mongrJ.~£lllof t11£ lltnif£ll §fnf£ll mun1lillgtoll, :mill 20515 May 28, 2010 Honorable Julius Genachowski, Chairman Commissioner Michael J. Copps Commissioner Robert M. McDowell Commissioner Mignon Clybul'll Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski and Conm1issioners Copps, McDowell, Clybul'll and Baker, We are writing to express our concel'll about the Commission's recent proposal to make significant changes to the Video Relay Service (VRS) compensation process. As you know, VRS enables Americans who are deaf and hard-of-hearing to make routine and emergency calls using their own language. The Americans with Disabilities Act directs the Commission to ensure that deafand hard-of-hearing individuals have access to "functionally equivalent" telecommunications services nationwide. Our constituents who use American Sign Language have indicated that VRS is the most functionally equivalent service available. We note with concel'll that the Conm1ission intends to shift from the long-term compensation method it adopted unanimously to a "cost plus" method which may not account for the real costs ofproviding VRS. It is also troubling that the proposed compensation rate structure could result in certain VRS providers being paid as much as 50% more than others for the same service. Before the Commission implements these proposed rate changes, including on an interim basis, we ask that you provide to Congress the reasons for these decisions, which may have severe and unintended impacts on the deaf community. We are aware that the VRS compensation program has suffered from a number of instances ofalleged fraud, and we urge the Commission to step up its efforts to address fraud. We do not see a connection, however, between fraud issues and the rate structure. If the Commission does see a connection, we would be interested to hear how the Commission believes the proposed rate changes address that problem. We hope to work with you to understand the most effective ways to promote efficiency, improved teclmology, nationwide access and functional equivalence for the deaf and hard-of-hearing. We believe a rate structure that is fair and predictable will encourage innovation and advancement. We look forward to working with you on this issue. , Sincerely, &2~:L~ RobBisho~~ Member ofCongress Jason Chaffetz Member of Congress PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 0873 ame Luetkeme I Member ofCongress D~ Member ofCongress Erik Paulsen Member of Congress Joe Wilson Member ofCongress if:I~r------ Member ofCongress z...A/cd..~ teonardCBoswell Member ofCongress ~9:zzstif~r Member ofCongress Wm. Lacy CIa Member f Congress David Loebsack Member of Congress Michele Bachmann Member ofCongress Gwen MoOI Member of Congress n Kline ember ofCongress John . Duncan, Jr. Member ofCongress CliffSte s Member ofC ngress Clu'istopher Member of C ~~ Tom Latham ,,/ Member of Congress------ 111 Emerson ember of Con ress- Vemon J. Ehl rs Member of Congress 'lJ.C~c;J-e ·~ W. Todd Akin Member ofCongress Ruben Hinojosa Member ofCongress