COMMITTEES NATURAL RESOURCES RANKING DEMOCRAT ENERGY AND COMMERCE EDWARD J. MARKEY 7TH DISTRICT, MASSACHUSETTS (ongre55 of tbe mntteb~tate5 ~ouscof l\cprescntattbcs ~a5"btnllton.19C1C 20515-2107 April 14,2011 2108 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 20515-2107 (202l225-2836 DISTRICT OFFICES; 5 HIGH STREET, SUITE 101 MEDFORD, MA 02155 (781) 396--2900 188 CONCORD STREET, SUITE 102 FRAMINGHAM, MA 01702 (508) 875-2900 The Honorable Julius Genachowski Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: As the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) continues its work to reform the Universal Service Fund (USF) and Intercarrier Compensation regime, the FCC is appropriately pursuing policies designed to reduce waste and increase accountability for ratepayers. At the same time, it is important that the Commission recognizes the continued need for consumer-driven services, such as the range oflegitimate toll conferencing options. As you know, millions ofnon-profit organizations, small businesses, educational institutions, and consumers rely on such services daily. There should be regulatory solutions that enable a level playing field for all telecommunications carriers and service providers in urban and rural areas while also eliminating the incentives for abuse. The Notice ofProposed Rulemaking properly outlines the issues surrounding access stimulation, and I encourage the FCC to closely examine solutions that address pricing Intercarrier Compensation rates to ensure that valuable, 'legitimate consumer services are preserved and private investment in underserved areas continues. Thank you for your work on this important issue. I look forward to working with you to resolve this issue in a way that protects consumers and businesses. Sincerely, ~.~/ EdwardJ.11arkey'\- ". PRINTED ON RECYCL[D PAPUl