STATEMENT OF COMMISSIONER MEREDITH A. BAKER AT SILICON FLATIRONS ON CONTRIBUTION OF DALE N. HATFIELD. I want to commend Dale Hatfield for his immense contributions and commitment to the communications industry. He has been one of this industry’s foremost educators and guides for nearly 40 years at NTIA, the FCC, and now here in Colorado. Throughout his career, he has exemplified the ideals of integrity, dedication, and achievement. Chairmen, Commissioners, and Administration officials have turned to him during difficult decisions for his balanced and objective counsel. Not only is Dale an internationally known expert on spectrum management, he is, at heart, a teacher. He has selflessly instructed and encouraged over a generation of lawyers, practitioners, and engineers both here and abroad. When Dale speaks, he makes spectrum tangible and understandable in a way that only he can. As we tackle critical issues like spectrum reform, it is fortuitous that so many of us at the Commission learned the fundamentals from Dale. When I was at NTIA, we were tasked with establishing the Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee (“CSMAC”). Dale was an obvious and easy choice to chair this critical advisory organization. This is just yet another instance in which Dale answered the call of public service. As always, he has served tirelessly with great distinction. He could not have done any of this without the gracious support of his wife, Pat. I thank Dale for his public service, his infectious enthusiasm for our industry and its future, and his friendship.