First Annual Report of the Federal Communications Commission To the Congress of the United States For the Fiscal Year 1935 Herbert L. Pettey, Secretary UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1936 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. • Price 15 Cents FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, Washington, D.O., January 6, 1936. To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amerioa in Oongress assembled: Herewith is submitted the First Annual Report of the Federal Communications Commission covering the fiscal year ended June 30,1935. The Federal Communications Commission was established by an act entitled" Public, No. 416 ", Seventy-third Congress, approved June 19, 1934, for the purpose of regulating interstate and foreign commerce in communication by wire and radio so as to make avail able so far as possible, to all people of the United States, a rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide wire and radio communication Eervice with adequate facilities at reasonable charges, for the purpose of the national defense, and for the purpose of securing a more effective execution of this policy by centralizing authority heretofore granted by law to several agencies and by granting additional authority with respect to interstate and foreign commerce in wire and radio communication. This act further provided for the transfer to the Communications Commission of all officers and employees of the Federal Radio Com mission (except the members thereof whose offices it abolished) whose services were deemed necessary to the efficient operation of the new Commission. It also provided for the transfer of all records and property formerly under the jurisdiction of the Federal Radio Commission and all records under the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission and of the Postmaster General relating to the duties, powers, and functions imposed upon and vested in the Com mission by the Communications Act. On July 11, 1934, the following persons, having been appointed by the President, took the oath of office as Commissioners, thus estab lishing the Federal Communications Commission: Eugene O. Sykes, appointed for a term of 7 years. Thad H. Brown, appointed for a term of 6 years. Paul A. Walker, appointed for a term of 5 years. Norman S. Case. appointed for a term of 4 years. Irvin Stewart, appointed for a term of 3 years. George Henry Payne, appointed for a term of 2 years. Hampson Gary, appointed for a term of 1 year. Commissioner Hampson Gary resigned as a member of the Com mission on January 1, 1935. To fill his unexpired term, the Presi- 1 2 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIOK dent appointed Mr. .A.nning S. Prall, and Mr. Prall was later reappointed for a term of 7 years beginning July 1, 1935. On July 11, 1934, there were 121 employees at the seat of govern ment and 112 employees in the field service. On July 17, 1934, the Federal Communications Commission or ganized its divisions in keeping with the Communications Act. Three Divisions (i. e. Broadcast, Telegraph, and Telephone), com posed of two members each, were created with the Chairman of the -Commission serving ex offico as a member of each Division. At the close of business on June 30, 1935, the Commission's staff was composed of 329 employees at the seat of government and 113 €mployees in the field service. ANNING S.. PRALL, Ohairman. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY HERBERT L. PETrEY For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935, there was appropriated $1,146,885. This sum is accounted for as follows: BALABIES AND EXPENSES 01 Personal services _ 02 Supplies and materials _ 0236 Gasoline and oIL _ 04 Storage and care of vehicles _ 05 Communication service _ 06 Travel expeoses _ 0610 Car fare _ 07 Transportation of things _ 082 Stenographic reporting _ 10 Heat, Ught, power, and water _ 11 Ilents _ 12 Repairs and alterations _ 13 Special and miscellaneous _ 30~ulplnent-------------------------------------- $893,571 34,684 928 2,005 9,980 28,928 1,621 462 2,033 3,692 5,065 10,509 956 131,165 'rotal 1,125,599 PRINTING AND BINDING 10,676 2,842 13,518 3 02 Printed fOrIns and letterheads _ 08 Printing and blndlng _ --- ~otal~-----------_ [ page 4 in the original document ;s intentionally blank] ANNUAL REPORT LICENSE AND RECORDS SECTION ,Vy. P. l\IASSING, Ohief of Section The Federal Communications Commission continued the licensing of radio operators and stations in accordance with applicable provi sions of treaty, law, and regulations. In the reorganization that followed the Communications Act of 1934, this section remained intact and in accordance with the provi sions of section 214 of the act the section was charged with the additional duties of examining applications for the construction and the issuance of authorizations of new telegraph, telephone, and cable lines and/or' the extension of existing lines. To comply with the Commission's Order No.1, six radio services were transferred from the Commercial Unit to the Broadcast Unit. Collaborating with the Engineering and Law Departments, a com plete revision of the Commission's application and authorization forms was effected. The following is a detailed report, arranged according to service, showing the number of new st"tions authorized, number of stations deleted and the total number of authorized radio stations as of June 30, 1935: Nature of serV"ice aud class of station 1~a~~~AJ~:t~·~i~~~~~~~~~_-.~::===::::::::::::::::::::::: Aviation: AeronauticaL~_ 1r:::t~:I~~_~~~~~:~.~~i.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Aircraft _ Marker beacon • _ Broadcast: Broadcast. • _ Emergency: MarIne fire _ ~~l~~:m~r~~~~~~~~::::=:=:=:=====:=:=:::=::::::::::::::::::::: Special emergency ._••• _ Experimental: ~~~1~lle;~~~~~I~-_~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Experimental relay broadcasting _ Experimental visual broadcasting •••__ Experimental broadcast _ Fixed public: Point·to·point telegraph • _ Point-to-point telephone , ••••••__ Fixed public press: Point·to,point telegraph • 4 _ ~~fg:;~~;:'tfu~i~~S~~~y:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mobile press: Mobile press • • N,w stations authorized o 7,416 62 43 13 136 , 39 o 41 32 7 616 61 o 1 o 38 16 o 22 • 1 Total num Stations ber of 8t8 deleted tiona June 30, 1935 0 , 8,245 45,561 19 193 0 96 12 27 21' '59 0 3 9 623 0 2 0 194 1 .. 1 44 231 84' 52 126 0 "6 21 0 • 38 '77 10 III 1 77 6 131 1 •• 0 • 5 6 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Nature of service and class of station New statiobS authorized Stations deleted Total num ber of sta. tions June 30, 1935 110 • 37 , • 1,961 34 1 51,074 • 1 8 • o 404 6 o •• 280 4 1 I' o o 347 4 o 8,807 :Public coastal: gE~:bTir~~b~:::=:=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Private coastal: g=~lte~~~~~_-.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~i:~~i~~~~:~~:~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;:;:: 1---'-1---1--,,-- TOt81. __~•• ._. ••_. •••• ••_••_. __ AMATEUR In the Amateur Unit is concentrated the work of licensing amateur radio operators and stations, applying the provisions of law and regulations governing such issues. Due to the numbers of applicants, this work involves a great deal of detail in grading examinations for the operator licenses, scrutiny of applications, signature and is suance of license for those approved, assignment of call signals, and maintaining the related records and correspondence. The work is planned to handle volume. Suitable form letters are frequently prepared; of 16,881 letters emanating from the Unit dur ing the year; 15,248 were form letters and 1,633 drawn specially. The amateur s operator and station licenses are issued on opposite sides of pocket-size form, designed as part of a printed assembll that includes also seven card records of both for the Commission s offices in Washington and the field. Applications are also made on a joint form, usable in applying for both operator and station licenses. Counting as one, each such application whether made for both licenses or for only one of the two, the total handled during the fiscal year is given by the following fignres : AMATEUR RADIO APPLICATIONS Receipts: Pending July 1. 1934_____________________________________________ 156 ]Received during the fiscal year 31,275 Total 31,431 Disposals: Approved 19.182 lleturned to appIicants 5,353 lleferred to other Federal agencies, etc___________________________ 385 Failed requirerl examinatlons_____________________________________ 5,002 ~ot.l29,952 Pending close of June 30, 1935__________________________________ 1,479 The return of applications without approval occurred for various reasons precluding license, such as lack of citizenship by the appli cant or by the person in control of the station premISes, or miscon ception of the proper use of an amateur station, while many more had only formal defects, curable by amendment of the applications. Thus a substantial number of those returned to applicants were re- REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 7 ceived and counted a second time. The same is true of those referred to other offices, commonly due to proposed use of Federal premises. In another sense the foregoing figures include some duplication, in that often an applicant failing an examination, applies again and is reexamined after a lapse of 90 days required by regulation. The majority of approved applications were for both operator and station licenses, including reissues for the purpose of .bringing co terminous on the joint card form the amateur's operator and station licenses formerly issued as separate documents at different times and for different periods. All issues exceeded 100 per day, as follows: AMATEUR RADIO AUTHORIZATIONS Station licenses: ~eV{7,416 Itenevvals 2,725 Modifications and reissues ... 7.597 Total 17.738 === Operator licenses 17,532 Operator license endorsements_______________________________________ 904 Duplicates of lost or destroYed licenses_______________________________ 351 Tota!. 18,787 === Grand total L 36,525 During the past fiscal year the licenses of 29 amateur operators were suspended or withheld, in nearly all cases fur a period of 6 months, while 94 others who had not qualified were debarred from examination, usually for like period. One license was ordered sus pended for 2 years and another obtained by fraud was ordered can ceed.Only five amateur station licenses were revoked. TOTAL NUMBER OF AMATEUR STATION LICENSES Valid of record July 1, 1934 46,390 Issued dUring fiscal year, new_______________________________________ 7,416 Total 53,806 Less: Cancellations____________________________________________________ 2,551 Other deletions__________________________________________________ 839 Expirations (renewal yet possible) approximately 4,850 Ftevocations_____________________________________________________ 5 Total~8,245 = Net close of June 30, 1935 45,561 This Unit also maintains the one complete record of licenses of various professional classes required to qualify radio operators for service at any of the numerous kinds of transmitting stations main tained by commercial interests. To permit quick service in connec tion with sea, air, and land stations, the licensing in such cases is decentralized, with 22 offices of issue. Examinations, failures, license issues, renewals, endorsements, etc.: are reported for posting ('u the Commission's central record. Durmg the fiscal year 7,466 such re- 8 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ports were received for record. A large number of the licenses were of radiotelephone third class, for operation of police transmitters, for which the requirements are relatively simple. Due to improper acts in connection with the operation of a broad cast station, the Commission suspended the licenses of three opera- tors during the year. . BROADCAST The consolidation of the old records of the Radio Division of the Department of Commerce with those of the Commission for the purpose of maintaining a complete record of each broadcast station from the beginning of control of broadcast stations by the Federal Government was continued. The records pertaining to the following classes of radio stations that were transferred from the Commercial Unit were revised: Experimental relay broadcasting. Experimental visual broadcasting. Experimental broadcasting. Broadcast pick-up. General experimentaU Special experimental.' A complete set of records was devised and installed to comply with the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934 requiring that applicants l?rocure authority to transfer the control of corpo rations and obtaIn permits to locate, maintain, or use studio or ap paratus for the production of programs to be transmitted or delivered to foreign radio stations. The work of·the Unit may best be summarized by the following tables: TABLE I.-OompariBem. of GppUCatlom received and authorizations issued dur ing the fiscal gears 1981, 1932, 1939, 1934, and 1935 ''''' 1932 1933 10" 1935 ----------1---------- Applications recelved • ••_._ 3,784 Authorizations issued••• 3,2.13 2,519 2,534 2,193 2,446 2,690 ~"" 3,652 3,434 Applications received and instruments of authority issued com prised construction permits, licenses, modifications of construction permits and licenses, consent to voluntary or involuntary assignments of construction permits and licenses, extension 0:£ licenses, installation of automatic frequency-control equipment, special authorizations, emergeucy authorizations, consent to transfer control of corporations, and permits to locate, maintain, or use studio or apparatus for pro duction of pFograms to be transmitted or delivered to foreign radio stations. In addition to the applications shown in table I, there were received in the Unit 1,487 informal applications, which consisted of requests for (1) extension of equipment and program test periods, 1 All matters relating to or connected with this cIass of station concerning the develop ment of apparatus for any service assigned to the Bl'oadcast Division. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION~ (2) to operate for a limited period of time in a manner not set forth in a regular license or authorized by regulations, (3) to depart from hours of operation as authorized, and (4) to partially or wholly suspend operation of a station. There were also issued 442 informal authorizations consisting of letters, telegrams, and deviations from time-sharing agreements. TABLE II.-N611) stations autho1'ized (total 39) 250 Daytime. Call letters KABR _ KADA _ KALB _ KAST _ KELD _ KFRO.~ KFUH _ KHSL _ KINY_..__ . K!UJ.._..__ KIUL.__~.__ KIUN~_ KIUP••••.•_ KPLC. __ . __ KRLC..._._ KROC•.••._ KVOL..._._ KVSO __ . __ . KWBG.. _ WAIM ._ WOML_.__ WFMD.. _ WI80 ••__ WMFD _ WMFF. _ WMFG _ WMFH _ WMFL ._ WMFJ _ WMFN . WMFO. _ WMl"R-__ ._ WNBC _ WNRI.._.__ WPAR__ . __ WPRP. _ WTAL • WTMV" .. WWPA _ Applicant and location Aberdeen Broadcasting Co., Aberdeen, 8. Dak _ C. C. Morris, Ada, OkIlL _ Alexam:lrla Broadcasting Co., Inc., Alexandria, La _ Abraham Shapiro, Astoria, Oreg .. _ T. H. Barton, EI Dorado, Ark _ Voice of Longview, Longview, Tex _ Richard Field Lewis, Del Monw, CaliL. _ Wm. Schield, Sydney R. Lewi'!, and Harold Smithson, trustees Oolden Empire Broadcasting Co., Ltd., Chico, Calif. Edwin A. Kraft, dfb as Northwest Radio Advertising Co., Juneau, Alaska. J. H. Speck, Santa Fe, N. Mex _ Garden City Broadcasting Co., Homer A. Ellison and Frank D. Conard, Oarden City, Kans. Jack W. Hawkins and Barney H. Hubbs, Pecos, Tex_ Le Roy Haley, Durango, 0010 _ T. B. Langford, R. M. Dean, and L. M. Sepaugh, Calcasieu Broadcasting Co.,J~akeCharles, La. H. E. Studebaker, Lewiston, Idaho . _ Southern Minnesota Broadcasting Co., Rochester, Minn. 000. H. Thomas, Robert M. Dean, L. M. Sepaugh, and T. B. Lanford, dfb as Evangeline Broadcasting Co., Lafayette, La. The Ardmoreite Pubilshinll: Co., Inc., Ardmore, Okla__ W. B. Oreenwald, Hutchison, Kans _ Wilton E. Hall, Anderson, 8. C _ The Ashland Broadcasting Co., Ashland, Ry _ The Monocacy Broadc!lrsting Co., Frederick, Md _ Milwaukee Broadcasting Co., Milwaukee, Wis _ Richard Austin Dunl('a, Wilmington, N. C _ Plattsburg Broadcasting Corporation, Plattsburg, N. Y. Head of the Lakes Co., Hibbing, Minn._ Joseph M. Kirby, Boston, Mass .. .. _ Patrick J. Goode, New Haven, Conu . __ .. ._ W. Wright Esch, Daytona Beach, Fla . ._._.. _ Attalanroadeastin~Corporation, Clarksdale,Miss.~_ James R. Doss, Jr., Deeatur, Ala__ . __ . __ _._. __ Hart & Nelson (J. A. Hart and W!l3-"ne M. Nelson), HIgh Point, N. C. William J. Sanders, New Britain, Conn__ ...__ ._.. _ S~George Webb, Newport, R. L.~__ ._" Ohio Valley Broadcasting Corporation, Parkersburg, W. Va. Julio M. COllesa, Ponce, Puerto Rico.~._._._ Florida Capitol Broadcasters, Ine., Tallahassee, Fla.. Mississippi Vaney Broadcasting Co., Inc., Ea.'!t St. Louis, m. Clarion Broadcasting Co., Inc., Clarion, Pa..__ ._. _ F",· quaney Kilocvclea 1,420 1,200 1,420 1.370 1,370 1,370 1,210 900 1,310 1,310 1,210 1,420 1,370 1,500 1,420 1,310 1,310 1,210 1,420 1.200 1,310 900 1,310 1,370 1,310 1.210 1,120 000 1.420 1, 210 1,370 1,200 1,330 1,200 1,420 1,420 1,310 1,500 850 Power Watta 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 250 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 '00 100 100 100 100 500 500 100 100 100 100 2.'iO 100 25O--L8 100 100 25o--r.S 100 100 Hours of operation Daytime. Do, Do, Do. Unlimited. Daytime. Unlimited. Daytime. Unlimited. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Daytime. Unlimited. Do. Do. Daytime. Do. Do. Do. Unlimited. Daytime. Do. Unlimited. Do. Daytime. Do, Do. I.Tnlimited~ Do, Specifled~ Unlimlted~ Do. Of the 39 new broadcast stations authorized during the year, 31 were authorized under the provisions of section 307 of the Communi cations Act and were not charged to quota. 10 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION TABLEIII.-Station.~consolidated (totd 2) Date of con· Oall letters and locatIon of Call letters Grantee and location soUdatlon station with which consol- Idated WLIT_____ ._ WFILBroadCQstl~Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. 12,1935 WFIL, Philadelphia, Po.. WDAO._____ Plain!! Radio Bra ca.';tlng Co., Amarillo, June 4,1935 KONe, Amarillo, Tex. T"", TABLE IV.-Stations deleted (total 7') Call letters KGIX•• _ KWFV. . WAMC•....... WJEM ._._•• WKFL._...•.• WNBO _ WWPA _ Grantee snd location J. M. Heaton, Las Vegas, Nev. (0. P. only). Construction permit ex pired Apr. 26, 1935; construction not completed within required time. The HUoBroadC8stln~Co., Ltd., Hilo, HawaU (0. P. only). Construc tion permit expired Sept. I, 1934. No application for extensIon of time filed. Raymond C. Hammett, Anniston, Ala. (C. P. only). Construction permit expired Jan. 10, 1935. AppUoation for modification construc tion permit returned and no further application received. Britt A. Rogers, Jr., Tupelo, Miss. (C. P. only). Construction permit expired Auj:\'. 1, 1934. No appl1('atlon for extension of time nor appU. cation for license flIed. J. Pat Scully, Greenville Miss. License expired. No application for renewal ot license filed. John Brownlee Spriggs, Silver Haven, Pa. Licensee voluntarily sur· rendered license. Clarion Broadcastine Co., Inc., Clarion, Pa. (C. P. only). Construc tion permit exptred. Jan. 11, 19305. Commission denied appUcation for modification ot construction permit Mar. 26, 1935. Date of decIsion May 14,1935 Apr. 16,1935 May 14,1935 Oct. 2,1934 Oct. 3,1934 Mar. 15,1935 Apr. 15,1935 Three complete lists of radio broadcast stations authorized by the Federal Communications Commission, arranged (1) al.l.'habetically by call signal, (2) alphabetically by State and city, and (3) numerically by frequency, were compiled and prepared for distribution. Monthly supplements to these lists have been prepared for distribution to the general public. , There was also published a list of the visual broadcast stations and relay broadcast stations. COMMERCIAL There were received in the Unit a total of 8,221 applications as compared with 8,139 during the previous fiscal year. There were issued 7,722 instruments of authority as compared with 7,336 for last year. Of the applications received, 256 were returned because they were improperly executed, contained insufficient information, or were other wise defective. In each case a letter was written informing the applicant of the defect. TABLE V.-QomparlBon of applicatiOfl8 received and aut1wrization.g iS8'Uea during the fiscal vear8 19tH, 1932, 1933, 1934:, aM 1985 1931 1932 193' 1934 193, Appllca.tioDS recaived•..._. _. __ • __ •_______ 6,246 5,515 6,837 8,139 8,231 AuthorIzations issued..•........•.•_______ 5,395 6,053 6,617 7,336 7,722 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 11 Applications and authorizations shown in the above table com prised construction permits, modifications of construction permits, licenses, modification of licenses, renewal of licenses, and assignments of construction permits and licenses. The CommisslOn on January 11, 1935, authorized a new class of station in the aviation service, i. e., airway obstruction ffia-rker bea con. Three stations of this type were authorized during the year. The Commission granted 3 telephone and 3 telegraph applica tions authorizing additional wire line facilities. During the fiScal year there were received 2,969 applications for ship radIO station licenses including modifications and renewals, and 2,920 authorizations were issued including telegraphic communica tions authorizing emergency operation. On June 30, 1935, there were 1,961 ship stations licensed aboard vessels of United States registry, including 195 vessels operating on the Great Lakes. Approximately 275 ships are compulsorily equipped with radio telegraph apparatus and the remainder are voluntarily equipped. Approxunately 1,846 vessels have been authorized for regnlar maritime service, communicating with other ships and coastal tele graph stations. Twenty-six have been authorized to communicate on a designated frequency with specified coastal harbor telephone stations and 27 have been granted authority to operate on the gen eral frequency 2,738 kilocycles for communication between ship har bor stations, either telephone or telegraph. There are three municipal fire boats authorized to operate on a specified frequency and 58 vessels operating on specific frequencies allocated for Alaskan waters. Fifteen vessels, yachts operating outside of general traffic lanes, and vessels on special scientific expeditions, have been granted spe cial permission to communicate with amateurs for periods of from 1 to 12 months. The system of assigning call signals for all radio stations l ex cepting amateur, was revised during the past year. This reVIsion required the preparation of some 40,000 cal cards with the necessary information for identification for the calls already assigned. Eleven hundred seventy-eight call signals were assigned during the past fiscal year. The Radio Service Bulletin containing in tabular form a complete record of all new assignments, changes and deletions relative to all classes of radio stations, commercial and Government, in the United States and its possessions was issued semimonthly. REPORT OF THE EXAMINING DEPARTMENT DAVIS G. ARNOLD, CMef Examiner Upon its organization on July 11, 1935, the Federal Communica" tions CommiSSIOn continued the employment of the examiners of the Federal Radio Commission, two in number, at first upon a tempo rary basis aud later by permanent appointments. The Examining Section was included in the Law Department for the purpose of organization only. Thereafter, a Chief Examiner was appointed and the administrative duties of the Examining Department were defiued by the Commission as follows: EXAMIXIXG DEE'ARL\tEX'l' "l'he functions of the Department are to conduct hearings, formal and in 4 j l ormal, on applications, petitions, and complaints filed with the Commission, 'w11.oo the Commission so directs; and conduct hearings and investigations instituted by the Commission on its own motion concerning rates, rules, regula tions,services, and practices of carriers sUbject to the Communications Act er of licenseesN~~~~d 1932 ._._.__~.••• 1933 ., _ 1 32 2 1934 _ 87 1935~~_ 124 ,,. 36" 3,. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 39 Under the Communications Commission the number of stations licensed for police activities have largely increased. A questionnaire was submitted in May 1935, to all municipalities and States using radio in connection with their activities, requesting information embodied in the following table: (1) CITIES AND COUNTIES Number of municipalities reporting which answered questionnaire_ ro2 Number of municipal police stations operated___________________ 133 Number of fixed. general experimental (police) stations opernted__ 82 Number of portable mobile general experimental (police) stations operated ,~_~_~___________________________________s 201 Number of cars equipped with receiversonl~'~5, 260 Number of fixed locations equipped with receivers only 3877 Total population served 48,291,780 Total area in square miles ..... 121,816 (2) STATES Number of States reporting_____________________________________ 7 Number of State police~tationsoperated________________________ 24 Number of cars equipped with receivers only_____________________ 759 Number of fixed locations equipped with receivers only____________ 431 Populatioll served 26,809,731 Area in square miles____________________________________________ 231,029 Although information was requested as to the number of arrests and value of property recovered as the result of radio, too few cities maintaiued data on these items to make the report of any value, other than indicating that a large number of arrests had been made and a great amouut of property had been so recovered. Municipalities are almost unanimous in reporting that there has been an improve ment in the criminal situation since the installation of radio. In addition to the stations now licensed a number of States and cities are considering the installation of radio systems, but have been unable to do so due to limitations on funds. It is evident from the results of the questionnaire and also from information received from other sources that radio is becoming as standard in police administration as is the fire alarm system or police wire telegraph system. Under the provisions of the rules and regulations of the Commis sion municipal police radio stations are permitted to exchange mes sages on a point-to-point basis provided those messages are of pri mary importance to mobile police units. A great deal of this com munication has been carried on and many municipalities have been reported for exceeding this authority. An organization known as the Associated Police Communication Officers has been organized. That organization believes that the close coordination desirable between law enforcement a.gencies may be streugthened by exchanging all classes of police information on a Nation-wide baSIS. In order to make this possible a proposed plan is being prepared for an intercity police point-to-point telegraph communication system which is expected to be presented to the Com mission for consideration through the International Association of Chiefs of Police. The Associated Police Communication Officers 2 Means cars, motorcycles, police boats, etc. B Precinct stations, fire and police headquarters, sberiffs' offices, etc. 40 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION recognizes the fact that the band of frequencies assigned to the police departments for mobile communication does not offer wide enough scope to permit the necessary firowth which is certain to take place in the field of point-to point pohce communication. MARINE FIRE STATIONS The number of marine fire stations has been reduced to two, op erated by the cities of Detroit and Boston. Other cities formerly licensed for this class of station have established municipal police radio stations and have found that orders could be transmitted to their fire boats through police facilities with sufficient dispatch to make it uneconomic to operate a station specifically for communica tion with fire boats. It is believed that in the future when more funds are available, many of these stations will be reestablished and others will be installed. It is not believed that they will be con structed in sufficient number to make necessary the assignment of additional frequencies for communication purposes. SPECIAL EMERGENCY STATIONS Special emergency stations were originally established for tele graphic communication throughout a power-distribution system in the case of disruption of regnlar communication facilities by storms or other emergencies. As a result of the experience of power com panies, this service has grown to embrace many other types of public utilities such as water-distribution systems and forest-protection agencies. As a result of experience in the use of radio during floods the rules governing this service now permit the use of radiotelephony as well as radiotelegraphy, with a separate frequency for each type of emission. MOTION·PICTURE STATIONS This class of station was established by the Federal Radio Com mission to meet a need for communication in the production of motion pictures. In the making of films for scenes involving a large body of men, groups of aircraft, radiocommunication is nec essary to coordinate the movements of the individuals comprising the groups. Previous to the establishment of radiocommunication this was done by means of hand signals and flags with little success. On other occasions it is necessary for motion-picture companies to go "on location" in remote spots not served by the usual communication facilities. Ra.diocommunication in these circumstances is also invaluable. Although this service has been established for some years there is only one station at present licensed and very little use has been made of this facility. GEOPIIYSICAL SERVICE There have been no changes in the rules, regulations, or frequency assignments to the geophysical stations as established by the Fed eral Ratlio Commission, nor has there been any marked change in the activity of these stations. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 41 As previously reported by the Federal Radio Commission this class of station is of low power and is for use in connection with the l1e termination of the characteristics of the strata underneath the sur face of the earth. Radio is used for the transmission of timing signals between various points strategically located in relation to the area under investigation. ALASKA The plan now in force for licensing radio stations in Alaska was formulated by the Federal Radio Commission in cooperation with the United States Signal Corps in 1929. Since the Army is in trusted with the task of assuring reliable communication between the United States and Alaska, and since at the present time it is im practicable for the Commission to establish offices in Alaska, no ap plication is granted until recommendation has been received from the Office of the Chief Signal Officer with respect to the facilities requested. The main purpose of commercial radio systems in Alaska is to pro vide adequate facilities to important business interests, such as the mining and packing interests, in places where land line facilities are not available. As the Signal Corps operates the only means of com munication between Alaska and the United States the various mes sages handled from the radio stations operated by these interests are consolidated at strategic points and are routed through appropriate Army key stations. In addition to being responsible for communica tion with the United States, the Army also operates a communication system within Alaska which is not permitted to be paralleled by commercial radio circuits. . Although as stated above the main purpose of these various radio stations is to handle private communications, all licenses issued pro vide that those stations must be opened to the general public on a general public service basis. The period since the establishment of this Commission has heen marked by the growth. in the number of point-to-point telephone sta tions established for short distance communication. There have also been established two aviation chains serving Alaskan communities, the largest of which is from Ketchikan to Fairbanks, Fairbanks to Bethel, and Bethel to Nome. The other route reaches from Anchorage through Iliamna down the Aleutian chain. AMATEUR There were on June 30, 1935, approximately 45,561 amateur sta tions licensed by the Commission. M,my of these stations are affili ated with the Naval Communications Reserves and the Army Ama teur Reserve Corps and regularly engage in practice drills requiring the use of established naval and military operating procedure. A large number of these stations as well as others not affiliated with the Army and Navy continue to cooperate with the American Red Cross in providing temporary emergency radio communication between headquarters and isolated locations Or stricken areas in times of dis aster or other emergencies occasioned by floods, storms, earthquakes, etc. 42 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION There are organized communication networks of amateur stations offering commnnication facilities to practically all parts of the United States. These stations have been of inestimable value to the public in furnishing, in mllny cases, the sale means of communication during the existence of emergencies. A number of stations have associated themselves with scientific expeditions and furnish the means of com munication between the expeditions and their sponsors in the United States. On Navy Day, October 27, 1934, the Secretary of the Navy trans mitted from the Naval Station at Arlington, Va., and San Francisco, Calif., messages addressed to amateurs, and on Armistiee Day, No vember 11, 1934, the Chief Signal Office, United States Army, trans mitted from Washington a message to members of the Army Amateur Reserve Corps. Participation in copying these messages engaged many hundreds of amateur station operators who entered the con test to test their skill and receiving ability. Partly as a result of the congestion on medium hiO'h amateur frequencies and partly because of their eagerness to (kvclop new territory, amateurs have invaded the ultra-high frequency field in great numbers. There~ulthus been the development of new and improved equipment and a better understanding of the character istics and possibilities respecting the use of these frequencies. Tech nical progress in the lower frequency assignments has continued and several notable contributions have been developed. REPORTS OF DISCREPANCY IN OPERATION All cases of irregular or illegal operation of radio stations other than broadcast, reported by the Eield Section, are referred to this section 0:£ the Engineering Department 101' corrective action. Dur ing the past year approximately 17 hundred cases were handled. In no case has it been necessary tn take drastic steps in order to obtain corrective action, and it is believed that operating conditions in the radio industry have been much improved, particularly the conditions in lnaritime service. WIRE TELEGRAPH AND SUBMARINE CABLE In the United States there are two wire telegraph carriers which offer a Natian-wide domestic public-message telegraph service. These are the Western Union Telegraph Co. and the Postal Tele graph-Cable Corporation. In addition to these 2 major telegraph carriers there are 8 interstate telegraph carriers which serve local areas, as shown below: Canadian National'l'f~legraphs,Minnesotn. Canadian Pacific Railroad Co., Maine and Vermont. Centrul Idaho 'l'elegraph ancI 'l'elephone Co., Idaho. Colorudo-'Vyoming Telegraph Co., Colorado and V{yoming. Continental Telegraph Co., IdalIa, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Washington. Interstate 'l'elcgraph Co., California and Nevada. Mountain Telegraph Co., Colorado. Northern Telegraph Co., Maine. In addition to the above telegraph carriers, several telephone car riers offer interstate telegraph service. This service is primarily l'rivate line (leased wires) and Teletypewriter exchange service. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 43 The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. and its associates and the 'West Coast Telephone Co. offer a public-message telegraph service iu California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. The carriers pro viding this service are: Bell System companies: American Telephone & Telegraph Co., long lines department. Bell Telephone Co. of PennSYlvania. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Baltimore City. Chesapeake & Potomac '.relephone Co. of Virginia. Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of West Virginia. Cincinnati and Suburban Bell Telephone Co. (including the Citizens Tele- phone Co.). Diamond State Telephone Co. Illinois nell Telephone Co. Indiana Bell Telephone Co. Michigan Bell Telephone Co. :Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. New England Telephone & Telegraph Co. New J N'sey nell Telephone Co. New Yurk Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. Ohio Bell Telephone Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. (including the Home Telephone & .Telegraph Co. of Spokane, Bell Telephone Co. of Nevada, and Southern California Telephone Co.). Southern nell Telephone & Telegraph Co, Southern New England Telephone Co. Sou:hwestern Bell Telephone Co. Wisconsin Telephone Co. Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co., North Carolina. Intermountain Telephone Co., Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina. Petersburg Telephone Co., Virginia. Rio Grande Valley Telephone Co., Texas. United Telephone Co., Kansas. 'Vest Coast Telephone Co., California and Nevada. The route miles, wire miles, and telegraph-channel miles as of October 1, 1934, operated by the telegraph carriers and the telephone carriers which offer telegraph service, as reported to the Commission under Telegraph Division Order No.9, are shown below. Carrier Route miles Telegraph Wire miles channel miles l 17- --------213 640 2,985 62 791 130 736 3,077 20,081 211 258 54,339 358,305 212,290 1,611,878 6,;1 2,726 222 206,332 45 2'2, 1,367 Bell System_______________________ _ _ Canadian National 2_ _ _ Canadian Pacific 1 • .___ _ _ Carolina Telegraph_____ _ _ Central Idaho .___________ _ _ Colorado-Wyoming_ _____ ___ _ _ _ Continental . _ Intermountain. . _ Interstate . . Mountain________________________ _ _ Northern_____ __ ______ __ ___ __ _ _ . Petersburg ._ __ _ __. _ Rio Grande. _ United . . _ West CoaSt-__ _ ,_______ _ _ PostaL________________ _ . . 'Vestern Union____ __ _ _ 15,240,759 610 "6 14,545 (') 651 14,674 1,771 1,910,725 " ". 670 651 13,292 10< 617 -------2;958 10 107 3,135 223 678,255 2,159,28& I A telegraph channel is a path which is suitable for tmnsmissio.o of telegraph signals between 2 teJepraph stations. A telegraph cbannel mile is 1 mile of any telegraph channel which provides transmission In one direction at a time. ~Line;; in the United States. 3 Not reported. 44 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION DurinO' the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935, the Western Union Tele~ap'hCo. applIed to the Commission and was granted per missIOn to intall the following lines to supplement their existing facilities: From- To-- Number 01 Wire conductors miles Coot $950 972 7,500 884 10,315 20 14 139 13 185 1 1 2 1 5 Fort Peck, Mont._+ _ Randolph Field, Tex _ Appalachia, Va .. Oklahoma City, OkllL... _ 1---:-1------:::::- TotaL__~• • ••••• _ The ocean cable carriers subject to the jurisdiction of the Com mission are as follows: The Western Union Telegraph Co. All Amerif'a Cables, Inc., International Telephone & Telegraph System. The Commercial Cable Co., International Telephone & Telegraph System. The Commer<'ial Pacific Cable Co., International Telephone & Telegraph System. The French Telegraph Cable Co. The Mexican Telegraph Co.: 40 percent International Telephone & Telegraph System. 60 percent Western Union Teleg-raph Co. The Cuban American Telephone & Telegraph Co.: 50 percent American Telephone & Telegraph Co. 50 percent International Telephone & Telegraph System. The Western Union Telegraph Co. operates 10 trans-Atlantic cable circuits between the United States and Europe and$ives direct serv ice between New York, Boston, Washington, and JVlOntreal in North America, to the Azores Islands, Ireland, London, Paris, Emden, and Amsterdam in Europe, and intermediate stations en route. Three of these cables are inductively loaded and are operated by multi plex printer systems similar to the methods used extensIvely in the Western Union domestic service. One of the loaded cables is operated in one direction only, at a time, by means of eight channel multiplex equipment at a speed of 50 words per minute per channel for a total of 400 words per minute. Equipment has been developed by the Western Union engineers for extending any channel of the cable from any city in the United States to any CIty in Europe in which the 'V"estern Union maintains an office. For economic reasons, however, the extension of channels to 'inland cities is limited be cause these points have not sufficient trans-Atlantic traffic to utilize a channel to fnll capacity. Channels of this cable are normally as signed hetween Montreal and Amsterdam, between Washington and London, and between New York and Shorter's Court, London. In addition to the trans-Atlantic circuits, the Western Union oper n{es two circuits from the United States to Cuba, connecting at Rabana with the West India & Panama Co. to serve the West Indies; one circuit from the United States to Barbados, British West Indies, ('onneding at Barbados to serve South American points; one land line circuit from New York to Galveston, connecting with the Mexi can Telel!l'aph Co. to provide direct service between New York and Mexico City. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 45 The capacity of the Western Union trans-Atlantic cable system is 325 words per minute from New York t{) Europe and 440 words per minute from Europe to New York. In addition to this capacity, the eight chanuel permalloy cable circuit provides 400 words per minute for use iu eIther direction. All America Cables, Inc., operates five cable circuits between New York, Cuba, the West Indies, Central and South America, and one cable circuit between Florida and Habana, Cuba. These cables are nonloaded and are operated with three element recorder code in both directions at the same time. The fastest of these circuits operates at a speed of 52 words per minute in each direction. By means of automatic relays and selectors, direct service is provided between New York and all major cities of Central and South America. The capacity of the All America cable circuits between New York and Central and South America is 175 words per minute in each direction. The Commercial Cable Co. operates six nonloaded trans-Atlantic cable circuits by means of which direct service is provided from: New York to the Azores Islands, Liverpool, London, Shorter's Court (London), Paris, Rotterdam, and intermediate.station~en route. The CommerCIal Cable Co. also operates two multIplex prmter chan- . nels between New York and Emden on one of the 'Western Union loaded cables. The fastest of the nonloaded cable circuits is operated at the rate of 87 words. per minute recorder code in each direction. As this speed is too great for one operator, this capacity is divided into two equal channels in each direction at 43 words per minute per channel. The capacity of the Commercial Cable trans-Atlantic cable cir cuits is 320 words per minute from New York to Europe and 310 words per minute from Europe to New York. The Commercial Pacific Cable Co. operates one trans-Pacific non loaded cable circuit to provide service between San Francisco, Hono lulu, Midway, Guam, Tokio (via Bonin), Manila, and Shanghai. This cable circuit is divided into three sections: (1) San Franclsco Honolulu-Midway-Guam at 23 words per minute, recorder code, in each direction; (2) Guam-Tokio (via Bonin-the cable from Bonin to Tokio is owned by the Japanese Government) at 23 words per D1inute, recorder code, in each direction; (3) Guam-Manila-Shanll'hul, at 25 words per minute, recorder code, in each direction.~ The French Cable Co. operates two nonloaded trans-Atlant.ic cable circuits and provides direct service between New York, London, and Paris. Both cables are operated with recorder code, the fastest {)f which is at a speed of 30 words per minute in each direction. The capacity of the French Cable Co. trans-Atlantic cable circuits is 50 words per niinute in each direction. The Mexican Telegraph Co. operates two nonloaded cable circuits between Galveston, Tex., and Mexico. One cable circuit is operated in conjunction with the Western Union to provide direct service between New York and Mexico City. The other circuit is used for service between Galveston, Tampico, Vera Cruz, Puerto Mexico, Salina Cruz, and Mexico City. Both circuits are operated with recorder code at 40 words per minute in each direction. 46 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION The Cuban American Telephone & Telegraph Co. operates four cables between Miami and Habana, Cuba. The company is inter ested, primarily, in telephone service, but operates telegraph chan nels on two of the cables to furnish private line service (leased wires) direct from cities in the United States to Habana. On October 16, 1934, four Manual Morse telegraph channels were in actual use on these cables. The cable plants and land-line plants used exclusively for ocean cable operation are as follows: ------1----- Western Union _ All America _ Commercial Cables__~_ Commercial Pacific _ Cable nautical miles 31,578 29,235 23,558 10,061 Land line statute miles 213,432 8,005 8,782 168 .French. .<__ Me:dcBIL __ . _ Cuban American _ Cablo nautical miles 7,495 1,559 205 LandIio& statute miles 1,032 1,385 7,187 The number of messages from telegraph transmission of the prin cipal carriers for the year ending December 31, 1934, as obtained from their responses to Telegraph Division Order No. 12, are sho·wn below: Mes8ages ·Western Union~4,047,012 All AmcricR 1,896,966 Commercial Cubles 2,722,647 Commercial Pacific___________________________________ 328,759 RESEARCH In order to keep the Commission informed on technical develop ments and improvements in wire and radio communication, consid erable technical research of communication literature is necessary. This is particularly true of those developments which are of funda mental significance and importance to wire and radio service. The department studies all new uses of radio and wire communication in order to insure that the benefits of new inventions and develop ments in wire and radio communication may be nlude available to the people of the United States, and further that general encour agement may be given to the most effective use of radio as required by the Communications Act of 1934. There are no fields of engineering in which new devices and in ventions are being disclosed at a morc rapid pace than in wire and radio communications. The arts, both in theory and practice, are extremely complex and cover a vast field. New devices and improve ments, no matter in what radio or wire services developed, are as a general rule immediately reflected in potentialities for improvement and actual application in all other services. Reports are received of new developments from wire and radio companies which form the basis for many special studies. A technical library is maintained which contains some 4,500 book" and publications, including research papers and scientific journals. The subjects range through the general principles, equipment, and operating practices of radio, telephonic and telegraphic cOllul1unica- REPORT OF THE FEDERAL OOMMUNICATIONS OOMMISSION 47 tion systems, mathematics, physics, acoustics, eXl?erimental technique in research work, evaluation engineering, pubhc-utility regulation, historical data, and other subjects of like nature. Additions are con stantly being made to the library as new books and research papers are published. The number of current scientific journals subscribed to, both do mestic and foreign, now numbers over 40. These are routed regularly to the engineers of the department. During the year a number of reports have been prepared on the history of inventions and developments in telegraphy, telephony, and radio, and the most important Improvements in electrical communi cationdurin~recent years. Considerable progress has been made in the collection of data on high-frequency wave propagation. High-frequency waves, such as are required in long-distance circuits, within the bands from approxi mately 2,500 to 20,000 kilocycles, are subject during their travel from transmitter to receiver to certain losses and effects detrimental to sat isfactory communication. The losses are due to their natural spread ing in their spherical mode of propagation, to repeated refractions or reflections between the ground and the ionized regions of the upper atmosphere, and to absorption during their passage through these ionized regions. The detrimental effects are fading, caused by varia tion in io"ization of the ionosphere and changes in phase or polariza tion, due to reception via two or more paths between transmitter and receiver, magnetic storms, which often disrupt communication, echoes" and skip-distance phenomena or zones of silence. All but the first or these are functions of the frequency employed. In addition, the ionization of the upper atmosphere is believed due primarily to the photoelectric effect of the sun's ra;vs, and there is variation in trans mission with day and night conditlOns, with the seasons, and with the years. Notwithstanding the complexity and variability of the above fac tors, as a result of the work of mathematical physicists, given a spe cific path over which transmission is desired, it is possible, with certain simplifying assumptions as to the conditions in the medium of transmission, to make predictions, based on theoretical computa tions and the results of experience, with a fair degree of accuracy as to the most suitable frequencies to use for the given path and the operating power required for satisfactory, service. There is much need of experimental data with which to verify and check the results of theory and the accuracy of formulae ad vanced. Commercial operating companies are, of course, intensely iuterested in this work and are providing a large amount of the data required. Many of them have published comprehensive reports on the transmission characteristics of the frequencies used over their circuits. The Commission is in a position to assist materially in this work by obtaining from all of its licensees and coordinating certain technical data on the actual use beiug made of the frequencies under discussion. This data, after analysis over the seasons and years, will also assist the Commission greatly in making equitable distribution of the frequencies to the various services and in obtain ing maximum use of the spectrum, as congestion increases. 28008-36-----4 48 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION The allocation of the ultra-high frequencies to commercial services remains the foremost allocation problem before the Department at the present time. The Commission has been desirous of proceeding with this work as rapidly as possible in order to provide many new radio services by reason of which both the public and the radio industry would undoubtedly receive many benefits. On the other hand, it has been aware of the dangers and disadvantages to both the public and the industry of an allocation prematurely made, and its policy has been to proceed with caution until assured that the allocation may be based on a firm foundation of engineering facts. Every effort has, therefore, been made, not only during the past year, but throughout the past 4 years, to obtain the requisite technical and nontechnical data. Not only must reliable information on the transmission characteristics of the frequencies be obtained, but the many services seeking frequency assignments must be evaluated from the viewpoint of the public's interest. Also complete informat.ion on the apparatus available for, and the conditions obtaining "'1thin, each service must be at hand. There are a great many factors which must be carefully studied. Although many valuable contributions of data, both theoretical and experimentaI, have recently been published, or reported to the Com mission, it has not felt that the available material was sufficient to warrant attempting a commercial allocation at this time. Accord ingly, the licenses of experimental stations operating on the ultra high frequencies were renewed in June for the next license period, with the hope that within it sufficient data would be obtained to allo cate at least a portion, if not all of the frequency bands, for which apparatus is available. During the past year the number of radio stations in the experi mental service has increased 26 percent. There are now 991 licensed general and special experimental stations of which 845 are under the Jurisdiction of the Telegraph Division, 18 under the jurisdiction of the Telephone Division, and 128 under the jurisdiction of the Broad cast Division. Of these licensees many are verifying and checking the results of theoretical work or engaged in problems of pure research. Others are interested primarily in the improvement of equipment and methods of operation in the various services. A large proportion, particularly those operating on the ultrahigh frequencies, are en deavoring to determme the usefulness of these frequencies for radio communication in services already authorized on the lower frequencies or in new services at the present time unauthorized. The services in which licensees have shown the greatest interest in this respect are aviation, municipal police, State police, broadcast pick-up, broadcast, visual broadcast, special emergency, geophysical, a proposed service for railroads, a proposed service for forestry, fixed public aud public coastal, fixed public press and coastal, and ship harbor. TELEPHONE SECTION I. ROUTINE WIRE An extensive study was made of the Long Lines Department of the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. In connection with this stndy detailed maps of the Long Lines Department's telephone and tele graph trunk routes were prepared giving the following data: a. The cable routes and portions of routes of circuits owned by the Long Lines Department. b. The open wire routes or portion of routes owned by Long Lines Department. c. The aerial, underground, and submarine cable extensions of or portions of the Long Lines Department where circuits are owned by the Associated Bell Cos. and leased by the Long Lines Depart ment. d. The open wire extensions of or portions of the Long Lines Department routes, where circuits are leased from the Associated Bell Cos. e. Bell System routes extending outside the United States. f. Route lines extending to connecting companies within or out side of the United States. g. Radiotelephone transmitting and receiving stations owned by the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. h. Location of repeater stations, toll test stations, and central office equipment owned and leased by the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. In connection with this study a detailed study and inspection was made of the telephone, telegraph, and radio equipment located in the New York Long Lines Building located at 32 Sixth Avenue, New York. Also, in this connection a detailed study and inspection was made of the cables, loading coils, duct, manholes, and repeater equip ment located at the terminal points and repeater statIOns between New York and Washington on the American Telephone & Telegraph Co.'s New York-Washington toll route. A study was made of the route, make-up, ownershIp, classification of telephone and telegraph circuits, toll telephone trunks and maintenance personnel of the American Telephone & Telegraph Co.'s New York-Washington and Pittsburgh-Cleveland cables with diagrams of same indicating the size of cables and wire contained therein. STUDY OF EXTENT AND EMPLOYMENT OF THE BELL SYSTEM ASSETS A study was made and a chart was prepared of the assets, per centage of common stock owned by the American Telephone & Tele graph Co., along with the percentage owned by others; and the assets 49 50 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMiSSION of the following companies comprising the Bell System along with the companies which aid the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. in serving these companies: , The American Telephone & Telegraph Co. The Long Lines Department of the American Telephone & Tele- graph Co. The Eastern Telephone & Telegraph Co., (Canada). The Transpacific Communication Co., Ltd. The Cuban American Telephone & Telegraph Co. The 195 Broadway Corporation. The nell Telephone Securities Co. The Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. The Western Electric Co. The Teletype Corporation. The Electrical Research Products, Inc. Associated operating companies of the nell System: 1. The New England Telephone & Telegraph Co. 2. The Southern Ncw England Telephone Co. 3. The Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. 4. The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. 5. The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Baltimore City. 6. The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Virginia. 7.Th~Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of West Vir gmla. 8. The Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. 9. The Illiuois nell Telephone Co. 10. The Indiana Bell Telephone Co. 11. The Cincinnati & Suburban nell Telephone Co. 12. The Ohio Bell Telephone Co. 13. The Wisconsin Telephone Co. 14. The Michigan Bell Telephone Co. 15. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. 16. The New Jersey Bell Telephone Co. 17. The Diamond State Telephone Co. 18. The Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania. 19. The New York Telephone Co. 20. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. 21. The Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. 22. The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. THE BELL SYSTEM TOLL ROUTES A study was made of the extent of the major physical telephone plant of the Long Lines Department of the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and its 24 associated telephone companies, comprising the Bell System. In this connection a map was prepared on which was indicated the routes taken between the telephone systems of the United States and the telephone systems of Canada and Mexico; the routeS' taken by transoceanic telephone connections, ship-to-shore tele phone service, and the extent of the network of the associated com panies' toll routes. RADIO REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 51 GENERAL LONG DISTANCE TOLL SElRVICE In connection with study of "long distance toll service" a study of the" general toll switching plan" was ma,de along with the trans mission features employed on long distance toll circuits. SPECIAL STUDIES The following special studies were made by this department: 1. Frequency band width for certain Bell System services. 2. "Board to board" and "sta.tion to station" bases for ex change and" toll-rate treatment." 3. Bell SY5tem work estimftte accounting. 4. Study of data to be covered by the telephone and telegmph caTriers in connection with "Applications for certificates of convenience and necessity." 5. Possibility of employing carrier telephony in cable. 6. Utilization of bhght-killed chestnut poles. CERTlFW,\TES OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY . Applications were made for the following certificates of conven Ience. American Telephone & Telegraph Co., and Diamond State Telephone Co. Application for construction of aerial cnhle line from Dover, Del., to Delmar, I\1d. American Telephone & Telegraph Co., and C. & P. rrelephone Co., of Baltimore City. Application for COBstruction of aerial cable line from Delmar, Md., to Salisbury, :Md. C. & P. Telephone Co. of Baltimore City, and American Telephone & Tele· graph Co, Appiication for construction of aerial cable line, Queenstown to Princess Anne, IUd. American Telephone & Teleg-raph Co" and New York Telephone Co. Applica tion for constructing coaxial cable, New York, N. Y., to Philadelphia, Pa. In each case, field surveys were made of the engineering and con struction methods employed by the various companies. Ul"IFORM SYSTKM OF ACCOUNTS }'OR 'l'ELEPIIOC'a; COMPANIES This department prepared data for usc in revising the uniform system of ftCeOlmts for telephone companies, including ftttendance in conferences ,vith Accounting Department of this Commission, rep resentatives of State commissions, n.nd representatives of various telephone companies. '.rARU'F CIRCULAR No. 1 Assistance WftS given in the preparation of data for usc in Tariff Circular No.1, Interstate and Foreign~WireRadio Communications and attended conferences relating thereto with the Accounting De partnlent of this Oomulission, representatives of State commissions, andrepresentatives of various telephone, telegraph, and radio com panICS. POINT-TO-POINT RADIO TELEPHONE STATIONS On June 30, 1935, there were 36 point-to-point radiotelephone sta tions licensed for international and/or overseas fixed public service. These stations are located at the following points: 52 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION L>cation Number of stations For service to- Rocky Point, N. Y . .. _ Lawrenceville, N. J _ Do _ Do__ . _ Hialeah, Fla _ Do. . _ Dixon, CaliL "_,_._w _ KahukU, T. H _ Hawaiian Islands. .. _ ll~Eurtf~: 3 South America. 2 Bermuda. 1 Bahamas. 1 Central and South America, and the West Indies. 6 Hawaii, Asia, and Australia. 2 United States and Philippines. 8 Inter-island. I Denotes long-wave station. Others are short-wave (high frequency). In addition to these stations, an additional long-wave (low fre quency) station for service to Europe is under construction near Bradley, Maine, and is expected to be completed by February 1937. At the end of 1934 it was reported that three-quarter million dollars had been expended on this project, which from an engineering stand point, is one of considerable magnitude. The trans-Atlantic circuits to Europe which are the most important of all the overseas radio circuits, are subject to the greatest natural difficulty in maintaining high-grade reliable service by short waves (high frequencies), particularly during years of maXImum sunspot disturbances. In general when the short-wave circuits are commer cially inoperative because of this phenomena, service to Europe is contmued by use of the long-wave station at Rocky Point, Long Island. The additional long-wave station now under construction in Maine will supplement the service of the Long Island station and will he particularly valuable during these periods. During the year the Commission authorized additional direct point to-point radiotelephone circuits for public service from Hialeah, Fla., to Tegncigalpa, Honduras; Kingston, Jamaica, and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. In addition, service was inaugnrated during thc year via existing radio circuits and foreign land wire telephone sys tems from the United States to the following new points: Beirut, Syria, August 27, 1934. Palestine (principal cities), October 15, 1934. Rabat, Morocco, December I, 1934. Algeria (principal cities), December I, 1934. Tunisia (principal cities), December 1, 1934. French Indo China (three cities), December 1, 1934. Japan (principal cities), December 8, 1934. Phillppines (Laguna and Tayahas), February 3, 1935. Barranquilla, Colombia. November 8, 1934. Brazil (seven new points), September 1934 to May 1935. A total of more than 60 countries may be reached by this public telephone service which utilizes radio for intercontinental connections and for overseas circuits to the principal islands. On June 1, 1935, evening rates for trans-Atlantic calls were made effective at 5 p. m. local time at points of origin in the United States and from 10 p. m. to 10 a. m. at points of origin in Europe. There are no point-to-point radiotelephone stations licensed by the Commission for fixed private service at any location or for either private or public service entirely within the continental United States. Point-to-point radiotelephone stations in Alaska are men tioned elsewhere in this report. Britlm shIps: Aquitania Berengaria Caledonia Empress of Britain Majestio M anarch 01 Bermuda Olympic Queen of Bermuda. French ships: lle de France Normandie REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 53 TELErHONY IN THE MARITIME MOBILE SERVICE There are 6 coastal harbor radiotelephone stations and 2 coastal radiotelel'hone stations in the public coastal service licensed by the CommisslOn for operation in the United States, Territories, and pos sessions, exclusive of Alaska. In addition, six fixed public radio telephone stations at Dixon, Calif., are licensed secondarily for com munication with ship radiotelephone stations. Two coastal harbor telephone stations are licensed for private service, one of which is operated b:[ the Inland Waterways Corpora tion relative to commumcation wIth their vessel in the harbor of New Orleans. The other station is operated by the city of New York for communication with the municipal vessel MUXJon used in Ne,w York Harbor in officially welcoming distinguished visitors to that city. Twenty-six ship stations were licensed to use radiotelephony for connecting with the land-wire telephone system via public coastal harbor stations, not including stations aboard vessels in Alaskan waters. Public telephone service from points in the United States to ships at sea is available through the medium of reg'lllar coastal radiotele phone stations at Ocean Gate and Lawrenceville, N. J., and through the auxiliary use of a point-to-point radiotelephone station at Dixon, Calif. The following-named vessels, all of foreign nationality, which carry American citizens among their passengers, are equipped to render this service: German ships: Albert BalUn Bremen Oolumbus Deutschland ]jJuropa Hamburg Homerio New York Resolute naHan ships: Oonte Di Savoia Relll Public coastal harbor radiotelephone stations near Seattle, Wash.; San Francisco, Calif. j San Pedro, Calif.; Lorain, Ohio; New York, N. Y.; and Boston, Mass., are licensed for communication primarily with low-power ship telephone stations aboard vessels in and near harbors and on the Great Lakes. These shore radio stations have facilities for direct connection with the public land-wire telephone system and may be used also for telephone service to ocean-going vessels nearing or leaving principal ports. Snbstantial development of this service appears to depend upon improved business conditions in the maritime and fishing trade. At present, several fishing trawl ers are the principal subscribers to the service of the Boston station; in addition two of the largest passenger steamers on Lake Erie recently obtained Commission authority to operate their shipboard radio stations for public telephone communication with the coastal radiotelephone station near Lorain, Ohio, for connection with tele phones ashore. 54 nEPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 2. PUBLIC RESOLUTION NO.8 The investigative work called for by the Communications Act of 1934 and Public Resolution No.8, Seventy-fourth Congress, has been separately organized in the Engineering Department as follows: I. Patents, Research, Development, and Servicing (a) Patent structure. (b) Cost of developments and method of paying such costs. (e) Methods of operation of Bell Telephone Laboratories and re lationship to all subsidiaries. (d) Electric Research Products, Inc., and methods of handling development of byproducts. II. Manufacturing (a) Cost of manufacturing of equipment and relationship of sales price, including complete stl'dyof loading costs. (b) Relationship of manufacturing and sales costs of 'Western Electric to those of independents. (0) Manufacture of byproducts and the apportionment of costs between byproducts and telephone equipment. III. Operations (Long Lines) (m) Separation of toll from exchange, including methods of sep arating property expense and revenue. (b) Separation of technical jurisdiction as between the Federal Communications Commission and State commissions. (e) Relation of operating companies and effect of service contracts. (d) Effect of consolidations on operations. IV. Valuation and Depreciation (a) Study of all methods of determining depreciation and their applIcation to telephone. (b) Mergers and consolidations. (e) Methods of determining valuation of telephone plant. I. PATENTS, RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND SERVICING Exhibits have been secured from the American Telephone & Tele graph Co. and associated companies in the form of reports upon the patent structure and developments, and upona~reement.sbetween the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and the as,soclated com panies, independent domestic companies, and foreign companies. As an aid to this study and in the determination of the extent of the patent structure of the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and associated companies, independentmanufacturers of telephone equip ment have furnished material concerning their patent structures and developments. Studies based upon these reports have been prepared and a com parison made of the data received in those reports. Special studies arc under way on the operations of Bell Telephone Laboratories and their relation to all Bell subsidiaries; the cost of development work and the methods of paying such costs and Electrical Research Prod uets, Inc., and methods of handling the development of byproducts. Examination has been made of the agreements between the Ameri cau Telephone & Telegraph Co. aud assoeiated domestic and for- REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 55 eign companies to determine the extent to which such agreements affect communications and the charges therefor. Data has been secured upon the policies and management of the Electrical Research Products. Inc., and the preparation of studies relative thereto. This material is being correlated in order to give a comprehensive picture of this phase of the telephone industry. II. MANUFACTURING In the preparation of detailed definitiou of the functions, scope, purposes, and objectives of the unit, plans have been developed to disclose a comprehensive picture of the principles involved in arriv ing at the cost of telephone-apparatus manufacture. Exhibits have been secured from Western Electric Co. and several " independent" manufatlturers concerning their financial statements, charters, bylaws, manufacturing organization, prices, discount sheets, catalogs, and comparative net prices; forms of annual supply con tracts, manufacturing and accounting costing' practices, etc. Pre liminary visits to, surveys of, and reports upon all American manu facturinii establishmeuts engaged in general telephone apparatus aud eqmpment supply have been made. Studies have been started at the plants of all five manufacturers of haud telephone sets of the detailed break-down of labor, material, and overhead costs on each and every manufacturing operation entering into each piece part and assembly, ultimately constituting the completed set in each case. A similar cost break-down has been staTted of certain cable manufactured at the Point Breeze works of the Western Electric Co. for an interstate toll line between Dover and Salisbury, Md. III. OPERATIONS The chief problem of this unit is to lay the groundwork for the determination of the property properly assignable to the furnishing of interstate and international telephone toll service and the expenses and revenues applicable thereto. This problem is greatly complicated by the use in common of telephone plant for combinations of local exchange and toll service and the use in common of toll plant for rendering both intrastate and interstate toll service. The joint use of plant for nontelephone service must also be taken into account. Such use of plant in common makes it necessary to allocate the plant as a whole and even with respect to its component parts ac cording to its actual use in practice. Obviously corresponding allo cations of expenses and revenues must also be made. Two principalmethod~of allocating plant, revenues, and expenses of telephone carriers have been and are now being employed, notably the so-called" board-to-board" and the" station-to-station" bases. A study is under way to analyze both of these methods. In this connectIOn a classification is being made of all plant elements accord ing to use. This classification includes studies of: Use for exchange service only; Use for toll service only-intrastate, interstate, or both j Use for both exchange and toll service; 56 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Use for both exchange and toll service, but primarily provided for local exchange service; Use for nontelephone service. With the object of presenting to the Commission the comparative results of allocation of plant elements on the different bases under consideration, it was early planned to make such allocations of part of the plant of one of the associated Bell companies, selecting for the purpose representative cities in its territory embodying plant fea tures found with minor variations throughout the Bell System. Mary land was selected as representative territory of an operating company. The particular representative towns selected for the prelimmary survey are: Baltimore, Hagerstown, Frederick, Cambridge, Towson, Arbutus Indianhead, Reisterstown. In addition, the Wisconsin-Bradley exchanges adjacent to the Dis trict of Columbia have been selected and the outside toll plant of the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of Baltimore City. All three bases of allocation described above are to be used. The particular allocations will be carried out in considerably greater detail than will probably be required in actual allocations to be made later, the purpose being to present to the Commission data which will en able it to determine the particular broad basis it will eventually pre scribe for making allocatIOns and the degree of detail required to reach sufficiently accurate results with a maximum saving in effort and expense. IV. VALUATION AND DEPRECIATION The work of this unit has been concentrated on codifying the under lying principles and practices to be followed in determining the vari ous factors pertinent to the valuation of public utilities and which are not directly available for its books of account, as well as the processes and procedures necessary for the interpretation and recon ciliation of such various factors. INTERNATIONAL SECTION GENERAL The Section, in addition to the special work mentioned below, has carried on its regular work of coordination of international and interdepartmeut relatious in connection with wire, radio, and cable services. The personnel of the Sectiou is equipped to make translations from foreign langnages, and generally to be of assistance to the other departments and sections of the Commission in the carrying out of the various phases of Commission activity. Particular attention has been given to the question of reducing interference among the various services using the radio spectrum, notably in the broadcastiug band involving stations in North America and in the medium high and high bands involving stations throughout the world. A number of interference cases involvinl( interference between the United States and stations in other countries have been studied and the solution has been found by mutual adjustments, requiring in some cases change of frequencies. INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING COMMITTEE ON RADIO COMMUNICATIONS The third meeting of the International Consulting Committee on Radio (C. C. I. R.) met at Lisbon, Portugal, from September 22 to October 10, 1934. The United States Government was repre sented by a delegation of five members, headed by Dr. J. H. Dellin ger, National Bureau of Standards, and including Capt. S. C. Hooper, Director of Naval Communications, Navy Department; Maj. Roger B. Colton, Signal Corps, United States Army; Mr. W. V. Whittington, Department of State; and Mr. Gerald C. Gross, Chief, International Section, Federal Communications Commission. The preparatory work of the United States was done under the active direction of the Commission for a period of approximately 1 year prior to the meeting, during which time representatives of all Gov ernment departments and commercial organizations interested in radio met from time to time to prepare the proposals of the United States for the conference and to consider the proposals of other na tions. The following countries participated in the conference: Germany, Argentina, Belgium, Vatican City State, Swiss Con federation, Denmark, Spain, United States of America, France, Great Britain, Hungary, British Iudia, Dutch East Indies, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Morocco, Norway, Nether lauds, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Sweden, Czechoslovakia. In addition to these governments, a number of private companies and international organizations participated. 57 58 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION This meeting of the C. C. 1. R. was noteworthy for the spirit of good will which characterized its work. There was a somewhat greater ontput of opinions and new questions than at the other two meetings. This meeting was the first conference held under the new arrange ment for official languages set np by the Madrid Convention (art. 21). The International Bureau provided excellent official interpreters and all proceedings were faithfully condncted on a strictly bilingual basis. This was a vast improvement over the situation in previous conferences; in fact, the insurance that all delegates understood what was being said, and the lack of argument over the language problem, contributed in no small degree to the noteworthy spirit of harmony at this conference. The results of the conference appear in the formal Opinions Nos. 52 to 77, inclusive, which were adopted unanimously by the confer ence and which include, for the most part, statements of the techni cal status of the radio art at the time the opinions were expressed of the various questions considered. These questions had a wide range and covered such matteTIl as selectivity and frequency stability of receiving sets; propagation characteristics of various radio fre quencies throughout the radio spectrum; the reduction of interfer ence in the shared bands, and related matters. The next meeting of the C. C. 1. R. will be held in Bucharest, Ru mania, in the spring of 1937. INTERDEPARTMENTAL A: considerable amount of work was doue by this Section in corre lating the radio activities of the Commission with the activities of other Government departments interested in radio. The Chief of the Section served as secretary of the Interdepart ment Radio Advisory Committee and as a member of the technical subcommittee of that committee. In that capacity he aided in the preparation of a revision of previous Executive orders assigning fre quencies to Government departments in accordance with the pro visions of the Communications Act of 1934. This work resulted in the effective coordination by the Government radio stations and com mercial radio stations, providing for the lnore efficient and economi cal use of the radio spectrum. ENGINEERING CONFERENCES ON AUTO-ALARM EQUIPMENT Several conferences were held by the representatives of the Com mission and other Government departments and manufacturers of radio equipment with a view to adopting specifications for auto alarm equipment which would meet the requirements of the separate internationul conventions governing the use of radio on shipboard, including the General Radio Regulations annexed. to the Interna tional Telecommunication Convention of Madrid, 1932. Tentative specifications and approval tests leading to the issuance of approved type certificates for auto-alarm equipment, if the equipment can meet the tests laid down, were adopted. FIELD SECTION On August 13, 1934, the Division of Field Operations was trans ferred to the Engineering Department of the Commission with the designation of Field Section. The Field Section has jurisdiction over the activities of the 21 field districts and 2 independent monitoring stations; 1 at Grand Island, Nebr., and 1 at Great Lakes, Ill. Five other monitoring sta tions are operated in conjunction with headquarters offices, at Boston, Baltimore, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Portland. DISTRICTS The headquarters of the 21 field districts are situated as follows: District First. .•. .._. _ Second. _._. _ Third .• _ Fourth . __ ._. . _ Fifth. . ._ Sixth. • . ." _ seventh _ Eighth~_+• _ Ninth _ Tenth . . _ Eleventh_. _ Twelfth •.. ••_+ _ Thirteenth + _ Fourteenth .~_ Futeenth " _ Sixteentb~_ Sevent66ntb_. _+ •• _ Eighteenth _ Nineteentb ••~.~~_ Twentieth • _ Twenty-ftrsL~_ Hoodquarters Boston, Mass . • New York, N. Y _ Philadelphia, Pa . _ Baltimore, Md__~~_ Norfolk, Va . _ Atlanta, Ga _ Miami, Fla _ New Orleans, La. • _ Galveston, 'fex _ Dallas, Tex _ Los Angeles, Cali£- _•• _ San Francisco, CaliL _ Portland, Oreg. _ Seattle, Wash . Denver, Colo ._____ __+ _ St. Paul, Minu _ Kansas City, Mo . • _ Chicago, 1I1 . . _ Detroit, Mich _ Buffalo, N. Y __ . _ Honolulu, HawaiL. _ Inspector In charge Charles C. Koister. Arthur Batcheller. Louis E. Kearney. George E. Sterling. Edward Bennett. George S. Turner. Joe II. McKinney. Theodore G. Deiler. LQuis L. McCabe. Frank M. Kratokvil. Bernard H. Linden. V. Ford Greaves. Kenneth O. Clark. Landon C. Herndon. Edwin H. Heiser. John M. Sherman. William J. McDonell. Harold D. Hayes. ~meryH. Lee. Milton W. Grinnell. James M. Chapple. The Honolulu office was opened on February 15, 1935. There are employed in the field 67 inspectors, 39 clerks, 1 Diesel engineman, 1 j,anitoq Washington office, 2 engineers, 2 clerks. Total number of employees, 112. ADDITIONAL LAND AT GRAND ISLAND, NEBR. Under authority granted in the First Deficiency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935, approved March 21, 1935, funds were made available for the purchase of an additional tract of land containing approximately 10 acres adjacent to that now owned at Grand Island, Nebr. The purchase of this land permitted an extension of the an tenna system for monitoring purposes thus increasing the efficiency of this station. Authority was also given to enclose the property, which is being done. 59 60 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RENTED QUARTERS Because of there not being Government office space available it is necessary to rent space as follows: Atlanta, Ga., monitoring station; Los Angeles, Calif., office space; Los Angeles, Calif., monitoring station;Chica~o,Ill., office space. At Galveston, Tex., the Com mission OCCUpIes space obtained for it by the local chamber of commerce without the usual rental charge. SHIP INSPECTIONS FOR SAFETY The importance of frequent iuspections at all ports of ship radio installations as contemplated under the act of June 24, 1910" amended July 23,1912, the purpose of which is to promote safety of life at sea, is best demonstrated by the fact that durmg the year all of the vessels so inspected which met with disaster were able to use their radio stations to summon assistance. Among the outstanding cases were the American steamship MOTTo 0 Mtle, American steamshIp H avanna, and the American steamship Mohawk. During the year there were 13,384 clearances from our ports of American and foreign ships subject to the above act. During the same period 6,376 inspections were made. On voluntarily equipped ships 3,233 iuspections were made. CAPACITY TEST OF EMERGENCY STORAGE BATTERIES During this year a standard method of determining the available capacity of storage batteries used as an emergency source of power on compulsorily equipped vessels was inaugurated. These tests de veloped the inefficiency of the batteries in a number of cases, some of which involved the entire installation, while in others a few defective cells were detected. In each case new installations were made or the defective cells were repaired or removed and new cells added. INSPECTION OF STATIONS ON LAND Under existing instructions, inspections of broadcast stations are made semiannually, and annual inspections are made of aeronautical, aircraft, aeronautical point-to-point, airJ?ort, coastal stations in the public coastal service, marine relay, mumcipal and State police, spe cial emergency, and marine fire stations. Special inspections are made of the following: Point-to-point telegraph and telephone sta tions in the fixed public and fixed public press services, geophysical, experimental, broadcast pick-up, and motion-picture stations and a.mateur. During the year 1,205 broadcast station inspections were made. There were 1,027 inspections made of fixed and land stations other than broadcast. In addition to the above, 134 inspections were made of the 359 licensed aircraft stations. BROADCAST ALLOCATION SURVEY The seven test cars participated in the allocation survey for the purpose of determining the radiation characteristics of clear-channel REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 61 stations and the night service area of regional and local broadcasting stations in cities in the areas covered by each car. The Baltimore test car was used in connection with determining the effective height of the antennae employed at points where receiv ers and automatic recorders were installed. Th,S trip included the following cities: Lexington, Mass.; Morristown, N. J.; Atlanta, Ga.; Dallas, Tex.; Los Angeles, Calif.; San Francisco, Calif.; Portland, Oreg.; Seattle, Wash.; Salt Lake City, Utah; Denver, Colo.; Grand Island, Nebr.; and Chicago, Ill. The total distance covered on the above trip was 10,484 miles. UNLICENSED STATIONS During the year reports were received of operation of 441 unli censed radio stations. In each case an investigation was made which resulted in discontinued operation of 371, leaving 70 pending cases at the close of the year. These are being investigated. INTERFERENCE COMPLAINTS There were received during the year 3,754 complaints of interfer ence with radio reception. As a result of investigations, remedial action was taken resulting in the closing of 3,407 of these cases. The remaining 347 open cases are being investigated. In each case every effort is made to insure relief to the complainant before the case is closed. FREQUENCY MEASUREMENTS During the year there were made 13,668 measurements of the fre quencies of United States broadcast stations. There were 355 devia tions beyond the permitted tolerance of 50 cycles (plus or minus). Of statlOns other than broadcast, there were 27,877 measurements made and 2,766 deviations reported. Foreign-station measurements numbered 720, with 207 deviations. As a result of monitoring the above United States stations, 2,528 discrepancy notices were served for violations of the international treaty, national laws, and regula tions of the Commission. There were reported by the monitoring stations, 86 cases of excessive harmonic emissions. INSPECTIONS OF STATIONS There were 6,376 inspections made of the radio installations on American and foreign ships required by law to be equipped with radio apparatus. These inspectlOns developed 191 cases where the sailing of the vessel would have been in violation of the law had not corrective action been taken. In 184 cases the masters were served with official notices. Inspections of voluntarily equipped ships num bered 3,233. These inspections developed 618 cases necessitating notification being made to the master of defects found in the radio installation. In addition 1,595 ship stations were inspected for license; semiannual and special inspections of broadcast stations, 62 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1,205; land stations other than broadcasting, 833; amateur stations, 194; aircraft stations, 134. As a result of inspections of stations other than ships, there were served 747 discrepancy notices. MISCELLANEOU:S ITEMS Mail handled, incoming, 157,497; outgoing, 140,612. Trips made, 277; miles traveled, 200,989. FIELD ACTIVITIES Following is a statement, by districts, of the work performed during the past fiscal year: Stations inspected Frequency measurements 0. United United States ·S States other than Foreign ~ • broadcast broadcast District no. and location .. " • • ~. a fj fj ~•• ~~s~E a • a a ~ ~ S I § > ., 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~• •• 0; 0; :a- ~~ .. ~~ ." S ~ > :a :a ;l ;l • ;l • 00 00 00 ,., '" .., .., '" '" '" --- --- - --- ----- - 1. Boston, Mass____ •_______ 37' 27' 146 42 85 , 0 1,722 18 887 107 65 l'2. New York, N. Y ________ 2,999 311 263 33 76 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. Philadelphia, PfL _______ 142 348 137 1. 48 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4. Baltimore. Md__________ 322 343 166 , I, 21 0 2,488 31 866 111 14 , .'i. Norfolk, Va _____________ 144 203 112 , 38 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6. Atianta,Os_____________ 0 0 0 76 77 3 5 1,202 22 600 .0 6 3 7. Miami, Fla______________ 106 38 5 33 19 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 tl. New Orleans, La. _______ 342 165 107 24 60 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9. Galveston, Tex__________ 26 187 92 20 I, 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 10. Dallas, TCL_____________ 0 0 0 40 82 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 n. Los Angeles, ealiL. _____ 692 483 184 57 70 34 1. 1,411 31 1,169 308 134 122 12. San Francisco, Calif- _.___ 519 427 217 77 '1 6 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 13. Portland,Oreg__________ 106 179 44 21 40 l' 7 1,027 30 3,'1:15 21' 26 1. 14. Seattle, Wash ___________ 402 n6 107 60 36 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 15. Denver, Colo____________ 0 0 0 10 40 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 16. St. Paul, Minn__________ 0 0 0 29 62 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 17. Kansas City, Mo________ 0 8 0 41 94 • 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 18. Chicago,IlL____________ 16 1 I 33 87 3 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 19. Detroit, Mich___________ 64 35 12 128 103 31 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 20. Buffalo, N. Y ____________ 22 12 8 36 81 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21. Honolulu, Hawaii 1______ 100 13 • 41 2 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grand Island, Nebr_____ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,378 ISO 16,937 1,790 427 23 Great Lakes, Ill. ___ ---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,440 43 4,108 166 56 25 ------- --- - -- - -- --- - TotaL ______ •___~______ 6,376 3,233 1,595 833 1,205 194 134 13,668 356 27,877 2,766 720 207 1 Office opened Feb. 15, 1935. District no. and location REPOIn OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 63 OPERATORS EXAMINED Commercial Amateur • • • ~• ~ " .. ]~ .. .. " District DO. and JorotiOD ~ -~ -.a ~3 -. -. 0 " " " " " ! " • .., . • 0 ..,0 0 .., • ~Q §~ ]t'o -~E.g, ..,~ " ~" "" • g g ~ ~ ;; .., ;;; 0 '" « 00 « "---------- -- -~ ---- ~:~~~°{7o:r:.~~-y-.-~:=:::::======:== 0 10 70 7 158 8 534 sa 241 81. 1 33 110 22 132 31 '01 50 451 1,112 •• Philadelphia, Pa___________________ 0 , 26 6 .3 2 201 12 152 5Ofted as "Reserve for oontlngencies fund, interest on bonds, and bonds payable", and $389,242 reported as "Reserve required by law." 8 Figures cover operations of New York City office. • Deficit or other reverse item. Ie Estimated on basis of the number of messages transmitted durlni;t the month of January. U No compensation reported; employees are carried on the pay roll of the Pacific & Idaho Northern Ry. Co. n Includes 14 employees who receive no compensation from respondent. u Represents 9 percent on $6,000,000 of capitalst.ock outstanding, and 5 percent on $4,000,000 of capital stock retired during the year. If Includes 10 employees who receive no compensation from respondent. 15 Includes 6 employees who receive no compensation from respondent. IC Includes 5 employees who receive no compensation from respondent. Total com pensation for year 160,700,029 68, 621 $73, 129, 228 1,896,966 1,~ 1,813,3.52 15,115 7,908 1G 1, 380 10 (ll) 10 14,832 "23 7,242 2,722,647 1,595 2, 156,300 338,156 291 401,450 10 155,532 1437 7,472 ~207,936 .,. 159,379 Revenue m""",,, transmitted Number on June 30 Rate per. om' $1,796,498 ._._••_. 540,742 2.00 Amount ::::::::=:::=: ::::::::::::-i~-32,-SI2~704-----·--15;276- ----i3;41s:i4i ________________________ ._1~284,10016102 140,108 _. .__ 6,253 1$9 3,000 15, 756 6.00 10 146, 808 51 33, 000 __ "_. • 10 122,097,600 49,457 54,981,876 $1,057,874 707,028 (') "'" 1,6OS ~67,555 653,924 Net income ---·-8-9-0;088" :::::::::::::: :::::::::::: 17,546 • • ••_••__ • • •• • ._._•••_. __ ._ i 4-,£78 12,521,381 22,597 '779 14,816 2,243,084 Operating income $11, 024, 120 601,631 (') "'" ~53' 829,914 415,030 9fl, 648 so 5, 618 ~5£4 ~2, 14-4 108,733 48.868 '" 12,076 9,032,650 I Narne of carrier TotaL ••••••••••_._._. ._••••••••••••_•••_. ._ •••••• I--'---'-----'--:-I--'-----'--:-I--'-:c:--::-c:-·I--~I--'------'-----".,-I-----'--I·--'-------'-- All America Cables, Ine.l . .._. __ oM __••••__ ••~•• ••• ._._•• _. __ Canadian Pacific Ry. Co. Uines in United States)_ •• • • ._••••__ Central Idaho Telegraph & Telephone Co__ • ._._._••_. ••••_. Colorado & Wyoming-Telegraph Co••• ._ ••••_._. ••• _._. _ CommerciaJ Cable Co_ ••••_•••_. _. • • _._ ••••_. _. _. ._.'_••• _ Commercial Pacific Cable Co • _._. • ••_. ._. •• _. __ ~~eTh~~~er8~~~~o::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Great North Western Telegraph Co. of Canada 4 • •••• InterstateTeleph~ne&Tele~aPhCo 4 •• _ ~=~i:=:d~~eL~..~~~.~.e!~~~~~~~~_~:~~~!_-_-_~::~:::-_::::::::~~:~ ~=:T~$~r~:~~6~:_:_::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TABLE III.-Radiotelegraph. carriers reporting to tM Federal Oommunications Oommission [Selected financial and operating data for the calendar year 1934} $3,789,000 Operating income Unmatured funded debt ---3~664;000 '_"'(~)'_-~- CSpitaJ stock $7,318, 857 J2,ooo '683,700 1, GOO 1,000,500 114,000 ',000 7,000 25,000 5,000 '5,000,000 WO, GOO (0) 10,000 10,000 G5,000 125,000 il 25, 657 Tax accruals 869 539,902 13,045 1,865 1.072 $6,626,287 $251,359 $185,599 6,588 29' is,531 137,781 I, f9!) 9/], IN 46,652 3,734 967, trll 896,276 2J), GOO 945,£26 939,503 6,000 9189,374 S,753 118~I,SIJO 4,001 24' 1,24 1934, which were in the hands of receivers or trustees. TABLE IV.-Telephone carriers reporting to the Federa,l CQnwnunicaU010 CAIl",.US10UZ8.7"~ .nUJ,5H -~ m KE.Y TnEGAAPIol,CAIL£.1 .....1;1 ....1110. T'E1..IP\ol.ONt <:.\P;\l.IER$ H.LtG." tA&L£ $lVU02.~HI RA'()I(l~,HG.380 TOTAL·"'UilJR~PII,t4B1..i"!Wllo tAllRlERS TOTAl" AllllILI'O"TI",O GAll"IIL". ll!l.lGunl • I G.H3,O~GI TE1..EG.'&; CA&I"E RAQIO ,.,"".....''''0''"' TH;.c ...<<-ClUN',,,,&, 5TAT,nl. Harrisburg Pa. Everett, VIash. Kansas City Kans. Milwaukee, Wis. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 83 'l'ABLID VIII.-Bummary Of nwnthlll reports of la.rue teleplwne OOl1"riers [Compllations, subject to revision, from reports of revenues and expenses of fi9 tele phone carriers, each having annual operating revenues in eXCess of $250,000] MONTH OF MAY Item 1935 1934 Increase or decrease (-) Amount Ratio $2,744,727 100 56,500 $51,365,846 $50. 362, 204 $1, 0l:XJ, 642 '.0 3,632,241 3,527,700 104,541 3.0 856,773 934,888 -78,115 -8'j 21,250,329 20, 443,423 806,906 3. 2,426,0017 2,481},400 -63,353 -S.5 1,041},229 1,041,910 7,319 .7 3,156,747 2,922,461 234,286 8.0 331,177 318,054 13,123 '.1 83,406,035 81,403,932 2,002,103 2.' 14,649,716 14,608,917 40, 799 .3 15,367,530 15,262,131 105,399 .7 11,140,111 11,451,676 288,435 •., 6,667,961 6,261,089 306,872 ••• 4,703,914 3,957,660 746,254 18.9 1,019,729 1,013,968 5,761 •• 6,010, 251 4,784,600 22.5,651 '.7 59,059,212 57,340,041 1,719,171 3.0 24,346,823 24,063,&91 28.2,932 1.. 200 '" " 81. 7 7.086 7,792 -706~9.1 24,339,946 24,056,214 283,732 I.• 8, '!B7, 657 8,381,909-94,~5S-1,1 16,052,289 15,674,305 377,984 ••• 70.81 70.44 0,37 Number of cllITler telephones in service at end 01 Percent month•• __ •~••_. _. _~1=~1~4.~3;";.;';01+,,,,;1~'~.OO;;;:I'~'~";"I~~3;23~.;08;7=1~=====2.;;;3 Operating revenues: Suhscribers' station revenues__ . _ Public telephone revenues . _ Miscellaneous local service revenues • _ Message tolls _ MiscellsMous toll oorvice revenU8!L . . _ Revenues from general services and licenS6S _ Sundry miscellaneous revenues~_ Uncollectible operating I'1lvenues (Dr.) _ Operating revenues •• _ Operating expenses: Depreciation and extraordinary retirements _ Ail other maintenance~ Tra.ffie expensllS~_ Commercialexpenses~~~__~_ General office salaries and expenses_. • _ General services and licenses•••~~_ All other operating expens8S~_ Operating expens6S •~_ Income items: Net operating revenues~_ Rent from lease of operating property _ Rent for lease ot operating property _ Net operating income befQre tax deduction _ ~r:~~~ft~:eriico·me_-::================:======= Ratio otexpens8S to revenues (percent) __ H _ Change In capital Items: Increase during month: In "Telephoneplant"__________ $3,014,233 In "Capital stock"~~___-817,806 In "Funded debt" ._________ 221,680 FIVE MONTHS ENDED WITH MAY' Qpera.ting revenues: Subscribers' station revenues~_ Public telephone revenu8S _ Misoollaneouslocal service revenu88 _ ~~'W~~~~~toilservice-reveiilles::==========:= Revenues from general services and licenses _ Sundry miscellaneous revenues__~.~_ Uncollectible operating revenues (Dr.) _ Operating revenues~_ -Operating expenses: Depreciation and extraordinary retirements _ Ail other maintenance_.__~~_ Traffic expenses~_ Commercial expenses •~. General officesalari~sandeX})ens~_ General services and licenses~_ All other operating expensas _ Operating expenses__ •• • ., _ Income items: Net operating revenu8S__ • _ Rent from lease of operating property •~__ Rent for lease ot operating property • _ Net operating income before tax deductioD _ ~~':~~M:ernco-me_-::============:====:===:== Ratio otexpenses to revenues (percent) • _ -Changes in capital Items: Increase during month: In "Telephone plant..~__ • _ }~::~~~~s~6~::~======:=:=====:===:====== $253,579,540 $248,634,019 $4,945,521 '.0 17,421,451 17,268,386 1.53,065 •• 4,271,573 4,716,806 -jjj ,.. -9'j 99,599,137 97,386,684 2, I :453 •• 12,063,480 12,624,999 -561,619 -H 5,213,9.53 ts, 092, 712 121,241 15,595,736 14,M3,4.11 952,325 ••• 1,694,654 2,171,722- -1".088 -11.0 406,050.216 398, 11», 295 7, 56,921 '.0 73,186,898 73,036,038 150,860 •• 73,093,144 71,94.1,432 1,151,112 1.6 55,588,207 54,177,854 1,410,353 ••• 31,762,159 30,534,415 1,227,744 '.0 23,005,711 19,791,700 3,273,921- 16.5 5,066,270 4,94.9,082 1I7,188 H 25,331,522 23,883,701 1,447,821 '.1 287,003,911 278,314,312 8,779,599 3.' 118, 956, 305 119,879,983 -Of5,618 -.8 1, OSI 747 334 ".7 35,556 38,210 -S,6S4 -6.9 118, 921, 830 119,842,520 -010,690 -.8 41,271,040 39,839,044 1,431,996 3.' 77, 6liO, 790 80. 003, 476 -1,851,686 -B.9 10.70 69.89 0.81 $5,389,159 $3, l)W, 475 ------~-.~.-_._------- -IH7,81J5 20,001,000 --._----_.-- ---~-----~ -1,647,070 -976.4fJO._-_._-~_.-- -----~---- , Returns in 1935 reflect adjustments covering estimated refunds. 84 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS OOMMISSION The tabulation of "Operating data from monthly reports of telegraph car riers" in table IX shows data for the month of May 1935 and cumulative figures for 5 months. It is also Issued on a monthly basis by the Commission. TABLE IX.-Operating datu from monthly reports of telegra"ph carrier8 [CompUatlon8, subject to revJsioD, from reports ot revenues and expenses of telegraph, cable, and radiotelegraph carriers] FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1935 Name of carrier Total operating revenues Total operating expenses Operating income 1 Net income (a) (b) (e) (d) (e) $29(,~18.58 98.37 26.34 32.22 1 16, 451. 08 26,677.tiO P) 6,558.6S j 1,583.71 167,449.82" 2,430.86- t 53.808.11 21.53 214.88 92.77 162.64 85.29 748. 09 1131. 48 92.77 a05 85.29 544.60 1131, 48 418.4ii 274.51 All America Cables, Inc . $382, 383.14 $33G, 132. 06 1$3, 282. 34 Canadian Pacific Ry. Co. (lines In United States). 307.32 1,580.11 2 1,272.79 Central Idaho Telephone & Telegraph Co_______ 171.93 64.36 98.37 Central Radio Telegraph Co__~.__ 656.17 1,202.76 1848.66 Colorado & WYoming Telegraph Co_____________ 1,236.81 887.10 299.64 Commercial Cable Co. (New York and Limited)_ 357,079.63 280,525.55 63,144.24 Commercial Pacific Cable Co~._~••__ 88,314.85 62,332.23 18,025.18 Continental Telegraph Co~~~_~~__1,058.76 2,741.13 11,873.34 Globe Wireless, Ltd~.____________ 30, IJOO. 83 24, 134. 28 6,585.35 2f::~a~°?J~~~;iti~s:ei~N~a~~~~3r.&~~~h------------- ---~-------------------------~ Cable Co.)~__ 1,947,619.66 1,721,858. 16 169,094.83 Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co., Inc. (Cali· fornia) •~___91,853.03 75,546.46 16, 324. 03 Mackay Radio &.: Telegraph Co., Inc. (Delaware). 69,045.42 91,250.52 I 22,671. 06 Magnolia Radio Corporation ••~._294.70 273.95 21.63 Michigan Wireless Telegraph Co__'~__616.62 400.74 214.88 Minnesota & Manitoba R. R. (lines in United States)~_~~._~__611. 22 Mountain Telegraph Co~__296.06 Mutual Telephone Co_ (wireless department, Hawaii)._._~__4, 2SB. 61 3,743.32 Northern Telegraph Co_ •~~__4,682.34 3,791. 10 Olympic Radio Co~__.~__148.50 260.00 Pere Marquette Radio Corporation •••~__900.13 900.13 • ._._ • ••__~_ R. O. A. Communications. Inc..._~__349,644-.68 329,655.73 1,356.17 8,694.36 Radiornarine Corporation of America •~__76,864.63 64,397.63 9,504.00 9,914.59 Tidewater Wireless Telegraph Co __ .____________ 371.87 535.04 1172.27 J 172.27 Tropical Radio Telegraph Co . . ._.____ 46,950.87 46, 858. 31 393.64 2,567.25 United States-Liberia Radio Corpomtfon • 5,800.92 4,663. 26 818. li6 818.85- Wabash Radio Corporation~__ ._____________ 922.28 885.04 32.12 32.12 Western Radio Telegraph Co_. • ._______ 1,135.22 252.78 876.94 767.07 Western Union Telegraph Co._~.1-7.~8-6~1,-3-16-,-81-1.-6~,24_1,_7_48~.~C4-I-l~,28_1~,1~OO-.-1-7_1--680-',-.,-5-."_ TotaL.__~•__~.~11, 325, 331. 91 9, 291, 313. 35 1, 538, 39a. 42 643, 083. 29 FOR (j MONTHS ENDED WITH MAY 1936 1,655.93 1,365.93 18,722.34 18,104.66 964.41 4,247.01 1, 568, 629. 92 311,098.01 2,033.33 All America Cables, Iuc ._.__ ••~~~.~.$1,886,740.38 $1,610,799.04 Canadian Pacific Ry. Co, (lines in United States). 1,014.27 7,268.02 Central Idaho Telephone & Telegraph Co ._ 504.74 215.24 Central Radio Telegraph Co •• ••• • 916.65 2, 169. 26 Colorado & Wyoming Telegraph Co_. .__ 6, 191. 39 3,612.40 Commercial Cable Co. (New York and limited) __ 1,625,801.06 1,408,477. 13 Commercial Pacific CableCo_~.~••_.~._441, lotI. 54 305, 30::!. 26 Continental Telegraph Co~_•• .____ 5,522.26 12, 4Hl. 29 Globe Wjrele.'% Ltd__ _ 141,497.31 116,365.01 Great Northwestern Telegraph Co. of Canada__ . _••••_..~._ Mackay companies, The (Postal Telegraph- Cabie Co.)_.~• • 9, 131, 199. 65 8,497,849.78 Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co., Inc. (CaU- fornia) .~. . __ 416, 166. 38 378,720.66 Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co., Inc. (Delaware)_ 325,999.67 442. 185. 20 Magnolia Radio Corporation. . ••__ 1,159.18 1,400.52 MiclJigan Wireless 'l'elegraph 00________________ 1,412. 49 1,530,61 Minnesota & Manitoba R. R. (lines in United States) . ._.._. .___ __ 1,632.63 Mountain Telegraph Co . ._____ 1,347.57 Mutual Telephone Co. (wireless department, Hawaii) . •._.___ 20,676.67 Northern Telegraph Co .._~. __ . .___ 25,165.57 Olympic Radio Co_.~. •••_._ 858.29 Pere Marquette Radio Corporation_•. 4,247.01 R. C. A. Comll1unfcatiou'l, Inc •~___1,692, 904. 08 Radiornarine Corporation of America.___________ 370,931, 23 Tidewater Wireiess Telegraph Co_. ...._~___1,943.15 Footnotes at end $221,529.51 J 6, 253. 75 243.50 21,685.12 2, 178. 86 150,387.69 161,299.68 27,812.00 2:3,932.20 :1204.69 350,016.54 27,693.41 t ll7,166. 50 1232.63 II ll8.26 l 23.30 2 111.00 1190.61 6,479.16 1215.71 $266, 455. 40 (.) 243.50 1810.12 965.29 3 222, 524. 01 154, 273. 36 (') 23,853.12 47,145.94 2776,019.30 141,658.48 t 265, 632. 03 2232.63 Ill8.26 123.30 1428.95 190.67 6,371. 78 2215.71 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 85 TABLE IX.-Operating data from monthly reports of telegraph oarriers-Contd. FOR 5 MONTHS ENDED WITH MAY 1935-Continued • Total Total Operating Name of carrier operating operating Net income revenues expenses .lnoome l (a) (b) (0) (d) (e) Tropical Radio Telegraph Co____________________ $279,9&6.48 $236, 049. 17 $43,982.70 $54.862.54 United Stnt;es.Llbf'ria Radio Corporation________ 26, 901.80 23,301. 23 2, 541. 09 2,543.0 Wabash RaO&."An~T''''~.'''''DT........ "".....'l"'E..T.'EDERA~<.OI'l......)l;ATl ...~GOH..'~~'D... A""WIT. /JU, 193"'- 193$ if ,. " , I' • $ $ ~ 1I.500,oOIl. 11,<100,000. o"'! / r------- .'~~",..,J.'I ~ / 10,500.000, ? ----- ~ ....... 10,000,000, ~.-/ ~ ='-oPfUTDI6_ '.'00,000. ',000.000, ---- --- ~~e,50QOOO, &.000.000, 1 e- ~ooo,ooo ~ ~6.'00,000. 6,000.000, ~ "-- '.500.000- 5,000.000 "--~ ....50QOOO' E , 4.000,000 1 '- C '1500.000. 31)00000 . ~ ~1'-.500.000. C 2DOO,OOO. ':: ~ t--- ~1500.000_ ,., ../ 1,000,000, r --------- / ------- ""~ ,l_~..<:Jr"o~ .•• J , .. . .. 100,000. • ~-"~'" ...J .............. -...... ---- '= ... . _ 500POD. . ------ -- -- .. . .-~"- REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 89 TABLE XII.-Monthlll operating statistics showing operating revenues, operating ea:penBef1, operating income, and net income as reported by larue telegraph. cable, and radiotelegraph carriers from, July 1934 to May 1935, inclusive Month Operating revenues Operating expenses Operating fnoome Net income $660,687 1 $141.494 1, 129,7f1l 2Il:J, ""734,833 111)1,196 1, HI, 100 312,163 501,616 1S96,9!S 1,412,584 1197,88$ 5,450,530 1411, 154 767, '745 72,894 465,491 1483,699 1,100, agO 194,291 1,270, 840 426,156 1,539,634 638,929 5,144,100 868,571 9,042,419 8,602,729 9,006,799 9,041,769 9,268,440 45,022,156 10. 260, 120 9,523,416 10,623,767 10,776,716 11,302.063 52,. 486, 082 193' luly~.______________ $10,187,606 $9,190, 316 AugusL_.~• • 10,788,336 9,214,474 September • •• • 10,084, 138 8,922, 674 October • • ._.__ 10,624,331 9, 136, 716 November ._______________ 9,840,905 8,935,064 December_----------.- ---_-----------------1_-,10-:,_00-:'_,'_3_'_1__9,-'3_00'-'_"_"1_---'-_---'-_1 '-'-_ TotaJ__~_.--- _. -. -.--- _..----J~~'='~~ol3~O=',9=,'~1ol~~"='="7~"=',='738='=I=,;,;;='='~='+~,;,;;='=~ HI35 January. ••_. •• •••_. __.•._. February _ March • • _ ~::-.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1-:::':::'-:-:::-1---::'-::::'-"'--[---:==-1-----=='= Total. _ I Defiolt or other reverse item. The amount of operating revenues, operating expenses, and net operating income, during 1934, of large telephone carriers, reporting on a monthly basis, are shown in chart no. 4 with the portion applicable to the Bell System. In .chart no. 5 the number of telephones in service of large telephone carriers re porting on a monthly basis, are shown with the number applicable to the Bell System, and the number in service of carriers other than those in the Bell System. Employees of the large telephone carriers and' large telegraph, cable, and radiotelegraph carrIers reporting on a monthly basis, are shown in chart no. 6, indicating the number of employees in the Bell System, and the total number of telephone employees, in contrast with the number of telegraph and cable, and radiotelegraph employees. "T£LEPKOIE Sl:ATI$TlCS SHOWII'IG REVEMUE$.EllPEl'l$E!I,AM) NET OPERATING '4C0H£AS~I)RTEtl8Y LARGE nLEPHOME CARRIERS. ..eo_"'''~ON01' 1111.1. ....TlM e...."'..... WlT>t OTI. .LL SVST'r.M _It..... ""7.44i2,0'" Q1\lEll,lIlA"Ia'..S₯'mMCIo.IIll;lIRlI 1".'6'.15'1. KEY CHART NO.4. • ",I.I.C_.,.I."£I'>10TA",~,o "~ F£ntl'