August 10j 2011 The Honorable Julius Genachowskij Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Streetj S,W' j Room 8-B201 Washingtonj D.C. 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowskij l read with great interest the FCCIs recent report on consumer wireline broadband performance in the United States. The results speak to the importance of providing consumers with accurate information about the network performance of lntemet service providersj particularly during peak usage periods. l commend the FCC for publishing this dataj and l also encourage the Commission to expand the report to include consumer wireless broadband speedj reliability and coverage. Earlier this yearj l introduced H.R. 2281j the Next Generation Wireless Disclosure Act j to ensure consumers know exactly what they're getting for their money when they sign up for a wireless broadband plan. As Americans increasingly adopt wireless broadband service and commit to multi-year service contractsj iris essential that the FCC evaluate the performance of these services and make this information readily available to all consumers. By including wireless broadband speedj reliability and coverage in future FCC reportsj consumers will be able to make a more informed decision before committing to a service contract. l applaud the Commission for beglnning this process by issuing a Public Notice seeking information on how best to measure wlreless broadband performance and coveragej as well as a subsequent IIRequest for lnformation. 1I lIm also pleased by the release of the FCCls Mobile Broadband Consumer Test app to enable consumers to test the quality of their wireless broadband connection and determine if theyre receiving the advertised speeds. These are important stepSj but more must be done. 1073 Greater openness arid transparency in the communications market will benefit all consumers. As the FCC moves forward in carrying out its Datalnnovation initiative/ l eagerly await your findings.