APPENDIX --------------------- p-- :,' "> .. ', "::".. :.C'". ...:.. ..... "', ', ..'." ..... _ WJ[illw~~®m®'IT~@@ federal Communicatiops. Commission m1919 MStreet, "VI. IllI Washlngt\1\l, D.C. 20554 ' recorded lisHng ',o'f relea'ses and texts call 632-0002 F,ot:.·.ge_net~l~nforlnilt;ion call 632-7260 July 25, 1979 -Be :"'."::: .•. '.';:::,::t·",-.','" -'COW~ftSSIQN_REAcHES AGREEMENT .. vrw c¢NAnA--:9tJ:'~~MQ\T£~~~CrASS D ,'EDUCATIONAL FM STATIONS TO COMMERCIAL BAtW.. Recently, the Commission took a number ofact'~onsaffecting nonc0ITI!D,~_rt:i:s,led~~~:t:tQhal._J?-f"stCltt(),flS~-ll-'I~·,·PT!e;i)f.~hes?,aetibns ,'the .."Con~~~s:s~q~···.fld? p't,ed,:'~~·~el:al.'rules .. c()~c:er~ing::5~1,a'ss':D'il?n ,comme,rciil}:edtlce.:tiona,l.FM.'broadc~ststetti{)n~':_',Jtll~'s~,.9.rethest:Btions ~ith, a- .t:ransmitt.rarpo,w,er:.~~tPutot.10watts:·~:n.';,l~ss?';.,:.Unde!.' Sec tion ":13. 51:Z'?f,tlre.n,e~~,~:l:e~'~':,'ar'l,.~~~~sD.s tat.iQI1,:S::£i:re.;l~E!~ut'r~d,t()" r;,qn1ply .,.Y1.ith:'c~t:,~'.aincll,~n~~,:C',l}~,rtg~'proce;~ures.Ifp?s:S~l)~:~;,all,Clart<' P ~·t~t~'9,n~,':-:~~e,~eq~,~,~~'d.,,::t(),cl"I~ng¢','to':_',the',-:s,?:.llUl1~~cla.l,,8~IP9· ,'(92 throug;h 108 megahertz). If no channel in the c'omrnercial band i-S, !'":irst· Report and Order";' adopted June 7,1978, published In the Federal Register on ,June 15. 1978) 4'3 Fed. Reg. 25821. Second',Report.and:Order,~ado?tedJune 7 ):1978, published inth;~ Federal Register Oll September 6, 1978, 43 Fed. Reg. 3970t; Hemorandum Opinion, and'Order~,,:adbptedDecembeJ: 23,1978, .published in the Federal Register on;January 16, 1979, 44 FecI. Reg.3 / ..1:l. - 2- The Corrrrnission has recently reached an agreement wi th canada to permit Class D stations to move to the commercial Land. TIlerefore, all Class D stations in the Canadian borderSLe~ar~, now subject to the channel change requirements in Seclion 73.512-(a)(1). That Section \11i11 be. amended shortly to So state. In addition to complying \olith the interference requirements tn Section 73.50C)(b) concerning' U.S. commercial stations, Class D stations in the Canadian border area must also provide protection to Canadian commercial stations. All proposals by Class D stations within 20 miles'of the Canadian border will be referred to Canada on !.lcase-L,y-ca~ebasis during the processing of the application. "We would also refer to Canada other appli.cations beyond 20 miles from the" border \Vhich would cause :i nterference to the reception (If Canadian stationsi llside Canada. ThiS situatiou is expected to be unusual and in any event would not occur if the Class D station had an ERP of 50 watts oe less and an antenna height abt,ve average terrain which docs not exceed 200 feet. Since \ole do' not have an agreement With Mexico which ?ennits Class n stations in the commercial band, the exemptiont~)Section 73.512(a)(1) for Class D stations within 199 miles of Mexico remains in effect. A copy of this Public Notice is being sent to all noncommcrt.:ial educational FM licensees. <- Questions about the COlilrnission 1 s deeis'ions ip. this area should be directed to Jonathan David, Policy and Rules Divislon._ Broadcast Bureau, 1919 H Street, N.lL, toJashlngton, D.C. 205.5':.; telephone (202) 632-7792. Engineering questions related to the filing of these applications should be directed to John Boursy) Broadcast Facilities Division, Broadcast Bureau, 1919 H Street, N.H., \"rashingto1l 1 D.C. 20554, telephone (202) 632-6908. _FCC..