07/14/2011 17:03 2022251171 LC HASTINGS PAGE 02/05 Qrongr:eGg oftlp~Nuif:eIl §;tate.a Bu:s11tngfnn, 1Sor 20.515 July 14, 2011 The Honorable Julius Genachowski Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 RE: we Docket No. 11-42 - Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization ec Docket No. 96-45 - Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service we Docket No. 03-109 - Lifeline and Link Up Dear Chairman Genachowski, On behalfofour constitu.ents, we write to thank the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for its efforts to reform and strengthen the Universal Service Fund's Lifeline program. The services provided through Lifeline are extraordinarily important to our most economioally disadvantaged citizens and we applaud your efforts to fortify this program. As you would surely agree, owning a cell phone is a necessity in modem society, providing help in finding and maintaining employment and staying safe in emergency situations. It is for these reasons that the Lifeline program has been, and continues to be, such an important program for our constituents. Unemployment amongst African-Americans remains significantly higher than the general population and we want to ensure that these citizens have access to tlle phone services that will help them reenter the workforce. Many ofthe recommendations that the FCC has recently made will help to strengthen Lifeline, but there were some proposed changes that we believe are shortsighted and ultimately not in the best interests ofthe FCC or th.c low-income families who benefit from these services. We strongly believe that one ofthe aspects ofthe Lifeline program that has made it effective has been the fact that is it free for eligible households. The recent recommendation to install an as-yet undetermined «barrier to entry" will, we believe, dismantle a fundamental benefit ofthe program. Additionally, capping the fund would create an unfair barrier preventing access by both low-income families who want to participate in the program as well as the states where penetration rates are still low. Again, we are largely supportive ofthe FCC's efforts to find a long-term solution to issues affecting Lifeline. However, we believe that in times of such economic tunnoil and uncertainty, the Commission should not adopt measures that place undue burden on Lifeline subscribers. The people who use this service are our most disadvantaged constituents, family, friends and neighbors an.d they should be able to ben.efit from this important program. PRINTED 0/>1 REcvCI.EO PAPER 07/14/2011 17:03 2022251171 LC HASTINGS PAGE 03/05 Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to working together with the FCC to address this important matter.. Sincerely, Alcee L. Hastings Member ofCongress c~~ Corrine Brown Member ofCongress t:ri~P4 Member ofCongress Karen Bass Member ofCongress Andr~--­ Member ofCongress ~.e:tkO~ . re e D. Clarke Member of Congress ~~ Member ofCongress 07/14/2011 17:03 2022251171 LC HASTINGS Member ofCongress PAGE 04/05 Member ofCongress 2. Cedric Richmond Member of Congress Robert C. ott' Member of Congress ~--- Member ofCongress ~PA1/L-"-- Donald M. Payne --r Member ofCongress ~~ Member ofCongress ~~ , enme G. Thompson Member of Congress ~f\...;..,~A;:-~~r--..>L.----:"_- Member ofCongress 'th~dfJPJ Frederica Wilson Member of Congress 07/14/2011 17:03 2022251171 LC HASTINGS PAGE 05/05 87/14/2811 17:83 2822251171 LC HASTINGS PAGE 81/85 AlCEE L. HASTINGS 23110COlJORfS~iOlAX, 12021 22S.11 7 1 2701 W. OAttAIcument in error. please call u.s irnmediafely at (202) 225-1313 and return the origina/lo Congressman Aleee L. Hastings, 2353 Raybu.rn Hou.se Office Building,Wa.~hingtri1lD.C. 20515 via u.s. Mail, Thank you. PAINTED ONF1F.(~YCLGOPAPF.A ,,!",~!!'?,"