FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ept~mh~r 21. 2012 ,JULIUS GENACHOWSKI CHAIRMAN The Iionorable Steve Israel U.S. I louse of Representatives 2457 Rayburn I louse Office Building Washington. D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Israel: Thank }ou lor Jour leller regarding pass"ord-prot~eted\oic~mail lor l1lobik phon~s. I appreciate your bringing this mall~r to m)' all~ntion and have directed the Acting Chie!' 01' Staff of the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau to respond. I am pleased to provide the enclosed leller addressing your concerns. Ir you havc any additional qu~stionsor l1e~d an) I'urther assistancc. please do not h~sitatc to contad me. Sil . y. Julius Genachl1'\ski Enclosure 445 12TH STREETS.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 .202-418-1000 Federal Communications Commission Conswner & Governmental Affairs Bureau Washington, D.C. 20554 Septcmber 21. 2012 Control No. 1200685 The Honorable Steve Israel U.S. House of Representatives 2457 Rayburn House Wa hington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Israel: Thank you for your June 4, 2012, letter urging the Commission to work with wireless carriers to make password-protected voice mail an industry standard for mobile phones. We appreciate your views and agree that tlus issue raises important privacy considerations for wireless consumers. The protection of consumer privacy is a fundamental goal of the Commission. As Chainnan Genachowski has confinned, the use of passwords to access voice mail enhances privacy protections to consumers. Many wireless providers have made such passwords mandatory. We fully support and encourage this practice. We recognize, however, that not every wireless carrier follows this standard. In these instances, we share your concern that wireless carriers clearly and conspicuously infonn consumers about the risks surrounding voice mail security and the steps they need to take to protect their privacy interests. I can assure you that your letter will be given full consideration by the relevant Bureaus and offices at the Commission in the interest of ensuring that the privacy interests of consumers are protected. We appreciate your interest in this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, )~~!C~{i::----I Acting Chief of Staff Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau