FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION September 8, 2011 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Anna G. Eshoo Ranking Member Subcommittee on Communications and Technology Comminec on Energy and Commercc U.S. Ilouse of Representatives 2322 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congresswoman Eshoo: Thank you for your letter regarding the Commission's work with respect to LightSquared's proposed operation in thc MSS L-Band. The Commission remains committed to identifying opportunities to make additional spectrum available for mobile broadband to secure the Nation's leadership in the mobile space, spur further innovation, job creation, and economic growth, and enhance our overall global competitiveness. As I have stated previously to Congrcss, thc Commission will not permit LightSquared to begin commercial service without first resolving concerns about potential widcsprcad harmful interference to GPS devices. The current interference concerns are significant, and we have taken them vcry seriously. The FCC has proceeded in an open, thorough, and fair way, and we will continue to operate in this manner. On June 30, 2011, the Commission issued a Public Notice inviting comment on the final report of the technical working group established as a condition ofthe January Waiver Order. The Commission, in consultation with NTIA, has been reviewing the report's findings and established a public commcnt cycle to give parties further opportunities to present their views on LightSquared's revised proposal to operate only on the lower portion of its spectrum and on the report. The public comment cyclc closed on August 15,20II. I assure you that we will consider thoroughly all submissions received in response to the Public Notice. Finding additional spectrum for innovative wireless services has been the source of tremendous growth for our country, and its potential to create jobs and drive the economy for the foreseeable future is substantial. I look forward to working with you and your colleagues to ensure that we use this precious resource wisely, and that we maximize the economic, public safety and national security potential it affords us. Sincerely, Julius Genachowski 445 12lH STREET S.W WASHINGTON, DC. 20554 • 202-418-1000