OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON January 25, 20 II The Honorable Dana Rohrabacher 2300 Rayburn House Office Building U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Rohrabacher: Thank you For your letter regarding access stimulation and the potential impact of Commission action on "free" conference calling services. Questions about acccss stimulation have arisen in the context of intercarrier compensation, the system that determines payments between carriers as they hand oFF calls to one another. I appreciate learning ofyour concerns and will ensure that your letter is included in the record for the intercarrier compensation reform proceeding. The Commission has tentatively scheduled consideration ofa Notice of Proposcd Rulemaking For its February 8, 2011 meeting that includcs an evaluation of its intercarrier compensation rules, their impact on access stimulation, and how to address any abuses. As the Commission considers these issues, its objective is to prevent carriers from gaming the intercarrier compensation system, while not precluding the legitimate growth ofcompetitive carriers that can provide more competitive service options For consumcrs. Please be assured that any decision by the Commission will take into account the interests ofconsumers, businesses, and carriers. I appreciate the opportunity to hear your views about this important matter. , G Julius Genachowski OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON January 25, 20 II The Honorable David Wu 2338 Rayburn House Office Building U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Wu: Thank you for your letter regarding access stimulation and the potential impact of Commission action on "free" conference calling services. Questions about access stimulation have arisen in the context of intercarrier compensation, thc system that determines payments between carriers as they hand offcalls to one another. I appreciate learning of your concerns and will ensure that your letter is included in the record for the intercarrier compensation reform proceeding. The Conullission has tentatively scheduled consideration ofa Noticc of Proposed Rulemaking for its February 8, 20 II meeting that includes an evaluation of its intercarrier compensation rules, their impact on access stimulation, and how to address any abuses. As the Conunission considers these issues, its objective is to prevent carrier from gaming the intercarrier compensation system, while not precluding the legitimate growth ofcompetitive carriers that can provide more competitive service options for consumers. Please be assured that any decision by the Commission will take into account the interests ofconsumers, businesses, and carriers. I appreciate the opportunity to hear your views about this important matter. Sipcere!7 Julius Genachowski OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON January 25, 20 II The Honorable Donald M. Payne 2310 Rayburn House Office Building U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Payne: Thank you for your letter regarding access stimulation and the potential impact of Commission action on "free" conference calling services. Questions about access stimulation have arisen in the context of intercarrier compensation, the system that determines payments between carriers as they hand offcalls to one another. 1appreciate learning ofyour concerns and will ensure that your letter is included in the record for the intercarrier compensation reform proceeding. The Commission has tentatively scheduled considcration ofa Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for its February 8, 20 II mecting that includcs an evaluation of its intercarrier compensation rules, their impact on access stimulation, and how to address any abuses. As the Commission considers these issues, its objective is to prevent carriers from gaming the intercarrier compensation system, while not precluding the legitimate growth ofcompetitive carriers that can provide more competitive service options for consumers. Please be assured that any decision by the Commission will take into account the interests ofconsumers, businesses, and carriers. I apprcciate the opportunity to hear your views about this important matter. /7'y, I Julius Genachowski