NDU-04-2009 17:24 From:HDN. CHRISTPHR SMITH 202 227 7768 To:202 418 2806 CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH CONSTITUENT SERVICE CENTERS lh4l1 Kill'''' Hill"!. SII,II', fI!! ~..",illl)ll, NJ1I1:l61~:i8o established and operated televisiol1 stations and radio stalions throughout thc bastern UnitedStat~for over 30 yel'lrs. They understand Lhe broadcast husiness, New Jersey's needs, and most illlpOJ1antly the crucial need for local programming in my state. On .Tune 15,2009, PMCM TV t1ledadvi~emcntnoLilications WiTh the FCC. regarding its intention to move a commercial VHF television sLation to Nl;.lW Jersey. FOl1lmately. Section 331 of Lhe COn1n1UnicatiollS Acl properly provides opportunities, like the one initiated by PMCMTV~to provide cOllunercial VHF channeJs to~tateslike New Jersey that uo not have II full-power comme:;rc.ial VHF channel. Whi.1e the type offiling being undertaken by PMCM TV is not common, thc:re is Jlrecedent for it and on. a prior occasion at which time on the FCC' was able Lu act on channeJ reallocalion within th.ree nlonths after the nutification filing. Therefore, it is my hope that you can quickly review the PMCM TV's notifications and move forward on providing NewJer~eyVHF chmmcJ andLh~Lype ofloeal programming content that ils ov~reight mi Ilion ,residents deserve. (!) PR'N,",D ON,,~r,'fnF.DMPEII NOU-04-2009 17:24 From:HON. CHRISTPHR SMITH 202 227 7768 To:202 418 2806 Please keep me informed regarding the FCC's action on. the llOlifu;·ation request filed by PMCM TV and any other initiaLives the FCC will be taking to provide local programming to New Jersey residents.Plea~eno Ilot hesitale;; to c·ontact me or DavId Kush ofmy slall' aL 202-225-3765 ifyo\1 have any ftuther quc;stions regarding this irnporLanL matter. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH Memher ofCOl'lgress