FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION September 7. 20 II ...JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Donald M. Payne .S. House of Representatives 2310 Rayburn Ilouse Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Payne: Thank you for your letter regarding the Commission's current efforts to reform the Universal Service Fund and the intercarrier compcnsation system. As you noted, one of the issues the Commission is examining in its Notice o/Proposed Rlilemaking is access stimulation and the impact ofCommission policies on scrviccs such as conference calling services. Interested parties recently submitted comments and reply comments on proposals regarding access stimulation, and thc Commission's staff is in the process ofrcviewing these filings. The Proposed Rlilemaking did not propose to declare the practice unlawful, as many providers have urged. Rather. it required cntitics cngaging in revenue sharing, which may include a confcrence call company. to refilc thcir rates to reflect the volume oftraffic dclivered. Resolution of this issue should bring certainty to providcrs while taking action to reduce inflatcd revenues that result from intercarrier compensation rates based on elevated traffic volumes. As the Commission considers these issues. our objective is to spur deployment of broadband and IP networks while taking measures to prevent gaming the intercarrier compensation system and eliminate any abuses and inefficiencies that are occurring with the current system. The reforms also will create a level playing field to cnable all providers to compete on equal terms. Please be assured that any decision by the Commission will take into account the interests ofconsumers. businesses, and carriers, and the importance ofcontinued investment in underserved areas. I appreciate learning of your concerns and look forward to your continucd input on these important issues. ) Jlius Genachowski II 445 121>< STREET S,W. WASHINGTON. D.C 20554 • 202-418-, 000