OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON July 2, 2010 The Iionorable Bart Stupak Subconunillee on Oversight and Investigations Commillee on Energy and Commerce U.S. I-louse of Representatives 2268 Rayburn House Office Building Washington D.C. 20515 Dear Chairman Stupak: Thank you for your leller expressing concern that the Government in the Sunshine Act inhibits the ability of FCC Commissioners to freely discuss and exchange ideas on the important policy issues we face. 1 appreciate this opportunity to respond to the issues you have raised and to review the legislation you have introduced. Over the course ofthe last 25 years, experts in administrative law have noted that the Sunshine Act has had the unintended effect of limiting the collegial development of policy by multimembcr agencies. This view has bccn restated by chairmen and commissioners of multimember agencies, including the FCC. As you note in your leller, multimember agencies are created by Congress in order to assure that agency regulatory initiatives arc a product of their members' collegial consideration, and renect their varied perspcctivcs. When agency members are hampered in discussing the issues with one another, their ability to craft consensus policies that further the aims ofCongress and the interest of the American people likewise is hampered. When I became Chairman, I announccd a reform agenda to examinc ways to improve the transparency and responsiveness ofthe Commission's decision-making proccsses. My rcgulatory reform team, led by Special Counsel Mary Beth Richards, is cxamining a wide range of issues, including whether the Sunshine Act enables the Commission to reach timely decisions in a collegial manner, and whether Congre s and the public are readily able to understand how our decisions are reached. In the upcoming months, Commission decisions on a series of issues, including the deployment of broadband capability to all Americans and the creation ofa 21 51 Century public safety communications network, will affcct the livcs and wellbeing of virtually every American. It is more important today than ever before to assure that Commission decisions renect the collegial contribution ofall of the Commissioners reached by thorough analysis and debate among them. For this reason, I welcome reexamination of the Sunshine Act, and I look forward Pagc 2-The Honorable Bart Stupak to working with you as our staff reform team rcfincs its work. I trust that in this way we may bc a rcsource for you and your colleagues as you consider legislation in this arca. Sincerely, Julius Genachowski Chairman •