FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION August 15.2012 .JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN fhe Iionorable Ste\ en Israel U.S. House of Representatives 2457 Rayburn House Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Israel: Thank you lor your letter expressing concerns about the proposed spectrulll translcr and eOllllllercial agreelllents alllong Cell Co Partnership d/b/a Vcrizon Wireless. Co>. COlllmunieations. and SpeetrulllCo. LLC. I value your views and will ensurc that your letter is included in the record of this proceeding and considercd as part of the COlllmission's review. I can assure you that the COlllmission is undertaking a thorough. rigorous. and lilct-based review. consistent with our statutory obligations under the Comlllunicutions Act. I appreciate your interest in this Illatter. Please let me kno\\ if I can be of an) further assistance. . incerel). Julius Genacho\\ski 445 12TH STREET S.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 • 202-418-1000 •