JAMES M. INHOfE OKlAIlOMA WASHINGTON OFFICE 205 RUSSElL SEriATE OffiCE BU\UIING WA,SIfu\G101i, DC 20510-3603 (202J 224...H21 TULSA OFFICE 1924 SouTH UTICA, SUITE 530 TULSA, OK 74104 (918) 748-5111 OKLAHOMA CITY OFFICE 1900 N.W. EmtESSWAV, SUITE 1210 OKLAlIO.\1A CITY, OK 73118 (4051 608-4381 tinitcd ~tat£s ~cnatc WASHINGTON, DC 20510-3603 July 12,2012 ARMED SERVICES ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS FOREIGN RELATIONS The Honorable Julius Genachowski Chairman Federal Communications Commissions 445 12th Street SW, Room: 8-B201 Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Genachowski: I am contacting you regarding clarification on the commercial restrictions of Non­ Commercial Educational (NCE) Public Interest Obligation (PIO) channels. I support the ability of NCE PIO's to air limited messages of for profit entitIeS, particularly when there is a direct connotation to education, health, and/or religious aspects of the underlying mission of the station. As you are aware, Public Broadcasting Stations (PBS), whose stations are carried on cable and satellite as NCE PIO channels, air sponsorships of for-profit entities with numerous programs on their stations. 1 support PBS' current practice in this regard, as long as the policy is uniform for all non­ commercial stations. Therefore, 1 am seeking assurance and clarification from the FCC that all NCE PIO channels are afforded and permitted this same ability, specifically independent and religious programmers. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response. Sincerely, c~- P~'.~fi?~tor James Inhofe hnp:/IInhofe.senate.goY