CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS COUNTlfS 5T~ 0 fRI(;T, W,,' ! ...',TOIII c(JM....lnff ENERGY AND COMMERCE SU6COMMITTE[ ON Hl:AlTH SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND POWER SUOCOMMIITEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE VICE CHAIR DepuTY WHIP ({ongrc~~ of tbe Wniteb ~tateg 1!)OUSC of l\cprcscntatibcs August 2, 2012 ADAMS ASOTIN COLUMBIA FERRY GARFIELD LINCOLN OKANOGAN PEND OREILlE SPOKANE SnVE.NS WAllA WALLA WHITMAN Thc Honorable Julius Genachowski Chainnan Fcderal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chainnan Genachowski: Washington State has long played an important role as an economic engine for the United States and the Snohomish Public Utility District is poised to make another major contribution through the developmcnt of a new technology that will produce clean, rencwable energy for the United Stales. Snohomish Public Utility District is one of the only entities in the United States exploring the developmcnt of tidal cnergy. With the support of the U.S. Department of Energy, Snohomish PUD is partnering with respected entities such as Pacific Northwest National Laboratories and the University of Washington to devclop cutting edge turbines to harness tidal energy. Over the last six years, Snohomish PUD has overcome numerous setbacks and responded to concerns expressed by resource agencies including NOAA Fisheries, local governmcnts, recreational groups, the maritime industry, and other important stakeholders. As a result of their hard work, Snohomish PUD is on their way to installing turbines in late 2013. A recent roadblock has surfaced in the fonn of a complaint filed by the Pacific Communications Landing Company (PCLC) to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission case number 12690. It is apparent that PCLC complaint is largely based on erroneous information. For example, PCLC expressed concerns that their cable line would be damaged as a result of Snohomish PUD's turbines. To address this concern, Snohomish PUD moved their closest turbine from 26 to 104 meters away from the P LC cable. This is the maximum they can move the turbine without being out of the defined area of energy potential and that does not diminish Lh~ ability to conduct ecvir:>nmema] stuclj~s. Unfortunately. that was not sufficient to PCLC and a prote t of Snohomish PUD's project was filed wilh the FCC. It is my understanding that the FCC has reviewed the case and submitted comments to FERC, based solely on the information supplied by PCLC. I respectfully that request your office reevaluate the case, taking inlo account the comprehensive comment responses submitted by Snohomish PUD. Sincerely, Cathy McMorris Rodgers 2421 RAYBUR... HouSl: Orncr BUIl.DlNG WA!>ll'Nc-,lO.... DC 20515 (2021 225-2006 FAx: (2021225-3392 10 NORTH POST SIHlll. SUITt 625 Sf'OltANr. WA 99201 (5091 353 2374 FA)(; (509)353-2412 www.~odgers.hoJ.tJ.ll..gQY www rnc(fl...2r.rislodg8r$,h~vlfaceboo~ PAINTEO ON R[CYClfD PApfR 555 SoulH MAl'" COLVILLL WA99114 15091 684 3481 FAX: {5091 353-2412 29 SOVTH PAt.OUS( STR£U WALLA WALLA, WA 99362 15091 529--9358 FAX: (5091353 2412