JUN-14-2010-MON 11:19 AM REP ANN KIRKPATRICK FAX No. 2022269739 p, 002 ANN KllUCPATJl.IClC ll1TDlI'l'JIlC'f, AJtlzONJ,. ........ -..~_-- . COMMlTIEE ON HOMELAND SECURllY SUlcoMMrmlON BOlItQlI. MAJtmMa A,NDG~ COUNTllm~~liM .sv.eo.wMlT'I'1ili ON IN'lUl.lal~IN'C)IlMATlON SHAlUNCli AND TIfIlIU)llllIP4 AI..........!'IT !I1J1eOMM1TTEIi ON T~"TlON8EGUItITY AND IN"~UeTU..P~N Qlnngrr.Bll oftl1r lIlnUrb .iiaus lIinun pfhpr2stntafiufS June 14, 2010 COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS SUICOMWrTTII ON FlNANcu,ND TAX !IuacoMlIII'Y"r'!Il:ON AulW. tlIvILOPMDIT.I!!""".'A.NIU....... ANt) TIIAOI: TOll fMI: '-88lJ-7S7-12M J I J The Honorable Julius Oena.chowski Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554-0005 · Dear ChairmanOenachowski, , .i. I write today to request that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) consider the needs ofmy constituents · in Gila and Pinal Counties, as the FCC continues the adjudication process rega{(!ilig WT Docket No. 09·104. ·Both Gila and Pinal Counties contain some ofArizOIlll'S most sparsely populated areas. Ensuring access to both fixed and mobile telecommunications has been and continues to be a challenge. Both counties have been bit hard by the recession and must contend with critical public safety issues on a daily basis. In 2002, thousands Qf acres in Gila County were deatrOyed inthe massive Rodoo-Chodiski Fire. With reliable fixed and mobile te1ecommUllications networlcs inplace, fire departments, police officers and area reSidents would be in a better position to prevent and fight tho devastating effects ofthese annual wild fires. . In additionto wild fires, public safety officers in Pinal County must contend with a high volume ofdrug trafficking and chug trafficking related crime that bas led the Office ofNational Drug Control Policy to designate the county as a High-Intensity Drug TrafficJcins Alea. (HIDTA). Seamlesscommllllication is eSSllIltial to effectively ending the production, manufacture, transportation, and distribution~fillegal drugs. Without the necessary telecommunications infrast1"llcture in place. PiDal County will continue to encounter difficulties in fighting the serious drug trafficking problems that also hamlfWly impact other. commuDities in the Southwest. These growing econQlIlic development and public safety issues make~reliable access totclecomm~oDS networks even more urgent. Over tho past year, I have worlced with tho FCC, NTIA and RUS to brina to these aress .tho telec.ommunications services Americans in urban and suburban arllllS have been able to access for Y08J'S. J AT&T is ready to deploy $400 million worth ofequipment that will improve telecommUllications access in Gila and Pinal Counties. Unfortunately, AT&T '5 expansion ofinfrastructure to benefit Gila and Pinal cannot begin until the ,·l'eCims"'SUbmitted-a-decision1'egarding-iill.tel'~-presence1n-1\1i1;onadt-is-my1lIlderstandins;hat·the-FGG-is-cl.Cilse-to. issuiDgthis decision and I sirilplywanted to illustrate the challenges my cODStituents 'continue to face while this situation remains Wlresolved and AT&T is unable to install and activate deployable infrastructure. Sincerely,