HARRISBURG MEDIA OWNERSHIP FIELD HEARING STATEMENT OF COMMISSIONER ROBERT M. MCDOWELL I am pleased to be here in Harrisburg as we continue building a record of evidence for the Commission’s comprehensive review of the broadcast ownership rules. I am studying the issues with an open mind and I hope to hear as many viewpoints on the issues as I can. As the Commission’s experience with the 2002 review revealed, the debate over broadcast ownership is a debate about the vitality of our democracy and the appropriate balance among competitive efficiencies, diversity of voices and local focus. The debate elicits the opinions and passions of people from all walks of life from all over the country. I am eager to learn more about the issues from the perspectives of all of the interested parties – artists, programmers, broadcasters, consumers, academics and many others. In particular I look forward to learning about competition, diversity and localism in the Harrisburg market from all of you. We need the first-hand knowledge that only you can provide about how our ownership rules affect you as businesspeople and as viewers and listeners so that we can determine whether the times demand that those rules change. To our panelists and audience members -- thank you for being here today and for participating in our hearing. We value your input.