HENRY A. WAXMAN. CALIFORNIA CHAIRMAN JOHN D DINGElL, MICHIGAN CHAIRMAN EMERITUS EDWARDJ. MARKEY. MASSACHUSEns RICK BOUCHER. VIRGINIA fRANK PALLONE. J., NEW JERSEY BART GORDON TENNESSEE BOBBY L RUSH. ILLINOIS ANNA G ESHOO. CAlIFORNIA BART STUPAK. MICHIGAN elIOT L ENGel, NEW YORK GENE GREEN. TEXAS DIANA Of.GEnE COLORADO VICE CHAIRMAN LOIS CAPPS. CALIfORNIA MIKE OOVlE. PENNSYLVANIA JANE HARMAN. CAlIFORMA JAN SCHAKOWSKY, ILlIN()(S CHARLES A.- GONZALEZ. TEXAS JAY INSLEE. WASHINGTON TAMMY BALO\',1N WISCONSIN MIKE ROSS. ARKANSAS AfflHONY D WEI"ER. 1'.EW YORK JIM MATHESON. UTAH G.K. BUnERfIElO. NORTH CAROLINA CHARLIE MElANCON. LOUISIANA JOHN BARRQ\'" GEORGIA BARON P HILL. INOIANA OORIS 0 MATSUI. CALIFORNIA DONNA CHRISTENSEN. VIRGIN ISLANDS KATHY CASTOR. fLORIDA JOHN SARBANES. MARYlAND CHRISTOPHER MURPHY. COI'.....ECTlCUT ZACHARY T SPACE, OHIO JERRY McNERNEY, CAlIfORMA BETTYSUnON,OHIO BRUCE BRALEY. IQ\'IIA PETER WELCH. VERMONT ONE HUNDRED ElEVENTH CONGRESS (tCongre.55 of tbe Wniteb~tate.5 j.f?Olls'C of l\cprcs'cntatibcs' COMMITIEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE 2125 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 20515-6115 t............-.v 1202,225-2'921 fA( ',' f r202,225-2525 t.··. tv 12021225-36-11 energycommerce,house.gov June 15,2010 JOE BARTON. TEXAS RANKING MEMBER ROY BLUNT. MISSOURI DEPUTY RANKING MEMBER RALPH M HALL. TEXAS fRED UPTON. MICHIGAN CLIff STEARNS, FLORIDA EO WHITfielD. KENTUCKY JOHN SHIMKUS,lLlINOIS JOHN B SHADEGG. ARIZONA STEVE BUYER. INOIANA GEORGE RAQANOVICH. CAUfORNIA JOSEPH R. pms, PENNSYlVANIA MARY BONO MACK. CALIfORNIA LEE TERRY. NEBRASKA MIKE ROGERS. MICHIGAN SUE WILKINS MYRICK. NORTH CAROll"lA JOHN SULLNAN. OKLAHOMA nM MURPHY. PENNSYlVANIA MICHAEL C BURGESS, TEXAS MARSHA BLACKBURN. TP.NESSEE PHIL GINGREY, GEORGIA STEVE SCAUSE,LOUlSIANA PARKER GRlfHTH, ALABAMA ROBERT E.LAnA. OHIO The Honorable Julius Genachowski Chairman Federal Communications Conm1ission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: On April 1,2009, the Committee on Energy and Commerce sent then-Acting Chairman Copps a request for information concerning the Universal Service Fund program (USF). We are writing to ask that the Commission provide an update to that earlier information request. I Specifically, we have altered our data request to provide the Committee with more targeted data. To assist the Committee's work and the public's understanding ofthe universal service high-cost program, we would appreciate your assistance in providing the following information: 1. An updated list ofthe top ten recipients, by holding company, ofhigh-cost support for calendar years 2007, 2008, and 2009. Please provide a table showing total support received during the four year period by each holding company. As with the previous request, ifa company receives high-cost support for more than one corporate entity, please list separately the name and location ofall entities receiving support, but attribute the total amount to the corporate parent. I Letter from Chairman Henry A. Waxman, Subcommittee Chairman Rick Boucher, Ranking Member Joe Barton, and Subcommittee Ranking Member Cliff Stearns to Acting Chairman Michael J. Copps (April 1,2009) (online at http://energycommerce.house.gov/Press_lll/20090401/copps.pdf). 0985 Ref: 0900445 The Honorable Julius Genachowski June 15,2010 Page 2 2, A state-by-state list oftotal disbursements ofUSF support for each ofthe four USF programs, Also, please provide an estimate of net contributor states and net recipient states, In addition, please provide a listing ofthe top ten recipients of high-cost supp011 by state for calendar years 2007, 2008, and 2009, 3, An updated list of the ten largest per-line subsidies by study area including for each study area: a, a list ofcompetitive eligible teleconummications carriers in these study areas, if any; b, the total support amounts received by these competitive eligible telecommunications carriers for calendar years 2007, 2008, and 2009; and c, a list ofother competitors that do not receive high-cost support, to the extent that information is available, 4, A list of the ten study areas with the most eligible telecommunications carriers, including competitive eligible telecommunications carriers, and including for each study area: a, a list of eligible telecommunications carriers, including competitive eligible telecommunications carriers, and the amount ofhigh-cost support, in total and per line, received by each for calendar years 2007, 2008, and 2009; and b, a list of other competitors that do not receive high-cost support, to the extent that information is available, 5, The geographic scope of each study area in the list oftop ten study areas by support and by number ofeligible telecommunications carriers, 6, Local basic residential and single line business rate information for the incumbent eligible teleconununications carrier serving the top ten study areas identified in question 4, 7, A state-by-state list of competitive eligible teleconununications caniers and the names of such entities grouped by holding company, 8, An updated list of states that have a statewide universal service fund and a brief explanation ofthe basis for contribution and what the fund supports, The Honorable Julius Genachowski June 15,2010 Page 3 Please provide the requested information by June 30, 20 IO. Ifyou have any questions about this request, please have a member of your staff contact Roger Sherman or Greg Guice on the Committee staff at (202) 225-2927. The Republican staff contact, Neil Fried, may be reached at (202) 225-3641. Sincerely, Cliff'""~ RaJ n Member Subcommittee on Communications, Teclmology, and the Internet ~&~~ Joe Barton Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman Chairman U 'ck Boucher Chairman Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet Enclosure