15-Sep·2011 03:02 PM Whitehouse Judiciary 202 228·0464 1/3 llnitm~tatt5~cnatr WASHINGTON. DC 20510 September 14, 2011 The Honorable Julius Genachowski, Chainnan Federal Communications Commission 445 12 1h Street, S.W., Room 8·B201 Washington, D.C., 20554 Dear Chainnan Genachowski, Thank you for your efforts thus far to implement the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation ("CALM") Act, which was enacted into law on December 15,2010 in order to end the pervasive presence ofexcessively loud commercial advertisements on television. As you know, consumers have long complained about loud commercials, and particularly commercials that are dramatically louder than the programming that contains them. We write to emphasize our agreement with certain findings in your Notice ofProposed Rulemaking (NPRM") dated May 27,2011 with regard to the intent and scope ofthe statute. We introduced the CALM Act in the Senate, and saw it signed into law, with complete confidence that the Act would apply to all excessively loud commercials regardless ofwhat audio systems certain TV broadcasters, cable operators and other multichannel video programming distributors ("MVPDs") used and whether certain commercials were or were not created or inserted into the programming by the station or MVPD. The NPRM correctly notes that "[t]he statute ... expressly applies to all stationsIMVPDs regardless ofthe audio system they currently use," and goes on to say that "[n]ot only would limiting the statute's scope to stationsIMVPDs that use AC-3 audio systems be inconsistent with the express language of the statute, we think such a reading would undermine the statute's purpose." The NPRM is also correct in noting that "[t]he statute expressly applies to commercials transmitted by a stationIMVPD and makes no exception for commercials not inserted by the stationIMVPD" and that "[n]othing in the statutory language or legislative history distinguishes between different sources ofcommercial content or suggests any intent to limit a stationIMVPD's responsibility only to those commercials 'inserted' by it." We urge you to continue to proceed through the implementation process on the view that, as stated in the NPRM, "[I]imiting regulations to only certain commercials would undennine the statute's purpose." Sincerely, ~~C__a United States Senator Sherrod Brown United States Senator 15-Sep-2011 03:02 PM Whitehouse JUdiciary 202 228·0464 2/3 ~~~~ Claire McCaskill United States Senator Charles E. Schumer United States Senator Cc: Commissioner Michael J. Copps Commissioner Robert M. McDowell Commissioner Mignon Clyburn 2 lS-Sep-2011 03:02 PM Whitehouse Judiciary 202 228-0464 Contact: Ayo Griffin Counsel Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Chair U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary Phone: (202) 224-5168 Fax: (202) 228-0464 3/3