AMY KlOBUCHAR 1...·.·.ESOltJ. COMMITTEES AGRICULTURE. NUTRITION AND FORESTRY COl....IERCE. SOEIlCE AND TRANSPORTATION ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS JOINT ECONOMIC COMMITTEE JUDICIARY tinitcct~tQtCg~cnotc WASHINGTON, DC 20510 Deccmber 2, 20 I0 Julius Gcnachowski Chairman Fcderal Communications Commission 4-15 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chaimlan Gcnachowski: I write to you once aguin about billing practiccs in lhe wireless induslry. As rcponcd in the Washil1gton Pas/this week, cell phone companies are beginning 10 unveil faster, more comprehensive nClworks al the same time they are moving toward liered pricing plans based on how much data a wireless CUSlomcr uses. In light of these developmenls,l urge the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to consider how tiered pricing will impact billing practices in the wireless industry. Although the continued evolution of wireless tcchnology will provide cell phone consumers with a variely of voice and data plans to suit their particular needs, tiered pricing can. if not implemcntcd correctly, lead to increased consumer eonfl.lsion, mystery charges and ovcrages. As j'vc said before, consumers should know whal they're purchasing and smart phone users should know how much data they consume. It is for this rcason that wireless companies should oOer consumers clear, transparent and informative bills. Advancements in wireless technology have presentcd consumers with exciting new cell phone and smart phone options. Those advancements should not goh[l11d-in~l13ndwith increased consumer confusion. For this reason, I urge thc FCC to maintain robust oversight ofwircless bills. I look forward 10 working with you on this issuc. Sincerely, Amy Klobuchar United States Senator 1843