FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION August 15.2012 JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Honorable Mike Doyle U.S. House of Representati\es 401 Cannon Ilouse Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Doyle: Thank you for your leiter expressing conccrns about the proposed spectrum transfer and commercial agreemeills among CellCo Pannership d/b/a Verizon Wireless. Co, Communications. and SpeetrumCo. LLC. I value your views and "ill ensure that )our leiter is included in the record of this proceeding and considered as pan of the Commission's revie\~. I can assure you that the Commission is undertaking a thorough. rigorous. and fact-based revie\\. consistent \\ ith our statutol") obligations undcr the Communications Act. I appreciate )our intercst in this matter. Plcasc Ietl11C kno\\ if I can be ofan\ funher assistance. Sincerely. Julius Genachowski • 445 12lH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON, D.C 20554 • 202-4 I 8-1000