The Honorable Julius Genachowski Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, D.C. 20554 BEN RAY LUJAN 3IID o.mcT, NEw MUlOO W ........OTO.. O""CII: 330 C o.. Ho~O''''C:I e""LO'''O W ' ..OTO 0 C~0515 P"OH•• ZOlt·,zZI5••'90 F....·ZOZ·zotl5-I!52e s.....,.. F" O",CI: ailS...,.., '.he....IL·. 0.'\/11: SUlflt 10. S..... , ... Fl:. NM 87505 P"ONt5~·ge"-e.!lO FAIl.505·ge5-SC>47 COWWTTU ON NATVl'W. RuoullCU S~IMTTEEION INCJWj AHO~NArtV£ AFFAwv. WAru AfC) POWI.III COWI«fn.I OH SClDeI! AHO TECHNOlOGY SUICOMWITTEUi ON EtEAQV NolO EtMMoHMEHT TECHNOlOGY AHO INHOVATlOH Re: WC Docket No. 09-197 Petition o(NTUA WIRELESS, LiC (or Designation as all Eligible TelecolIIlIIUllicatiolls Carrier Pursua1lt to Sectioll 214(e)(6) oUlle COllllllunicatiolls Act 0(1934, as Amellded 011 tile Navajo Natioll Dear Chairman Genachowski: On March 3, 2011, NTUA Wireless, LLC (NTUA Wireless), an entity majority owned by the Navajo Tribal Utility Authority, a Navajo Nation enterprise, filed with the Federal Communications Commission an application for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC). No entity submitted comments opposing NTUA Wireless' designation as an ETC. Further, the local regulator for the area to be served, the Navajo Nation Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, is supportive ofNTUA Wireless' pending ETC application. Receiving the ETC designation will enable NTUA Wireless to receive federal support and reduce customer costs for its telecommunication services. Receiving the ETC designation will help NTUA Wireless address under-served areas ofthe Navajo Nation, including areas within New Mexico. By aiding NTUA Wireless' efforts, the ETC designation can facilitate economic growth and development ofother companies and industries in the Four-Comers area, which depend on modem telecommunications services. Tuc.u..c ...., O""CI 40" W R" eoB~\/o 1"C""C..III. NM .e"OI 1'0"0"1:; 1575·...'·302. F .....: S715"U!II·3,tiU: GALL" .. O"'CI 110 Wl[I' Azn:c: AVI. G ..u .. U•. NM 8730' PNONe: 505·883.o!UI2: F.....' 50S-883008,a RIO R.....C; ..oO~~IC.C 32:00 e,..... c; Ccton" C'''C;LC N£ Su'n 330 R,g R....c .. o. NM." I .... P .. o .. c: SOS·884.o..,,0 "'..... SOS-88"'-OSSO PRlNTfC ON flECYCLCD Pl'.P[fl ....... pr"""'NGro.. O ..'cc 000 Mu..'C'....L OIl'.... C " ..II..,..OTON. NM e'401 PNo.. r; S0t5-324-100e; F".....·505-3Z.....028 Lot.. '1co....O~~'c;c P.O.. BOil 1388 Lot.I '1co..... NM 8''01 P>lOtoc' 5015·415..·3030 F.....· 505-"5"-328S For these reasons, I urge the Federal Communications Commission's expeditious approval ofNTUA Wireless, LLC's pending ETC application. Sincerely,