•Q!:ougr.e.1l£i of flf.e lltuit.eb §faf.es DIInllllitlgtotl, i!lQI: 20515 March 28,2013 The Honorable Julius Genachowski Chairman U.S. Federal Communications Commission 445 lih Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 Dear Mr. Chairman: Fleer,"-' .• (, Illspeded .,,'. 3 'r I ' I V ' r., ,\ v .... , .. r:>~omFCC t"l~l'll 1\1..1 Having recently passed the one-year anniversary of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of2012 (the Act), we are writing to you with respect to the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC or Commission) implementation of the incentive auction provisions enacted last year. Specifically, as Senators and Members of Congress from a state with international borders, we are interested in ensuring that the Commission works with Canada and Mexico to preserve opportunities for broadcasting, as well as maximizing the amount of nationwide spectrum made available to meet our nation's demand for licensed mobile wireless broadband. Section 6403(b)(I)(B) of the Act states that "subject to international coordination along the border with Mexico and Canada," the Commission can "make such reassignments of television channels as the Commission considers appropriate" to make available spectrum to carry out the forward auction. This is an extremely important provision of the Act. Border coordination impacts all television stations within 250 miles of the border with Canada. In order to maximize the amount of spectrum available for broadband, produce auction revenues that provide $7 billion for the buildout of a nationwide public safety broadband network, and preserve opportunities for over-the-air broadcasting, the Commission will need to work expeditiously with our neighbors to the north and south to coordinate operations. We know that successful coordination with our neighbors is poslftble. During the DTY transition, the FCC undertook a comprehensive process to pre-approve frequency changes along the northern and southern borders to ease the impact of the transition on viewers and television broadcasters. With that in mind, we would like an update on the . status of international coordination efforts. We request that you respond to the following questions by Tuesday, April 9, 2013: 1. What is the current status of coordination efforts with the Canadian or Mexican governments? 2. What is the Commission's timeline for international coordination? PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER The Honorable Julius Genachowski Page 2 3. What are the significant milestones that must be reached to complete the coordination? 4. Who will represent the FCC during these discussions? What other U.S. government officials will be participating? 5. When does the FCC expect the coordination efforts to be finalized with Canada and Mexico? Is there a target date for completion? Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. Please submit your responses to the delegation in writing to Mark Ratner in Congressman Upton's office. Should you have any questions, please contact Mark at telephone number 202-225-3761. Sincerely, ~...- Debbie Stabenow U.S. Senator , JDave CampMember of Congress Bill HUizenga Member of Congress ~ Member of Congress ~,,--/_- Member of Congress ~~ Fred Upton Member of Congress .... • • " • • The Honorable Julius Genachowski Page 3 ~~/-"~ '.. /'",,/ TimWalberg~ Member of Congress " erry Bentivolio Member of Congress Conyers ember of Congress 1rM EiU4~~ ==::::::::.- Mike Rogers r Member of Congress r!&n~1k4tCandice . iller Member of Congress Member of Congress ~t:zs~~ Member of Congress "., .:, ., ~J t ~".' '''/i'o' \(l('., . . . , .- .• !'