*Pages 1--14 from C:\Pdf2Text\Ready4Text_in\pdf\54058.pdf* UNIVERSAL SERVICE MONITORING REPORT CC DOCKET NO. 98- 202 2005 (Data Received Through May 2005) Prepared by Federal and State Staff for the Federal- State Joint Board on Universal Service in CC Docket No. 96- 45 This report is available for reference in the FCC's Reference Information Center, Courtyard Level, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554. Call Best Copy and Printing, Inc. at (202) 488- 5300 to purchase a copy. The report can also be downloaded from the Wireline Competition Bureau Statistical Reports (formerly FCC- State Link) Internet site at . It is available in print image (pdf) files and compressed (zip) files in word processor (MS Word) and spreadsheet (MS Excel or Lotus 123 .wk4) formats. 1 Table of Contents Index of Tables and Charts ...........................................................….…....….... 2 to 5 Introduction and Summary ..................................................................…....…... 6 to 8 Service List ...........................................................................................…......…. 9 to 12 1. Industry Revenues and Contributions ............................................…......…. 1- 1 to 1- 56 2. Low- Income Support ......................................................................…......… 2- 1 to 2- 44 3. High- Cost Support ..........................................................................…...…... 3- 1 to 3- 358 4. Schools and Libraries Support ........................................................…....….. 4- 1 to 4- 17 5. Rural Health Care Support ..............................................................….....…. 5- 1 to 5- 13 6. Subscribership and Penetration ........................................................….……. 6- 1 to 6- 79 7. Rates and Price Indices ...............................................…............……….… 7- 1 to 7- 28 8. Network Usage ……………………..........................................................… 8- 1 to 8- 27 9. Quality of Service ..............................................................................…....… 9- 1 to 9- 13 10. Infrastructure ......................................................................................…...... 10- 1 to 10- 22 11. Revenues, Expenses and Investment.................................................…....... 11- 1 to 11- 28 2 2 Index of Tables and Charts Access Charges - Interstate - Per Line .........................................……..................... Table 7.11 Access Charges - Interstate - Per Line - by Carrier .............................……............. Table 7.13 Access Charges - Interstate - Per Minute ....................................................……...... Table 7.12 Access Charges - Interstate - Per Minute - by Carrier .............................................. Table 7.14 Adjustment Formula ………………………………………………………….…… Table 1.17 Carrier Telecommunications Revenues Reported on FCC Form 499- Q ………..… Table 1.9 Changes in Local Exchange Carriers …………………………………………….. Table 3.36 Consumer Price Indices - Levels ..………......................................................…….. Chart 7.1 Consumer Price Indices - Annual Percentage Changes ……….....................…….. Chart 7.2 Consumer Price Indices - Annual Percentage Changes - Telephone Components .. Chart 7.3 Consumer Price Indices - Average Annual Rates of Change ........................……... Table 7.1 Consumer Price Indices - Monthly .................................................................……. Table 7.4 Contribution Base Revenues by Program ……………………………….………… Table 1.4 Customer Perception Surveys - Percentage of Customers Dissatisfied ...........……. Table 9.4 Customer Perception Surveys - Sample Sizes .................................................……. Table 9.5 Embedded High- Cost Loop Fund Formulas ……...............................…….............. Table 3.3 Expenses and Taxes .........................................................................................……. Table 11.2 Expenses - Total Operating ..............................................................................……. Table 11.9 High- Cost Loop Support Data - 2003 - by State or Jurisdiction ..…………….….. Table 3.17 High- Cost Loop Support Data - 2003 - by Study Area ..…………................…….. Table 3.31 High- Cost Loop Support Data - Percentage Changes - by State or Jurisdiction..….. Table 3.18 High- Cost Loop Support Data - Percentage Changes - by Study Area ..…....…….. Table 3.32 High- Cost Loop Support Payments by State or Jurisdiction..…………….……….. Table 3.6 High- Cost Loop Support Payments by Study Area ..…………….…….........…….. Table 3.22 High- Cost Model Support Payments by Non- Rural Study Area .…………..…..…. Table 3.25 High- Cost Model Support Payments by State or Jurisdiction .………………....…. Table 3.9 High- Cost Support Fund Payment History ...….......................................……......... Table 3.1 High- Cost Support Fund Payment History - ILECs and CETCs ..….......……......... Table 3.2 High- Cost Support Fund Payments - Total ...…...........................................……..... Chart 3.1 High- Cost Support Fund Payments - Total - ILECs and CETCs .................……..... Chart 3.2 High- Cost Support Payments - Total by State or Jurisdiction .…..……………..…. Table 3.14 High- Cost Support Payments - Total by State - ILECs and CETCs ………………. Table 3.15 High- Cost Support Payments - Total by Study Area .…………………..…………. Table 3.30 High- Cost Support Mechanisms – Monthly Support per Loop by State ………..… Table 3.16 Income - Net ....................................................................................................……. Table 11.5 Information for Allocating CLEC Revenues ……………………….……….…….. Table 1.19 Information for Allocating Incumbent Local Exchange Revenues ………….…….. Table 1.18 Information for Allocating Interstate Access Revenues ………….………....…….. Table 1.22 Information for Allocating Interstate Toll ……………….………..………....…….. Table 1.26 Information for Allocating Intrastate Access Revenues ………….………....…….. Table 1.23 Information for Allocating LEC Intrastate Toll ……………….…….……....…….. Table 1.24 Information for Allocating Mobile Wireless Revenues …………….……….…….. Table 1.20 Information for Allocating Non- LEC Intrastate Toll …………….….……....…….. Table 1.25 Information for Allocating SLC Revenues ……………………….………....…….. Table 1.21 Installation, Maintenance, and Customer Complaints .....................................……. Table 9.1 Interstate Access Support Payments by State or Jurisdiction ..........................……. Table 3.12 Interstate Access Support Payments by Study Area .......................…………….…. Table 3.28 3 3 Index of Tables and Charts Interstate Common Line Support Payment Trueups by State or Jurisdiction ……... Table 3.11 Interstate Common Line Support Payment Trueups by Study Area ................……. Table 3.27 Investment - Average Net ................................................................................……. Table 11.6 Investment - Gross ...........................................................................................……. Table 11.3 Investment - Other ...........................................................................................……. Table 11.13 Investment Reserves ........................................................................................……. Table 11.4 Lifeline and Link Up Support Payments ….……………..............................……. Chart 2.1 Lifeline Assistance - Payments - by State or Jurisdiction ................................……. Table 2.8 Lifeline Assistance - Subscribers - by State ......………..................................……. Table 2.6 Lifeline Assistance - Subscribers - Tribal and Non- Tribal - by State .............……. Table 2.7 Lifeline Monthly Support - by State ................................................................……. Table 2.3 Lifeline Subscribers and Link Up Beneficiaries .....…….................................……. Table 2.1 Link Up Assistance - Beneficiaries - by State ..………...................................……. Table 2.9 Link Up Assistance - Beneficiaries - Tribal and Non- Tribal - by State ...........……. Table 2.10 Link Up Assistance - Payments - by State ......……….....................…............……. Table 2.11 Local Switching Support Payment Trueups by State or Jurisdiction ...............……. Table 3.13 Local Switching Support Payment Trueups by Study Area .............................……. Table 3.29 Long- Term Support Payments by State or Jurisdiction ...................................……. Table 3.10 Long- Term Support Payments by Study Area .................................................……. Table 3.26 Loops - by State or Jurisdiction …………………...…………………...………….. Table 3.20 Loops - by Study Area ….……………………………………………...………….. Table 3.34 Low- Income Average Benefits by State or Jurisdiction ………………………...… Table 2.12 Low- Income Program Dollars by Study Area …………………..................………. Table 2.5 Low- Income Support Payments …….……………..........................................……. Table 2.2 Low- Income Support Payments by State or Jurisdiction …….……………....……. Table 2.4 Minutes - Interstate Access - by Study Area .......................................………….…. Table 8.4 Minutes - Interstate Access - by Tier ...............................................................……. Table 8.1 Minutes - Interstate Access - Quarterly Total .........................................….....……. Table 8.2 Minutes - Interstate Access - Total - Chart .............................................….....……. Chart 8.1 Non- Operating Items - Total ............................................................................……. Table 11.10 Other Operating Income or Losses .................................................................…….. Table 11.8 Penetration - Households .................................................................................……. Chart 6.1 Penetration - Individual Adults .......................................................................…….. Chart 6.8 Penetration by Household Size ........................................................................……. Table 6.8 Penetration by Household Size - Critical Values ............................................…….. Table 6.14 Penetration by Household Size - Chart ………................................................……. Chart 6.5 Penetration by Householder's Age ...................................................................……. Table 6.9 Penetration by Householder's Age - Critical Values ........................................……. Table 6.15 Penetration by Householder's Age - Chart ………...........................................……. Chart 6.6 Penetration by Income .....................................................................................……. Table 6.7 Penetration by Income - Chart ………...........................................................……. Chart 6.4 Penetration by Income - Adjusted for Inflation …..........................................……. Chart 6.9 Penetration by Income by State - Adjusted for Inflation ….............................……. Table 6.11 Penetration by Income by State - Sample Sizes ….......................………....………. Table 6.17 Penetration by Income - Critical Values ..........................................................……. Table 6.13 Penetration by Labor Force Status ...................................................................……. Table 6.10 Penetration by Labor Force Status - Critical Values ........................................….... Table 6.16 4 4 Index of Tables and Charts Penetration by Labor Force Status - Chart ………….......................................……. Chart 6.7 Penetration by Lifeline Assistance Level …………………………..……………... Table 6.4 Penetration by Lifeline Assistance Status …………………………..……………... Table 6.3 Penetration by State .........................................................................................……. Table 6.6 Penetration by State - Changes ........................................................................……. Table 6.2 Penetration by State - Changes - Map .............................................................…….. Chart 6.3 Penetration by State - Comparison by Level of Lifeline Assistance .……………... Table 6.5 Penetration by State - Critical Values ..............................................................……. Table 6.12 Penetration by State - Map ……………….....................................................…...… Chart 6.2 Plant In- Service - Total ....................................................................................……. Table 11.12 Pool Results - NECA - Common Line .............................................................……. Table 3.4 Pool Results - NECA - Traffic Sensitive ........................................................…….. Table 3.5 Price Indices - Annual Changes ......................................................................……. Table 7.2 Price Indices - Local and Long Distance Services - Annual Changes .............……. Table 7.3 Producer Price Indices …………………………………………………….………. Table 7.5 Rates - Local Business - Single Line ….............................…...........................….... Table 7.7 Rates - Local Residential ………………............................…...........................…... Table 7.6 Revenue per Minute - Average….....................................................................….... Table 7.8 Revenues and Other Operating Items ...............................................................….... Table 11.1 Revenues by Type of Carrier ……………………………………………………… Table 1.8 Revenues from Telecommunications Service Provided for Resale …………..…… Table 1.5 Revenues from Telecommunications Service Provided to End Users ……..……… Table 1.6 Revenues - Total ..................................................................................…………… Table 1.7 Revenues - Total Operating ..................................................................…………… Table 11.7 Rural Health Care - Disbursements by Service Speeds Acquired …………....…… Table 5.3 Rural Health Care - Disbursements per Person by State ……….…..........…...…… Table 5.4 Rural Health Care Funding Commitments and Disbursements by State .................. Table 5.2 Rural Health Care Funding Disbursements by Funding Year ………….................. Table 5.1 Safety Net Additive Support Payments by State or Jurisdiction …………….....….. Table 3.7 Safety Net Additive Support Payments by Study Area ………………..…….…….. Table 3.23 Safety Valve Support Payments by State or Jurisdiction ………........................….. Table 3.8 Safety Valve Support Payments by Study Area ………………………….….…….. Table 3.24 Schools & Libraries Commitments & Disbursements by Applicant & Service Type Table 4.1 Schools & Libraries Commitments & Disbursements by State & Applicant Type .. Table 4.2 Schools & Libraries Commitments & Disbursements by State & Service Type ..… Table 4.3 Schools & Libraries Commitments & Disbursements per Student by State …….… Table 4.5 Schools & Libraries Commitments per Student ………………………..…….....… Table 4.6 Schools & Libraries Disbursements by Service Provider Type ……….................... Table 4.4 Schools & Libraries Disbursements per Student ……………..…………..……..… Chart 4.1 Schools & Libraries Disbursements per Student ……………..…………..……..… Table 4.7 Standard Deviation Analysis of Residential Rates - 2003 ………..………………. Table 7.9 Standard Deviation Analysis of Residential Rates - Historical ……….………..…. Table 7.10 State Code Reference …............................................................................................ Table 8.5 Subscribership - Household - United States ....................................................……. Table 6.1 Switch Downtime and Trunk Blocking ............................................................….... Table 9.2 Switch Downtime Causes ........……......................................................................... Table 9.3 Switching Systems .........................……................................................................... Table 10.1 5 5 Index of Tables and Charts Taxes ………………….........................……............................................................ Table 11.11 Telecommunications Industry Revenues by Service …..…….................................. Table 1.2 Telecommunications Industry Revenues - Total ……..……..................................... Table 1.1 Telecommunications Revenues by Type of Carrier ……..……................................ Table 1.3 Telecommunications Revenues - Interstate …..…………….................................... Table 1.16 Telecommunications Revenues - Intrastate …..…………….................................... Table 1.15 Telecommunications Revenues - Total - by State …..……...................................... Table 1.13 Telecommunications Revenues - 2002…………………………….. …..……........ Table 1.14 Telephone Calls and Billed Access Minutes of Large ILECs ………………...…… Table 8.3 Transmission Systems ......................................................……................................. Table 10.2 Universal Service Program Requirements and Contribution Factors ..............……. Table 1.10 Universal Service Support - Distribution of Universal Service Payments ……...… Chart 1.1 Universal Service Support Mechanisms …………………………………………... Table 1.11 Universal Service Support Mechanisms - by State ……………………………...… Table 1.12 Unseparated NTS Revenue Requirement - by State or Jurisdiction …………….… Table 3.19 Unseparated NTS Revenue Requirement - by Study Area ……………………...… Table 3.33 Unseparated NTS Revenue Requirement per Loop - by State or Jurisdiction …..… Table 3.21 Unseparated NTS Revenue Requirement per Loop - by Study Area …………...… Table 3.35 6 6 Universal Service Monitoring Report CC Docket No. 98- 202 2005 Introduction and Summary This is the ninth report in a series of reports prepared by federal and state staff members for the Federal- State Joint Board on Universal Service in CC Docket No. 96- 45 (Universal Service Joint Board). 1 This report is based on information available to us as of May 2005. 2 These reports contain information designed to monitor the impact of various universal service support mechanisms, and the methods used to finance them. These mechanisms were adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (Commission), based on recommendations from the Universal Service Joint Board. These reports are part of a monitoring program created by the Commission in 1997 to replace a similar program in CC Docket No. 87- 339 that resulted in a series of nineteen Monitoring Reports. 3 The current program incorporates most of the information that was collected under the previous program, and also new materials from the reports of the administrator of the universal service support mechanisms, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). To enhance our monitoring ability, we have created an open docket, 4 which allows data, materials, comments, and studies to be submitted by any interested party at any time. The monitoring program has proven to be valuable, not only as a report on the effects of the Commission’s regulatory policies, but also as a complete census of all incumbent local exchange carriers. Because smaller carriers generally are exempt from most Commission reporting requirements, the Monitoring Report incorporates data from several sources, including the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) and USAC. USAC collects information from all eligible carriers to administer the universal service support mechanisms. NECA, at the direction of the Commission, collects information in order to administer the access charge pools and also provides information to USAC that is utilized in administering the Universal Service Fund. The Monitoring Report, therefore, contains the only available comprehensive data on all incumbent local exchange carriers, including data on such matters as the number of telephone lines, calling volumes, and certain types of costs. This report presents data for the eleven subject categories selected for monitoring. The first section provides information on the contributions to the universal service support mechanisms and industry revenues, on which those contributions are based. The next four sections provide information on the various support mechanisms: low- income support; high- cost support; schools 1 The last report was released on October 12, 2004. Universal Service Monitoring Report, CC Docket No. 98- 202, 2004 (Data Received Through May 2004), prepared by the Federal and State Staff for the Federal- State Joint Board on Universal Service in CC Docket No. 96- 45. 2 In some sections, data received in June have been included. 3 Federal- State Joint Board on Universal Service, CC Docket No. 96- 45, Report and Order, FCC 97- 157, para. 869 (released May 8, 1997). See 47 C. F. R. § 54.702( i). 4 CC Docket No. 98- 202. 7 7 and libraries support; and rural health care support. The remaining six sections provide information on matters that might be affected by the support mechanisms: subscribership and penetration; rates and price indices; network usage and growth; quality of service; infrastructure; and revenues, expenses, and investment. The Monitoring Report is now published once a year. The following are highlights of some of the material in this report. Section 1 provides an update on industry revenues and the universal service program requirements and contribution factors. Section 2 includes the latest data on the Lifeline and LinkUp programs. Section 3 includes the most recent projected payments for all of the high- cost support mechanisms, based on the quarterly reports from USAC. It also includes information from the latest filing by NECA for the high- cost loop fund. Section 4 includes updated data on the schools and libraries support mechanism. Section 5 includes updated data on the rural health care support mechanism. Section 6 includes the most recent Census data on subscribership from the Current Population Survey. It also includes data on telephone penetration by income by state and a discussion of the impact of Lifeline programs on penetration. Section 7 includes updated Consumer Price Index and Producer Price Index data and other updated rate information. Section 8 includes the latest NECA data on access minutes. Section 9 includes updated data on the quality of service from the Commission's Automated Reporting Management Information System (ARMIS) reports. Section 10 includes updated data on infrastructure from the ARMIS reports. Section 11 includes the latest information on revenues, expenses, and investment from the ARMIS reports. This entire report is available electronically through the Wireline Competition Bureau Statistical Reports 5 Internet site, which can be reached at . It is available in both page image (. pdf) format and in a compressed (. zip) format, which, when unzipped yields word processing and spreadsheet files. In addition, information received well in advance of the next Monitoring Report will be made available on an interim basis in separate staff reports or in raw data files (such as most NECA filings used in the Monitoring Report) on the Wireline Competition Bureau Statistical Reports Internet site. In addition, the ARMIS data are available on the ARMIS Internet site, which can be reached at . For ease of public reference, parties submitting materials for this docket should provide a duplicate copy to the FCC's Reference Information Center, 6 where copies of all materials filed in the docket are available for public reference. This report has been prepared by the federal staff listed below and reviewed by the state staff listed below. These staff members can be contacted for further information: General Information: Alex Belinfante (Federal) (202) 418- 0944 Alan Feldman (Federal) (202) 418- 0943 5 Formerly FCC- State Link. 6 Courtyard Level, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554. 8 8 Industry Revenues and Contributions: Jim Lande (Federal) (202) 418- 0948 Jim Eisner (Federal) (202) 418- 7302 Craig Stroup (Federal) (202) 418- 0989 Jeff Pursley (Nebraska) (402) 471- 0264 Andrew Margeson (Oregon) (503) 378- 6611 Low- Income Support: Larry Povich (Federal) (202) 418- 0953 Suzanne Mendez (Federal) (202) 418- 0941 Greg Fogleman (Florida) (850) 413- 6574 Philip McClelland (Pennsylvania) (717) 783- 5048 High- Cost Support: Alex Belinfante (Federal) (202) 418- 0944 Carl Johnson (New York) (518) 486- 2832 Michael Lee (Montana) (406) 444- 6185 Joel Shifman (Maine) (207) 287- 1381 Schools and Libraries Support: Craig Stroup (Federal) (202) 418- 0989 John Vu (Federal) (202) 418- 2333 Jennifer Richardson (Indiana) (317) 232- 2785 Peter Pescosolido (Connecticut) (860) 827- 2616 Rural Health Care Support: Craig Stroup (Federal) (202) 418- 0989 John Vu (Federal) (202) 418- 2333 Peter Bluhm (Vermont) (802) 828- 2358 Eric Seguin (Oklahoma) (405) 522- 3765 Subscribership and Penetration: Alex Belinfante (Federal) (202) 418- 0944 Earl Poucher (Florida) (850) 487- 8242 Rates and Price Indices: Paul Zimmerman (Federal) (202) 418- 7285 Joel Shifman (Maine) (207) 287- 1381 David Dowds (Florida) (850) 413- 6542 Network Usage: Alex Belinfante (Federal) (202) 418- 0944 Aram Shumavon (California) (415) 703- 2727 Quality of Service: Jonathan Kraushaar (Federal) (202) 418- 0947 Earl Poucher (Florida) (850) 487- 8242 Brad Ramsay (NARUC) (202) 898- 2207 Infrastructure: Jonathan Kraushaar (Federal) (202) 418- 0947 Lori Kenyon (Alaska) (907) 263- 2123 Revenues, Expenses, and Investment: Katie Rangos (Federal) (202) 418- 0954 Barbara Meisenheimer (Missouri) (573) 751- 5567 9 9 SERVICE LIST All items filed in CC Docket No. 98- 202 must be filed with the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, SW, Room TW- B204, Washington, D. C. 20554, and the following Commissioners and staff members (e- mail addresses of staff members follow their mailing addresses): DOCKET NO. 96- 45 JOINT BOARD MEMBERS Chairman Kevin J. Martin Commissioner Michael J. Copps Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW, Room 8- B201 445 12th Street SW, Room 8- A302 Washington, DC 20554 Washington, DC 20554 Vacant Commissioner Thomas J. Dunleavy Federal Communications Commission New York State Public Service Commission 445 12th Street SW 90 Church Street, 4 th Floor Washington, DC 20554 New York, NY 10007 Commissioner Larry S. Landis Commissioner Lisa Polak Edgar Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission Florida Public Service Commission 302 West Washington St., Suite E- 306 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46204 Tallahassee, FL 32399- 0809 Commisioner Ray Baum Director Billy Jack Gregg Oregon Public Utility Commission West Virginia Consumer Advocate Division 550 Capitol Street, N. E., Suite 215 723 Kanawha Boulevard, East P. O. Box 2148 7 th Floor, Union Building Salem, OR 97308- 2148 Charleston, WV 25301 DOCKET NO. 96- 45 FEDERAL- STATE JOINT BOARD STAFF Carl Johnson Andrew Margeson New York Public Service Commission Oregon Public Utility Commission 3 Empire State Plaza 550 Capitol Street, N. E. Albany, NY 12223- 1350 Salem, OR 97301- 2551 Carl_ Johnson@ dps. state. ny. us andrew. margeson@ state. or. us Greg Fogleman Jennifer A. Richardson Florida Public Service Commission Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard 302 West Washington St., Suite E- 306 Tallahassee, FL 32399- 0850 Indianapolis, IN 46204 gfoglema@ psc. state. fl. us jrichardson@ urc. state. in. us Philip McClelland Earl Poucher Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate Florida Office of the Public Counsel 555 Walnut Street, 5th Floor 111 West Madison, Room 812 Harrisburg, PA 17101- 1923 Tallahassee, FL 32399- 1400 pmcclelland@ paoca. org poucher. earl@ leg. state. fl. us 10 10 Lori Kenyon Peter Pescosolido Regulatory Commission of Alaska Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control 1016 West 6th Avenue, Suite 400 10 Franklin Square Anchorage, AK 99501 New Britain, CT 06051 lorraine_ kenyon@ rca. state. ak. us Peter. Pescosolido@ po. state. ct. us Joel Shifman Jeff Pursley Maine Public Utilities Commission Nebraska Public Service Commission 242 State Street 300 The Atrium, 1200 N Street State House Station 18 P. O. Box 94927 Augusta, ME 04333- 0018 Lincoln, NE 68509- 4927 joel. shifman@ state. me. us jeff. pursley@ psc. ne. gov Aram Shumavon Barbara Meisenheimer California Public Utility Commission Missouri Office of Public Counsel 505 Van Ness Avenue 301 West High St., Suite 250 San Francisco, CA 94102 Jefferson City, MO 65102 aram@ cpuc. ca. gov barb. meisenheimer@ ded. mo. gov Eric Seguin Peter Bluhm Oklahoma Corporation Commission Vermont Public Service Board 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard Drawer 20, 112 State Street, 4th Floor Oklahoma City, OK 73152- 2000 Montpelier, VT 05620- 2701 e. seguin@ occemail. com pbluhm@ psb. state. vt. us Michael Lee David Dowds Montana Public Service Commission Florida Public Service Commission 1701 Prospect Ave. 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard Helena, MT 59620- 2601 Tallahassee, FL 32399- 0850 mlee@ mt. gov ddowds@ psc. state. fl. us Brad Ramsay NARUC 1101 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005 jramsay@ naruc. org Michelle Carey Jessica Rosenworcel Office of Chairman Martin Office of Commissioner Copps Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW, Room 8- B201L 445 12th Street SW, Room 8- A302E Washington, DC 20554 Washington, DC 20554 michelle. carey@ fcc. gov jessica. rosenworcel@ fcc. gov 11 11 Vacant Thomas Navin, Chief Vacant Office of Commissioner Wireline Competition Bureau Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW 445 12th Street SW, Room 5- C356 Washington, DC 20554 Washington, DC 20554 thomas. navin@ fcc. gov Narda Jones, Chief Cathy Carpino, Deputy Chief Telecommunications Access Policy Division Telecommunications Access Policy Division Wireline Competition Bureau Wireline Competition Bureau Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW, Room 5- A425 445 12th Street SW, Room 5- A441 Washington, DC 20554 Washington, DC 20554 narda. jones@ fcc. gov cathy. carpino@ fcc. gov Gina Spade, Assistant Chief Katie King Telecommunications Access Policy Division Telecommunications Access Policy Division Wireline Competition Bureau Wireline Competition Bureau Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW, Room 5- B550 445 12th Street SW, Room 5- B544 Washington, DC 20554 Washington, DC 20554 gina. spade@ fcc. gov katie. king@ fcc. gov Tom Buckley, Acting Deputy Chief Ted Burmeister Telecommunications Access Policy Division Telecommunications Access Policy Division Wireline Competition Bureau Wireline Competition Bureau Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW, Room 5- B552 445 12th Street SW, Room 5- B438 Washington, DC 20554 Washington, DC 20554 thomas. buckley@ fcc. gov theodore. burmeister@ fcc. gov Geoff Waldau Warren Firschein Telecommunications Access Policy Division Telecommunications Access Policy Division Wireline Competition Bureau Wireline Competition Bureau Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW, Room 5- B524 445 12th Street SW, Room 5- B442 Washington, DC 20554 Washington, DC 20554 geoff. waldau@ fcc. gov warren. firschein@ fcc. gov OTHER FEDERAL STAFF Alex Belinfante Alan Feldman, Deputy Chief Industry Analysis & Technology Division Industry Analysis & Technology Division Wireline Competition Bureau Wireline Competition Bureau Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW, Room 6- A132 445 12th Street SW, Room 6- A223 Washington, DC 20554 Washington, DC 20554 alex. belinfante@ fcc. gov alan. feldman@ fcc. gov 12 12 Jonathan Kraushaar Jim Lande Industry Analysis & Technology Division Industry Analysis & Technology Division Wireline Competition Bureau Wireline Competition Bureau Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW, Room 6- A262 445 12th Street SW, Room 6- A134 Washington, DC 20554 Washington, DC 20554 jonathan. kraushaar@ fcc. gov jim. lande@ fcc. gov Suzanne Mendez Larry Povich Industry Analysis & Technology Division Industry Analysis & Technology Division Wireline Competition Bureau Wireline Competition Bureau Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW, Room 6- A100 445 12th Street SW, Room 6- A130 Washington, DC 20554 Washington, DC 20554 suzanne. mendez@ fcc. gov larry. povich@ fcc. gov Katie Rangos Jim Eisner Industry Analysis & Technology Division Industry Analysis & Technology Division Wireline Competition Bureau Wireline Competition Bureau Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW, Room 6- A162 445 12th Street SW, Room 6- A102 Washington, DC 20554 Washington, DC 20554 katie. rangos@ fcc. gov james. eisner@ fcc. gov Craig Stroup John Vu Industry Analysis & Technology Division Industry Analysis & Technology Division Wireline Competition Bureau Wireline Competition Bureau Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW, Room 6- A104 445 12th Street SW, Room 6- A360 Washington, DC 20554 Washington, DC 20554 craig. stroup@ fcc. gov john. vu@ fcc. gov Paul Zimmerman Industry Analysis & Technology Division Wireline Competition Bureau Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW, Room 6- C162 Washington, DC 20554 paul. zimmerman@ fcc. gov 13 Customer Response Publication: 2005 Universal Service Monitoring Report You can help us provide the best possible information to the public by completing this form and returning it to the Industry Analysis Division of the FCC's Common Carrier Bureau. 1. Please check the category that best describes you: ____ press ____ current telecommunications carrier ____ potential telecommunications carrier ____ business customer evaluating vendors/ service options ____ consultant, law firm, lobbyist ____ other business customer ____ academic/ student ____ residential customer ____ FCC employee ____ other federal government employee ____ state or local government employee ____ Other (please specify) 2. Please rate the report: Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor No opinion Data accuracy (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Data presentation (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Timeliness of data (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Completeness of data (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Text clarity (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) Completeness of text (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) 3. Overall, how do you rate this report? Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor No opinion (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) 4. How can this report be improved? 5. May we contact you to discuss possible improvements? Name: Telephone #: To discuss the information in this report contact: Industry Analysis and Technology Division at 202- 418- 0940 Fax this response to or Mail this response to 202- 418- 0520 FCC/ WCB/ IATD 445 12 th St. SW Washington, DC 20554 14