Re: CG Docket Nos. 03-123 and 10-51' Honorable Julius Genachowski, Chainnan Commissioner Michael J. Copps Commissioner Robert M. McDowell Commissioner Mignon Clyburn Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street, SW Washin~n,DC20554 05-21-10;04:16PM; JIM MATHESON 2ND Dla1wcT.lJTAH WWWbOUDqqylmltb"QD :2022255638 frongrt5t5t of tbt mnittb jl)tatt5t "OUlt of~pt'tltntatibtl lllufJington, ate 20515-4402 May 21, 2010 # 2/ 3 ENERGY AND COMMERCE COMMITTEE IUIOOMMmDl: H.....,. EHtMv AND AIR QUALll'V COMMPCI" TlIW)I" ANa eo...UMal PMTKTlON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE Dear Chairman Genachowski and Commissioners Copps, McDowell, Clyburn and Baker, I am writing regarding the Federal Communications Commission's proposed changes to the payment formula for Video Relay Service (VRS), the broadband service that enables deaf and hard ofhearing individuals to make routine and emergency calls. The Americans with Disabilities Act directs the Commission to ensure that deafand hard ofhcaring individuals nationwide have access to "functionally equivalent" telecommunications services available nationwide. For those individuals who use American Sign Language, VRS is the most functionally equivalent service available and the technology has often been described as life changing. It is my understanding that in its proposed rate change, the Commission is shifting for the first time from a compensation method based on projected costs to rates based on the 2009 average actual historical cost data. Concerns have been raised that this shift in methodology does not accurately reflect the entire cost structure associated with providing VRS. , As you move forward with determining appropriate compensation rates for VRS providers, I respectfully request that you take into account all costs associated with providing this critical service 'and ensure that carriers are treated fairly. VRS is one ofthe successes ofthe Americans with Disabilities Act, and I hope you will continue to ensure progress in communications for the deafand hard ofhcaring. Thank you for your consideration ofthis matter. Sincerely, 28 HAV 2010 Rev WAl H n9MNQ&ICI: 132ll.oNGwofm.t Houa O'l'k:' BUlLOING WASHINGTON, DC 20111-4402 PHON.: 1202) 121-3011 FAX: (202) 225-1838 III.ILMI.Qffg: 240 E.vr MOIll'", A....NUIl (2430 SountI.235 SoU'n4 8ALTLAIu. UT1411& PHoN!: (801)....1236 FAle (11)1) 41&-1417 MN1'IO ON MCVCLliD "APIR lIlIUIllIBIIllDII_ 321 NORTH MALL DIIt\II. .tOtl SAINT G.OMI, UT 14780 PMQ,..: (C35II27..(l18l) FAX: l4351 827-1473