FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION August 15,2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Iionorable Carolyn McCarthy U.S. I-Iow,e of Repre>entali \ e> 2346 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congresswoman McCarthy: "I han\,. you lor your Ieller expressing concerns about the proposed speclnlln transfer and cOl11mereial agreel11ents among Celleo Partnership d/b/a Verizon Win.:less. Co, Coml11unications. and SpectrumCo. LLC. I value your vie\\s and \\ ill ensure lhal your leller is included in tht: rt:cord of this proceeding and considered as part of the COl11mission's review. I can assure youthatlhe COl11mission is underta\,.ing a thorough. rigorous. and fact-hased revie\\. con,istent \\ ith our stallltory obligation> under the Coml11unications \cl. I appreciate your intert:st in this maller. Plt:ase letl11e know il'l can he of any further assistance. Sincerely. ------ . Julius Genachowski 445 r 2TH 5TREET S.W. WASHINGTON. 0 C. 20554 • 202-418-1000