FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14,2012 ,JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Gary L. Ackerman U.S. House of Representatives 2 J II Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Ackerman: Thank you for your letter supporting the Commission's efforts to requirc television broadcasters to post their public files online - including their political files. Your letter will be included in the record of the proceeding. Congress has mandated through the Communications Act lhal broadcastcrs have unique public interest obligations, including the public availability ofa broadcast station's political file. The Commission recently acted to ensure that television broadcasters' public files, including the political files, be accessible not just in hard-to-access physical filing cabinets, but online. This requirement not only promotes transparency and accessibility, but based on the record in this proceeding will result in long-term efficiencies and cost savings for broadcasters. I am pleased that the Commission took this important action to modernize its public file procedures in order to make this important information more accessible to the public. I appreciate your intcrest in this matter. Plcase let me know if I can be of any fLllihcr assistance. Sincercl y. - Julius Gcnachowski 445 12TH 5TREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-4 I 8, I 000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14. 2012 ,JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Earl Blumenaucr U.S. House of Representatives 1502 Longworth I-louse Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Blumenauer: Thank you for your letter supporting the Commission's efforts to rcquire television broadcasters to post their public files online - including their political files. Your letter will be included in the record of the procccding. Congrcss has mandated through the Communications Act that broadcasters have unique public interest obligations, including the public availability ofa broadcast station's political filc. The Commission recently actccl to cnsure that television broadcasters' public files, including the political files. be accessible not just in hard-to-access physical filing cabinets. but online. This requirement not only promotes transparency ancl accessibility. but based on the record in this proceeding will result in long-term efficiencies and cost savings for broadcasters. I am pleased that the Commission took this important action to modernize its public file procedures in order to make this important information more accessible to the public. I appreciate your interest in this matter. Plea c let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 121>< STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-4 I 8-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14,2012 ..JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Russ Carnahan U. . I-louse of Representati ves 1710 Longworth 1I0use Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Carnahan: Thank you for your lelter supporting the Commission's efforts to require television broadcasters to post their public files online - ineluding their political files. Your leltcr will be included in the record of the proceeding. Congress has mandated through the Communications Act that broadcasters have unique public interest obligations, including the public availability of a broadcast station's political file. The Commission rccently actcd to ensure that television broadcasters' public file, including the political files, be accessible not just in hard-to-acccss physical filing cabinets, but online. This requirement not only promotes transparency and accessibility, but based on the record in this proceeding will result in long-tcrm eflicicncies and cost savings for broadcastcrs. I am plcased that the Commission took this important action to modernize its public file procedures in order to make this important information more accessible to the public. I appreciate your interest in this matter. Please let me know if I can bc of any further assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 12TH 5TREETS.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14.2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable David Cicilline U.S. House of Representatives 128 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Cicilline: Thank you for your Ictter supporting the Commission's efforts to rcquire television broadcasters to post their public file online - including their political files. Your letter will be included in the record of the proceeding. Congress has mandated through the Communications Act that broadcasters have unique public interest obligations, including the public availability ofa broadcast station's political file. The Commission recently acted to ensure that television broadcasters' public files, including the political files, be accessible not just in hard-to-access physical filing cabinets, but online. This requirement not only promotes transparency and accessibility, but based on the record in this proceeding will result in long-term efficiencies and cost savings for broadcasters. I am pleased that the Commission took this important action to modernize its public file procedures in order to make this important information more acce sible to the public. I appreciate your interest in this mailer. Please let me know if I can be of an) further assistance. Sincerely, - - Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 • 202'418'1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14,2012 JULIUS GENACHQWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Gerald E. Connolly U.S. House of Represelllatives 424 Cannon I-louse Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear ongressman Connolly: Thank you for your letter supporting the Commission's efforts to require television broadcasters to post their public files online - including their political files. Your letter will be included in the record of the proceeding. Congress has mandated through the Communications Act that broadcasters have unique public interest obligations, including the public availability ofa broadcast station's political file. The Commission recently acted to ensure that television broadcasters' public liles, including the political files, be accessible not just in hard-to-access physical filing cabinets. but online. This requirement not only promotes transparency and accessibility. but based on the record in this proceeding will result in long-term efficiencies and cost savings for broadcasters. I am pleased that the Commission took this important action to modernize its public file procedures in order to make this important information more accessible to the public. I appreciate your interest in this matter. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C 20554 • 202-4 I 8-1 000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14.2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Susan A. Davis U.. House of Representatives 1526 Longworth House Office Building Wa hinglOn. D.C. 20515 Dear Congresswoman Davis: Thank you for your letter supporting the Commission's efforts to require television broadcasters to post their public files online - including their political tiles. Your letter will be included in the record of the proceeding. Congress has mandated through the Communications Act that broadcasters have unique public interest obligations, including the public availability ofa broadcast station's political file. The Commission recently acted to ensure that television broadcasters' public filcs. including the political files. be accessible not just in hard-to-acccss physical tiling cabinets. but online. This requircment not only promotes transparency and accessibility. but based on the record in this proceeding will result in long-tcrm efficiencics and cost savings for broadcasters. I am pleased that the Commission took this important action to modernize its public lile procedures in order to make this important information more accessible to the public. I appreciate your interest in this matter. Pleasc Ict me know if I can be of any furthcr assl tance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 121>< STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-4 I 8-' 000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14.2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Iionorable Ted Deutch U.S. House of Rcpresentatives 1024 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Deutch: Thank you for your letter supporting the Commission's efforts to rcquire television broadca tel's to post their public files online - including their political liles. Your letter will be included in the record of the proceeding. Congress has mandated through the Communications Act that broadcasters have unique public interest obligations, including the public availability ofa broadcast station's political file. The Commission recently acted to ensure that television broadcasters' public files, including the political files, be accessible not just in harcl-to-access physical filing cabinets, but online. This requirement not only promotes transparency and accessibility. but based on the record in this proceeding will result in long-term efficiencies and cost savings for broadcasters. I am pleased that the Commission took this important action to modernize its public file procedures in order to make this impo,tant information more accessible to the public. I appreciate your interest in this matter. Please lei me kno" if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. • Julius Genachowski 445 121>< STREET S.W. WASH'NGTON, D.C. 20554 • 202-418" 000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14. 2012 ~ULlUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Martin Heinrich U.S. Iiousc of Representatives 336 CaIU10n House Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Heinrich: Thank you for your lettcr supporting the Commission's efforts to require television broadcasters to post their public files online - including thcir political filcs. Your Icller will be includcd in the rccord of the procccding. Congress has mandated through the Communications Act that broadcasters have unique public interest obligations, including the public availability ora broadcast station's political file. The Commission recently acted to ensurc that tclcvision broadcasters' public files. including the political tilcs. bc acccssibic not just in hard-to-access ph}sical filingcabincts. but onlinc. This requirement not only promotes transparcncy and accessibility. but based on the record in this procecding will rcsult in long-term efficiencies and cost savings for broadcastcrs. I am pleascd that the Commission took this important action to modernize its public file proccdurcs in order to make this important information more acce sible to the public. I appreciate your interest in this maller. Please Ict mc kno" if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. Jul ius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 • 202'418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14,2012 ,JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Maurice D. Hinchey U.S. House of Representatives 2431 Rayburn House Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Ilinelley: Thank you for your letter supponing the Commission's cfforts to requirc tclevision broadcastcrs to post their public files online - including their political filcs. Your lettcr will be included in the rccord of the procecding. Congress has mandated through the Communications Act that broadcastcrs have uniquc public interest obligations, including the public availability ofa broadcast station's political file. The Commission reccntly acted to ensurc that television broadcastcrs' public files. including the political files, be accessiblc not just in hard-to-access physical filing cabincts. but online. This requircment not only promotes transparency and accessibility. but based on thc rccord in this proceeding will result in long-tcrm efficicncies and cost savings for broadcasters. I am pleased that the Commission took this important action to modernize its public filc procedures in order to make this important information more accessible to the public. I appreciate your intercst in this mattcr. Please let mc kno\\ il'l can bc of an) funhcr assistance. • Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 121>1 STREETS.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14,2012 ,JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable James P. Moran U.S. I louse of Representatives 2239 Rayburn j-Iouse Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Moran: Thank you for your letter supporting the Commission's efforts to require television broadcasters to post their public files online - including their political files. Your letter will be included in thc record of the proceeding. Congress has mandated through the Communications Act that broadcasters have unique public interest obligations, including the public availability ofa broadcast station's political file. The Commission recently acted to ensure that television broadcasters' public files, including the political liles, be accessible not just in hard-to-access physical filing cabinets, but onlinc. This requirement not only promotes transparency and accessibility, but based on thc record in this proceeding will result in long-term efficiencies and cost savings for broadcasters. I am pleased that the Commission took this important action to modernize its public file procedures in ordcr to make this important information more accessible to the public. I appreciate your interest in this matter. Please Ict mc know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREETS.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14,2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Eleanor Holmes Norton U.S. House of Representatives 2136 Rayburn House Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congresswoman Norton: Thank you for your letter supporting the Commission's efforts to require television broadcasters to post their public files online - including their political files. Your letter will be included in the record of the proceeding. Congress has mandated through the Communications Act that broadcaster have unique public interest obligations, including the public availability ofa broadcast station's political file. Thc Commission recently acted to ensure that television broadcasters' public liles, including the political files, be accessible not just in hard-to-access physical filing cabinets. but online. This requirement not only promotes transparency and accessibility. but based on the record in this proceeding will result in long-term efficiencies and cost savings for broadcasters. I am pleased that the Commission took this important action to modernize its public file procedures in order to make this important information more accessible to the public. I appreciate your interest in this mailer. Please let me kno\\ if I can be of any fUl1her assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 121>1 STREET S.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14,2012 ,JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable John W. Olver U.S. House of Representatives III1 Longworth I-louse Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Olver: Thank you for your letter supporting the Commission's efforts to require television broadcasters to post their public files online - including their political files. Your letter will be included in the record of the proceeding. Congress has mandated through the Communications Act that broadcasters have unique public interest obligations, including the public availability ofa broadcast station's political file. The Commission recently acted to ensure that television broadcasters' public files, including the political files, be accessible not just in hard-to-access physical filing cabinets, but online. This requirement not only promotes transparency and accessibility. but based on the record in this proceeding will result in long-term efficiencies and cost savings for broadcasters. I am pleased that the Commission took this important action to modernize its public file procedure in order to make this important information more accessible to the public. I appreciate your interest in this matter. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 • 202-4 I 8-1 000 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION June 14,2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Jared Polis U.S. House of Representatives 50 I Cannon Ilouse Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Polis: Thank you for your letter suppol1ing the Commission's efforts to require television broadcasters to post their public files online - including their political files. Your letter will bc included in thc rccord of the proceeding. Congress has mandated through the Communications Act that broadcasters have unique public interest obligations, including the public availability ofa broadcast station's political file. The Commission rccently acted to ensure that tclevision broadcasters' public Illes, including the political files, be accessible not just in hard-to-access physical Illing cabinets, but online. This requirement not only promotes transparency and acccssibility. but based on the record in this proceeding will result in long-term cfficiencies and cost savings for broadcastcrs. I am plcascd that the Commission took this important action to modernize its public file procedures in order to make this important information more accessible to thc public. I appreciate your intere t in this mattcr. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Julius Genachowski 445 12TH STREET S W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20554 • 202-418-' 000