I n t e r f e r e n c e Handbook 1993 Edition NOTICE Addrt$ses, telephone numbers, and ClInl6Ct information Ii,ted in this puNi""tion are long out ofd81e and may not be valid. You may be wlelo ClIntaei manufacturer, andvendo~IhrOllgh their lniemet Web .WAY RADIO TRANSMI'ITER 5 CONTENTS PART (, INTERFERENCE TO TELEVISION RECEPrION CHAPTER $ OO'HER INTERFERENCE INPORMATION 17 FRINGE AREA RECEPTION _ 17 GHOSrING .........•..... . 17 OOCHANl'!'l:L IN1"ERFERENCE .... " 17 . .. If> " " COMPUTERS, PAGING SYSTEMS., . . VIDEO CASSETI'E RECORDERS (\'CRII) BOOS'TER AlU'LIFIERS ".'_."._ . INFORMATION FOR TELEVISION OWNERS 6 INFORMATION FOR RADlOTRANSMIITER OPERAWRS , 7 INf'ORMATION FOR CB OP£RA'JORS 8 INF'ORlUJION )'OR AllATEUR OPERAlORS . , CHAPTER 2 ELECTRICAL INTERFERENCE . 10 COMXQN ELECTRICAL I"'TERFERENC£ SOURCES....................... . 10 POWER COllPANY ELECTRICAL EQUiPMENT..................... . 12 DOORBELL TRANSFORMERS 12 CIIAP'TER 3 FM RADIO TRANSMI1TERS , .. '" .13 CIIAPTER • 2 PART II, INTERFERENCE TO OO'IIER EQUIPMENT CHAPTER' TELEPHONES. CORDLESS TELEPHONES 18 ELECTRONIC ORGANS, AXIFM RADIOS. 20 sn:REO AND HI-FIEQUlPll.E~'T•••. 20 PART III, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CHAPTER 7 WHERE 11) GET HELP .........••••••••••• 21 ASSOCIATIONS . _ " •....•.. MANUF'ACrURERS , .. , ~'CCOFt'lCES . •.. •••••.. 21 ....•. 22 .. CHAPT'tR 8 f'1U'ER INFOfUlATiON _ tl8 CHAPTER I TECHNICAL INroRXATfON POR SERVICE TECHNICIANS 41 RADIO TRANSXrrrER MODIPICATlONS ofl RESOl.VING 1h"I'ERf'ERENCE AT THE TELEVISION RECEIVER 43 El.ECTRICAL, "If AND AUDIO INTERFERENCE 47 Acknowledgements M~'"LiM.: A-ncan Radio Re'-1 I..oeIpe N~Conn. 00611 EIectreem' interl'e_ 1.0 otheT eI«l.ronltequlpment. Retohition" iDterl'_~m.ll....l1y requi..eoopuatioa betw-. equiptnfflt owners. Part III provide.~eren"".ro. auiltAnOi from equipment .....nurtK'Lunln. dilt.ributo.. and .....Ioe tedmkillOl. '"'" Commiulon Inc:ourapI CUlsumen to be lUre thal their TV, It.ereo. or ocher elerll'aMllliu. It may VV)' ....... ,..itq."""'irI_ or_" I Ill. PROBLEM, IIkpIIy inIuIled equipmerc lJIM. VIOl.ATES TYPE NXEP. TA...va: RULES 1UdI .. I'Xtno ~utft'Ml MuehmentI, rewind dmlita or I!':ltnI ftitdw '-,. ;. 1Acal1on 01 antenna ~III tnnenUlter OIIlpul power ~~4_11imil -~- INFORMATION FOR AMATEUR OPERATORS PROBLEM: RECOMMENDED SOLUTIONS: H......and JP\IriouI t!ftlis. IIlIl.llD •Iow-~t\h.er in tht .... --. l.eIInahdh.orin !he-mllink u>!he~lwRr w lllILIIII.tIherbft_!he~ ~{e:Ilcit«j and tht Inp.ot 10 !Joe ampIiIl.er. A-.dflh« thould be ~at tile ampMe'. GUtput. u.~muimum pooow Ie¥N Conoh1. t8t& by~,aur pooow to del.m:nine tile dl'e« lhat ~power wiD ha.-. on the"-' ~interl~.._ It pooow opention& reduc. or eliminate Ole interl~rence,you~w\ah 10 c0n sider~&I. tht lower~ ....henever poMible. Thi&~Iltlp ~.to~harmony to thlt neighborhood. High gain or directional antenna ThIt etrf!ct.iY'll radiated pllW('r (ERPl ~high pin antennu~ntedat maximum pO'NU 11M!1. can c:reat.e a "bIanbtlllll''' l!tI'ect. Considltr Il5in(" anon~anten.na or rl!due ed opl'ratillll' JIOW'tr. Pbor~Ground tranunilW" 10 a meWlic cold __ pipit or a f\"CIUM rod driven II. __ 8 felt Into Ole e-md- GIVUIId lead "-kI be at Ieat 110 ...a.. cqJp8' ribbon or ..... t-IiIurf_ClClm mjo ,_an!....aabloe to Mfp~~t1loeir inlftJ....tiXE probIm. Fla> •Imcein~.1IlllmIllil.l.MinJ'VW' .... _!JoeAmeriean Rdo lldli;)'~N~CoiInKtiM 06111, or !be-.FCC aftke IiIlaI on pace 16. COMMON ELECTRICAL INTEK.'EKENCt: SOURCES CHAPTER 2 ELECTRICAL INTERFERENCE PATTERN BPA1'TERN A The .-I. mmmon IdIoet in the room where the~rwoee ill oririnat.inc- Unpluc each~the devlcft pn!riQuaIy mentioned. one at. time, unt1l theinterf~1Ml8di..pp".... from your TV. The device that ,... ~rill call&ing !.heInterl'e~must be repaired or repI..M. Anotber W1\Y to dilaM1' the aource ofinterlerftlOt to )'OUT TV ill toc" to t1Ie main ru.e or rimllt br-Io:8 bcllt in )'OUT home. Remove _ I'uae •• u-. or ahut oIf _ eIrNit bi ...... time. ..... _ Il' the Intuf_ I""~((!.heInterf~~not dieaflpNr, I"l'place LIM l'uee or tIiJ'II t1Ie cimIiL bi e .... block on. Ccdinuoe t.hie IN IIlltil the Int.et ruenao r " .... WMlthe rimllt !hal_Wi"!.he powe' to the TV ill tlIrMd oIf, pluc tM TV inlo mach!rcraa. n.iawi!~)IIlUto dp .uiue Illhe inwftoa tId ill beq:iwti t.ed~attevn tMt ia pc ued by the __rimllt. 7llID' TV. If the illter1eJftlOe pattern diMppee,. 1'rom)'OW' TV _ when."-. le_~1Ir.c:ireuk bE ......tDmIId dI. roto the..,.,. t.lrIIr.."'ei..... tbe ~,.-"",""bJ the diRoaneded ciralit. LooIl. far UO'~thede•• prwiouaIJ' mentioned. 1f)lOU find~01 them. ftrIt, >qliace tbe~1Ir twn tbecireuilbo I ...~t-k...1"Den .......tbedericlll!. ;+'''''01_ q Ole pt'Oblem.lfIeftl'&I de.itw are Oft thiI cimIit unpllll them one '" • lime until Ole irlc.eI"I'uence ctiupp-ara. It thiI proeeu doH not ..-rthe Illll.lft 01 )'OW' int.erference, uk )'OW' immediate neighbon Ifthey~alIo~ivinethe inWference.. If110, )'IlUT nelghbof!l mllY~tto ron the IIliJne dl'C\llt breaker leU. POWER COMPANY ELECfRICAL EQUIPMENT If)'llli determine that \.he interfe>"!!lCl • not cauaed by any deotlellln)'UUl'" home or thai. fl/I JOW' nelcftbor(a), __IJJe R:i • ice departmeI'lt fl/I your IoraIpoooer~.naer ahoWd ilh rw-e the ploblenl and tab-.ep. to I!llITeCl it. 'Ibu~want to -..ethat JOW' JI'I"I'C" eompul)' c:hecb far: ~h'-d._ LoaM 1Ir Ilnbonded hardware ~!'rom df:fectM IigIIulinc &rft8Uln DeffCtioeU t.rar1Il'onners can _1nt.erl'crellCll to )'IlUT t.e1evWon~ ThiI typeolinterlercllC'eia~by PlItl.enl A. o.bc>orn on.~10, whidl wiD a::.-r at appnnimacly &eW'lI Ml:OIld inl.cn-al& It miebt be bel;:IuI to "",lei .reI wb;y Ihia omn. lr • ckubell buUc- Ie pl d too~or it tbe button beceoufi .wok, tbe ckubell pllftT lI'I!lIIormer een CIS I eat, ......m huerd. For JIf'lllec.'tiOf dcoI1IeD trell",'WlilPlI include en IlItwnetic ..t1!tJ' IWitdl tbet. bIme dI the t....1&."16 ...... OIU' ·i,. occure. After Ole ..ntdt aulOnVllic:ally .....,. the trenII'w_, dI, it will COIIIl and twn itaell' t-k on. Thie IlltOIllIlii:mJoIl~~.IITIIII ere whicb__eecuiCloI Intu1e,ence. ThIe temper "n'e~deYb can bw:ane del«tiom lLrI PM ndio U'aIlIm.itter, The CommIMlorl~Mw Fill: .ulon appIlnlnu 10 oonaIdeT potent.iaI wide~Int.erf~"'_pro biemI and mlnlmile lht!rn bJ' llt\eding a Jl"lPt' 1ftIIatr'Il«er Iomlon. FM .....CIptnIl(n _~10.eapaold to aII.-V1b1eiNa••daun pIaiJIu _ the -'on ber\rw operaline. 'l'hemore. )'IlU ahoo.ild ,.,... ('Or> tad. the PM 8tallorl iii....... (,'),if{ Opentor or ClIW EngI_ ror ~If only TV Channtl 6 • affected.)'OIl ahoo.ild -uct the TV ...... There an t~_prOOIenIIlhat inwofvoIl PM~ ne nr. poWtui IIIol\Y ariae wben)'Oll aN • I 4.q a diIIMl TV alpaI .a_ PM __~openWwin)'OUl"_lburTV....... IllIQ' • ; .1 to the -tIJ PM Jicnal, ....... .IBIQ' "'ape a )'OUI"TV Ill•• It• ......,..... 10 I'«lJIPIiaau.TV 1IipIII_c.lb' (I ,tRio'-....""" witIliII • IiIftlted~~milN (or ndiua)~the tnnInliU.er, AIv TV ~1&1.. mDN ''frirlIoe'"~AJtJiouP 1nIwe_~ tB.......Waa"". \eo"..,,..--17 .......Stc a..tap.L 'I"aat. ........,. P" 10 iIur".a 5 III I.' ,aftatk-.r all f')I buod rc;..'!..mt«~a kiply diNal ! w ....__ ~jrc ..._ publei•• n.a.w&,.' .~,and is ..-iv\ng~rfere_I:Olltart the bw1dinr mtIIagl!menl. If you own your TV anttnna 8)'11Wn, atttlllpl to locate the an>pli1ler. AlIlp\i1ler'l ..,. bplI1ler ean be difl'leult. The TV ante1\ III cmlnected to thedeI'«ti~an>pli1ler can I'lIdiate interference 0'VI£l' an eolil"ll neighborhood. 800.ter and dUlLrihutJon arnp1it>erl are alto fUIol.'t'Illible to ne&rby BdIo U'aIlImitter fil[nalI. 'I'M in..,u,'km cI tilter'1 before and~lbe amplifier will normally eIirninaW thlt kind III lnlerlflot_ Ifthe amplil\er it doee I.ll the TV, only menJ~belore the ampMer mlO' be required. CHAPTER S OTHER INTERFERENCE INFOIlJlATION FRINGE AREA RECEPTION TV ........., intMdfd to _~onI)' within • limited distance ~tMlr tr&nImit.terI. My TV reception ber!lnd thia~III o:alltd '"fringe uu" reeeption. Althoujft fringe aJ'H tienalI~be 1I&l.Wadt.wy, t.hey an! weak aignale that an! highly ..-ptible toint.erfe~roeeMIl an! not prott<:ted by the Commislllon. If the inlltallation 0(.dil"ectiofla1 anten na or lUt.er on)'OUT TV IIet fll!l.l Ul eliminate thelntHl'e~""",probltm, ((In· IIIdera1~~TV~Cable. ateUite, MIl TV tTamlaton an! pouibIe a1temat.i-. GHOSTING Two ronditIorw may __• doulMe irn:Ice~_ TV PiClJ-~ to appo!aI" QII )"lIIP" _G~may "'" caueed by !.he TV IipaI beinc reIleded, or)'llUl'" TV's anleMIIor__~"""may be in poI&'_ diUon. Notice t'- the two iInIgM producoed by rt-ing ..., I.he _ ~0C'l:In..-hen• TV aipal ill beiJw ra\ected offalllOUlltain. btdoir& or Qther m&MIl8de atluctuft. The ......tnYeI om- o:Iitren>rc I*..ba to 1VW" TV let MIl arrive Ita1i(ht1y difFetftll time&. RotaLe J'lUf" TV antenna to e _ poaitJon, or m.uu & ablelded ("ulu")Jead.ln wire. Theae mHeUrH "'"rwoI~1m. problem. I' thelle aotutioM ll1'll not dl"ed.ive,h.a,~& lie!' vice repreaentatlve ch«k the condition~)'OUTan1.enna MIl replace bl>th the antenna MIl ant.enna lead-In wire. CO-CIlANNEL lNTERPERENCE l-es!'rom two TVp~wiII-wear OIl )'OW" _ ".t-! )'OUT let ~...m-t_TVRcrI' Notethlttlletwoimae-_di(. --'''~one piL'tllre ...beeJ:I~\lIltop~tbeGther. Codtannel iatafeftlllle may be caueed by eitMr *'_", 'wi" ClI,lndit.... or the 100 lion~the TV .....in rNlionehip to )"llW' Itome. PiDblaue caueed by M ...teritNntit-Piob.bly cannot be IID1'ftted.. HowIever. -.da __ citiane..., -wJy te"...U')'. PldIima~by the locacion~yourhome IIIIQ' be m-d or eliminated by inatallirtr •~bIply diftctionaI .... teIn&, or~the~one to • poeitlon that t.t irnprowlI """""" PART 1I INTERFERENCE TO OTHER EQillPMENT CHAPTER' TEU:PHOSE8, ELECTJI:O!'o'IC ORGANS..oIIF)I RADIos. STIlREO Ao''iD KJ-Ft EQUlPXElooT 'Mep/lonft.~(!(,IInpII1.en,~orran- and '-... ,._ ...lcwfall I'ftIeh'I~rrom -':IyNdlo~Whell UliII 1IappfnI. 1M dl!ric'e impIoperty~... ndiD ...-l'llel' ........ ,'. ldblll_lIterincsn r 'wellUdl_rliIft_ T1lederieelc .;.q inlmt,E"« ahould be modiIled in)'OCll' __..hilt \l iI beirlc a/fed.ed..,. lnwo,ft"II(e.".will eNlble tlle _ •lei~to de« lOWIll ..heft llle inwferilw IicMI ..~J'l\lI' df\ic.o& The dllvlce'. l"llIpOl\M will nry arft)1'di,. 10 the Interfel'll'llet~It, ro..6anI~your eqlllpment is piddnr up tht IlJcnaI~.I>9I"byl"'O-~ I'IldIoU'aMmlt~,)'OIl IllIeIr...ill he.,. the radio opent.or'a~E~ Inu!rl'uera can _ IlR.Iing. PJPI,IInc or humminr 8OUnda. When elecuic:aI interfH'l'net!~)'011 IbouJd uy 10 locate tht IICIlImI! ~thtInterf~f'bl\ow the dirfttionI on P'C" 10. WARNINe ro AVOID Mi EUY;TRJCtL SHOCK. IiU'CTHICAL OR ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT SHOUW ONU' BE MODIFIED BY qUALlFIED SERVICE TECHlt11ClA/1.'S TELEPHONES SC''''l'toIlllWVby ndiD~call eM«J'llllI' tele;".~ ~ - The U:k\pMrlll w1t'e~to\M'" n. w' .1•• wirinr iMide Ole ....... ",. II"'" i • k.-Il' CORDLESS TELEPHONES Dealer or manufacture,'a lervic:e rep_tauva SERVICE REFERRALS CONTACT:If'YOU: c.rdIeao~.... radio fNq......ae.. The)' .... _I,_n t_ ....,. radio .)'Item$. All with any t_way ...diG, the, .re~t.o intelfau.... from l'\o8lITby radio tnlnaDilters, indudina: otbu" neerb1 coni.. \ell telephon-. The.'CC do. not.p_conIleu tekphonel from inter. fUU1C8.lIo_~,yoo may contact the rnanuflKturw ofthe.~r... ~If10IIr oordleu telephone callJel interl"el'Ul" l.o IKIIf\U.N\CI el 'a eqWprnult,)'OlI mUlt. atop lIIine ituntil the intenel'Ullle;'e~minated. Own • conll_ ILlepboo:.. WARNING f'ekl'h-"", MI,~iJo'.nudl, JflDdi/iftJ b"IM.._"{IId,,..... ...... FCC r'eIW""/ IelepltDnere(1U'6U~.1M. rule _dcsieied to _re tNt uhphol_1:Ilntinue to 0lIrIIPl1.;th FCC recilbatiool _ dank n. b:aI~mmpanJ' =-1 .... be wil&c to moditj )'WI' IqI;li~LSome ..tee .1Iow tekphane coml*lite to charp for tII.iI ........,.rdka.whether)'Oll ..........ownyourWephone. "..,intelfe_ will freq\WlflUy entel" thTOU(h the telephone itMtr. Many _lIIllOlIeb (both puIM andtona~)indude f..t.u....en ...utl> _tie Nelialinl and~dialirtc. on- feaw.teI .... tFanIiItor 'ecbnoloo."" lfanIiMoriud cimlitac in __.u-~ephons......e .... been~l.o lIIfer interfe....... p_",v.n.. Talephone interfer ....-......IIy be elimated b, installinc filten. n.e .tlCti,ec .fi\terinc ....,.vary KaWdin( l.o the t)'pe .telepho"e.. 111_-.•filter ....lIed .. the~inIide the _"hpitre. the b.anlhet wiD etimau the p 1blt'lll.. WodifYinc)'Wl' , !;i .. -.;t--.i_be;~....~wn. it .. _ ...""-'line l.o another l;nnd .... .-iel with beu.er interf'_ pro ~Price 00eI1IOl n aril, inIu.... C'*l interf_ prol«tion.. See the FCC BuUetin ..ulled, 'TeIepl_lnterf_"for further ;mOl' ...... ELECTRONIC ORGANS If J'UU"~orpn~rw:5o~inltik,t...... .... ,......~GrJM "'-"*'''rto': AM AND YM RADIOS Soune.~int.trl'el"tnOl! 10 l.eleviolioJl~can alao cauaein~rference 10 AM and FM ....tio~.Rem to Part I~lhilIlwKlbook. If your AM or~'Mntodio is reeeiving electrical interference. relocation~ the~within tlwl horne may reduoe the Interfe....Me to a tolerable IeYel. If thia daft Mt work, klcate the elec.VicaJ deva by Ilairc the Information beginning on~lOot thia handbooI<. Olher interfe_ pr__ma may be muaed bJ: - """';-w --'oa.d L'I"llal a -.b1~~aIQ' type. or - IpW'ioua emialIiol-. fI"onI a -.b1 aIIIIUVl' or CB UWlImitter. 'not _ IiRly I*DblNi to ...........",d'6 OI'EitoMl. Wl!oea OfS"'-d omara. it can often be CD'T'eCUd by~tilt.en or makiJw Olhft' IIlOdiIkaUonI to the a1f«t.ed 1'I'<'tiYB'. IfIpUI'iouI .".i=r-.. are the pn> blem, liIt.erirw~IJIe~m,*be made. The""-,10" ab:IuId try 10 klcate thel7aMnIlt.ler~.Information about Iotatilw" tralI&rt'IitUr opmllOl'5 begina on pllge 7 u thiJI handboo'lk. If one nodio lltatlon can be heard at t'Nll polma QfI the dial, \he problem may be due 10"~reIpOf15I!'~If Il can be heard on _raJ ad,i_nl channe1l.. the problem may be due 1.0 poor~r..1edJvity. It ia -...0)' imprvtieal or upensi"*l \.0 modit')' the~to OI'd .....'''' u.e.e pnlblftna. Therefore, you may wiah \.0 I:OII&Idft- cbanrUc \.0 &llCItMr model or brand~recelwel'. WARlU,.,'G TO AMJID AN ELECTRICAL SHOCK. ELECTRICAL OR ELECTRONIC EQUIPlIENT SHOULD o.VU BE lIODIFIED BY QUALIFIED SERVICE TECHNICIANS STEREO AND HI,YI EQUIPMENT Replace any unahielded wil"el in other equipment. IUd! u~hl-tI a~,"",or audio ampliflel'5 witlI klrh Q1Wil)' IIhieIded wi.- Ifthia~ not reMI"" the probleftl, consult a qualified .........a tKhnldan. 21 PART ill ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CHAPTER 7 WH.ERE TO GKT HELP If,..Art. fl' .lId the~C1"IIi_ in this be·d .. tan JIIUl' W '"" po dill _tiD-. J'lIU ..., ..ant Wo _UiU _ rL lIM _ Iia.d .,.,. for .1t«tuItiY. dutiofta. n-.~II. -mnc ~IbouL JO'oIr prDbleal that~•~llOlutiCln. 111_-.1M adch_ ked for iAtilw< and _ul-....n ....~rlll..· _10m...""" ",lI.-iJO\l.. klquiry ...lioal,.. -wn..IW.,..._ 'nalo IOIdion a1.lndudeo the 1Idd.....rL FCC oIf"_lacalbu. ASSQClAnONS FJettroaIc IndllmiHAMoclatioa (ElA) )b. S. Bn)Wu, E..eutiu Oi.ecl.Or rI Con.umer AlT,in, Eleetronic ladoutrin MIodlIUon, 2001 Peruuylvani.ll AIIMue, N.W., Wuhinpon. D.C. 20005, ...... 20214.S7-4977 m., be wntxWd lOr ...lw.- 011 Rn ............ involvllll produtW 1Nd, by manllflKturen notlilted here. CIA ilenaae~in an onrolnr pl'OfT1'm to c1ev.lnp voluntary .tandard, b TV 1'tICIei---, VCRI and w..dio produeu limed at~11cin1the elflClS oIin~lh.... ofwhkh hlV'll been completed. 'nMI AIIodation I, ..im'IllwcI in an intenational pracraal to deorelo9 O'OIuntllry worio;I• .........1$for ..mo and -tioproch.IN. N.tlonal Electronle~nu'achln''''A-.oe:latlon (NEMAI NDIA S....nI, p,,J:ti 'ion No. 101, "Wathodl III"_..-.1" JlIocI. tnn- Volurp (RfV) III Hi&h-Volup~w.;_n tha _ .... rL .......enl fII RIV in the frequenq ....flI 0.015 to 30 Wlh tI>IIl-.r bI ud wi\hhirb-~power-._IlMd.. 22 tnuumiuion and dillributionIyst.emlll~liflll vo1laie. 010.6k;loyol~IU>d IlboYL Oriilnnlly dllVllloped ;n collaboraUon with the [dillOn Electrit InItiWIe and the RlldlllManuflld.u~Aa.lclalion (now the E\ecttonlc IndUlltrie:l Auociatioro 'NEMA PIlblicaticn 107 .... .me. beenadop~ InU! the apecil'iulionl or varioua utilitiel and lovemlMannl Servia! Mal\aCet,M~. PA 18062, tel.21~9li&-22QD. A1tee Lan.'ng Inlern8tionnl Refer.n Rt'! problem. 10 All.ec CUll.omer Servicll DepartmenL Contact Alteould beadd~to any oflKl' moft Lhan 800 dealeroOpel"tted t..r..l One __ ............ten. Ir u.. oervice leChnirian. u-e...1lNIble to .tv.tha am.. IU", the,. will UN1ta« tll" Corporate En(ineerinc s......iceI Group. ItIqIliria ....,. bIl ...~to Apple Compute., Inc. 20625 MarianiA~ Cupertino, CA 96/)14, mail.cop 26A. .... can 800-776-2323, eu-- prWIe.... inwolvH>c RfI .bnuId be nfwnc! to GenlI Knou, Manq8', Enci_rinc Support Group, 1531 131h 5l., Col...~,IN 47201, tel. 812-378-1304. Audio RelIean:h eorponllion """dio~rd>mllll...fllCt>J._ hi&h-.end IWffIOequipmen~and ..lat.ed prodo.>cU. Itn ....pp.euion ;. inoorponlted in lhe deJicn or tha prod...a.. If a Q.lItome. ihould tIllXlWlIAl. an Rn problem, ,.,.,\.ItCllM nearut Audio Re....reh Deale. or contact CultOn'e. Servica Daparlmenl, A...dio Reaeard> Corp., :\740 Gree" Circle Dr., Minnetonke, MN M30t3, tel. 612· 939-0000. Baldwin Plano Ind Organ Company Rn oomplalntl ,... lI.lIlIlly renld to the 10Cll1 Baldwin Dealer or Service Ted>nician. f'aetory pe nnel are available to aain the local Technician if" necesaary. $evenl Baldwin Technieal matlllDl .upplemlO'lta ... available with inUNction. for RFI suppreaion on .pec;m modela. Thia in(ormation ia available upon~Inquiriea m&1 be dir«:ted to the Manqer, Orpn Technial Service, Baldwin Piano 4'ld Orpn Co., 1101 S. 8eedlwood, F.yeuevile, Aft 72701. tel50I..43-1311. 24 c.rwr Corporation, Inc. c.rvu Corpor1Ition IIW'Iwactures hieh fidelity componenta. f'rob&em. pertit.inirl( to RFI eould be directed to 20121 - o&8th Avon.... West, L,ynnwood. WA 98036, toel.200-77~1202. Chryaler M01(ml COrpo....t1011 Qullltionl roncemlll( lhe eleottromal"etic Q)mpalibllil)' orCh~ll1T McM.lIl'S "ebiclet -"oIId be dilCUSMd with )'our vehicle dealer Dr may be .dd.etHd to th" CII.,.le. Moton Zon, OffIce lilted in the O....el'S Man....l. Crown International Cl1lwn Internalionll! i. the manufacture. or hirh.end audio pr«!u(1l. Rn IUPllre8lliorl II im:ol'1JOf'llt.ed ;n the dHi(n of the producL If. eut tomer ahDUld encounter In ftFl problem, COIlta(l !he Technical~ Department 0(Crown Inum.tional, 1718 W. Milha",.ka Rd., Elkhart, IN46517, tel219·294.a200. Curti. Mathe. Cu.n.i. MathM prod.,," indude color 'I'Va and ltef'flOll in portable, con 1101. and combination confieuraliOllI. C...lOma. complain'" lnvolvinc RF1 should fint be I'MOlved M \he ....il-duler left!. If not ...tdfoed, then the complaint aho...ld be mad. in writilll to to the Conl,.."er Relations Department civil\(.n delllil. 0( the problem, Ilona with the modellnf=tion, aerialnu~.date 01'11110,~.ler..,d...rvice hisu.. ry. Ead> compla;nl will be handled ;ndividUllUy. Write te Curtis Mathe. Manufllcturinll: Co.• Con.umer Relations Oivision, 14:;1) Flat.ereek Rd., Athena, TX 75751, tel. 800-473.1920. ~leoElectronic.. A subsidiary of GM Corpomtion (_GM Corp.) CUltoJller. JIl'y refer RFI inquiri.. rellted to Emenoll Radio Corporatioa, tvInd ndio prOOIems to Mr.AI~.E...- Rodia ..._ ..pply 1I!teo'a. n.e.ld..... io; E......... Radio Co.porstion, One Em _ LoDe, North BeFzon, NJ 07CWo7; tel 201-&t tllOO. Epic\u'eProd~fOl"llJ"'rly E1pa. Marltetin,.llKIu.mn, I nc. CompWnti ... hond'led with~peclto partl Ind labor on anindi~ v.rJ bui•. Neoeuary modilicstionl for m ...mode on. no-chorp bui. for jIOrtI .nd Iobor durine: the wm III inlltnunent w.mwl.1. Beyond wa.... ""1.1, modirl<\&t.ion partlore nvoilllble free ord>1I~n.e cu.tomer then PllJII for lobor ;nwlved in the ;nllan.tion of plll'ta. R..rer RFI probleml to Mr. Jim OnnNl, National Service Manllpr, 25 Hille Sr., Newburyport,. MA 01960. tel. 800-225-7932. I' Ilny RFI probleml are encountered with uni"" in the Fannlln Courier pl"Oduct line, indirid...b Ihould write lt81l Myford Rd., TIIItin, CA 92680, ortlln 714-&i9-9890. F'"1Sher <:otpo..tion~SFS Corpo..tioa) ~.-..JEJeetrie teniI:e p..-. du.... Ir)'Ol.l Ire WUlble to obtain IUd! a'liltanoe Ioeally or if queltionl ~rthelO!'Uarise, OM has establish!!d a C«Itl'ltl contact point ror aliluth 25 26 inqu;r;u.AccoTdin~I)'.YO\l should dirtU your inql,li.;el 1.(1: Cenaral Moton Provine Gro.md, EMC Department SuOdinr 40, Mitronl, Ml ollid provide model nlln>ber and inrormation _mine thenp~lIrer1f the preble",. lUll problems Ihould be refel'ftd to the n....t lIit.achi Recional Servk.t 0ff1C&. EaltUIl RqiOllt;lI Offit:fl. 1290 W.ll St. W..t, L,ndh"..&, NJ 07011, lei 201.9$8980. AtUnlion: Service Dept. Irrdwulern~Ifl-IOffb, 1400 Mo1'H Ave.. Ell< Grove Villqe, IL 60007. AWIltion: Serrict Depl.~'ftWft~Q'Jb. 401 W.~ Ilhd.. Compton, CA 90220, tel31t).531-8383, Auention: Servi<:e~ SOUtM....&~0ffI«. 5120 Plaza Dr., Collec_ p"rt!. GA 30349, Attomtian: Senice DepI. .I.e. Penfte)' eo.....n)', IDe. .I.e. Palney Company ..... that l.\lSlDIMn with Rfl ..\iIleua 0IlIltacs. th••.-..., J.C. Penney stlIre for peTSOnal aMiltaI>ee, "I.e. Penney Cumpan,..Inc., P.O. Do>: G:;9OO, Dallas, TX7~,tel. 214...591-3500. JVC JVC Company ofAme"'=n requesUIthat~.. with RFI problem. CCIlIUa, JVC ew"'rmo. R2lationl Department at 107 UltJe Fall. Road. Fairfield, NJ 0700., tel. 201· 79<1-S900. Ken...-ood U.s.A. Corp. Kalwood I"IIqUeIU that consumen e.periencinc R,F.ln~~pralr leml conUlat the CUltomer Relation. Department at 310·639·9000 (California). Rn mllJl\l.I. "vine idelu, p<>SSible 1ll1ul.lonilUld actual_ hiltori.... Drfl Iyoilllblellll>O dla'1:fl to consumers. Lowrey Division ofNorlin MUllic.lnc. t.>wny euatomerllhould refer RFI problems to th,loo;pl 1.0""",, deale. or eertified Lo""l'e)' t«:hnirian. Lowrey J'"Ioo"..n techniciant with tech niaoI lite........ repnlin& RFllllId will provide aulltanee to \oaI1 HMeI arpnizat.iol\l lhrouch Its IUIIf of field 1.ed>.nUI .ep'"t11ullv.. when n-kd inqIUrin II:I.IlY bed;~to Mr. Larry R. Thornu, D1rectllr III PToductSer.;';',107 LauCook Rd.,DeerfieklILGOOI~ Madrit:al Add..... inquiries Ul lh. Madripl Audio LabortUlries, Inc. AtLn.: Tee:hnkal $flnioM~~P.O. Boo: 181,Middletown,cr~1. ~\"O"(8M Philipa CanIWDft" EIecuunio:I~ 27 28 Mllnl.nt&Compun)', Inc. Marantz manufaduretl AMlf'M ._iven, wnen, amp'ir.....,l.f,~ I'I'lDDf1leq, ..-u p\ayf!n and audio IYllemL In the event Iftpecial fRJ _ reI"ltina: from extrl!lIlely hiEh fielda, <:UlUtct theTedut~lServlca Dept aL Marantz o;Il'JI',Iral.e office.. Modirleationa _ ..". 1.0 ",lGlvl auch Rn problem. Uti provided lei NIUlme.... on an inc!i'i\duaJ bem. Man.nu ComllMY. Inc., 20625 Nordho/fSt., ChattwoM, CA 9131 t Mllt.u.hi... EleetTi. Corp<)rIItlon of Amerlc. (5.1 Panuonl" Company, 1'edmie. and QuUllr CompWIyJ Mc1ntoe:h Lab(lnllory, Inc. Mdnu.h hal. nllmber ofauthorized lM!n1ee -.eencies \ocaled throuah· out. the country. e-n-will be llUilUd toreeei~prompl. help. RFl and other oervlCI·relal.ed problem_ Un be dirKled to Mr. Michul S~c:er,C.utomer ServiceMan~r,2 Chlmben St, Binalur.mt.on. NY 13903, \.II. 607-723-3512. Mld~ndInternational Corporation If ..., RFIprob~are (lIlCOWltered with Midland pClrtllble black·llld· whlta and coIorTVa or audio and ....dio producu, individual. Mould COl· tact. Mike Bland,C"'ID~rSem.:. MAn..,.••, P.O. Box 1903, Kan.. ~,MO64141, or at 1690 N. Toppin«, KansaI City, MO 64120, tel81&. 241-8500. Mitliubiahi Eklrtrlc SalettAmericlln, Inc. RFI~(tOm lbe fIeld, beytnd the dtiller', c:apab;lil,y to resolvto and in which Mit.-I,lbi.hi becomn involved, II"' handled on an individuol !>QiL All at.tempU will be; made to eiva tu,lIl.lJeld~orpnization can call upon (..:tory and aJI1lO...t6 MCi· ~u.1en~for.~in handline difficult RFl problema. Mone EIeI:tnI Prod...n. Coo poe atio" (See Plk>l. Audio SyIUmIl NuT_.lnc. Refl!< Rfl problt.... to Mr. Dan Ledford, field Senice W• ...,e•• N.n--,~MIId~lind Red Bank RdL. CincinNoti,OH~.tel 1 800-9'l2-2:i91 ()dysiIey (See Ph.",Can_Elecuonial Co companiee ...dl~illOO.1JlMnw.shila E:1«lric Company of AmHica. loquin. ohould be ....t \.0 MSC.50 Meadowland Par\""ll1. B.ta-.s, NJ 07094. AU.ention; Con.....- Main Depa..-.m 2F-3. tel. 201-348-9090. Thflcust.omer ihoukl provide InOlIel no.unber, otriIol number and inf""",,, lion concen,i..... the intenete",,". upon~ie... of the prolJll,m, the rol" tomer will be c:ontaCl.ed in an attempt til T'fIIOlv. the itlterfe_ problem. Ph1Ul8 Llnelt. Coq>onltion {Division of Int.emBtional Jenllell, Inc.) RfI proble'". ohou\d be directl!d 1.0 Phil. Unear Sel'\'ke Ikpt.., AWl: John Lo-tl'Olcio. Di., 0I'5111eo, 4136 N. United I'lr.wy., Schiller Park, U. 60176, tel. 8OQ.323·0221. Phllco(SeeI'tlil;~Conillmn ElectrOde. Corp" PhiliPi Coll$Umer Ele<:trOoi<:s Corp. Refer ndio frequency interfe...nce complaints too; Conilime. Aff.i.. Department, I'tUI'PlI Consumer Ele<:lJorIieI Corp.. P.O. BDx SM, Jtffenon Citr. TN:m60. 29 30 Pilot Audio S)'Sl.el1lll RFI~on,plpint.srell1~lJdto Mo ...e and Pilot audill prOOliCti may be referr6<110 Mr. JerTy Ghanem, Director of Se ...... ir.o'P•.,. Departmlllll, 11340 Shennan Way, Sun Valkly, ell. 91$2- Pioneer I!lce:tronle. Contact Man&£er. Cuttomer Servies I)e.ptlrtment, Pion-' Elearpnif:ll SeMce, Inc.., Box 1160. LOlli 1Jt,ach. ell. 90801. Upon I'8O!Ipl II lnfonnlll lion OOO'l;:Orn;nt RFI prcbleml, the Man.,.,. will fo....ard the received jnfonnation to Ihe~rperwn within the. IIlmJllWly who tan bullw!lp reoIve the spec:eminc the int.er1"trtoel'. upon T1!'iioew ofthe problem, the a..aneT win be"'"'1.IIotUd in an luempl to resolW! the interl"eotl'lCe problem. RCA{See 'J'h,omtMs, ..d 1apI!decU.~mad. b7 Rol.el Rf1 ..ubk.... sbouldbe r'ff...... to NwamolSe.via~,P.O. Bent 653. ewr.Jo, NY 142.40, tel 716-842-18O'l. RFI .......... will be h....n..d ~incto the _olO\lrlimited WIIiTUlty. SFS Corpo....tiQ,n Ihn RI'I problem OlX\In on. Sonya or f'isher product., contact the nenr· ..authorized SF'S .""ice deDler. Should the problem peniS\., either the ....lItOn"'r Or the .uthorited lervice dealer may contact src Corpon!.ion, 1200Walnu~Street, P.O. Box 9038, Compton, CA 90224, Attention f'.ncineeoinll' Department, tel. 31ll-M7-5830. s.-on(Electronic,.: When irLaMIcn olRFI oa:u.r, the tcnlllU1W!!rlhould eont.a the TechnO! A •'anoe~at1~16,11-.lDOdeIand..,rWl1WIIbn" efthe.tr~prod..... mua be IlIPPhed IltId if penNa, • ...-ion on Ibo __olthe inlaf--. Rf1~will be handled ..,..,rdinc 1.0 the IermIIIl OUr limited war· ...lJ'. Filter alllUnd inJUn.tim wrteS.re the_r'. retpONibili. ". Sanaul ):Jectron iclI CoI1IOO'lllion Rfl problems should be diretted \.0 Sllnsul EleclrOnic., 17150 South A....u,., P.O. <1.687, Cor30n, CA 00746, tel 31C}.G Sc:ieotiroe Audio E1«tnHlka, Ille. !War RFI ......ins 10 Mr. e-.e NijaIn, National Sen..... MMlICft', lS02Gace~MootebelD, CA 90640, tel. 213-726-9999. Sean Roebucll ..... Com..ny Saat1 ..... lhat _ .. with RF1 po-obleons ;nvolvinl • Sea.. prodl'l1. "",,!.act the neareJt Sean IefVice~anmenl(or hli.lance. lnqui..... ~be directed to Sen.. Tower, Dept. 702850. Tech. MIlT., Div. 57, BSC, 39-9.96-1}1 Chimco. IL 60084, tel. 701l-2lI6-2087. 31 32 Sharp Electron;';' Cvrporation RFI prOOlemi invoMlll Sharp produetl ohould be menecj to lhe nearell. Sharp AuthoriudSe~Station (SASS). To obtain the .,jd.- IlJIdIor "Iephone number or the nellrelt SASS, pIlaU cnI11·8oo·447.47oo. $hClO,lId thIl problem pen;...~t.ber"'lUItntr or SASS may Dl)nlact Sharp Electronic. Corporation, Service and ParUDl~l.ion,Sharp Piau, Mahwah, NJ 07430, Attention: Customer Infonnation Center. Sherwo«lllnkel Corpontion mMufllCWlft lterM c:omponenu, .}'$«'.... and Clr Itereo product•. RFI p.oblema will be bondled a(:«lrdfnt 1.0 Sherwood', Umlted Wnrrllnt)' pl'(l2Tflrn.Ple~oonl.llet OUr TechniCAl RepreMfltatiVfl. 1384:1 Artelia Blvd" Cerri\.Of., CA 90701, tel. 311).926 6337. Shurenrothe~.Inc. The manurK\1.lrerrecom~.w useofbolMotd·tin.e. low impedMal mlcrophonel and CllbleI. Ifan RrJ problem~N.n« u.. &bowt mM· w_ he... bftn Ulken. the ....1O....... 1h0ll1d contllCl Shure Brothe..... Inc. with rpeciliCi *' thot they mny be able to help to/ve the prOOlem. Role. Rfl proble.... \.0 Cwtomer Servica Dept.. 222 Hartrey Ave., Evanlll.Oll, IL60'202,~.708-8966-2553. Sony Corponllion ofAmerica Son,. CorpoTlltlon ofAmerial requeIU RrJ inquiri.,. be direettd to the Sony Informetlon Center, Sony ServiN Complny, Sony Drive, Park ~,NJ07~,tel. 201·368·9ZT.!. Sound ConC4'ptt All RFI romplolnta Ill'll handled.~the IlWlilIloborIIllIriet:1I~21N~U Rd•• Brooklin•• MA 02146. tel.617~llo.'Ill, offeodlna: Wlit Ihould ba IleCIIlmpanled by II deacrlption 0/' lhe nature of lhe RFI. There I. no dlarre fo, thl. aervloe except for return .hipmenl. Soundl!.lgn Corponotlon Soun~Corp.Aalo.JtJ~l)ynamica rfque6U lhat 1111 !leN;';'. prd.>lemJ reltlti"& III '*'lleIW men:handi.... bIl refened III Mr. TIlomu R. Creene, Admini.trlltIY' Vke Prelident, 34 Exchanae PI., Jerley City, NJ 07302. till. 201-t34-10Ml. All ...rvice probl.eml onIl.erv~;.eare to be ...rerred to OIIr aulhoriud te ice __I.e .... Th. nearftl _ can be b.md by callinc toll f1'lle in the tinental U.s., 800-631-309'l. Sylvanilo (SeePh~lipleo mer E1oec:tronics Corp.) TludtKo:....atAmeric:lI, IDC. When RFl oco:un In Tandbel'l prodIlcu, the .....,uflktunr.....that the unit be ,."wmed to \hem. ,.."..",... will do an,. .nodifiation p jble to etiminale the RFI. Autlwriutiun should be ctuined from Mr. Sl.e¥io ~prior to return ofthe unit. Mr. Kmn B.,.,., PI Mident, 122 Dupont St., Plalnview.!'>'Y 11/lll3.1e1.51~7o. Ted>nk:l (ll1ateushlta Electric CorponlUoO aIAmerlClll When inItan_ fi RFl CICnIr, the customI!r ahould ClCll\uw:tMa~ta Sefils, Both DClffipaNes .... divipo of Mauushitll Electric Company 0( America. lnQl.liri.. should be t to MSC, 50 Meadowlnnd P."'WlI)'. See.l.IC\1I, NJ 07Q9.t. Auenlion: eon..mar Alfllin Department 2F-3. leI. 201-$48·9000. The alItOmer should provide lI>I>Clf,l number, lerial number nnd infonnlltion toPceminc the ;nt/lrl'el1'''eri'l poi:JkorM which Il1I\Y be enaJWllered by prj..... label C\Ml.omIenI(m.tribu~are llIIU.a1ly Ieis: .ed 10~1.Gudner,MJ: Ham McComb. Senlat Manqoor, 27'01 N. Klklare "'...... CtUatco. n. 00639. tel. 312-262-823). Wbltlpool. Corpontloo RJo1 compIai.ntI rNud to oldern-.....m-.v be~lloMr.. o.nieI~StUD~n-Produde, 100 1"101'_ Rd.. UImbud, 0.60148, tel 800-323-4301. W.,uber e-pe'Q' '"" Wuriiber Comptny mabs -.il-... toll,,*, ttlephoue line, ~2930.Io.....~t.eduUcianorC".....ill Ul1 wall~ pertalnirclo Wurlitaw ............ 'I'I:lI! WW'litaM' C ,_., _i...• I .... IItafl'mrltkl tervice~who can ....~'" RFI problem ari8e. John L 'IbuaIirc.~Cons"ll'« and Marketilli Servicea, Wurlitaer Co., 4103 E. Gurler Rd., 0eKalb, 11.60015. YAMAHA home and car aJdio and video prochxt CXIMUlnen wbo lIltperito_ nodiorNq~1XJ'in~rellftare invited Lo~ I.a»-4YAMAHA.en.6097,llI'writeIOtheYAMAHA~O:rp, USA, AU: 0 ......~67220nmg!ettJ0rpeAve.,Buena Pwk,CA 90620, __'ll'«JlI"ll(b:t iDbll pejo., 35 36 FCC OFFICE ADI}RESSES eM ...... _ __ 0 ........, ------, _......... _0 . --- ----.".- ---- ....-.."t .,_ _= 0 ....-- --- ---- _e e ....... --- -_....... ._- n.ooo-T__ _ ... e .. _ - -- _- ........_... -- ,....... _._-" --''''"- _r 0___0.-._ --- -_.- ___, _..._-- _' c ....... ---- --- ...._- -- ......- ._- -_....... .._-- ._r "-- ....._-_ ..- --- ---- ..............._-- -~.. _ ....e--.. _ ... -_......-.... --,-- - • L ~'----- _e ? --- -= --- --- _....-- --~....--' __• r ...._--_.. ......_c.o-.......... -.....- ---- ._- r ...-_... - "---_..... --- n.oo_ .... __ ._c..~ '0"'" ---_.... --- ....._._-~:--. --~ ---~.. _.--- "_ ... -_ - .....,,"'"u. _ ,----""-' .,,-- --- - ...,- ....-..-- __ c ,...... ......-._. _-......... - .........UM'Tft,_._ ,__ '_C -- ,. .-..... _. ' ... _.....- .""''''''''''- _0. 0 • .0.... --_. ---- ....""""'- ,_C 0 --- .._--_.... --- .-..........- _0- C ........_..... ..._--..__...., _"'D~. ._~-­ '_0 ',C _.-._,-- ---- "-...,_.... -"..- ......._-- _C "" 0 '.0"'_ ......._-......- - ....-... """ _K._ v_ ,_ "_C • .-_ ."-'- _......... ""' ..,...... _11'''_ ""o:c:ooo, ......... _ _ C 0 n _ , - -- _......,.. .-..............._ r-O ..... _........_- -_.-._, -- ...-....-.--- "_0 e ..' - - ----, --- --- ........." 0 _..... -,.. --- --'- -- ,-" .--...-- ,-_.- _n",..,_ --- _0 " ."' .. -"-, _lItIl_'" ..." ....._ '_C 0_....._~ .,__._...0&<>fII _,_,." n .......""' ,....-.-._c .._0--_ lI:IIIr.-........ """-.._- ..... ..- - ......."" ,_...,- .........,,-__e "~.,_... _.. ..._._- _......,.- 37 38 CIIAI'TER II FILTER INt'ORMATION The folJowing t.abJ(, hAs been _rpted from "Field Re8O\ll'C(!1 Oirectory", 1985 EditKln. American RadioRel~League (ARRL), Newington. Om. necticut 06111. It is reprinted ...ith their pennisllion. The table is ba..oo on the resull.il of ARRL telltll eonducted on the mtel'8 \i8tood. Newr~te"'llJ\!introduced into themar~elldI year, and othe'" are dillOOntinued. Although ARRL tried to make l.heIe telltll IIlI oomplete IIlI polllllble llOllle available llll.erll may J1Ql berelll'elle~.Some <:J. the lUte", liated ....-y TIl) longer be available. .............. ""....., • • • " • •• , u .. AI.__ (dlli llO.~r'I".'10 ....1" M'l> t<.1I) ITVI In><·r.~_~IGH':H. B~TrERHY.T'Tt:H '....151)1'10 (HAXl 1-O\fl"r.R _ .>:rrt:a = "' "' CIfl'VH , "' II 11I'-3700 •• ••• t;,Q1H .. .. fntorlll,., 0' M TV4.'JJO LP ••• .. TV42LP .. .. "..,.." 0' " H....... ",... - - ,- " " .'Rn c_, llubil...,. U...,h J.W. 1I1U.. lIit"""..... fill.. eo. N.l~l>nolw 11.1.. r,...... " ..... M. Syt e" II.....,... '""oil..... • R..L 0.- TWn.HI' W " U ·""- - ""'" ~~ U .. .,,'" »~ u .- .~. • • U .- ~.~~ • u· .~ , -- - U U ., .'"-' n_ m. • .. .... n_. - ,~ " • , ..~..- <_n • • ~.. tt~._ <_n • ~U n~_ <_T~ • " ._- - DIIIT\''' • • U ttR..LDrW _.. • • U n_ n. • .. • .- m " • u ........ ~.. .. .. ·--.... ,-- Sr impedarooe to Rt'~nergythan round ....u- A lIirJrle pieol'e of wire connected 10 • JTOUrId rod may be an open cim.l1t. if iU length is .-.mant at !.he ndio &equency. % An! hannonio:II orIIp.Irio:u~p _.It? H1O,,ou Mhould auempc. Ul delennlne ...hether they are radi8ting from \ht:. - -tniW'· . "I 1ine 41 42 • I"int. Jll- • kJw.patl5 rIlter ill lM antenna (eedline, or in u.e~linll to the __I~It )'011 _~an __tnrwniI.t« 'lritJl • Iinev~.tIdIed. inIl.aJl • tIIur between Ole uw.nilter ladter! and t.he Ni~''''iIlpul.. InMaII • -.d tIIur .. the aonplll~U.~I.lNEAR AMPLlPlERS CANsar LECALLY BE USED IN THE CB RADIO SERVICE. ~Nst. IICIcI • line llMr to Ule ...-alnl in 1M AC 0UlJe(. ~'"""'....... ,...~.. (l by roooo.irw; the delnatit Itl~I. r-II::::;~.."'~...'.... - 0:... "'."'''<0''__ ..._. Fig, 1 43 44 ~Try ..-npping lhree 00" four tllmllllthe TV eel"~Nrd-. the m-iII ltIroufIh • rerrite torodial a:lre.~I!lft from I dia eaI"ded TV~)'ObI or n)'badc ll'alIlIfcnneor can bf, '--' CofttI~aJ.o ..'ailable eonunertialIy. 2 n.e~may Itm tonlillue to It...... 10 the iJurffring sipaI. fNell .rilll tMJlO"ft' tine ftlWr instaDod and the reft'ivinc _ di& ~Wben IAilI h.pptne. the Il't itMII'i&'«l!i.iJrc theirurlerirw airnaI dirftlly IMlugIl ita intemIII""ipOOlelU. t.ol* InRde the Il't fo:r. • E......_alrep;tU work that .....~...-\thoII~replocinglhe let'. meul 4hieldll or~ReiNtall t.hem .. nee ""Y. b Thner defeo:u. A_l1.aln tt..t tM tuner. -;1 properl)' il1l5l.1.l1ed _haa ill llhielding int.llct -lias couial CIIhl.,. ;n\.aCt... If neer CllI'I 00u~. Co",. an! also available oommerdall)". An Ioddltional fenile l'OI'I', around ....1I;.,h tile po....er 00"1 illooped,~a1!1O be 1le11lful. 7~rmlne,,·!lether thein~rfe""""",,ill afl'ediJl« all TV mannell. If lKI, it~be callWd by the interfering lima! bei,.. on tM IWIle fnoql>tncy llIl tM ...-i'-':'-·I inlerrnediate I'reqIlelXY (lf). Rftelwr- IF interltftnl'f! only omlrIwhen the interf...n,..1ilpIaI1leI between -11-.17 MHI. lbe molteIf~....,. to d ludio ",,11,1100 or Olher roI1tro1. IU"t! likely to pkk I,Ip I,In"..nted lllgnaI& Bypassing with c:alJllcitOri lJ) lhe chaililil -.>d the ahieldine «long leads oI'lcn elintiNOtft fil<'h ligna!.. 10 lbereare _ro.l dill'e...",t ...~~FM BI'lJOldellll~1lIIY interim. with televilion I"\!<"tpt;"": • An~I"M sution operating below 90 MH& 1lIIY int.erfere onI)' wilh TV Channel 6. (R..r.... to~1S .) b An FM~lter'in W irnmtdiM.e vicinity 1lIIY _ blanWtinr ol !he TV l'l!ari>-.:r. The TV rKeplion 1lIIY appear -.II. wilJI or...nhoul~iIurleftftClt J*u.... C w.... TV~ito ltx2ted nNl' an I"M tnlIlIIIIIiuer-. !he ~TV ..tiD freqJl1k) (RFl and milIceto TV Chanrw:l6 can tJt, eIimiMt.ed by Nl.aIlin« •t~I"M~ttap. l'wIiJw~the U'ap is critieal. ~.tune it to u.e irurlmng r» __',t~. "~inl.em. uncan III!~by inItaIlinc: ..1"" band ...jM.ion filter in the Ult.eMll1iJle or~• lllllllbll! FM tnp. ~~iver~edIIarmoni<'s irI the RF input or mi:l:B lugescan III! io:Ienti1"l£'d by the following \"'0 methoo:lf; lm"""- • """"... attf:flluation in the .men... ref:dline. M.......... whether the hanDonir lm-elln then!<'l!:i\'~riA .....unod by more thin the amount fI attentllllUon ilW!rted. It 10, \.he harmoniCll ..... being~nel'lOteClby the~h·er. ;1 U... t>IU TV reer it I'IUItbe moditied br • kuad ~Mndjfjc:wrion& that.........~wit.hc.pa. dun should be eompleted with ettftme cart! to p....-t the~unfrom Ibortinc out the /1£ line. AYOID WIRlNG THAT COlJLJJ CONDUcr THE FULL AC UNE YOu:tGE ro THE CASE OF THE DEVICE. UN£ YOu:tGE ON THE EXTERIOR OF DEVICES CAN BE LETHAL. ELECTJUC DRILLS, SAWS, MIXERS OR HAIR DRYERS lnt.erferenee from electric drills and saws Is usually brie{, You probably ahould not modil'y them. MOOilIcati0n8~.be dimcult ami tirne-«llllluming, It JMdiI"ICa!.lod I'lIdiated by the cord and ,,""';ated building ....uing~Moo. moton ..... wWd in .el'ift, with the Ileld roiIa ClOlIJ'Iet't.f! between -" brush and the PG""e'T line. Field C'Oib help to i80bu the~bruIhM from the P""ft' tine. The follow\ng -.TN .....,. be ueed to IIlOlTeCt lhia type 01 irterl'erena. • So6der. 0.001 mfd dial: «nJ!lic~torbetween NCh bnIsh hIIldK and the motor I'rwJw, usiIw the IiloneIt po 7--.nectine lNda.~wah. ntiDg 011,000 ¥OM"", pre(el'llble. Do not \1M~with leu o.n. lllO .... ...u.. 47 48 II If addltk>nal at.!(orlluabon ;.~ulred.ronnert additional 0.001 mfd diM= teramit nopaciton be\..ftll -.iI side~lhe llO"'er liN and tile mo«>r fl'lllM. PIa<:e thoem u r'-'..polISI'ble to the point wbel'll tile po..',,,r wi",g enter the motor enclcNlure. r Very lhon k-alk be\,,_n the rapadlOr Md motor frvne an! etIllentillLlfthe motor~operMedin agrounded1lIl.'tallic~ thew n!COllImenood cspacilo'" IIJIould redlll:e the lnl"rf"",,,,,,, to 1m Il1mQllt lllliudibl" level. TlIERMOSTATS $orTl(,otllTlt'8 Iho:rmoiItatkll.lly rolltn/lleod nc:e ill <:&U*!d by amrw at \.he «JflI.Kt poinU. Am,... rwulllI from "itbel' wom oontaeU or (alillft 01 the IIIap~~w element to exert eTlOlIllh JlI'"'lU"' OIIlhec:on~to preyent urirlr- Th oow line ifMrlere-. 18 fnqllefltly ....-d by tnle branc:hN and r<'lib«e \.hal comet in «ll'ltaCt with higll volt..,go! linell, def«tlve dlItribution trvIAf'ol"ll1e'l'a, cimlit!In>akI,..,lightni,.~or J)(IWer line illlU\al.on. Sueh interference o:aru'IOl be l"eIOl\'ed by the 8l"rvke tee:hniclan, Report it to lhe po....er rompan)'. Sometime. lhe dirterenliation of appllllntO! If'''Ml1lled and llO"....r line p""ntede~int.erferenoe IIOI1f'l:etI nuo,y be dimc:ult, Yo)II...-y need \.0 have power company lel'Vioo pel' IlOn~lllmlllClghborhoom'. 1lIis ~bIe~OC'I:llI"ll"Nn !he RF~lit~.edby any U the ton'IpOflIrnll cw -.ditionl~bIolow: ......... -tnnIiMonl and .'Wi8ton -in~cirroita -electron lubell -poor IOiller jointa or _(aulty ground oonnectiolUl The deteCWd elgna]i~th('n pid",d up by IIw! .udlo o;!evio:f, andp~ alOlljf ...·lth thedt'~ired~ignlll. The ef'fl.'Ctll of audio interference ,'at')' acronlil1Sl' \.0 lhe type u modulWon emplo:Yo:d by the interfering tTan!lmitl.el'" ..tol~ AM The \-,};.", Or musk will be heard u atlY nonnaI audio .ignal applied to the amplifier. Theinterf~IlprJ may be ex· t.remely loud and alig\U.ly diJtoned. SSB On ei,.,p. IIideband. the ......... ..ill .....nd prbled and uninl.t'lligible. FM UaaalIy no .....md ...iII be bevd but tbe ampIiroen vdume ..ill deer _ ..'hen the i1urlfti!lc I1'alliIll'Iiu. ;. on. CIidt& may be '-I'd "'hen • I_V U'WlImitler "' Ryoed and -- T\' The audio f'Klif"ocation III.TV IigrW .;n maR • kIud buzz· iIlc noiIe. The buzz riI c!laIlce .. the TV pKtlltl!~ I 1b ....aveaudio intm'_you &houId tint .lempl to mte where the rectit\cal.ion IItakinc place in the alK!io fhain.~'irst,determine if adjUltilllf the volwne c:onr.rol etren. the~~~n!_ • Ir the~_(f/ the irurlBing IIignaI~..lIM the volume <.'OIltnlI ia.-eel.. wn the rec:titlcation II t&kin« pIKe BEf'ORE """""""- b If InO'I'iIw the votume ICOl'1l.Nl hal minimal or no etrect. the ~II~AfTER W ¥Olwne coriU'Ol ! P"..ad Lo the .oppmpriale -. u .......... CIUtliJwd ...lr tJoeooe dutionlI del not rnoh'l! lhe audio irurlE.tidpr~m.contac\ lbe manufldllt'er I'oir runher ·ssjoll_ • R«ti,fiallw. BEFORE IAe ""'__~rol.The~to ..-.I..u.: audio r«ti1\ca1ion ....~~fIOIU>«tionI.~ and RF~~A"Pi~01 ..1irniMUon~~hm\lSt often be 1IWd. A~input audio amplifier Inr.Y be~ to .1Ktio Inlerfeftfll.'e 01'1 one or ...."ft"lOI 01 the .vallable inpuu. Low Je\·el. high impe<\allce input.I. well .. I.hoee for wmuble c::artridget., !.ape beada and rnierop/lOnelI are moM~'ble.f'or ~the only inputatr~may be from • t\lmlable. 'Nhetllhil 0l'ftIn, diIlronne. il\llt.all • IlTIlIll HI" dlake and bypaIIlI eapacltor. Be 5n!i'u1 \.0 not \lnbalance the plck·up annor not UlIe componentl that. will thange !.he fftqueM)' ""JlOnae u the l)'Stem. bR«j\fiaat~ItJiTER I4e ""',,_ l.'llIUroL Iw:ljultina lhe volume <.'OIltnlI -wIy will not a1f1'd. the int.erfemlCe '-I. When t.his happtr-. the RF'"cnaI is~wingthe dmQl bel....~nthe mIume IlOntIQ/ and the amplhr autput u.nninah. 8e(in to ton'ed. thM ploblem by dlecltiIlc for IInIbieIded Iolw IMdt to • YOhime ClOl'IltOl. The HI" Blgr.I ........ be bbiotd by~or~.thepoinL 01 entry. II iI importanl thM. the COIIIpOIM'IlU wIec.ud torlIJ~ring do not alterthe~.audio~ 51 52 ~Grvoaodu.,.WhelJler~~grounding.~ ~,odIu~W IYJle III eqwpllom. irMllwd. )l0It~ .'hid! is IIIJl~"il1I. t!lrM wire .-oer cord Ib:IuId'-~iu d-..io and eabinet grounded wtth ..~I""JUnd~ It is generally laislO__.nI"".10 .. cood.nllf"lU"d, Iud! &II .. rnftaIliot waUT pipe .... dri¥ell 8 r- JI'IUDCI rvd. d A gJ'OUIXI ..·hidI ill~(or AC IJlI"'W IIIIl1 not be .. rood lJI'O'.Ind tor hi«!- ndio~A ITO""d wire~dbe q -.ugh to ll<'l &II ..~_ Good RF~can ~nmaIlybe ..:me-I by UBI! of low induo:tanofe~(~ 1Itnlp), bondinc ¥ariouI equipmenu to Neh other -'lor .. good earth ground. CAUTION: BEFORE GRQUNl)JA'G. MIlKE CEHTtHN THAT THE EQUIPMENT lJQES NUl' HAVE ONI.: SlOE: OF ITS POWER LINE CONNECTED TO ITS CHASSIS. IF IT DOES. GROUNDING THE CHA.$SIS~l)UWBE HAZARDOUS AND COULD RESVLT IN OYER UMDEO ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS. " Some~-.r be ntud with .. thft,e Illll'Idurtor powl'l' cord This typeot equipment~ha\~the~mnchx!or ofiu I'O"'~cord~yftIorInl!ded to ita chaIeiI Mel eabiIlet rd the Nbinet ill metal). ThiIt~01 equipmtnt~not need to be I"CJUIIded~.Al~..~If'OIlIld to IlIdl equip menl mirI:t n!IUIllD the IOrmation ct .. uound loop. AI"JUDlI bJp mq~'al.eany iru.",tI_Ground loop; _ eb Cd' tMt"-" zero IX: pot.ential bK.'ft!l poinuI but IIIIl1 havt!~AC or RP pcuntial bet_poir\l.IIlO alIoor ACor RP NJTeltIi 10 lIow. When ....iMrw"grou~and bmldinIcml'l!'Ction~taR~ to lIVOid creatire' f"l'WId IoopI. I'1guI"e 3 aho\oll the P""Ptr and impropl'f method. olgTOUndinc romponellt.& G....I... Cintiu ltll, "Ioo!l" m.,-el 11II., .......1...11• .. -...fr.-q_, 53 'ia" .- Fig. 3 54 r 1:lef0l"ll a<:t.uaUy~i'lf.gn.>UJld 1./1 any fqU!llnleIll. rnNlI1ln! the ,'Olt.ap bet,,-.. lhe dIaMisand iPOOnd. 1llkIe~1"l!!lle1lUwith the equipment on .nd otr. lr llIl)'.~WIlltar if (IIUnd bet"'Hn the ehallllit to be If"lUnded and 11M! .......nd wire. dt"-"nnine 1M'~\.alI1'IOUroe bl1fore making the rotlneaion. CAUTION: SO.tll.: EqUJPM£.VTCHASSIS ARE ATUfW-: IULDIoG£ Pm'ENTIAL AND CANfl,'qr 8F. CO,v.vECTI:O DJRJ.'Cf'. LY 1'0 GROUND. IN THESE CIRCUMSTANCES, A CEIUM/C CAPAC/roR OF 0.001 MFO AT I NV SIiOULO HE PLACED IN 1'111; GROUND L&Hl TillS CAPACITOR ACTSAS A SIIQRT TO NF SlITANOPEN CIRCUIT TO TilE 60 HZ POWER LINE. &' SHI£LDlNG. All~r'-"~1./1 aud1IIequ~nt IIhouId c:old not be~U &11audio~.The \..."~~ ahould be connect.ed to the ...... h POWER LINE: FILTER. RF rn8,Yenl.eT the ludiGdtMoe l!u'uoJih lIM: AC p<'1\'o'er line. There llI"e llfl\'t'I"ll1l.'01lU1'>e1'Ciy ....ailable bnndll 01 pOI.,..,r line lIlte.... A power line tllter located III • WlI1l ou!.let will not preo"1!f\l. RF pickup by the line oord between t.he fllter and t.he amplirler. A JlCM'tr line filter audl u the one shown in I"ipre 1on pItte U tNJ' be mnatnlCUd when.lee ,eoy. J"Iac,e t.he 1\Il.l'r U doee all poIl5ible 1./1 the point whtre t.he AC t(lro enter'll the amplifier. I POOR ELECTRICA.L CONNECTIONS.RIorllCllder~ or old eIectrolytie~""'1' _ an aOOIo RlrtitIatIon problml. If allp~t~""\'e falled, t.ry l"HOldering.u-.. nIldioruI In the ampliller. Al80 I'fJlllKe e1ectrolytk caplciton. Belonl lK'UIally repladng llIl elect.rolytk~r,tJ'J' para1Ieling !.he 0f'ieirW \':lIpI'ritor wIth.. properly funrtioniJc capaCtor 0I1ikie vallie. ThiA~dI"l<'"ftI llIl)' bad c:apadt.or. TRANSiSTOR EQUIPMENT Rt' detection U8U&lly 0ClC\lI'& in the inpu.t dmtlts 01 amplil'ier& It can UIU&Ily be eliminated by lhe II.... 01 • Mllni rapldlor, all~'1lIn PigIIre 4. A resi:ator eapIIdt.or rombinalion may al80 be lIIled .. ahown in F"ig\ln! 6 Make &\1.1'0I tllat the IDter nel"'lll'lt you IIlIe does flOC. effe<:l the ll'aJI8iator bwlng Ort~amplifier" (1'I!q""nc:y~ 55 CItpciWr..u.-'"not cftUr;alH"'h~.~CIf*iton In bnt. ~or pIutX capIlCit.orI '" not ..~ertift... bn' ',. RF due to intenIllI and Ielld indI .... _ 5....t Cap.dlor 8"....i1lC • ". • FIQ.4 : -r b' : 00'.' T L ±-.• 1..-lI-'-Idbe Rpt..1Ihort u ," 1Ae MJW'i'lly with bypaaI~ The Ielld \erwth~lhe reIOlWll !l"eql.lelll:}'. and~(ln',the ~ RetlY~ecARRLI 2U Main Streel Newintton. C<>nnectlcllt 0611 J