ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1945 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. WASHINGTON. 1946 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office: Washington 25, D. C. Price 20 cents COMMISSIONERS MEMBERS OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION [As of January 1, 1946] CHAIRMAN PAUL A. PORTER (Term expires June 30,1949) PAUL A. WALKER (Term expires June 30, 1946) RAY C. WAKEFIELD (Term expires June 30.1947) CLIFFORD J. DURR (Term expires JUne. 30, 1948~ 11 EWELL K. J'ETT (Term. expires June 30, 1950) CHARLES R. DENNY (Term expires June 30, 1951) WILLIAM H. WILLS (Term expires June 30, 1952) CHARLES R. DENNY, Acting Ohairman. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONSCO~IMISSION, Washingt"", 25, D.O., April 3, 194fJ. To the Oongress of the United State.: In accordance with the requirements of section 4 (k) of the Com munications Act, the Eleventh Annual Report of the Federal Com munications Commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1945, is submitted herewith. Respectfully, III [ Page IV in the original document is intentionally blank J SUMMARy _ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page vii Chapter I. GENERAL_________________________________________________ 1 1. Administrative_ __ __ _ __ ___ __ 3 2. Commission membership changes_____________________ 3 3. Staff organization_ __________________________________ 3 4. PersonneL '_ _____ ____ ______ _ 8 5. Appropriatiotls_ _____ ___ __ ____ _______ __ __ 3 6,. LegislatioD_ ________________________________________ 4 7. Litigation_ _________________________________________ 4 8. Dockets_ __ __ __ ___ _______ 6 9. InternationaL~_________________________________ 6 10. Indepartment Radio Advisory Committee______________ 7 11. Freqnency allocation~____7 II. STANDARD BROADCAST_____________________________________ 9 1. Materials and manpower_____________________________ 11 2. Proposal to extend band_____________________________ 11 3. North American Regional Broadcasting agreement______ 11 4. Clear channel hearing~___ ___ ___ __ __ 12 5. 1\'Iultiple owncrship~____________12 6. Sales priceR of broadcast stations___ ___________________ 12 7. Financial data______________________________________ 13 8. Statistics______ 14 III.NONS'~'ANDARDBROADCAST__________________________________ 17 1. General____ 19 2. Frequency modulation (FM) broadcast service__________ 19 3. Television broadcast scrvicc__________________________ 21 4. International broadcast 8ervice~__22 5. Noncommercial educational broadcast service___________ 22 6. ST (studio-transmitter) broadcast servicc_ _____________ 23 7. Relay hroadcast service_____________________ 23 8. Facsimile broadcast service~__________________23 9. Developmental broadcast service______________________ 24 10. Statistics______ __ ___ _____ ___ __ __ __ _ 24 IV. COMMON CARRIERS________________________________________ 27 1. Telephone (wire and radio)___________________________ 29 Service and facilities_____________________________ 29 Rates and tariffs________________________________ 32 Supervision of accollnts__________________________ 35 Economics and statistics_________________________ 37 2. Telegraph (wire, cable, radio)_________________________ 38 A. Domestic~________________________38 Service and facilities______________________ 38 Rates and tariffs_________________________ 40 Supervision of accounts___________________ 41 B. InternationaL ____________ ________ __ _________ 42 Service and faciIities______________________ 42 Rates and tariffs_________________________ 45 Supervision of accounts___________________ 47 Statistics____ ______________ ______________ 48 V. SAFETY AND SP;ECIAL SERVICES______________________________ 51 1. Marine services_____________________________________ 53 Coastal radiotelegraph stations___________________ 53 Coastal radiotelephone stations___________________ 53 Coastal harbor radiotelephone stations____ _________ 53 Marinere~ayradiotelegraph stations_______________ 53 Mobile press stations_ ___________________________ 53 v VI CO:NTE:NT8 Chapter V. SAFETY AND SPECIAL SERVICES -Continued 1. Marine8ervices~Continued Relaxation of naval regulations .: • Weather and hydrographic informatiou _ Studies of lifeboat radio equipment _ Approval of equipment _ Exernptiolls _ Fixed public and marine services in Alaska _ Publications • . R:ulech~nges_-: - _ 2. AVIatiOn radIO serVlces _ General . _ Aeronautical radio stations _ Aeronautical fixed radio stations _ Airport control radio stationf3~..~_.. _ Flight test radio stations~_ Flying school radio stations~_ Aircraft radio ::;tations _ Violations~~~_ Chicago International Civil Aviation Conference _ Proceedings in dockets 6714 to 6721 inclusive and 6757 _ 3. Emergency radio services~~~~_ General~~~~~_ Police radio stations~~...;_~_ Municipal fire radio stations _ Forestry radio stations_., _ Spet.ial emergency radio stations~_ 4. War emergency radio service~_ 5. Experimental radio serviceB~_ General~~~~_ Railroad radio service~_~_ Mobile s,,:ryices __ :~_ Power utIlIty serVlCe _ Radio relay systems _ Rural telephone servicEL~__ Citizens radiocommunicat,ion service _ 6. Miscellaneous radioserv~ces----------_--------------~ Geological radio stations~_ Relay pre.ssstations.-~~_ MotIon-pIcture statIoDlL~_ Provisional radio stations _ 7. Statistics~_ 8. Inspections~_ Ship inspectioDS _ Other inspections _ VI. RADIo OPERATORS~_ 1. Commercial operators - _ 2. Amateur radio service~_ 3. Examinations~_ VII. TECllNICAL STUDlES~_ 1. General__~_~~_ 2. Sunspot cycle field intensity and noise program _ 3. Low-frequency recording prograoo _ 4. Very-high frequency broadcast recording program _ VIII. WAR ACTIVITIES~~_ 1. Radio Intelligence Division~_ 2. Foreign Broadcast InteUigence Service - _ 3. FCC Assistance to the Board of War Communications__ • ~f~~i::~~~~=:::::~:::::::::::::::::::::=:::=: ApPENDIX (publications)~__ Page 53 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 59 59 59 60 61 62 63 63 65 65 66 67 67 67 68 68 69 69 70 70 70 71 73 73 73 75 77 79 80 81 83 83 84 84 87 89 89 90 90 91 93 SUMMARY Most far-reaching of all the activities of the Federal Communica tions Commission during the fiscal year was its reallocation of bands of frequeIfCies in the radio spectrum to provide for the postwar develop ment of new services and the expanSIOn of existing ones. This was made possible by the extension of the usable spectrum space from a prewar ceiling of 300 to 30,000 megacycles through wartime inventions developed to meet military needs. Even with the addition of this space, the demand for channels still exceeded the supply, indicating the vast amount of radio activity that may be expected in the postwar era. Channels were allocated for FM, television, facsimile, rural tele phone systems, railroads, buses, trucks, autos, radar, personal walkie talkie, and many other types of radio service. Standard broadcasting profits continued to rise. Total net income of stations and networks (reported for the calendar year of 1944) be fore Federal income tax, was up 35 percent over the preceding year. Concerned over the high prices being paid for stations, the Commis sion called the matter to the attention of the Congress. At the end of the fiscal year, 931 standard stations, 46 FM stations and 6 television stations were on the air. Reductions in interstate rates on calls beyond 790 miles negotiated by the Commission with the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. will save users $21,000,000 annually. An annual saving of $2,000,000 will result from the Commission's order prohibiting surcharges by hotels on interstate telephone calls. Construction of $70,000,000 worth of wire telephone facilities was approved-an increase of 85 percent over last year. Substantial reductions were made in various overseas radiotelephone rates and some new overseas radiotelegraph circuits were established. Following in the wake of United Nations victories, radiotelegraph circuits were re-established between the United States and France, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Czechoslovakia, and other European countries. Effective May 1, 1945, a uniform 20-ce'nt per word rate was established for telegraph service to Europe, Central America, West Indies, Latin America) and the Philippine Islands reducing prewar rates which had rangen as high as 36 cents per word to Europe and 48 cents to Latin America. Expez'imentation in radio and electronics reached a new high due to the pressure of military demands and the availability of Federal funds for research. Experimental authorizations by the Commission totaled 1,143-a 100-percent increase over the previous year. There is active experimentation in the operation of radio relay systems for the transmission of standard broadcast, FM and television programs, fac simile and telegraph messages as well as in the use of two-way radio for land, marine, and air mobile units. . In the course of enforcing regulations to promote the safety of life and property at sea, Commlssion inspectors made 15,731 ship inspec tions, served 9,391 violation notices. The Commission examined 64,260 applicants for commercial radio operators licenses, issued 61,038 lIcenses. VII VIII SUMMARY The Commission's technical research program includes its 'I-year old recording project to determine the effect of the sunspot cycle on standard broadcast reception, studies of sky-wave interference in the very high frequencies--bursts, Sporadic-E layer reflections and F2 layer reflections, and other vagaries ofpropagatIOn at these frequencies. The Radio Intelligence Division (RID), established in 1940 par· ticularly to monitor the ether lanes for wartime espionage.transmis sions and to guard communications vital to the war from interfer ence, discovered 46 unlicensed stations, investigated 1,445 complaints of suspicious transmission or interference and furnished directions to 283 lost planes, many of them military craft. The Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service continued the work stalted in 1941 of monitoring several million words of text broadcast by foreign stations daily and transmitting significant portions to our Government and allied governments. At the end of the fiscal year, listening posts were being maintained at Silver Hill, Md.; Portland, Oreg.; the Island of Kauai of the Hawaiian Islands and Guam. The FBIS also had access to monitored material of the British Broad casting Co. HIGHLIGHTS OF ACTIVITIES JUNE 30, 1945, TO JANUARY I, 1946 In the 6-month interval from the close of the fiscal year to January 1, 1946, the Commission made substantial progress in its reconversion prog-ram for communications in the postwar era. The "freeze" on new broadcasting construction was lifted in October. The postwar pattern for the immediate development of FM and tele vision was completed with the issuance of rules, standards of good engineering practice, and plans allocating the frequencies over the Nation. At the close of the calendar year, the Commission had issued conditional gmnts to 200 of nearly 750 applicants for FM channels, had on file 520 standard and 150 television applications. Indicative of the vast number of conflicting claims of various applicants Was the Commission's action of December 5 scheduling 271 public hearings for the first 3 months of 1946. The new Railro!,d Radio Service was authorized on a regular basis. Experimental licenses were being issued for the General Mobile Serv ice. The first experimental license for the civilian use of radar was issued December la. Amateurs returned to the air on certain bands on November 15. Another major rate reduction negotiated by the Commission with the AT&T effectiveFebl~lary1, 1946, is expected to result in a $20,000,000 annual saving for telephone users. Commission representatives par ticipated in the Vnited States-British Commonwealth Telecommunica. tions Conference at Bermuda which resulted in arrangements for sharply reduced rates between the United States and British points throughout theworld, expected to go into effect by April 1, 1946. In addition, arrangements were made Tor the establishment of a number of new radio circuits and retention of existing wartime circuits to certain British points. Since the end of the Wllr new radiotelegraph circuits, operating at reduced rates, have been opened to various Fllr Eastern points formerly held by the Japanese. The Foreigu Broadcast Intellip:ence Service was transferred at the end of the year to the War Department. CHAPTER I General 1. ADMINISTRATION 2. COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP CHANGES 3. STAFF ORGANIZATION 4. PERSONNEL 5. APPROPRIATIONS 6. LEGISLATION 7. LITIGATION 8. DOCKETS 9. INTERNATIONAL 10. INTERDEPARTMENT RADIO ADVISORY COMMIITEE II. FREQUENCY ALLOCATION 1 [ Page 2 in the original document is intentionally blank ] CHAPTER I-GENERAL 1. ADMINISTRATION There were no significant administrative changes during. the fiscal year. 2. COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP CHANGES Paul A. Porter was given a recess appointment as Chairman of the Commission by the President on December 21, 1944, to fill the unexpired term of James Lawrence Fly, who resigned bn November 15, 1944. Mr. Porter's nomination as Chairman was· confirmed by the Senate January 18, 1945. Commissioner E. K. Jett was desig nated by the President to serve as Interim Chairman from November 16,1944, until Mr. Porter's.recess appointment. On March 30, 1945, Charles R. Denny was sworn in as Com missioner to succeed T. A. M. Craven, whose term expired June 30, 1944. On July 23, 1945, William R. Wills was sworn in as Commissioner, to succeed Norman S. Case, whose term expired June 30,.1945. 3. STAFF ORGANIZATION The Commission's organization consists of four operating de partments: Engineering Department, Law Department, Accounting Department, Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service. There are four staff service units: The Office of the Secretary, Information Office, Personnel Office, and the Budget and Planning Office. An Administrative Board comprising the General Counsel Chief Engineer, Chief Accountant and l:lecretary acts on matters delegated to it by the Commission. A Rules Committee initiates, considers pro posals for new or revised rules, regulations, forms and procedures, and advises the Commission 'with respect to such matters. 4. PERSONNEL At the close of the fiscal year, the Commission personnel totaled 1,513, of whom 784 were in Washington and 729 in the field (151 outside the continental United States). The total number of em ployes in the Engineering Department was 700, Law Department 68, Accounting Department 119, Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Serv ice 331, and Administrative 295. 5. APPROPRIATIONS For the fiscal year, the Commission was appropriated a total of $6,312,343. Of this amount, $2,104,500 was for its regular activities; $4,191,143 for its war activities, and $16,700 for printing and binding. 3 4 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMuNICATIONS COMMISSION 6. LEGISLATION No legislation amending the Communications Act of 1934, as amended 1 or directed to the functions of the Commission was passed during the fiscal year. However, extensive heariugs were held before the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce 1 pursnant to Senate Resolution 187, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session, authorizing a study of international comillunications by wire and radio, on the .subject Qf merger of international wire and radio carriers. The Commission cooperated with the committee in these proceedings, and in hearings held before the committee during March and April, 1945, representatives of the Commission furnished testimony and extensive data. On April 3, 1945, the hearings were adjourned sub ject to the call of the chairman of the committee. 7. LITIGATION At the beginning of the fiscal year two cases involving the Com mission were pending in the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and during the .year four additional cases involving the Commission were filed in that court. Of the two that were pending, one was dismissed by the court on motion of the Commission, and the Commission's action was upheld in the other. With respect to the four cases filed during the year, two were dismissed and two are still p·ending. Review of one of the cases dismissed in the court of appeals has been granted by the United States Supreme Court and is pending in that court. At the beginning of the fiscal year there were also five cases in "olving the Commission pending in the district courts of the United • States. Of these, judgment for the Commission was rendered in four cases; two .of which were appealed to the Supreme Court, which affirmed the judgments below. In the other district court case the court ruled against the Commission, and this case is now pending in the Supreme Court on appeal by the Commission. Included in the above litigation were the following cases of particnlar interest: New York Telephone 00. v. United States.-In this action, which was one of the five cases pending in the district courts at the beginning of the fiscal year, the New York Telephone Co. songht to have set aside an order of the Commission of December 14, 1943, made after extensi"e hearings, requiring the New York Telephone Co. to make certain adjustments in its acconnts. These adjustments relate to certain transactions between the company and itsparent corporation, American Telephone & Telegraph Co., under which the New York Telephone Co. acquired from the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. properties at a price in excess of original cost to American Tele phone & Telegraph Co. less accrued dcpreciation. The New York Telephone Co.· recorded these transactions by entering in its books the prices charged to it by American Telephone & Telegraph Co. The Commission dIsapproved this accounting, holding that III transfers of property between parent and affiliate the book figures of the parent .company for the property in question should have heen used by the affiliate. The New York Telephone Co. obtained review of this order before a statutory three-judge court in accordance with section 402 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 5, (a) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (47 U. S. C.~402 (a)). The motion of the Commission for summary judgment was denied on August 28 1 1944 1 and an injunction was issued setting aside the Commission's order (New York Telephone Co. v. United States, 56 F. Supp. 932). The case is now pending in the United States Supreme Court on appeal by the Commission. Hotel Surchargeca8t,~.-Fourof the five cases involving the Com-, mission and pending in the Federal district cOUrts at the beginning of the fiscal year involved the Commission's jurisdiction over charges· made by hotels in connection with .interstate and foreignlong-di~tan('-e telephone calls made hy their guests. On January 6, 1942, the Com mission instituted a proceeding for the purpose of determining. whether charges by hotels made for or in connection with such calls, are within the jurisdiction of the Commission under the Communica.:. tions Act of 1934. In these proceedings, it was disclosed that certain hotels in the District of Columbia and elsewhere made certain charges known as "surcharges" or "'service charges" in connection with i.nter state and foreigntelepho~e'c>1l1s made by their guests, which were in addition to the charges specified in the effective tariffs filed hy the tele phone companies supplying service to such hotels. After hearing, the Commission concluded that it possesses jurisdiction with l'espet?t to such charges by hotels, and by its order of December 10, 1943, dit'ected the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and the Chesapeake & Po tomac Telephone Co. (D. C.) to filed tariffs showinR the eharges collected by hotels or the eondition upon which telephone service is furnished to hotels. On January 22, 1944, these companies filed tariffs effective February 15, 1944, providing that telephone serviee is fur nished to hotels on the condition that use of the service by guests, tenants, and others shall not be made subject to any charge in addition to the toll charges set forth in the effective tariffs of the telephone company. Similar tariffs were filed on behalf of all other companies in the Bell system. On February 14, 1944, the Hotel Association of 'Washington, D. C., instituted a suit pursuant to the provisions of section 402 (a) of the Communications Act of 1934, to set aside the Commission's order of December 10, 1943, which was dismissed by the court on June 6, 1945) after the1iti~ationdiscussed below had been concluded in favor or the CommiSSIOn. On February 19, 1944, the Commission, having determined tbat certain hotels in the District of Columbia were not complying with the tariff provisions of the telephone companies effective February 15, 1944, relating to the making of charges in addition to those set forth in the effective tariffs of the telephone companies, had a suit instituted in tlie United States District Court for the District of Columhia pur suant to the provisions of section 401 (c) of the Commuuications Act to enjoin violation ofsection,203 of the Communications Act. The dis trict court found the tariff prOliision involved to be valid and on June 8, 1944, issued an injunction against the defendant hotels prohibiting' further violation of that tariff provision. On appeal by the defendant hotels the action of the district court was upheld by the United States Supreme Court in a decision affirming the holding below that the tariff provision in question was a valid regulation of the use of tele phone service by subscribers and that departure therefrom constituted a violation of the Communications Act. The Supreme Court held that 6 REPORT OF THE: FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION this conclusion clearly followed from provisions of the Communica tions Act vesting in the Commission a supervis07 authority over "charges, practices, classifications, and regulations' connected with interstate and foreign wire communication service and requiring that provisions of the tariffs filed with the Commission governing such service be "just and reasonable" (AmbaasadlJ1', 1M., et ol v. Vmted States, decided May 21, 1945). On February 23, 1944, and February 24, 1944, the United States, on behalf of the Commission, instituted SImilar suits in the district courts of the United States for the Southern District of New York and the Northern District of Illinois, respectively, under section 401 (c) of the Communications Act to enjoin violation of section 203 of that act by certain hotels in New York City and Chicago and by the telephone car riers which furnish them service. In the New York case the court an nounced its decision on August 31, 1944, grauting the motion for iu junction (United States v. Ameman Telephone & Telegraph 00., et al., 57 F. Supp. 451) which on appeal was upheld by the United States Supreme Court in a per curiam decision on the authority of the pre viously decided case, discussed above, involving the Washington hotels, (Hotel Astor, 1M., et al. v. Umted States, deCIded May 28,1945). In the Chicago case an injunction against the hotels and telephone com panies involved was granted on June 9, 1945. 8. DOCKETS The Commission heard 116 docket cases, of which 98 were broadcast, 17 common carrier, 1 hearing applicable to all services which was the allocation proceeding; held 10 oral arguments, of which 5 were on broadcast matters, 2 common carrier, 3 allocation proceedings. A total of 380 motions, petitions and other pleadings were acted upon, of which 304 were granted, 69 denied, 7 dismissed. Included in the total of 380 motions, 352 were on braodcast matters (278 granted, 67 denied, 7 dismissed), 28 on telepbone and telegraph (26 granted, 2 denied). 9. INTERNATIONAL Maintenance of complete records of all frequencies transmitted and received by radio stations operating in the United States and its pos sessions was continued. These records assumed increased importance because of the crowded spectrum and the unprecedented wartime demand for frequencies by the armed forces. The Commission's "Master Frequency List" was again revised and was used extensively in connection with the frequency allocation hearing. A complete course in telecommunications techniques was given one engineer from Chile who was sponsored by the Commission. Shorter courses were /!;iven three engineers from South American and Ouba as holders of trade scholarships sponsored by the Inter-American Training Administration of the Coordinator of Inter-American Af fairs. Twelve Chinese engineers sponsored by the Foreign Economic Administration and the Office of War Information were given courses concernin/!; the Commission's administrative practices and Standards of Good Engineering Practice. A 1-year nonacademic program of training in mdustry was prepared for six of the above Chinese engineers. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 7 Treaty violations and interference Gases numbering approximately ~50were handled during the year, the more important GaseS being presented diredly to the Department of State for transmission to the respeGtive foreign administrations. Such action has resulted in the elimination or alleviation of many serious problems of inter ferenGe and Gonsequently in the improvement of communiGations in the United States. . 10. INTERDEPARTMENT RADIO ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee approved 3,631 new assignments and 635 deletions, bringing the number of assign ments reGommended by it sinGe its establishment to 40,363. Out standing assignments now total 34,040. During the year, 231 Ghanges in assignments and 3,771 temporary assignments, whiGh are not in duded in the above figures, were made. A total of 8,739 appliGations and requests were processed by the Gommittee during the year. A proposed international frequency allocation table covering the range from 10 kiloGydes to 30,000 megaGyGles was coordinated with the alloGation table proposed by the Commission and this will be the basis {)f the United States proposal at the next International Telecom munications Conference. II. FREQUENCY ALLOCATION To enable the radio art to take advantage of the important wartime techniGal advances, to meet the greatly increased demands for the use of radio and to faGilitate orderly planning for postwar develop ment, the Commission held ·Gomprehensive hearings during the fiscal year for a Gomplete review of the spedrum. The proGeeding was entitled "In the Matter of AlloGation of Frequencies to the Various Classes of Non-Governmental ServiGes in the Radio Spedrum From 10 Kilocycles to 30,000,000 Kilocydes." The hearings opened on September 28, 1944, pursuant to an order issued August 15, 1944. The Commission sat en bane. The prelimi nary hearings lasted through November 2, 1944, for a total of 25 hear ing days. A total of 4,559 pages of testimony were taken, 543 exhibits were received, 231 witnesses testified. Testimony at the Commis sion's hearings on the use of radio for railroads, September 13-18, 1944, was incorporated in the allocation hearing by reference. Extensive Gooperation in preparing for the allocation hearing was provided by the Radio Technical Planning Board, which was organ ized in September 1943, by a committee composed of the representa tives of the Radio Manufactm'ers Association and the Institute of Radio Engineers. It was sponsored by nonprofit associations and societies having an important interest in radio. The Commission issued a proposed report on allocations from 25,000 to 30,000,000 kilocycles on January 15, 1945. Hearings on this pro posed report were held from February 28 to MarGh 3, inclusive, and Qn March 12. In addition, closed hearings were held March 12 and 13, to Gonsider evidenGe classified as a military secret. A final report on this section of the spectrum, was issued May 25, 1945, with the exception of the portion from 44 to 108 megacycles, for which the 8 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Commission offered three alternative proposals concerning the posi tion of FM. Hearings were held on this latter section on June 22 and 23, and a report issued on June 27, 1945. Salient points of the allocation above 25,000 kilocycles are discussed in the various sections of this annual report dealing with the res('ec tive subjects. FM was located in the 88 to 10(; megacycle regron. Commercial television was assigned 13 channels below 300 megacycles, with the 480-920 band being assigned for experimental television. Channels were allocated for a number of new services such as rail road radio, citizens radiocommunication service, rural telephone service and industrial and medical service. The new allocations were to become effective as soon as the Com mission could prepare regulations and standards of good engineering practice and as soon as manpower and materials become available. A report on the proposed allocation below 25,000 kilocycles was issued on May 21, 1945. CHAPTER II Standard Broadcast 1. MATERIALS AND MANPOWER 2. PROPOSAL TO EXTEND BAND 3. NORTH AMERICAN REGIONAL BROADCASTING AGREEMENT 4. CLEAR CHANNEL HEARING 5. MULTIPLE OWNERSHIP 6. SALES PRICES OF BROADCAST STATIONS 7. FINANCIAL DATA 8. STATISTICS 9 683380-46-2 [ Page 10 in the original document is intentionally blank ] 2. PROPOSAL TO.EXTEND BAND CHAPTER II-STANDARD BROADCAST 1. MATERIALS AND MANPOWER Due to the continuation of wartime restrictions on the use of equip ment, material, and manpower for the construction of new broadcast stations, authorizations for new broadcast facilities have been confined in general to 250-watt stations where the necessary equipment and manpower have been shown to be available. Several changes in Commission policy on authorizations were ordereddurin~the fiscal year. . The policy ill effect on July 1, 1944, permitted the installation of stations where equipment and manpower were shown to be available and War Production Board approval of the construction could be obtained. A number of new stations were authorized under this policy until December 1944 at which time, the War Production Board advised that manpower was becoming increasingly scarce and that construction should be restricted to those cases where the service would contribute to the war effort. Accordingly, on January 16, 1945, the Commission decided to restrict grants to localities not receiving primary broadcast service from any existing stations. Changes in existing facilities were permitted only ifsubstantial construction was not needed and the cost was less than $500. All applications on file on January 16, 1945, were automatically held in status quo unless the applicant specifically requested immediate consideration on the basis that the application met the requirements of the new policy. The Commission's proposed report on frequency allocation below 25,000 kilocycles issued on May 21, includes a plan to extend the low frequency end of the band so as to include 540 kilocycles. The addition of 540 kilocycles to the standard broadcast band would open one new channel for the use of st.....dard broadcast stations. The number of stations that may be assigned to this new channel will be dependent on the classification of the frequency as a clear, regional, or local channel. The Canadian Government at present uses the new channel under spe cial arrangement for a 50-kilowatt station at Calgary, Alberta. Any extensive use of the channel by the United States will require revision of existing Treaties and Agreements with North American countries. 3. NORTH AMERICAN REGIONAL BROADCASTING AGREEMENT The existing agreement with Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Newfoundland, Haiti, San Domingo, and the Bahamas (North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement) relative to joint use of frequencies in the standard broadcast band expires in March of 1946 and efforts are being made to extend the treaty for another year. Need for revision of the 11 12 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION agreement has become apparent, particularly with respect to clarifica tion of some of its requirements. In addition, changes will bere~ quested if 540 kilocycles is added to the standard broadcast band and Commission rules governing dear channels are changed as a result of the forthcorning clear channel hearing. The matter of extension and possible alterations will be discussed at the Inter-American Conference in September 1945. 4. CLEAR CHANNEL HEARING A general public hearing to determine what changes, if any, should be made in the present policies on allocation of clear channels in the standard broadcast band, was ordered by the Commission on February 20,1945. The date was later fixed for January 14, 1946. Commission studies have shown that there are still large areas in the N alion which receive no radio service at all during the daytime hours and no primary radio service at night. Moreover, the Commission has received many applications for authority to use power in excess of 50,000 watts which is the maximum power now permitted a clear channel station. Committees composed of both industry and Government represen ~ativesare now engaged in various studies in preparation for this hea1' mg. 5. MULTIPLE OWNERSHIP Order No. 84A promulgating section 3.35 of the Rules and Regula tions effective on May 31, 1944, provided that no license shall be granted for a standard broadcast station directly or indirectly owned, operated or controlled by any person where such station renders or will render primary service to asub~taI;ltialportion of the primary service area of another broadcast station directly or indirectly owned" operated or controlled by such person. Provision was made, however, for exceptions .where the public interest, convenience, and necessity would be served by such multiple ownership. Since the effective date of this regulation the Commission has ap proved 19 applications fQr the severence of multiple ownership of broadcast facilities. In addition, there were pending at the close of' the fiscal year 5 applications which provide for the sale of facilities to comply with this policy. Where a licensee is required to dispose of facilitws to meet the terms of the regulltti,on, the Commission has issued a certificate pursuant to section 112M of the InternalRevenue Code, which affords the licensee an opportunity to treat the sale as an involuntary conversion of property with a resulting effect on the gain realized for income tax purposes. 6. SALES PRICES OF BROADCAST STATIONS The profitability of broadcast operation and the wartime restric tions on the construction of new stations resulted in a sharp increase in the sales prices of broadcast facilities. From an examination of' applications for the sale of existing stations it became apparent to, the Commission that licensees were selling their stations for amounts far in excess of the value of the physicalas~et~to betran~ferred. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 13 In letters to the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee, and the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, the Commission called attention to this trend and requested congressional dIrection as to the policy it should follow in passin/; on the sale of radio stations where the sales prices are in excess of the going concern and physical property values. In its letter the Commission pointed out: The Congress has had before it proposals to limit the amount of consideration to the value of the physical properties (of radio stations) traIisferred but no provision of tbis character hns been adopted. The statute'.,does make clear that the frequencies: are not in any way the property of the,Uce:ns~s.Tbe Commission bas rejected and is nrevared to reject any transfer which on its faee involves a consideration for~efrequency. The Commission, apparently consistent with congressional policy, has approved transfers that involve goibg concern values, gOOd will, etc; T]]el'e'remtiins, however, a serions question "of policy- and one on which the law isn-ot clear. as to whether the CommisBiQn should a.pprove a transfer. whereip the amount of the consideration' is over and beyond any amount which can' be l'easoul1bly allocated tophysicaJ valUes plus going-concern arid good will. even thoUgh the written reeord does not itself show an allocation of a sum tor the; frequency. Our concern in this regard is heightened by the tremendously high prices which radio stations.are. com manding in the present state of the market. This is illustrated bytbe fact tlbatone local station was sold for a·balf million dollars and sonie regional stations are selling fol," a million or more. It is the Commission's policy to disapprove of transfers~hich-obviOUSly represent the ,activities of a promoter or broker. who is simplytl,lW-p.iring licenses and trafficking inthem. Under the present state of the law. however, it i-s Dot clear that the -Commission has either the duty· or the power to dis approve of atl'3nsf~merely because the price is inordinately high-even though it may well be deduced that a substantial value is placed onthe,fl'equ~ncy. In the absence of a clear congressional policy on this subject, we tl10Ugh best to draw the matter to the attention of your own Committee and, the, a:6use Committee on Interstate and ForeignCommerce. ' 7. FINANCIAL DATA All networks and station.,.-Four major and five regionalnetworks and 875 standard broadcast stations in the United StatesIHawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico reported net revenues from the sare'of time amounting to $246,339,532 in 1944 as compared with $195,704,153 reported by 9 networks and .841 standard broadcast stations for the previous year, or an increase of. 25cB7 percent. In addition, these networks and stations received $28,959,079 in 1944 from the sale, of talent and other incidental broadcast activities as , since much of this material was classified. This hearing was at tended by the Commission, members of its staff, and inilustry and broadcasting personnel who had been cleared by the military for the purl'0se. 8mce it appeared at the time that the production of FM equip ment could not be resumed in 1945, or even in the first part of 1946 unless Japan capitulated, and since the Commission desired to have as much information as possible before it prior to making a decision about the F'M band, the Commission announced on May 25 that it would withhold the allocation for FM pending further propagation measurements to be made during the summer of 1945. Subsequently, however, the War Production Board advised the Com mission that the manufacture of FM, AM and television transmit ters and receivers might begin at an earlier date than was originally indicated to the Commission, and that it would probably not be possible for the War Production Board to give 90 days advance notice to the Commission before the resumption of production. Ac cordingly, the Commission on June 5, 1945, ordered a further argu ment and hearing in order that a final decision might be reached at the earliest possible date. Many factors are involved in a decision of this natnre, including ground wave coverage, skywave interference, transmitting and re ceiving equipUlent, present investment, and ot4ermatte~sof a minor character. Based on the testimony and data before It, the Com mission was convinced that a superior Fl\i broadcast service would bll furnished by operation in the vicinity of 100 megacycles and, accordingly, on June 27, 1945, it allocated the band of 88 to 92 mega- REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 21 cycles for noncommercial educational FM broadcasting and the band of 92 to 106 megacycles for commercial FM broadcasting. In ad dition, the band of 106 to 108 megacycles was allocated to facsimile, with the provision that if in the future this band would not be required for facsimile, it would be available for FM. 3. TELEVISION BROADCAST SERVICE Throughout the fiscal year commercial television broadcast sta tions have also been subject to the freeze policy, and no new com mercial television broadcast stations were placed in operation. At the close of the fiscal year six commercial and three experimental television broadcast stations were furnishing· a television service. Under wartime rules, commercial television broadcast stations need operate only 4 hours per week, as compared to the 15 hours .a week previously required. Considerable interest was shown during the year in establishing experimental television broadcast and relay stations for the purpose of developinl;( television equipment and techniques, and 20 experi mental teleVIsion broadcast stations were authorized. Of the 47 experimlmtal television stations authorized at the end of the fiscal year, approximately half are relay stations used for transmitting television programs from the studio or from other points of pro gram origination to the television broadcast transmitter. Experi mentation began in the transmission of television programs over a series of relay stations between ·Washington and Philadelphia, and the satisfactory results obtained indicated that prospects are good for future network television broadcasting on a large scale. City-. to-city relaying of television material may, of course, also be car ried on by the use of coaxial cable, and it is likely that the postwar period will employ both methods for network television. While commercIal television constrnction has been restricted under wartime freeze policies, applications have been accepted and at the end of the fiscal year 118 applications for new stations were on file. The great amount of interest in television broadcasting indicates that dozens of cities and their surrounding areas will have television broadcast service as soon as equipment can be constructed and installed. . Much testimony was presented during the frequency allocation hearing concerning the prospects of postwar television. Considerable controversy arose as to whether television should proceed with pres ent channel widths in the portion of the spectrum now employed for televisionbroadcastin~or whether emphasis should be placed on television experimentatIOn and operation in the higher bands where wider channels are available for pictures having greater de tail and color. While the higher frequencies offer the only oppor tunity for a large number of channels of sufficient width to provide this form of television service, insufficient information appeared to be available upon which to guarantee the lrompt establishment of. television broadcasting in this portion 0 the spectrum. It ap peared that it would be some time before transmItting and receiv ing equipment would be adequately developed and standards could be adopted for the establishment of television broadcasting in the upper frequency range. The Commission, therefore, provided as 22 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION many 6-megacycle channels as possible, (13) between 44 and 216 mega cycles for immediate postwar television broadcasting; in addition, the band from 480 to 920 megacycles was provided for experimental television broadcasting, lookmg toward the fntnre establishment of a superior television service in this range. 4. INTERNATIONAL BROADCAST SERVICE During the past fiscal year, the installation of new international broadcast stations in the United States has been completed in ac cordance with' plans made at the beginning of the war to provide expanded facilities for the needs of psychological warfare. A total of 36 international broadcast stations, including five 200-kilowatt transmitters, are now operating. At the close of the European war the emphasis was shifted to west coast operations, where 10 trans mitters licensed to international broadcast licensees and 6 transmitters leased from point-to-point companies, as well as 1 transmitter in Hawaii, were employed to concentrate programs on Japan and Jap anese-held areas on a round-the-clock schedule. Meanwhile, on the east coast 26 transmitters continued to operate on somewhat reduced schedules with programs for Europe, Africa, and Central and South America, with the emphasis shifted from psychological warfare to troop entertainment and news. All international broadcast stations continue to be programmed and operated under the direction of the Office of War Information and the Office of Inter-American Affairs. During the latter part of the fiscal year several conferences were held with representatives of the Office of War Information, the Office _of Inter-American Affairs, the State Department, and licensees of international broadcast stations concernmg the postwar status of international broadcasting. No policy has as yet been formulate(! con cerning this matter. 5. NONCOMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL BROADCAST SERVICE This service was established in 1938 to provide a service for organ ized nonprofit educational agencies to advance their educational work by transmitting programs to schools in an edncational system as well as educational and entertainment programs to the public. At the end of the fiscal year 6 such stations were in regular operation, constI'uction permits for 6 others were outstanding, and 22 applications for new stations were on file. Although the authorization of new stations in this service has not been restricted, the severe limitations on equipment and personnel have not permitted much progress in this service during the war. • A great deal of testimony was presented at the frequency allocation hearing indicating the expected rapid postwar development of FM broadcasting by educational institutions. Witnesses stressed the need for an adequate number of channels to provide facilities for the many, educational stations being planned, including State-wide networks of educational stations in many States. The Commission has provided for this expected growth by allocat ing 20 FM channels in the band 88 to 92 megacycles, adjacent to the commercial FM band of 92 to 108 megacycles. FM receivers will in clude both bands. enabling noncommercial educational FM to grow with commercial FM, both services being available to the public. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 23 6. ST (STUDIO-TRANSMITTER) BROADCAST SERVICE ST broadcast stations are used to provide program circuits between the studio and transmitter of FM and international broadcast stations. Radio circuits of this type are particularly desirable where the main transmitter is located on a mountain top or other isolated places and where it would be difficult to install and maintain adequate wire cir cuits having high fidelity and low noise level characteristics and at the same time be relatively free from failure due to sleet storms and other maiutenance problems. Although only a few ST broadcast sta tions are in operation, these furnish satisfactory service with a mini mum of interruptions. No additional ST broadcast stations were authorized during the fiscal year, but it is probable that many will be installed as SOOn as the constmction of new FM broadcast statiolls is resumed. Largely the result of wartime research and development, higher frequencies than those now employed for ST broadcasting (330 to 344 megacycles) appear desirable for this purpose and, ac cordingly, the Commission has provided a band from 940 to 960 mega cycles for this service. In addition, higher frequency bands allocated for fixed and mobile services will be available for experimentation in the ST broadcast service, aud certain television chaunels may also be used on the basis of no interference to television operation. 7. RELAY BROADCAST SERVICE In connection with standard and other classes of broadcast stations, relay broadcast stations are used for the purpose of transmitting pro gram marerial to the main station when wire circuits are not available. In addition, relay broadcast stations may be used for emergency pro gram circuits between tbe studio and transmitter of broadcast statIons during failures of regular wire circuits. Various factors during the war have resulred in the limired use of relay broadcast equipment but it is expecred that in the future the use of these stations will again expand. Construction of these stations during the past fiscal year has been autborized where it was shown that the required materials were avail able witbout priority and that a need for the service existed. During the year 23 construction permits were granted, and the total number of stations authorized as of June 30,1945, was 560. Some changes in frequency allocations for relay broadcast stations were announced by the Commission following the allocation hearing. 8. FACSIMILE BROADCAST SERVICE Experimentation in facsimile broadcasting has been continued on a limited scale during the past fiscal year by the three stations authorized in this service. However, considerable interest has been shown in fac simile, and two construction permits for facsimile experimentation were granted during the year. During the frequency allocation hearing a number of witnesses testi fied to the expected importance of facsimile broadcasting during the postwar period, indicating that transmission speed has increased con siderably and that fidelity of reproduction has been improved. There was testimony to the effect that facsimile broadcasting would be an 24 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION important service to the public and that atieqQ&te frequencies should be provide for this purpose. The Commission has provided a band of 2 megacycles (106 to 108 megacycles) adjacent to the FM band and the band 460 to 470 mega cycles for facsimile broadcasting. In the event that the 106- to 108 megacycle band will not be required for this service in the future, this band will be available for assignment to FM broadcast stations, and FM receiver manufacturers have been encouraged to include the entire band of 88 to 108 megacycles iu their receivers. Should multiplex transmission of souud aud facsimile on the same FM broadcast channel prove to be entirely feasible without degrading the sound service with receivers used by the public, such multiplex operation may be authorized. In addition, the Commission has an nounced that it will authorize FM broadcast stations to transmit simplex facsimile over their FM broadcast transmitters during periods not required for sound broadcasting. 9. DEVELOPMENTAL BROADCAST SERVICE Developmental broadcast stations are authorized for the purpose of conducting research, development, and experimentation relating to broadcast equipment and techniques when such work requires the use of radiation. The past fiscal year has seen a great amount of interest develop in this service, and the number of stations authorized has increased during the year from 4 to 27. The accelerated interest in broadcasting in the high frequency portion of the spectrum·has, of course, been reflected in this service, and many licensees are conducting programs of research relating to the development of equipment and the measurement of signal intensities and service areas in high fre quency broadcasting. The research programs conducted by licensees of developmental broadcast statious have in the past contributed mate rially to the development of high standards in broadcast equipment, and it is expe.cted that the same result will follow from many of the problems now being investigated. 10. STATISTICS Number of stations in the nonstandard broadcast service for fiscal year ending Jll,ne 30, 1945 Class of station Hlgh·frequency broadcast (Exp.) __~_ High.frequency broadcast (Temp. class II Exp.)_ High-frequency broadcast (FM) _ Low-frequency relay . . __ Bigh·frequency relay • _ Television (Exp.) " _ Television (Commerclal)_, _ InternationaL_ _ _ DevelopmentaL _ ST (Studio-Transmitter)~._._ Facsimile .._. _ Noncommercial educationaL _ Class II (Exp.) _ TotaL ' _ Licenses or As of June New CP's sur- As of June .30,1944 renderodor 30,1945 abandoned ---- 3 0 2 1 3 0 2 1 52 1 0 53 254 16 9 261 292 7 0 29ll ZI 20 0 47 9 0 0 9 37 1 0 38 , 23 0 27 • 8 0 0 • 8 3 0 0 3 8 , 0 12 10: I 0 0 1 72 13 760 I Includes 3 confidential stations. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 25 Nonstandard broadcast applications Service Relay broadcasL . _ International broadcast._ Television broadcast (Commercial) .. Television broadcast (Exp.) _ Facsimile broadcast.. ._ High·frequency broadcast (Exp.) , _ High-frequency broadcast (FM) _ _ Hlgb·freQuency broadcast ('I'smp. class II Exp.) Noncommercial educational broadcast.._ Developmental broadcast. _ ST (Studio-Transmitter) broadcast._ Class II broadcast (Exp.) ._ _ _ TotaL _ -'683380-46--3 AppHca- Authoriza- Special tions Hons authoriza· receiVl.'d issued tions 113 105 ., 28 18 28 97 • 17 92 Il3 87 0 0 0 1 0 21 325 14 22 5 0 1 42 10 0 52 34 11 2 2 1 0 0 0 757 252 .,. [ Page 26 in the original document is intentionally blank ] CHAPTER IV Common Carriers 1. TELEPHONE (WIRE AND RAmO) 2. TELEGRAPH (WIRE, CABLE, AND RAmO) (8) DOMESTIC (b) INTERNAtIONAL 27 [ Page 28 in the original document is intentionally blank ] CHAPTER IV-COMMON CARRIERS 1. TELEPHONE (WIRE AND RADIO) SERVICE AND FACILITIES Oonstruction Of wire faoilities.-The year showed a marked in crease in construction activity. As materials were released from military use, the industry expanded its construction activities to meet the constantly growing demands for toll service. Two hundred and twenty applications were received for supplementing existing facilities of which 199 involved construction projects ranging up to $9,480,000, 2 covered leasing, 8 purchases. Two hundred and ten applications were approved, including 26 filed during the 1944 fiscal year. The estimated total construction cost was $70,091,140, an increase of $60,508,901 over the preceding fiscal year. Wire telephone applications for construction approved by the Oommission from July 1, 19,'i.q. to June 30, 1945 I Number Estimated Route Miles of Miles of Period of appli- construction miles oC coaxial open wire cations cost cable units placed placed -- July 1, 19.34 to June 30, 1930________ ----- 7 $1,145,851 234.3 189 0 July 1,1935 to June 30, 1936______________ 15 275,625 " 0 475 July 1, 1936 to June 30,1937______________ 50 5, 551, 702 206 0 17,045 July 1, 1937 to June 30, 1938______________ .. 3,931,000 400 0 1,212 July 1, 1938 to June 30, 1939______________ 45 6, 960,123 IJ4Jl 780 1,967 July I, 1939 to June 30,1940______________ 72 9,070,952 ],209.2 168 3,501 July 1, 1940 to June 30, 194L_____________ 137 38, 3UI, 399 5,263 0 15, 521 July 1,1941 to June 30, 1942______________ 16. 45,046,250 5,099.7 1,790 34, 083 July 1, 1942 to June 30, 1943 ______________ 48 8,683,627 418 0 4,001 July I, 1943 to June 30, 1944______________ 121 9,582,239 574.8 0 7,968 July 1, 1944 to June 30, 194.5______________ 210 70,091,140 2,378.3 7,902 2,963 TotaL____________________________ 91. 198,647,908 16,552.3 10,829 89,736 Fourteen applications involving construction cost estimated at $17,576,215 were received during the year which were still pending before the Commission at the close of the year. Approximately 1,700,000 miles of toll message channels were added to the Bell system facilities-an increase of 18.5 percent over the total miles in service at the beginning of the year. Of this increase 85 percent resulted from the use of carrier systems. ,The use of the EB emergency type of carrier channels continues to grow. Of the 1,700,000 total channel mile increase, about 500,000 miles were of the EB type. Planned wire projeots.-In our tenth annual report, reference was made to the American Telephone & Telegraph Go.'s program for installing 6,000 to 7,000 route miles of coaxial facilities during the next 5 or 6 years. During the year under report, the Commission authorized the construction of 1,112 route miles of this type of cable 29 30 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION carrying 7,902 coaxial unit miles and involving an estimated expendi tnre of $20,286,000. Coaxial units are designed for the transmission of. high frequencies suitable for both telephone and television trans mISSIon. Volume and speed of toll service.-The clemand for telephone toll service continnes to grow to new peak levels. During the year 730, 000,000 toll board calls were handled by the Bell system and 621, 000,000 short haul calls were handled through Bell operated boards other than toll boards. These figures represent increases over the preceding year of 11 and ;l percent, respectively. Traffic of the long lines department of the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. in creased from 175,000,000 to 196,000,00 calls-an increase of 12 percent. The average time required to complete toll board calls in June 1945 was 3.4 minutes-an increase of 0.1 minute when compared with a year ago. Abandonments.--Three applications were tiled pursuant to section 214 of the Communications Act requesting authority to discontinue toll service to three towns on the 'Vestern Union telephone network. Authority in each of these casps Was granted by the Commission, since adequate telephone toll service is provided by the Bell system to these points. Pursuant to the requirements of the Board of 'Val' Communications Order No. 10, the Commission has been notified of the closing of 1 small rural exchange, 10 telephone toll stations, 166 telephone toll stations with telegraph listings, and the removal of 7,620 miles of cop per wire, 874 miles of iron wire, 231 miles of steel wire, 31 miles of cable and 459 miles of poles. Except in the case of the small rural exchange serving a very few subscribers, these ahandonments have not affected service and result mainly from the substitution of cable for aerial wire rontes and the involuntary removal of telephone stations. The ma terials salvaged, particularly copper, as a result of these operations, are available for future construction, thus supplementing the nation's stockpile of critical materials. Interstate and foreign telephone toll service at Maryville, Mo., and surrounding rum areas.-On February 20, 1945, the Commission issued an order instituting an investigation to determine whether adequate and comprehensive telephone service was available to persons residing at Maryville, Mo., and its surrounding rural areas. This action was taken by the Commission because it appeared that the subscribers of the People's Telephone Exchange, Inc., which operated a telephone ex change serving Maryville and its surrounding areas, had no interstate and foreign telephone service except to certain nearby communities in Iowa. It further appeared that the Hanamo Telephone Co., which also operated a telephone exchange in Maryville, connected with the lines of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. by' means of which inter state and foreign telephone toll service was avallable to its subscribers; and that the Peoples Telephone Exchange requested both Hanamo and Southwestern Bell to establish a connection with its facilities, but that such relluests were refused. Accordingly, the Commission's order also directed Southwestern Bell and Hanamo to show cause why the Com mission should not order each or either of them, pursuant to section 201 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to establish a physical connection of their facilities with those of the, Peoples Tele- REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 31 phone Exchange, and also directcd Southwestern Bell to show cause why the Commission should not order it, pursuant to section 214 of the Communications Act, to extend its lines to connect with the fa cilities of the Peoples Telephone Exchange. The proceedings in this matter are pending further action by the Commission, it appearing that since the Commission's order of in vestigation was issued, the Hanamo and Peoples companies have been consolidated into the Nodaway Telephone Co., and that interstate and foreign telephone toll service is now available to all subscribers of both companies. It appears that physical consolidation of the two exchanges will be accomphshed in the near future. D07nestic radiotelephone services.-New developments in the radio communications art have indicated the apparent feasibility of ex tending common carrier communications service via radio, to all types of mobile vehicles on land, the sea, and in the air. This m"!'tns tllRt the mobile common carrier radio services heretofore limited exclusively in operation £01' communications between waterborne vessels and shore connections will probably be extended to passengers in airborne craft as well as to persons in automobiles, .trains, busses, and other vehicles where wire communication is not feasible. Great public interest has already been evinced in this service by such groups as doctors, delivery services, truck and bus carrierorganizations, taxicabs, etc. Many Bell system companies, serving some of the principal cities of this country, have filed applications for experimental anthorization to inaugurate this service. The wartime developments in the art have also opened the way to a great extension in the field of radio relays. Thesedevelopment~look to the installation of radio relay telephone circuits which will further extend and enhance existing radio telephone and wire networks help ing to make available radio telephone service to rural or isolated areas where snch service was not before feasible. A further major develop ment along this line relates to the experimentation being conducted with a view to the use of these circuits for the transmission of both aural and visual program material, aircraft and ship position report ing service, etc. During the fiscal year, experimental authorizations for the construction of stations of this type were granted to American Telephone &Tele~raphCo., International Business Machines Corp., General Electric vo., Raytheon Manufacturing Co. Fixed publio and marine services in Alaska.-During the fiscal year, 781 apphcations relating to the operation of both telephone and tele graph common carrier stations III Alaska were "ranted. Included among these were 49 authorizations for new facilities, bringing the total count of Alaskan common carrier stations to 648. IntB1"1ULtional radiotelephone circuits.-A new circuit was established between the United States and Quito, Ecuador during the United Nations Conference, and a new circuit was also opened between San Francisco and Khabarovsk, USSR, to snpplement the existing New York-Moscow circuit. During the fiscal year the New York-Rome radiotelephone circuit was re-established, with Ita1cable operating the foreign terminal. Construction of facilities for a circuit between San Juan, P. R., and St. Thomas, V. 1., was authorized but as of June 30, 1945, the circuit had not yet been opened to the public. Radiotelephone tests which were conducted with Afghanistan indicated that a circuit with such country could not be operated on a satisfactory basis until 32 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION more efficient equipment is installed at the foreign terminal. Similarly the establishment of a new direct circuit to China is contingent upon the installation of new equipment at the Chinese terminal. During the fiscal year, a number of so-called cue channels used for controlling program transmission, were established on a temporary basis by the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and by certain of the radio telegraph carriers. As a result of the end of the war in Europe, the Board. of ""Var Com munications on May 10, 1945, canceled all of its orders restricting public radiotelephone service and the Office of Censorship undertook to formulate the necessary rules relating to the censorship on all of this service. During the fiscal year 81 applications were received for point-to point telephone service and 82 authorizations were issued. As of June 30, 1945, there were 16 licensed radiotelephone stations (including 3 domestic stations used for short distance toll telephone service within the United States). RATES AND TARIFFS Rate reductions-American Telephone &, Telegraph 00. long lines department, and AS80ciated Bell system companies.-Following ne gotiations by the Commission with the American Telephone & Tele graph Co. the Bell system agreed to effect an annual reduction in rates for long distance interstate telephone service anywhere in the United States beyond the distance of 790 miles and for foreign long distance telephone servicc beyond 810 miles between points in the United States and points in Canada, effective July 1, 1945. It is estimated that such reduced rates will save USers of long distance telephone service ap proximately $21,000,000 a year. Individual reductions range from 10 to 37 percent, varying with distance and type of service. Coast-to coast daytime station-to-station calls are reduced from $4 to $2.50 by reason of this reduction. When the Commission was created in 1934, the rate for a coast-to-coast caU was $10.25. The Commission has been successful in obtaining- subsequent reductions in this rate as follows: 1936, $8.50; 1937, $7.25; 1940, $4. Special telephone charge8 of hotels, apartment houses, and cluDS on interstate and foreign communications.-The United States Supreme Court on May 21, 1945, afflrmed the decision of the Federal district court in Washington, D. C., enjoining various hotels in that city from continuing to collect surcharges on mterstate and foreign telephone toll calls. This injunction was to enforce a provision included in message toll telephone tariffs filed by the Chesapeake & Potomac Tele phone Co. (Washington, D. C.) with this Commission, effective Feb ruary 5, 1944, providing that "message toll telephone service is furmshed to hotels, apartment houses, and clubs upon the condition that use of the service by guests, tenants, members, 01' others shall not be made subject to any charge by any hotel, apartment house, or club in addition to the message toll charges of the telephone company, as set forth in this tariff." Identical tariff provisions had also been filed by the other Bell system telephone companies. The Supreme Court held that under the Commumcations Act of 1934, as amended, the tariff provision in question was a valid regulation of the use of telephone service; that a departure from this regulation was a viola- REPOH'r m' THE FEDEHAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 33 tion of the Conlffiunications Act; and that a prosecution of an action to restrain such violation was authorized. The Supreme Court, on~fay28, 1945, in a per curiam opinion, also affirmed a decision of the Foderal district court in New York, N. Y., enjoining various hotels in that city from c01ltinuing to collect sur charges on interstate and foreie..l\l telephone toll ellls in violation of a tariff regulation of the New York Telephoue Co. like tile above quoted regulation of the Chesapeake company. In this case, the New York Telephone Co. and the American Telephone"" Telegraph Co. were also enjoined rrOln :furnishing interstate and foreign long dis tance telephone service to snch of the defendant hotels as continued to violate the tariff regulation in question. On June 8, W45, an in junction was granted by the Federal district court in Chicago, Ill., enjoining the collection of surcharges byvul'ious hotels in that, city and enjoining the Illinois Bell Telephone Co. and the American Tele phone"" Telegraph Co. from giving interstate foreign toll service to any defendant hotel which continued to collect surcharges iu violation of the tariff provision in question. These enforcement proceedings were instituted by the Attorney Gen eral at the CommissIOn's request, to enforce the tariff provision in question. (See Pl'. 5-6 for further discussion of the Supreme Court and the district court decisions.) . Complaints have been filed with the Commission by certain hotel associations against the Bell system telephone companies attacking the reasonableness of the tariff prohibition against collection of sur charges. At the request of the cOlnplainullts, however, the hearings on these complaints have been postponed indefinitely. Itis estimated that elimination of these hotel surcharges will result in a saving to the users of the service of approximat.ely $2.000,000 annually. Reductions in rates faT oveTseas l1w88age toll and progrlJJJn transmis sion 8e1'vice8.-In the Commission's annual report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1944, it was indicated that the American Telephone "" Telegraph Co. had filed amended tariffs to become effective August 1, 194'[, reducing the 3-minute week-day an,l Sunday rates for Overseas message toll telephone service between the United States on the one hand and Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Haiti, and Puerto Rico, on the othel' hand, and that rates for overseas program transmis sion channels would be redneed hetween the United States and the countries named, except Puerto Rico. Following these changes the rates for overseas message toll service were SUbstantially reduced between the United States and COSb1 Rica, Curacao, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Surinam on September 1, 1944; to and from Bahama Islands, Jamaica, and Hawaii on November 1, 1944; Bermuda on December 1, 1944; Trinidad on February 1,1945; and Great Britain on June 23,1945. The charge for a three-minute telephone call between New York City and London is now $12 as compared with the former week-day rate of $21- On May 1, 1945, reduced rates -for night message toll service were established to and from Brazil. The charges for program tra:llsmis_ sian channels are based on the message toll telephone rates and con current reductions followed for this service. Prior to the close of the year the company had filedamende~tariff schedules redueing the rates for message toll llnd program serVlCes between the United States on 34 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION the one hand and Switzerland and Italy on the other hand. It had also reported the progress of negotiations tending toward lower rates to Australia, Barbados, Belgium, Bolivia, Holland, Norway, Paraguay, Portugal, Russia, and Uruguay. Effective August 4, 1944, Press 'Wireless, Inc., established rates and regulations for "Leased Radiotelephone Service." This service per mits a customer to select the frequencies desired by means of remote control apparatus on his premises. Effective Angust 26, 1\)14, Press 'Virelcss, Inc., established rates for voice scheduled transmission service. This serviee permits for the first time the transmission of multiple address press messages by voice. On Septembcr 24, 1944, Prcss 'Wirelcss, Inc., established point-to point addressed program transmission service between New York and the liberated area of Belgium and the occupicd area of Germany, and on November 15, 1944, to and from the Philippines. Effective November 21, 194·1, the Public Utilities California Corp. reduced rates Tor both interstate and intrastate message toll telephone serv!(~c,the total annual savings to users being approximately $8,500. Effective December 20,1944, the Lorain County Radio Corp. discon tinued report charges in connection with ship telephone service on the Great Lakes. Effective January 1, 1945, as a re,sult of the purchase of the Bridge port Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Calif.) by the Interstate Telegraph Co., a reduction was made in rates lor message toll telephone service. Effedive January 18, 1945, R. C. A. Communications, Inc., estab Jished rates for program transmission and reception service between New York and France. Effective March 4, 1945, R. C. A. Communications, Inc., established rates for monthly program transmission service between New York, N. Y., awl Buenos Aires, Ar:rentina. Effective March 13, 1945, the Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania, the Diamond State Telephone Co. and the New Jersey Bell Telephone Co. discontinued the so-called "qualified toll line service." Under this service a lO-eent additional charge was a.pplicable on message toll cans between certain exchanges in New Jersey and certain exchanges in Delaware and PennsylvanIa. . Effective April 15, 1945, the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. reduced the rates for monthly program transmission service between New York and London, resulting in a savings of approximately $150.000 annually. Effective May 7, 1945, R. C. A. Communications, Inc., reduced the rates for program transmission service between the United States and Ecuador. On .June 12, 1945, the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. filed amended tariff schedules effective on Jnly 15, 1945, establishing rates and regulations for ship telephone service through its new coastal harbor station at Eureka. Calif. On June 29, 1945, the New England Telephone & Telegraph Co. filed amended tariff schedules, effective Augnst 1, 1945, reducing the landline charges in connection with ship telephone service through its coastal harbor radiotelephone station at Boston, Mass. Bell sy8tent Ucen8e 8er1Jice contract8.-The Commission, acting: in close cooperation wit.h the committee designated by the National Association of Railroad and Utilities Commissioners, is continuing REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 35 its investigation of services performed by the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. for the Bell system associated companies and the Amer ican Telephone & Telegraph's long lines department, allegedil in fulfillment of the obligations imposed by the "license contract' be tween the American company and the 21 assoCIated operating tele phone companies. Studiesare being conducted which include analyses of services rendered, the cost incurred in performing such services, and the reasonableness of the methods used in allocating such costs among the operating companies, including the long lines department. Divi,r.;10Tt of revenue co'ntTacts between Anterican Telephone & Tele graph 00. and the "',"ociated companie8.-During 1944 and 1945 the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. entered into new contracts with most of the associated companies for the division of revenues from interstate telephone toll service on hauls of more than 40 air line miles. Under these contracts the long lines department and the associatJ~(l~{)mpanyagreed to divide net operating income from this business (before Federal income taxes) on the basis of the relative book cost of plant contribnted by each of the contracting companies. The procedures for separations conform substantially to those con sidCI'ed at the public hearings. The results of operations under the new contract are being carefully studied. Rate sched'u.les.-At the close of the year, 345 communication carriers had turiffs an(1 concUrrences on file with the Commission. Numerous irregu]al'i6es ill the rate schedules were corrected or eliminated through correspondence with the carriers. Special pe}'Jni88ion.-During the year, 43 applications for special permission to make changes in the tariffs or to file tariffs to become effective on less than statutory notice were received from telephone carriers, all of which ,,'ere granted. . SUPERVISION OF ACCOUNTS New York Telephone 00. aceounting.-On January 2, 1945, a three-judge district court, upon complaint by the New York Tele phone Co., permanently enjoined and set aside the Commission's order of December 14, 1943, directing the New York Telephone Co. to charge $4,166,510.57 to its appropriate surplus accounts, which amount, after investigation and hearings by the Commission, was found to represent an inflationary write-up in the company's plant accounts. In a proceeding described in the last annual report of the Commission, the Commission had found that such write-up resulted from certain transfers of property to the New York Telephone Co. by its parent company, the American Telephone & Telegraph Co., at "prices" in excess of the net book cost to the parent company. This case is now pending before the United States Supreme Court. (For further discussion of the district court's decision see p. 4.) Uniform. systmn of accounts.-Several amendments were made to the uniform system of accounts prescribed by the Commission. These amendments, simplified the accounting requirements without sacrifice of records of essential accounting information. Among these amendments, for example, were provisions for direct credits to the telephone plant accounts of amounts representing property con tributed to telephone carriers and the concurrent elimination of the liability account for such contributions. This change in accounting procedure simplifies the utilization of the accounts in rate case..,;;;. 36 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Some progress was made toward a general revision of the uniform system of accounts for class A and class 13 telephone companies, pre scribed by the Commission on June lfI, 1935. Changes in the com lnunications art and in the nature of the operations of the carriers as well as advancement:::; in the science ofacconnting~particularly those that tend to make the books of account more informative. lead to the natural outmoding of many of the requirements of a uHlform system of accounts and lead to the need for a comprehensive revision of such a system. . Original cost 1'estatements a1uZ disposition of plant acquisition ad justme-nts.-Efforts were cOlltinned toward appropriate adjustment of carriers' accounts reflecting amounts, reported as valid cost of conl municating plant, in excess of prescribed original cost. Such amounts included in plant acquisition adjustment accounts were reduced during this year to the extent of approximately $.3,000,000. In certain instances amounts were disposed of immediately through charges to income or surplus; in others the Comnlission approved amortization, through charges to income or surplus,over periods ranging up to 15 years. These reductions ,vere accomplished wit.hout resort to formal proceedings. Reductions in larger amounts are expected to be effected in the future. Oontinuing property records.-The date for completion of con tinuinl( property records has been extended from June 30, 1945, to June 30, 1946. Requirements of the uniform system of Ilccounts with respect to the plllns for the installation Ilnd mllintenance of continuing property records have been the subject of conferences among representatives of this Commission and those of State com missions Ilnd the carriers. The carriers have substantilllly complied with such requirements. . Pacific 00a8t restatement8.-As a result of further studies by the Commission and exchanges of views with the West Coast Telephone Co. and the State commissions of Oregon and IVashington, the re corded investment of the telephone company was reduced by approximately $1,800,000 . Depreciation.-Further studies were pursued regarding the changes in, and the property of, the depreciation rates of common carriers by wire and radio, in view of the vital importance of this work to the regulatory duties of the Commission with respect to rates and charges. Relief and pensions.-A study was made of the proposed revision by the Bell system telephone companies of their actuarial computa tions and the resultant payments into their pension-trust funds, the revision being necessitated by the alleged increase in wage and salary scales. Certain studies were made with respect to the propriety of the methods used by certain carriers to determine the adequacy of the pension-trust funds. Consideration was given to the matter of charging current operating expenses with the cost of pensions based on service prior to the adoption of the pension plan. Other studies were also made of the data which were submitted by communication carriers regarding their pension plans. Pe'fIJTI.8Ylvania Telephone Oorp. accownting.-On February 16, 1944, the Commission ordered a general investigation into the accounting performed, and the accounts, records, and memoranda kept by the Pennsylvania Telephone Corp. with respect to all entries made in its REPOR1' OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 37 account 100.4 "Plant Acquisition Adjustment," and further ordered that all charges to operating expenses which were made on or after January 1. 1943, for the purpose of amortizing the amounts in said account 100.4 be suspended, pending determination by the Commis sion as to the reasonableness and propriety of such charges. The company was also ordered to appear and show cau:::e ,vhy the Com mission should not refer the matter of certain apparent accounting violations to the Attornev General of the United States fOl' the insti tution of appropriate proceedings. These violations involved the practice of making charges to operating expense to amortize amounts in its account100.4~without the prior authorization or the Commis sion, as required by the Commission's accounting orders and fpgula tioilS. Hearings in this mater were helel in March 1944, in conjunc tion with the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission, and further hearings are pending. lIfi,cella:neous.-Other activities of the Commission in this field include: Completed studies in the offices of two large tclephone companies of the policies and practices of the carriers in extending credit and the accounting performed for uncollectible items. Continued studies of the relative magnitude of the earnings of the carriers in relation to their investments. Continued,studies of American Telephone & Telegraph Co. long lines department, with respect to plant additious, working capital requirements, depreciation reserves, receipts and payments for lease and joint use of plant l and division of revenues from jointint~rstate business with other participating carriers. The annual report' form (Form M) for telephone companies was revised to reflect the changes in the methods of classifying em ploves (referred to in the report for the fiscal year 1944), to pro vid~a more consistent method of reporting the carrier's deprecia.,. tion practices, and to eliminate parts of several schedules of detailed information not deemed necessary of compilation during the war time shortage of personnel. After extended conferences among representatives of the Com mission, the State commissions, and the telephone industry, amend ments simplifying and clarifying the "standard practices for the establishment and maintenance of continuing property records by telephone companies" were adopted by the CommissIOn. ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS Econorrdc studies.-Basic economic studies were begun in 1945 on several questions related to the telephone industry, One of these concerned the availability or service. A preliminary report on some aspects of the availability of landline communications service was prepared and published III October 1944. While such study dealt with both telegraph and telephone service, the most striking result of the analysis was the disclosure of the declining trend which pre vailed between 1920 and 1940 in the availability of telephone serviee to farmers. Between those years the number of telephones on farms decreased 39 percent while the number of farms with the dwelling lighted by eleetrieity increased 34 percent. 38 REPonT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Statistics and general studies.-Annual reports containing finan cial and operating data were filed by 156 commOn carriers, and 41 controlling companies for the calendar year 1944. The number of common carriers reporting includes 129 telephone and 27 wire tele gr\lph, ocean cable, and radiotelegraph carriers. Considerable data are shown in the publication "Statistics of the Communi~ationsIndustry in the United States," which is published annually. A few financial and operating items are shown in the following table, which were compiled from the aunual reports filed by telephone carriers: Telephone carriers Itelll Investment in plant and equipment-.~~_._ Depreciation and amortization reserves. • ._. •• Net investment in plant and equipmenL. _ Local service revenues. ., __ " . ._. _ Toll s\.lfvice revenues..~.._. • _ Total operating re\'enues J • _ Operating expenses I. • _ Taxes, including iucome and excess profits _ Net operating income after all taxes _ Net income , _ Dividends paid, . • _ Company telephones: Business _ ResidentfaJ . _ Average number of calls originating per month: Local 2~• _ Toll 2~•~_ Number~ofemployes at end of October: !'tIale~• __~_ Female ,~_ Total pay roll for the year~_ 1944 $5,856,316,360 $1,987,628,404 $3, 868, 687, 956 $1,052, 143, 099 $766, 100, 211 $), 004-, 4-06. 4-70 $1, 234, 521,876 $138,581,635 $231,303,2.')9 $183,740,662 $185,670, &32 8,339,007 15,044,664 3,225,654,898 132, 586, 772 365,308 102,230 2&3,078 $807,llO,401 11>43 $5,749,4,04, 257 $1,815,817,128 $3,933,587, 129 $1,015,417,529 $083,249,008 $1, 779, 244-, 520 $1,143,350,306 $393,854,121 $242, (}to, 393 $194, 244, 1168 $181,860,721 8, BB9, 888 14,683,24{ 3,232,537,623 121,494, 120 368,603 103,330 265,273 $752, 259, 155 Percent, increase or (decrease) 1.86 9.46 (1.65) 3.62 12.13 7.03 7.97 ll.36 (4.44) (5.41) 2.09 (.61) 2.46 (.21) 9.13 (.89) (I. 06) (.83) 7.29 I Intercompany gcnoral service and license fees and rents amounting to approximately $35,000,000 for each of the yeara 1944 and 1943, have not boon eliminated. 2 Partly estimated. 2. TELEGRAPH (WIRE, CABLE, RADIO) (a) Domestic SERVICE 'AND FACILITIES Integration 01 domestic telegraph ,,!/8tems-Oonsolidation 01 tele graph faeilities.-Following the Commission's final report and order authorizing and approving merger of Western Union and Postal facili ties (discusscd at length in our teuth annual report), ''''estern Union has, with the exception of 8 functional offices, completed the consolida tion of duplicating telegraph offices. Between October 7, 1948, and June 80, 1945, the followiug offices have been closed: Functional, 87; tributary, 687; branch, 580; agency, 4621 joint, 27. As part of the consolidation program, 105,682 duplicate call boxes and 3,682 duplicate teleprinter customer tie lines were removed. The remova.l or abandon ment of duplicating trunk pole lines has 110t, as yet, been undertaken although local and branch line facilities comprising 6,000 miles of wire and 824 miles of pole line have been removed. During the year, Western Union opened new offices as follows: Tributary, 24; branch, 82; ageney, 169; joint, 88; and the company ;lIstalled 1,988 new customer teleprmter tie lines. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 39 Integration of Postal Telegraph employes into the Western Union system.-In the course of the hearings on the application of the West· ern Union Telegraph Co. and Postal Telegraph, Inc., to merge various commitments were made by tVestern Union on matters of seniority, job assignment and wage parity of employes affected by the merger. Compliance with these commItments was subsequently incorporated by the Commission as a condition in numerous orders issued under sec tion 214 of the Communications Act authorizing Western Union to close former Postal functional offices. Disputes arose subsequent to merger and numerous complaints were received by the Commission with respect to compliance by Western Union wlth its commitments. Arbitration machinery was established by the National War Labor Board in June 1944, for the settlement of these disputes and under this machinery, integration of the two labor forces was substantially com pleted. An employe election was held by the National Labor Relations Board and in January 1945, the AmerIcan Federation of Labor was certified as the collective bargaining representative for employes in six of the seven divisions of the Western Union system. Thereupon, the A. F. of L. challenged the authority of the arbitrator to continue the settlement of disputes presented to him by ex-Postal employes and, at the dose of the fiscal year, the National tVar Labor Board suspended further arbitration of these disputes outside New York City pending disposition of the union's protest. Oon8truetion of wire facilitie8.-During the year undcr report, 102 applications fer wire telegraph construction certificates were filed with the Commission and 8 wcre on hand from the preceding year. Of thcse 104 were granted and H werc pending at the close of the year. The authorizations involved the construction of 2H9,965 channel miles of carrier systems at an estimated cost of $1,162.H51 and the leasing of approximately 2,214 miles of circuits by the applicants. . A notable improvement in Western Uuion's method of handling traffic in the Pacific coast area resulted from the inauguration 011 De cember 30, 1944, of the company's reperforator switching office in Oakland, Calif. This large office, operating direct channels to many cities in the country, provides methods for the rapid relaying and routing of telegraph mes...,ages in this important arca. New telegraph carrier systems were installed by'Western Union duro ing the year between Chicago and St. Louis and between New York and Washington. Carrier systems provide high wade communication channels at relatively low cost and definitely tend to improve the stabil•. ity: of transmission. Speed of service.-The quality of telegraph service supplied by West· ern Union continued to improve as the merging of personnel and facili ties progressed. The average time required for the fastest 95 percent of ordinary full rate messages to be relayed through a telegraph message center (for Western Union and former Postal offices com bined) in June, 1944, was 9.8 minutes. In June 1945 the performance had improved to 8.8 minutes. The percent of such messages completed in 15 minutes was 82 and 87.8, respectively. The volume of TWX connections (Teletypewriter Exchange Serv ice operated by the Bell Telephone system), declined from 1,214,791 in June 1944 to 1,095,687 in June 1945-a rednction of 10 percent. The 40 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION average time required to establish T'VX connections between subscrib ers has improved from 1.8 minutes in June 194:1 to l.Gn~inutes. Domestic mdiotelegraph.-As in the case of radiotelephony, many new developments have been made and aTi) being made in radioteleg raphy. Dul'ing the fiscal year the ',,","estern Union Telegraph Co., the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and other c0I1ununicutions COm mon carriers applied for and obtained experImental authorizations looking forward to the development of 1'uo.io relay systems capable of cal'ryin~multitelegraphic as ,yell as other types of communications channels. A llUlnber of applications have b:3Cll granted to enable other organizations to carryon similar experiments (c. g., International Business Machine Corp., General Electric Co., Westinghouse Electric Co.• Raytheon Manufacturing Co.). Radiotelegraph relay systems may prove capable ofcan'yin~a great number of telegraph channels of all types, including facsimIle. ~uchsystems 'Yill aUmv the "Testern UnionCo. to remove some of it,;; pole lines on main line trunk routes. Discontinu.ance, 'redlwtlon, 01' i'mpairrment 0/8e1"'vice.-Sr~tion214 of the Communications Act of 19H± was amended by Congress on March H, 1948, to provide, among other things, that no carrier shall discontinue, reduce, or jrilpair service to a community, or part of a community, unless and until it has obtained from the Commission a certificate that neither the prp,sent nor future public convenience and necessity will be adversely affected thereby. As of the beginning of the fiscal year, I:> applications filed under this amendment were pending and um were received during theyear~ Of those received, :>8 were for authority to reduce office hours, 51 to close agency offices at military points, 28 to close railroad operated agency offices due to abandonment by railroa..ds or shortage of railroad operators, 6 to close branch offices, 6 to close agency offices, 2 to close main offices, 1 to remove an ocean cable, and 1 to discontinue operation by the substitution of another company. With the exception of a very few cases alternate service ,vas provided to the community or part of a community affected. Of these 14G applications, 95 were granted, 3 were denied, 1 was withdravo"ll, and 47 were pending as of June 30,1945.. RATES AND TARIFFS Rationalization of the dome8tic telegraph rate 8tructure.-In the report accompanying its order of approval of the merger of the do mestic telegraph carriers, the Commission pointed out that it recog nized that the present telegraph rate structures were developed under competitive conditions WhICh produced numerous anomalies and ques tionable discriminations, and which resulted in the establishment of preferential rate classifications; that the elimination of competition within the domestic telegraph industry will permit correction of these and other anomalies; and that the economies and other benefits result ing from the merger are expected to make possible substantial reduc tions in rates. The Commission observed that such reductions should be accompanied by a rationalization of the rate structure so that un warranted preferences are eliminated, and the basiccla~sificationsare establiRhed in such a manner as to stimulate ,greatly increased volumes of traffic, with resulting savings in cost. The Commission is now studying telegraph rates and services with a view to accomplishing the merger objectives outlined above, and has been following closely REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 41 the activities of"'Vestern Union in attempting to develop a revised rate structure. . Telegmph rate changes.-On July 1, 1944, the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. established rates for 100-speed private line teletype ,vriter service for a trial period of 1 year at charges 33 1 /:.\ percent higher than for 60-speed service. Later in the fiscal year the Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Co. and the 'Vestern Union Telegraph Co. estab lished the service at the same charges. On June 29, 1945, the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. filed amended· tariff schedules effective July 1, 1945, reducing the charges for 75- and lOO-speed private line teletypewriter service, resulting in an estimated annual saving to users of $120,000. These reductiolls followed conferences between representatives of the company and members of the staff of the Commission. Government rate oTder.-Pursuant to the authority of the Post Roads Act of 1866 and subsequent legislation, the Commission pro mulgated its annual order fixin/1; rates applicable to United States Government telegraph nlessages·for the ensuing fiscal year beginning July 1, 1945. The new order (No. 125) continnes in effect the same rates prescribed for the past fiscal year except for certain minor changes which will result in aunual savings to the Government of approximately $82,900. Since July 1, 1948, the rates for Government domestic telegraph messages have been fixed at 80 percent of the rates charged the public for the same dass of service, and the rates for international messages of the United States Government are not to exceed 50 percent of the United States carriers' proportions of the rates for commercial messages of the corresponding classes. Special permissions.-During the year 289 applications for special permissions to make changes in tariffs, or to file tariffs to become effec tive on less than statutory notice, were received from the carriers rendering domestic and international telegraph services. Of this number 262 were granted, 16 were denied, and 11 were withdrawn. SUPERVISION OF ACCOUNTS Uniforrn systems of accountB.-Several amendments ,,"ere made to the uniform systems of accounts prescribed by the Commission. Original c08t restatement 0/ plant accounts and establishment and 'lrUlintenanoe of continuing property records.-Conferences and exanl inations conducted by the Commission concerning the accounts and records of Western Union have resulted in substantial progress in connection with the restatement of sneh acconnts on the basis of orig inal cost, and the establishment of property units for accounting pur poses and for purposes of continuing property-record procedure required by the Commission's rules and regulations. Depreciation.-Studies of the changes in, and the propriety of, the depreciation rates and the adequacy of the depreciation reserves of tele graph conlmon carriers by wire, cable, and radio were pursued, in view of the vital importance of this work to the regulatory duties of the 9ommission with respect to rates and charges for communication serVICes. In the case of Western Union, there was substantial continuation of the program of reducin/1;, on the basis of findings by the Commis sion's staff, the net recorded investments in fixed capital (that is. 683380--46-----4 42 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION plant investment acqounts less depreciation and amortization re serves) by adjustments increasing the reserves and directly reducing the recorded surplus. The total adjustment in this respect as of De cember 31, 1944, amounted to approximately $77,400,000. A further proposed adjustment of about $31,000,000 was the subject of additional study at the end of theyear. Relief .and pe1U1ions.-Further studies were made regarding the matter (which is stillpendin~)of excluding from the current operat ing expenses of IVestern Union all pension costs in excess of normal accruals on the full-service basis (that is to say, the respective annual amounts that would be paid into a pension trust fund if the company had established such a fund, during the employes' successive periods of service). Studies were also made of the propriety of the account ing pursued by certain communication carriers in r:ecording the cost of maintaining their pension plans. Mi8cellaneoU8.-The annual report form (Form 0) was revised in several instances and particularly to reflect the changes in the methods of classifying the employes of domestic wire telegraph companies. The time requircd for the retention by domestic telegraph carriers of copies. of telegraph messages transmitted by them was extended to a period of 6 months. Statistics and general 8tudi£8.-There were 27 wire telegraph, ocean cable, and radiotelegraph carriers that filed annual rer.0rts for the year 1944. A few financial and operating items complIed from the report filed by the IVe;;tern Union Tclegraph Co. are shown in the following table. The figures include the ocean cable operations of Western Union, whieh are not adequately segregated in the report filed by that company to permit segregation from the wire teleo-raph operatIOns. The data relating to other ocean cable carriers are~own on page 48. The lVcstern Union Telegraph Co. nom Investment in plant and equipmenL _ Depreciation and amortization reserves _ Net investment in plant and equipmenL _ Domestic service revenues_______ ____ _ _ _ Foreign sprvice rev('nllcs _ Total-operating revenues . _ Operating expenscs, depreciation, and other operating rev- enue deductions _ Net operating revenues . _ Income and excess profits taxes _ Net income _ Dividends doclared__ _ ___ _ _ _ . . Revenue messages transmitted.; Domestic _ Forei~IL-----------------------------------------------_ Number of employes at. end of June _ Total pay roll for the year _ 1944 1943 . Percent, Increase or (decrease) I $389, 086, 101 $344, 034, 810 13.09 I 164,991,222 $112,814,280 46.25 $224,094,879 $231,220,530 (3.08) $158,032,270 $153,133,698 3.20 $12,199,047 $11,507,878 <01 $185,900,644$178,887.:m~3,92 $166,277,089 $165,168,770 .67 $19,526,555 $13,718,549 43.07 $3,8.31,000 $4,940,000 (22.45) $8, 316, 229 $1,750,626 375.04 $2, 166, 747 $2,090,080 3.67 233, 188, 694 232,083,099 .48 5,515,588 5,656,573 (2.49) 63,818 68,B46 (7.30) $116,130,330 $114,872,601 1.09 I Not comparable with amounts reported for Dec. 31, 1943, because of accounting adjustments for Postal Telegraph J,llant purchased Oct. 7, 1943; oomparable 1943 amuunts are $396,600,846 and $165,380,316 for plant and depreCiation allowance, respcctivoly. (b) International SERVICE AND FACILITIES Geneml.-In March 1945, the Senate Qommittee on Interstate Com merce held hearings pursuant to Senate Resolution 187, Seventy- REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 43 eighth Congress, (as extended by S. Res. 24, 19th Cong.), directing a study of international communications by wire and radio. The CommIssion, through its Chairman, presented testimony at such hearing. . In April 1945, Press Wireless, Inc., filed a petition for the assign ment to it of not less than 15 additional frequencies and requested the Commission to hold hearings to determine the relative efficiency of the use being made by the various carriers of the frequencies pres ently assigned to them. As of the close of the fiscal year, no final dis position of this I?etition had been made. The CommiSSIOn actively participated in the preparation of the United States proposals for the Third Inter-American Radio Com munications Conference to be held in Rio de Janeiro in September 1945, and also continued detailed preparations for the World Tele communications Conference expected to be held in 1946, and for vari ous teleconllllunications conferences with other countries, preliminary to the 'World Conference. During the fiscal year, Globe Wireless, Inc., which had discontinued commercial operations of its radiotelegraph stations on June 3, 1942, ttnd httd leased its ittcilities to the United States Army, resumed com mercial operation of its mdiotelegraph circuit between San Francisco ttnd Honolulu, T. H. The reaciivation of this compttny's sttttion in New York was approved on May 3, 1945, but has not yet been placed in operation. Prior to the war, Globe Wircless, in addition to its circuit to Hawaii, operated circuits from the United States to China, the Philippine Islands, Cuba, and Colombitt. Radiotelegraph airC1dts.-During the fiscttl year, radio-telegraph cir cuits were established between the United States, on the one hand, and France, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, and Czech oslovakia on the other hand, restoring direct radiotelegraph services which had existed prior to the war. In each of these cases, except Belgium and Netherlands, Press Wireless, Inc., was authorized to establish a circuit for the handling of press traffic only, while one" or more of the other United Sttttes carriers was authorized to open cir cuits handling ttIl classes of traffic. In addition to these circuits with fixed stations in liberated European countries, three car riers were authorized to communicate with portable radiotelegraph stations which were operated by them at various points in Europe, as directed by the military authorIties. During the active stages of hos tilities, these portable stations accompanied the vttrious uuits of the United Stat.es armed forces, and since the conclusion of the European war, such sttttions httve been located in various parts of Germany and Austria, which are under American occupation. A new circuit to Rumania, which was not in existence prior to the war, was also es tablished for general commercial traffic, and au addit.ional press cir cuit to such country was authorized but had not been placed in opera tion as of the close of t.he fiscal year. The establishment of new circuits to t.he Far East was on a more limited scale, since active hostilities were in progress in the Pacific area throughout the fiscal year. At the request of the milit.ary author ities in t.he Philippines, one of the United States carriers installed a portable station at Leyt.e, communicating with it.s United Stat.es terminal, in order to handle all classes of messages passed by Army 44 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION censOl'ship. This station was ultimately moved to Manila, where it is now installed on a permanent basis. Thereafter a second United States carrier was authorized to reopen its prewar circuits between Manila and the United States and between Manila and Hawaii, in volving the installation by it of a station at Manila. New radiotelegraph services instituted during the fiscal year to points in the Western Hemisphere included the establishment of addi tional circuits for handling press and Government traffic between New York and Buenos Aires and between New York and Santiago, Chile. A direct radiotelegraph circuit between San Fancisco and Rio de Jan eiro was established at the request of the Brazilian delegation to the United States Conference. and this circuit was continued on a tem porary basis after the close of the conference. At the request of the Mexican Government, the Commission authorized the establishment of' a new circuit between New Orleans and Merida, .1\fexico, in order to expedite message traffic between the United States and the Yucatan Peninsula. At the request of the Colcmbian Government, the Com mission also authorized the establishment of a new ,circuit between Boston and Bogota, Colombia, to supplement the handling of traffic from Miami to that eountry. A construction permit was granted for· the erection of a new radiotelegraph station on St. Thomas, V. I., for communication with San Juan, P. R. This ·was the only new point to-point radiotelegraph station licensed during the 1945 fiscal year,. and when in operation, will be used to supplement existing cable cir cuits between the Virgm Islands and Puerto Rico, In accordance with outstanding recommendations of the Board of War Communications, the Commission continued to refer to the Board all applications for the establishment of transoceanic circuits and to· authorize such circuits on a temporary basis only, for a period not to exceed 1 year. 'Wartime proccdures, involving the maintenance of close liaison on these matters with the Board of War Communication,. the Department of State and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, were continued. Dlrring the fiscal year the Board of War Communications relaxed its former policy of approving the establishment of only one circuit to points in the war zones, and approved the opening of circuits by all interested United States carriers, permitting the Commission to au thorize competitive circuits by qualified carriers. All circuits author ized by thc Commission were subject to the condition that interference would not be caused to operational circuits of the United States armed for~eR.I The expansion of radiotelegraph service while hostilities were still inprogres~caus~dincreased congestion inth~frequency spec trum. Such dIfficultIes were partICularly acU;te m the Far East after increased war activities shifted to that region, and because of the continuance of communication needs of occupation forces in Europe, little relief was experienced in that area. A total of 273 applications, covering various matters, were re ceived and during the fiscal year 282 authorizations were issued. As. of the end of the fiscal year a total of 36 fixed public point-to-point radiotelegraph stations were licensed. Ooean cables.-During the fiscal year cable communication serv ices of the United States companies to continental Europe were restored. Direct facilities were made available to France and Italy, REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 45 service with the httter country being provided over a former enemy owned cable between Italy and the Azores. Service to the United Kingdom, Eire, and the Azores, which had not been interrupted during the war, was continued. . The Commission approved the abandonment of 11 short sections of cable totaling 5,073 nautical miles (between various points in Central and South America) the continued use of which had be come uneconomical because of extreme age. In view of the small volume of traflic handled over these sections and the availability of alternate ,vireline facilities connecting the points in question with other cable stations, the Commission determined that public conven ience or necessity would not be adversely affected by these abandon ments. The Pacific cable between Midway Island and Guam was restored during the fiscal year and reopened lor the handling of com lnereia! correspondence, thus providing cahle facilities for public communications from the United States fo Guam. RA'i.'ES AND TARIFFS Rates and oharges for telegraph commum:cation servioe between the United States and foreign points.-In line with objectives of obtaining lmver and generally uniform international communications rates throughout the world, the Commission, in April 1945, au thorized the principal international cable and radiotelegraph carriers to file revised tariff schedules on less than statutory notice, effective May 1, 1945, providing for a uniform 20 cents per word basic rate on full rate messages from the United States gateway points to Europe, Central America, 'Vest Indies, South America, and the Philippine Islands. Prior existing rates to European points ranged from 23 to 36 cents per word and to some Latin American points were as high as 48 cents per word. Corresponding reductions in the other classifications were also effected, such rates being, from United States gateways, as follows: Code, 12 cents per word; deferred, 10 cents per word; night letter, 6% cents per word. The Commission also authorized Western Union to file on less than statutory notice a uniform charge of 4 cents per full rate word effective :May 1, 1945, for transmitting international telegrams over land to and from any point in the United States beyond the gate way cities, replacing charges ranging from 4 to 15 cents per full rate word. The charges of Western Union for the overland transmission of messages in the other classifications have correspondingly been place.d on a flat charge basis as follows: Code, 4 cents per word; deferred, 3 cents per word; night letter, 2 cents per word; and United States Government plain language and code, 2 cents per word. Under the new tariffs, wbich become effective May 1, 1945, the charges for a full rate telegram to any place in Europe, Latin . America, and the Philippine Islands from United States gateway cities, is 20 cents per word; from any other point in the ·United States, the rate is 24 cents per word. The over-all matter of international telegraph rates is still under investigation by the Commission in its docket 6569, which is a proceeding involving the rates and charges of all international tele- 46 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ~raphcarriers in connection with telegraph service between the United States and all foreign points. Rate8 between the United States and Brazil.-The Commission adopted an order on October 9, 1944, snspending, and ordering an investigation into the lawfulness oi, certain new rates filed with the Commission by Western Union for telegraph communication service from Brazil to the United States, and further ordering an investiga tion into the lawfulness of the then existing rates of Western Union for service between the United States amI Brazil. After public hearings and argnment, the Commission found that Western Union had failed to show the justness and reasonableness of the differentials shown in its existing" tariffs and in its suspended tariffs as between the charges for north-bonnd telegraph messages from points in Brazil to points in the United States and the charge for similar messages in the reverse direction; that Western Union failed to show the justness and reasonableness of the differentials in such tariffs as between the charges for north-bound plain language and code messages in both the ordinary and Government classifications; and that Western Union's maintenance of, or participation in, charges resulting in the aforementioned differentials constitute or would con stitute unjust or unreasonable discrimination. Accordingly, by order dated .January 25, 1945, the Commission directed ·Western Union to rescind and cancel the suspended rates and charges and to revise its then effective tariffs to conform with the conclusions in the Commis sion's accompanying report. In accordance with the Commission's order, Western Union rescinded and canceled the suspended tariffs and subsequently filed revised tariffs which conformed to the Com mission's order. Telegraph rate change8.-0n J·uly 11, 1944, the ordinary press rates published by the Western Union Telegraph Co. between the United States and Australia and New Zealand via the Vancouver cable were reduced to the level of the rates for ch"rges by the radiotelegraph car riers for similar messages via Sun Francisco. On July 24, 1944, Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co., Inc., reduced the rates for Press Bulletin Service to ships and aircraft by approximately 50 percent. Effective August 15, 1944. Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co., Inc., and R. C. A. Communications, Inc., reduced the rates for ordinary pres.s messages to Egypt via their direct circuits by 10 cents a word to 8 cents a word from Egypt. Effective September 1, 1944, All American Cables & Radio, Inc., Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co., Inc., R. C. A. Communications, Inc., and the Western Union Telegraph Co. established specially reduced rates for ordinary and code messages of the Pan American Union and the Pan American Sanitary Bureau from the United States to South and Central America and the West Indies. On September 20, 1944, rates for telegraph messages from Uruguay to the United States were reduced. The reduction followed confer ences between representatives of the Commission and the Uruguayan authorities. Effective October 1, 1944, Press Wireless, Inc., reduced the rates for United States and Mexican Government messages between the com pany's offices in the United States and certain points in Mexico. REPORT OF~'HEFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 47 Effective October 7, 1944, Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co" Inc., re duced its rates for telegraph service between the United States and Vatican City via its direct circuit from 27 to 15 cents per word for full rate messages from or to New York with proportionate reductions for other classes of messages. The 'Vestern Union Telegraph Co. filed the same I'lltes effective November 20, 1944. Effective November 1, 1944, the United States-Liberia Radio Corp., and R. C. A. Communications, Inc., reduced the rates between the United States and Liberia over their direct circuits. Full rates were reduced from 72 to 50 cents per. word and ordinary press rates from 24 to 10 cents a word. On January 29, 1945, the same rates were es tablished by other carriers via London. Effective November 10, 1944, R. C. A. Communications, Inc., reduced the rates for ordinary press messages between the United States and Greece by approximately 3Yz cents a word. On December 1, 1944, R. C. A. Communications, Inc., reduced the rates for ordinary press messages from Colombia to the United States by approximately 1 cent a word. Effective November 16, 1944, All America Cables & Radio, Inc., and R. C. A. Communications, Inc., reduced the rates for telegraph mes sages (except ordinary press) from Venezuela to tbe United States. Effective December 1, 1944, the Commercial Cable Co., Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co., Inc., and R. C. A. Communications, Inc., re duced the rates for ordinary press messages between the United States and India to 11Yz cents a word. Effective January 1, 1945, All America Cables & Radio, Inc., Mackay Radio & Telegraph Co., Inc., R. C. A. Communications, Inc., and Trop ical Hadio Telegraph Co. reduced the rates for telegraph messages be tween San Francisco, Calif., and Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador, to the level of the rates to these countrioo from New York. Effective in March, April, and May, 1945, telegraph rates appli cable to United States Government messages between United States and certa.in foreign countries were made a.pplicable to messages of the American Hed Cross, the United Service Organizations, and the United Nations Helief and Hehabilitation Administration. SUPERVISION OF ACCOUNTS Uniform SY8tems of accounts.-Several amendments were made to the uniform systems of accounts prescribed by the Commission. These amendments simplified the accoUliting requirements without sacrifice of records of essential accounting information. Important among such amendments were those extending for 1 year the time allowed for the filing of information with respect to the reclassification of the plant accounts and for the completion of continuing property records of ocean cable companies. A preliminary draft of a new uniform system of accounts, to apply tointerna~onaJtelegraph carriers by cable or radio (or lL combination of cable and radio), was prepared and was in process of consideration and verification of factual information by the Commission's staff at the close of the fiscal year. Original cost restatements and disposition of plant acquwition ad iustments.-Studies by the international telegraph carriers necessary 48 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ror reclassification or their operated plant to conrorm with provisions of the uniform system of accounts are not yet completed and the time tor completion has been extended to January 1, 1946. Substantial progress toward cOinpletion has been reported by the carriers. Oontinu,(J1t8 property reoords.-The date for completion of continu ous property records has been extended rrom Jnne 30, 1945, to June 30, 194(;' The Commission has been working closely with the carriers on the subject or requirements ror the f1ling or plans of methods or procedure in the ma.intenance of such records, which are being pursued. DepreciaUon.-Studies or the changes in, and the propriety or, the depreciation rates of the international telegraph common carriers were continued. Relief and pensicms.-A further study was made by the Commission of the pension and benefit plans or the several international telegraph carriers in view of the pending study being conducted by the Senate Committee 011 Interstate Commerce of international communications carriers. Consideration was given to the matter (still pending) or excluding from cnrrent operating expenses of Hndiomarine Corp. of America and R. C. A. Communications, Inc., all costs relating to pensions based on service prior to the adoption of their present retirmnent plan. These companies had discontinued, as of August 19, 1932, the provision for pension benefits to new employes, but have revised, as of December 1, 1944, such provisions ror employes who entered the service after August 19, 1932. The Oommercial Oable 00. aeemvnting.-The Commission ordered the Commercial Cable Co. on June 5, 1945, to suspend all charges and credits with respect to its plan or accounting for the reduction of its capital, pending submission or proof as to the amounts properly includible in its capital surplus accounts. The order also instituted a general investigation into the accounting performed by the com pany with respect to its surplus accounts. STATISTICS Statistios.-Financial and operating data compiled rrom the annual reports filed by the principal international carriers are shown in the following tables: Ocean Ca bIe Carriers Item Investment in plrmt and equipment _ Depreciation and amortization reserves __ . . __ Netinve~1.lJiOntin plant and equipment "_ .. __ . __ . __ Domestic service revenues _ Foreign service revenues . .. _ Total operating r('-\"ClllieS _." _. _. _. _ Operating exp(lnses, depreciation, and other operating nwenue JeduetiullS__ .. . ,_. .. __ . __ Net opcrating revenues ._. ._ ..__ Income and excess profits taxes . _ Net income , . _ Dividend!; declared 1 . . __ Rev"nue messages transmitted; Domestic_. _ . "__ , Foreign _., __ . "__ Number of employes at end of year ._ . .._ Total payrol1 for the year. , __ . I Includes $3,53.5,926 charged to capital surplus, 1944 $78, 566, 248 $56, fJl7, 2u8 $22, M8, £ISO $1132,841, $1f>, 4D4, 681 $16,908,1i:i $12,3D.~622 $1,599,8f>1 $1, 07i, 032 $2, 591, 0.'i6 $5,191, 0'J3 527,633 4,313,0.52 3, tD1:J $6,1,9,706 1943 $80,830, 592 $56,321, 142 $24. .509, 400 $:i27,7(lr; $12,783, HZ $14,275,053 $10, 432, 216 $3,842,771 $1,933,691 $1,!l-11,S:n $811,332 3111!,187 4,102,844 3,Q23 $5, 413,5D4 Percent, increase or (decrease) (2.80) (.51) (8.00) 29.40 21. 21 18.15 17.911 miG 2.24 33.41l 576.80 32.18 5.85 5.86 13.52 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNiCATIONS COMMISSION 49 The figures shown above do not include data relating to the cable operations of the 'Vestern Union as they are not adequately segregated from the wire telegraph operations in the reports filed by that com pany. The number of messages and amounts of revenues derived from cable operations 3S reported by the Western Union for 1944 and 1943 were as follows: Item Foreignservicercvenues._ _.__ ___ . . <. _ Foreign rovenUe m('ssagcs transmitted. _ 1944 $12,199,047 $5.515,588 1943 $11,007,878 $5,656,5i3 Percent, increase or (decrease) 6.01 (2.49) Radiotelegraph carriers Item Investment in plant and eQuipmenL __ "" ".. . _ Depreciation and amortization reserves _ Net investment in plant and equipmenL.__•. _ Continental and IDslllar fixed revenues _ _ _ _ Foreign fixeds\~rvieerevenues .. . _ Marine servicerevenu('s_~__ . __ "" _ Total oporating revonuE'S_" .. , . _"_ .. _ Operating I'xp('mses, depreciation, and other operating rev- enue dcductiolls _ Net operating revrllll{'S___ ____ _ Income andexee~sprofits laxes . Net inCUID(l . _ Dividends declared 1 _ Re\'enueraN:sa~estrallsmittefl: Continental and insular flxcrL Foreign fixed _ Marine___ _ _ Number of employes at end of year _ Total pa}' roll for the yeat _ I Inclndes $216,420 charged to capital surplns. Percent, 1944 1943 increase or (decrease) $26, 836, 664 $26.671,803 0.62 $16,066,358 $15,693.482 2.38 $10, no, 306 $10.978,321 (1. 89) $876,240 $865,179 1.28 $11,713,GG!=l $8,578,412 36.55 $25 087 $16,953 47.98 $16,784, 362 $13,482,746 21.49 $12.682, 987 $10. 269. 573 Zl.50 $4, 101, 375 $3,213,173 27.64 $4. \)34, 1'66 $3,522, liM 40.07 $1,6(;4,327 $2.069.500 (19.58) $1,555,000 $920,000 69.02 518, 314~5,O66(2O.88) 6,351,607 5,110,231 22.85 10.120 1i.8U 48.15 3,359 3,293 2.00 $10,244,629 $8,087,853 26.67 [ Page 50 in the original document is intentionally blank 1 CHAPTER V Safety and Special Services 1. MARINE SERVICES 2. AVIATION RADIO SERVICES 3. EMERGENCY RADIO SERVICES 4. WAR EMERGENCY RADIO SERVICE 5. EXPERIMENTAL RADIO SERVICES 6. MISCELLANEOUS RADIO SERVICES 7. STATISTICS 8. INSPECTIONS 51 [ Page 52 in the original document is intentionally blank ] CHAPTER V-SAFETY AND SPECIAL SERVICES i. MARiNE SERVICES COASTAL RADIOTELEGRAPH STATIONS As of June 30, 1945, 34 coastal telegraph stations were licensed by the Commission, exclusive of those in Alaska. Three of these were authorized for limited (governmental) coastal telegraph service and the remaining 31 stations for public coastal telegraph service. Dur ing the year 61 applications were received and 46 authorizations issued in the coastal telegraph service. Three coastal telegraph stations, which, becanse of the wartime restrictions of the Navy Department, had been closed, were opened during the past year and were relicensed by the Commission for pnblic service. These stations are vVSC, at Tuckerton, N. J.; WSF, at New York, N. Y.; and WDA at Port Arthur, Tex. COASTAL RADIOTELEPHONE STATIONS . Four stations held licenses for public coastal telegraph service at the close of the fiscal year. COASTAL HARBOR RADIOTELEPHONE STATIONS At the close of the year, 35 coastal harbor stations were licensed by the Commission, exclusive of those in Alaska. Two of these stations were authorized for limited (governmental) coastal harbor service and theremainin~33 stations were authorized for public coastal har bor service. Durmg the year 67 applications were received and 60 authorizations issued in the coastal harbor service. A new public coastal harbor station, KOE, near Eureka, Calif., established for com munication with ships in vicinity of San Francisco, was placed in operation. MARINE RELAY RADIOTELEGRAPH STATIONS Twenty-one marine relay stations held licenses. During the year 31 applications were received and 28 authorizations were Issued. The activity of stations in this classification has increased because of the lifting of wartime security restrictions in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico areas. The 3 coastal stations listed above--WSC, WSF, and WDA-also render a marine relay service. MOBILE PRESS STATIONS There were 3 licensed mobile press stations, 3 applications were received and 3 authorizations issued. RELAXATION OF NAVAL REGULATIONS The Navy Department still further relaxed the restrictions on the use of radio communication between ships and between ship and shore 53 54 REPORT OF TEE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION which had been imposed pnrsuant to order Nos. 1 and 2 of the Defense Communications Board (now Board of 'War Communications). WEATHER AND HYDROGRAPHIC INFORMATION In cooperation with the Canadian Radio Administration, the United States 'Weather Bureau, and the United States Naval Authorities, the Commission in previous years has devel0l.'ed schedules for the encoded transmission of weather and hydrographIC information to ships in the Great Lakes area. Coastal harbor radio stations authorized to trans mit such information in accordance with this schedule were 'WAY, Lake Bluff, Ill.; WLF, Rogers City, Mich. ; WAD, Port Washington, Wis. ; WAS, Duluth, Minn. ; WBL, Buffalo, N. Y., and WMI, Lorain, Ohio. These authorizations were extended this year with certain changes made in the previously used schedule and WIth the restrictions relative to the transmission of encoded weather information relaxed to permit transmission of this information in plainlan~ageinsofar as such transmissions do not conflict with Naval regulatIOns. STUDIES OF LIFEBOAT RADIO EQUIPMENT The Commission continued its cooperation, in a study being con ducted by Government agencies under direction of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, desigued to coordinate air and sea rescue work. Projects in clude the testing of experimental models of lifeboat radio equipmeut and a survey of the deficiencies of equipment of this nature now in use. APPROVAL OF EQUIPMENT Several new types of marine radio equipment for use on Board ocean going vessels which were designed and constructed to meet certain requirements of the Commission's rules and regulations were approved hy the Commission. Three additional types of receivers were approved during the year as. capahle of heing used and operated within the limitation imposed by the Commission concerning the radiation of energy which may be detected at sea by enemy vessels. Four additional types of direction finder receivers were similarly approved. Two portahle radio trans mitters for use in lifeboats were approved as complying with the applicable rules of the Commission. One radiotelegraph transmitter, desigued to operate as an emergency transmitter, was approved by the COlnmission. EXEMPTIONS The Commission is authorized by the International Convention for' the Safety of Life at Sea, London, 1929, and section 352 (b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to grant exemptions from the ship radio requirements prescribed therein to certain vessels and classes of vessels when navigated within certain specified limits, pro vided the Commission considers that the route and conditions of the voyage, or other circumstances, are such as to render compliance there with unnecessary or unreasonable for the purposes of the act and treaty. It has heen the policy of the Commission to grant exemption on an annual basis for certain classes of vessels and to exempt individual vessels for limited periods of time sufficient to covel' the specified:. voyages. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 55 The Commission renewed for another year the exemption previously granted to small United States passenger vessels of less than 100 gross tons when navigated off the Gulf Coast.solely in coastal waters between Naples, Fla., and New Orleans, La. In addition to the foregoing class exemptions, the Commission granted exemption for a period of 1 year to certain individual pas senger and cargo vessels operating on international voyages. FIXED PUBLIC AND MARINE SERVICES IN ALASKA At the close of the year, thefollowin~stations were authorized by the Commission in the fixed public and pnblic coastal services in the Terri tory of Alaska: Coastal Harbor, 124; Coastal Telegraph, 331 Point-to-Point Tele graph, 68; Point-to-Point Telephone, 205. PUBLICATIONS As in past years, the Commission published a list of United States Great Lakes ship radiotelephone stations. This list, which is in pamphlet form, contains the names of the ships, call letters, ringer numbers, and licensed frequencies. In addition, it contains approved schedules for the transmission of weather and hydrographic informa tion to ships. The Commission regularly furnished the Navy the information necessary for a list of oceangoing radio-equipped ships which it prints and distributes. RULE CHANGES Using the experience gained by the use of lifeboat radio installa tions as a guide, the Commission found it necessary to modify many of its rules pertaining to lifeboat installations. The technical re quirements for lifeboat transmitters were revised to require higher standards of performance. The use of antennas supported by means of kites or gas-filled balloons was authorized in order to increase the • range of the transmitters. ' 2. AVIATION RADIO SERVICES GENERAL The aviation radio services as administered by the Commission cover all non-Government use of radio in the aviation industry for both communication and navigation. During the year, some of the strain which was imposed on commer cial air carriers as a result of the war has been alleviated. The commercial airlines have regained the aircraft which were taken over by the armed forces in the early part of the war, and at the close of the fiscal year were operating a total of 533 aircraft. Of these, 375 are operated by domestic airlines. The Commission's policy' of closely coordinating applications for aviation ground radio faCllities and for itinerant aircraft radio sta tions with the War Production Board was still in effect at the close of the fiscal year. This policy was based on the Commission's Memo randum Opinion dated July 7, 1942, relative to the use of critical 56 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION IIl,jI-terials to construct or change the facilities of certain classes of radio stations. The use of itinerant civil·aircraft has shown a decided increase dur ing the year ending June 30, 1945. This increase in activity is due to a number of factors, among which are the availability for nonmili tary uses of aviation fuel, aircraft, aircraft accessories, and the lifting of some wartime restrictions on the use of such aircraft. As of June 30, 1945, there were approximately 32,000 aircraft rep;istered with the Civil Aeronautics Administration. The most prononnced effect of the frequency allocation report on aviation radio will be a gradual transfer of such cOInmunication wherever technically practicable to the very high frequency range, primarily the band between 108 and 132 megacycles. While opera tion in the very high frequency range presents certain limitations on the distance over which communications may be satisfactorily conducted, it also offers a number of advantages when compared to the present system particularly with respect to the very small physical size of antennas and the great reduction in atmospheric noise. AERONAUTICAL RADIO STATIONS Aeronautical radio stations licensed by the Commission provide the non-Government gI'ound radio facilitIes to permit air-to-ground and ground-to-air radio communications with aircraft in flight within the United States, its Territories, and possessions and between the United States and Canada. These facilities are primarily used by scheduled air carriers for maintaining necessary communications with aircraft in flight for the safety of life and property in the ail' and for compliance with the requirements of the Civil Aeronautics Administration. All aeronautical radio stations serving the domestic commercial airlines are licensed to Aeronautical Radio, Inc., a cor poration owned by and representinp; all such airlines. These stations under the Commission's regulations, also lllust serve itinerant .aircraft upon request. During the past year, 731 applications were received and 665 au thorizations issued affecting aeronautical radio stations in the United States, together with 64 applications received and 81 authorizations issued affecting stations in Alaska. As of June 30, 1945, there were 41'1 such stations in the United States and 66 in Alaska. These figures represent an increase of 46 stations for the United States and a decrease of 13 stations for Alaska during the year. The de crease in the number of stations in Alaska was due primarily to the acquisition and operation by the Civil Aeronautics Administration of 12 stations previously licensed by the Commission to Pan American Airways, Inc. AERONAUTICAL FIXED RADIO STATIONS Aeronautical fixed radio stations provide for the handling of ground point-to-point communications in connection with and relat ing solely to the actual aviation needs of the licensees. All such sta tions serving the donlestic commercial airlines in the continental United Stat"s are licensed to Aeronautical Radio, Inc. During the year, 211 applications were received and 130 authoriza tions issued affecting such stations in the United States. Forty-eight REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 57 applications were received and 72 authorizations relating to Alaska stations were issued. As of June 30, 194i>, there were 98 such stations in the United States and 59 in Alaska-a decrease of 'I stations in the United States with no change in Alaska. The decrease in the United States may be attributed to a current trend of placing such communications on landline facilities wherever possible. AIRPORT CONTROL RADIO STATIONS The service performed by airport control stations is primarily concerned with regulating and controlling air traffic within the con" trol area of the airport involved. At airports handling a large vol" ume of air traffic the service of an airport control radio station is essential for the safety of life and property in the air. Since many aircraft may be' in the air at various altitudes and approaching or leaving the airport from various directions, this service is invaluable during conditions of low visibility. Airport control radio stations are normally operated by either the Civil Aeronautics Administration or the operators of the airport. In the latter instance such radio stations are licensed by the Commission. Sixty-four applications were received and 45 authorizations in counection wit.h this type of station were issued. As of June 30, 194:5,31 such stations wer:e authorized, an increase of 3 stations during the year. . The growth of airport control radio service has been serionsly im peded by wart.ime scarcity of equipment and frequencies. It)S ex pected that a large increase in the number of stations operating in this service will follow closely the availability of equipment capable of operating in tlie very high frequency range. The Commission, in anticipation of such growth, ,!Ilocated that portion of the frequency spectrum between 118 and 122 megacycles for airpott eontrol service. FLIGHT TEST RADIO STATIONS Flight test radio stations provide communication between aircraft and ground while such aircraft are undergoing flight tests, as in the development of new types, the development and testing of motors, . propellers, and other components. The Commission received 105 applications and issued 82 authoriza tions affecting stations of this class. As of June 30, 1945, there were 30 stations, a slight increase over the previous year. FLYING SCHOOL RADIO STATIONS There has been a decrease in the activity of flying schools and con sequently a decrease in the number of such radio stations licensed by the Commission. Eleven applications were received and eight au thorizations issued. As of June 30, five flying school stat.ions were licensed. . The decrease in flying school stations is the result of theslackenin~ demand of the military services for civilian trained pilots. In the ma jority of instances civilian pilot training contracts have been com pletely terminated. 683380-46-" 58 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION AIRCRAFT RADIO STATIONS Aircraft radio stations licensed by the Commission come within two !r:neral categories and are normally classified as either "scheduled" or nonscheduled." The first category represented all commercial air car riers operating on a scheduled basis, the second itinerant operations. Itinerant operations include private flying, commercial flying on a nonscheduled basis, transportation of corporation personnel, etc. Durin~the year, 6,231 applications were received and 4,043 author izations Issued affecting aircraft stations operating in the United States and possessions, including commercial United States flag aircraft operating in the international service. As of June 30, there were 3,090 such stations including 533 "scheduled aircraft"-an increase of 323. As of June 30, there were 32,000 aircraft registeren with the Civil Aeronautics Administration and it appears that a large increase in the number of aircraft radio stations may be expected Within the near future depending primarily upon the speed with which radio equip ment becomes generally available. VIOLATIONS During the year, 592 official notices were handled in the aviation radio services covering alleged viol ations of treaties, Federal statutes or Commission rules and regulations. Penalties were not invoked as the cases were disposed of by conferences~ndcorrespondence. CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION CONFERENCE An important step in international collaboration in the field of civil aviation was taken with the conclusion of an Interim Agreement on International Civil Aviation on December 7, 1944, at the Chicago International Civil Aviation Confererice. The Interim Agreement provides among other things for the es tablishment of the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organi zation (PICAO), which will consist of an assembly of all nations accepting the agreement, as well as a 21-member council elected by the assembly every 2 years. The PICAO will have advisory and technical functions, but will not be empowered to regulate 'the eco nomic phases of air transport. The Interim Council will formu- ' late and recommend the adoption of technical standards and pro cedures, and will study, report, and recommend on problems relating to air navigation and International air transport. The Interim Agreement on International Civil Aviation became effective on June 6, 1945, when the twenty-sixth nation announced to the United States Government its formal acceptance. The pro visional organization will function for an interim period not to exceed 3 years from June 6, 1945. It is expected to be superseded within tbat time by the permanent International Civil Aviation Organization, which will be established after 26 nations have ratified or adhered to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. A representative of the Commission was a member of the United States delegation at the Chicago International Civil Aviation Con ference, and participated in comlnittee work in the preparation of REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 59 technical annexes relating to aviation radio communication and air radio navigation. PROCEEDINGS IN DOCKETS 67l. TO 6721 INCLUSIVE AND 6757 These dockets cover a number of applications filed by Pan Ameri can Airways, Inc., relating to the radio communications system of that company in the Caribbean area, more generally known as the Latin American Division of Pan American Airways, Inc. The applications proposed a general expl\Ilsion of the existing radio communications fttcilities now operated by the applicant in the involved area. Since a number of the requests made in the applications appeared to be beyond the scope of the Commission's rules covering the operation of aviation radio communications fa cilities on the inter-American routes and since other issues were presented which could not be determined on the information con tained in the applications, the Commission designated the applica- L tions for hearing. Aeronautical Radio, Inc., intervened in the pro ceedings, since the Pan American applications requested authority " to share frequencies already in use by stations in the domestic avia tion service operated by Aeronautical Radio, Inc. The hearing be- " gan on June 6, 1945, and lasted 3 days. As of June 30, no decision had been reached. 3. EMERGENCY RADIO SERVICES GENERAL The Emergency Service is a radio communication service con ducted by instrumentalities of government, by public utilities and by certain private organizations for emergency communications per taining to the safety of life and property. This service includes stations classed as municipal, State, zone and interzone police, spe cial emergency, forestry, and municipal fire. Three hundred and seven new emergency systems were authorized during the year. Even with the wartime restrictions on the general llBe of the critical materials necessary for installation of radio com munication systems and the shortage of trained personnel needed for such inst,allations, the service rendered by these emergency radio stations is of such vital importance that materials have been made available through appropriate allocation programs and issuance of priority ratings to applicants and licensees. Appllca- Number of licensed stJl,tions at close of lI.scal year Class of station tion.'1 proc- essed fiscal I year 1945 1941 194' 1943 194' 194' Municipal pollce___ * __________ I,BOO 1,196 1,672 1,708 1,006 2,061 State polioo_______ ••••__ •••__ • '" 513 378 <3l '52 m Zone police_________________ ._ 8 6. s.; 94 88 s.; Interwne police_______ . ____ ••• , 30 33 30 31 30 Forestry_____ . ________________ 1'3 807 ", 837 .26 ... ~ClalemergencY• ___________ 939 34' "" "" '" 666 uniclpal fire ______ ••_. ______ 22 6 8 10 10 12 TotaL. __ ......_,'.__ ._. 3,431~961 , 3,455 3, "" 3,863 4,.170 ,60 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION In nearly all Cases the "station" referred to in this tabulation is a complete radio communication system and consists of a land statioJ) pern\anently installed at a fixed location and a number of associated mobile transmitter-receiver units operated under a single radio station license. In many ctlsesthe communication system covered by 1 station license includes from 1 to 4 land station transmitters at the same fixed 'location and a number of mobile radio units. Some licensees in the --emergency service operate as many as 200 or more mobile radio units. .One State (Califoruia) has authorizations to operate a total of 473 State police mobile units; 444 of the units being listed On one radio .station license. A large number of the applications filed during the past fiscal year were for construction permits and modification of licenses for new transmitting equipment installed to replace worn-out or obsolete equip Illent of stations in the emergency service. Nearly all new installations in this service are for equipment using frequency modulation. The comparatively few authorizations issued for use of amplitude modu lated equipment were usually to licensees making minor additions to existing radio facilities and it is expected that as soon as new equipment becomes generally available many of these radio systems will be replaced with frequency modnlated equipmeut to provide the more effective operation and extended range afforded by this method of transmission. As a re-s\llt of the Commission's frequency allocation hearinf';, addi tional frequencies have been made available for the Emergency Radio Services. On the basis of testimony presented by Radio Technical Planning Board committees and by representatives of organizations of licensees of the various classes of stations in the Emergency Radio, iServices, a substantial increase in the number of channels available for regular operation above 25,000 kilocycles for these stations has been made as shown in the followinf'; table: . Numh!':f ufCh!\nnels Class of station before allocation hearing Statoand mllnciplll police. . . ._________ 29 MuniCipal fire. < ._____ _ __ _ _ __ _ 2 Forestry__~. .__________ 11 Special emergency . . ._. 10 Number of channels at pll'Sent 132 39 " '47 I Including frequencies for power utility and similar stations now operating as special emergency stations butsoon to be included in 1\ separate service. It is expected that with the increase in the number of frequencies available for assignment to these stations, a proportionate increase in the activity and in the number of stations in this service will result. POLICE RADIO STATIONS The police departments of nearly all cities, large towns, and thickly populated counties now use radio. The systems operated by State police departments are similar to those operated by the municipalities except that~heStates usually operate several land stations and in many cases a larger number of mobile stations. Some of the licensees of municipal and State police radio systems also operate zone or inter- REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 61· zone police stations to provide for the exchange of police messages by radiotelegraph between police departments within each zone and between the departments in different zones. These radiotelegraph fa cilities are used for the messages pertaining to missing persons, stolen automobiles, criminals wanted, persons avprehended, etc. Radio makes possible the rapid mobihzation of protective agencies at riots, large public disorders or other emergencies resulting .from floods, hurricanes, or other similar disasters. The increase in 3peed of travel provided by the automobile and other modern vehicles makes it possible for a criminal to commit a crime in ODe city and seek refuge in another community hundreds of miles distant. The use of two-way radio by the police departments offers a primary means of effectively· keeping ahead of the criminal. Modern police radio systems provide the police with facilities for instantaneous communication between: central headquarters stations and patrol cars operating at any point within the area of jurisdiction of the police department. Communi-: cation between patrol cars and police headquarters stations of different police departments is also used to a great extent. Radio also offers the police a method of broadcasting general alarms to stations and mobile units throughout an area and provides for setting up blockades on highways, rel'outing traffic and the effective handling of traffic and crow,ds~uringemergency peri,ods. Policehav~in~wo-wayradio com munIcatIon a modern, effectIve weapon whIch 18 conSIdered mbre valuable than any other single facility utilized to combat crime. In addition to the transmission of emergcnc:y messages to police. mobile units, many police departments transmIt messages to other emergency mobile units such as fire department vehicles, private am bulances, and repair units of public utilities where cooperation or coordination with police activities is involved. The continued increase in the number of transmit.ters operat.ed by municipal and St.ate police departments has resulted in a propor tionate increase in interference between the differf3nt communication syst.ems and in t.he difficulties and importance of definite frequency allocation and assigoment plans. In view of the limited numher of channels available for police stations, it is necessary to require close cooperation between applicant.s and licensees in the selection and use of frequencies available for assigoment. It is expect.ed, however, wit.h t.he additional channels made available for t.hese st.at.ions, as a result of the frequency allocat.ion hearings, that new frequency assignment plans present.ly being formulated will result in more interference-free communication for the larger number of police radio stations. MUNICIPAL FIRE RADIO STATIONS Municipal fire radio systems are operated by municipal fire depart ments to provide conununication between central fire stations and mobile fire fighting units and other vehicles operated by fire depart. ments. The transmitting- and receiving equipment, the communication service rendered and method of operation of municipal fire stations are similar to t.hose of t.he municipal police stations except that t.he facilit.ies are operated by and for the fire depart.ment. of t.helicensee. The relatively small number of st.at.ions of this class authorized for operat.ion is probably due to the fact that this is. a comparat.ively new class of station. Previous to June 23, 1944, stations simIlar to mu- 62 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION nicipal fire were classed as ''marine fire" stations and were authorized for operation only by the larger cities operating fire boats used for fighting fires on waterfronts. Effective on June 23, 1944, the rules concerning "marine fire" radio stations were modified to change the name of this class of station to "municipal fire." This change in the rules provided for the authorization of municipal fire stations for the larger cities to operate on the one medium frequency and two very high frequencies previously allocated for the use of marine fire stations and to handle communications concerning fires, whether on waterfronta or elsewhere. Owing to the limited number of radio channels available, authori zations for municipal fire stations are normally granted only to cities where the fire department serves a po{'ulation of 150,000 or more. The fire departments of the smaller muniCIpalities ordinarily use the police radio communication facilities as provided for by the rules governing the operation of stations of this class. The fires and other emergencies to which fire departments respond require the use of especially fast and effective communication facilities, since time is highly important in such emergencies. It is often neces sary for the units of the fire department upon reaching the scene of a disaster to call for additional assistance to respond to· definite loca tions, for medical assistance, for ambulances, additional pumping units, special apparatus and gas masks, which are not normally carried as equipment on mobile units. Two-way radio systems provide this es.c;;ential emerl!ency communication where other communication fa cilities are not immediately available, are inadequate or are not usable. With the increased number of frequencies made available to fire department.. as a result of the frequency allocation, it is expected that many fire departments, especially those in the large 'cities, will use radio. FORESTRY RADIO STATIONS Forestry radio stations are licensed to municipalities, States, and other organizations legally responsible for forestry areas. These stations are operated for communications pertaining to the detection and suppreSSIOn of forest. fires, water shed protection and control, conservation enforcement, protection of wildlife and protection of natural resources in forest areas. Forestry radio stations are author ized primarily for communication with forest-fire-fighting units; however, emergency messages may be transmitted to other mobile units snch as fire department vehicles, ambulances, and mobile police units inthose cases which require cooperation or coordination with forestry service activities. ' An effective communication system is important in the suppression and fighting of forest fires. Radio provides rapid communication be tween forest fire lookout towers in order that the exact lls befor... al· location Iwaring Number ofchann...ls at present Geological . __ ._. ._. __ . ._ .. .___ 44.9" Motion picture~. .. __ 4 18 Provisional"~._ ._ .. ._"_ 9 36 Relay press _ _ . __ ._______________________ 11 lQ Mobile press I _ . . . __ . .. _ I All operation is Oil frequencies below 25,000 kilocycles. GEOLOGICAL RADIO STATIONS Geological stations are authorized for comnlunications pertaining to work in connection with the investigation of the surface of the earth and the physical characteristics of the strata helow the surface of the earth. Practically all of the licensed i!:eological stations are operated by oil companies and geophysical exploration companies for the deter-. mination of the character of the underground strata of the earth in order to establish the probable location of oil deposits. Low power portable and mobile geological stations are ilSed for communication by· personnel of field parties prospecting for oil and for transmitting signals and impulses to seismic recording instruments from the geo.,. phones at the various pick-ups located at distances up to 15 miles from the centrally located recording truck. 70 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Petroleum products have beeu especially importaut during the inten sified industrial and manufacturing programs of the past few years and the immediate ayailability of an adequate supply of these vital products is a major item in modern civilization. As the more obvious and easily discovered petroleum sources are exhausted, the producers Illust resort to more scientific and complicated methods of ascertaining the presence of oil pools beneath the surface of the earth. In pros" pecting for oil, radio is being used for an increasingly important service for communication to isolated locatious and for other purposes where the various scientific methods of geophysical prospecti'}g are used. RBLAY PRESS STATIONS Relay press statirms are used to transmit to or from points where other communication facilities are not available news for publication, or orders, instructions or inquirities concerning such news to be pub lished or to be disseminated by the news association with which the licensee is regularly affiliated. It is not intended that these stations be used to replace or to compete with wire eommunication facilities but that these stations be set up temporarily at a point of termination of other communication facilities and at the scene of a news event for the transmission of dispatches from the reporter in the field. Li cenSl~Sfor relay press radio stations are issued only to newspapers and press associations. Reports received from liceusees indicate that very little use has been made of relay press stations during the past year. However, at the frequency allocation hearing, representatives of the United Press and the Associated Press testified that with the recent improvements in the "walkie talkie," plans are being made to use these stations more extensively. MOTION-PICTURE STATIONS l\1otion-picture stations are authorized for communication in con nection with the filming of motion pictures as an aid in the protection of life and property and the promotion of safety of personnel. These stations are used for communication with parties on location in isolated areas where no other communication facilities are available and for communication pertaining to the coordination and direction of activi ties of various units in the filming of motion pictures. As in the case of relay. press stations, motIOn-picture stations have been used very little during the past year; however, correspondence and inquiries from licensees and others eligible for authorizations indicate plans are being made for considerable activity of this class of station when new radio equipment is available. PROVISIONAL RADIO STATIONS Provisional radio stations are used for communications relative to the safety of life or pwperty or matters which are of practical necessity in connection with projects of benefit to the public. Initial use of m:pvisionalradio stations was made in connectiou with larl!:e construc tion projects. They also are used by oil companies in the deserts, mountains, forests, swamps, inland waters, and in the ocean where other communication facilities are not available. By means of such stations a construction foreman or supervisor can keep in contact with his REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 71 crew, direct transportation of supplies and earr)' on othercommunica tions necessary in directing- construction and production work. An effective communication SYStelll is especially valuable at construction projects and in certain industries where workmen are engaged in hazardous occupations. Stations of this class are also used on a temporary basis for com munication by plant guards or private police of large industrial plants. Many of the new stations of this class are for radiotelephone communi cation systems for use by plant guards at large manufacturing plants producing war materials. Improved transmitting and receiving equipment for ,use on the very high frequency chanuels allocated for use by provisional stations has resulted in an increased use of this class of station on construction projects and certain industrial operations in isolated locations. 7. STATISTICS United States Stations Applica tions r,' ceived Authori z3tions issued New st.a tj'lns au l·horized Total sts· tlons June 3O,1G4fi -------------------1---------~~---- 47 411 • 98 ° ° 1,657 12,998 8 31 ° • 12 30 1 3 ° ° 1,729 3,576 168 2,051 .0 477 1 85 ° 30 54 949 12' '66 2 12 388 4,110 17 230 , 19 11 27 ,. 276 178 457 107 152~ ° ° , , 33ll 612 69 411 0 8 49 142 ° , 0 , 11856~ 718 422 o "3 501 6 163 3 , 737 '06 1 , '" 9 191 , , Aviation: Aeronautical +____ 689 1).t0 Aeronautical fi:tcd ... '0__ __ lfN 105 Aeronautical and aeronautical fixed_ _ 42 25 Aircraft._____________________ 6,028 3,918 Airport controL___ _ ._______________________ 64 45 Flying school 11 8 Flight test_ _______ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ________ ____ _ 105 82 Marker beacon____________________________ 5 3 Instrumentlanding -------------------- -----'0-1-------'0-1-----,---=-::-1-_----:cccc Subtotal _::.~_~-~~.;;,;;82;;6=1==~,;;;;=1=~~,;;;;; Emergency: Municipal police • . State police 0 _ Zone police__ .. . _ Interzone police_. + _ :l<'orestry _ Special emergency _ Municipal flre _ Subtotal _ 1,800 1,362 465 345 8 10 , 6 Hl3 115 939 821 22 16 I--~l----~ Suhtotal. - --. ----------------------------------I~~O:;';;'';;;';;11~~o:;2;;,';;;0;;'~o~~;;;I.~~~;;; W,E,R.S.: I ~f:t~iG~I~~~~se----------------------------------3~3~~ Civil air patroL~~'-'9_1_~__=+~-.....::: SubtotaL~~~";;;;;2=1~~~;;'84;;;1~~~;;;1'~~~;;; Experimental: Class 1. _ Class 2 . + __ Class 3 . . _ No classification ._. _ ----~------=-:-1-------:-: SubtotaL .~__-------------------------I~~;;I,o:;44;;'=I=~~I,o:;l;;43;;;I=~~~;,1=~~~;,; Miscellaneous: Geological . . _ Motion picture . _ ProvisionaL _ Mobile press _ Relay press _ 1 533 are scheduled aircraft and 379 arc portable-mobile scbeduled aircraft st.ations. 72 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION United States Stations-Continued service Fixed J?ublic service: Pomt.to-point telegraph _ Point-to-point telephone. _ SubtotaL . ". __ ...__ '_ Fixed public press: Point-to-point telegraph•. ARrlculture: Point-to-point telegraph. _ United States coastal: Coastal teleg:raph _ Cpastal harbor. _ Coastal telephone. __ Marine relay__ . ,. _ Coastal teleg-raph and marine relay _ COll-"tal Telegraph, Ltd Coastal Harhor, Ltd SubtotaL __ United States total Applica· I Authori- New sta- 'fotal sta- tions re- zations tions au' Oons June ccived issued thorized 30,1945 1-- 273 282 36 81 82 18 ----------..-- =~1.1 364 2 54 46 0 6 7 0 7 " 46 3 31 67 58 1 33 5 , 0 5 31 28 3 21 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 2 0 2 167 '" 7 95 ====-----=~---== = la, {\84 10,297 2,617 9,365 Ala"o;knn sta-tions 1 1 0 ~~I~~l~~ -iH----::----·-cl:=-I---C2-:~ 157 273 68 2\15 o 33 124 o o o 0 o 0 30 6 24 o o ,. o o 4 o " 229 o 320 --I~~~I~~"~~ 193 37 1:l2 24 o ; 1 2'" 156 127 4 0' 128 4li :; Fixed public sPfviec: _ Point-to-point telegmph Point-to-point telephone .. _ Point-ta-point telegraph and telephone __ SuhtotaL _ Coastal: C()a.~taltelegraph Coastal harbor . _ Fixed puhlic andconstal. . _ Coast a: telegraph and coastal harboL Subtotal __ .. __ Aviation: Aeronauticlll _ Aeronautical fixcd _ Aeronautical and aeronButkal fixed Aircraft_ Subtotal. _ Emergency: Municipal police_ Experimental: elus;; L _ Class 2 _ Subtotal_ Alaskan total7~1781 67 647 ====-==== United Stutes stations_._ Alaskan stations_ Total stat.ion:" . Wirecertificafe~: Telephone Trlegraph _ lnt.erJocking tiireetoratl's. _ Petitions . _ '1'ell'phone tiScolltinuanoos~ 'fl'kgrnph discontimlances Submarine'~Il.U('licl'uses._ 13,684 iUO [4,414 214 129 14 5 :; 174 2 1O,:W7 7S1 II,078 220 lOR D o :; ]:l,~ 1 2, 617 67 2.684 9,31\5 647 10,0[2 TotaL _ 541 476 Total Unifed States stations. __ Total Alaskan stations . '1'ota! wireee~ti{\ca\~;_ 13,684 7\10 Ml 10,297 7S1 47'. 2, 617 67 o 9, S65 547 o Orand total 15,015 ll, 5114 2,684 lO,012 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 73 8. INSPECTIONS SHIP INSPECTIONS The Commission's activities in promoting safet.y of life and prop erty at sea through detailed inspections of radw installations on ships have continued to be a siguificlmt contribution to the winning of the war. Every precaution taken to save ships has served to speed the movement of men and supplies to the far-flung theaters of war. As the result of intensive inspections and the strict enforce ment of essential regulations, the efficiency of iadio in safeguard ing thousands of lives and billions of dollars of property on inland and coastal waters and on intercoastal and international voyages has been maintained at a high level. Ship inspection has been carried on by the Commission and its predecessor agencies since 1910 when the United States first enacted laws requiring ships to carry radio. Section 30a (n) of the Com munications Act of 1934, as amended, provides, in part, that the Commission shall have "authority to inspect all radio installations associated with stations required to be licensed by any act or which are subject to the provisions or any Act, treaty, or convention binding on the United States." From the beginning of the war to the end of the fiscal year, the tonnage of United States vessels had increased fourfold. Ship inspections during the year totaled 15,7:31, of which 13,843 were on board United States vessels and 1,888 on board ships of foreign registry; an increase of 4,429 inspections over the preceding year. As a result of these inspections, the Commission served 9,391 vio lation notices for noncompliance with provisions of the law and international treaties, an increase of 1,731 over the preceding year. In addition, inspectors found 7,809 deficiencies and discrepancies which they cleared before leaving the ships. OTHER INSPECTIONS A total of 6,212 inspections were completed, of which 2,87a were emergency stations, 1,770 aircraft and aeronautical stations, and 1,569 miscellaneous stations. A total of 1,554 violation notices were served. 683380--46-6 [ Page 74 in the original document is intentionally blank 1 CHAPTER VI Radio Operators 1. COMMERCIAL OPERATORS 2. AMATEUR RADlO SERVICE 3. EXAMINATIONS 75 [ Page 76 in the original document is intentionally blank ] CHAPTER VI-RADIO OPERATORS I. COMMERCIAL OPERATORS The commercial radio operator rules provided that, unless otherwise specified by the Commission, the actual operation of any radio station for whieh a station license is reqnired shall be carried on only by a licensed radio operator of the required class. In order to llleet the needs of the various radio services administered by the Commission, the following- classes of commercial operator li censes have been established: Radiotelephone first and second class, radiotelegraph first and second class, and restricted radiotelephone and radiotelegraph operator permits. In addition, a number of tem porary licenses have been established because of the shortage of radio operators, as a result of the war. During the year, the Commission established the temporary emer gency radiotelegraph second class operator license, This class of license is valid for a period of 1 year fronl date of issuance, unless terminated earlier by or,ler of the Commission, and was ",tablished to alleviate the shortage of ship station radiotelegraph operators, which developed as a result of the Navy Department's reqnirement that cer tain classes of United States merchant vessels must carry at least three radio operators in lieu of a single operator as formerly required. The temporary emergency second chtss radio operator license au thorizes its holder to stand a I'adio wateh on board a cargo vessel and transmit only emergency communications directly relatedto the safety of life and property at sea, and is only valid when snch cargo vessels carry at least one hIgher class radiotelegraph operator who maintains at least one-third of the required radio watch per day. Normally the Commission's rules and regulations required that the holder of a radiotelegraph first- or second-class license may not act as chief operator or sole operator on It cargo vessel until he has had at least 6 months of satisfactory service as a qualified radiotelegraph operator on a vessel of the United States. A shortage of radiotele graph operators, qualified in this manner, led the Commission to sus pend the 6 months' service requirement through its order No. 83, effective July 7, 1941. Inasmuch as the short"!!:e ha" continued, as a result of the rapidly increasing demands for Merchant Marine radio operators, this suspension period W3...'3 extended by subsequent orders. ' Order No. 83-G, effective December 19, 1944, is 'the latest order and extends the suspension until June :l0. 1945. During the past fiscal year, numerous authorizations have'been is sued for operation of broadCAst stations under the provisions of Commission Order No. 91-C. This order has been continued in force since its adoption on January 19, 1943, and provides that a broadcast station of any class, which by reason of actultl inability to secure the services of an operator or operators of a higher class could not other- 77 78 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION wiSl\ be operated, could be operated under this order by the holder of any class of commercial radio operators' license, subject to the re..qtrictions provided therein. The Commission, on December 27, 1944, approved order No. 77-C, extending from January 1, 1945 to December 31, 1945, the suspension of the provisions of it.nules which require operators to make a show ing of service or use in connection with applications for renewal of outstanding radio operator licenses. This action was taken because of the obvious difficulty commercial and amateur radio operator licensees, particularly those in the armed forces, would have in meeting this requirement. As a further convenience to many licensed and formerly licensed cOllllnercial radio operators now in the military Hervice or employed in war industries distant from their homes, who cannot file timely applications for license renewal, the Commission adopted order No. 124 on J anllary 2, 1945. This order permits a commercial radio operator (other than une holding a temporary emergency radiotele graph socond-class license) to file a renewal application within 1 year from the expiration date of his license providing it is filed prior to December 31, 1945. A number of orders of the Commission, adopted prior to this fiscal year, were continued ill force to provide needed relaxation of opera· tor qualifications aud requirements. This group is comprised of the following: Order No. 93, waiVing the provisions of'section 318 of the Communications Act, ill ordpl' to l.I€rmit the operation of~p~citiel1aircraft radio transmitting apparatus in the United States by qualified Latin American students, during the training period under the anspkes of the Civil Aeronautics Administration. Order No. 97, establishing the temporary limited radiotelegraph second·class operator licenses for ship radiotelegraPh station oIWration exclusively. Order No. 104, perrnittillg regUlar employeel:i of police departments in Hawaii, who are American Natiolluls, to operate mohile police radio transmitting apparatus und€'l' the provisions of section 318 of the Communications Act. Order No. 102, authoriZing operation of aeronautical and aeronautieul fixed stations employing ty!les A-I and A-2 emission byhold~rsof radiotelephone nperator licenSes or .~rmits,pl'ovidedi that the face of the license or permit has heen endorsed, attesting to the holder's ability to transmit and reeeive International Morse Code at the !'ate of at leaM 16 code groups per minute, The Commission also gave particular attention to requirements of the forestry radio service and as II result of its studies, promulgated less stringent requirements for operators at forestry stations. On August 14, 1944, the rules were amended by the Commission to permit the examination for restricted radiotelephone operator permit to be conducted by mail for prospective employees of forestry station . licenses. Studies and investigations have been made during the year with regard to the qualifications of radio operators in view of changing conditions and developments in the radio field. Examination ques tions have been revised from time to time in order to keep pace with advancements made in the radio art. At the c10s p of the fiscal year, studies were in progress with respect to the establishment of require ments for radio operators in new radio services expected to develop after tbe war. . REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 79 2. AMATEUR RADIO SERVICE During the year, the Commission continued in force its orders No. 87 and 87-A, adopted on December 8 1 1941 and January 8, 1942, respectively, which suspended the operatIOn of amateur stations be caUSe of the war. On September 15, 1942, the issuance of new or renewal licenses for amateur stfltions was discontinued. However, the Commission continues to conduct examinations for amateur radio operator licenses and issues such licenses to applicants who establish their qualifications. The licensing of amateur operators during the war serves a two fold purpose, since licensed amateur radio operators entering the armed forces of the Nation receive special recognition by the military authorities in view of their technical qualifications, and operators 'Iicensed during this period will relieve, to some extent, the rush of applicants for licenses, following the reactivation of 'amateur stations in the early postwar period. On November 28, 1944, the Commission adopted order No. 115-A in view of.wartime conditions, to alleviate the difficulty for amateur radio operators who are located in the military service of the United States or engaged in war work at locations distant from their homes, t.<;ascertain the expiration dates of their am,!-teuF radioop~rator lIcenses and to make tImely and proper applIcatIOn. for theIr re newal. This order provides that every amateur radio operator li cense, which by its terms expired during the period December 7, 1941, to pecember 7, 1942, inclusive, but the duration of which has been extended by Commission order No. 115 for a period of·3 years from the. date of expiration provided therein, is extended for a period of 1 year from the date of expiration as extended by order No. 115 and every amateur radio operator license. issued during the period December 7, 1941; to December 7, 1942, inclusive, is extended for a period of 1 year trom the date of expiration provided therein. Of maior importance to the amateur service was the Commission's frequency allocation hearing. Studies conducted in preparation for the hearing indicated that a large increase in the number of frequency bands.would be required for the amateur service in order to provide for the operation of the large number of amateur stations expected. to be licensed after the War. The American Radio Relay League appeared at this hearing in behalf of the amateur radio service and proposed that the amateur frequency bands below 60 megacycles remam unchanged except for the additional band 21,000 to 22,000 kilocycles and that frequencies above 60 megacycles be allocated by extending the present harmonic fre quency family upward by the addition of new frequency bands an octave apart up to the limIt of frequency allocations. As a result of this hearing,. the following frequency bands were allocated to the amateur service: 3500 to 4000 kilocycles, 7000 to 7300 kilocycles, 14,000 to 14,400 kilocycles, 21,000 to 21,500 kilocycles, 28 to 29.7 megacycles, 50 to 54 megacycles, 144 to 148 megacycles, 220 to 225 megacycles, 420 to 450 '. megacycles, 1145 to 1245 megacycles, 1 The frequency band 420-450 megacycles is temporarUy to be shared with special or navigational aids. 80 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 2300 to 2450 megacycles, 5250 to 5650 megacycles, 10,000 to 10,500 megacycles, 21,000 to 22,000 megacycles. In addition, provisions will be made for amateur disaster communication networks in the band 1605 to 1800 kilocycles. However, the exact width of this frequency band and its locatIOn within the 1605- to 1800-kilocycle band is unde termined at this time. Amateurs may also make such use as is possible on the band centered on 27.32 megacycles, assigued for medical and industrial use. Frequencies above 30,000 megacycles are being desig nated as available for general experimental use and this will lUclude experimentation by amateurs. Actual operation on the freguencies allocated cannot start until the Commission removes its wartime ban on amateur activity and specifically authorizes the use of particular frequencies. The number of frequency bands allocated to the amateur service and their position in the frequency spectrum have been established with regard to needs of governmental services as well as other services administered bythe Commission. The following frequency bands for merly allocated to the amateur service have been reallocated to other services: 1750 to 2050 kilocycles, 29.7 to 30 megacycles, 56 to 60 mega cycles, 112 to 116 megacycles, 224 to 230 megacycles, 400 to 401 mega cycles. At the beginning of the war, there were approximately 60,000 li censed amateur stations, which represents the largest single class of station licensees. The American Radio Relay League estimates that within 5 years after the war, the number of amateur stations will in crease to approximately one-quarter million statious. It is estimated that approxnnately 100,000 applicants will request licenses during the first year after amateur station operation is authorized by the Commission. 3. EXAMINATIONS Examinations of applicants for all classes of commercial licenses continued at an unprecedented high level. A total of 64,260 appli cants were examined (exclusive of class C amateur) as comptired with 67,424 for the previous year. Of these, 62,022 were applicants for commercial licenses including 43,183 radiotelephone and 18,839 radio telegraph. Applicants for amateur class A and B radio operator licenses totaled 2,238. As a result of the examinations, 61,038 com mercial operator licenses were issued; 52,562 telephone and 8,476 telegraph. CHAPTER VII Technical Studies J. GENERAL 2. SUNSPOT CYCLE FIELD INTENSITY AND NOISE PROGRAM 3. LOW FREQUENCY RECORDING PROGRAM 4. VERY HIGH FREQUENCY BROADCAST RECORDING PROGRAM 81 [ Page 82 in the original document is intentionally blank ] CHAPTER VII-TECHNICAL STUDIES 1. GENERAL The projects under the supervision of the Technical Information Division of the Engineering Department were in the main continua tions and extensions of the work underway at the close of the pre ceding fiscal year. As before, the actual taking of observations con tinued to be a function of the Field Division, while the general plan niag of the projects, the analysis of the results, and the preparation of reports based thereon were responsibilities of the Technical In formation Division. 2. SUNSPOT CYCLE FIELD INTENSITY AND NOISE PROGRAM This project, which involves making continuous recordings of se lected broadcast stations and of atmospheric noise in the standard band at several points throughout the United States, has been con tinuous for the past 7 years. Recordiug of several additional sun spot cycles will be necessary to obtain data for allocation policies. Some changes in the details of the program have been made during the year and others will undoubtedly be made in the future. The present allocation standards of the Commission in the .stand ard broadcast band are based on the analvsis of some 3 months' recordings made during the late winter and spring of 1935. The present analysis of the vastly larger amount of data now available is directed toward a revision of tbose standards. 'T'he main objec tives are the preparation of new and. more reliable field strength versus distance curves, methods of estimating the daily and sea sonal variations from the annual mean values. a revised soil con· ductivity map, the preparation of day and night atmospheric noise intensity maps covering the continental United States, surveys of levels of man-made noiseexistin~in towns and cities of various sizes, and the investi:;!ation of ratios of signal to noise to determine what ratio should be adopted as providing an acceptable grade of broadcast service. The progress made toward these objectives may be summarized as follows: Analysis of the accumulated field intensity recordings for some 160 station-years has thus far progressed only through the first stages of summarizing. Although the point has not yet been reached where definite conclusions can be drawn, it alreadv appears likely that: (a) The results of the earlier survey will be confirmed as a gen eral average to a considerable degree. (0 ) Enough of the nature and the correlation of radio signal strength with the snnspot cycle will be disclosed to permit allocation of standard broadcast stations on a somewhat longer range basis. (c) The data will disclose a rather considerable latitude elfect on standard broadcast transmission which should be pertinent not 83 84 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION only to domestic allocation, but particularly also to allocation within the North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement. (d) The data will provide snbstantially improved measures of the night-to-night reliability of serviceable signals and of the proba bility of interfering signals. On acconnt of the shortage of personnel nothing hlls yet been done toward a revision of the ground condnctivity map. The day and night atmospheric noise maps are being prepared principally from data obtained from seven recording sites through out the United States, operating under the Sunspot CyclePro~ram. Some additional data from measurements made by others Will be included in order to obtain noise levels at other points. The results of at least a year of recording at each site will be correlated with thunderstorm conditions during the year of recording and adjusted to conform with average thunderstorm conditions, using data fr_ the United States Weather Bureau. The analysis of the data has proceeded to the point where thunderstorm correlation is being made. The snrveys of man-made noise levels have not yet been made because of equipment difliculties, but these will be solved soon. The surveys are to be made by consulting engineers and others in the indnstry, under the direction of the joint F. C. C.-Industry Committee set up for handling noise problems. The investigation of acceptable signal to noise ratios consists in obtaining audience reaction to specially prepared sound records on which varions ratios of signal-to-noise have been recorded. The sample signals include both speech and music and the noise sam ples include atmospheric noise and man-made noise for various elec trical Sources such as motors, etc. The signal to man-marle noise records have been completed and distributed to the broadcast industry for audience reaction tests. The signal to atmospheric noise records ~avebeen delayed by equipment shortages hut should be completed in the near future. • 3. LOW-FREQUENCY RECORDING This program, which will provide for measuring aeronautical beacon stations in the frequency range from 200 to 400 kilocycles and atmos pheric noise at 200 kilocycles, has been for the most part unavoidably postponed because of the diversion of manpower -and equipment to the very high frequency broadcast recording program. The 200-kilocycle noise recorder at Grand Island, Nebr., the only recorder now operating in this program, has been in continuous operation since October 1943. Data from this program will be invaluable in studying radio propaga tion and the intensity and geographical distribution of atmospheric noise in this freqnency range. 4. VERY HIGH FREQUENCY BROADCAST RECORDING PROGRA11I This project has rapidly expanrled in importanre and scope during the year. With the advent of VHF broadrasting it was expected that one of the main advantages of using these higher frequencies would lie in the closer spacing possible between stations assigned to the same frequency owing to the absence of sky wave interference which they were presumed to enjoy. While this expectation has been verified in REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 85 general, it has nevertheless been fOllnd that sky wave interference does occasionally occur at the lower end of the VHF hand. It is thus of importance to determine as accuratelyas'possihle the intensity, dura tion and the frequency range of such occurrences. This has been and remains the main objective of the program. Three types of sky wave interference in the VHF region of the spectrum have been found: (a) So-called bursts.-Work on these has been temporarily aban doned as their effect on broadcast listening appears to be negligible. As a scientific problem this phenomena is highly interesting and inves tigation of their origin (most probably from ionization tracks set up by meteoric particles entering the atmosphere) should yield results of value both to the radio and other fields of knowledge. Intensive work on the problem did not however seem to be justified under wartime conditions. Analysis of the meteoric bursts consisted in counting the numbers of bursts exceeding a fixed level and tabulating 'the numbers occurring per hour. The daily and annual variations in the hourly number of bursts have been correlated with theoretical anel observed meteoric occurrences anel very good agreement has been found. In addition, visual observation by the engineer in charge of the project has resulted in 13 coincidences between bursts and visible meteors. (b) Sporadic E -layer reflections.-These have been found to exist with extraordinary intensity and fOr appteci"able percentages of the time eluring the late spring and summer months at distances from the 'transmitter of from 500 to 1,500 miles. They may occur during any of the years of the Sunspot Cycle and their intensity varies with the elistance in such a manner that there exists a maximum at about 900 1,000 miles. The measurements so far made have been mostly in the frequency range 42-50 megacycles., Since the middle of June 1945 regular recording on 83 megacycles has been'instituted while recoreling on 107 mel(acycles has been done intermittently since that time. It is expected that regular recordinll: on both 106 anel107 megacvcles will be begun within a short time. These extensions of the program have heen made possible by the coo]ileration of the industry. The rcsults so far obtained indicate that both the intensity and the frequency of occur rence of sporadic E-Iayer rellections decreases markedly as we go hill'her in the spectrnm. . The work done uneler this project has been reported in some detail in exhibits No. 380, No.4, No. 593, and No. 627 of the frequency allocation hearing. In this case the fundamental problem of analysis is not the determi nation of an average fielel at various distances, but a knowledl(e of the percentage of the time dnrinll: 'which theint~rferinll:field exceeds certain fixed intensities at any~ivendistanceto~etherwith the rate of increase of the percentage of time with increase in the number of paths over which interference is received. This Assential difference between the two eases has led to the development ofnov~lmethods of analysis and representation which may be described brielly as follows. For the determination of the occurrence of sporadic E interference within a particular band of frequencies, a single high-powered trans mittinll: station was recorded at several selectedrecordin~sites. The recorder tapes for each recording site were analyzed to determine to the 86 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION nearest minute the times during which the sporadic E signals exceeded certain selected levels of intensity and the times blocked in on au occurrence sheet for that level. A separate occurrence sheet was pre pared for each level at a given recording site and a separate set of sheets for each site. Superposition of sheets from different sites over a light table permitted an optical comparison of the coincidence of occurrences at different recorder sites and permitted an estimate to be made of the rate of increase in interference to be expected with increasing numbers of stations assigned to the same channel. Sample occurrence sheets, each covering a full year, are included in exhibit No.4 of the frequency allocation hearing. Reference thereto will show that the sheets permit also a quick determination of ,the daily and annual variations in the time of occurrence of these signals. At the present time occurrence sheets are being prepared on a monthly basis, rather than on an annual basis, in order to increase their accuracy and value as permanent records. (c) F1!-layer- r-efledions.-The sky-wave interference from reflec tions at the upper of the stratified regions of the ionosphere, while most serious when it occurs owing to the greater distances from which it may originate-thus involvmg the question of international inter ferences-are of concern only for a few years in the neighborhood of sunspot maxima. Hence there is no experimental work on this source of interference to report at the present time. Work on this project has been confined to theoretical studies, and analysis of the rather meager results known from previous sunspot maximum periods. The: conclusions arrived at are set forth in exhibits No. 380, No. 593, and certain exhibits of the frequency allocation hearing. (d) Tropospheric effects.-In addition to the studies of sky-wave interference the VHF broadcast recording program has included studies of the variations in the range of such signals due to variations in the physical state of the lower atmosphere or troposphere. These range variations occur at all frequencies and insufficient data have been obtained in our work up to the present to warrant definite conclusions as to the magnitude of the trend of the effect with increasing frequen cies. From the small amount of observations now available it does not appear that the range variations in the neighborhood of 100 mega cycles differ sufficiently from those around 50 megacycles to demand any radical differentiation in the allocation policies for the two re gions. A considerable amount of information on the matters at these and higher frequencies, some of which may be useful for the Commis sion's allocation problems, has been accumulated by the armed forces of the Nation and National Defense Research Committee but is not now generally available owing to security restrictions. Recently, cer tain very high frequency equipment has been made available to the Commission by the Office of Chief Signal Officer and the Army Air Forces, U. S. A. for further investigations at presently measured fre quenCIes and for expanding the program to include frequencies higher than those now under investigation. VHF tropospheric signals are analyzed in a manner similar to skv wave signals in the standard broadcast band. That is, the hourly median signal levels aridirst determined, and these values then used to represent variations of signal levels with time, distance and fre qu~ncy,in~hemanner shown in exhibit No.4 of the frequency allo catron hearmgs. CHAPTER VIII War Activities I. RADIO INTELLIGENCE DIVISION 2. FOREIGN BROADCAST INTELLIGENCE SERVICE 3. FCC ASSISTANCE TO THE BOARD OF WAR COMMUNICATIONS 87 [ Page 88 in the original document is intentionally blank ] CHAPTER VIII-WAR ACTIVITIES I. RADIO INTELLIGENCE DIVISION The Radio Intelligence Division, established in 1940 to give America wartime protection from misnse of the ether lanes by sJ1ies. or other illegal operators, discovered 46 nnlicensed stations dnrIng thefisc~1year, investigated 1,445 co!"plaints ofs~spicioll~tr!ins,~ission and of mterference. These complamts were received from the general public, commercial communication companies, Government agencies, and the military. . Dnring the year, the RID furnished fixes to 283 planes which were in distress. A total of 996 requests for assistance of all types to planes was received. The RID took 85,031 bearings. A number of alerts originated totaled 25,000. This figure represents the number of instances in which an origination was made by each monitoring station equipped with long-range, high-frequency direc tion-finding facilities for the purpose of obtaining synchronized bear ings from a net of direction finding stations upon a particular radio station under surveillance. To facilitate its task of identifying the thousands of stations heard around the world so that the enemy, subversive or unlicensed stations may be spotted instantly, the RID compiled an additional 200,000 index cards for its files. These records show the operating character- istics of stationslo~gedor otherwise monitored. . In accordance with a budget reduction, the personnel of the RID was reduced from 468 to 328. The number of secondary stations was reduced from 59 to 28, of which 13 were equipped with long-range, high-frequency Adcock type radio-direction finders. The number of primary stations, totaling 12, was maintained. 2. FOREIGN BROADCAST INTELLIGENCE SERVICE The Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service carried on its activities under an appropriation 25 percent less than that available for the pre ceding year. This necessitated a number of changes in the service provided to departments and agencies and in organization and op erating procedures. The cnanges included: a. The mimeographed publications summarizing and analyzing broadcasts relating to events and conditions in Europe (distributed first on a weekly basis, then biweekly) were discontinued at the end of December 1944. b. The special file of European shortwave broadcasts monitored in Washington, D. C., and delivered by teleprinter to the Office of War Information in New York City was reduced to an 8-hour service from a 24-hour service as had previously been the case. a. A Special Services Section was created which mailed out to the departments and agencies broadcasts of interest which would not be 683380-46--7 89 90 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION carried to them by the regular wire service or the mimeographed publications of FBIS. The service provided to departments and agencies of the Federal government and allied nations after the above changes were instituted may be summarized as follows: a. Texts and summaries of broadcasts originating in some 55 differ ent countries were delivered daily by teleprinter to some 14 different departments and agencies; by mimeographed daily report to some 23 departrnents and agencies; and by special services to sorn.c 22 agencies, some of which did not subscribe to the regular service. This monitored material was also made available to representatives of 22 foreign governments. b. All broadcast messages relating to American and a!lied service men held prisoner of war were communicated immediately by wire to the War Department. c. Broadcasts originating in the Far East were summarize,I and analyzed in a fortnightly mimeographed publication and delivered to some 23 different departments and agencies. d. Texts of broadcasts and special reports based on broadcast ma t~rialwere prepared as required for Inilitary and civil authorities of the United States in both the European and Pacific theaters of war. The service thus supplied to the governments of the United States and its allies was based on a careful examination of several million words of broadcast text monitored daily. At the beginning of the fiscal year, FBIS maintained three principal monitoring; posts (Wash in~on,D. C.; Portland, Oreg.; and San Francisco, Calif.), and one mInor post (Honolulu, T. H.). During the year the San Francisco post waS abandoned, the Honolulupo~twa~moved to the Island of Kauai (T. H.) and greatly enlarged, and a new post was esblblished on Guam. In addition to the broadcasts intercepted at these stations, FBIS hud aCcess to material monitored by yariOllS alliNl 11ations, principally by the Brit\t:;h Broadcasting Corp. at it;.;po~t1\\',\\' IJonnol\, and by the Brit.ish Minist.ry of Infol'mation at it;-P0::it~Ill'it!' Ca.iro and New Delhi. 3. FCC ASSISTANCE TO THE BOARD OF WAIl COMMUNICATIONH [As the Board of War CommullicaliOJls is lUI independellt ngcnc)'. the emphasis in this report is on those actions which involved the cooperation of thp FCC'l ORGANIZATION The Board of War Communications (formerly the Defensc COllllllU nications Board) was created by Executive Order No. 8546 on September 24 1940, for the purpose of determining, preparing, and coodinating plans for the most efficient control and use of the country's radio, wire, and cable communications facilities during the national emergency. Thereafter, by Executive Order No. 8964. dated Dccem ber 10, 1941, and by Executive Order No. 9089, dated March 6. 1942, there was delegated to the Board the Presideut's wartime authority under section 606 (a) of the Communicatious Act to direct tbat com munications essential to the national defense and security shall have preference or priority and, uuder sections 606 (c) and (d), to direct the use, control or closure of radio and wire communication stations and facilities. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 91 Chairman Paul A. Porter of the Federal Communications Commis sion is also Chairman of the Board of War Communications. The other members of the Board are Maj. General Harry C. Ingles, Chief Signal Officer of the Army; Rear Adm. Joseph R. Redman, Director of Naval Communications; Hon. William L. Clayton, Assistant Secre tary of State in Charge of Economic Affairs i and Hon. Herbert E. Gaston, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury III Charge of Treasury Enforcement Activities, who is Secretary of the Board. Commodore E. M. Webster, Chief of Communications, United States Coast Guard, is Assistant Secretary of the Board. The Board has no paid personnel, appropriation, or funds. Itopel" ates through a coordinating committee and a law committee staffed by personnel from the agencies represented on the Board; through Labol' and Industry Advisory Committees and an international Broadcast ing Coordinating Committee; and through 13 "numbered committees" for radio amateurs, aviation communications, cable, domestic broad casting, the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee, interna tional broadcasting, radio communications, State and municipal facil ities, telegraph, telephone, United States Government facilities, the Communications Liaison Committee for Civilian Defense, and the Priorities Liaison Committee. ACTIVITIES In addition to assisting in the preparation of the orders issued by the Board of War CommunicatIOns during the fiscal year ending .Tune 30, 1945, the Commission also cooperated with the Board in its consideration of problems which continued to arise concerning war time communications such as, for exam_pIe, the wartime speed ana quality of domestic telegraph service. In connection with the speed and quality of domestic telegraph service, the Commission submitted to the Board during: the fiscal year ended June 30, 1945, two reports dated, respectively, July 1944, and November 1944, showing the service being rendered by the telegraph industry. Continued checks were also made by the Commission to determine the extent of compliance by the telegraph carriers and the public with Board orders No. 25-C, 28, until those orders were canceled by order No. 31, dated August 16, 1945, and a number of other matters were iuvestigated involvmg, for example, complaints regarding the abuse of the telephone and tele graph priorities provided for in Board orders No. 20 and 27, as amended. The Board issued the following orders during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1945: Order No.6-A, dated January 25, 1945, canceliug order No.6 dated May 1, 1942, designating for closure the facilities of the French Tele graph Cable Co. within the continental United States. Order No. 6-C, dated November 23, 1944, exempting from the closure provisions of order No.8, upon certain specified condition, point-to point radioteler.aph circuits between New York, N. Y., and San Francisco, Cali ., operated by Globe Wireless., Ltd. Order No. 19-C, dated May 3, 1945, eancehng orders No. 15, 17,18, 19, 19--A, and 19-B, previously issue,] by the BOaI'd and limiting the use of international radiotelephone communications. 92 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Orders No. 21>-D and 21>-E, dated May 4, 1945, and May 17, 1945, respectively, relaxing the provisions of order 25-C prohibiting the transmission of telegraph messages of felicitation and congratulation to permit the transmission of such messages to or from members of the armed forces and the merchant marine. Order No. 25-F, dated June 28, 1945, relaxing the ban in order No. 25-C against the performance of nontelegraphic services by domestic telegraph carriers to permit such carriers to participate in the furnish ing of shopping service ordered through another carrier from out side of the continental United States. Order No. 31, dated August 16, 1945, though issued subsequent to .Tune 30, 1945, is listed here because of its importance. Itcanceled the f<>nowing previously issued Board of War Communications orders: Nos. 5, 7, 8, 8-A, 8-B, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 21, 23, 25, 21>-F, 28,29,30. APPENDIX PUBLICATIONS Following is a list of·Federal Communications Commission pub lications of general interest available at the Governnrent Printing Office, Supenntendent of Documents, VVashington 25, D. C., unless otherwise indicated: Tine Price Communications Act of 1934, with Amendments and Index thereto, revised to June 14, 1945 . $0.1;:) Federal Communications Commission Reports (bound volumes' of decisions and orders exclusive of annual reports) : Volume I-July 1934--Jnly 1935 "__________________________ 1.00 Volume 2-July 1935-June 1936____________________________________ 2.00 1rolurne 3--July193~February1937 2.00 Volume 4-l\1arch 19B1-November 15,1937___________________________ 1.50 Volume 5-Novembe-1' 16 j 1937-Jllne 30 1 1938,_________________________ 1.50 Volume 6---.Tuly 1.1938-li~ebruar;v28, 1939___________________________ 1.50 Volume 7-March I, 1939-F-ebrnary 20; 1940_________________________ 11. fiO Volume 8--March 1, 1940--August 1, 194L___________________________ 1.50 Volume 9---August I, 194i1;...Aprll 1, 1943_____________________________ 1.25 Annual reports of the Commission: First Annual Report-Fiscal~'ear1935______________________________ .15 Third Annual Report-F'iscal year 1937-____________________________ .30 Sixth Annual Report-Fiscal year 1940_____________________________ .20 Seventh Annual Report-Fiscal ,):ear 104L__________________________ .10 Study. Guide and Reference Material for Commercial Radio Operator Exam- inations . lfi Standards of Good Engineering Practice Com'erning Standard Broadcast Stations (550-1,600 kc.)________________________________________________ .6G Standards of Good Engineering Practice Concerning FM~BroadcfH't' Stn- tions ._ __ (1) Standards of Good Engineering Pmctice Concerning- TelevlRion Broadcast Stations____________________________________________________________ (l) Statistics of the Communications Industry in the United Stah's (19'39),_____ .2r; Statistics of the Communications Industl'yln the United States (1940) .20 Statistics of the Communicutions Industry in the United States (1942) .3f) Statistics of the Communications,Industry in the United States (1943) . 30 Report on Chain Broadcasting_________________________________________ .30 Rules and RegUlations of the FCC: Part I-Rules of ,Practice and Procedure, ReYised to February 1, 1945__ (1) Part 2-General Rules and Regulations, RevIsed to December19~1944__.10 Part 3-Rules Governing Standard and High Frequency Broadcast Sta- tions, Revised to Octohel' 5, H)40~__________________________.10 Part 4-Rules Governing Broadcast Services Other than Standard IkoHdcast. Revised to May 14, 1942_______________________________ ('j Part 5-Experimental Rules, Effective Odober 1, 1939 (') Part 6-Rules Governing Fixed Public Radio Services, Revised Febru· . ary20, 1943_____________________________________________________ .05 PHrt 7-Rules Governing Coastal and MarineRela~'Services, Revised Aprll5; 194L___________________________________________________ (') Part 8-Rules Governing Ship Service, Hevised to May 31, 1943________ . 15 Part 9---Aviation Radio Services, Revised November i, 1942__~________.05 10btainable (rom the Federal CommunicatIon8 Commi88ion, Washington 25, D. C., upon request. 93 94 REPORT OF THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION .10 .10 (') .2f) .15 .15 .60 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .10 (') . Of) .10 1.00 .65 Price $0.05 'Pitle Rules and Regulations of the FCC-Continued. , Part lo-Uules Governing Emergency Radio Services, Revised Odober 16, 1944_______________________________________ . _ P8l't l1-Rules Governing Miscellaneous Radio Services, JI;t'fpd lye Jan- uary 1, 1939 _ Part 12-Rnles Governing Amateur Radio: Stations andOIWl'ator~, Revised to April 18, 1940 _ Part 13-Rules Governing Commercial Radio Operators, EfJ'('l'Iin' ,Jllly 1, 1939 _ Part Ii-Rules Governing Radio Stations in Alaska (Other thallAma~ teur and Broadcast) Revised to April 2, 1942_______________________ .05 Part 15---Rules and Regulations Governing All Radio Stations in the War Emergency Service, Revised May 26, 1943 _ Part 16-Rules and Regulations Governing Railroad Service _ Part 3I-Revised October 25, 1940, and Part 32, Effective January 1,1937, Uniform System of Accounts, Class A and Class B Telephone Companies; Units of Property, Class A and Class B Telephone Companies (1 pamphlet) _ Part 33---Uniform System of Accounts for Class C Telephone Com- panies, Effective January 1, 1939 _ Part 34-Unlform System of Accounts for Radio Telegraph Carriers, Effective January 1, 1940 _ Part 35-Uniform System of Accounts forWire~TelegraphandOcean~ Cable CarrIers, Effecti",e JanUAry 1, 1942 _ Part 41-Telegraph and Telephone Franks, Effective August 11, 1939~~- Part 42-Rules Governing the' Preservation of Records, Revised to ~ay27. 1943 _ Part 43--Rules Governing the Filing of Information, Contracts, etc., of Telecommunications Carriers, Revised to September 29, 1943__ Part 51---elassification of Telephone Employes _ Part 52-Classification of Wire-Telegraph Employes _ Part 61-Tariffs: Rules Governing the Construction, FUlng, and Post- ing of Schedules of Charges for Interstate and Foreign Communi- cations Service, Revised to September 29, 1943 _ Part 62-Rules Governing Applications Under Section 212 of the Act to Bold Interlocking Directorates, Effective September I, 1939 _ Part 63-Extension of Lines antI Discontinuance of Service by Car- riers, Effective March 18, 1944 ... _ Federal Communications Commission Report on Social and Economic Data, pursuant to Informal Hearing, etc., July 1, 1937 _ Federal Communications Commission-PrQPosed Telephone Investigation Pursuant to Public Resolution No.8 (74th Cong.) _ Final Report on Telephone Investigation, House Document 340 _ Annual Report Form H for year ending December 31, 1944 _ Annual Report Form M, paper, loose·leaf edition _ Statistical Oircular No. 1___________________________________________ .05 FCO Form 901 .05 ea. 1.250 FCO Form 902 ..: __ .05 ea. 1.250 Form 903 .05 ea. 1.250 FCO Form 905A .05 ea. .85.0 FCa Form 905B .05 ea. .850 1 Obtainable from the Federal Communications Commission, Washington 25, D. C., upon request. o