STATEMENT OF COMMISSIONER MIGNON L. CLYBURN Re: Implementation of Section 6002(b) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, Annual Report and Analysis of Competitive Market Conditions With Respect to Mobile Wireless including Commercial Mobile Services, WT Docket No. 09-66 I am very pleased to support this Notice of Inquiry. Consistent with our Congressional directive, the Commission is tasked with developing policies and regulations that promote competition in the commercial mobile services arena. Developing an effective and informative analysis of the state of competition in the wireless industry is key to reaching Congress’ stated fundamental goal – the promotion of competition. By expanding and enhancing the Commission’s analysis of current competitive conditions, we hope to gain a more granular level of data that should form the basis for sound policy choices for competitive wireless mobile services. I believe that this item takes the right approach by analyzing commercial mobile radio services (CMRS) as part of a more broad mobile wireless market. When consumers consider the capabilities of their mobile wireless devices, their focus is typically on the cost and capabilities for a device that integrates voice, content, applications and other data services. And given that mobile providers have themselves integrated, through bundling, the marketing of all of these services and applications, it certainly makes sense that we look at the services beyond those more narrowly defined as CMRS. Taking a critical look at our analytical framework and data sources is an important piece of this inquiry. I’m particularly pleased that we are seeking specific qualitative and quantitative data on elements that affect consumers’ mobile wireless purchasing decisions and consumer behavior. Additionally, improving our understanding of market segments and edge markets, while working to develop a more detailed record on spectrum holdings and all inputs in this so-called “wireless ecosystem,” is a worthwhile endeavor -- with an end of goal of competition to benefit consumers. I also look forward to hearing more from commenters regarding barriers to entry, which remain an ongoing challenge. I thank Chairman Genachowski for his leadership in initiating this inquiry, and the Bureau staff for their work on this item.