FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14,2012 .JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable DOIUla M. Christensen U.S. House of Representatives 1510 Longworth House Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congresswoman Christensen: Thank you for your Ictter exprcssing concern about the effect of the Commission's Universal Service Fund (USF) reforms on rural telecommunications providers in insular areas like the U.S. Virgin Islands. I value your views and your Ictter will be included in the rccord of the procecding and considered as the Commission implemcnts it USF rcforms. The Commission recognizes that unique circumstances exist in insular areas. In the USFI/CC Transforlllation Order. the Commission directed its Wireline Competition Bureau to consider unique circumstances in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Northern Marianas Islands as the Burcau implemcnts a forward-looking cost model for price-cap carricrs like Virgin Island Telephonc. This modcl will be used to makc up to $1.8 billion in annual funding available in the areas served by these carriers and bring broadband to the millions of unservcd consumers who live there. As you note in your letter. the Trallsforllla/ion Order al 0 provides an expedited waiver process for insular area in order to address individual circumstanccs. On April ::!5. 2012.thc Bureau also releascd a Public otice announcing support amounts for the Connect America Fund (CAF) Phasc I incrcmental support. Undcr CAF Phase I. up to $300 million in savings rccovered from USF reforms will be distributed to price cap carriers to advance broadband development. Companies that accept AF Phase I funding - as well as the accountability mcasures and buildout requirements allachedto it - will help delivcr broadband to homes, businesses and anchor institutions in communities that currcntly lack access to high­ specd Internet. I am plcased to report that Virgin Islands Tclephonc has been offered CAF Phasc I support. I appreciate your thoughtful input and continuing interest I this very important matter. Pleasc let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Julius Genacho\Vski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON, D.C 20554 • 202-4 I 8-1000