ANDRE CARSON 7TH DISTiller, INDI....N.... 425 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 20515-1407 (202) 225·4011 The Honorable Julius Genachowski, Chliinnan Commissioner Michael J. Copps Commissioner Robert M. McDowell Commissioner Mignon Clyburn Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker Federal Communication Commission 445 12 th Street S.W. Washington, DC 20554 COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES SUBCOMMITTEE ON CAPITAL MARKETS, INSURANCE AND GOVERNMENT SPONSORED ENTERPRISES SUBCOMMITTEE ON INTERNATIQN""l MONETARY POLICY AHO TAAOE QCongrt55 of tbt Itntttb~tatt5 ~O~tof !\tprestntattbt5 mtllllbington.1D~20515·1407 June 11,2010 DISTRICT OFFICE 300 E FALL CREEK PKWY NOR. #300 INDIANAPOliS. IN 46205 (317) 283-6516 Chainnan Genachowski: On behalf of my constituents in the 7 th District, I am writing to express my concern regarding a proposed change the Video Relay Service (VRS). which could negatively impact the access ofthe deaf and the hard-of-hearing to telephone services. My constituents depend upon the VRS system to communicate using American Sign Language in order to make routine and emergency phone calls. In keeping with the requirements imposed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, my constituents believe the VRS system to be the "functional equivalent" oftelecommunications services offered to those without hearing problems. I am also concerned that the Commission intends to move away from the unanimously adopted long-term compensation method to a "cost plus;' plethod that may not account for the true cost of providing VRS. This cost plus compensatiol). method may also result in certain VRS providers being paid as much as 50% more than others providing the same service. Prior to the implementation ofany of these proposed changes, even on an interim basis, I request that you provide to Congress the reasons for this decision, which could adversely impact the deaf and the hard-of-hearing. I would very much appreciate the opportunity to work with you to better understand the most effective means of promoting efficiency and for improving access to VRS technology. I believe a rate structure that is fair and predictable encourages innovation. I thank you for your time. Sincerely, Andre Carson Member ofCongress PR1NTED ON RECYCLED PAPER