,481 108,623 95,946 12,677 2,983 17,057 3,949 47 * 47 16,672 Mexico 385,564 4,709,069 572,218 468,926 103,292 248,202 1,703,749 108,307 660 289 370 211,969 Nicaragua 16,879 152,067 38,868 18,670 20,198 1,741 8,407 1,365 50 26 24 21,587 Panama 14,606 73,721 32,396 8,636 23,761 4,135 16,232 1,502 130 40 90 25,353 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 15 58 6 8 -3 -3 Alaska 11 91 13 6 8 1 12 1 8 United States (conterminous) 2,897 18,679 2,604 1,365 1,239 18,535 123,221 9,447 140 140 10,826 North & Central America 1,858,049 13,496,892 2,121,793 930,009 1,191,783 1,867,103 6,890,946 279,032 144,456 19,690 9,433 10,257 1 ,481,072 Argentina 44,718 417,723 63,740 12,907 50,833 26,542 111,394 2,930 3,145 6 3,139 56,902 Bolivia 10,173 68,010 16,231 6,308 9,923 2,035 8,197 152 123 * 123 10,198 Brazil 116,458 1,028,955 146,415 59,892 86,523 41,214 263,925 12,996 1,362 * 1,362 100,880 Chile 28,342 348,585 69,204 22,657 46,547 13,739 58,825 10,747 593 32 561 57,855 Colombia 98,097 838,903 96,195 55,651 40,544 24,546 117,714 11,291 1,123 125 998 52,833 Ecuador 68,181 602,203 98,048 63,813 34,235 13,142 88,692 989 137 * 137 35,362 French Guiana 1,453 3,329 509 265 245 * * * 245 Guyana 17,400 113,535 33,801 25,200 8,601 4,112 23,256 1,939 355 33 321 10,862 Paraguay 6,881 37,951 7,929 4,406 3,524 1,342 6,838 346 28 1 28 3,897 Peru 38,633 397,249 47,716 19,200 28,516 8,629 49,903 2,242 758 0 758 31,515 Suriname 8,552 45,540 21,051 7,114 13,937 1,003 4,669 290 4 0 4 14,231 Uruguay 6,952 42,603 10,080 3,834 6,246 2,540 12,536 371 17 13 3 6,620 Venezuela 33,283 177,216 54,859 14,726 40,132 10,954 50,414 1,109 183 183 41,425 South America 479,124 4,121,801 665,780 295,974 369,806 149,797 796,364 45,401 75,851 7,829 211 7,618 422,825 Afghanistan 15,115 52,005 9,982 15,257 -5,275 123 481 408 -4,867 Bangladesh 43,912 191,516 29,371 23,848 5,523 2,279 9,260 312 43 * 43 5,878 Bhutan 179 844 105 97 8 * * * 8 Brunei 2,998 13,683 2,980 515 2,465 429 1,860 48 0 0 2,514 Burma 4,712 27,020 5,931 4,883 1,048 * * * 1,048 Cambodia 2,194 12,340 4,869 3,591 1,278 402 1,416 96 1 * 1 1,375 Chagos Archipelago 858 3,510 9,635 2,444 7,192 3 17 1 18 4 14 7,207 China 74,469 559,119 98,119 25,146 72,973 17,085 88,714 9,814 1,279 * 1,279 84,066 Fr. South. & Antarctic Lands * * * * Hong Kong 48,655 232,599 79,029 10,865 68,164 47,703 229,437 10,972 2,689 * 2,689 81,824 India 230,771 1,319,424 322,420 192,717 129,702 49,042 289,195 23,838 92 * 92 153,632 Indonesia 107,768 390,962 53,397 23,258 30,139 11,976 40,901 535 18 * 18 30,692 Japan 141,160 905,389 244,816 46,620 198,196 73,313 505,832 15,966 1,479 85 1,394 215,556 Korea, North 219 536 207 191 16 16 Korea, South 67,418 439,856 110,922 38,127 72,795 43,829 280,247 39,292 0 0 112,088 Laos 1,152 8,864 1,307 1,051 256 * 1 1 257 Macau 2,884 11,596 1,736 1,038 698 434 2,494 364 4 * 4 1,066 Malaysia 46,802 242,989 50,496 13,820 36,676 12,828 57,789 5,560 105 1 104 42,341 Maldives 774 2,185 417 506 -89 8 16 4 -85 Mongolia 810 2,498 449 628 -179 206 696 41 0 0 0 -138 Nepal 7,061 34,864 7,925 8,190 -265 925 3,361 50 1 1 1 -214 Pakistan 96,413 642,867 131,602 123,563 8,039 10,846 61,807 2,604 19 1 18 10,661 Philippines 186,298 1,458,888 239,881 193,181 46,701 38,954 85,417 1,725 139 * 139 48,564 Singapore 25,045 125,546 60,241 6,240 54,002 14,982 87,703 4,487 815 22 793 59,281 Sri Lanka 17,490 66,741 12,363 9,127 3,236 3,082 11,050 516 10 1 10 3,762 Taiwan 46,165 265,203 54,644 20,957 33,687 35,942 194,174 16,494 80 63 18 50,198 Thailand 31,383 161,979 45,182 17,242 27,941 7,894 37,125 4,614 9 0 8 32,563 Vietnam 27,368 182,867 53,553 48,337 5,216 864 4,083 1,385 12 0 12 6,612 Asia 1,230,074 7,355,892 1,631,582 831,439 800,142 373,150 1,993,076 139,125 53,739 6,816 178 6,638 945, 905 Australia 87,946 529,583 134,853 24,935 109,918 44,640 301,413 8,696 132 67 65 118,678 Cook Islands 326 1,010 2,762 451 2,311 2,311 Fiji 5,597 38,762 9,210 7,295 1,915 276 1,713 65 0 0 1,981 French Polynesia 1,631 6,986 1,948 1,166 782 405 1,763 265 4 0 4 1,051 Kiribati 106 484 119 332 -212 -212 Marshall Islands 810 4,469 1,643 932 711 117 606 35 4 3 2 748 St atistics o f Communications Common Carriers Traffic Billed in the United State sTraffic Billed in Foreign Countrie sTota l Originating or Terminating in the United States (by Country of Origin) Carriers Retained Retained Transiting the United State sU. S. Carriers Foreign (Amounts Shown in Thousands) Revenues Revenues Revenues Retained Receipts 107 111 Table 3.1 - International Message Telephone Service for All U. S. Points for the Year Ending December 31, 2003 <<< 2004 Data Not Available at Time of Publication >>> International Point Number Number U. S. PayoutNumber Number Number Receipts Payout ofofCarriers toofoffromoffromto Messages Minutes Revenues Foreign Messages Minutes Minutes Foreign Foreign Carriers Carriers Carriers Micronesia, Fed. States of 2,495 13,982 $4,594 $2,681 $1,913 173 752 $154 $0 $0 $0 $2,067 Nauru 307 871 193 843 -650 -650 New Caledonia 552 2,217 468 444 25 88 446 40 4 3 2 67 New Zealand 29,797 135,906 32,569 8,227 24,342 9,243 57,917 1,731 2,147 267 1,881 27,953 Niue 8 41 40 26 14 14 Norfolk Island 11 66 26 24 1 1 Pacific Islands (Palau) 947 4,119 2,061 1,460 601 225 896 74 2 0 1 676 Papua New Guinea 1,484 5,097 843 1,668 -824 * 1 * -824 Solomon Islands 224 762 241 723 -483 -483 Tonga 1,340 8,985 2,747 1,534 1,213 292 1,069 53 5 0 5 1,271 Tuvalu 18 71 51 45 6 6 Vanuatu 42 96 88 55 32 * * * 32 Wallis and Futuna 88 555 715 726 -11 -11 Western Samoa 1,093 6,547 2,296 1,366 929 118 579 3 * * * 932 American Samoa 1,665 11,663 3,369 2,032 1,337 776 5,485 1,110 1 * 1 2,448 Guam 11,985 98,871 32,174 6,723 25,451 3,719 21,112 1,007 1 * 1 26,459 Hawaii 569 2,932 415 204 211 266 1,947 243 454 Midway Atoll * * * * * * Northern Mariana Islands 2,305 21,421 3,106 1,694 1,412 254 825 31 * * * 1,443 Oceania 151,347 895,497 236,531 65,587 170,943 60,593 396,526 13,508 34,393 2,301 340 1,961 186,412 Albania 19,265 85,999 7,657 9,595 -1,938 1,612 8,872 116 1 1 1 -1,821 Armenia 2,766 13,707 3,114 1,850 1,264 728 2,486 49 44 2 43 1,355 Azerbaijan 3,890 13,160 1,414 1,789 -375 114 315 34 1 * 1 -340 Belarus 4,590 24,449 4,928 4,030 898 693 2,848 136 15 10 5 1,039 Bosnia and Herzegovina 15,976 96,907 21,365 14,602 6,763 1,564 5,937 490 16 * 15 7,268 Bulgaria 20,440 70,357 12,954 6,504 6,450 2,164 6,417 124 * * *6,574 Croatia 6,333 38,006 8,679 2,905 5,775 1,124 5,094 69 30 * 30 5,873 Czech Republic 12,993 64,661 13,408 5,427 7,981 1,422 8,264 320 312 4 308 8,610 Estonia 1,897 10,330 1,502 751 751 964 4,248 52 24 * 24 828 Georgia 5,178 25,819 3,345 1,945 1,401 586 2,058 96 84 84 1,581 Hungary 26,615 112,864 24,195 12,548 11,647 3,097 12,792 295 53 9 44 11,986 Kazakhstan 8,721 40,196 6,554 5,053 1,500 1,643 13,002 72 22 1 21 1,593 Kyrgyzstan 824 3,119 435 280 155 155 Latvia 4,660 19,578 3,567 2,170 1,397 559 2,254 122 20 * 20 1,538 Lithuania 10,098 55,417 8,041 6,354 1,687 618 2,193 79 961 * 961 2,727 Moldova 6,473 16,572 1,984 1,322 662 662 Poland 36,793 361,948 46,078 15,590 30,488 2,469 16,103 506 526 11 515 31,509 Romania 32,353 197,029 29,948 20,454 9,494 1,322 4,348 269 162 * 162 9,924 Russia 53,042 284,042 67,812 10,897 56,914 4,819 18,079 471 556 1 555 57,940 Serbia 38,660 179,290 31,241 24,910 6,330 5,237 20,688 836 84 9 75 7,241 Slovakia 7,018 47,736 6,772 3,763 3,008 1,007 4,881 191 170 * 169 3,369 Slovenia 2,044 8,975 1,991 788 1,203 504 2,314 132 1 1 1,336 Tajikistan 4,365 15,253 2,241 2,120 122 122 Turkmenistan 1,566 4,895 382 507 -125 29 92 12 1 1 -111 Ukraine 40,663 213,976 34,175 15,333 18,842 1,524 4,508 154 49 1 48 19,044 Uzbekistan 13,231 82,724 8,774 5,703 3,070 45 104 9 12 * 12 3,092 Eastern Europe 380,454 2,087,009 352,556 177,190 175,366 33,846 147,897 4,633 62,949 3,145 49 3,096 183,095 Antarctica 1 3 1 1 0 * Maritime - Atlantic 160 712 2,017 1,737 280 * * 280 Maritime - other oceans 782 2,418 2,440 1,592 847 * * * 847 Maritime - Pacific 93 404 788 649 138 1 4 * 139 Other Regions 1,036 3,537 5,246 3,980 1,266 1 4 * * * 1,267 American Samoa 1,607 8,871 1,601 1,607 -6 2,117 12,514 2,461 2,455 Northern Mariana Islands 426 2,082 510 126 385 385 Carriers serving Misc. U. S. pts. 2,034 10,953 2,111 1,732 379 2,117 12,514 2,461 2,840 Total for Foreign Points 7,321,699 42,467,248 $8,357,719 $3,636,598 $4,721,121 3,583,646 15,518,591 $657,429 $222,430 $18,987 $203,442 $5,581,993 Total for U. S. Points 28,122 197,084 $43,948 $12,728 $31,220 24,144 155,447 $11,840 $142 $0 $141 $43,200 World Total 7,349,821 42,664,332 $8,401,666 $3,649,326 $4,752,341 3,607,790 15,674,038 $669,269 1,691,510 $222,571 $18,988 $203,584 $5,625,1 93 See notes at the end of Table 3.3. (by Country of Origin) Traffic Billed in Foreign Countries Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Originating or Terminating Transiting the United States Traffic Billed in the United States Revenues Revenues Carriers Carriers Retained Receipts Retained Retained Foreign Revenues Total U. S. in the United States (Amounts Shown in Thousands) 108 112 International Point Total Private Lines International Point Total Private Lines 64 KBPS Revenues 64 KBPS Revenues Equiv.$ E quiv.$ Austria 48 596 Bahrain 246 3,239 Belgium 2, 735 1, 756 Iraq 940 4, 859 Cyprus 4 416 Israel 937 3, 130 Denmark 35 144 Jordan 1 662 Finland 6 106 Kuwait 1, 235 9, 524 France 28, 335 3, 811 Oman 2 24 Germany 190, 778 25, 722 Qatar 2, 146 983 Gibraltar 2 48 Saudi Arabia 106 1, 604 Greece 36 160 Syria 11 220 Iceland 49 526 United Arab Emirates 95 1, 274 Ireland 1, 687 2, 223 Yemen 2 1, 094 Italy 159 955 Middle East 5, 721 26, 611 Luxembourg 3 35 Netherlands 42, 675 2, 998 Norway 733 675 Anguilla 13 21 Portugal 39 678 Antigua and Barbuda 14 250 Spain 1, 330 485 Aruba 63 563 Sweden 1, 987 438 Bahamas, The 360 3, 256 Switzer land 26, 083 3, 184 Barbados 175 1, 666 Turkey 35 504 Bermuda 226 1, 330 United Kingdom 285, 523 52, 306 Cayman Islands 430 1, 672 Western Europe 582, 282 97, 766 Cuba 132 7, 880 Dominica 37 233 Dominican Republic 666 3, 770 Algeria 33 542 French Overseas Departments 32 21 Angola 0 291 Grenada 14 181 Benin 0 150 Guadeloupe 1 86 Botswana 50 241 Haiti 352 2, 227 Cameroon 18 535 Jamaica 1, 205 5, 572 Cape Verde 1 61 Netherlands Antilles 423 3, 125 Central African Republic 1 69 Saint Kitts and Nevis 4 184 Congo 246 120 Saint Lucia 61 178 Cote d'Ivoire 3 57 Saint Vi ncent and the Grenadines 26 131 Egypt 91 784 Trinidad and Tobago 864 2, 302 Ethiopia 70 436 Turks and Caicos Islands 5 176 Gabon 2 85 Vi rgin Islands, British 93 1, 173 Ghana 188 594 U. S. Vi rgin Islands 752 556 Guinea 2 201 Caribbean 5, 948 36, 550 Kenya 4 97 Liberia 20 20 Mali 8 204 Belize 34 349 Mauritania 2 22 Canada 162, 512 54, 086 Mauritius 1 45 Costa Rica 2, 610 7, 540 Morocco 6 279 El Salvador 144 1, 258 Mozam bique 0 161 Guatemala 199 1, 766 Namibia 0 137 Honduras 462 1, 500 Nigeria 257 1, 126 Mexico 52, 410 41, 801 Sao Tome and Principe 2 11 Nicaragua 63 388 Senegal 39 279 Panama 1, 767 3, 325 Sierra Leone 31 120 Saint Pierre and Mique lon 1 14 Somalia 0 86 United States (conterminous) 330 1, 280 South Africa 1, 387 1, 319 North and Central America 220, 532 113, 306 Tanzan ia 1 4 Togo 62 224 Tunisia 30 128 Uganda 0 197 Zi mbabwe 30 416 Africa 2, 585 9, 039 (Revenue Amounts Shown in Thousands) Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 3.2 - International Private Line Services of All U. S. Points For the Year Ending December 31, 2003 <<< 2004 Data Not Available at Time of Publication >>> 109 113 International Point Total Private Lines International Point Total Private Lines 64 KBPS Revenues 64 KBPS Revenues Equiv.$ E quiv.$ Argentina 2,908 7,937 Kazakhstan 5 197 Bolivia 159 1, 074 Latvia 0 137 Braz il 4, 121 13, 104 Lithuania 0 142 Chile 414 3, 101 Moldova 8 22 Colombia 4, 990 11, 345 Poland 80 568 Ecuador 1, 858 4, 530 Romania 30 363 Guyana 11 369 Russia 127 1, 704 Paraguay 17 482 Serbia 42 701 Peru 339 2, 155 Slovenia 1 357 Suriname 42 451 Ukraine 2 317 Uruguay 59 1, 308 Uzbekistan 8 236 Venezue la 3, 436 6, 872 Eastern Europe 458 6, 512 South America 18, 354 52, 727 Antarctica 96 439 Afghanistan 192 4, 375 Maritime - Atlantic 200 2, 485 Bangladesh 2 26 Maritime - other oceans 774 1, 224 Chagos Archipelago 32 2, 810 Maritime - Pacific 497 4, 492 China 11, 883 7, 958 Hong Kong 61, 899 12, 852 India 41, 365 84, 167 American Samoa 32 148 Indonesia 113 1, 977 Northern Mariana Islands 216 873 Japan 465, 187 61, 110 Carriers serving Misc. U. S. points 248 1, 021 Korea, South 13, 013 13, 594 Macau 331 461 Malaysia 772 1, 248 Total for Foreign Points 1, 837, 387 607, 779, 738 Pakistan 3, 921 911 Total for U. S. Points 3, 074 12, 688, 775 Philippines 12, 042 8, 463 Singapore 286, 292 10, 664 World Total 1, 840, 461 620, 468, 513 Sri Lanka 178 1, 399 Taiwan 25, 716 5, 357 Thailand 408 1, 037 Vi etnam 323 1, 759 Asia 923, 669 220, 169 Australia 50, 794 29, 302 Fiji 9 118 French Polynesia 1, 063 248 Marshall Islands 50 5, 465 Micronesia, Federated States of 18 157 New Zealand 550 1, 270 Pacific Islands (Palau) 10 99 Solomon Islands 24, 603 605 Western Samoa 8 8 American Samoa 287 1, 645 Guam 1, 499 7, 928 Hawaii 19 183 Northern Mariana Islands 139 967 Wake Island 48 131 Oceania 79, 097 48, 127 Azer baij an 39 749 Bosnia and Herzegov ina 0 248 Bulgaria 30 128 Czec h Republic 54 495 Hungary 32 147 See Footnotes following Table 3.3 (Revenue Amounts Shown in Thousands) Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 3.2 - International Private Line Services of All U. S. Points For the Year Ending December 31, 2003 <<< 2004 Data Not Available at Time of Publication >>> 110 114 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 3.3 - 2003 U. S. Billed Revenues for Facilities- Based and Facilities- Resale Services * <<< 2004 Data Not Available at Time of Publication >>> International International International Total All Telephone Private Line Miscellaneous International Services Services Services Services Conterminous U. S. $8,316,868 $612,514 $156,117 $9,085,499 Alaska 4,399 4,399 Hawaii 31,078 4,514 35,592 Puerto Rico 30,261 664 30,925 Total for Domestic U. S. Points 8,382,606 617,693 156,117 9,156,415 Guam 9,117 1,755 10,872 U. S. Virgin Islands 7,832 7,832 All Other U. S. Points 2,111 1,021 3,132 Total for All U. S. Points * *8,401,666 620,469 156,117 9,728,368 ABS- CBN Telecom North America, Inc. 3,276 3,276 American Samoa Telecomm. Authority 1,601 1,601 American Tower Corporation/ Verestar, Inc. 14,842 14,842 Americatel, Inc. 43,659 43,659 AT& T Corp. & Concert Global Ntwks. USA LLC 4,297,860 199,741 4,497,600 Bestel USA Inc. 24,378 24,378 Cable & Wireless Americas Operations, Inc. 394 394 Centennial Puerto Rico Operations Corp. 3,797 3,797 Cinergy Telecommunications, Inc. 6,842 6,842 Colt Telecommunications 5,100 5,100 DataAccess Ltd. 23,567 23,567 France Telecom Long Distance USA, LLC 8,684 424 9,108 Geocomm Corporation 79 79 GNG Networks America, Inc. 93 93 Hanaro Telecom America, Inc. 1,044 1,044 Harris Corporation/ MCS 949 949 IDT Corporation 327,199 327,199 IMPSAT USA, Inc. 20,062 20,062 Intelsat USA License Corp. 10,457 10,457 International Access d/ b/ a Access Int'l. 22,174 22,174 IT& E Overseas, Inc. 7,042 1,782 8,824 Japan Telecom America, Inc. 8,168 8,168 KDDI America, Inc. 8,784 13,519 22,303 KGM Circuit Solutions, LLC 94 94 KPN- INS, Inc. 16,197 16,197 Level 3 Communications, LLC 7,878 7,878 Lockheed Martin Corporation 63,608 63,608 MCI, Inc. 1,766,049 143,805 1,909,855 Medley International Teleport, Inc. 1,091 1,091 Melbourne Teleport, Inc. 48 48 NDNT, Inc. 564 564 Norlight Telecommunications, Inc. 188 188 NTT America, Inc. 13,494 13,494 ONSEnet America, Inc. 637 637 Orbitel S. A. E. S. P. 7,633 3,478 11,110 Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co., Ltd. 17,871 1,915 19,786 Primus Telecommunications, Inc. 147,035 147,035 Qwest Services Corporation 29,234 29,234 Reach Services USA 8,878 9,611 18,489 Reliance Communications, Inc. 20,602 357 20,959 Satellite Communication Systems, Inc. 31 1,396 1,427 Singapore Telecom USA, Inc. 21,453 3,562 25,016 Sprint 1,478,831 59,225 131,847 1,669,904 Startec Global Communications Corporation 10,553 10,553 Swisscom North America 2,002 2,002 Telecom Argentina USA, Inc. 5,732 5,732 Telecom Italia North America, Inc. 76,730 76,730 Telecomunicaciones Ultramarinas- Puerto Rico 83 83 Telefonica Larga Distancia, Inc. (TLD) 4,876 445 5,321 Telenor Global Services AS 3,739 3,739 Teleport of the Americas, Inc. 250 250 Telstra Incorporated 3,295 3,295 Threshold Communications, Inc. 32 32 UniPlex Telecom Technologies, Inc. 366 8,637 9,003 V- SAT Telecom, Inc. 159 159 Viatel Holding (Bermuda) Limited 124 124 WilTel Communications, LLC 42,122 6,979 49,100 * U. S. billed revenues represent the amount billed to customers by U. S. carriers. ** Total for all U. S. points includes $550 million billed revenues for eighteen carriers requesting confidential treatment in the above categories. (Revenue Amounts Shown in Thousands) 111 115 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Notes for Tables 3.1 through 3.3. Data shown were combined from reports submitted to the FCC by international carriers pursuant to section 43.61( a) of the Commission's rules and regulations. Detail may not add to totals due to rounding. The data are for all U. S. points. The total for U. S. points shown in the tables represents not only the total traffic between the domestic United States (the conterminous U. S., Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico) and other U. S. points (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Wake Island, and the U. S. Virgin Islands), but also, the total traffic between other U. S. points. In Table 3.1, figures between -500 and 0 are denoted (*). Figures between 0 and 500 are denoted *. Data for individual United States points (including small points such as American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U. S. Virgin Islands), and data for individual carriers, are included in the Section 43.61 International Tele-communications Data report, published annually by the Federal Communications Commission. Carriers have requested confidential treatment for transiting minutes by country. Carriers report the number of leased circuits as of year end and the number of 64 kilobits per second (64 Kbps) equivalent bearer circuits. 112 116 Part 4 Historical Financial and Operatin g Statistical Tables 117 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.1 - Local Service Revenues of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers, 1960- 2004 * (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Local Number Subscribers' PublicPrivate Line Other Total ofStation Telephone Service Local Service Local Service Carriers Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues (500, 503) (501)( 504)( 506) 1960 65 $4,732,651 $226,959 $108,012 - $1,128 $5,068,750 1961 69 5,013,502 233,547 118,034 - 1,120 5,366,202 1962 73 5,329,430 245,003 132,398 - 1,756 5,708,588 1963 73 5,657,637 253,246 153,396 - 1,928 6,066,207 1964 73 6,013,170 264,603 81,563 - 2,420 6,361,756 1965 70 6,393,491 276,029 85,442 - 3,829 6,758,792 1966 73 6,845,513 285,332 95,364 - 2,959 7,229,168 1967 75 7,282,518 290,060 108,875 - 3,756 7,685,209 1968 73 7,804,985 300,543 123,721 - 4,043 8,233,292 1969 75 8,505,804 304,009 135,845 - 11,756 8,957,415 1970 76 9,308,689 299,805 148,411 - 14,550 9,771,454 1971 81 10,174,710 311,812 155,847 - 17,611 10,659,981 1972 81 11,516,228 330,146 170,389 - 15,404 12,032,167 1973 83 12,745,037 351,681 183,023 - 26,485 13,306,226 1974 86 14,284,049 371,784 199,875 - 33,489 14,889,197 1975 75 15,558,220 394,518 221,964 - 39,827 16,214,529 1976 74 17,278,019 446,074 263,726 - 53,987 18,041,806 1977 76 18,911,084 505,370 304,271 - 73,325 19,794,050 1978 76 20,699,971 566,629 368,187 - 84,381 21,719,169 1979 76 22,302,109 623,607 425,089 - 125,281 23,476,086 1980 75 24,652,977 654,798 531,923 - 154,021 25,993,719 1981 77 28,058,482 718,082 689,867 - 169,821 29,636,252 1982 78 31,699,454 798,502 838,831 - 231,550 33,568,337 1983 78 32,899,446 1,038,357 940,657 - 392,242 35,270,701 1984 75 27,734,421 1,283,504 923,158 - 591,708 30,532,791 1985 55 29,032,886 1,473,649 1,012,410 - 773,485 32,292,431 1986 57 30,598,533 1,512,958 1,127,495 - 924,508 34,163,495 1987 52 30,991,745 1,533,948 1,069,244 - 963,829 34,558,766 Number BasicPublicLocal Customer Other Total ofLocal Service Telephone Private Line PremisesLocal Local Network Carriers Revenues @ Revenues 1 Revenues Revenues @ Revenues @ Servic e (5001- 5004)( 5010)( 5040)( 5050)( 5060, 5069) Revenues 1988 52 $24,931,608 $1,815,589 $964,412 $316,698 $6,389,194 $34,417,499 1989 51 25,613,299 1,850,762 939,339 299,499 6,574,699 35,277,597 1990 51 26,245,925 1,871,841 981,908 180,147 7,228,138 36,507,964 1991 52 27,611,980 1,890,124 1,026,752 131,899 7,522,842 38,183,594 1992 54 28,889,104 1,960,365 1,024,753 101,833 7,916,054 39,892,112 1993 53 30,144,157 1,995,902 1,065,629 104,085 8,373,257 41,683,031 1994 52 31,329,853 1,952,471 1,094,099 107,474 8,729,439 43,213,333 1995 53 33,601,624 1,876,739 1,151,314 114,419 9,383,942 46,128,038 1996 51 35,763,925 1,805,012 1,290,676 117,915 10,500,336 49,477,860 1997 51 38,365,185 446,714 1,423,197 113,343 11,691,732 52,040,170 1998 52 40,409,961 16,080 1,548,878 104,929 12,981,823 55,061,676 1999 # 52 39,696,751- 1,669,20487,61713,447,15358,173,925 2000 52 39,816,255- 1,852,21690,57714,517,66859,619,970 2001 52 38,036,401- 1,978,89486,82314,608,18358,253,503 2002 53 34,993,605- 2,063,33891,06914,312,72854,918,963 2003 54 32,119,845- 1,867,599- 12,995,46150,909,269 2004 56 29,259,969- 1,763,459- 12,227,65247,444,177 * Beginning in 1984, excludes AT& T Communications and Alascom, each of which reported small amounts of local service revenues for some of the years prior to 1989. # Beginning in 1999, the figures in italics are totals for the large local exchange carriers for which detailed individual company data are presented in Table 2.8. The figures in roman type, which include revenues reported by the mid- sized carriers, are from Tab le 2.9. @ For changes in row/ account numbers and names implemented by FCC accounting order released Dec. 17, 2003 (18 FCC Rcd 25759), see listing of accounts in Table 2.8. See additional notes following Table 4.9. Year Year 115 118 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 4.2 - Access Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1984- 2004 * (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) Carrier's Number Interstate Carrier Special Intrastate Total ofAccess End- User Facilities Access Access Access Carriers Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues (508)( 508.1)( 508.2)( 508.3)( 509)( 508, 509) 1984 75 $15,065,077 $680,623 $13,297,643 $1,086,811 $5,334,969 $20,400,046 1985 55 17,401,682 1,795,611 13,404,068 2,202,004 5,719,726 23,121,408 1986 57 18,705,761 2,869,383 12,989,884 2,846,494 5,944,072 24,649,832 1987 52 18,880,150 3,728,319 12,126,012 3,025,819 6,136,534 25,016,684 Total Number Interstate Switched Special State Network ofAccess End- User Access Access Access Access Carriers Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues x Revenues (5081)( 5082)( 5083)( 5084)( 5080) 1988 52 $19,455,251 $4,327,029 $12,266,129 $2,862,093 $6,051,521 $25,506,773 1989 51 19,449,428 5,310,913 11,574,419 2,564,096 6,122,800 25,572,230 1990 51 19,228,314 5,662,083 11,015,278 2,550,953 6,268,465 25,496,776 1991 52 19,284,047 5,868,522 10,952,789 2,462,736 6,433,693 25,717,740 1992 54 19,814,496 6,047,211 11,246,355 2,520,930 6,639,188 26,453,685 1993 53 20,379,195 6,401,741 11,520,047 2,457,407 6,900,739 27,279,936 1994 52 21,387,494 6,798,303 11,995,049 2,594,142 7,111,360 28,498,855 1995 53 22,213,827 7,064,853 12,166,647 2,982,327 7,398,273 29,612,103 1996 51 23,348,942 7,280,942 12,420,741 3,647,259 7,626,403 30,975,342 1997 51 24,002,911 7,694,445 11,752,054 4,556,412 7,972,746 31,975,653 1998 52 25,415,551 9,471,576 10,213,534 5,730,441 8,338,053 33,753,603 1999 52 27,303,227 10,317,498 9,691,713 7,294,016 8,248,392 35,551,615 2000 52 28,805,348 11,237,162 7,861,982 9,706,204 7,978,222 36,665,799 2001 # 52 28,422,47211,235,2095,177,58612,009,6776,630,70037,938,470 2002 53 28,295,42911,101,3494,354,04812,840,0326,107,25937,269,422 2003 54 32,674,24811,031,8497,240,41914,401,980- 36,114,225 2004 56 32,010,25110,046,8366,920,42015,042,995- 35,799,170 * Access revenues were first reported in 1984 following the AT& T divestiture. # Beginning in 2001, the figures in italics are for the large local exchange carriers for which detailed individual company data are presented in Table 2.8, whereas the figures in roman type are from Table 2.9 and include revenues reported by the mid- sized carriers. x Beginning in 2003, included in accounts 5081- 5083. See additional notes following Table 4.9. 116 Year Year 119 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.3 - Toll Service Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960- 2004 * (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Toll Private Line Revenues 2 3 Voice- Grade Number Wide Area Less Than Services ProgramProgram ofMessage Toll Voice- GradeOther Than Transmission: Transmission: Carriers Tolls Services 4 Services Data Audio Video (510)( 511) 1960 65 $2,934,338 - $89,734 $156,863 $14,836 $33,887 1961 69 3,135,219 $19,673 92,126 180,559 75,316 33,039 1962 73 3,366,476 68,233 85,373 199,290 16,146 33,735 1963 73 3,619,639 117,955 78,938 211,382 17,536 33,404 1964 73 3,988,747 166,097 100,078 277,386 20,571 41,974 1965 70 4,387,942 213,432 105,294 296,535 21,442 44,200 1966 73 5,015,106 262,754 103,697 365,602 22,077 47,922 1967 75 5,441,666 315,482 105,312 410,635 19,431 47,689 1968 73 6,037,808 386,696 110,732 474,020 20,911 50,027 1969 75 6,924,489 476,736 118,701 566,691 21,823 58,910 1970 76 7,479,823 523,091 109,615 665,826 18,737 77,237 1971 81 8,351,888 616,111 103,939 696,804 18,963 77,714 1972 81 9,437,904 791,391 105,295 768,026 18,644 81,033 1973 83 10,918,526 1,008,474 92,952 862,491 18,929 71,873 1974 86 12,068,500 1,240,595 83,907 925,251 18,934 67,441 1975 75 13,225,157 1,487,675 78,765 1,008,225 19,919 63,418 1976 74 15,208,122 1,942,453 77,257 1,111,331 19,688 63,320 1977 76 17,066,034 2,428,293 68,996 1,199,723 20,541 60,619 1978 76 19,565,574 2,945,669 63,125 1,323,485 22,034 63,522 1979 76 21,940,688 3,445,243 56,927 1,473,795 24,476 67,023 1980 75 24,329,517 4,054,322 72,310 1,688,806 74,991 72,163 1981 77 27,283,996 4,890,394 84,248 2,003,941 102,935 80,602 1982 78 29,051,593 6,077,729 94,165 2,474,370 119,493 107,755 1983 78 29,015,881 7,459,010 80,518 2,564,849 138,173 134,360 1984 75 8,263,230 1,428,232 43,023 786,586 16,642 5,420 1985 55 8,231,822 1,683,342 44,381 799,323 5,177 1,663 1986 57 8,625,528 1,978,274 37,804 767,745 1,486 646 1987 52 9,240,657 2,020,543 38,280 736,299 939 1,047 Long Distance Private Network Revenues Number Long Distance Unidirectional Audio Video ofMessage Long Distance Subvoice VoiceProgramProgram Carriers Revenues x Revenues x Grade x Grade x Grade x Grade x (5100)( 5110)( 5121)( 5122)( 5123)( 5124) 1988 52 $10,427,186 $1,699,159 $57,424 $972,830 $1,942 $1,156 1989 51 10,895,765 1,484,305 54,270 956,481 674 477 1990 51 11,086,539 1,281,440 50,050 881,817 955 528 1991 52 10,981,141 984,557 49,632 797,948 777 772 1992 54 10,778,007 859,009 44,061 692,600 812 771 1993 53 11,205,083 793,244 41,260 649,633 817 1,013 1994 52 11,083,268 702,603 41,438 593,418 924 820 1995 53 9,229,980 572,981 35,736 437,830 797 2,264 1996 51 8,863,277 541,406 31,542 403,433 851 2,803 1997 51 7,896,043 473,903 27,692 338,187 975 3,000 1998 52 6,945,833 409,888 25,622 304,152 992 3,452 1999 #52 5,751,929331,77924,123275,1727453,710 2000 52 4,650,556256,78823,324259,3717293,354 2001 52 3,940,718228,37421,753252,7435963,261 2002 53 3,227,083270,67521,396220,3444542,755 2003 54 - - - - - - 2004 56 - - - - - - * Beginning in 1984, excludes AT& T Communications and Alascom. # Beginning in 1999, the figures in italics are for the large local exchange carriers for which detailed individual company data are presented in Table 2.8. The figures in roman type, which include revenues reported by the mid- sized carriers, are from Ta ble 2.9. x The breakdown of long distance revenues by class of service was eliminated by FCC accounting order released Dec. 17, 2003 (18 FCC Rcd 25759). See additional notes following Table 4.9. Year Year 117 120 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.3 - Toll Service Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960- 2004 -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Toll Private Line Revenues 2 3 Other Total Toll Toll Data Other Service Service YearServices Services Total Revenues Revenues (512)( 516) 1960 - - $13,155 $308,475 $494 $3,243,307 1961 - - 18,443 339,589 573 3,495,054 1962 - - 16,355 350,899 676 3,786,284 1963 - - 15,767 357,027 659 4,095,280 1964 - - 19,527 459,536 742 4,615,121 1965 - - 21,959 489,429 779 5,091,582 1966 - - 25,030 564,327 918 5,843,105 1967 - - 33,786 616,852 1,077 6,375,078 1968 - - 44,862 700,552 1,196 7,126,253 1969 - - 63,187 829,312 1,360 8,231,896 1970 - - 79,649 951,063 1,560 8,955,538 1971 - - 94,633 992,054 1,885 9,961,937 1972 - - 119,515 1,092,514 1,024 11,322,834 1973 - - 151,856 1,198,101 1,111 13,126,213 1974 - - 175,464 1,270,998 2,000 14,582,093 1975 - - 212,551 1,382,877 2,561 16,098,270 1976 - - 252,879 1,524,475 4,590 18,679,639 1977 - - 307,401 1,657,279 7,788 21,159,394 1978 - - 430,419 1,902,584 11,819 24,425,645 1979 - - 554,090 2,176,312 36,364 27,598,607 1980 - - 613,369 2,521,638 95,820 31,001,298 1981 $792,265 - 516,249 3,580,240 339,563 36,094,193 1982 1,195,719 - 309,762 4,301,264 439,520 39,870,106 1983 1,353,732 - 318,734 4,590,367 703,934 41,769,192 1984 277,860 - 137,504 1,267,036 434,972 11,393,469 1985 297,603 - 90,955 1,239,103 135,243 11,289,509 1986 346,496 - 123,353 1,277,590 93,163 11,974,556 1987 381,835 - 117,238 1,275,046 113,683 12,649,928 Long Distance Private Network Revenues Other Long Distance Digital Long Distance Network Service YearTransmission x Switchin g x Other x Total x Revenues x Revenues (5125)( 5126)( 5128, 5129) (5120)( 5160, 5169) 1988 $265,071 $1,005 $104,436 $1,403,863 $133,486 $13,663,697 1989 266,329 1,147 50,094 1,329,466 139,044 13,848,578 1990 287,776 856 63,916 1,285,898 131,357 13,785,236 1991 320,620 1,199 11,338 1,182,281 118,992 13,266,972 1992 324,376 1,373 40,678 1,104,673 133,652 12,875,342 1993 345,057 1,139 40,994 1,080,005 (43,884) 13,034,450 1994 384,540 3,640 49,201 1,073,978 (133,163) 12,726,694 1995 355,204 5,722 22,525 860,075 134,797 10,797,831 1996 435,028 5,854 27,334 906,846 114,301 10,415,830 1997 503,525 2,900 21,811 898,090 (22,149) 9,245,891 1998 569,755 1,798 5,935 911,701 (5,184) 8,262,237 1999 642,1742,459( 48,638) 899,74414,2127,289,735 2000 675,93210,121( 60,677) 912,15845,5126,160,075 2001 660,72814,018( 76,217) 876,88337,9555,344,524 2002 640,14827,575( 85,830) 826,84039,9394,586,754 2003 - - - - - 4,288,590 2004 - - - - - 3,699,651 118 121 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.4 - Miscellaneous Revenues of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960- 2004 * (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Revenues from Billing Number Directory GeneralandOther Total ofAdvertising Rent Services Collection Operating Miscellaneous YearCarriers and Sales Revenues and Licenses Revenues Revenues 5 Revenues (523)( 524)( 525)( 527, 528) (521, 526) 1960 65 $400,694 $28,535 $3,881 - $14,745 - $447,855 1961 69 426,065 30,823 3,976 - 15,628 - 476,492 1962 73 443,693 33,390 4,112 - 16,513 - 497,707 1963 73 467,975 37,627 4,381 - 17,828 - 527,811 1964 73 497,432 37,219 4,725 - 19,129 - 558,505 1965 70 525,263 40,762 5,421 - 20,576 - 592,021 1966 73 562,465 47,016 5,976 - 22,783 - 638,239 1967 75 597,601 53,480 6,657 - 24,658 - 682,395 1968 73 639,166 56,754 7,129 - 29,414 - 732,463 1969 75 696,719 63,655 7,849 - 34,539 - 802,763 1970 76 770,560 65,335 10,812 - 31,786 - 878,492 1971 81 819,420 89,023 10,176 - 37,162 - 955,782 1972 81 880,921 102,623 11,703 - 36,736 - 1,031,983 1973 83 957,665 109,045 13,317 - 37,517 - 1,117,543 1974 86 1,053,802 122,002 15,486 - 47,300 - 1,238,590 1975 75 1,155,382 125,455 8,293 - 69,174 - 1,358,304 1976 74 1,308,802 142,456 550 - 79,654 - 1,531,462 1977 76 1,507,775 156,348 2,680 - 99,024 - 1,765,826 1978 76 1,754,261 180,736 3,543 - 144,324 - 2,082,864 1979 76 2,069,961 219,657 4,710 - 210,753 - 2,505,082 1980 75 2,420,021 242,041 5,729 - 272,379 - 2,940,170 1981 77 2,844,088 97,572 680 - 175,118 - 3,117,458 1982 78 3,350,854 100,985 9,172 - (125,492) - 3,335,518 1983 78 3,849,013 133,488 (5,623) - 267,695 - 4,244,574 1984 75 3,126,243 1,423,927 9,850 $2,176,375 743,489 - 7,479,885 1985 55 2,637,199 1,452,077 1,216 2,098,469 824,768 - 7,013,728 1986 57 2,007,287 1,420,885 1,077 1,687,134 889,111 - 6,005,494 1987 52 2,080,281 1,215,661 1,277 1,336,235 781,609 - 5,415,062 Carrier Number Corporate BillingTotal Misc. and ofDirectory Rent Operations and Collection Miscellaneous Nonregulated Nonregulated YearCarriers Revenues Revenues @ Revenues @ Revenues @ Revenues @ Revenues Revenues @ (5230)( 5240)( 5250)( 5270)( 5260)( 5280)( 5200, 5280) 1988 52 $3,223,939 $1,011,311 $27,884 $1,624,800 $470,360 $1,905,625 $8,263,919 1989 51 2,460,532 863,801 51,549 1,541,418 722,498 3,120,752 8,760,547 1990 51 2,614,677 834,822 10,638 1,486,469 672,576 3,308,006 8,927,190 1991 52 2,941,413 831,529 15,417 1,333,023 694,250 3,521,624 9,337,258 1992 54 2,847,089 754,097 24,905 1,189,778 654,637 3,378,307 8,848,811 1993 53 2,891,710 749,547 23,739 1,168,743 770,514 3,672,550 9,276,801 1994 52 3,904,909 658,696 24,799 1,137,828 811,072 3,042,577 9,579,879 1995 53 3,969,382 683,406 28,697 1,081,108 878,124 3,637,315 10,278,039 1996 51 3,867,952 732,148 33,694 1,055,964 1,085,474 4,466,069 11,241,297 1997 51 2,393,056 808,566 44,227 1,101,004 1,232,895 5,834,080 11,413,829 1998 52 1,878,662 860,169 84,085 1,390,546 1,533,608 6,973,632 12,720,707 1999 # 52 1,505,2571,148,27075,8131,290,9041,857,6987,498,052 13,774,069 2000 52 904,3462,624,39369,9961,251,8842,644,4057,896,715 15,803,124 2001 52 738,5904,259,51545,3921,133,5672,943,0818,030,347 17,597,535 2002 53 791,7674,894,85378,5751,061,9402,897,8047,162,792 17,157,674 2003 54 (See Table 2.8 )- - - 11,179,952 7,331,870 18,511,822 2004 56 (See Table 2.8 )- - - 13,253,540 7,529,197 20,782,737 * Beginning in 1984, excludes AT& T Communications and Alascom. # Beginning in 1999, the figures in italics are for the large local exchange carriers for which detailed individual company data are presented in Table 2.8. The figures in roman type, which include revenues reported by the mid- sized carriers, are from Table 2.9. @ For changes in row/ account numbers and names implemented by FCC accounting order released Dec. 17, 2003 (18 FCC Rcd 25759), see listing of accounts in Table 2.8. See additional notes following Table 4.9. 119 122 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.5 - Total O perating Revenues of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers, 1960- 2004 * (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands) Numbe rLocal Toll Uncollectible Total ofService Access Service Miscellaneous O peratingOperating YearCarriers Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues (500)( 508)( 510)( 520)( 530) 1960 65 $5,068,750 - $3,243,307 $447,855 $42,215 $8,717,697 1961 69 5,366,202 - 3,495,054 476,492 45,905 9,291,843 1962 73 5,708,588 - 3,786,284 497,707 44,591 9,947,987 1963 73 6,066,207 - 4,095,280 527,811 49,844 10,639,453 1964 73 6,361,756 - 4,615,121 558,505 51,872 11,483,511 1965 70 6,758,792 - 5,091,582 592,021 58,994 12,383,400 1966 73 7,229,168 - 5,843,105 638,239 72,087 13,638,426 1967 75 7,685,209 - 6,375,078 682,395 87,776 14,654,905 1968 73 8,233,292 - 7,126,253 732,463 86,845 16,005,163 1969 75 8,957,415 - 8,231,896 802,763 108,632 17,883,442 1970 76 9,771,454 - 8,955,538 878,492 160,655 19,444,840 1971 81 10,659,981 - 9,961,937 955,782 178,313 21,399,387 1972 81 12,032,167 - 11,322,834 1,031,983 164,329 24,222,655 1973 83 13,306,226 - 13,126,213 1,117,543 182,294 27,367,688 1974 86 14,889,197 - 14,582,093 1,238,590 229,603 30,480,276 1975 75 16,214,529 - 16,098,270 1,358,304 261,193 33,409,910 1976 74 18,041,806 - 18,679,639 1,531,462 272,712 37,980,196 1977 76 19,794,050 - 21,159,394 1,765,826 315,549 42,403,722 1978 76 21,719,169 - 24,425,645 2,082,864 408,592 47,819,086 1979 76 23,476,086 - 27,598,607 2,505,082 544,625 53,035,149 1980 75 25,993,719 - 31,001,298 2,940,170 602,606 59,332,580 1981 77 29,636,252 - 36,094,193 3,117,458 714,732 68,133,171 1982 78 33,568,337 - 39,870,106 3,335,518 920,560 75,853,402 1983 78 35,270,701 - 41,769,192 4,244,574 1,040,830 80,243,637 1984 75 30,532,791 $20,400,046 11,393,469 7,479,885 484,903 69,321,286 1985 55 32,292,431 23,121,408 11,289,509 7,013,728 498,731 73,218,346 1986 57 34,163,495 24,649,832 11,974,556 6,005,494 546,271 76,247,106 1987 52 34,558,766 25,016,684 12,649,928 5,415,062 669,369 76,971,071 Lon g Distance Numbe rLocal Network Network Access Network Miscellaneous Uncollectible Total ofService Service Service & Nonre gulatedO peratingOperating YearCarriers Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues 6 Revenues 7 (5080)( 5200, 5280) (5300) 1988 52 $34,417,499 $25,506,773 $13,663,697 $8,263,919 $680,970 $81,170,906 1989 51 35,277,597 25,572,230 13,848,578 8,760,547 765,402 82,693,554 1990 51 36,507,964 25,496,776 13,785,236 8,927,190 827,533 83,889,631 1991 52 38,183,594 25,717,740 13,266,972 9,337,258 1,000,391 85,505,175 1992 54 39,892,112 26,453,685 12,875,342 8,848,811 1,027,451 87,042,492 1993 53 41,683,031 27,279,936 13,034,450 9,276,801 1,068,028 90,206,192 1994 52 43,213,333 28,498,855 12,726,694 9,579,879 1,090,856 92,927,905 1995 53 46,128,038 29,612,103 10,797,831 10,278,039 1,169,801 95,646,207 1996 51 49,477,860 30,975,342 10,415,830 11,241,297 1,459,836 100,650,497 1997 51 52,040,170 31,975,653 9,245,891 11,413,829 1,541,251 103,134,290 1998 52 55,061,676 33,753,603 8,262,237 12,720,707 1,482,624 108,315,600 1999 52 58,173,925 35,551,615 7,289,735 13,774,069 1,567,804 113,221,544 2000 52 59,619,970 36,665,799 6,160,075 15,803,124 1,742,146 116,452,961 2001 52 58,253,503 37,938,470 5,344,524 17,597,535 2,656,056 116,406,973 2002 53 54,918,963 37,269,422 4,586,754 17,157,674 3,443,815 110,412,477 2003 54 50,909,269 36,114,225 4,288,590 18,511,822 1,652,536 108,171,381 2004 56 47,444,177 35,799,170 3,699,651 0 1,065,962 106,659,761 * Beginning in 1984, excludes AT& T Communications and Alascom. Beginning in 2001, the revenue data are from Table 2.9, which i based on an ARMIS report different from that used for the 1988- 2000 period. See notes for said table (following Table 2.17). See additional notes following Table 4.9. 120 123 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.6 - Total O perating Ex penses of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers, 1960- 2004 * (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Depreciation Number andGeneralOther Total ofMaintenance Amortization Traffic Commercial Access Office Operating Operating YearCarriers Expenses Expenses Expenses Expenses Expenses Expenses Expenses Expenses (602.1- 607,( 608, 609, (621- 635)( 640- 650)( 657, 658) (661- 665)( 668- 677) 610, 612) 613, 614) 1960 65 $1,505,201 $1,132,502 $971,330 $725,135 - $530,683 $369,342 $5,234,193 1961 69 1,572,394 1,241,418 955,932 774,593 - 565,073 421,533 5,530,943 1962 73 1,683,107 1,377,038 963,684 817,381 - 589,589 438,249 5,869,048 1963 73 1,805,068 1,511,607 984,170 863,586 - 629,723 436,944 6,231,098 1964 73 1,976,710 1,669,840 1,031,554 917,071 - 675,437 541,263 6,811,875 1965 70 2,176,460 1,852,004 1,114,807 976,367 - 728,653 597,470 7,445,761 1966 73 2,398,340 2,035,972 1,213,481 1,050,731 - 797,336 652,154 8,148,014 1967 75 2,561,614 2,243,609 1,281,869 1,121,112 - 855,050 739,380 8,802,634 1968 73 2,789,496 2,473,771 1,397,582 1,194,629 - 910,629 801,751 9,567,858 1969 75 3,324,127 2,697,532 1,512,829 1,344,138 - 1,042,680 996,815 10,918,121 1970 76 3,823,841 2,970,214 1,672,870 1,498,416 - 1,155,927 1,262,302 12,383,570 1971 81 4,304,890 3,268,390 1,813,261 1,642,016 - 1,267,598 1,544,113 13,840,268 1972 81 4,896,274 3,617,874 1,912,719 1,827,430 - 1,431,677 1,859,551 15,545,525 1973 83 5,521,128 3,988,393 2,093,595 2,049,544 - 1,590,892 2,063,436 17,306,988 1974 86 6,159,701 4,429,087 2,285,202 2,294,361 - 1,808,153 2,341,955 19,318,459 1975 75 6,723,490 4,866,765 2,409,912 2,559,541 - 2,004,298 2,899,214 21,463,220 1976 74 7,562,520 5,358,957 2,513,305 2,937,887 - 2,327,694 3,448,934 24,149,297 1977 76 8,620,436 6,026,482 2,640,924 3,435,895 - 2,571,859 3,826,153 27,121,749 1978 76 9,805,716 6,655,717 2,807,795 4,119,852 - 2,966,634 4,329,686 30,685,400 1979 76 11,269,938 7,401,718 3,008,292 4,938,613 - 3,550,227 4,898,707 35,067,495 1980 75 12,701,431 8,490,899 3,103,069 5,783,297 - 4,071,874 5,592,070 39,742,640 1981 77 15,233,261 9,494,629 3,348,591 6,865,858 - 4,568,483 6,115,489 45,626,311 1982 78 17,612,113 10,739,357 3,515,788 8,024,410 - 5,245,093 7,437,972 52,574,733 1983 78 17,963,623 12,394,132 3,438,705 7,624,608 - 6,119,069 6,881,917 54,422,054 1984 75 14,499,837 11,149,679 2,490,757 5,909,314 $408 4,929,704 6,524,976 45,504,676 1985 55 14,693,097 12,709,894 2,441,335 5,923,020 1,649 5,380,922 6,864,443 48,014,363 1986 57 14,763,473 14,524,008 2,516,084 5,985,987 79,154 5,753,437 6,430,834 50,052,977 1987 52 14,672,811 16,476,318 2,431,743 6,154,278 158,918 5,887,025 5,925,030 51,706,124 Plant Nonspecific Operations PlantOther Property Depreciation Number Specific Plant and Network andCustomer Corporate Total ofOperations Equipment Operations Access Amortization Operations Operations Operating YearCarriers Ex penses 1 Ex penses 2 Ex pensesEx pensesEx pensesEx pensesEx penses x Ex penses (6110- 6410)( 6510)( 6530)( 6540)( 6560)( 6610, 6620) (6710, 6720, 6790) 1988 52 $15,808,660 $60,606 $6,721,216 $718,497 $16,876,313 $9,441,571 $8,483,568 $58,110,431 1989 51 16,220,097 57,383 6,637,720 830,682 17,100,840 10,144,923 9,502,645 60,494,285 1990 51 16,646,262 54,261 6,607,899 979,313 17,285,191 10,478,723 9,661,802 61,713,449 1991 52 16,902,602 79,382 6,848,773 1,136,102 16,910,113 10,982,299 10,585,409 63,444,681 1992 54 17,514,161 79,219 6,545,316 1,117,660 17,354,987 11,513,054 9,456,145 63,580,541 1993 53 17,812,601 74,280 6,750,055 1,269,418 18,003,460 12,437,839 10,148,259 66,495,913 1994 52 18,736,841 79,313 6,840,635 1,433,361 18,994,416 13,043,043 11,135,691 70,263,301 1995 53 19,133,973 83,240 6,965,323 1,300,084 19,756,401 13,484,259 11,454,668 72,177,953 1996 51 19,697,126 58,293 6,872,746 1,277,190 20,863,757 13,723,876 11,015,866 73,508,857 1997 51 20,202,640 96,963 7,080,217 1,464,236 21,460,189 14,090,127 11,090,549 75,484,924 1998 52 20,656,437 6,361 6,657,381 2,938,684 22,322,965 14,537,218 10,680,377 77,799,424 1999 52 21,232,164 83,291 6,770,802 3,760,638 23,454,989 14,608,745 9,356,002 79,266,630 2000 52 21,732,546 115,015 6,851,181 4,225,035 24,880,971 14,782,406 8,625,477 81,097,614 2001 52 21,251,707 - 6,552,148 4,288,763 26,840,045 13,724,735 10,046,409 82,703,803 2002 53 20,312,619 - 6,705,104 3,884,220 27,885,621 13,736,863 12,240,826 84,765,249 2003 54 20,500,285 - 7,302,552 3,306,935 28,055,397 14,614,975 15,112,173 88,892,318 2004 56 20,709,273 - 7,152,122 2,427,776 28,081,224 0 13,503,074 86,782,796 * Beginning in 1984, excludes AT& T Communications and Alascom. Beginning in 2001, the expense data are from Table 2.9, which is based on an ARMIS report different from that used for the 1988- 2000 period. See notes for said table (following Table 2.17). x In 2003, account 6710 was deleted; data now included in account 6720. See additional notes following Table 4.9. 121 124 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.7 - Earnings Summary of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960- 2004 * (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Number Total Total Net Net ofOperating Operating Operating Operating Operating YearCarriers Revenues Expenses Revenues Taxes Income 1 (300)( 301)( 304- 309) 1960 65 $8,717,697 $5,234,193 $3,483,504 - $2,019,842 $1,463,664 1961 69 9,291,843 5,530,943 3,760,900 - 2,166,262 1,594,637 1962 73 9,947,987 5,869,048 4,078,939 - 2,316,269 1,762,671 1963 73 10,639,453 6,231,098 4,408,355 - 2,482,843 1,925,512 1964 73 11,483,511 6,811,875 4,671,636 - 2,637,734 2,033,901 1965 70 12,383,400 7,445,761 4,937,639 - 2,711,975 2,225,665 1966 73 13,638,426 8,148,014 5,490,412 - 3,017,460 2,472,951 1967 75 14,654,905 8,802,634 5,852,271 - 3,192,647 2,659,625 1968 73 16,005,163 9,567,858 6,437,305 - 3,685,801 2,751,503 1969 75 17,883,442 10,918,121 6,965,321 - 3,929,506 3,035,817 1970 76 19,444,840 12,383,570 7,061,270 - 3,669,309 3,381,533 1971 81 21,399,387 13,840,268 7,559,119 - 3,836,820 3,722,315 1972 81 24,222,655 15,545,525 8,677,130 - 4,380,676 4,293,653 1973 83 27,367,688 17,306,988 10,060,700 - 5,016,653 5,041,366 1974 86 30,480,276 19,318,459 11,161,817 - 5,502,077 5,657,176 1975 75 33,409,910 21,463,220 11,946,690 - 5,850,154 6,093,906 1976 74 37,980,196 24,149,297 13,830,899 - 6,846,930 6,981,490 1977 76 42,403,722 27,121,749 15,281,973 - 7,599,718 7,679,771 1978 76 47,819,086 30,685,400 17,133,686 - 8,444,428 8,686,780 1979 76 53,035,149 35,067,495 17,967,654 - 8,346,971 9,618,207 1980 75 59,332,580 39,742,640 19,589,940 - 8,828,492 10,758,967 1981 77 68,133,171 45,626,311 22,506,860 - 10,200,835 12,265,469 1982 78 75,853,402 52,574,733 23,278,669 - 10,854,248 12,419,776 1983 78 80,243,637 54,422,054 25,821,583 - 12,430,767 13,388,708 1984 75 69,321,286 45,504,676 23,816,610 - 11,288,529 12,526,029 1985 55 73,218,346 48,014,363 25,203,983 - 11,955,753 13,246,215 1986 57 76,247,106 50,052,977 26,194,129 - 12,576,377 13,615,889 1987 52 76,971,071 51,706,124 25,264,947 - 11,245,688 14,017,443 Other Number Total Total Net Operating Net ofOperating Operating Operating Income Operating Operating YearCarriers Revenues Expenses Revenues and Expense Taxes Income 1 (7100)( 7200) 1988 52 $81,170,906 $58,110,431 $23,060,475 $15,378 $8,431,053 $14,644,800 1989 51 82,693,554 60,494,285 22,199,269 4,878 8,206,106 13,998,041 1990 51 83,889,631 61,713,449 22,176,182 55,455 8,308,903 13,922,734 1991 52 85,505,175 63,444,681 22,060,494 (1,657) 8,453,100 13,605,737 1992 54 87,042,492 63,580,541 23,461,951 65,646 9,243,160 14,284,437 1993 53 90,206,192 66,495,913 23,710,279 43,025 9,323,827 14,429,477 1994 52 92,927,905 70,263,301 22,664,604 (21,345) 9,379,981 13,263,278 1995 53 95,646,207 72,177,953 23,468,254 (30,393) 9,798,872 13,638,989 1996 51 100,650,497 73,508,857 27,141,640 65,237 11,427,633 15,779,244 1997 51 103,134,290 75,484,924 27,649,366 92,735 11,274,458 16,467,643 1998 52 108,315,600 77,799,424 30,516,176 54,830 12,571,596 17,999,410 1999 52 113,221,544 79,266,630 33,954,914 77,566 13,850,578 20,181,902 2000 52 116,452,961 81,097,614 35,355,347 68,049 15,189,403 20,233,993 2001 30108,529,38977,222,56631,306,82348,71612,985,16218,370,377 2002 29102,843,81979,385,76823,458,05134,52710,084,20213,408,376 2003 2899,731,91582,866,13116,865,784( 28,016) 7,469,2209,368,548 2004 2897,915,99080,589,37917,326,61167,5277,450,0739,944,065 * Beginning in 1984, excludes AT& T Communications and Alascom. Beginning in 2001, the data are from Table 2.8 and exclude the mid- sized carriers, which are no longer required to report all income statement items. See additional notes following Table 4.9. 122 125 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.7 - Earnings Summary of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960- 2004 -- Continued (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Income Miscellaneous Available Other Deductions forFixed Net YearIncome from Income Fixed Charges Charges Income 2 (312- 317)( 323- 327)( 335- 340) 1960 $148,717 $15,241 $1,597,140 $300,453 - $1,296,686 1961 156,520 28,801 1,722,356 331,404 - 1,390,952 1962 164,699 65,451 1,861,919 362,693 - 1,499,225 1963 173,925 92,420 2,007,017 399,255 - 1,607,762 1964 212,707 21,039 2,225,568 419,346 - 1,806,222 1965 205,434 27,366 2,403,714 447,083 - 1,956,652 1966 211,392 17,023 2,667,321 503,689 - 2,163,631 1967 230,260 17,601 2,872,284 605,403 - 2,266,882 1968 250,005 28,352 2,973,155 713,059 - 2,260,097 1969 297,787 28,575 3,305,029 901,912 - 2,403,117 1970 376,966 84,385 3,674,113 1,258,244 - 2,420,549 1971 475,124 91,122 4,106,318 1,576,994 - 2,534,459 1972 513,785 83,172 4,724,266 1,827,930 - 2,899,107 1973 602,323 106,122 5,537,567 2,119,115 - 3,454,407 1974 684,607 115,041 6,226,742 2,511,138 - 3,724,969 1975 582,329 100,729 6,575,496 2,722,985 - 3,859,667 1976 573,268 96,493 7,458,263 2,842,289 - 4,591,716 1977 812,125 79,238 8,412,657 2,915,632 - 5,420,093 1978 913,315 99,319 9,500,776 3,155,828 - 6,338,791 1979 811,627 132,573 10,297,261 3,642,298 - 6,487,697 M 1980 938,532 179,206 11,518,294 4,410,591 - 7,111,409 1981 1,097,535 200,156 13,162,917 5,065,876 - 8,043,987 1982 1,206,610 356,265 13,270,122 5,281,533 - 7,903,192 1983 1,266,209 880,955 13,773,963 5,174,225 - 8,322,636 1984 751,426 217,696 13,059,759 4,479,456 - 8,610,128 1985 801,206 217,466 13,829,955 4,507,361 - 9,325,610 1986 1,025,852 273,869 14,367,872 4,298,364 - 10,081,646 1987 885,651 240,310 14,662,784 4,160,401 - 10,510,914 Jurisdictional Nonoperating Income Interest Differences Income Nonoperating Beforeand Related & Nonregulated Net Yearand Ex pense 3 Taxes 3 Interest Items Income Income 2 (7300)( 7400)( 7500)( 7910, 7990) 1988 $268,567 ($ 24,563) $14,937,930 $4,286,978 $228,169 $10,875,592 1989 338,054 (29,685) 14,365,780 4,332,127 340,385 10,363,755 1990 250,889 (46,694) 14,220,317 4,319,540 630,209 10,521,368 1991 254,234 (42,665) 13,902,636 4,510,425 627,211 9,938,910 1992 732,509 98,322 14,918,624 4,235,052 (1,243,457) 9,304,940 1993 (7,165,402) (2,624,232) 9,888,307 4,052,136 286,389 5,399,692 1994 2,257,049 784,419 14,735,908 3,748,565 (2,162,416) 8,813,224 1995 2,508,306 775,169 15,372,126 3,889,917 (282,492) 11,061,353 1996 2,467,500 753,105 17,493,639 3,793,891 (994,578) 12,852,220 1997 1,278,550 279,461 17,466,732 3,909,525 (2,350,217) 11,542,555 1998 (590,719) (575,634) 17,984,325 4,078,079 (1,414,654) 12,480,558 1999 (685,640) (769,160) 20,265,422 4,174,062 (2,330,724) 13,039,735 2000 (983,897) (895,420) 20,145,516 4,416,727 (1,388,119) 14,588,042 2001 (4,473,779)( 1,690,027) 15,586,6253,967,936( 1,343,574) 10,329,740 2002 (2,506,692)( 1,008,943) 11,910,6273,523,312( 813,486) 7,546,041 2003 (4,327,686)( 1,926,797) 6,967,6593,203,552554,5054,243,402 2004 (1,496,754)( 1,083,012) 9,530,3232,913,44107,022,813 123 126 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.8 - Assets and Liabilities of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960- 2004 * (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Other Number Depreciation Assets Dec. ofGrossandNet Current andTotal 31Carriers PlantAmortization PlantAssets Debits 1 2 Assets (171, 172, 175) (113- 123)( 101.1- 106, 126- 139) 1960 65 $27,042,876 $5,785,664 $21,257,213 $2,406,764 $1,174,898 $24,838,875 1961 69 29,210,211 6,193,587 23,016,624 2,851,179 1,275,786 27,143,589 1962 73 31,585,182 6,628,591 24,956,592 3,245,063 1,247,863 29,449,518 1963 73 34,104,557 7,160,523 26,944,034 3,013,122 1,302,669 31,259,825 1964 73 36,986,262 7,805,251 29,181,011 3,586,360 1,384,026 34,151,397 1965 70 40,394,153 8,533,112 31,861,041 3,238,152 1,425,196 36,524,389 1966 73 44,169,397 9,399,577 34,769,820 3,266,046 1,469,201 39,505,067 1967 75 48,080,932 10,411,079 37,669,853 3,357,330 1,473,517 42,500,700 1968 73 52,582,202 11,638,393 40,943,809 3,153,054 1,658,547 45,755,410 1969 75 57,927,293 12,858,256 45,069,038 3,603,215 1,724,224 50,396,477 1970 76 64,723,681 14,110,116 50,613,565 4,280,847 2,298,927 57,193,339 1971 81 71,917,346 15,464,589 56,452,757 4,342,252 2,716,898 63,511,907 1972 81 79,597,085 16,776,018 62,821,067 5,119,626 2,865,627 70,806,320 1973 83 88,110,050 18,060,694 70,049,356 5,414,036 3,030,395 78,493,787 1974 86 96,778,164 19,209,776 77,568,388 5,809,194 3,284,254 86,661,835 1975 75 103,213,534 20,392,125 82,821,409 6,163,404 3,508,031 92,492,844 1976 74 111,379,326 21,990,400 89,388,926 7,096,518 3,874,130 100,359,574 1977 76 120,999,584 23,732,447 97,267,137 7,846,739 4,208,114 109,321,990 1978 76 132,306,259 25,498,967 106,807,292 9,203,146 4,370,717 120,381,155 1979 76 145,466,696 27,355,432 118,111,264 9,609,531 4,993,118 132,713,913 1980 75 159,501,088 29,394,483 130,106,605 10,824,496 5,719,087 146,650,189 1981 77 175,057,912 33,263,114 141,794,799 12,610,673 6,549,722 160,955,194 1982 78 189,062,772 37,935,712 151,127,060 14,304,838 7,188,776 172,620,675 1983 78 198,999,705 43,803,865 155,195,840 18,125,646 10,666,713 183,988,200 1984 75 179,394,646 42,566,857 136,827,789 15,400,752 3,404,931 155,633,472 1985 55 191,035,267 48,947,239 142,088,028 15,751,646 3,981,523 161,821,197 1986 57 202,858,589 57,229,799 145,628,790 15,389,252 5,526,098 166,544,140 1987 52 213,582,314 66,217,775 147,364,539 14,749,408 6,986,663 169,100,608 Number Depreciation Dec. ofTotal andNet Current Noncurrent Total 31Carriers PlantAmortization @ PlantAssets @ 1 Assets @ 3 Assets (3100- 3600)( 1130- 1350)( 1401- 1500) 1988 52 $223,842,097 $74,865,803 $148,976,294 $16,152,406 $8,821,745 $173,950,445 1989 51 233,445,021 83,906,421 149,538,600 17,245,608 10,297,140 177,081,349 1990 51 239,891,799 88,928,436 150,963,363 17,248,125 11,524,266 179,735,753 1991 52 246,449,644 93,642,648 152,806,992 18,148,319 12,794,732 183,750,037 1992 54 254,298,464 98,992,653 155,305,811 18,222,133 13,013,106 186,541,047 1993 53 263,556,374 107,176,325 156,380,052 20,654,331 15,301,331 192,335,707 1994 52 272,474,927 115,703,078 156,771,851 20,693,551 18,586,791 196,052,190 1995 53 284,208,280 126,898,462 157,309,822 22,866,613 17,291,081 197,467,516 1996 51 296,251,229 138,384,920 157,866,305 24,186,129 16,444,031 198,496,465 1997 51 308,821,217 149,294,114 159,527,100 23,871,356 14,429,508 197,827,963 1998 52 324,666,466 163,272,181 161,394,281 25,249,895 13,741,971 200,386,144 1999 52 341,930,237 176,159,585 165,770,652 22,287,977 15,505,499 203,564,128 2000 52 361,861,124 189,901,451 171,959,673 24,316,425 17,359,897 213,635,996 2001 30360,125,480194,291,127165,834,35324,273,77617,233,283207,341,412 2002 29367,307,420209,895,987157,411,43322,322,83015,123,245194,857,511 2003 28368,250,669221,974,956146,275,71319,176,74216,065,495181,517,950 2004 28372,382,360237,627,014134,755,34618,395,30419,309,446172,460,096 * Beginning in 1984, excludes AT& T Communications and Alascom. Beginning in 2001, the data are from Table 2.8 and exclude the mid- sized carriers, which are no longer required to report most balance sheet items. See additional notes following Table 4.9. @ For changes in row/ account numbers and names implemented by FCC accounting order released Dec. 17, 2003 (18 FCC Rcd 25759), see listing of accounts in Table 2.8. 124 127 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.8 - Assets and Liabilities of Reporting Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, 1960- 2004 -- Continued* (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Current Other Other Total andLiabilities Dec. Capital Paid- In Retained Stockholders' Long- Term Accrued andTotal 31Stock 4 Ca pitalEarnin gs EquityDeb tLiabilities Credits Liabilities (150, 151, (152, 179, (180, 181) (154.1- 157)( 158.1- 167)( 168- 170, 153.1, 153.2) less173, 174, 134.1, 134.2) 176.1, 176.2) / 1960 $9,047,894 $2,368,211 $2,694,486 $14,110,591 $8,245,736 $2,399,067 $83,481 $24,838,875 1961 9,416,927 3,470,924 3,135,381 16,023,232 8,410,119 2,631,298 78,940 27,143,589 1962 9,931,260 3,370,266 3,622,512 16,924,038 9,519,410 2,868,781 137,289 29,449,518 1963 10,260,633 3,528,115 4,199,512 17,988,260 9,992,466 3,065,624 213,474 31,259,825 1964 10,827,863 4,660,417 4,823,380 20,311,660 10,252,764 3,261,285 325,688 34,151,397 1965 11,131,655 4,960,026 5,506,380 21,598,061 10,860,109 3,655,525 410,694 36,524,389 1966 11,309,792 5,302,174 6,297,727 22,909,693 12,417,220 3,692,299 485,854 39,505,067 1967 11,663,176 5,433,308 7,156,533 24,253,017 14,087,745 3,597,919 562,019 42,500,700 1968 11,690,457 5,663,840 7,884,367 25,238,664 15,616,641 4,230,164 669,940 45,755,410 1969 11,861,282 5,738,813 8,686,989 26,287,084 17,416,822 5,889,139 803,433 50,396,477 1970 12,104,725 5,874,452 9,445,754 27,424,931 21,971,904 6,861,807 934,698 57,193,339 1971 12,677,914 7,242,080 10,163,488 30,083,482 25,738,815 6,345,202 1,344,408 63,511,907 1972 13,035,575 8,027,437 11,023,184 32,086,196 29,017,229 7,528,482 2,174,414 70,806,320 1973 13,417,869 9,176,086 12,320,166 34,914,121 31,911,342 7,776,895 3,891,429 78,493,787 1974 13,776,612 9,246,350 13,517,757 36,540,719 35,297,696 9,125,307 5,698,113 86,661,835 1975 14,295,499 9,832,014 14,617,167 38,744,680 37,531,917 8,221,097 7,995,150 92,492,844 1976 14,655,270 10,988,826 16,165,345 41,809,441 39,013,672 8,960,040 10,576,422 100,359,574 1977 15,756,781 12,106,682 18,141,062 46,004,525 39,037,117 10,939,802 13,340,546 109,321,990 1978 16,556,131 12,985,762 20,467,053 50,008,946 41,809,886 12,350,606 16,211,717 120,381,155 1979 17,485,742 14,267,839 22,570,014 54,323,595 44,874,607 14,067,081 19,448,630 132,713,913 1980 18,469,474 16,041,587 24,777,468 59,288,529 50,306,705 14,219,776 22,835,179 146,650,189 1981 19,817,630 18,349,039 27,517,571 65,684,240 53,656,533 15,112,936 26,501,485 160,955,194 1982 21,084,640 21,549,282 29,490,849 72,124,771 54,063,833 15,360,468 31,071,603 172,620,675 1983 6,904,713 39,806,624 30,868,914 77,580,251 54,731,808 17,316,208 34,359,933 183,988,200 1984 40,271,776 6,064,482 14,147,341 60,483,599 45,945,344 17,690,087 31,514,442 155,633,472 1985 40,807,545 6,397,686 15,342,077 62,547,308 46,307,562 18,684,498 34,281,829 161,821,197 1986 40,914,219 6,804,331 16,766,541 64,485,091 46,663,804 18,902,070 36,493,175 166,544,140 1987 41,323,286 6,829,666 18,186,995 66,339,947 47,085,815 18,966,610 36,708,236 169,100,608 Current Other Other Total andLiabilities Dec. Capital Paid- In Retained Stockholders' Long- Term Accrued andTotal 31Stock Capital Earnings Equity Debt @ Liabilities @ Credits @ Liabilities (4510)( 4520- 4540)( 4550)( 4210- 4270)( 4010- 4130)( 4310- 4370) 1988 $41,521,396 $7,038,478 $22,065,366 $70,625,240 $45,519,398 $21,095,618 $36,710,192 $173,950,445 1989 41,867,880 7,141,512 23,023,802 72,033,194 45,760,724 22,504,517 36,782,921 177,081,349 1990 42,463,269 7,592,760 24,278,777 74,334,806 46,524,135 22,880,770 35,996,039 179,735,753 1991 43,314,593 7,858,696 24,998,881 76,172,170 46,686,874 25,173,200 35,717,781 183,750,037 1992 43,792,576 8,200,839 24,541,082 76,534,495 45,734,042 26,014,263 38,258,251 186,541,047 1993 37,859,925 14,501,288 20,527,948 72,889,163 42,684,473 33,478,472 43,283,602 192,335,707 1994 38,342,736 14,184,638 19,117,641 71,645,017 45,194,046 30,687,086 48,526,044 196,052,190 1995 32,330,483 19,855,393 19,957,170 72,143,046 44,541,624 33,297,001 47,485,842 197,467,516 1996 32,590,076 19,707,433 21,508,798 73,806,309 46,179,958 32,291,477 46,218,717 198,496,465 1997 32,722,456 17,369,130 21,601,380 71,692,966 44,772,218 35,656,531 45,706,250 197,827,963 1998 32,755,481 15,366,239 22,231,562 70,353,283 43,558,414 40,947,294 45,527,158 200,386,144 1999 32,388,581 13,075,906 21,821,366 67,285,853 44,209,493 44,083,446 47,985,334 203,564,128 2000 31,995,660 16,557,858 23,784,036 72,337,554 46,546,781 48,310,835 46,440,828 213,635,996 2001 31,471,29419,664,80112,348,53763,484,62941,177,57153,119,26649,559,944207,341,412 2002 31,492,25319,382,4667,568,68858,443,40740,031,16743,066,93753,315,998194,857,511 2003 31,940,62918,130,540( 3,370,177) 46,700,99237,418,18044,511,11252,887,662181,517,950 2004 33,560,0160( 7,283,503) 42,493,13533,894,64943,551,06052,521,254172,460,098 125 128 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.9 - Communications Plant of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers, 1960- 2004 * (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Furniture Vehicles Number andandCentral Dec. ofOffice Other Work Office 31Carriers 1 Land Buildings EquipmentE quipmentSubtotal E quipment (211)( 212)( 261)( 264)( 211, 212, (221) 261, 264) 1960 52 $185,476 $2,295,870 $266,603 $356,008 $3,103,957 $8,148,468 - 1961 56 199,590 2,478,358 276,796 367,108 3,321,852 8,957,213 - 1962 60 216,747 2,657,864 296,637 384,958 3,556,206 9,868,450 - 1963 60 233,948 2,848,117 321,583 406,903 3,810,551 10,819,433 - 1964 60 253,174 3,088,337 344,562 436,670 4,122,744 11,900,562 - 1965 54 270,701 3,375,883 368,133 471,108 4,485,825 13,007,268 - 1966 55 290,075 3,691,345 377,906 512,476 4,871,803 14,265,250 - 1967 57 306,680 3,960,904 396,451 539,515 5,203,549 15,586,708 - 1968 55 322,957 4,281,421 429,170 586,692 5,620,239 17,109,752 - 1969 57 347,880 4,655,156 463,041 659,999 6,126,076 18,834,082 - 1970 56 384,110 5,159,746 508,224 769,175 6,821,255 20,813,750 - 1971 60 430,582 5,804,134 569,557 859,983 7,664,256 23,424,762 - 1972 61 472,119 6,496,713 612,629 960,835 8,542,297 26,331,150 - 1973 63 529,326 7,300,879 671,795 1,081,759 9,583,759 29,433,573 - 1974 63 580,126 7,995,886 767,236 1,188,751 10,531,998 32,337,289 - 1975 62 621,544 8,726,810 949,423 1,241,809 11,539,587 35,279,982 - 1976 62 680,193 9,480,189 1,187,094 1,363,402 12,710,878 37,873,254 - 1977 63 736,103 10,232,878 1,439,971 1,544,679 13,953,631 41,056,240 - 1978 63 774,296 10,819,323 1,785,342 1,762,166 15,141,127 44,034,228 - 1979 61 810,241 11,451,094 2,212,486 2,080,127 16,553,948 46,971,115 - 1980 59 836,570 12,169,084 2,630,375 2,345,815 17,981,843 50,550,419 - 1981 60 891,774 13,169,882 3,124,928 2,629,449 19,816,033 54,737,595 - 1982 61 917,449 14,015,467 3,804,861 2,817,619 21,555,396 59,182,375 - 1983 62 962,403 15,097,034 4,742,328 2,968,959 23,770,723 63,997,168 - 1984 60 897,286 12,998,154 4,863,460 2,872,775 21,631,675 55,077,090 - 1985 56 1,006,224 14,759,834 5,994,607 3,262,713 25,023,378 65,885,165 - 1986 58 1,058,816 15,596,364 6,798,249 3,415,032 26,868,461 71,220,137 - 1987 53 1,079,228 16,268,365 7,617,387 3,690,064 28,655,044 75,762,832 - Total Furniture VehiclesLand Number andandandCentral Central Dec. ofOffice WorkSupport Office Office 31Carriers Land BuildingsEquipment E quipment 2 Assets Switchin g 3 Transmission 4 (2111)( 2121)( 2122- 2124)( 2112- 2114)( 2110)( 2210, 2220) (2230) 1988 52 $1,110,823 $16,207,647 $10,919,719 $3,912,181 $32,150,370 $46,031,086 $34,499,696 1989 51 1,135,311 16,865,842 11,681,712 4,167,375 33,850,238 47,985,169 36,112,628 1990 51 1,178,244 17,676,286 12,402,849 4,401,303 35,658,678 50,035,856 37,596,744 1991 52 1,203,699 18,471,719 12,805,236 4,611,183 37,091,839 51,868,575 39,099,457 1992 54 1,253,248 19,438,183 13,015,243 4,853,580 38,560,253 53,987,882 41,185,456 1993 53 1,267,086 20,113,194 13,286,488 4,950,201 39,616,966 55,107,325 43,477,208 1994 52 1,280,782 20,836,203 13,574,402 5,058,319 40,749,709 55,112,800 46,637,205 1995 53 1,298,636 21,662,810 14,080,975 5,165,505 42,207,930 56,423,998 50,033,982 1996 51 1,297,543 22,187,562 14,114,956 5,217,335 42,817,398 58,460,181 54,309,655 1997 51 1,302,689 22,593,669 12,842,675 5,237,852 42,176,886 61,028,994 59,124,463 1998 52 1,309,990 23,345,038 12,453,162 5,704,954 42,813,142 64,293,975 64,773,427 1998 # 52 1,281,30322,973,59111,016,4925,669,93242,981,649 66,045,246 71,194,982 2000 52 1,302,93823,953,5489,945,2966,137,59543,360,803 68,670,131 80,075,548 2001 52 1,376,05725,716,9749,606,7336,465,47945,201,337 71,405,045 89,976,531 2002 53 1,409,97326,790,2638,780,6616,380,62345,320,533 71,675,562 94,496,705 2003 54 1,424,65727,827,7158,048,8956,354,50945,836,724 71,796,843 97,450,695 2004 56 1,423,37828,509,7690045,850,448 0 99,685,988 * Beginning in 1984, excludes AT& T Communications and Alascom. # Beginning in 1999, the figures in italics are for the large local exchange carriers for which detailed individual company data are presented in Table 2.8. The figures in roman type, which include plant data reported by the mid- sized carriers, are from Table 2.9. x In 2003, account 2425 was deleted; data are now included in account 2424. See additional notes following this table. 126 129 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.9 - Communications Plant of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers, 1960- 2004 -- Continue d (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Large PrivatePublicOther Dec. Station Station BranchTelephone Communications 31Apparatus Connections 5 Exchan gesEquipment 6 Equipment 7 Subtotal (231)( 232)( 234)( 235)( 262)( 231, 232, 234, 235, 262) 1960 $2,187,471 $2,028,098 $715,600 - - $4,931,169 1961 2,366,724 2,189,347 825,393 - - 5,381,464 1962 2,573,836 2,373,862 944,279 - - 5,891,976 1963 2,742,139 2,546,940 1,057,383 - - 6,346,462 1964 2,949,631 2,771,353 1,173,706 - - 6,894,689 1965 3,195,309 3,020,319 1,304,147 - - 7,519,775 1966 3,465,707 3,296,003 1,476,614 - - 8,238,324 1967 3,747,834 3,574,379 1,651,686 - - 8,973,899 1968 4,136,257 3,928,381 1,838,683 - - 9,903,321 1969 4,608,633 4,343,326 2,088,212 - - 11,040,171 1970 4,997,135 4,758,131 2,331,146 - - 12,086,412 1971 5,272,596 5,225,337 2,553,155 - - 13,051,089 1972 5,745,684 5,747,932 2,769,377 - - 14,262,993 1973 6,259,514 6,328,270 2,980,337 - - 15,568,121 1974 6,670,890 6,887,993 3,174,704 - - 16,733,588 1975 7,205,845 7,478,852 3,323,956 - - 18,008,653 1976 7,894,699 8,252,241 3,411,459 - - 19,558,399 1977 8,887,202 9,368,289 3,507,564 - - 21,763,055 1978 9,963,149 10,599,055 3,581,596 - - 24,143,800 1979 10,900,424 12,135,760 3,697,491 - - 26,733,674 1980 11,892,002 13,864,035 3,834,626 - - 29,590,663 1981 13,044,737 15,931,604 4,050,369 - - 33,026,710 1982 13,714,251 16,700,040 4,301,960 - - 34,716,251 1983 12,575,290 17,142,022 4,183,769 - - 33,901,082 1984 1,468,450 13,222,430 1,181,106 1,149,772 $2,023,743 19,045,501 1985 1,870,666 14,399,357 1,565,433 1,207,581 2,265,806 21,308,843 1986 1,594,885 14,296,152 1,601,217 1,276,504 2,495,263 21,264,021 1987 1,106,705 14,527,818 1,556,855 1,327,751 2,666,553 21,185,682 Total Large PublicInformation Customer PrivateTelephone Other Origination/ Dec. Station PremisesBranchTerminal Terminal Termination 31Apparatus WiringExchanges Equipment Equipment Assets (2311)( 2321)( 2341)( 2351)( 2362)( 2310) 1988 $876,435 $12,928,938 $268,046 $1,379,217 $1,842,620 $17,295,255 1989 770,419 12,027,754 246,900 1,436,570 1,966,727 16,448,370 1990 557,271 8,161,875 191,801 1,516,988 1,987,666 12,415,599 1991 566,859 4,537,517 190,057 1,564,808 2,050,130 8,909,370 1992 542,917 1,234,759 198,533 1,556,328 2,223,368 5,755,903 1993 518,006 517,445 200,507 1,608,901 2,475,673 5,320,532 1994 526,426 142,672 182,905 1,664,218 2,372,972 4,889,194 1995 415,642 142,752 177,453 1,676,901 2,642,312 5,055,060 1996 358,114 142,672 173,105 1,673,400 2,849,153 5,196,449 1997 330,468 143,466 173,397 1,339,538 2,956,927 4,943,798 1998 362,270 142,675 187,810 1,359,715 3,316,846 5,369,320 1999 154,994142,672139,6861,250,5303,487,9675,558,868 2000 122,0370147,4071,114,9523,829,9465,577,346 2001 108,6630164,7551,049,6733,917,2285,582,880 2002 111,7840185,1951,058,3403,971,0005,617,989 2003 109,0380205,609856,7583,939,8715,431,115 2004 80,2380113,303548,3333,889,9134,958,233 127 130 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.9 - Communications Plant of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers, 1960- 2004 -- Continue d (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Dec. PoleAerial Underground BuriedSubmarine 31Lines Cable Cable Cable Cable (241)( 242.1)( 242.2)( 242.3)( 242.4) 1960 $1,467,858 $3,086,154 $1,820,814 $733,428 $104,837 - 1961 1,507,461 3,282,504 1,939,179 826,990 107,332 - 1962 1,551,472 3,475,056 2,054,840 945,053 110,836 - 1963 1,589,416 3,671,104 2,177,437 1,069,759 135,214 - 1964 1,616,685 3,878,997 2,316,164 1,263,628 169,649 - 1965 1,640,999 4,102,758 2,452,582 1,472,530 177,844 - 1966 1,668,592 4,341,546 2,620,078 1,760,896 181,842 - 1967 1,692,457 4,578,764 2,823,172 2,086,211 184,460 - 1968 1,722,512 4,826,322 3,033,990 2,397,850 208,495 - 1969 1,755,259 5,126,653 3,311,507 2,848,693 211,724 - 1970 1,778,920 5,443,790 3,368,653 231,243 - 1971 1,813,163 5,763,603 4,128,260 3,984,858 240,347 - 1972 1,852,394 6,134,608 4,574,038 4,595,773 243,584 - 1973 1,899,941 6,569,043 5,076,617 5,331,210 245,231 - 1974 1,954,344 7,002,958 5,626,795 6,230,061 285,498 - 1975 2,008,725 7,416,201 6,091,391 7,116,305 321,959 - 1976 2,099,682 7,958,561 6,512,683 7,993,218 378,598 - 1977 2,197,909 8,599,402 7,114,321 9,209,835 374,210 - 1978 2,303,458 9,273,899 7,797,206 10,486,217 370,739 - 1979 2,394,844 9,972,575 8,620,487 11,880,437 373,611 - 1980 2,531,795 10,850,754 9,618,387 13,347,530 397,297 - 1981 2,695,238 11,858,156 10,610,528 14,825,933 392,499 - 1982 2,863,951 12,868,083 11,646,994 16,351,050 380,413 - 1983 3,063,951 13,939,535 12,589,197 17,772,533 447,937 - 1984 3,220,464 16,772,362 13,332,108 20,627,024 153,255 - 1985 3,690,471 19,154,679 15,539,867 24,709,939 136,766 - 1986 3,891,914 20,413,976 16,539,450 26,956,415 130,691 - 1987 4,103,644 21,411,170 17,495,291 28,959,881 132,648 - Intrabuilding Dec. Aerial Underground BuriedSubmarine Network 31PolesCable Cable Cable Cable x Cable 8 (2411)( 2421)( 2422)( 2423)( 2424, 2425) (2426) 1988 $4,288,101 $20,328,840 $18,312,882 $30,834,618 $130,973 $2,182,410 1989 4,463,145 21,337,188 19,092,063 32,699,703 127,046 2,367,102 1990 4,646,215 22,517,976 20,058,233 34,850,325 129,025 2,456,366 1991 4,858,764 23,733,869 20,910,428 36,839,434 122,743 2,532,124 1992 5,099,209 25,068,899 21,914,234 39,150,235 125,855 2,254,941 1993 5,320,859 26,275,610 22,732,530 41,522,954 130,025 2,286,927 1994 5,516,721 27,505,691 23,470,233 43,600,292 141,338 2,271,730 1995 5,735,260 28,980,893 24,211,110 45,829,518 141,876 2,229,141 1996 5,880,283 30,397,059 25,093,021 48,377,947 158,921 2,262,012 1997 6,055,621 31,701,649 26,137,170 50,994,748 117,414 2,308,327 1998 6,250,253 33,261,444 27,159,622 53,794,007 115,257 2,091,436 1999 5,853,86332,180,03627,231,76051,286,14792,5002,059,843 2000 5,984,71733,239,33028,396,96252,543,98599,2012,243,158 2001 6,140,15834,623,58829,993,38455,260,88999,8702,258,506 2002 6,173,42934,988,00030,947,38656,291,457100,0042,301,903 2003 6,326,95135,831,84331,694,25757,876,55499,7732,321,162 2004 6,495,72236,732,93532,430,00059,867,15099,2382,343,507 128 131 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers dTable 4.9 - Communications Plant of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers, 1960- 2004 -- Continue d (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Telephone PlantTelephone Dec. Aerial Underground Acquired/ Plant 31WireConduit Subtotal 9 Sold 10 Intan giblesin Servic e (243)( 244)( 241- 244)( 276, 277) (201- 203)( 100.1) 1960 $613,140 $1,057,777 $8,884,008 $129 $2,694 $25,070,425 1961 620,612 1,120,707 9,404,784 291 2,711 27,068,314 1962 626,984 1,177,455 9,941,695 133 2,757 29,261,217 1963 627,021 1,245,562 10,515,514 236 3,336 31,495,533 1964 617,858 1,328,729 11,191,709 58 3,304 34,113,066 1965 593,356 1,419,388 11,859,457 218 2,865 36,875,409 1966 569,582 1,528,361 12,670,896 4,857 1,377 40,052,507 1967 542,503 1,650,569 13,558,136 3,226 1,637 43,327,155 1968 519,812 1,778,255 14,487,236 468 1,745 47,122,762 1969 495,550 1,971,008 15,720,394 492 2,405 51,723,620 1970 470,519 2,258,487 17,226,419 1,095 2,544 56,951,475 1971 450,672 2,566,014 18,946,917 413 3,030 63,090,467 1972 433,245 2,894,940 20,728,582 2,102 3,219 69,870,343 1973 416,192 3,305,990 22,844,224 4,967 6,968 77,441,613 1974 391,815 3,776,055 25,267,525 10,908 6,760 84,888,068 1975 367,014 4,126,331 27,447,926 1,463 6,418 92,284,028 1976 352,797 4,433,170 29,728,708 1,239 6,959 99,879,437 1977 337,465 4,881,954 32,715,095 941 7,138 109,496,100 1978 324,691 5,448,840 36,005,051 4,658 7,060 119,335,925 1979 308,852 6,153,363 39,704,169 1,965 6,823 129,971,695 1980 303,039 6,916,233 43,965,034 1,563 6,264 142,095,787 1981 301,573 7,577,807 48,261,734 452 2,768 155,845,292 1982 303,267 8,202,691 52,616,448 1,376 2,776 168,074,623 1983 306,551 8,689,584 56,809,289 2,017 1,837 178,482,115 1984 297,874 9,088,615 63,491,702 713 2,799 159,249,480 1985 338,378 10,122,403 73,692,503 1,046 3,047 185,913,983 1986 336,817 10,592,637 78,861,900 277 2,760 198,217,362 1987 327,171 11,112,520 83,542,325 1 4,653 209,150,536 Total Tele-Cable Amortizable Communications Dec. Aerial Conduit and Wire Tangible Plant 31WireS ystemsFacilitie sAssets 11 Intan gibles 12 in Servic e (2431)( 2441)( 2410)( 2680)( 2690)( 2001) 1988 $327,633 $11,666,203 $88,071,660 $1,818,753 $4,717 $219,871,536 1989 330,072 12,226,270 92,642,591 1,760,840 2,708 228,802,536 1990 331,510 12,871,308 97,860,961 1,674,128 4,973 235,246,934 1991 341,942 13,538,783 102,878,090 1,762,677 9,653 241,619,670 1992 337,901 14,160,274 108,111,548 1,897,674 9,279 249,507,995 1993 241,987 14,770,317 113,281,205 1,969,216 9,286 258,781,742 1994 247,521 15,327,185 118,080,703 1,962,969 10,803 267,443,392 1995 212,666 14,842,684 123,183,157 2,036,332 5,758 278,946,213 1996 212,488 16,445,224 128,826,957 1,151,253 17,191 291,568,976 1997 189,931 17,031,426 134,536,289 1,909,479 89,512 303,809,423 1998 216,359 17,658,397 140,546,779 1,918,318 51,847 319,766,804 1999 190,00117,774,213146,447,357 1,709,525 1,548,180 335,485,811 2000 152,01418,492,642151,399,221 1,959,616 3,645,430 354,674,714 2001 147,03219,495,057158,602,889 7,891,501 - 378,660,187 2002 138,89820,093,185162,696,946 9,006,089 - 388,813,820 2003 141,12220,512,968168,283,980 4,633,064 - 393,432,416 2004 141,86820,912,254174,272,431 3,927,334 - 400,456,181 129 132 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.9 - Communications Plant of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers, 1960- 2004 -- Continue d (Dollar Amounts Shown in Thousands ) Telephone PropertyTelephone PlantHeldPlant Dec. Under for Future Acquisition Earth Gross 31Construction Telephone Use Adjustment Stations 13 Plant (100.2)( 100.3)( 100.4)( 100.5) 1960 $619,131 - $21,250 $3,429 - $25,714,235 1961 619,052 - 21,796 2,459 - 27,711,621 1962 649,862 - 24,408 2,044 - 29,937,531 1963 769,782 - 22,548 2,073 - 32,289,936 1964 819,275 - 25,353 1,807 - 34,959,501 1965 1,056,480 - 32,805 2,258 - 37,966,952 1966 1,219,856 - 38,803 2,507 - 41,313,673 1967 1,428,723 - 41,796 2,544 $9,526 44,809,744 1968 1,685,904 - 39,144 2,004 16,280 48,866,094 1969 1,896,786 - 59,758 3,021 18,606 53,701,791 1970 2,819,257 - 81,775 4,740 16,701 59,873,948 1971 3,128,647 - 80,177 6,107 17,372 66,322,770 1972 3,334,754 - 81,541 10,987 17,855 73,315,480 1973 3,466,021 - 96,999 10,793 18,581 81,034,007 1974 3,589,608 - 125,290 6,167 19,431 88,628,564 1975 3,095,652 - 125,707 2,821 31,285 95,539,493 1976 3,018,822 - 107,487 6,304 40,427 103,052,477 1977 3,478,143 - 91,540 12,812 51,926 113,130,521 1978 4,143,416 - 30,420 11,879 79,817 123,601,457 1979 4,856,454 - 21,323 10,078 90,264 134,949,814 1980 5,126,257 - 57,400 12,853 104,810 147,397,107 1981 5,474,159 - 40,779 11,531 123,063 161,494,824 1982 5,575,990 - 76,061 10,976 229,781 173,967,431 1983 5,373,473 - 43,304 9,772 273,111 184,181,775 1984 4,499,873 - 27,100 8,370 18,852 163,803,675 1985 5,094,209 - 10,461 9,782 6,830 191,035,267 1986 4,589,062 - 22,986 21,184 7,995 202,858,589 1987 4,374,325 - 29,679 20,002 7,769 213,582,314 Telecomm. Plant Under Constr. Telecomm. Plant Telecomm. Plant [Short- Term for Under Constr. Property Held Adjustment Dec. 1988- 1994;[ Long- Term for for Future andNonoperating Total 31Then Total] 14 1988- 1994] 14 Telecomm. Us eGoodwillPlantPlant (2003)( 2004)( 2002)( 2005, 2007) (2006) 1988 $2,537,916 $1,137,422 $51,140 $33,707 $210,376 $223,842,097 1989 3,137,928 1,182,313 72,806 38,487 210,956 233,445,021 1990 3,100,943 1,194,714 23,470 85,742 239,993 239,891,799 1991 3,088,466 1,247,929 25,619 216,241 251,715 246,449,644 1992 3,141,673 1,139,682 21,562 210,370 277,186 254,298,464 1993 2,858,144 1,213,209 11,029 276,156 416,095 263,556,374 1994 2,872,232 1,354,322 9,353 390,703 404,929 272,474,927 1995 4,364,182 - 11,110 320,453 566,323 284,208,280 1996 3,897,287 - 17,611 369,974 397,379 296,251,229 1997 4,242,105 - 9,508 415,375 344,804 308,821,217 1998 4,099,303 - 8,199 391,840 400,317 324,666,466 1999 5,683,255 - 46,302 414,032 300,838 341,930,237 2000 6,514,514 - 21,955 285,265 261,517 361,757,961 2001 4,800,909 - 45,037 388,124 545,706384,439,963 2002 3,102,957 - 31,904 262,113 537,692392,748,486 2003 2,257,621 - 25,010 224,724 208,983396,148,754 2004 2,322,155 - 20,317 220,729 133,834403,153,216 130 133 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Notes to Tables 4.1 throu gh 4.9 The historical data presented in these tables were compiled from previous editions of Statistics of Communi-cations Common Carriers (SOCC), formerly known as Statistics of the Communications Industry in the United States. For the most part, the original data were gathered from the annual reports of Class A telephone carriers and, beginning in 1957, include the voluntary submissions of selected large telephone companies not subject to the Commission's reporting requirements. Over the years, the number of carriers reporting to the Commission has varied because of mergers, carrier reclassification, and changes in the reporting criteria. In 1985, the annual operating revenue requirement for tele -phone carrier reporting was changed from $1 million to $100 million. As a result, twenty- one companies that ha d filed a report for 1984 were relieved of this requirement the following year. These carriers accounted for about $44 0 million in total operating revenues in 1984, with two- thirds of them reporting less than $20 million. On Jan. 1, 1988, a revised Uniform System of Accounts (USOA) went into effect. As a result of these revisions, data submitted under the new rules may not be comparable on a one- to- one basis with data filed for previous years. In these tables, USOA account numbers are given for each column heading (where applicable). The three- digit numbers refer to Part 31 of the Commission's rules, whereas those with four digits refer to Part 32, the revised USOA that superseded Part 31. In the 1995/ 96 edition of this publication, the 1995 data did not include AT& T Communications or Alascom (which had been acquired by AT& T Corp.) because the detailed reporting requirements for these carriers were elimi -nated after the Commission had decided that AT& T would no longer be considered a dominant carrier. In the 1996 / 1997 book, these tables were revised to exclude data for the aforementioned carriers for 1984 and subsequent years- -the period since AT& T's divestiture of the Bell operating companies. (The double line in the year column of eac h table marks the time of divestiture, which was effective Jan. 1, 1984.) Therefore, the data for 1984 to the present ar e not comparable to the data for 1960- 83. Historical data that include AT& T Communications and Alascom appear i n the 1994/ 1995 and earlier editions of this publication. Beginning with the reports filed for 1999, the Commission streamlined the reporting requirements for certai n mid- sized incumbent local exchange carriers in Phase 1 of its Accounting Review Report and Order, 14 FCC Rc d 11396 (1999). Further streamlining was undertaken by the FCC's Phase 2 Report and Order, 16 FCC Rcd 19911 (2001), which included the elimination of certain reporting requirements for mid- sized carriers. As a result of these changes, only the large carriers included in Table 2.8 of this publication continue to report much of the financial data that are presented in these historical tables. Such items are indicated by the figures in italics. Because of different data sources for 2001- 2003 and prior years (1988- 2000), the figures for all reporting carriers for these two periods are not strictly comparable; the differences, however, are for the most part relatively minor. The annual ARMIS Order that was released on Dec. 17, 2003 (18 FCC Rcd 25759) implemented the revisions to FCC Report 43- 01, the Annual Summary Report, and FCC Report 43- 02, the USOA Report, that were approved by the Commission in its Phase 2 Report and Order, 16 FCC Rcd 19911 (2001). The two ARMIS reports are the source of the post- 1987 data for incumbent local exchange carriers that are presented in these historical tables. Revenues In Table 4.3, the toll private line revenue categories used for the 1960- 87 period were introduced in the 1981 annual reports, and are not completely comparable to the categories listed in the reports for 1980 and prior years. The revenue breakdown before 1981 was as follows: telephone, teletypewriter, other telegraph, Telpak (beginning in 1961), program transmission - audio, program transmission - video, and other private line services. 1 Effective Nov. 15, 1999, account 5010, public telephone revenues, was eliminated. 2 In the 1957 through 1973 SOCC books, details of private line revenues were not totaled for carriers that had filed reports on a voluntary basis. In this tabulation, aggregate data for those carriers are included in the other services category of toll private line service revenues. 3 In 1982 through 1987, some of the non- Bell companies did not provide a breakdown of their toll private line revenues. These revenues were reported as either voice- grade service revenues or other private line service revenues. 4 Wide area toll service (WATS) began in 1961. During the 1961- 75 period, some of the non- Bell companies included WATS revenues in their message toll service revenues. The WATS figures for 1961- 65 include reve- nues for wide area data service, which was offered on a limited developmental basis during that period. 5 Beginning in 1961, includes earth station revenues. 6 For 2002, includes reserves recorded for MCI WorldCom. 7 Includes revenue settlements (row 1050 of ARMIS 43- 01 report). 131 134 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Notes to Tables 4.1 throu gh 4.9 -- Continued Ex penses 1 The plant specific operations expense accounts are used to record the expenses associated with particular kinds of telecommunications plant. For details, see expense accounts in Table 2.8. 2 Beginning in 2001, other property, plant and equipment expenses (account 6510) are included with network operations expenses (account 6530). Earnin gs 1 Net operating income for 1960- 87 is after the addition and subtraction of rents from and for the lease of operating property from net operating revenues. Beginning in 1988, these rents are included in operating revenues and expenses. 2 Beginning in 1970, net income is after extraordinary and delayed items. In earlier years, these items were charged or credited to retained earnings. 3 The significant change in nonoperating income and expense and nonoperating taxes that occurred in 1993 is primarily attributable to business restructuring and the adoption of new accounting standards. Assets and Liabilities 1 Includes prepaid accounts. 2 Includes miscellaneous physical property (account 103), which is reported as nonoperating plant (account 2006) under the revised USOA. 3 Includes other jurisdictional assets (account 1500), which were not reported before 1988. 4 In 1983, AT& T changed the par value of its common stock from $16.67 to $1 per share. Plant 1 During the 1960- 84 period, detailed plant account data for those carriers that reported to the Commission on a voluntary basis were not included in the SOC C tabulations. Accordingly, the number of carriers included in this table for that period differs from the number included in Tables 4.1 through 4.8. 2 In 1999, accounts 2114, 2115, and 2116 (special purpose vehicles, garage work equipment, and other work equipment, respectively) were combined into a single new account 2114, tools and other work equipment. 3 Includes operator systems (account 2220). 4 Includes satellite and earth station facilities (account 2231.1). 5 Drop and block wires, formerly included in this column, are included in aerial wire (account 242.1), or buried cable (account 242.3), as appropriate. 6 Prior to 1984, public telephone equipment was included in account 231, station apparatus. 7 Account 262 includes PBX and station equipment installed for official company use. Under the new rules, such plant is included in account 2123, office equipment. 8 Intrabuilding network cable was called "house cable" under the old rules and was included in the aerial cable account (242.1). 9 Includes account 207, right- of- way, which was eliminated as a separate account effective Jan. 1, 1960. From 1960 through 1987, right- of- way was included primarily in the appropriate outside plant account. 10 Includes unclassified plant (reported in 1969, 1974, 1975, and 1984). 11 Consists of capital leases (account 2681) and leasehold improvements (account 2682). Beginning in 2001, includes intangibles (account 2690). 12 Beginning in 2001, included with amortizable tangible assets (account 2680). 13 Under the revised USOA, satellite earth stations are included in central office transmission facilities. 14 Beginning in 1995, the distinction between short- term and long- term plant under construction was eliminated. Account 2003 now comprises total plant under construction; account 2004 was deleted. 132 135 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.10 - Selected O perating Statistics of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers, 1985- 2004 Switched Access Lines BusinessResidential Number of YearCarriers Total Analog Digital Total Analog Digital PayphoneMobile Total Business 1 Residential Switched 1985 55 29,223,623 NA NA 79,220,307 NA NA 1,709,914 NA 110,153,844 1986 57 30,366,907 NA NA 81,210,464 NA NA 1,715,737 NA 113,293,108 1987 52 31,844,171 NA NA 83,384,081 NA NA 1,720,378 NA 116,948,630 1988 52 32,422,985 NA NA 85,014,956 NA NA 1,605,476 39,075 119,082,492 1989 51 34,371,315 NA NA 86,766,613 NA NA 1,623,946 37,048 122,798,922 1990 51 35,592,942 NA NA 89,057,341 NA NA 1,694,575 44,103 126,388,961 1991 52 38,433,693 37,363,953 1,069,740 90,836,057 90,836,051 6 1,680,993 62,252 131,012,995 1992 54 38,735,502 37,500,787 1,234,715 93,236,150 93,235,927 223 1,543,776 82,062 133,597,490 1993 53 40,731,495 39,138,053 1,593,442 95,599,391 95,599,309 82 1,528,723 116,140 137,975,749 1994 52 42,406,369 40,789,515 1,616,854 98,225,105 98,224,590 515 1,524,615 51,773 142,207,862 1995 53 45,589,658 43,432,221 2,157,437 101,333,305 101,329,103 4,202 1,432,843 54,483 148,410,289 1996 51 49,247,530 45,940,727 3,306,803 104,314,789 104,259,359 55,430 1,540,813 61,438 155,164,570 1997 51 52,927,781 48,295,891 4,631,890 108,188,436 108,085,358 103,078 1,748,022 71,542 162,935,781 1998 52 56,900,690 49,955,063 6,945,627 110,447,132 110,283,286 163,846 1,791,835 142,386 169,282,043 1999 52 57,446,480 49,056,625 8,389,855 115,230,600 114,873,548 357,052 1,801,972 233,440 174,712,492 2000 52 57,807,641 48,032,271 9,775,370 114,637,547 114,345,035 292,512 1,721,871 11,752 174,178,811 2001 52 53,658,006 41,715,173 11,942,833 111,761,660 111,376,549 385,111 1,384,935 189 166,804,790 2002 53 53,839,485 NA NA 103,249,850 NA NA 1,308,489 - 158,397,824 2003 54 49,376,244 3,738,168 45,638,076 98,677,634 5,908,933 92,768,701 1,070,405 - 149,124,283 2004 56 48,657,853 3,157,251 44,552,188 94,072,563 6,238,371 87,834,192 948,414 - 142,730,416 Special Access Lines Total Cable Km of Fiber in Cable 2 Employees 3 (Non- Switched) Total (Switched and Special) Access YearTotal Analo gDi gitalLines Sheath Km Sheath Km Fiber Km Total Fiber Number of Compensation of Metallic of Fiber Equipped Km Deplo yedEmplo yeesof Emplo yees Cable 4 (Lit) (Lit & Dark) (Thousands) 1985 1,390,896 NA NA 111,544,740 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1986 1,920,731 NA NA 115,213,839 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1987 2,148,098 NA NA 119,096,728 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1988 3,192,682 NA NA 122,275,174 NA NA 719,838 2,539,308 601,665 21,488,554 1989 3,037,268 NA NA 125,836,190 NA NA 1,059,381 3,979,350 592,254 21,109,475 1990 4,035,297 NA NA 130,424,258 NA NA 1,648,540 5,328,029 569,203 22,632,119 1991 5,725,345 1,174,766 4,550,579 136,738,340 5,570,128 255,541 2,477,451 7,249,442 537,826 22,000,414 1992 6,708,337 1,237,007 5,471,330 140,305,827 5,653,859 307,503 3,855,726 10,349,921 527,017 21,993,215 1993 11,037,217 2,135,307 8,901,910 149,012,966 5,712,100 363,108 4,015,898 13,328,168 507,069 22,683,261 1994 14,964,943 1,974,813 12,990,130 157,172,805 5,763,421 408,210 5,713,076 16,121,035 473,782 21,677,067 1995 17,603,651 2,137,734 15,465,917 166,013,940 5,801,044 458,904 5,551,510 17,572,084 447,304 20,851,433 1996 22,719,925 1,429,853 21,290,072 177,884,495 5,832,635 567,521 6,466,950 20,357,287 436,717 23,224,492 1997 30,998,515 1,159,630 29,838,885 193,934,296 5,840,297 544,246 7,550,624 23,104,987 434,771 22,196,451 1998 35,943,026 1,170,400 34,772,626 205,225,069 5,936,319 594,509 9,795,326 26,574,067 435,533 23,613,465 1999 53,234,528 1,028,511 52,206,017 227,947,020 6,006,087 640,203 13,119,015 29,410,807 435,533 23,613,465 2000 70,604,556 1,245,359 69,359,197 244,783,367 5,843,745 676,329 13,571,505 33,515,358 434,377 23,653,310 2001 85,949,587 1,074,272 84,875,315 252,754,377 5,855,683 733,012 15,303,466 39,487,942 386,17722,981,834 2002 103,842,417 897,728 102,944,689 262,240,241 5,818,120 761,589 17,030,119 43,091,797 332,95922,843,312 2003 118,629,181 911,401 117,717,780 267,753,464 5,936,914 804,074 15,570,496 46,604,960 303,02823,359,499 2004 143,617,282 765,898 142,851,384 286,347,698 6,070,125 859,053 16,456,179 51,332,347 295,05123,955,360 Single Line Multiline Lifeline Non- Lifeline 133 136 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 4.10 - Selected O perating Statistics of Re porting Incumbent Local Exchan ge Carriers, 1985- 2004 -- Continued Number of Telephone Calls InterLATA Billed Access Minutes (Thousands) (Ori ginating and Terminatin g) (Thousands) Toll Calls Completed (Ori ginating) Number of YearCarriers Local Calls Total IntraLATA Total InterLATA InterLATA Total Interstate Intrastate InterLATA Interstate Intrastate 1985 55 365,304,830 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1986 57 372,296,473 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1987 52 379,864,264 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1988 52 379,035,883 67,547,342 18,983,768 48,563,574 36,752,925 11,810,649 NA NA NA 1989 51 389,383,322 68,547,451 19,406,222 49,141,229 37,593,867 11,547,362 NA NA NA 1990 51 402,492,293 63,359,346 20,263,554 43,095,792 31,888,748 11,207,044 NA NA NA 1991 52 416,213,954 67,333,207 23,337,553 43,995,654 32,126,555 11,869,099 405,456,048 305,745,611 99,710,437 1992 54 434,175,743 71,502,090 22,612,572 48,889,518 36,036,032 12,853,486 432,356,515 327,821,281 104,535,234 1993 53 447,473,714 78,077,246 23,757,662 54,319,584 38,746,788 15,572,796 465,270,369 351,022,599 114,247,770 1994 52 465,207,539 83,441,709 23,796,633 59,645,076 43,244,593 16,400,483 500,297,267 374,996,101 125,301,166 1995 53 484,195,345 94,051,667 23,327,801 70,723,866 50,618,771 20,105,095 549,982,263 405,579,546 144,402,717 1996 51 504,131,507 94,905,927 21,376,847 73,529,080 52,677,037 20,852,043 598,563,946 438,772,880 159,791,066 1997 51 522,025,261 98,424,977 21,844,925 76,580,052 54,563,338 22,016,714 647,813,708 469,638,292 178,175,416 1998 52 544,288,934 96,934,938 18,469,316 78,465,622 55,974,210 22,491,412 690,523,467 497,138,901 193,384,566 1999 52 553,853,237 102,245,666 18,116,240 84,129,426 57,806,961 26,322,465 739,042,459 519,272,905 219,769,554 2000 52 536,523,081 105,978,596 16,157,912 89,820,684 59,212,055 30,608,629 792,263,836 535,011,649 257,252,187 2001 52 515,335,676 97,849,444 14,970,794 82,878,650 53,319,645 29,559,005 745,754,124 504,026,109 241,728,015 2002 53 459,302,668 89,997,279 13,339,232 76,658,047 47,968,133 28,689,914 668,089,004 451,602,651 216,486,353 2003 54 424,617,408 81,217,462 11,880,332 69,337,130 43,385,840 25,951,290 612,805,855 414,701,831 198,104,024 2004 56 381,069,716 82,396,083 10,199,173 72,196,910 47,627,234 24,569,676 601,798,650 407,004,711 194,793,939 Source: These historical statistics were compiled from previous editions of Statistics of Communications Common Carriers. Totals may be understated because certain data pertaining to the carriers included in this table are not available. Note: Between 1987 and 1988, there were significant changes in the definitions of many of the items in this table. With the implementation of a new Uniform System of Accounts (USOA) in 1988, as indicated in the notes to Tables 4.1 - 4.9, new categories of reporting units of physical plant and network usage were created and defined. In 1992, some of these definitions were further refined when the reporting mechanism of the carriers was changed for the filing of 1991 data. For these reasons, there may be inconsistencies in the data reported for 1984- 1987 compared to what was reported for 1988, and also between 1988 and subsequent years, as the carriers we re adapting to the new USOA and automated reporting requirements. In 2003, the analog/ digital breakdown of business and residential switched access lines was replaced by a single- line/ multiline division of business lines and a lifeline/ non- lifeline separation of residential lines. 1 Beginning in 2003, payphone lines are included with total business lines. 2 For 1988- 1990, miles were converted to kilometers by multiplying the number of miles by 1.6093 and rounding to the nearest whole number. 3 Beginning in 2001, employee and compensation figures (shown in italics) are for the Bell operating companies only. 4 Before 1997, referred to as sheath kilometers of copper cable. 134 137 Part 5 Trends and Monitorin g Tables 138 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 5.1 -- U. S. Wireline Telephone Lines YearAnnual ILEC Local Annual ILEC Access Annual End GrowthLoops 2 GrowthLines 3 Growth (%)(%)(%) 1980 102,216,367 1981 105,559,222 3.3 % 1982 107,519,214 1.9 1983 110,612,689 2.9 1984 112,550,739 1.8 113,832,113 1985 115,985,813 3.1 117,384,865 3.1 % 1986 118,289,121 2.0 120,730,205 2.8 1987 122,789,249 3.8 124,625,693 3.2 1988 127,086,765 3.5 126,899,632 1.8 1989 131,504,568 3.5 130,860,026 3.1 1990 136,114,201 3.5 134,685,732 2.9 1991 139,412,884 2.4 139,613,309 3.7 1992 143,341,581 2.8 142,367,463 2.0 1993 148,106,159 3.3 147,033,132 3.3 1994 153,447,946 3.6 151,543,061 3.1 1995 159,658,662 4.0 158,152,644 4.4 1996 166,445,580 4.3 165,350,308 4.6 1997 173,866,799 4.5 173,857,193 5.1 1998 179,849,045 3.4 180,516,161 3.8 1999 189,501,938 185,002,911 2.9 186,594,497 3.4 2000 192,555,081 1.6 %188,499,346 1.9 187,581,092 0.5 2001 191,697,023 -0.4 185,588,179 -1.5 179,811,283 -4.1 2002 189,389,840 -1.2 180,110,858 -3.0 172,265,210 -4.2 2003 183,042,370 -3.4 173,136,837 -3.9 162,497,356 -5.7 2004 177,946,979 -2.8 NA NA NA - Not available at time of publication. 1 Include end- user switched access lines for competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) and incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) as reported in FCC Form 477. Carriers with greater than 10,000 lines in a state are required to report. 2 Include end- user switched access lines, resold lines, and UNE- P lines. 3 Beginning in 2001, a substantial number of ILEC lines provided to CLECs as UNE- P lines are not included in this total. Source: CLEC and ILEC access lines: Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Local Telephone Competition: Status as of December 31, 2004 (July 2004). Local loops: National Exchange Carrier Association, Universal Service Fund filings. Access Lines: Statistics of Communications Common Carriers, 2003/ 2004 Edition (October 2004 ), Table 4.10, after inflating access lines of reporting carriers to represent the total industry. The 1996 adjustment factor was used for the years prior to 1996. 137 CLEC and ILEC Lines 1 139 Date ILEC Lines CLEC Lines Total 1 CLEC Share December 1999 181,307,695 189,501,938 4.3 % June 2000 179,761,930 191,319,311 6.0 December 2000 177,641,529 192,512,938 7.7 June 2001 174,861,248 192,135,975 9.0 December 2001 172,043,582 191,697,023 10.3 June 2002 167,472,318 189,117,246 11.4 December 2002 164,526,149 189,389,840 13.1 June 2003 158,386,821 185,372,166 14.6 December 2003 153,266,932 183,042,370 16.3 June 2004 148,103,506 180,137,421 17.8 December 2004 145,055,087 177,946,979 18.5 Date Residential Other 2 Residential and Small & Small BusinessesBusinesses December 1999 139,758,434 41,549,261 77.1 %3,368,702 41.1 % June 2000 140,635,199 39,126,731 78.2 4,579,501 39.6 December 2000 138,872,415 38,769,114 78.2 6,620,471 44.5 June 2001 134,618,062 40,243,186 77.0 7,793,071 45.1 December 2001 133,421,570 38,622,012 77.6 9,489,049 48.3 June 2002 131,051,178 36,421,140 78.3 11,080,676 51.2 December 2002 127,606,456 36,919,693 77.6 14,608,495 58.8 June 2003 122,663,356 35,723,465 77.4 16,770,561 62.1 December 2003 118,746,138 34,520,794 77.5 18,702,229 62.8 June 2004 114,621,599 33,481,907 77.4 20,871,756 65.2 December 2004 112,246,949 32,808,138 77.4 19,812,922 60.2 Note: Data for June 2004 have been revised. 1 Carriers with 10,000 or more lines in a state are required to report. 2 Medium and large business, institutional, and government customers. 13,078,970 and Small Businesses 10,214,784 11,073,209 10,255,196 10,164,392 10,564,252 8,250,938 9,481,656 29,775,438 32,033,915 Reporting ILECs 1 32,891,892 Other 2 % Residential Table 5.3 -- End- User Switched Access Lines by Customer Type and Small Businesses Source: Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Local Telephone Competition: Status as of December 31, 2004 (July 2005). 11,557,381 24,863,691 14,871,409 17,274,727 19,653,441 Reporting CLECs 1 21,644,928 11,162,159 4,825,541 6,977,880 % Residential Statistics of Communications Common Carriers 8,194,243 Table 5.2 -- End- User Switched Access Lines Reported 26,985,345 138 140 Jun Dec JunDec JunDec JunDec JunDec ADSL 951.6 1,977.1 2,693.8 3,947.8 5,101.5 6,471.7 7,675.1 9,509.4 11,398.2 13,817.3 20 %21% Other Wireline 758.6 1,021.3 1,088.1 1,078.6 1,186.7 1,216.2 1,215.7 1,305.1 1,407.1 1,468.6 8 4 Coaxial Cable 2284.5 3,582.9 5,184.1 7,059.6 9,172.9 11,369.1 13,684.2 16,446.3 18,592.6 21,357.4 13 15 Fiber 307.2 376.2 455.6 494.2 520.9 548.5 575.6 602.2 638.8 697.8 6 9 Satellite or Wireless 65.6 112.4 194.7 212.6 220.6 276.1 309.0 367.1 421.7 549.6 15 30 Total Lines 4,367.4 7,069.9 9,616.3 12,792.8 16,202.5 19,881.5 23,459.7 28,230.1 32,458.5 37,890.6 15 %17% ADSL 326.8 675.4 998.9 1,369.1 1,852.9 2,178.4 2,536.4 3,037.5 3,768.0 5,695.5 24 %51% Other Wireline 758.6 1,021.3 1,088.1 1,078.6 1,186.7 1,216.2 1,215.7 1,305.1 1,407.1 1,468.6 8 4 Coaxial Cable 1,469.1 2,193.6 3,330.0 4,394.8 6,819.4 8,342.2 11,935.9 15,327.2 17,567.5 20,891.6 15 19 Fiber 301.1 376.2 455.5 486.5 518.9 548.1 575.1 601.4 637.5 695.3 6 9 Satellite or Wireless 3,649.0 26.9 73.5 75.3 66.1 65.9 64.4 73.2 93.8 106.6 28 14 Total Lines 2,859.3 4,293.4 5,946.0 7,404.3 10,443.9 12,350.9 16,327.4 20,344.5 23,473.9 28,857.6 15 %23% Note: Providers with 250 or more lines in a state are required to report. Source: Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, High- Speed Services for Internet Access: Status as of December 31, 2004 (July 2005). (Lines in Thousands) 1 A high- speed line is a connection to an end- user customer that is faster than 200 kbps in at least one direction. Advanced services lines, which are a subset of high- speed lines, are connections to end- user customers that are faster than 200 kbps in both directions. The speed of the purchased service varies among end- user customers. For example, a high- speed service delivered to the end- user customer over other traditional wireline technology, such as DS1 or DS3 service, or over optical fiber to the end user's premises may be much faster than the ADSL or cable modem service purchased by a different, or by the same, end user. Numbers of lines reported here are not adjuste d for the speed of the service delivered over the line or the number of end users able to utilize the lines. 2 The mutually exclusive types of technology are, respectively: Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) technologies, which provide speeds in one direction greater than speeds in the other direction; wireline technologies "other" than ADSL, including traditio nal telephone company high- speed services and symmetric DSL services that provide equivalent functionality; coaxial cable, including the typi cal hybrid fiber- coax (HFC) architecture of upgraded cable TV systems; optical fiber to the subscriber's premises (e. g., Fiber- to- the- Home , or FTTH); and satellite and terrestrial wireless systems, which use radio spectrum to communicate with a radio transmitter at the subscriber's premises. 20012002 Jun 2004 Dec 2004 2003 Types of Technology 2 Jun 2004 - Dec 2000 Jun 2004 Dec Dec Jun Dec 2004 Table 5.5 -- Advanced Services Lines 1 Percent Change Dec 2004 2000 (Lines in Thousands) Types of Technology 2 Dec 2003 JunDec 2003 - Jun Jun Jun 2004 (Over 200 kbps in Both Directions) Statistics of Communications Common Carriers (Over 200 kbps in at Least One Direction) Percent Change Dec 2003 - Table 5.4 -- High- Speed Lines 1 Jun 2004 - 20012002 139 141 1984 December 92 1985 June 204 December 340 1986 June 500 December 682 1987 June 884 December 1,231 1988 June 1,609 December 2,069 1989 June 2,692 December 3,509 1990 June 4,369 December 5,283 1991 June 6,390 December 7,557 1992 June 8,893 December 11,033 1993 June 13,067 December 16,009 1994 June 19,284 December 24,134 1995 June 28,154 December 33,786 1996 June 38,195 December 44,043 1997 June 48,706 December 55,312 1998 June 60,831 December 69,209 1999 June 76,285 December 86,047 79,696 2000 June 97,036 90,643 December 109,478 101,043 99,019 2001 June 118,398 114,029 111,734 December 128,375 123,991 128,493 2002 June 134,561 130,751 136,927 December 140,767 138,878 141,776 2003 June 148,066 147,624 151,861 December 158,722 157,042 160,623 2004 June 169,467 167,313 169,987 December 182,140 181,105 184,816 3 1 See Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Local Telephone Competition: Status as of December 31, 2004 (July 2005). Carriers with under 10,000 lines in a state are not required to report, so FCC Form 477 data are likely to undercount the total number of wireless lines in service. 2 See current and previous editions of Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Numbering Resource Utilization in the United States. 3 Includes 818,000 adjusting for landline to cellular/ PCS porting activity. See Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Trends in Telephone Service (April 2005), Table 8.10. Source: Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA) and FCC Forms 477 and 502. FCC Form 502 contains assigned wireless numbers. 140 (In Thousands) Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 5.6 -- Measures of Mobile Wireless Tele phone Subscribers FCC Form 502 2 Reported by CTIA Subscribers FCC Form 477 1 142 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 5.7 - Total USF Loo ps for All Local Exchan ge Com panies (As of December 31, 2003) Bell Companies 1 Other Reporting Local All Other Local Total Reporting Exchange Companies Exchange Companies Industry Companies Study Loops PercentLoops PercentLoops PercentLoops Percent of State Areas of Total of Total of Total Industry Alabama 28 1,834,337 78.2 %280,415 11.9 %232,235 9.9 %2,346,987 90.1 %A L Alaska 24 0 0.0 0 0.0 439,105 100.0 439,105 0.0 AK Arizon a 17 2,538,831 92.5 0 0.0 206,504 7.5 2,745,335 92.5 AZ Arkansas 28 953,638 67.4 0 0.0 461,422 32.6 1,415,060 67.4 AR California 22 21,519,678 98.3 0 0.0 375,406 1.7 21,895,084 98.3 CA Colorado 28 2,571,726 95.0 0 0.0 135,129 5.0 2,706,855 95.0 CO Connecticut 2 2,204,505 98.9 0 0.0 25,339 1.1 2,229,844 98.9 CT Delaware 1 564,508 100.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 564,508 100.0 DE District of Columbia 1 832,290 100.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 832,290 100.0 DC Florida 12 8,499,112 79.0 2,063,198 19.2 197,803 1.8 10,760,113 98.2 FL Georgia 36 3,897,165 81.1 334,352 7.0 571,399 11.9 4,802,916 88.1 GA Hawaii 2 686,495 99.8 0 0.0 1,106 0.2 687,601 99.8 HI Idaho 20 657,598 90.5 0 0.0 68,849 9.5 726,447 90.5 ID Illinois 57 7,277,042 95.0 0 0.0 381,817 5.0 7,658,859 95.0 IL Indiana 42 3,181,311 87.9 271,453 7.5 167,811 4.6 3,620,575 95.4 IN Iowa 153 1,028,347 63.9 275,150 17.1 305,098 19.0 1,608,595 81.0 IA Kansas 39 1,224,632 82.5 5,867 0.4 253,564 17.1 1,484,063 82.9 KS Kentucky 19 1,147,905 55.0 763,070 36.6 175,332 8.4 2,086,307 91.6 KY Louisiana 20 2,196,551 92.0 0 0.0 191,454 8.0 2,388,005 92.0 LA Maine 20 698,325 82.2 0 0.0 151,444 17.8 849,769 82.2 ME Maryland 2 3,733,450 99.8 0 0.0 7,716 0.2 3,741,166 99.8 MD Massachusetts 3 3,980,560 99.9 0 0.0 4,145 0.1 3,984,705 99.9 MA Michigan 39 5,733,930 96.2 0 0.0 228,609 3.8 5,962,539 96.2 MI Minnesota 88 2,004,934 70.4 0 0.0 843,909 29.6 2,848,843 70.4 MN Mississippi 19 1,278,863 92.9 0 0.0 98,099 7.1 1,376,962 92.9 MS Missouri 44 2,478,864 73.2 239,627 7.1 668,204 19.7 3,386,695 80.3 MO Montana 18 347,382 66.3 0 0.0 176,497 33.7 523,879 66.3 MT Nebraska 40 395,465 46.5 266,097 31.3 188,842 22.2 850,404 77.8 NE Nevada 14 411,453 31.3 843,298 64.2 59,417 4.5 1,314,168 95.5 NV New Hampshir e 10 726,497 92.6 0 0.0 57,768 7.4 784,265 92.6 NH New Jerse y 3 6,095,951 96.3 221,709 3.5 9,993 0.2 6,327,653 99.8 NJ New Mexico 16 818,870 84.7 0 0.0 148,239 15.3 967,109 84.7 NM New York 44 10,858,329 90.5 723,574 6.0 418,014 3.5 11,999,917 96.5 NY North Carolina 26 2,708,921 55.9 1,633,639 33.7 499,191 10.3 4,841,751 89.7 NC North Dakota 23 189,857 52.0 0 0.0 175,171 48.0 365,028 52.0 ND Ohio 42 4,814,284 72.3 1,509,208 22.7 335,613 5.0 6,659,105 95.0 OH Oklahoma 39 1,469,349 80.4 0 0.0 357,447 19.6 1,826,796 80.4 OK Oregon 33 1,749,029 87.3 71,723 3.6 183,204 9.1 2,003,956 90.9 OR Pennsylvania 36 6,372,575 83.1 958,058 12.5 341,786 4.5 7,672,419 95.5 PA Rhode Island 1 549,546 100.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 549,546 100.0 RI South Carolina 26 1,624,437 72.1 0 0.0 629,640 27.9 2,254,077 72.1 SC South Dakota 30 219,501 59.3 0 0.0 150,826 40.7 370,327 59.3 SD Tennessee 25 2,496,477 77.9 246,852 7.7 462,716 14.4 3,206,045 85.6 TN Texas 58 10,730,120 89.1 384,171 3.2 925,274 7.7 12,039,565 92.3 TX Utah 13 994,767 91.2 0 0.0 96,340 8.8 1,091,107 91.2 UT Vermon t 10 349,788 84.4 0 0.0 64,686 15.6 414,474 84.4 VT Virgini a 21 3,950,936 88.4 398,761 8.9 118,952 2.7 4,468,649 97.3 VA Washington 24 3,173,034 90.0 83,122 2.4 269,601 7.6 3,525,757 92.4 WA West Virgini a 10 821,887 82.5 0 0.0 174,073 17.5 995,960 82.5 WV Wisconsin 90 2,338,412 72.5 0 0.0 887,218 27.5 3,225,630 72.5 WI Wyoming 10 244,238 82.6 0 0.0 51,531 17.4 295,769 82.6 WY United States 1,428 147,175,702 85.7 %11,573,344 6.7 %12,973,538 7.6 %171,722,584 92.4 %US American Samoa 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 10,766 100.0 10,766 0.0 AS Guam 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 67,194 100.0 67,194 0.0 GU Northern Mariana Isls. 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 24,047 100.0 24,047 0.0 MC Puerto Rico 2 1,242,555 100.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1,242,555 100.0 PR Virgin Island s 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 69,691 100.0 69,691 0.0 VI Grand Total 1,434 148,418,257 85.7 %11,573,344 6.7 %13,145,236 7.6 %173,136,837 92.4 %TO Note: Universal Service Fund (USF) loops are subscriber or common lines that are jointly used for local exchange service and e xchange access for state and interstate interexchange services. Source: Data filed periodically by the National Exchange Carrier Association pursuant to Part 36 of the Commission Rules. 141 1 Includes loops formerly owned by Verizon/ GTE and SBC Communications, Inc./ Southern New England Telephone Co. Woodbury Telep hone of Connecticut, a subsidiary of SBC, has 25,339 loops and Verizon of the Northern Marianna Islands has 24,407 loops that are not i ncluded in the total. These loops are included in the category "All Other Local Exchange Companies." 143 Table 5.8 - Household Telephone Subscribership in the United States HouseholdsPercentageHouseholdsPercentage Householdswithwithwithoutwithout (Millions) Telephones Telephones Telephones Telephones (Millions) (Millions) 1984 Jul y 86.6 79.3 91.6 7.3 8.4 November 87.4 79.9 91.4 7.5 8.6 1985 March 87.4 80.2 91.8 7.2 8.2 Jul y 88.2 81.0 91.8 7.2 8.2 November 88.8 81.6 91.9 7.2 8.1 1986 March 89.0 82.1 92.2 6.9 7.8 Jul y 89.5 82.5 92.2 7.0 7.8 November 89.9 83.1 92.4 6.8 7.6 1987 March 90.2 83.4 92.5 6.8 7.5 Jul y 90.7 83.7 92.3 7.0 7.7 November 91.3 84.3 92.3 7.0 7.7 1988 March 91.8 85.3 92.9 6.5 7.1 Jul y 92.4 85.7 92.8 6.7 7.2 November 92.6 85.7 92.5 6.9 7.5 1989 March 93.6 87.0 93.0 6.6 7.0 Jul y 93.8 87.5 93.3 6.3 6.7 November 93.9 87.3 93.0 6.6 7.0 1990 March 94.2 87.9 93.3 6.3 6.7 Jul y 94.8 88.4 93.3 6.4 6.7 November 94.7 88.4 93.3 6.3 6.7 1991 March 95.3 89.2 93.6 6.1 6.4 Jul y 95.5 89.1 93.3 6.4 6.7 November 95.7 89.4 93.4 6.3 6.6 1992 March 96.6 90.7 93.9 5.9 6.1 Jul y 96.6 90.6 93.8 6.0 6.2 November 97.0 91.0 93.8 6.0 6.2 1993 March 97.3 91.6 94.2 5.7 5.8 Jul y 97.9 92.2 94.2 5.7 5.8 November 98.8 93.0 94.2 5.8 5.8 1994 March 98.1 92.1 93.9 6.0 6.1 Jul y 98.6 92.4 93.7 6.2 6.3 November 99.8 93.7 93.8 6.2 6.2 1995 March 99.9 93.8 93.9 6.1 6.1 Jul y 100.0 94.0 94.0 6.0 6.0 November 100.4 94.2 93.9 6.2 6.1 1996 March 100.6 94.4 93.8 6.2 6.2 Jul y 101.2 95.0 93.9 6.1 6.1 November 101.3 95.1 93.9 6.2 6.1 1997 March 102.0 95.8 93.9 6.2 6.1 Jul y 102.3 96.1 93.9 6.2 6.1 November 102.8 96.5 93.8 6.3 6.2 1998 March 103.4 97.4 94.1 6.1 5.9 Jul y 103.4 97.3 94.1 6.1 5.9 November 104.1 98.0 94.2 6.1 5.8 1999 March 104.8 98.5 94.0 6.3 6.0 Jul y 105.1 99.2 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 105.4 99.1 94.1 6.3 5.9 2000 March 105.3 99.6 94.6 5.7 5.4 Jul y 105.8 99.8 94.4 5.9 5.6 November 106.5 100.2 94.1 6.3 5.9 2001 March 107.0 101.1 94.6 5.8 5.4 Jul y 106.9 101.7 95.1 5.2 4.9 November 107.7 102.2 94.9 5.5 5.1 2002 March 108.3 103.4 95.5 4.8 4.5 Jul y 108.5 103.2 95.1 5.3 4.9 November 109.0 104.0 95.3 5.1 4.7 2003 March 112.1 107.1 95.5 5.0 4.5 Jul y 112.1 106.8 95.2 5.3 4.8 November 113.1 107.1 94.7 6.0 5.3 2004 March 112.9 106.4 94.2 6.5 5.8 Jul y 113.5 106.5 93.8 7.1 6.2 November 113.8 106.4 93.5 7.4 6.5 2005 March 114.5 105.8 92.4 8.7 7.6 Source: Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Telephone Subscribership in the United States (May 2005). 142 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers 144 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 5.9 - Telephone Penetration by State State Percent of Households with Telephone Service March JulyMarch 200420042005 91.7 %91.4 %93.5 %90.6 %AL Alaska 96.2 94.5 96.1 95.2 AK 93.4 92.8 89.3 93.0 AZ 88.8 87.1 89.9 87.7 AR 95.9 95.8 96.2 94.5 CA 97.0 95.0 95.4 95.0 CO 98.1 94.3 94.0 92.7 CT 96.1 96.3 95.7 90.7 DE District of Columbia 93.2 91.9 90.6 91.2 DC 93.7 93.3 93.2 91.6 FL 92.1 90.8 90.7 90.4 GA 95.3 96.9 93.9 95.2 HI 96.8 95.2 92.5 94.8 ID 90.4 89.7 90.1 89.1 IL 91.3 91.8 92.4 91.4 IN 95.2 95.0 96.1 96.3 IA 94.0 95.2 95.1 93.5 KS 90.8 91.9 91.5 90.1 KY 90.5 90.7 91.6 89.8 LA 96.6 96.9 96.3 95.4 ME 94.3 92.2 93.7 93.5 MD Massachusetts 96.8 96.3 96.1 93.9 MA 94.2 93.8 93.2 91.5 MI 97.7 96.6 97.1 95.6 MN 91.6 89.2 87.9 86.7 MS 93.9 92.0 95.1 92.1 MO 93.6 92.8 94.0 93.3 MT 94.8 96.5 95.7 94.5 NE 93.8 90.9 91.9 90.0 NV 95.0 97.5 96.8 94.4 NH 96.1 94.3 94.8 93.9 NJ 91.6 91.5 91.1 92.2 NM 95.0 94.3 94.2 91.3 NY 93.6 93.5 92.9 91.4 NC 94.5 94.4 96.0 95.2 ND 94.0 96.1 94.7 93.3 OH 93.8 88.7 90.4 90.3 OK 95.5 96.1 94.8 94.5 OR 96.2 95.6 94.9 94.3 PA 95.5 96.0 94.4 93.9 RI 94.2 93.3 92.8 93.2 SC 92.9 92.1 95.8 94.7 SD 93.6 94.0 90.9 90.5 TN 92.5 92.8 90.2 90.2 TX 97.0 95.7 96.1 96.9 UT 96.9 96.0 94.8 96.7 VT 94.5 94.5 93.1 91.2 VA 95.1 95.3 96.1 96.9 WA 94.7 92.6 92.2 91.5 WV 96.2 95.9 94.3 94.2 WI 95.8 94.6 95.1 94.0 WY United States 94.2 %93.8 %93.5 %92.4 %US 143 Note: Compiled by U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, per agreement with the Federal Communications Commission. Connecticut Delaware Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Michigan Vermont Tennessee Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Wyoming Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Illinois Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota New Mexico New York Oregon Pennsylvania Ohio Oklahoma November 2004 Texas Utah Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey North Carolina North Dakota 145 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 5.10 - Annual Rate of Change in Major Price Indices Consumer Price Index (CPI) Producer Price Index (PPI) 1 Public Telephone Residential Toll Toll Residential BusinessSwitched Services Services Service Service Services Services Toll Service 1978 9.0 %0.9 %1.4 %- 0.7 %1.3 %3.1 %4.4 %- 0.3 % 1979 13.3 0.7 1.7 -0.8 0.1 1.6 2.2 -0.5 1980 12.5 4.6 7.0 3.4 -0.6 7.1 5.8 4.1 1981 8.9 11.7 12.6 14.6 6.2 15.6 15.7 10.8 1982 3.8 7.2 10.8 2.7 4.2 9.0 5.8 3.8 1983 3.8 3.6 3.1 1.4 7.4 0.2 2.2 1.6 1984 3.9 9.2 17.2 -4.3 3.6 10.4 24.1 -1.6 1985 3.8 4.7 8.9 -3.7 0.6 12.4 5.6 -0.8 1986 1.1 2.7 7.1 -9.4 0.3 8.9 2.5 -7.0 1987 4.4 -1.3 3.3 -12.4 -3.0 2.6 -0.8 -7.9 1988 4.4 1.3 4.5 -4.2 -4.2 4.6 0.5 -2.3 1989 4.6 -0.3 0.6 -1.3 -2.6 1.9 0.6 -0.1 1990 6.1 -0.4 1.0 -3.7 -2.2 1.5 0.0 -1.8 1991 3.1 3.5 5.1 1.3 -1.5 2.1 0.0 -1.8 1992 2.9 -0.3 0.5 -1.3 -2.4 -0.2 -0.2 -2.4 1993 2.7 1.8 1.0 6.5 0.2 0.8 2.3 0.8 1994 2.7 0.7 -0.3 5.4 -1.0 0.7 -0.2 2.3 1995 2.5 1.2 2.6 0.1 -3.8 NA NA NA 1996 3.3 2.1 0.9 3.7 6.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 1997 1.7 0.2 1.0 -4.3 2.8 0.2 0.0 -1.8 1998 1.6 0.3 *1.3 -0.8 1.5 -0.1 0.0 -3.3 1999 2.7 0.4 2.8 -0.7 -1.6 0.2 0.1 -5.4 2000 3.4 -2.3 5.5 -11.2 -6.0 1.6 0.0 -3.8 2001 1.6 1.3 4.5 -2.0 -1.7 2.5 0.2 -9.2 2002 2.4 0.2 5.3 -5.9 -6.1 1.5 0.4 -9.0 2003 1.9 -2.7 2.6 -10.9 -9.4 2.0 0.5 -6.2 3 2004 3.3 -2.5 1.1 -8.7 -6.6 0.2 2 0.1 -3.9 Note: Data reflect the percent change from December of the previous year through December of the year shown. The CPI for all items measures the impact of inflation on consumers. The CPI index of all telephone services is based on a "market basket" intended to represent the telephone related expenditures of a typical urban based on monthly service charges, message unit charges, leased equipment, installation, enhanced services (such as tone dialing and call waiting), taxes, subscriber line charges, and all other consumer expenditures associated with telephone services except long distance charges. In contrast, the PPI index of local residential services is based only on service charges for residential service, optional touch- tone service, and subscriber line charges. The PPI telephone indices were revised in June 1995. Index values after July 1995 are not comparable to index values published from 1972 through July 1995. NA - Not available. * The CPI telephone service index was revised in December of 1997. 1 Due to month- to- month variation in the new PPI index, PPI price levels are determined using a five- month weighted average. 2 Preliminary and subject to revision. 3 Revised, incorrectly reported as positive number. 144 Local Local Year All Local Interstate Intrastate All Items 146 19941995199619971998199920002001 2002 2003 1 2004 2 Representative Monthly Charge 3 4 $13.19 $13.62 $13.71 $13.67 $13.75 $13.77 $13.64 $14.49 $14.38 $14.54 $14.53 Subscriber Line Charges 3.55 3.54 3.54 3.53 3.52 3.58 4.50 5.05 5.74 5.86 5.81 Additional Monthly Charge for Touch-Tone Service 0.77 0.44 0.30 0.25 0.10 0.09 0.06 0.04 4 4 4 Taxes, 911, and Other Charges 2.31 2.41 2.40 2.42 2.39 2.48 2.57 3.03 3.94 4.12 3.97 Total Monthly Charge $19.81$ 20.01$ 19.95$ 19.88$ 19.76$ 19.93$ 20.78$ 22.62$ 23.38$ 24.52$ 24.31 Basic Connection Charge 4 $41.28 $40.91 $41.11 $41.04 $41.24 $41.26 $41.45 $40.02 $39.83 39.22 39.26 Additional Connection Charge for Touch-Tone Service 0.85 0.23 0.23 0.17 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 4 4 4 Taxes, 911, and Other Charges 2.33 2.44 2.36 2.46 2.38 2.57 2.53 2.81 1.33 3.32 3.32 Total Connection Charge $44.46$ 43.58$ 43.70$ 43.67$ 43.74$ 43.95$ 44.10$ 42.95$ 41.16$ 42.54$ 42.59 Additional Charge if Drop Line and Connection Block Needed $6.74 $5.90 $5.74 $5.65 $5.64 $5.86 $5.84 $5.84 $5.85 12.13 12.45 Lowest- Cost Inside Wiring Maintenance Plan $1.45 $1.52 $1.78 $1.68 $2.22 $2.66 $3.03 $3.62 $3.61 3.64 3.98 Note: Detail may not add to total due to rounding. 1 Revised figures. 2 Subject to revision. 3 Rates are based on flat- rate service where available, and measured/ message service with 100 five- minute, same- zone, business- d ay calls elsewhere. As of 2001, all 95 cities' rates reflect flat rate service, which made measuring the cost of such calls unnecessary. 4 Beginning in 2002, rates include additional monthly charges for touch- tone service. Source: Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Reference Book of Rates, Price Indices, and Household Expenditures for Telephone Service (2005). Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 5.11 - Average Residential Rates for Local Service in Urban Areas, 1994- 2004 (As of October 15) 145 147 19941995199619971998199920002001 2002 2003 1 2004 2 Monthly Representative Service Charge 3 $32.25 $32.48 $32.58 $32.76 $32.44 $32.41 $32.18 $31.88 $30.86 $30.65 $32.42 Subscriber Line Charges 3.57 3.57 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.52 4.39 4.91 5.63 5.76 5.72 Extra for Touch- Tone Service 4 1.21 0.97 0.82 0.38 0.32 0.25 0.19 0.18 4 4 4 Taxes, 911, and Other Charges 4.61 4.79 4.87 4.99 4.97 5.03 5.04 5.45 5.47 5.55 5.62 Total Monthly Charge $41.64$ 41.80$ 41.81$ 41.67$ 41.27$ 41.21$ 41.80$ 42.43$ 41.95$ 41.96$ 43.75 Monthly Charge for Flat- Rate Service $34.39 $34.45 $34.42 $34.68 $34.39 $33.73 $33.45 $32.02 $32.92 $33.17 $32.81 Subscriber Line Charges $3.70 $3.69 $3.61 $3.61 $3.56 $3.50 $4.35 $4.77 $5.77 $6.03 $5.84 Extra for Touch- Tone Service 4 1.12 1.00 0.89 0.53 0.49 0.47 0.43 0.39 4 4 4 Taxes, 911, and Other Charges 5.36 5.58 5.55 5.58 5.63 5.49 5.68 5.98 8.16 7.91 7.57 Total Monthly Charge for Flat- Rate Service $44.57$ 44.71$ 44.47$ 44.39$ 44.07$ 43.20$ 43.90$ 43.15$ 46.85$ 47.12$ 46.21 Number of Sample Cities with Flat- Rate Service 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 52 52 53 Monthly Charge for Measured/ Message Service $16.74 $17.06 $17.26 $17.28 $17.16 $17.06 $16.92 $17.16 $17.56 $17.21 $17.59 200 Five- Minute, Business- Day, Same- Zone Calls $17.38 $17.15 $17.10 $17.18 $17.15 $17.24 $17.63 $17.56 $16.78 $17.17 $19.36 Subscriber Line Charges $3.55 $3.54 $3.51 $3.51 $3.53 $3.52 $4.39 $4.90 $5.56 $5.65 $5.66 Extra for Touch- Tone Service 4 $1.22 $0.98 $0.83 $0.39 $0.33 $0.25 $0.20 $0.19 4 4 4 Tax, Including 911 Charges $4.83 $5.01 $5.13 $5.22 $5.19 $5.28 $5.32 $5.76 $4.71 $4.78 $4.90 Total Monthly Charge for Measured/ Message Service $43.72$ 43.75$ 43.84$ 43.57$ 43.35$ 43.35$ 44.45$ 45.57$ 44.61$ 44.82$ 47.51 Number of Sample Cities with Measured/ Message Service 87 87 86 85 85 85 85 85 86 85 85 Cost of a Five- Minute, Business- Day, Same- Zone Call $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.10 Basic Connection Charge $69.88 $67.87 $68.47 $68.67 $65.83 $67.87 $67.77 $67.04 $67.29 $67.23 $67.24 Additional Connection Charge for Touch- Tone Service 4 0.92 0.27 0.17 0.17 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 4 4 4 Tax, Including 911 Charges 4.13 4.17 4.20 4.45 4.13 4.53 4.40 4.69 5.09 6.95 6.93 Total Connection Charge $74.93$ 72.31$ 72.85$ 73.29$ 70.09$ 72.55$ 72.29$ 71.86$ 72.39$ 74.18$ 74.17 Additional Charge if Drop Line and Connection Block Needed $6.49 $7.28 $6.98 $6.54 $6.54 $6.65 $6.62 $6.62 $6.52 $13.43 $13.76 Lowest- Cost Inside Wiring Maintenance Plan $2.26 $2.39 $2.63 $2.84 $3.04 $3.53 $3.92 $4.86 $4.73 $4.65 $5.25 Note: Detail may not add to total due to rounding. 1 Revised figures. 2 Subject to revision. 3 Rates are based on flat- rate service where available, and measured/ message service with 200 five- minute, same- zone, business- d ay calls elsewhere. 4 Beginning in 2002, additional monthly charges for touch- tone service are included in the monthly charge. Source: Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Reference Book of Rates, Price Indices, and Household Expenditures for Telephone Service (2005). Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 5.12 - Average Local Rates for Businesses with a Single Line in Urban Areas, 1994- 2004 (As of October 15) 146 148 (In Billions) Access Access Access YearPeriodMinutes YearPeriodMinutes YearPeriodMinutes 1985 First Quarter 39.6 1992 First Quarter 85.6 1999 First Quarter 135.6 Second Quarter 41.5 Second Quarter 86.5 Second Quarter 138.1 Third Quarter 42.8 Third Quarter 87.9 Third Quarter 138.3 Fourth Quarter 43.3 Fourth Quarter 89.8 Fourth Quarter 140.3 Total 1985 167.1 Total 1992 349.7 Total 1999 552.3 1986 First Quarter 43.0 1993 First Quarter 90.6 2000 First Quarter 142.6 Second Quarter 44.8 Second Quarter 91.2 Second Quarter 142.6 Third Quarter 46.7 Third Quarter 93.6 Third Quarter 141.5 Fourth Quarter 48.5 Fourth Quarter 95.9 Fourth Quarter 140.2 Total 1986 183.1 Total 1993 371.2 Total 2000 566.9 1987 First Quarter 51.2 1994 First Quarter 98.7 2001 First Quarter 137.4 Second Quarter 52.5 Second Quarter 97.9 Second Quarter 136.3 Third Quarter 55.0 Third Quarter 101.9 Third Quarter 133.1 Fourth Quarter 57.0 Fourth Quarter 102.9 Fourth Quarter 131.4 Total 1987 215.7 Total 1994 401.4 Total 2001 538.3 1988 First Quarter 59.0 1995 First Quarter 105.6 2002 First Quarter 124.7 Second Quarter 59.6 Second Quarter 106.8 Second Quarter 123.9 Third Quarter 62.1 Third Quarter 109.0 Third Quarter 119.5 Fourth Quarter 64.0 Fourth Quarter 110.6 Fourth Quarter 118.1 Total 1988 244.6 Total 1995 431.9 Total 2002 486.1 1989 First Quarter 66.2 1996 First Quarter 115.7 2003 First Quarter 114.2 Second Quarter 68.5 Second Quarter 114.7 Second Quarter 112.1 Third Quarter 69.7 Third Quarter 117.5 Third Quarter 110.0 Fourth Quarter 72.6 Fourth Quarter 120.2 Fourth Quarter 107.8 Total 1989 277.1 Total 1996 468.1 Total 2003 444.1 1990 First Quarter 74.7 1997 First Quarter 122.1 2004 First Quarter 109.3 Second Quarter 75.8 Second Quarter 124.4 Second Quarter 106.1 Third Quarter 77.9 Third Quarter 124.9 Third Quarter 105.2 Fourth Quarter 79.1 Fourth Quarter 125.8 Fourth Quarter 102.0 Total 1990 307.4 Total 1997 497.3 Total 2004 422.5 1991 First Quarter 79.2 1998 First Quarter 124.0 2005 First Quarter 101.0 Second Quarter 81.9 Second Quarter 131.3 Third Quarter 82.6 Third Quarter 130.7 Fourth Quarter 84.4 Fourth Quarter 132.8 Total 1991 328.0 Total 1998 518.8 Source: National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA), MOU/ Data/ Summary of NECA Total Pool Results, June 15, 2005. Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 5.13 -- Interstate Switched Access Minutes 147 149 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 5.14 -- Telephone Numbers Assigned for Toll- Free Service (800, 888, 877, 866) (Summary December 1993 - December 2004) Working Miscellaneous Total Spare Toll- Free Month Toll- Free Toll- Free Toll- Free Numbers Numbers Numbers 1 Numbers Still Assigned Available 1993 December 3,155,955 731,438 3,887,393 3,822,607 1994 December 4,948,605 763,235 5,711,840 1,998,160 1995 December 6,700,576 286,487 6,987,063 722,937 1996 December 9,527,982 945,671 10,473,653 5,216,347 1997 December 12,980,714 996,449 13,977,163 1,712,837 1998 December 16,200,883 965,466 17,166,349 6,503,651 1999 December 19,677,001 1,101,964 20,778,965 2,891,035 2000 December 23,022,015 1,178,096 24,200,111 7,449,889 2001 December 23,453,029 1,027,973 24,481,002 7,168,998 2002 December 22,496,215 1,051,232 23,547,447 8,102,553 2003 December 21,108,662 941,520 22,050,182 9,599,818 2004 December 22,159,440 1,145,661 23,305,101 8,344,899 Note: For individual month assignments through June 2003, see Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Trends in Telephone Service (August 2003). * Toll- free (800) service was initially offered by AT& T in 1967. On May 1, 1993, procedures for routing toll- free calls were changed and 800 numbers were made "portable" so customers who switched service providers could retain their numbers. Due to the growth in toll- free numbers, a new toll- free calling code, 888, was added in March 1996, which made it possible to assign about 8 million new toll- free numbers. A third toll- free calling code, 877, was added in April 1998; and a fourth toll- free code, 866, was added in July 2000. 1 Miscellaneous numbers include those in the 800, 888, 877, and 866 service management systems maintained by Database Service Management, Inc., and categorized as reserved, assigned but not yet activated, recently disconnected, or suspended. 148 Year 150 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 5.15 -- Tele phone Numbers Assi gned for 800 Toll- Free Service Working Miscellaneous Total Spare 800 YearMonth 800800800Numbers Numbers Numbers 1 Numbers Still Assigned Available 1993 December 3,155,955 731,438 3,887,393 3,822,607 1994 March 3,516,620 743,813 4,260,433 3,449,567 June 3,933,037 792,698 4,725,735 2,984,265 September 4,506,014 841,381 5,347,395 2,362,605 December 4,948,605 763,235 5,711,840 1,998,160 1995 March 5,528,723 793,771 6,322,494 1,387,506 June 6,340,534 481,633 6,822,167 887,833 September 6,503,018 437,215 6,940,233 769,767 December 6,700,576 286,487 6,987,063 722,937 1996 March 6,907,098 293,244 7,200,342 509,658 June 6,986,821 324,899 7,311,720 398,280 September 7,119,167 310,562 7,429,729 280,271 December 7,272,819 343,905 7,616,724 93,276 1997 March 7,402,769 305,362 7,708,131 1,869 June 7,415,591 293,802 7,709,393 607 September 7,427,717 280,668 7,708,385 1,615 December 7,429,160 267,429 7,696,589 13,411 1998 March 7,455,240 249,964 7,705,204 4,796 June 7,480,468 227,041 7,707,509 2,491 September 7,489,271 219,080 7,708,351 1,649 December 7,487,529 215,267 7,702,796 7,204 1999 March 7,498,527 204,515 7,703,042 6,958 June 7,502,118 207,061 7,709,179 821 September 7,523,302 185,363 7,708,665 1,335 December 7,505,737 202,416 7,708,153 1,847 2000 March 7,516,391 193,246 7,709,637 363 June 7,570,082 139,444 7,709,526 474 September 7,572,091 137,705 7,709,796 204 December 7,566,810 132,887 7,699,697 10,303 2001 March 7,434,621 264,967 7,699,588 10,412 June 7,357,279 242,106 7,599,385 110,615 September 7,383,111 164,881 7,547,992 162,008 December 7,370,055 184,689 7,554,744 155,256 2002 March 7,181,636 400,955 7,582,591127,409 June 7,234,847 282,005 7,516,852 193,148 September 7,200,821 177,723 7,378,544 331,456 December 7,210,159 203,268 7,413,427 296,573 2003 March 7,182,120 224,536 7,406,656 303,344 June 7,171,068 234,576 7,405,644 304,356 September 7,031,806 222,846 7,254,652 455,348 December 7,089,752 260,807 7,350,559 359,441 2004 March 7,187,381 234,719 7,422,100 287,900 June 7,181,216 187,107 7,368,323 341,677 September 7,262,915 197,252 7,460,167 249,833 December 7,332,085 208,368 7,540,453 169,547 See Table 5.14 notes. 149 151 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 5.16 -- Tele phone Numbers Assi gned for 888 Toll- Free Service Working Miscellaneous Total Spare 888 YearMonth 888888888Numbers Numbers Numbers 1 Numbers Still Assigned Available 1996 March 267,874 568,574 836,448 7,143,552 June 922,849 544,079 1,466,928 6,513,072 September 1,641,519 590,345 2,231,864 5,748,136 December 2,255,163 601,766 2,856,929 5,123,071 1997 March 2,857,608 661,164 3,518,772 4,461,228 June 3,660,984 681,981 4,342,965 3,637,035 September 4,776,688 774,431 5,551,119 2,428,881 December 5,551,554 729,020 6,280,574 1,699,426 1998 March 6,167,479 728,415 6,895,894 1,084,106 June 6,591,764 665,496 7,257,260 722,740 September 6,898,718 612,254 7,510,972 469,028 December 7,146,159 515,009 7,661,168 318,832 1999 March 7,278,531 495,904 7,774,435 205,565 June 7,428,424 231,697 7,660,121 319,879 September 7,601,867 211,318 7,813,185 166,815 December 7,643,158 324,405 7,967,563 12,437 2000 March 7,685,423 230,035 7,915,458 64,542 June 7,789,986 140,658 7,930,644 49,356 September 7,806,252 173,588 7,979,840 160 December 7,789,188 177,328 7,966,516 13,484 2001 March 7,616,189 355,451 7,971,640 8,360 June 7,548,761 270,198 7,818,959 161,041 September 7,508,100 203,518 7,711,618 268,382 December 7,452,071 190,727 7,642,798 337,202 2002 March 6,964,624 577,910 7,542,534 437,466 June 6,629,862 354,771 6,984,633 995,367 September 6,682,043 92,050 6,774,093 1,205,907 December 6,610,191 154,015 6,764,206 1,215,794 2003 March 6,408,723 324,558 6,733,281 1,246,719 June 6,228,846 251,701 6,480,547 1,499,453 September 5,818,266 216,862 6,035,128 1,944,872 December 5,711,949 250,662 5,962,611 2,017,389 2004 March 5,680,105 133,824 5,813,929 2,166,071 June 5,640,743 128,141 5,768,884 2,211,116 September 5,716,957 210,068 5,927,025 2,052,975 December 5,563,469 384,320 5,947,789 2,032,211 See Table 5.14 notes. 150 152 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 5.17 -- Tele phone Numbers Assi gned for 877 Toll- Free Service Working Miscellaneous Total Spare 877 YearMonth 877877877Numbers Numbers Numbers 1 Numbers Still Assigned Available 1998 June 552,037 209,967 762,004 7,217,996 September 1,072,046 206,714 1,278,760 6,701,240 December 1,567,195 235,190 1,802,385 6,177,615 1999 March 2,141,228 329,044 2,470,272 5,509,728 June 2,899,466 410,026 3,309,492 4,670,508 September 3,755,361 436,433 4,191,794 3,788,206 December 4,528,106 575,143 5,103,249 2,876,751 2000 March 5,436,297 598,702 6,034,999 1,945,001 June 6,317,507 402,858 6,720,365 1,259,635 September 6,539,180 496,015 7,035,195 944,805 December 6,391,285 719,333 7,110,618 869,382 2001 March 6,289,079 469,980 6,759,059 1,220,941 June 6,094,898 715,097 6,809,995 1,170,005 September 6,163,297 489,084 6,652,381 1,327,619 December 6,214,863 345,468 6,560,331 1,419,669 2002 March 6,174,529 340,472 6,515,001 1,464,999 June 6,016,107 267,320 6,283,427 1,696,573 September 5,656,158 275,722 5,931,880 2,048,120 December 5,448,276 421,984 5,870,260 2,109,740 2003 March 5,132,413 579,240 5,711,653 2,268,347 June 4,791,792 376,236 5,168,028 2,811,972 September 4,617,147 170,787 4,787,934 3,192,066 December 4,536,366 191,410 4,727,776 3,252,224 2004 March 4,528,716 163,856 4,692,572 3,287,428 June 4,550,870 146,826 4,697,696 3,282,304 September 4,537,840 214,197 4,752,037 3,227,963 December 4,551,486 254,082 4,805,568 3,174,432 See Table 5.14 notes. 151 153 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers Table 5.18 -- Tele phone Numbers Assi gned for 866 Toll- Free Service Working Miscellaneous Total Spare 866 YearMonth 866866866Numbers Numbers Numbers 1 Numbers Still Assigned Available 2000 September 672,250 155,646 827,896 7,152,104 December 1,274,732 148,548 1,423,280 6,556,720 2001 March 1,652,602 361,888 2,014,490 5,965,510 June 1,944,520 362,880 2,307,400 5,672,600 September 2,256,792 308,801 2,565,593 5,414,407 December 2,416,040 307,089 2,723,129 5,256,871 2002 March 2,640,414 321,530 2,961,944 5,018,056 June 2,864,605 219,232 3,083,837 4,896,163 September 2,977,379 244,297 3,221,676 4,758,324 December 3,227,589 271,965 3,499,554 4,480,446 2003 March 3,461,686 299,700 3,761,386 4,218,614 June 3,486,674 420,477 3,907,151 4,072,849 September 3,609,244 265,446 3,874,690 4,105,310 December 3,770,595 238,641 4,009,236 3,970,764 2004 March 3,966,922 231,683 4,198,605 3,781,395 June 4,281,378 263,560 4,544,938 3,435,062 September 4,476,150 281,577 4,757,727 3,222,273 December 4,712,400 298,891 5,011,291 2,968,709 See Table 5.14 notes. 152 154 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 5.19 -- Telecommunications Revenues Re ported b y Type of Service (Dollar Amounts Shown in Millions) Universal Service FCC Form 499- A Data and TRS Data Telecommunications Revenues 19931994199519961997199819992000200120022003 Local Exchange $40,176 $42,245 $45,194 $48,717 $53,771 $59,245 $64,940 $69,947 $72,346 $71,320 $70,606 Pay Telephone 1 2,182 2,536 2,218 1,932 1,585 1,192 1,063 Local Private Line 2 1,088 1,138 1,226 1,616 8,282 10,403 12,914 16,864 21,966 23,070 22,415 Other Local 3 8,002 8,302 10,428 10,543 2,847 2,179 2,501 3,249 3,391 3,418 3,242 Subscriber Line Charges 2 8,327 11,052 10,826 11,563 12,127 12,758 12,136 Access 2 30,832 32,759 33,911 35,641 21,423 18,449 18,105 17,017 15,096 13,955 12,972 Universal Service Surcharges on 103 260 575 1,301 1,410 1,783 595 595 Total Local Service Revenues 80,098 84,443 90,759 96,516 97,426 104,563 111,764 121,147 127,812 127,123 124,216 Wireless Service 10,237 14,293 18,759 26,049 32,760 36,240 48,117 61,505 74,006 80,678 88,023 Universal Service Surcharges on 345 379 495 681 842 1,696 189 189 Total Wireless Service Revenues 10,237 14,293 18,759 26,049 32,950 36,775 48,495 62,000 74,687 81,521 89,718 Operator 1 10,772 10,539 11,170 10,975 12,002 12,205 10,049 11,406 10,389 7,902 6,567 Non- Operator Switched Toll 60,591 61,468 65,217 73,751 72,059 74,168 78,389 75,183 65,325 54,475 50,178 Long Distance Private Line 8,067 9,043 9,719 10,665 10,504 11,952 13,169 16,189 16,402 15,108 15,316 Other Long Distance 3,095 3,428 3,523 4,299 4,695 3,386 3,656 3,372 3,259 2,445 2,222 Universal Service Surcharges on 1,810 2,983 3,467 3,927 3,767 2,905 1,532 1,532 Total Toll Service Revenues 82,525 84,478 89,629 99,691 100,793 105,055 108,246 109,615 99,301 83,697 77,188 Non- Telecommunications Revenues Formerly Reported as Other Local and Wireless Revenues 3 (7,518) (8,324) (9,071) (10,474) Total Telecommunications Revenues 3 165,342 174,890 190,076 211,782 231,168 246,392 268,505 292,762 301,799 292,341 291,122 Non- Telecommunications Revenues 3 7,518 8,324 9,071 10,474 25,633 27,944 33,144 42,261 48,036 60,406 65,186 Total Reported Revenues 172,860 183,214 199,147 222,256 256,801 272,019 301,648 335,023 349,835 352,747 356,308 Service Reported as: Intrastate 3 89,409 94,278 103,852 117,375 133,654 142,108 157,212 173,018 183,195 180,585 175,714 Interstate and International 75,933 80,611 86,224 94,407 97,514 104,284 111,293 119,745 118,605 111,756 115,409 Total Telecommunications Revenues 3 $165,342 $174,890 $190,076 $211,782 $231,168 $246,392 $268,505 $292,762 $301,799 $292,341 $291,123 Note: Detail may not add to totals due to rounding. 1 TRS filers generally reported pay telephone revenues as local service revenues, access revenues or operator toll revenues. The Universal Service and FCC Form 499- A worksheets contain a separate category for payphone coin revenues. Starting in 1997, payphone revenues include payphone compensation received from toll carriers. 2 TRS Worksheet filers generally reported special access revenues as access revenues. Reporting changes implemented with the Universal Service Worksheet explain the increase in local private line revenues and the fall in access revenues shown for 1997. TRS Worksheet filers included subscriber line charges with other access charges. For the years 1993 - 1996, these revenues have been disaggregated by assuming that the end- user access revenues in Table 4.2 of Statistics of Communications Common Carriers represent 93% of industry total subscriber line charge revenues. Universal Service Worksheet filers report subscriber line charges in a separate category. The increase from 1997 to 1998 represents PICC charges levied by ILECs as well as $1.2 billion of PICC pass- through charges levied by toll carriers. 3 Significant amounts of enhanced services, billing and collection, CPE and other non- telecommunications revenues were reported in the TRS mobile and other local service categories through 1996. Universal Service Worksheet filers report these revenues in the non- telecommunications category. For prior years, the amounts of non- telecommunications revenues reported as mobile and other local revenues were estimated as 70% of the amounts that Tier 1 ILECs reported in ARMIS as miscellaneous and nonregulated revenues (currently account 5200 + account 5280) and 10% of amounts reported as mobile service revenues. 4 Charges on end- user bills identified as recovering state or federal universal service contributions are reported separately from local, wireless and toll revenues. Reported amounts are apportioned between local, wireless and toll service based on the proportions of local, wireless and toll intrastate and interstate revenues by type of carrier. Source: Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Telecommunications Industry Revenues (March 2005). Additional Revenues from Local Service Bills 4 TRS Worksheets Local Service Bills 4 TRS Worksheets Additional Revenues from TRS Worksheets Local Service Bills 4 Additional Revenues from 153 155 Statistics of Communications Common Carrier s Table 5.20 -- Gross Revenues Re ported b y Type of Carrier (Dollars Shown in Millions) Universal FCC Form 499 Data Service and TRS Data Service Provider Category 1 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers 2 $95,228 $98,431 $102,820 $107,905 $105,154 $108,234 $112,216 $116,158 $117,885 $114,990 $109,480 Competitive Access Providers (CAPs) and Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) 191 281 623 1,011 1,919 3,348 5,652 9,814 12,998 13,043 15,509 Local Resellers 206 410 511 879 1,393 1,538 721 Other Local Exchange Carriers 157 36 171 11 329 406 338 Private Carriers 112 147 87 39 15 281 267 Shared- Tenant Service Providers 87 93 87 202 46 42 22 Total: Competitors of ILECs 191 281 623 1,011 2,481 4,034 6,508 10,945 14,781 15,309 16,857 Total: Fixed Local Service Providers 95,595 99,011 103,792 109,273 107,634 112,268 118,725 127,103 132,666 130,300 126,337 Total: Payphone Providers 175 300 349 357 933 1,101 1,213 972 836 641 523 Wireless Telephony Including Cellular, 9,215 13,259 17,208 23,778 29,944 33,139 46,513 59,823 71,887 78,568 88,168 Personal Communications Service (PCS) and SMR Telephony Carriers 2 Paging & Messaging Service 2 2,861 3,161 3,232 3,102 2,197 1,473 1,007 Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) 186 191 206 33 Dispatch Wireless Data Service Providers and 964 938 1,419 2,121 225 731 221 164 110 220 135 Other Mobile Service Providers Total: Wireless Service Providers 10,179 14,197 18,627 25,900 33,030 37,032 50,152 63,280 74,596 80,467 89,342 Interexchange Carriers (IXCs) 61,118 66,381 70,938 79,057 79,080 83,443 87,570 87,311 81,272 68,146 61,246 Operator Service Providers (OSPs) 695 536 500 461 603 590 337 635 611 554 567 Prepaid Calling Card Providers 16 238 519 888 866 727 133 460 812 Satellite Service Carriers 1,011 475 280 336 373 406 663 Toll Resellers 1,869 2,840 4,220 6,564 8,010 9,885 9,211 10,641 8,797 9,279 9,294 Other Toll Carriers 711 709 773 577 348 710 150 1,758 2,516 2,089 2,339 Total: Toll Service Providers 64,393 70,466 76,447 86,896 89,570 95,992 98,414 101,407 93,702 80,934 74,920 Non- Telecommunications Revenues in Prior- Year Data 2 (7,518) (8,324) (9,071) (10,474) Other Adjustments 3 2,693 (461) 280 187 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Telecommunications Revenues $165,342 $174,890 $190,076 $211,782 $231,168 $246,392 $268,505 $292,762 $301,799 $292,341 $291,12 3 1 Filers are asked to select for themselves a service provider category that best describes their operations. The choices have changed over the years. For example, most satellite service providers identified themselves as other toll carriers in their 1997 Form 431 TRS worksheets because that worksheet did not contain a separate category for satellite service providers. 2 Significant amounts of enhanced service, billing and collection, CPE and other non- telecommunications revenues were reported on TRS worksheets by incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) and wireless carriers through 1996. Universal Service Worksheet filers report these revenues in the non- telecommunications category. For prior years, the amounts of non- telecommunications revenues reported as mobile and other local revenues were estimated as 70% of the amounts that Tier 1 ILECs reported in ARMIS as miscellaneous and nonregulated revenues (currently accou nt 5200 + account 5280) and 10% of amounts reported as mobile service revenues. 3 Other adjustments include some amounts withheld to preserve confidentiality and revisions made after the initial publication of the data. Source: Industry Analysis and Technology Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, Telecommunications Industry Revenues (March 2005). 154 156 The company index that appeared in previous editions of this publication has been eliminated. Company names appear in the following tables: 1.1 through 1.4, 2.1, 2.6, 2.8, 2.9, and 3.3. Individual company statistical data an other information are presented in each of these tables. General Inde x 2. By Subject Ite mTable Access Charges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.8 - 2.10, 4.6 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Access Lines: Billable Access Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17 By Customer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4, 2.6, 2.17, 4.10 By Holding Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 By Individual Reporting ILEC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1, 2.6 By Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3, 2.6 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 Total U. S. Wireline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Access Minutes: InterLATA Billed Access Minutes, Interstate. . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes, Intrastate. . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6 Interstate Switched Access Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.13 Accounts Payable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Accounts Receivable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Accrued Liabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8, 4.8 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Advanced Services Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Aerial Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6 Aerial Wire: Km of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6 Plant Investment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7, 2.8 Amortization: Accumulated (Reserve). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 - 2.10, 4.8 Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 - 2.10, 4.6 Analog Access Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4, 2.6, 4.10 ARMIS 43- 01. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 - 2.17, 4.1 - 4.6, 4.9 ARMIS 43- 02. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2, 2.1, 2.7, 2.8, 4.1 - 4.9 ARMIS 43- 08. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1, 2.2 - 2.6, 4.10, 5.1 Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.7, 2.8 - 2.10, 2.14, 2.15, 4.8, 4.9 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8, 4.9 Assignment of Toll- Free Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.14 - 5.18 800 Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.15 866 Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.18 877 Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.17 888 Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.16 Average Local Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11, 5.12 Balance Sheet Accounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7, 2.8 - 2.10, 2.14 - 2.16, 4.8, 4.9 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8, 4.9 Billable Access Lines: Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17 Residence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17 Subject to Special Access Surcharge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17 Billed Access Minutes: InterLATA Billed Access Minutes, Interstate. . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes, Intrastate. . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6 Buried Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6 Business Access Lines: Multiline Billable Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17 Multiline Switched Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4, 2.6 Single- Line Billable Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17 Single- Line Switched Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4, 2.6 155 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers General Index 1. By Company 157 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers General Inde x 2. By Subject-- Continue d Ite mTable Business Rates, Local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.12 Cable, Km of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6, 4.10 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 Calls: Local Calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 IntraLATA Toll Calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 InterLATA Toll Calls, Interstate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 InterLATA Toll Calls, Intrastate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 International Calls and Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Capital Stock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.8, 4.8 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Shares Outstanding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Carriers: Names of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2, 2.1, 3.3 Central Office Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3, 2.6 Centrex Extensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6, 4.10 Circuit Km: Equipped Interoffice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6 Equipped Local Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6 CLEC Lines: Advanced Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 End- User Switched Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2, 5.3 High- Speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Total U. S. Wireline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Coaxial Cable, Km of Tube Equipped. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6 Company Data, Individual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 2.1, 2.6, 2.8, 2.9, 3.3 Compensation of Employees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8, 4.10 Competitive Access Providers (CAPs) Revenues. . . . . . . 5.19 Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) Revenues 5.19 Conduit System: Duct Km. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6 Trench Km. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6 Connection Charges: Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.12 Residential. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11 Corporate Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Consumer Price Index (CPI). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10 Current Assets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8, 2.9, 4.8 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Current Liabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8, 2.9, 4.8 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Debt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.8, 4.8 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Deferred Charges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 - 2.10 Deferred Credits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 - 2.10, 4.8 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Depreciation: Accumulated (Reserve). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 - 2.10, 4.8 Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 - 2.10, 4.6 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Digital Access Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4, 2.6, 4.10 Dividends Declared. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.8 Per Share. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Earnings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.8, 4.7 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Per Share. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Employees: Compensation of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8, 4.10 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 Number of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.8 , 4.10 156 158 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers General Inde x 2. By Subject -- Continue d Ite mTable End- User Switched Access Lines By Customer Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Total Reported. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Equity Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.8, 4.8 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.8- 2.10, 2.12, 4.6, 4.7 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6, 4.7 Fiber in Cable, Km of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deployed (Lit and Dark). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6, 4.10 Equipped. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6, 4.10 Sheath Km. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6, 4.10 Funded Debt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8, 4.8 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 High- Speed Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Historical Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4, 4.1 - 4.10, 5.1 - 5.3, 5.8 - 5.21 Access Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10, 5.1 - 5.3 Advanced Services Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Assignment of 800 Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.15 Assignment of 866 Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.18 Assignment of 877 Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.17 Assignment of 888 Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.16 Assignment of Toll- Free Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.14 Calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 CPI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10 Employees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 Fiber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 High- Speed Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Households with Telephone Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8, 5.9 Local Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11, 5.12 Long Distance Carriers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4, 5.19 - 5.21 Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10, 5.13 Mobile Wireless Telephone Subscribers. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 PPI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10 Universal Service Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.19 - 5.21 Holding Companies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 1.2 Households with Telephone Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8, 5.9 Income Statement Accounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.8, 4.7 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Incumbent Local Exchange Companies: Access Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.17, 4.10, 5.1 - 5. 3 Carriers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2, 2.1, 5.21 Loops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1, 5.7 Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2, 2.1, 2.8 - 2.11, 4.1 - 4.5, 5.19, 5.20 Statistics (Physical Units). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1, 2.2 - 2.4, 2.6, 2.16, 4.10 Intercorporate Relations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Interexchange Carrier Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2, 1.4, 2.1, 5.20 Interest: Deductions from Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.8 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8, 4.7 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes: Interstate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 Intrastate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 InterLATA Toll Calls: Interstate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 Intrastate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 International: Facilities Based. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Facilities Resale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Message Telephone Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1, 3.3 Private Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2, 3.3 157 159 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers General Inde x 2. By Subject -- Continue d Ite mTable Interstate: Interstate Revenues for Local Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10, 2.11 Interstate Switched Access Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.13 Intrabuilding Network Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6 IntraLATA Toll Calls (Originating). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 Intrastate Revenues for Local Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10, 2.11 Inventories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Investment Tax Credits: Operating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Unamortized. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Investments: Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8, 4.9 In Affiliates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 In Communication Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.1, 2.7, 2.8 - 2.10, 2.13, 4.8, 4.9 ISDN Control Channels: Basic Rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6 Primary Rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6 Liabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 - 2.10, 4.8 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Lifeline Access Lines: 2.17 Billable (Residential). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17 Switched (Residential). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4, 2.6, 4.10 Lines: Advanced Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 ARMIS 4308. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 4.10 End- User Switched Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2, 5.3 High- Speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Total U. S. Wireline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Local Calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 Local Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11, 5.12 Long Distance Companies: Carriers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2, 1.4, 2.1, 3.3, 5.21 Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2, 1.4, 2.1, 3.1 - 3.3, 5.19, 5.20 Long- Term Debt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.8, 4.8 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Loops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1, 5.7 Main Access Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6, 4.10 Messages or Calls: Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 Local Calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6 IntraLATA Toll Calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6 InterLATA Toll Calls, Interstate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6 InterLATA Toll Calls, Intrastate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6 International Calls and Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1, 3.3 Metallic Cable, Km of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6 Minutes of Use: InterLATA Billed Access Minutes, Interstate. . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6 InterLATA Billed Access Minutes, Intrastate. . . . . . . . . 2.5, 2.6 International Message Telephone Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1, 3.3 Interstate Switched Access Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.13 Switched Traffic- Sensitive Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17 Mobile Wireless Telephone Subscribers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 Monthly Charges for Residential Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11 Monthly Charges for Business Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.12 Multiline Access Lines Billable (Business). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17 Switched (Business). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4, 2.6, 4.10 Non- Lifeline Access Lines: Billable (Residential). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17 Primary Switched (Residential). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4, 2.6, 4.10 Nonregulated Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 - 2.16 158 160 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers General Inde x 2. By Subject -- Continue d Ite mTable Nonregulated Investments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 - 2.16 Notes Payable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Notes Receivable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Operator Service Provider Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.19, 5.20 Overseas Communication Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 - 3.3 Paging Service Provider Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.12 Pay Telephone Provider Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.12 Payphone Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4, 2.6, 4.10 PBX and Centrex Trunks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6, 4.10 Penetration, Households with Telephone Service . . . . . . . 5.2, 5.3 Plant: Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 - 4.10 Investment in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.1, 2.7, 2.8 - 2.10, 2.14, 4.8, 4.9 Statistics (Physical Units). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1, 2.2 - 2.4, 2.6, 2.17, 4.10 Poles, Number of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6 Prepaid Calling Card Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20, 5.21 Prepayments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 Price Indexes, Telephone Service: Consumer Price Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10 Producer Price Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10 Private Line Service, International. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2, 3.3 Producer Price Index (PPI). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10 Rates: Business, Average Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.12 Residential, Average Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11 Remote Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3, 2.6 Resellers: Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2, 1.4, 2.1, 5.20 Residential Rates, Average Monthly Prices. . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11 Residential Rates, Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11 Retained Earnings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8, 4.8 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Revenues: Competitive Access Providers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 - 4.5, 4.7 Holding Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Interexchange Carriers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20 International. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 - 3.3 Local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2, 2.1, 2.8 - 2.11, 4.1 - 4.5, 4.7, 5. 19, 5.20 Operator Service Providers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20 Pay Telephone Providers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20 Reseller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20 Satellite Service Carriers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20 Toll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4, 5.19, 5.20 Total Industry, Interstate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20 Total Industry, Intrastate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20 Wireless. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.19, 5.20 Satellite Service Carrier Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20 Single Line Access Lines Billable (Business). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17 Switched (Business). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4, 2.6, 4.10 Special Access Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4, 2.6 State Data, Individual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 - 2.5, 2.11 - 2.17, 5.7 States in Which Carriers Operate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Subscriber Line Charges, Residential. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.11 Subscribership, Household Telephone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8 Switched Access Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3, 2.4, 2.6 Switched Access Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.13 Switched Traffic- Sensitive Interstate Minutes. . . . . . . . . . 2.17 159 161 Statistics of Communications Common Carriers General Inde x 2. By Subject -- Continue d Ite mTable Taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.8 - 2.10, 2.13, 4.7 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet. . . . . . . . . . . . 5.19 - 5.21 Telephones, Households with. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8, 5.9 By State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9 Telephone Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.17, 4.10, 5.1 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10, 5.1 Terrestrial System, Km of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6 Uncollectible Operating Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8 - 2.10, 4.5 Historical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Underground Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2, 2.6 Universal Service Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1, 5.7, 5.19 - 5.21 Wireless Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.19, 5.20 160 162