FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION August 4, 20 I I JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Ruben Hinojosa First Vice Chair Congressional Hispanic Caucus U.S. House of Representatives 2262 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Hinojosa: Thank you for your letter regarding the status ofan Application for Review that was liIed with the Commission by Entravision Holdings, LLC, licensee ofWJAL(TV), Hagerstown, Maryland, concerning its request to change the community of license for WJAL. In 2004, the Commission's Media Bureau affirnled a prior decision to dismiss the Entravision petition for rulemaking seeking to change the community oflicense ofWJAL's digital television (DTV) channel 16 from Hagerstown to Silver Spring, Maryland. The Media Bureau based its dismissal primarily on the grounds thatlhe proposed relocation would cause substantial interference to public safety and emergency operations on channel 17 in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The Bureau also determined that the proposal would result in a significant curtailment ofexisting television service to the Hagerstown area. Entravision filed an Application for Rcvicw requesting that the Bureau's decision be reviewed by the full Commission. In 2006, Entravision filed a supplement to its Application for Review, which indicated that the company had changed its DTV election for WJAL to channel 39, thereby addressing the public safety concerns. By that time, however, the Commission had stopped considering certain proposed license modifications, including community of license changes, in order to ensure a stable database for conducting the DTV channel election process and the development ofa new DTV Table of Allotments. With the completion of the DTV transition, the staff has resumed consideration of matters, such as Entravision's Application for Review, that were held in abeyance pending the DTV transition. I appreciate learning of your interest in this important malter. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Julius Genachowski 445 12lH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION August 4, 20 I 1 JULIUS GENACHQWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Charles A. Gonzalez Chairnlan Congressional Hispanic Caucus U.S. House of Representatives 1436 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Chairnlan Gonzalez: Thank you for your letter regarding the status of an Application for Revicw that was filed with the Commission by Entravision Iioidings, LLC, licensee of WJAL(TV), Hagerstown, Maryland, concerning its request to change the community of license for WJAL. In 2004, the Commission's Media Bureau affirmed a prior decision to dismiss the Entravision pctition for rulemaking seeking to change the community ofliccnse ofWJAL's digital television (DTV) channel 16 from Hagerstown to Silver Spring, Maryland. The Media Bureau based its dismissal primarily on the grounds that the proposed relocation would cause substantial interference to public safcty and emergency operations on channel 17 in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The Bureau also determined that the proposal would result in a significant curtailment ofexisting television service to the Hagerstown area. Entravision filed an Application for Review requesting that the Bureau's decision be reviewed by the full Commission. In 2006, Entravision filed a supplement to its Application for Review, which indicated that the company had changed its DTV election for WJAL to channel 39, thereby addressing the public safety concerns. By that time, however, the Commission had stopped considering certain proposed license modifications, including community of license changes, in order to ensure a stable database for conducting the DTV channel election process and the development ofa new DTV Table of Allotments. With the completion ofthe DTV transition, the staff has resumed consideration ofmatters, such as Entravision's Application for Review, that were held in abeyance pending the DTV transition. I appreciate learning of your interest in this important matter. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Julius Genachowski 445 12Tli STREET S.W WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202'418'1000