WASHINGTON OFFICE 2331 RAVBURN HOUSE OrnCE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 20515 12021225--4155 DISTRICT OFfICE 11717 BURT STREET, SUITE 106 OMAHA, NE 68154 14021397-9944 Talk2lee mall,house gO\l www noUH gO\l!terry JLee ~errp (ltongre1i1i of tbe Wniteb ~tate1i j!)ouse of )l\epreselltatibes 2nb :li'hstrict, Jlebraslm February 16, 2012 COMMITTEE: ENERGY AND COMMERCE SU8COMMITIEES VICE CHAIRMAN, COMMUNICATIONS ANO TECHNOLOGY ENERGY AND POWER OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS Hon. Julius Genachowski Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 - 12th Street, SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Re: MariTEL Northern Pacific, Inc.; Application for Renewal of License; Call Sign WPOJ532; File No. 0003836439 (filed May 12,2009) MariTEL Southern Pacific, Inc.; Application for Renewal of License; Call Sign WPOJ536; File No. 0003840247 (filed May 15,2009) PaeiliCorp; Notification of ConsuJ11mation of Assignment of License; Call Sign WPOJ532; File No. 0003920147 (filed August 3, 2009) PacifiCorp; Notification of Consummation of Assignment of License; Call Sign WPOJ536; File No. 0003920 150 (filed August 3, 2009) MariTEL Northern Pacific, Inc. and PacifiCorp; Application for Assignment of License; Call Sign WPOJ532; File o. 0003941632 (filed August 24, 2009) MariTEL Southern Pacific, Inc. and PacifiCorp; Application for Assignment of License, Call Sign WPOJ536; File No. 0003941633 (filed August 24, 2009) Dear Chairman Genachowski: On July 14,20 I I, I inquired as to the status of the above-referenced applications filed by PacifiCorp and MariTEL, which have been pending since 2009. In your reply of September I, 2011, you explained that the Commission's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) had deferred action on these applications because of a petition to deny that was filed against MariTEL's renewal applications in 2009 and because the Commission had initiated an enforcement hearing in early 20 II against another company, Maritime Communications/Land Mobile (MC/LM). You acknowledged that because prolonged deferral of these applications could cause hardship to these applicants the WTB staff was considering which, if any, of the applications filed by these two companies could be processed. You further assured me that if the staff found that PacifiCorp's applications could be processed the staff would complete the action as quickly as possible. I would appreciate knowing whether your staff has made any progress in the last five months in deciding whether they can process these applications, which have now been pending for nearly three years and which constitute an unacceptable risk to PacifiCorp, its customers, and the power grid in the western United States. PacifiCorp advised me that they requested a meeting to discuss these issues with the WTB staff and the other parties, consistent with the FCC's ex parle rules, but were turned down. Ifit would be of any help, perhaps my staff could convene a meeting among the parties and the WTB to determine how these applications can be moved forward most expeditiously. I look forward to hearing from you. ~ I/VV> ~e Terry / Vice Chair, Subcommittee on Co lmunications and Technology